BitcodeWriter.cpp revision f0a653199798978b869a29bd776d9a3b06828484
1//===--- Bitcode/Writer/BitcodeWriter.cpp - Bitcode Writer ----------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file was developed by Chris Lattner and is distributed under
6// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// Bitcode writer implementation.
14#include "llvm/Bitcode/ReaderWriter.h"
15#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitstreamWriter.h"
16#include "llvm/Bitcode/LLVMBitCodes.h"
17#include "ValueEnumerator.h"
18#include "llvm/Constants.h"
19#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
20#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
21#include "llvm/Module.h"
22#include "llvm/ParameterAttributes.h"
23#include "llvm/TypeSymbolTable.h"
24#include "llvm/ValueSymbolTable.h"
25#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
26using namespace llvm;
28static const unsigned CurVersion = 0;
30static unsigned GetEncodedCastOpcode(unsigned Opcode) {
31  switch (Opcode) {
32  default: assert(0 && "Unknown cast instruction!");
33  case Instruction::Trunc   : return bitc::CAST_TRUNC;
34  case Instruction::ZExt    : return bitc::CAST_ZEXT;
35  case Instruction::SExt    : return bitc::CAST_SEXT;
36  case Instruction::FPToUI  : return bitc::CAST_FPTOUI;
37  case Instruction::FPToSI  : return bitc::CAST_FPTOSI;
38  case Instruction::UIToFP  : return bitc::CAST_UITOFP;
39  case Instruction::SIToFP  : return bitc::CAST_SITOFP;
40  case Instruction::FPTrunc : return bitc::CAST_FPTRUNC;
41  case Instruction::FPExt   : return bitc::CAST_FPEXT;
42  case Instruction::PtrToInt: return bitc::CAST_PTRTOINT;
43  case Instruction::IntToPtr: return bitc::CAST_INTTOPTR;
44  case Instruction::BitCast : return bitc::CAST_BITCAST;
45  }
48static unsigned GetEncodedBinaryOpcode(unsigned Opcode) {
49  switch (Opcode) {
50  default: assert(0 && "Unknown binary instruction!");
51  case Instruction::Add:  return bitc::BINOP_ADD;
52  case Instruction::Sub:  return bitc::BINOP_SUB;
53  case Instruction::Mul:  return bitc::BINOP_MUL;
54  case Instruction::UDiv: return bitc::BINOP_UDIV;
55  case Instruction::FDiv:
56  case Instruction::SDiv: return bitc::BINOP_SDIV;
57  case Instruction::URem: return bitc::BINOP_UREM;
58  case Instruction::FRem:
59  case Instruction::SRem: return bitc::BINOP_SREM;
60  case Instruction::Shl:  return bitc::BINOP_SHL;
61  case Instruction::LShr: return bitc::BINOP_LSHR;
62  case Instruction::AShr: return bitc::BINOP_ASHR;
63  case Instruction::And:  return bitc::BINOP_AND;
64  case Instruction::Or:   return bitc::BINOP_OR;
65  case Instruction::Xor:  return bitc::BINOP_XOR;
66  }
71static void WriteStringRecord(unsigned Code, const std::string &Str,
72                              unsigned AbbrevToUse, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
73  SmallVector<unsigned, 64> Vals;
75  // Code: [strlen, strchar x N]
76  Vals.push_back(Str.size());
77  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Str.size(); i != e; ++i)
78    Vals.push_back(Str[i]);
80  // Emit the finished record.
81  Stream.EmitRecord(Code, Vals, AbbrevToUse);
84// Emit information about parameter attributes.
85static void WriteParamAttrTable(const ValueEnumerator &VE,
86                                BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
87  const std::vector<const ParamAttrsList*> &Attrs = VE.getParamAttrs();
88  if (Attrs.empty()) return;
90  Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::PARAMATTR_BLOCK_ID, 3);
92  SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> Record;
93  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Attrs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
94    const ParamAttrsList *A = Attrs[i];
95    for (unsigned op = 0, e = A->size(); op != e; ++op) {
96      Record.push_back(A->getParamIndex(op));
97      Record.push_back(A->getParamAttrs(op));
98    }
100    Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::PARAMATTR_CODE_ENTRY, Record);
101    Record.clear();
102  }
104  Stream.ExitBlock();
107/// WriteTypeTable - Write out the type table for a module.
108static void WriteTypeTable(const ValueEnumerator &VE, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
109  const ValueEnumerator::TypeList &TypeList = VE.getTypes();
111  Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID, 4 /*count from # abbrevs */);
112  SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> TypeVals;
114  // FIXME: Set up abbrevs now that we know the width of the type fields, etc.
116  // Emit an entry count so the reader can reserve space.
117  TypeVals.push_back(TypeList.size());
118  Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY, TypeVals);
119  TypeVals.clear();
121  // Loop over all of the types, emitting each in turn.
122  for (unsigned i = 0, e = TypeList.size(); i != e; ++i) {
123    const Type *T = TypeList[i].first;
124    int AbbrevToUse = 0;
125    unsigned Code = 0;
127    switch (T->getTypeID()) {
128    case Type::PackedStructTyID: // FIXME: Delete Type::PackedStructTyID.
129    default: assert(0 && "Unknown type!");
130    case Type::VoidTyID:   Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_VOID;   break;
131    case Type::FloatTyID:  Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_FLOAT;  break;
132    case Type::DoubleTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_DOUBLE; break;
133    case Type::LabelTyID:  Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_LABEL;  break;
134    case Type::OpaqueTyID: Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_OPAQUE; break;
135    case Type::IntegerTyID:
136      // INTEGER: [width]
137      Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_INTEGER;
138      TypeVals.push_back(cast<IntegerType>(T)->getBitWidth());
139      break;
140    case Type::PointerTyID:
141      // POINTER: [pointee type]
142      Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_POINTER;
143      TypeVals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(cast<PointerType>(T)->getElementType()));
144      break;
146    case Type::FunctionTyID: {
147      const FunctionType *FT = cast<FunctionType>(T);
148      // FUNCTION: [isvararg, #pararms, paramty x N]
149      Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_FUNCTION;
150      TypeVals.push_back(FT->isVarArg());
151      TypeVals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(FT->getReturnType()));
152      // FIXME: PARAM ATTR ID!
153      TypeVals.push_back(FT->getNumParams());
154      for (unsigned i = 0, e = FT->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i)
155        TypeVals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(FT->getParamType(i)));
156      break;
157    }
158    case Type::StructTyID: {
159      const StructType *ST = cast<StructType>(T);
160      // STRUCT: [ispacked, #elts, eltty x N]
161      Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT;
162      TypeVals.push_back(ST->isPacked());
163      TypeVals.push_back(ST->getNumElements());
164      // Output all of the element types...
165      for (StructType::element_iterator I = ST->element_begin(),
166           E = ST->element_end(); I != E; ++I)
167        TypeVals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(*I));
168      break;
169    }
170    case Type::ArrayTyID: {
171      const ArrayType *AT = cast<ArrayType>(T);
172      // ARRAY: [numelts, eltty]
173      Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_ARRAY;
174      TypeVals.push_back(AT->getNumElements());
175      TypeVals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(AT->getElementType()));
176      break;
177    }
178    case Type::VectorTyID: {
179      const VectorType *VT = cast<VectorType>(T);
180      // VECTOR [numelts, eltty]
181      Code = bitc::TYPE_CODE_VECTOR;
182      TypeVals.push_back(VT->getNumElements());
183      TypeVals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(VT->getElementType()));
184      break;
185    }
186    }
188    // Emit the finished record.
189    Stream.EmitRecord(Code, TypeVals, AbbrevToUse);
190    TypeVals.clear();
191  }
193  Stream.ExitBlock();
196static unsigned getEncodedLinkage(const GlobalValue *GV) {
197  switch (GV->getLinkage()) {
198  default: assert(0 && "Invalid linkage!");
199  case GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage:     return 0;
200  case GlobalValue::WeakLinkage:         return 1;
201  case GlobalValue::AppendingLinkage:    return 2;
202  case GlobalValue::InternalLinkage:     return 3;
203  case GlobalValue::LinkOnceLinkage:     return 4;
204  case GlobalValue::DLLImportLinkage:    return 5;
205  case GlobalValue::DLLExportLinkage:    return 6;
206  case GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage: return 7;
207  }
210static unsigned getEncodedVisibility(const GlobalValue *GV) {
211  switch (GV->getVisibility()) {
212  default: assert(0 && "Invalid visibility!");
213  case GlobalValue::DefaultVisibility:   return 0;
214  case GlobalValue::HiddenVisibility:    return 1;
215  case GlobalValue::ProtectedVisibility: return 2;
216  }
219// Emit top-level description of module, including target triple, inline asm,
220// descriptors for global variables, and function prototype info.
221static void WriteModuleInfo(const Module *M, const ValueEnumerator &VE,
222                            BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
223  // Emit the list of dependent libraries for the Module.
224  for (Module::lib_iterator I = M->lib_begin(), E = M->lib_end(); I != E; ++I)
225    WriteStringRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_DEPLIB, *I, 0/*TODO*/, Stream);
227  // Emit various pieces of data attached to a module.
228  if (!M->getTargetTriple().empty())
229    WriteStringRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_TRIPLE, M->getTargetTriple(),
230                      0/*TODO*/, Stream);
231  if (!M->getDataLayout().empty())
232    WriteStringRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_DATALAYOUT, M->getDataLayout(),
233                      0/*TODO*/, Stream);
234  if (!M->getModuleInlineAsm().empty())
235    WriteStringRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_ASM, M->getModuleInlineAsm(),
236                      0/*TODO*/, Stream);
238  // Emit information about sections, computing how many there are.  Also
239  // compute the maximum alignment value.
240  std::map<std::string, unsigned> SectionMap;
241  unsigned MaxAlignment = 0;
242  unsigned MaxGlobalType = 0;
243  for (Module::const_global_iterator GV = M->global_begin(),E = M->global_end();
244       GV != E; ++GV) {
245    MaxAlignment = std::max(MaxAlignment, GV->getAlignment());
246    MaxGlobalType = std::max(MaxGlobalType, VE.getTypeID(GV->getType()));
248    if (!GV->hasSection()) continue;
249    // Give section names unique ID's.
250    unsigned &Entry = SectionMap[GV->getSection()];
251    if (Entry != 0) continue;
252    WriteStringRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_SECTIONNAME, GV->getSection(),
253                      0/*TODO*/, Stream);
254    Entry = SectionMap.size();
255  }
256  for (Module::const_iterator F = M->begin(), E = M->end(); F != E; ++F) {
257    MaxAlignment = std::max(MaxAlignment, F->getAlignment());
258    if (!F->hasSection()) continue;
259    // Give section names unique ID's.
260    unsigned &Entry = SectionMap[F->getSection()];
261    if (Entry != 0) continue;
262    WriteStringRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_SECTIONNAME, F->getSection(),
263                      0/*TODO*/, Stream);
264    Entry = SectionMap.size();
265  }
267  // Emit abbrev for globals, now that we know # sections and max alignment.
268  unsigned SimpleGVarAbbrev = 0;
269  if (!M->global_empty()) {
270    // Add an abbrev for common globals with no visibility or thread localness.
271    BitCodeAbbrev *Abbv = new BitCodeAbbrev();
272    Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(bitc::MODULE_CODE_GLOBALVAR));
273    Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::FixedWidth,
274                              Log2_32_Ceil(MaxGlobalType+1)));
275    Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::FixedWidth, 1)); // Constant.
276    Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::VBR, 6));        // Initializer.
277    Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::FixedWidth, 3)); // Linkage.
278    if (MaxAlignment == 0)                                     // Alignment.
279      Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(0));
280    else {
281      unsigned MaxEncAlignment = Log2_32(MaxAlignment)+1;
282      Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::FixedWidth,
283                               Log2_32_Ceil(MaxEncAlignment+1)));
284    }
285    if (SectionMap.empty())                                    // Section.
286      Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(0));
287    else
288      Abbv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::FixedWidth,
289                               Log2_32_Ceil(SectionMap.size()+1)));
290    // Don't bother emitting vis + thread local.
291    SimpleGVarAbbrev = Stream.EmitAbbrev(Abbv);
292  }
294  // Emit the global variable information.
295  SmallVector<unsigned, 64> Vals;
296  for (Module::const_global_iterator GV = M->global_begin(),E = M->global_end();
297       GV != E; ++GV) {
298    unsigned AbbrevToUse = 0;
300    // GLOBALVAR: [type, isconst, initid,
301    //             linkage, alignment, section, visibility, threadlocal]
302    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(GV->getType()));
303    Vals.push_back(GV->isConstant());
304    Vals.push_back(GV->isDeclaration() ? 0 :
305                   (VE.getValueID(GV->getInitializer()) + 1));
306    Vals.push_back(getEncodedLinkage(GV));
307    Vals.push_back(Log2_32(GV->getAlignment())+1);
308    Vals.push_back(GV->hasSection() ? SectionMap[GV->getSection()] : 0);
309    if (GV->isThreadLocal() ||
310        GV->getVisibility() != GlobalValue::DefaultVisibility) {
311      Vals.push_back(getEncodedVisibility(GV));
312      Vals.push_back(GV->isThreadLocal());
313    } else {
314      AbbrevToUse = SimpleGVarAbbrev;
315    }
317    Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_GLOBALVAR, Vals, AbbrevToUse);
318    Vals.clear();
319  }
321  // Emit the function proto information.
322  for (Module::const_iterator F = M->begin(), E = M->end(); F != E; ++F) {
323    // FUNCTION:  [type, callingconv, isproto, linkage, alignment, section,
324    //             visibility]
325    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(F->getType()));
326    Vals.push_back(F->getCallingConv());
327    Vals.push_back(F->isDeclaration());
328    Vals.push_back(getEncodedLinkage(F));
329    Vals.push_back(Log2_32(F->getAlignment())+1);
330    Vals.push_back(F->hasSection() ? SectionMap[F->getSection()] : 0);
331    Vals.push_back(getEncodedVisibility(F));
333    unsigned AbbrevToUse = 0;
334    Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_FUNCTION, Vals, AbbrevToUse);
335    Vals.clear();
336  }
339  // Emit the alias information.
340  for (Module::const_alias_iterator AI = M->alias_begin(), E = M->alias_end();
341       AI != E; ++AI) {
342    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(AI->getType()));
343    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(AI->getAliasee()));
344    Vals.push_back(getEncodedLinkage(AI));
345    unsigned AbbrevToUse = 0;
346    Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_ALIAS, Vals, AbbrevToUse);
347    Vals.clear();
348  }
352static void WriteConstants(unsigned FirstVal, unsigned LastVal,
353                           const ValueEnumerator &VE,
354                           BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
355  if (FirstVal == LastVal) return;
357  Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::CONSTANTS_BLOCK_ID, 2);
359  // FIXME: Install and use abbrevs to reduce size.  Install them globally so
360  // they don't need to be reemitted for each function body.
362  SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> Record;
364  const ValueEnumerator::ValueList &Vals = VE.getValues();
365  const Type *LastTy = 0;
366  for (unsigned i = FirstVal; i != LastVal; ++i) {
367    const Value *V = Vals[i].first;
368    // If we need to switch types, do so now.
369    if (V->getType() != LastTy) {
370      LastTy = V->getType();
371      Record.push_back(VE.getTypeID(LastTy));
372      Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::CST_CODE_SETTYPE, Record);
373      Record.clear();
374    }
376    if (const InlineAsm *IA = dyn_cast<InlineAsm>(V)) {
377      assert(0 && IA && "FIXME: Inline asm writing unimp!");
378      continue;
379    }
380    const Constant *C = cast<Constant>(V);
381    unsigned Code = -1U;
382    unsigned AbbrevToUse = 0;
383    if (C->isNullValue()) {
384      Code = bitc::CST_CODE_NULL;
385    } else if (isa<UndefValue>(C)) {
386      Code = bitc::CST_CODE_UNDEF;
387    } else if (const ConstantInt *IV = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(C)) {
388      if (IV->getBitWidth() <= 64) {
389        int64_t V = IV->getSExtValue();
390        if (V >= 0)
391          Record.push_back(V << 1);
392        else
393          Record.push_back((-V << 1) | 1);
394        Code = bitc::CST_CODE_INTEGER;
395      } else {                             // Wide integers, > 64 bits in size.
396        // We have an arbitrary precision integer value to write whose
397        // bit width is > 64. However, in canonical unsigned integer
398        // format it is likely that the high bits are going to be zero.
399        // So, we only write the number of active words.
400        unsigned NWords = IV->getValue().getActiveWords();
401        const uint64_t *RawWords = IV->getValue().getRawData();
402        Record.push_back(NWords);
403        for (unsigned i = 0; i != NWords; ++i) {
404          int64_t V = RawWords[i];
405          if (V >= 0)
406            Record.push_back(V << 1);
407          else
408            Record.push_back((-V << 1) | 1);
409        }
410        Code = bitc::CST_CODE_WIDE_INTEGER;
411      }
412    } else if (const ConstantFP *CFP = dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(C)) {
413      Code = bitc::CST_CODE_FLOAT;
414      if (CFP->getType() == Type::FloatTy) {
415        Record.push_back(FloatToBits((float)CFP->getValue()));
416      } else {
417        assert (CFP->getType() == Type::DoubleTy && "Unknown FP type!");
418        Record.push_back(DoubleToBits((double)CFP->getValue()));
419      }
420    } else if (isa<ConstantArray>(C) || isa<ConstantStruct>(V) ||
421               isa<ConstantVector>(V)) {
422      Code = bitc::CST_CODE_AGGREGATE;
423      Record.push_back(C->getNumOperands());
424      for (unsigned i = 0, e = C->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
425        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(i)));
426    } else if (const ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(C)) {
427      switch (CE->getOpcode()) {
428      default:
429        if (Instruction::isCast(CE->getOpcode())) {
430          Code = bitc::CST_CODE_CE_CAST;
431          Record.push_back(GetEncodedCastOpcode(CE->getOpcode()));
432          Record.push_back(VE.getTypeID(C->getOperand(0)->getType()));
433          Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(0)));
434        } else {
435          assert(CE->getNumOperands() == 2 && "Unknown constant expr!");
436          Code = bitc::CST_CODE_CE_BINOP;
437          Record.push_back(GetEncodedBinaryOpcode(CE->getOpcode()));
438          Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(0)));
439          Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(1)));
440        }
441        break;
442      case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
443        Code = bitc::CST_CODE_CE_GEP;
444        Record.push_back(CE->getNumOperands());
445        for (unsigned i = 0, e = CE->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
446          Record.push_back(VE.getTypeID(C->getOperand(i)->getType()));
447          Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(i)));
448        }
449        break;
450      case Instruction::Select:
451        Code = bitc::CST_CODE_CE_SELECT;
452        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(0)));
453        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(1)));
454        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(2)));
455        break;
456      case Instruction::ExtractElement:
457        Code = bitc::CST_CODE_CE_EXTRACTELT;
458        Record.push_back(VE.getTypeID(C->getOperand(0)->getType()));
459        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(0)));
460        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(1)));
461        break;
462      case Instruction::InsertElement:
463        Code = bitc::CST_CODE_CE_INSERTELT;
464        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(0)));
465        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(1)));
466        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(2)));
467        break;
468      case Instruction::ShuffleVector:
469        Code = bitc::CST_CODE_CE_SHUFFLEVEC;
470        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(0)));
471        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(1)));
472        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(2)));
473        break;
474      case Instruction::ICmp:
475      case Instruction::FCmp:
476        Code = bitc::CST_CODE_CE_CMP;
477        Record.push_back(VE.getTypeID(C->getOperand(0)->getType()));
478        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(0)));
479        Record.push_back(VE.getValueID(C->getOperand(1)));
480        Record.push_back(CE->getPredicate());
481        break;
482      }
483    } else {
484      assert(0 && "Unknown constant!");
485    }
486    Stream.EmitRecord(Code, Record, AbbrevToUse);
487    Record.clear();
488  }
490  Stream.ExitBlock();
493static void WriteModuleConstants(const ValueEnumerator &VE,
494                                 BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
495  const ValueEnumerator::ValueList &Vals = VE.getValues();
497  // Find the first constant to emit, which is the first non-globalvalue value.
498  // We know globalvalues have been emitted by WriteModuleInfo.
499  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Vals.size(); i != e; ++i) {
500    if (!isa<GlobalValue>(Vals[i].first)) {
501      WriteConstants(i, Vals.size(), VE, Stream);
502      return;
503    }
504  }
507/// WriteInstruction - Emit an instruction to the specified stream.
508static void WriteInstruction(const Instruction &I, ValueEnumerator &VE,
509                             BitstreamWriter &Stream,
510                             SmallVector<unsigned, 64> &Vals) {
511  unsigned Code = 0;
512  unsigned AbbrevToUse = 0;
513  switch (I.getOpcode()) {
514  default:
515    if (Instruction::isCast(I.getOpcode())) {
516      Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_CAST;
517      Vals.push_back(GetEncodedCastOpcode(I.getOpcode()));
518      Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getType()));
519      Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));
520      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
521    } else {
522      assert(isa<BinaryOperator>(I) && "Unknown instruction!");
523      Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_BINOP;
524      Vals.push_back(GetEncodedBinaryOpcode(I.getOpcode()));
525      Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getType()));
526      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
527      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(1)));
528    }
529    break;
531  case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
532    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_GEP;
533    for (unsigned i = 0, e = I.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
534      Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(i)->getType()));
535      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(i)));
536    }
537    break;
538  case Instruction::Select:
539    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_SELECT;
540    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getType()));
541    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
542    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(1)));
543    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(2)));
544    break;
545  case Instruction::ExtractElement:
546    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_EXTRACTELT;
547    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));
548    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
549    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(1)));
550    break;
551  case Instruction::InsertElement:
552    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_INSERTELT;
553    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getType()));
554    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
555    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(1)));
556    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(2)));
557    break;
558  case Instruction::ShuffleVector:
559    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_SHUFFLEVEC;
560    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getType()));
561    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
562    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(1)));
563    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(2)));
564    break;
565  case Instruction::ICmp:
566  case Instruction::FCmp:
567    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_CMP;
568    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));
569    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
570    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(1)));
571    Vals.push_back(cast<CmpInst>(I).getPredicate());
572    break;
574  case Instruction::Ret:
575    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_RET;
576    if (I.getNumOperands()) {
577      Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));
578      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
579    }
580    break;
581  case Instruction::Br:
582    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_BR;
583    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
584    if (cast<BranchInst>(I).isConditional()) {
585      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(1)));
586      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(2)));
587    }
588    break;
589  case Instruction::Switch:
590    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_SWITCH;
591    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));
592    for (unsigned i = 0, e = I.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
593      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(i)));
594    break;
595  case Instruction::Invoke: {
596    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_INVOKE;
597    Vals.push_back(cast<InvokeInst>(I).getCallingConv());
598    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));
599    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));  // callee
600    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(1)));  // normal
601    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(2)));  // unwind
603    // Emit value #'s for the fixed parameters.
604    const PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(I.getOperand(0)->getType());
605    const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
606    for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTy->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i)
607      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(i+3)));  // fixed param.
609    // Emit type/value pairs for varargs params.
610    if (FTy->isVarArg()) {
611      unsigned NumVarargs = I.getNumOperands()-3-FTy->getNumParams();
612      Vals.push_back(NumVarargs);
613      for (unsigned i = I.getNumOperands()-NumVarargs, e = I.getNumOperands();
614           i != e; ++i) {
615        Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(i)->getType()));
616        Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(i)));
617      }
618    }
619    break;
620  }
621  case Instruction::Unwind:
622    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_UNWIND;
623    break;
624  case Instruction::Unreachable:
626    break;
628  case Instruction::PHI:
629    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_PHI;
630    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getType()));
631    Vals.push_back(I.getNumOperands());
632    for (unsigned i = 0, e = I.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
633      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(i)));
634    break;
636  case Instruction::Malloc:
637    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_MALLOC;
638    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getType()));
639    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0))); // size.
640    Vals.push_back(Log2_32(cast<MallocInst>(I).getAlignment())+1);
641    break;
643  case Instruction::Free:
644    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_FREE;
645    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));
646    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));
647    break;
649  case Instruction::Alloca:
650    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_ALLOCA;
651    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getType()));
652    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0))); // size.
653    Vals.push_back(Log2_32(cast<AllocaInst>(I).getAlignment())+1);
654    break;
656  case Instruction::Load:
657    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_LOAD;
658    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));
659    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0))); // ptr.
660    Vals.push_back(Log2_32(cast<LoadInst>(I).getAlignment())+1);
661    Vals.push_back(cast<LoadInst>(I).isVolatile());
662    break;
663  case Instruction::Store:
664    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_STORE;
665    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(1)->getType()));   // Pointer
666    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0))); // val.
667    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(1))); // ptr.
668    Vals.push_back(Log2_32(cast<StoreInst>(I).getAlignment())+1);
669    Vals.push_back(cast<StoreInst>(I).isVolatile());
670    break;
671  case Instruction::Call: {
672    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_CALL;
673    Vals.push_back((cast<CallInst>(I).getCallingConv() << 1) |
674                   cast<CallInst>(I).isTailCall());
675    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));
676    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0)));  // callee
678    // Emit value #'s for the fixed parameters.
679    const PointerType *PTy = cast<PointerType>(I.getOperand(0)->getType());
680    const FunctionType *FTy = cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
681    for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTy->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i)
682      Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(i+1)));  // fixed param.
684    // Emit type/value pairs for varargs params.
685    if (FTy->isVarArg()) {
686      unsigned NumVarargs = I.getNumOperands()-1-FTy->getNumParams();
687      for (unsigned i = I.getNumOperands()-NumVarargs, e = I.getNumOperands();
688           i != e; ++i) {
689        Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(i)->getType()));
690        Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(i)));
691      }
692    }
693    break;
694  }
695  case Instruction::VAArg:
696    Code = bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_VAARG;
697    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getOperand(0)->getType()));   // valistty
698    Vals.push_back(VE.getValueID(I.getOperand(0))); // valist.
699    Vals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(I.getType())); // restype.
700    break;
701  }
703  Stream.EmitRecord(Code, Vals, AbbrevToUse);
704  Vals.clear();
707// Emit names for globals/functions etc.
708static void WriteValueSymbolTable(const ValueSymbolTable &VST,
709                                  const ValueEnumerator &VE,
710                                  BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
711  if (VST.empty()) return;
712  Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::VALUE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID, 3);
714  // FIXME: Set up the abbrev, we know how many values there are!
715  // FIXME: We know if the type names can use 7-bit ascii.
716  SmallVector<unsigned, 64> NameVals;
718  for (ValueSymbolTable::const_iterator SI = VST.begin(), SE = VST.end();
719       SI != SE; ++SI) {
720    unsigned AbbrevToUse = 0;
722    // VST_ENTRY:   [valueid, namelen, namechar x N]
723    // VST_BBENTRY: [bbid, namelen, namechar x N]
724    unsigned Code;
725    if (isa<BasicBlock>(SI->getValue())) {
726      Code = bitc::VST_CODE_BBENTRY;
727    } else {
728      Code = bitc::VST_CODE_ENTRY;
729    }
731    NameVals.push_back(VE.getValueID(SI->getValue()));
732    NameVals.push_back(SI->getKeyLength());
733    for (const char *P = SI->getKeyData(),
734         *E = SI->getKeyData()+SI->getKeyLength(); P != E; ++P)
735      NameVals.push_back((unsigned char)*P);
737    // Emit the finished record.
738    Stream.EmitRecord(Code, NameVals, AbbrevToUse);
739    NameVals.clear();
740  }
741  Stream.ExitBlock();
744/// WriteFunction - Emit a function body to the module stream.
745static void WriteFunction(const Function &F, ValueEnumerator &VE,
746                          BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
747  Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::FUNCTION_BLOCK_ID, 3);
748  VE.incorporateFunction(F);
750  SmallVector<unsigned, 64> Vals;
752  // Emit the number of basic blocks, so the reader can create them ahead of
753  // time.
754  Vals.push_back(VE.getBasicBlocks().size());
755  Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::FUNC_CODE_DECLAREBLOCKS, Vals);
756  Vals.clear();
758  // FIXME: Function attributes?
760  // If there are function-local constants, emit them now.
761  unsigned CstStart, CstEnd;
762  VE.getFunctionConstantRange(CstStart, CstEnd);
763  WriteConstants(CstStart, CstEnd, VE, Stream);
765  // Finally, emit all the instructions, in order.
766  for (Function::const_iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB)
767    for (BasicBlock::const_iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
768      WriteInstruction(*I, VE, Stream, Vals);
770  // Emit names for all the instructions etc.
771  WriteValueSymbolTable(F.getValueSymbolTable(), VE, Stream);
773  VE.purgeFunction();
774  Stream.ExitBlock();
777/// WriteTypeSymbolTable - Emit a block for the specified type symtab.
778static void WriteTypeSymbolTable(const TypeSymbolTable &TST,
779                                 const ValueEnumerator &VE,
780                                 BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
781  if (TST.empty()) return;
783  Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID, 3);
785  // FIXME: Set up the abbrev, we know how many types there are!
786  // FIXME: We know if the type names can use 7-bit ascii.
788  SmallVector<unsigned, 64> NameVals;
790  for (TypeSymbolTable::const_iterator TI = TST.begin(), TE = TST.end();
791       TI != TE; ++TI) {
792    unsigned AbbrevToUse = 0;
794    // TST_ENTRY: [typeid, namelen, namechar x N]
795    NameVals.push_back(VE.getTypeID(TI->second));
797    const std::string &Str = TI->first;
798    NameVals.push_back(Str.size());
799    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Str.size(); i != e; ++i)
800      NameVals.push_back(Str[i]);
802    // Emit the finished record.
803    Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::VST_CODE_ENTRY, NameVals, AbbrevToUse);
804    NameVals.clear();
805  }
807  Stream.ExitBlock();
811/// WriteModule - Emit the specified module to the bitstream.
812static void WriteModule(const Module *M, BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
813  Stream.EnterSubblock(bitc::MODULE_BLOCK_ID, 3);
815  // Emit the version number if it is non-zero.
816  if (CurVersion) {
817    SmallVector<unsigned, 1> Vals;
818    Vals.push_back(CurVersion);
819    Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_VERSION, Vals);
820  }
822  // Analyze the module, enumerating globals, functions, etc.
823  ValueEnumerator VE(M);
825  // Emit information about parameter attributes.
826  WriteParamAttrTable(VE, Stream);
828  // Emit information describing all of the types in the module.
829  WriteTypeTable(VE, Stream);
831  // Emit top-level description of module, including target triple, inline asm,
832  // descriptors for global variables, and function prototype info.
833  WriteModuleInfo(M, VE, Stream);
835  // Emit constants.
836  WriteModuleConstants(VE, Stream);
838  // If we have any aggregate values in the value table, purge them - these can
839  // only be used to initialize global variables.  Doing so makes the value
840  // namespace smaller for code in functions.
841  int NumNonAggregates = VE.PurgeAggregateValues();
842  if (NumNonAggregates != -1) {
843    SmallVector<unsigned, 1> Vals;
844    Vals.push_back(NumNonAggregates);
845    Stream.EmitRecord(bitc::MODULE_CODE_PURGEVALS, Vals);
846  }
848  // Emit function bodies.
849  for (Module::const_iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
850    if (!I->isDeclaration())
851      WriteFunction(*I, VE, Stream);
853  // Emit the type symbol table information.
854  WriteTypeSymbolTable(M->getTypeSymbolTable(), VE, Stream);
856  // Emit names for globals/functions etc.
857  WriteValueSymbolTable(M->getValueSymbolTable(), VE, Stream);
859  Stream.ExitBlock();
862/// WriteBitcodeToFile - Write the specified module to the specified output
863/// stream.
864void llvm::WriteBitcodeToFile(const Module *M, std::ostream &Out) {
865  std::vector<unsigned char> Buffer;
866  BitstreamWriter Stream(Buffer);
868  Buffer.reserve(256*1024);
870  // Emit the file header.
871  Stream.Emit((unsigned)'B', 8);
872  Stream.Emit((unsigned)'C', 8);
873  Stream.Emit(0x0, 4);
874  Stream.Emit(0xC, 4);
875  Stream.Emit(0xE, 4);
876  Stream.Emit(0xD, 4);
878  // Emit the module.
879  WriteModule(M, Stream);
881  // Write the generated bitstream to "Out".
882  Out.write((char*)&Buffer.front(), Buffer.size());