ARMAsmBackend.cpp revision dce4a407a24b04eebc6a376f8e62b41aaa7b071f
1//===-- ARMAsmBackend.cpp - ARM Assembler Backend -------------------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10#include "MCTargetDesc/ARMMCTargetDesc.h"
11#include "MCTargetDesc/ARMAddressingModes.h"
12#include "MCTargetDesc/ARMBaseInfo.h"
13#include "MCTargetDesc/ARMFixupKinds.h"
14#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
15#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmBackend.h"
16#include "llvm/MC/MCAssembler.h"
17#include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
18#include "llvm/MC/MCDirectives.h"
19#include "llvm/MC/MCELFObjectWriter.h"
20#include "llvm/MC/MCExpr.h"
21#include "llvm/MC/MCFixupKindInfo.h"
22#include "llvm/MC/MCMachObjectWriter.h"
23#include "llvm/MC/MCObjectWriter.h"
24#include "llvm/MC/MCSectionELF.h"
25#include "llvm/MC/MCSectionMachO.h"
26#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
27#include "llvm/MC/MCValue.h"
28#include "llvm/Support/ELF.h"
29#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
30#include "llvm/Support/MachO.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
32using namespace llvm;
34namespace {
35class ARMELFObjectWriter : public MCELFObjectTargetWriter {
37  ARMELFObjectWriter(uint8_t OSABI)
38    : MCELFObjectTargetWriter(/*Is64Bit*/ false, OSABI, ELF::EM_ARM,
39                              /*HasRelocationAddend*/ false) {}
42class ARMAsmBackend : public MCAsmBackend {
43  const MCSubtargetInfo* STI;
44  bool isThumbMode;     // Currently emitting Thumb code.
45  bool IsLittleEndian;  // Big or little endian.
47  ARMAsmBackend(const Target &T, const StringRef TT, bool IsLittle)
48    : MCAsmBackend(), STI(ARM_MC::createARMMCSubtargetInfo(TT, "", "")),
49      isThumbMode(TT.startswith("thumb")), IsLittleEndian(IsLittle) {}
51  ~ARMAsmBackend() {
52    delete STI;
53  }
55  unsigned getNumFixupKinds() const override {
56    return ARM::NumTargetFixupKinds;
57  }
59  bool hasNOP() const {
60    return (STI->getFeatureBits() & ARM::HasV6T2Ops) != 0;
61  }
63  const MCFixupKindInfo &getFixupKindInfo(MCFixupKind Kind) const override {
64    const static MCFixupKindInfo InfosLE[ARM::NumTargetFixupKinds] = {
65// This table *must* be in the order that the fixup_* kinds are defined in
66// ARMFixupKinds.h.
68// Name                      Offset (bits) Size (bits)     Flags
69{ "fixup_arm_ldst_pcrel_12", 0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
70{ "fixup_t2_ldst_pcrel_12",  0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
71                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
72{ "fixup_arm_pcrel_10_unscaled", 0,        32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
73{ "fixup_arm_pcrel_10",      0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
74{ "fixup_t2_pcrel_10",       0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
75                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
76{ "fixup_thumb_adr_pcrel_10",0,            8,   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
77                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
78{ "fixup_arm_adr_pcrel_12",  0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
79{ "fixup_t2_adr_pcrel_12",   0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
80                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
81{ "fixup_arm_condbranch",    0,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
82{ "fixup_arm_uncondbranch",  0,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
83{ "fixup_t2_condbranch",     0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
84{ "fixup_t2_uncondbranch",   0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
85{ "fixup_arm_thumb_br",      0,            16,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
86{ "fixup_arm_uncondbl",      0,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
87{ "fixup_arm_condbl",        0,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
88{ "fixup_arm_blx",           0,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
89{ "fixup_arm_thumb_bl",      0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
90{ "fixup_arm_thumb_blx",     0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
91{ "fixup_arm_thumb_cb",      0,            16,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
92{ "fixup_arm_thumb_cp",      0,             8,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
93                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
94{ "fixup_arm_thumb_bcc",     0,             8,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
95// movw / movt: 16-bits immediate but scattered into two chunks 0 - 12, 16 - 19.
96{ "fixup_arm_movt_hi16",     0,            20,  0 },
97{ "fixup_arm_movw_lo16",     0,            20,  0 },
98{ "fixup_t2_movt_hi16",      0,            20,  0 },
99{ "fixup_t2_movw_lo16",      0,            20,  0 },
100    };
101    const static MCFixupKindInfo InfosBE[ARM::NumTargetFixupKinds] = {
102// This table *must* be in the order that the fixup_* kinds are defined in
103// ARMFixupKinds.h.
105// Name                      Offset (bits) Size (bits)     Flags
106{ "fixup_arm_ldst_pcrel_12", 0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
107{ "fixup_t2_ldst_pcrel_12",  0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
108                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
109{ "fixup_arm_pcrel_10_unscaled", 0,        32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
110{ "fixup_arm_pcrel_10",      0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
111{ "fixup_t2_pcrel_10",       0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
112                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
113{ "fixup_thumb_adr_pcrel_10",8,            8,   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
114                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
115{ "fixup_arm_adr_pcrel_12",  0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
116{ "fixup_t2_adr_pcrel_12",   0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
117                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
118{ "fixup_arm_condbranch",    8,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
119{ "fixup_arm_uncondbranch",  8,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
120{ "fixup_t2_condbranch",     0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
121{ "fixup_t2_uncondbranch",   0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
122{ "fixup_arm_thumb_br",      0,            16,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
123{ "fixup_arm_uncondbl",      8,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
124{ "fixup_arm_condbl",        8,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
125{ "fixup_arm_blx",           8,            24,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
126{ "fixup_arm_thumb_bl",      0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
127{ "fixup_arm_thumb_blx",     0,            32,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
128{ "fixup_arm_thumb_cb",      0,            16,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
129{ "fixup_arm_thumb_cp",      8,             8,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel |
130                                   MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsAlignedDownTo32Bits},
131{ "fixup_arm_thumb_bcc",     8,             8,  MCFixupKindInfo::FKF_IsPCRel },
132// movw / movt: 16-bits immediate but scattered into two chunks 0 - 12, 16 - 19.
133{ "fixup_arm_movt_hi16",     12,           20,  0 },
134{ "fixup_arm_movw_lo16",     12,           20,  0 },
135{ "fixup_t2_movt_hi16",      12,           20,  0 },
136{ "fixup_t2_movw_lo16",      12,           20,  0 },
137    };
139    if (Kind < FirstTargetFixupKind)
140      return MCAsmBackend::getFixupKindInfo(Kind);
142    assert(unsigned(Kind - FirstTargetFixupKind) < getNumFixupKinds() &&
143           "Invalid kind!");
144    return (IsLittleEndian ? InfosLE : InfosBE)[Kind - FirstTargetFixupKind];
145  }
147  /// processFixupValue - Target hook to process the literal value of a fixup
148  /// if necessary.
149  void processFixupValue(const MCAssembler &Asm, const MCAsmLayout &Layout,
150                         const MCFixup &Fixup, const MCFragment *DF,
151                         const MCValue &Target, uint64_t &Value,
152                         bool &IsResolved) override;
155  void applyFixup(const MCFixup &Fixup, char *Data, unsigned DataSize,
156                  uint64_t Value, bool IsPCRel) const override;
158  bool mayNeedRelaxation(const MCInst &Inst) const override;
160  bool fixupNeedsRelaxation(const MCFixup &Fixup, uint64_t Value,
161                            const MCRelaxableFragment *DF,
162                            const MCAsmLayout &Layout) const override;
164  void relaxInstruction(const MCInst &Inst, MCInst &Res) const override;
166  bool writeNopData(uint64_t Count, MCObjectWriter *OW) const override;
168  void handleAssemblerFlag(MCAssemblerFlag Flag) override {
169    switch (Flag) {
170    default: break;
171    case MCAF_Code16:
172      setIsThumb(true);
173      break;
174    case MCAF_Code32:
175      setIsThumb(false);
176      break;
177    }
178  }
180  unsigned getPointerSize() const { return 4; }
181  bool isThumb() const { return isThumbMode; }
182  void setIsThumb(bool it) { isThumbMode = it; }
183  bool isLittle() const { return IsLittleEndian; }
185} // end anonymous namespace
187static unsigned getRelaxedOpcode(unsigned Op) {
188  switch (Op) {
189  default: return Op;
190  case ARM::tBcc:       return ARM::t2Bcc;
191  case ARM::tLDRpci:    return ARM::t2LDRpci;
192  case ARM::tADR:       return ARM::t2ADR;
193  case ARM::tB:         return ARM::t2B;
194  case ARM::tCBZ:       return ARM::tHINT;
195  case ARM::tCBNZ:      return ARM::tHINT;
196  }
199bool ARMAsmBackend::mayNeedRelaxation(const MCInst &Inst) const {
200  if (getRelaxedOpcode(Inst.getOpcode()) != Inst.getOpcode())
201    return true;
202  return false;
205bool ARMAsmBackend::fixupNeedsRelaxation(const MCFixup &Fixup,
206                                         uint64_t Value,
207                                         const MCRelaxableFragment *DF,
208                                         const MCAsmLayout &Layout) const {
209  switch ((unsigned)Fixup.getKind()) {
210  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_br: {
211    // Relaxing tB to t2B. tB has a signed 12-bit displacement with the
212    // low bit being an implied zero. There's an implied +4 offset for the
213    // branch, so we adjust the other way here to determine what's
214    // encodable.
215    //
216    // Relax if the value is too big for a (signed) i8.
217    int64_t Offset = int64_t(Value) - 4;
218    return Offset > 2046 || Offset < -2048;
219  }
220  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bcc: {
221    // Relaxing tBcc to t2Bcc. tBcc has a signed 9-bit displacement with the
222    // low bit being an implied zero. There's an implied +4 offset for the
223    // branch, so we adjust the other way here to determine what's
224    // encodable.
225    //
226    // Relax if the value is too big for a (signed) i8.
227    int64_t Offset = int64_t(Value) - 4;
228    return Offset > 254 || Offset < -256;
229  }
230  case ARM::fixup_thumb_adr_pcrel_10:
231  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cp: {
232    // If the immediate is negative, greater than 1020, or not a multiple
233    // of four, the wide version of the instruction must be used.
234    int64_t Offset = int64_t(Value) - 4;
235    return Offset > 1020 || Offset < 0 || Offset & 3;
236  }
237  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cb:
238    // If we have a Thumb CBZ or CBNZ instruction and its target is the next
239    // instruction it is is actually out of range for the instruction.
240    // It will be changed to a NOP.
241    int64_t Offset = (Value & ~1);
242    return Offset == 2;
243  }
244  llvm_unreachable("Unexpected fixup kind in fixupNeedsRelaxation()!");
247void ARMAsmBackend::relaxInstruction(const MCInst &Inst, MCInst &Res) const {
248  unsigned RelaxedOp = getRelaxedOpcode(Inst.getOpcode());
250  // Sanity check w/ diagnostic if we get here w/ a bogus instruction.
251  if (RelaxedOp == Inst.getOpcode()) {
252    SmallString<256> Tmp;
253    raw_svector_ostream OS(Tmp);
254    Inst.dump_pretty(OS);
255    OS << "\n";
256    report_fatal_error("unexpected instruction to relax: " + OS.str());
257  }
259  // If we are changing Thumb CBZ or CBNZ instruction to a NOP, aka tHINT, we
260  // have to change the operands too.
261  if ((Inst.getOpcode() == ARM::tCBZ || Inst.getOpcode() == ARM::tCBNZ) &&
262      RelaxedOp == ARM::tHINT) {
263    Res.setOpcode(RelaxedOp);
264    Res.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(0));
265    Res.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(14));
266    Res.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(0));
267    return;
268  }
270  // The rest of instructions we're relaxing have the same operands.
271  // We just need to update to the proper opcode.
272  Res = Inst;
273  Res.setOpcode(RelaxedOp);
276bool ARMAsmBackend::writeNopData(uint64_t Count, MCObjectWriter *OW) const {
277  const uint16_t Thumb1_16bitNopEncoding = 0x46c0; // using MOV r8,r8
278  const uint16_t Thumb2_16bitNopEncoding = 0xbf00; // NOP
279  const uint32_t ARMv4_NopEncoding = 0xe1a00000; // using MOV r0,r0
280  const uint32_t ARMv6T2_NopEncoding = 0xe320f000; // NOP
281  if (isThumb()) {
282    const uint16_t nopEncoding = hasNOP() ? Thumb2_16bitNopEncoding
283                                          : Thumb1_16bitNopEncoding;
284    uint64_t NumNops = Count / 2;
285    for (uint64_t i = 0; i != NumNops; ++i)
286      OW->Write16(nopEncoding);
287    if (Count & 1)
288      OW->Write8(0);
289    return true;
290  }
291  // ARM mode
292  const uint32_t nopEncoding = hasNOP() ? ARMv6T2_NopEncoding
293                                        : ARMv4_NopEncoding;
294  uint64_t NumNops = Count / 4;
295  for (uint64_t i = 0; i != NumNops; ++i)
296    OW->Write32(nopEncoding);
297  // FIXME: should this function return false when unable to write exactly
298  // 'Count' bytes with NOP encodings?
299  switch (Count % 4) {
300  default: break; // No leftover bytes to write
301  case 1: OW->Write8(0); break;
302  case 2: OW->Write16(0); break;
303  case 3: OW->Write16(0); OW->Write8(0xa0); break;
304  }
306  return true;
309static uint32_t swapHalfWords(uint32_t Value, bool IsLittleEndian) {
310  if (IsLittleEndian) {
311    // Note that the halfwords are stored high first and low second in thumb;
312    // so we need to swap the fixup value here to map properly.
313    uint32_t Swapped = (Value & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
314    Swapped |= (Value & 0x0000FFFF) << 16;
315    return Swapped;
316  }
317  else
318    return Value;
321static uint32_t joinHalfWords(uint32_t FirstHalf, uint32_t SecondHalf,
322                              bool IsLittleEndian) {
323  uint32_t Value;
325  if (IsLittleEndian) {
326    Value = (SecondHalf & 0xFFFF) << 16;
327    Value |= (FirstHalf & 0xFFFF);
328  } else {
329    Value = (SecondHalf & 0xFFFF);
330    Value |= (FirstHalf & 0xFFFF) << 16;
331  }
333  return Value;
336static unsigned adjustFixupValue(const MCFixup &Fixup, uint64_t Value,
337                                 bool IsPCRel, MCContext *Ctx,
338                                 bool IsLittleEndian) {
339  unsigned Kind = Fixup.getKind();
340  switch (Kind) {
341  default:
342    llvm_unreachable("Unknown fixup kind!");
343  case FK_Data_1:
344  case FK_Data_2:
345  case FK_Data_4:
346    return Value;
347  case FK_SecRel_2:
348    return Value;
349  case FK_SecRel_4:
350    return Value;
351  case ARM::fixup_arm_movt_hi16:
352    if (!IsPCRel)
353      Value >>= 16;
354    // Fallthrough
355  case ARM::fixup_arm_movw_lo16: {
356    unsigned Hi4 = (Value & 0xF000) >> 12;
357    unsigned Lo12 = Value & 0x0FFF;
358    // inst{19-16} = Hi4;
359    // inst{11-0} = Lo12;
360    Value = (Hi4 << 16) | (Lo12);
361    return Value;
362  }
363  case ARM::fixup_t2_movt_hi16:
364    if (!IsPCRel)
365      Value >>= 16;
366    // Fallthrough
367  case ARM::fixup_t2_movw_lo16: {
368    unsigned Hi4 = (Value & 0xF000) >> 12;
369    unsigned i = (Value & 0x800) >> 11;
370    unsigned Mid3 = (Value & 0x700) >> 8;
371    unsigned Lo8 = Value & 0x0FF;
372    // inst{19-16} = Hi4;
373    // inst{26} = i;
374    // inst{14-12} = Mid3;
375    // inst{7-0} = Lo8;
376    Value = (Hi4 << 16) | (i << 26) | (Mid3 << 12) | (Lo8);
377    return swapHalfWords(Value, IsLittleEndian);
378  }
379  case ARM::fixup_arm_ldst_pcrel_12:
380    // ARM PC-relative values are offset by 8.
381    Value -= 4;
383  case ARM::fixup_t2_ldst_pcrel_12: {
384    // Offset by 4, adjusted by two due to the half-word ordering of thumb.
385    Value -= 4;
386    bool isAdd = true;
387    if ((int64_t)Value < 0) {
388      Value = -Value;
389      isAdd = false;
390    }
391    if (Ctx && Value >= 4096)
392      Ctx->FatalError(Fixup.getLoc(), "out of range pc-relative fixup value");
393    Value |= isAdd << 23;
395    // Same addressing mode as fixup_arm_pcrel_10,
396    // but with 16-bit halfwords swapped.
397    if (Kind == ARM::fixup_t2_ldst_pcrel_12)
398      return swapHalfWords(Value, IsLittleEndian);
400    return Value;
401  }
402  case ARM::fixup_thumb_adr_pcrel_10:
403    return ((Value - 4) >> 2) & 0xff;
404  case ARM::fixup_arm_adr_pcrel_12: {
405    // ARM PC-relative values are offset by 8.
406    Value -= 8;
407    unsigned opc = 4; // bits {24-21}. Default to add: 0b0100
408    if ((int64_t)Value < 0) {
409      Value = -Value;
410      opc = 2; // 0b0010
411    }
412    if (Ctx && ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(Value) == -1)
413      Ctx->FatalError(Fixup.getLoc(), "out of range pc-relative fixup value");
414    // Encode the immediate and shift the opcode into place.
415    return ARM_AM::getSOImmVal(Value) | (opc << 21);
416  }
418  case ARM::fixup_t2_adr_pcrel_12: {
419    Value -= 4;
420    unsigned opc = 0;
421    if ((int64_t)Value < 0) {
422      Value = -Value;
423      opc = 5;
424    }
426    uint32_t out = (opc << 21);
427    out |= (Value & 0x800) << 15;
428    out |= (Value & 0x700) << 4;
429    out |= (Value & 0x0FF);
431    return swapHalfWords(out, IsLittleEndian);
432  }
434  case ARM::fixup_arm_condbranch:
435  case ARM::fixup_arm_uncondbranch:
436  case ARM::fixup_arm_uncondbl:
437  case ARM::fixup_arm_condbl:
438  case ARM::fixup_arm_blx:
439    // These values don't encode the low two bits since they're always zero.
440    // Offset by 8 just as above.
441    if (const MCSymbolRefExpr *SRE = dyn_cast<MCSymbolRefExpr>(Fixup.getValue()))
442      if (SRE->getKind() == MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_ARM_TLSCALL)
443        return 0;
444    return 0xffffff & ((Value - 8) >> 2);
445  case ARM::fixup_t2_uncondbranch: {
446    Value = Value - 4;
447    Value >>= 1; // Low bit is not encoded.
449    uint32_t out = 0;
450    bool I =  Value & 0x800000;
451    bool J1 = Value & 0x400000;
452    bool J2 = Value & 0x200000;
453    J1 ^= I;
454    J2 ^= I;
456    out |= I  << 26; // S bit
457    out |= !J1 << 13; // J1 bit
458    out |= !J2 << 11; // J2 bit
459    out |= (Value & 0x1FF800)  << 5; // imm6 field
460    out |= (Value & 0x0007FF);        // imm11 field
462    return swapHalfWords(out, IsLittleEndian);
463  }
464  case ARM::fixup_t2_condbranch: {
465    Value = Value - 4;
466    Value >>= 1; // Low bit is not encoded.
468    uint64_t out = 0;
469    out |= (Value & 0x80000) << 7; // S bit
470    out |= (Value & 0x40000) >> 7; // J2 bit
471    out |= (Value & 0x20000) >> 4; // J1 bit
472    out |= (Value & 0x1F800) << 5; // imm6 field
473    out |= (Value & 0x007FF);      // imm11 field
475    return swapHalfWords(out, IsLittleEndian);
476  }
477  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bl: {
478    // The value doesn't encode the low bit (always zero) and is offset by
479    // four. The 32-bit immediate value is encoded as
480    //   imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10:imm11:0)
481    // where I1 = NOT(J1 ^ S) and I2 = NOT(J2 ^ S).
482    // The value is encoded into disjoint bit positions in the destination
483    // opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value bit, S = sign extension bit,
484    // J = either J1 or J2 bit
485    //
487    //
488    // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
489    // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
490    uint32_t offset = (Value - 4) >> 1;
491    uint32_t signBit = (offset & 0x800000) >> 23;
492    uint32_t I1Bit = (offset & 0x400000) >> 22;
493    uint32_t J1Bit = (I1Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
494    uint32_t I2Bit = (offset & 0x200000) >> 21;
495    uint32_t J2Bit = (I2Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
496    uint32_t imm10Bits = (offset & 0x1FF800) >> 11;
497    uint32_t imm11Bits = (offset & 0x000007FF);
499    uint32_t FirstHalf = (((uint16_t)signBit << 10) | (uint16_t)imm10Bits);
500    uint32_t SecondHalf = (((uint16_t)J1Bit << 13) | ((uint16_t)J2Bit << 11) |
501                          (uint16_t)imm11Bits);
502    return joinHalfWords(FirstHalf, SecondHalf, IsLittleEndian);
503  }
504  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_blx: {
505    // The value doesn't encode the low two bits (always zero) and is offset by
506    // four (see fixup_arm_thumb_cp). The 32-bit immediate value is encoded as
507    //   imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10H:imm10L:00)
508    // where I1 = NOT(J1 ^ S) and I2 = NOT(J2 ^ S).
509    // The value is encoded into disjoint bit positions in the destination
510    // opcode. x = unchanged, I = immediate value bit, S = sign extension bit,
511    // J = either J1 or J2 bit, 0 = zero.
512    //
514    //
515    // Note that the halfwords are stored high first, low second; so we need
516    // to transpose the fixup value here to map properly.
517    uint32_t offset = (Value - 2) >> 2;
518    if (const MCSymbolRefExpr *SRE = dyn_cast<MCSymbolRefExpr>(Fixup.getValue()))
519      if (SRE->getKind() == MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_ARM_TLSCALL)
520        offset = 0;
521    uint32_t signBit = (offset & 0x400000) >> 22;
522    uint32_t I1Bit = (offset & 0x200000) >> 21;
523    uint32_t J1Bit = (I1Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
524    uint32_t I2Bit = (offset & 0x100000) >> 20;
525    uint32_t J2Bit = (I2Bit ^ 0x1) ^ signBit;
526    uint32_t imm10HBits = (offset & 0xFFC00) >> 10;
527    uint32_t imm10LBits = (offset & 0x3FF);
529    uint32_t FirstHalf = (((uint16_t)signBit << 10) | (uint16_t)imm10HBits);
530    uint32_t SecondHalf = (((uint16_t)J1Bit << 13) | ((uint16_t)J2Bit << 11) |
531                          ((uint16_t)imm10LBits) << 1);
532    return joinHalfWords(FirstHalf, SecondHalf, IsLittleEndian);
533  }
534  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cp:
535    // Offset by 4, and don't encode the low two bits. Two bytes of that
536    // 'off by 4' is implicitly handled by the half-word ordering of the
537    // Thumb encoding, so we only need to adjust by 2 here.
538    return ((Value - 2) >> 2) & 0xff;
539  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cb: {
540    // Offset by 4 and don't encode the lower bit, which is always 0.
541    uint32_t Binary = (Value - 4) >> 1;
542    return ((Binary & 0x20) << 4) | ((Binary & 0x1f) << 3);
543  }
544  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_br:
545    // Offset by 4 and don't encode the lower bit, which is always 0.
546    return ((Value - 4) >> 1) & 0x7ff;
547  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bcc:
548    // Offset by 4 and don't encode the lower bit, which is always 0.
549    return ((Value - 4) >> 1) & 0xff;
550  case ARM::fixup_arm_pcrel_10_unscaled: {
551    Value = Value - 8; // ARM fixups offset by an additional word and don't
552                       // need to adjust for the half-word ordering.
553    bool isAdd = true;
554    if ((int64_t)Value < 0) {
555      Value = -Value;
556      isAdd = false;
557    }
558    // The value has the low 4 bits encoded in [3:0] and the high 4 in [11:8].
559    if (Ctx && Value >= 256)
560      Ctx->FatalError(Fixup.getLoc(), "out of range pc-relative fixup value");
561    Value = (Value & 0xf) | ((Value & 0xf0) << 4);
562    return Value | (isAdd << 23);
563  }
564  case ARM::fixup_arm_pcrel_10:
565    Value = Value - 4; // ARM fixups offset by an additional word and don't
566                       // need to adjust for the half-word ordering.
567    // Fall through.
568  case ARM::fixup_t2_pcrel_10: {
569    // Offset by 4, adjusted by two due to the half-word ordering of thumb.
570    Value = Value - 4;
571    bool isAdd = true;
572    if ((int64_t)Value < 0) {
573      Value = -Value;
574      isAdd = false;
575    }
576    // These values don't encode the low two bits since they're always zero.
577    Value >>= 2;
578    if (Ctx && Value >= 256)
579      Ctx->FatalError(Fixup.getLoc(), "out of range pc-relative fixup value");
580    Value |= isAdd << 23;
582    // Same addressing mode as fixup_arm_pcrel_10, but with 16-bit halfwords
583    // swapped.
584    if (Kind == ARM::fixup_t2_pcrel_10)
585      return swapHalfWords(Value, IsLittleEndian);
587    return Value;
588  }
589  }
592void ARMAsmBackend::processFixupValue(const MCAssembler &Asm,
593                                      const MCAsmLayout &Layout,
594                                      const MCFixup &Fixup,
595                                      const MCFragment *DF,
596                                      const MCValue &Target, uint64_t &Value,
597                                      bool &IsResolved) {
598  const MCSymbolRefExpr *A = Target.getSymA();
599  // Some fixups to thumb function symbols need the low bit (thumb bit)
600  // twiddled.
601  if ((unsigned)Fixup.getKind() != ARM::fixup_arm_ldst_pcrel_12 &&
602      (unsigned)Fixup.getKind() != ARM::fixup_t2_ldst_pcrel_12 &&
603      (unsigned)Fixup.getKind() != ARM::fixup_arm_adr_pcrel_12 &&
604      (unsigned)Fixup.getKind() != ARM::fixup_thumb_adr_pcrel_10 &&
605      (unsigned)Fixup.getKind() != ARM::fixup_t2_adr_pcrel_12 &&
606      (unsigned)Fixup.getKind() != ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cp) {
607    if (A) {
608      const MCSymbol &Sym = A->getSymbol().AliasedSymbol();
609      if (Asm.isThumbFunc(&Sym))
610        Value |= 1;
611    }
612  }
613  // For Thumb1 BL instruction, it is possible to be a long jump between
614  // the basic blocks of the same function.  Thus, we would like to resolve
615  // the offset when the destination has the same MCFragment.
616  if (A && (unsigned)Fixup.getKind() == ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bl) {
617    const MCSymbol &Sym = A->getSymbol().AliasedSymbol();
618    const MCSymbolData &SymData = Asm.getSymbolData(Sym);
619    IsResolved = (SymData.getFragment() == DF);
620  }
621  // We must always generate a relocation for BL/BLX instructions if we have
622  // a symbol to reference, as the linker relies on knowing the destination
623  // symbol's thumb-ness to get interworking right.
624  if (A && ((unsigned)Fixup.getKind() == ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_blx ||
625            (unsigned)Fixup.getKind() == ARM::fixup_arm_blx ||
626            (unsigned)Fixup.getKind() == ARM::fixup_arm_uncondbl ||
627            (unsigned)Fixup.getKind() == ARM::fixup_arm_condbl))
628    IsResolved = false;
630  // Try to get the encoded value for the fixup as-if we're mapping it into
631  // the instruction. This allows adjustFixupValue() to issue a diagnostic
632  // if the value aren't invalid.
633  (void)adjustFixupValue(Fixup, Value, false, &Asm.getContext(),
634                         IsLittleEndian);
637/// getFixupKindNumBytes - The number of bytes the fixup may change.
638static unsigned getFixupKindNumBytes(unsigned Kind) {
639  switch (Kind) {
640  default:
641    llvm_unreachable("Unknown fixup kind!");
643  case FK_Data_1:
644  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bcc:
645  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cp:
646  case ARM::fixup_thumb_adr_pcrel_10:
647    return 1;
649  case FK_Data_2:
650  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_br:
651  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cb:
652    return 2;
654  case ARM::fixup_arm_pcrel_10_unscaled:
655  case ARM::fixup_arm_ldst_pcrel_12:
656  case ARM::fixup_arm_pcrel_10:
657  case ARM::fixup_arm_adr_pcrel_12:
658  case ARM::fixup_arm_uncondbl:
659  case ARM::fixup_arm_condbl:
660  case ARM::fixup_arm_blx:
661  case ARM::fixup_arm_condbranch:
662  case ARM::fixup_arm_uncondbranch:
663    return 3;
665  case FK_Data_4:
666  case ARM::fixup_t2_ldst_pcrel_12:
667  case ARM::fixup_t2_condbranch:
668  case ARM::fixup_t2_uncondbranch:
669  case ARM::fixup_t2_pcrel_10:
670  case ARM::fixup_t2_adr_pcrel_12:
671  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bl:
672  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_blx:
673  case ARM::fixup_arm_movt_hi16:
674  case ARM::fixup_arm_movw_lo16:
675  case ARM::fixup_t2_movt_hi16:
676  case ARM::fixup_t2_movw_lo16:
677    return 4;
679  case FK_SecRel_2:
680    return 2;
681  case FK_SecRel_4:
682    return 4;
683  }
686/// getFixupKindContainerSizeBytes - The number of bytes of the
687/// container involved in big endian.
688static unsigned getFixupKindContainerSizeBytes(unsigned Kind) {
689  switch (Kind) {
690  default:
691    llvm_unreachable("Unknown fixup kind!");
693  case FK_Data_1:
694    return 1;
695  case FK_Data_2:
696    return 2;
697  case FK_Data_4:
698    return 4;
700  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bcc:
701  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cp:
702  case ARM::fixup_thumb_adr_pcrel_10:
703  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_br:
704  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_cb:
705    // Instruction size is 2 bytes.
706    return 2;
708  case ARM::fixup_arm_pcrel_10_unscaled:
709  case ARM::fixup_arm_ldst_pcrel_12:
710  case ARM::fixup_arm_pcrel_10:
711  case ARM::fixup_arm_adr_pcrel_12:
712  case ARM::fixup_arm_uncondbl:
713  case ARM::fixup_arm_condbl:
714  case ARM::fixup_arm_blx:
715  case ARM::fixup_arm_condbranch:
716  case ARM::fixup_arm_uncondbranch:
717  case ARM::fixup_t2_ldst_pcrel_12:
718  case ARM::fixup_t2_condbranch:
719  case ARM::fixup_t2_uncondbranch:
720  case ARM::fixup_t2_pcrel_10:
721  case ARM::fixup_t2_adr_pcrel_12:
722  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_bl:
723  case ARM::fixup_arm_thumb_blx:
724  case ARM::fixup_arm_movt_hi16:
725  case ARM::fixup_arm_movw_lo16:
726  case ARM::fixup_t2_movt_hi16:
727  case ARM::fixup_t2_movw_lo16:
728    // Instruction size is 4 bytes.
729    return 4;
730  }
733void ARMAsmBackend::applyFixup(const MCFixup &Fixup, char *Data,
734                               unsigned DataSize, uint64_t Value,
735                               bool IsPCRel) const {
736  unsigned NumBytes = getFixupKindNumBytes(Fixup.getKind());
737  Value = adjustFixupValue(Fixup, Value, IsPCRel, nullptr, IsLittleEndian);
738  if (!Value) return;           // Doesn't change encoding.
740  unsigned Offset = Fixup.getOffset();
741  assert(Offset + NumBytes <= DataSize && "Invalid fixup offset!");
743  // Used to point to big endian bytes.
744  unsigned FullSizeBytes;
745  if (!IsLittleEndian) {
746    FullSizeBytes = getFixupKindContainerSizeBytes(Fixup.getKind());
747    assert((Offset + FullSizeBytes) <= DataSize && "Invalid fixup size!");
748    assert(NumBytes <= FullSizeBytes && "Invalid fixup size!");
749  }
751  // For each byte of the fragment that the fixup touches, mask in the bits from
752  // the fixup value. The Value has been "split up" into the appropriate
753  // bitfields above.
754  for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumBytes; ++i) {
755    unsigned Idx = IsLittleEndian ? i : (FullSizeBytes - 1 - i);
756    Data[Offset + Idx] |= uint8_t((Value >> (i * 8)) & 0xff);
757  }
760namespace {
761// FIXME: This should be in a separate file.
762class ARMWinCOFFAsmBackend : public ARMAsmBackend {
764  ARMWinCOFFAsmBackend(const Target &T, const StringRef &Triple)
765    : ARMAsmBackend(T, Triple, true) { }
766  MCObjectWriter *createObjectWriter(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
767    return createARMWinCOFFObjectWriter(OS, /*Is64Bit=*/false);
768  }
771// FIXME: This should be in a separate file.
772// ELF is an ELF of course...
773class ELFARMAsmBackend : public ARMAsmBackend {
775  uint8_t OSABI;
776  ELFARMAsmBackend(const Target &T, const StringRef TT,
777                   uint8_t OSABI, bool IsLittle)
778    : ARMAsmBackend(T, TT, IsLittle), OSABI(OSABI) { }
780  MCObjectWriter *createObjectWriter(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
781    return createARMELFObjectWriter(OS, OSABI, isLittle());
782  }
785// FIXME: This should be in a separate file.
786class DarwinARMAsmBackend : public ARMAsmBackend {
788  const MachO::CPUSubTypeARM Subtype;
789  DarwinARMAsmBackend(const Target &T, const StringRef TT,
790                      MachO::CPUSubTypeARM st)
791    : ARMAsmBackend(T, TT, /* IsLittleEndian */ true), Subtype(st) {
792      HasDataInCodeSupport = true;
793    }
795  MCObjectWriter *createObjectWriter(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
796    return createARMMachObjectWriter(OS, /*Is64Bit=*/false,
797                                     MachO::CPU_TYPE_ARM,
798                                     Subtype);
799  }
802} // end anonymous namespace
804MCAsmBackend *llvm::createARMAsmBackend(const Target &T,
805                                        const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
806                                        StringRef TT, StringRef CPU,
807                                        bool isLittle) {
808  Triple TheTriple(TT);
810  switch (TheTriple.getObjectFormat()) {
811  default: llvm_unreachable("unsupported object format");
812  case Triple::MachO: {
813    MachO::CPUSubTypeARM CS =
814      StringSwitch<MachO::CPUSubTypeARM>(TheTriple.getArchName())
815      .Cases("armv4t", "thumbv4t", MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V4T)
816      .Cases("armv5e", "thumbv5e", MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V5TEJ)
817      .Cases("armv6", "thumbv6", MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6)
818      .Cases("armv6m", "thumbv6m", MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6M)
819      .Cases("armv7em", "thumbv7em", MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7EM)
820      .Cases("armv7k", "thumbv7k", MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7K)
821      .Cases("armv7m", "thumbv7m", MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7M)
822      .Cases("armv7s", "thumbv7s", MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7S)
823      .Default(MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7);
825    return new DarwinARMAsmBackend(T, TT, CS);
826  }
827  case Triple::COFF:
828    assert(TheTriple.isOSWindows() && "non-Windows ARM COFF is not supported");
829    return new ARMWinCOFFAsmBackend(T, TT);
830  case Triple::ELF:
831    assert(TheTriple.isOSBinFormatELF() && "using ELF for non-ELF target");
832    uint8_t OSABI = MCELFObjectTargetWriter::getOSABI(Triple(TT).getOS());
833    return new ELFARMAsmBackend(T, TT, OSABI, isLittle);
834  }
837MCAsmBackend *llvm::createARMLEAsmBackend(const Target &T,
838                                          const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
839                                          StringRef TT, StringRef CPU) {
840  return createARMAsmBackend(T, MRI, TT, CPU, true);
843MCAsmBackend *llvm::createARMBEAsmBackend(const Target &T,
844                                          const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
845                                          StringRef TT, StringRef CPU) {
846  return createARMAsmBackend(T, MRI, TT, CPU, false);
849MCAsmBackend *llvm::createThumbLEAsmBackend(const Target &T,
850                                          const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
851                                          StringRef TT, StringRef CPU) {
852  return createARMAsmBackend(T, MRI, TT, CPU, true);
855MCAsmBackend *llvm::createThumbBEAsmBackend(const Target &T,
856                                          const MCRegisterInfo &MRI,
857                                          StringRef TT, StringRef CPU) {
858  return createARMAsmBackend(T, MRI, TT, CPU, false);