Mips16HardFloat.cpp revision 5e4b95b3fe908f89aa512b6e9921fe49aadd759b
1//===---- Mips16HardFloat.cpp for Mips16 Hard Float               --------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file defines a pass needed for Mips16 Hard Float
14#define DEBUG_TYPE "mips16-hard-float"
15#include "Mips16HardFloat.h"
16#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
17#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
18#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
19#include <algorithm>
20#include <string>
22static void inlineAsmOut
23  (LLVMContext &C, StringRef AsmString, BasicBlock *BB ) {
24  std::vector<llvm::Type *> AsmArgTypes;
25  std::vector<llvm::Value*> AsmArgs;
26  llvm::FunctionType *AsmFTy =
27    llvm::FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(C),
28                            AsmArgTypes, false);
29  llvm::InlineAsm *IA =
30    llvm::InlineAsm::get(AsmFTy, AsmString, "", true,
31                         /* IsAlignStack */ false,
32                         llvm::InlineAsm::AD_ATT);
33  CallInst::Create(IA, AsmArgs, "", BB);
36namespace {
38class InlineAsmHelper {
39  LLVMContext &C;
40  BasicBlock *BB;
42  InlineAsmHelper(LLVMContext &C_, BasicBlock *BB_) :
43    C(C_), BB(BB_) {
44  }
46  void Out(StringRef AsmString) {
47    inlineAsmOut(C, AsmString, BB);
48  }
53// Return types that matter for hard float are:
54// float, double, complex float, and complex double
56enum FPReturnVariant {
57  FRet, DRet, CFRet, CDRet, NoFPRet
61// Determine which FP return type this function has
63static FPReturnVariant whichFPReturnVariant(Type *T) {
64  switch (T->getTypeID()) {
65  case Type::FloatTyID:
66    return FRet;
67  case Type::DoubleTyID:
68    return DRet;
69  case Type::StructTyID:
70    if (T->getStructNumElements() != 2)
71      break;
72    if ((T->getContainedType(0)->isFloatTy()) &&
73        (T->getContainedType(1)->isFloatTy()))
74      return CFRet;
75    if ((T->getContainedType(0)->isDoubleTy()) &&
76        (T->getContainedType(1)->isDoubleTy()))
77      return CDRet;
78    break;
79  default:
80    break;
81  }
82  return NoFPRet;
86// Parameter type that matter are float, (float, float), (float, double),
87// double, (double, double), (double, float)
89enum FPParamVariant {
90  FSig, FFSig, FDSig,
91  DSig, DDSig, DFSig, NoSig
94// which floating point parameter signature variant we are dealing with
96typedef Type::TypeID TypeID;
97const Type::TypeID FloatTyID = Type::FloatTyID;
98const Type::TypeID DoubleTyID = Type::DoubleTyID;
100static FPParamVariant whichFPParamVariantNeeded(Function &F) {
101  switch (F.arg_size()) {
102  case 0:
103    return NoSig;
104  case 1:{
105    TypeID ArgTypeID = F.getFunctionType()->getParamType(0)->getTypeID();
106    switch (ArgTypeID) {
107    case FloatTyID:
108      return FSig;
109    case DoubleTyID:
110      return DSig;
111    default:
112      return NoSig;
113    }
114  }
115  default: {
116    TypeID ArgTypeID0 = F.getFunctionType()->getParamType(0)->getTypeID();
117    TypeID ArgTypeID1 = F.getFunctionType()->getParamType(1)->getTypeID();
118    switch(ArgTypeID0) {
119    case FloatTyID: {
120      switch (ArgTypeID1) {
121      case FloatTyID:
122        return FFSig;
123      case DoubleTyID:
124        return FDSig;
125      default:
126        return FSig;
127      }
128    }
129    case DoubleTyID: {
130      switch (ArgTypeID1) {
131      case FloatTyID:
132        return DFSig;
133      case DoubleTyID:
134        return DDSig;
135      default:
136        return DSig;
137      }
138    }
139    default:
140      return NoSig;
141    }
142  }
143  }
144  llvm_unreachable("can't get here");
147// Figure out if we need float point based on the function parameters.
148// We need to move variables in and/or out of floating point
149// registers because of the ABI
151static bool needsFPStubFromParams(Function &F) {
152  if (F.arg_size() >=1) {
153    Type *ArgType = F.getFunctionType()->getParamType(0);
154    switch (ArgType->getTypeID()) {
155      case Type::FloatTyID:
156      case Type::DoubleTyID:
157        return true;
158      default:
159        break;
160    }
161  }
162  return false;
165static bool needsFPReturnHelper(Function &F) {
166  Type* RetType = F.getReturnType();
167  return whichFPReturnVariant(RetType) != NoFPRet;
170static bool needsFPHelperFromSig(Function &F) {
171  return needsFPStubFromParams(F) || needsFPReturnHelper(F);
175// We swap between FP and Integer registers to allow Mips16 and Mips32 to
176// interoperate
179static void swapFPIntParams
180  (FPParamVariant PV, Module *M, InlineAsmHelper &IAH,
181   bool LE, bool ToFP) {
182  //LLVMContext &Context = M->getContext();
183  std::string MI = ToFP? "mtc1 ": "mfc1 ";
184  switch (PV) {
185  case FSig:
186    IAH.Out(MI + "$$4,$$f12");
187    break;
188  case FFSig:
189    IAH.Out(MI +"$$4,$$f12");
190    IAH.Out(MI + "$$5,$$f14");
191    break;
192  case FDSig:
193    IAH.Out(MI + "$$4,$$f12");
194    if (LE) {
195      IAH.Out(MI + "$$6,$$f14");
196      IAH.Out(MI + "$$7,$$f15");
197    } else {
198      IAH.Out(MI + "$$7,$$f14");
199      IAH.Out(MI + "$$6,$$f15");
200    }
201    break;
202  case DSig:
203    if (LE) {
204      IAH.Out(MI + "$$4,$$f12");
205      IAH.Out(MI + "$$5,$$f13");
206    } else {
207      IAH.Out(MI + "$$5,$$f12");
208      IAH.Out(MI + "$$4,$$f13");
209    }
210    break;
211  case DDSig:
212    if (LE) {
213      IAH.Out(MI + "$$4,$$f12");
214      IAH.Out(MI + "$$5,$$f13");
215      IAH.Out(MI + "$$6,$$f14");
216      IAH.Out(MI + "$$7,$$f15");
217    } else {
218      IAH.Out(MI + "$$5,$$f12");
219      IAH.Out(MI + "$$4,$$f13");
220      IAH.Out(MI + "$$7,$$f14");
221      IAH.Out(MI + "$$6,$$f15");
222    }
223    break;
224  case DFSig:
225    if (LE) {
226      IAH.Out(MI + "$$4,$$f12");
227      IAH.Out(MI + "$$5,$$f13");
228    } else {
229      IAH.Out(MI + "$$5,$$f12");
230      IAH.Out(MI + "$$4,$$f13");
231    }
232    IAH.Out(MI + "$$6,$$f14");
233    break;
234  case NoSig:
235    return;
236  }
239// Make sure that we know we already need a stub for this function.
240// Having called needsFPHelperFromSig
242static void assureFPCallStub(Function &F, Module *M,
243                             const MipsSubtarget &Subtarget){
244  // for now we only need them for static relocation
245  if (Subtarget.getRelocationModel() == Reloc::PIC_)
246    return;
247  LLVMContext &Context = M->getContext();
248  bool LE = Subtarget.isLittle();
249  std::string Name = F.getName();
250  std::string SectionName = ".mips16.call.fp." + Name;
251  std::string StubName = "__call_stub_fp_" + Name;
252  //
253  // see if we already have the stub
254  //
255  Function *FStub = M->getFunction(StubName);
256  if (FStub && !FStub->isDeclaration()) return;
257  FStub = Function::Create(F.getFunctionType(),
258                           Function::InternalLinkage, StubName, M);
259  FStub->addFnAttr("mips16_fp_stub");
260  FStub->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::Naked);
261  FStub->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::NoInline);
262  FStub->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::NoUnwind);
263  FStub->addFnAttr("nomips16");
264  FStub->setSection(SectionName);
265  BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", FStub);
266  InlineAsmHelper IAH(Context, BB);
267  IAH.Out(".set reorder");
268  FPReturnVariant RV = whichFPReturnVariant(FStub->getReturnType());
269  FPParamVariant PV = whichFPParamVariantNeeded(F);
270  swapFPIntParams(PV, M, IAH, LE, true);
271  if (RV != NoFPRet) {
272    IAH.Out("move $$18, $$31");
273    IAH.Out("jal " + Name);
274  } else {
275    IAH.Out("lui  $$25,%hi(" + Name + ")");
276    IAH.Out("addiu  $$25,$$25,%lo(" + Name + ")" );
277  }
278  switch (RV) {
279  case FRet:
280    IAH.Out("mfc1 $$2,$$f0");
281    break;
282  case DRet:
283    if (LE) {
284      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$2,$$f0");
285      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$3,$$f1");
286    } else {
287      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$3,$$f0");
288      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$2,$$f1");
289    }
290    break;
291  case CFRet:
292    if (LE) {
293    IAH.Out("mfc1 $$2,$$f0");
294    IAH.Out("mfc1 $$3,$$f2");
295    } else {
296      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$3,$$f0");
297      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$3,$$f2");
298    }
299    break;
300  case CDRet:
301    if (LE) {
302      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$4,$$f2");
303      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$5,$$f3");
304      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$2,$$f0");
305      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$3,$$f1");
307    } else {
308      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$5,$$f2");
309      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$4,$$f3");
310      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$3,$$f0");
311      IAH.Out("mfc1 $$2,$$f1");
312    }
313    break;
314  case NoFPRet:
315    break;
316  }
317  if (RV != NoFPRet)
318    IAH.Out("jr $$18");
319  else
320    IAH.Out("jr $$25");
321  new UnreachableInst(Context, BB);
325// Functions that are inline intrinsics don't need helpers.
327std::string IntrinsicInline[] =
328  {"fabs"};
330bool isIntrinsicInline(Function *F) {
331  return std::binary_search(
332    IntrinsicInline, array_endof(IntrinsicInline),
333    F->getName());
336// Returns of float, double and complex need to be handled with a helper
337// function.
339static bool fixupFPReturnAndCall
340  (Function &F, Module *M,  const MipsSubtarget &Subtarget) {
341  bool Modified = false;
342  LLVMContext &C = M->getContext();
343  Type *MyVoid = Type::getVoidTy(C);
344  for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB)
345    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end();
346         I != E; ++I) {
347      Instruction &Inst = *I;
348      if (const ReturnInst *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(I)) {
349        Value *RVal = RI->getReturnValue();
350        if (!RVal) continue;
351        //
352        // If there is a return value and it needs a helper function,
353        // figure out which one and add a call before the actual
354        // return to this helper. The purpose of the helper is to move
355        // floating point values from their soft float return mapping to
356        // where they would have been mapped to in floating point registers.
357        //
358        Type *T = RVal->getType();
359        FPReturnVariant RV = whichFPReturnVariant(T);
360        if (RV == NoFPRet) continue;
361        static const char* Helper[NoFPRet] =
362          {"__mips16_ret_sf", "__mips16_ret_df", "__mips16_ret_sc",
363           "__mips16_ret_dc"};
364        const char *Name = Helper[RV];
365        AttributeSet A;
366        Value *Params[] = {RVal};
367        Modified = true;
368        //
369        // These helper functions have a different calling ABI so
370        // this __Mips16RetHelper indicates that so that later
371        // during call setup, the proper call lowering to the helper
372        // functions will take place.
373        //
374        A = A.addAttribute(C, AttributeSet::FunctionIndex,
375                           "__Mips16RetHelper");
376        A = A.addAttribute(C, AttributeSet::FunctionIndex,
377                           Attribute::ReadNone);
378        A = A.addAttribute(C, AttributeSet::FunctionIndex,
379                           Attribute::NoInline);
380        Value *F = (M->getOrInsertFunction(Name, A, MyVoid, T, NULL));
381        CallInst::Create(F, Params, "", &Inst );
382      } else if (const CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
383          // pic mode calls are handled by already defined
384          // helper functions
385          if (Subtarget.getRelocationModel() != Reloc::PIC_ ) {
386            Function *F_ =  CI->getCalledFunction();
387            if (F_ && !isIntrinsicInline(F_) && needsFPHelperFromSig(*F_)) {
388              assureFPCallStub(*F_, M, Subtarget);
389              Modified=true;
390            }
391          }
392      }
393    }
394  return Modified;
397static void createFPFnStub(Function *F, Module *M, FPParamVariant PV,
398                  const MipsSubtarget &Subtarget ) {
399  bool PicMode = Subtarget.getRelocationModel() == Reloc::PIC_;
400  bool LE = Subtarget.isLittle();
401  LLVMContext &Context = M->getContext();
402  std::string Name = F->getName();
403  std::string SectionName = ".mips16.fn." + Name;
404  std::string StubName = "__fn_stub_" + Name;
405  std::string LocalName = "__fn_local_" + Name;
406  Function *FStub = Function::Create
407    (F->getFunctionType(),
408     Function::InternalLinkage, StubName, M);
409  FStub->addFnAttr("mips16_fp_stub");
410  FStub->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::Naked);
411  FStub->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::NoUnwind);
412  FStub->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::NoInline);
413  FStub->addFnAttr("nomips16");
414  FStub->setSection(SectionName);
415  BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context, "entry", FStub);
416  InlineAsmHelper IAH(Context, BB);
417  IAH.Out(" .set  macro");
418  if (PicMode) {
419    IAH.Out(".set noreorder");
420    IAH.Out(".cpload  $$2");
421    IAH.Out(".set reorder");
422    IAH.Out(".reloc 0,R_MIPS_NONE," + Name);
423    IAH.Out("la $$25," + LocalName);
424  }
425  else
426    IAH.Out("la $$25, " + Name);
427  swapFPIntParams(PV, M, IAH, LE, false);
428  IAH.Out("jr $$25");
429  IAH.Out(LocalName + " = " + Name);
430  new UnreachableInst(FStub->getContext(), BB);
433namespace llvm {
436// This pass only makes sense when the underlying chip has floating point but
437// we are compiling as mips16.
438// For all mips16 functions (that are not stubs we have already generated), or
439// declared via attributes as nomips16, we must:
440//    1) fixup all returns of float, double, single and double complex
441//       by calling a helper function before the actual return.
442//    2) generate helper functions (stubs) that can be called by mips32 functions
443//       that will move parameters passed normally passed in floating point
444//       registers the soft float equivalents.
445//    3) in the case of static relocation, generate helper functions so that
446//       mips16 functions can call extern functions of unknown type (mips16 or
447//       mips32).
448//    4) TBD. For pic, calls to extern functions of unknown type are handled by
449//       predefined helper functions in libc but this work is currently done
450//       during call lowering but it should be moved here in the future.
452bool Mips16HardFloat::runOnModule(Module &M) {
453  DEBUG(errs() << "Run on Module Mips16HardFloat\n");
454  bool Modified = false;
455  for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F) {
456    if (F->isDeclaration() || F->hasFnAttribute("mips16_fp_stub") ||
457        F->hasFnAttribute("nomips16")) continue;
458    Modified |= fixupFPReturnAndCall(*F, &M, Subtarget);
459    FPParamVariant V = whichFPParamVariantNeeded(*F);
460    if (V != NoSig) {
461      Modified = true;
462      createFPFnStub(F, &M, V, Subtarget);
463    }
464  }
465  return Modified;
468char Mips16HardFloat::ID = 0;
472ModulePass *llvm::createMips16HardFloat(MipsTargetMachine &TM) {
473  return new Mips16HardFloat(TM);