X86AsmParser.cpp revision 36b56886974eae4f9c5ebc96befd3e7bfe5de338
1//===-- X86AsmParser.cpp - Parse X86 assembly to MCInst instructions ------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10#include "MCTargetDesc/X86BaseInfo.h"
11#include "X86AsmInstrumentation.h"
12#include "X86AsmParserCommon.h"
13#include "X86Operand.h"
14#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
15#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
16#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
19#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
20#include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
21#include "llvm/MC/MCExpr.h"
22#include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
23#include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmLexer.h"
24#include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmParser.h"
25#include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCParsedAsmOperand.h"
26#include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
27#include "llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h"
28#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
29#include "llvm/MC/MCSymbol.h"
30#include "llvm/MC/MCTargetAsmParser.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
32#include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
33#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
34#include <memory>
36using namespace llvm;
38namespace {
40static const char OpPrecedence[] = {
41  0, // IC_OR
42  1, // IC_AND
43  2, // IC_LSHIFT
44  2, // IC_RSHIFT
45  3, // IC_PLUS
46  3, // IC_MINUS
47  4, // IC_MULTIPLY
48  4, // IC_DIVIDE
49  5, // IC_RPAREN
50  6, // IC_LPAREN
51  0, // IC_IMM
52  0  // IC_REGISTER
55class X86AsmParser : public MCTargetAsmParser {
56  MCSubtargetInfo &STI;
57  MCAsmParser &Parser;
58  ParseInstructionInfo *InstInfo;
59  std::unique_ptr<X86AsmInstrumentation> Instrumentation;
61  SMLoc consumeToken() {
62    SMLoc Result = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
63    Parser.Lex();
64    return Result;
65  }
67  enum InfixCalculatorTok {
68    IC_OR = 0,
69    IC_AND,
70    IC_LSHIFT,
71    IC_RSHIFT,
72    IC_PLUS,
73    IC_MINUS,
75    IC_DIVIDE,
76    IC_RPAREN,
77    IC_LPAREN,
78    IC_IMM,
80  };
82  class InfixCalculator {
83    typedef std::pair< InfixCalculatorTok, int64_t > ICToken;
84    SmallVector<InfixCalculatorTok, 4> InfixOperatorStack;
85    SmallVector<ICToken, 4> PostfixStack;
87  public:
88    int64_t popOperand() {
89      assert (!PostfixStack.empty() && "Poped an empty stack!");
90      ICToken Op = PostfixStack.pop_back_val();
91      assert ((Op.first == IC_IMM || Op.first == IC_REGISTER)
92              && "Expected and immediate or register!");
93      return Op.second;
94    }
95    void pushOperand(InfixCalculatorTok Op, int64_t Val = 0) {
96      assert ((Op == IC_IMM || Op == IC_REGISTER) &&
97              "Unexpected operand!");
98      PostfixStack.push_back(std::make_pair(Op, Val));
99    }
101    void popOperator() { InfixOperatorStack.pop_back(); }
102    void pushOperator(InfixCalculatorTok Op) {
103      // Push the new operator if the stack is empty.
104      if (InfixOperatorStack.empty()) {
105        InfixOperatorStack.push_back(Op);
106        return;
107      }
109      // Push the new operator if it has a higher precedence than the operator
110      // on the top of the stack or the operator on the top of the stack is a
111      // left parentheses.
112      unsigned Idx = InfixOperatorStack.size() - 1;
113      InfixCalculatorTok StackOp = InfixOperatorStack[Idx];
114      if (OpPrecedence[Op] > OpPrecedence[StackOp] || StackOp == IC_LPAREN) {
115        InfixOperatorStack.push_back(Op);
116        return;
117      }
119      // The operator on the top of the stack has higher precedence than the
120      // new operator.
121      unsigned ParenCount = 0;
122      while (1) {
123        // Nothing to process.
124        if (InfixOperatorStack.empty())
125          break;
127        Idx = InfixOperatorStack.size() - 1;
128        StackOp = InfixOperatorStack[Idx];
129        if (!(OpPrecedence[StackOp] >= OpPrecedence[Op] || ParenCount))
130          break;
132        // If we have an even parentheses count and we see a left parentheses,
133        // then stop processing.
134        if (!ParenCount && StackOp == IC_LPAREN)
135          break;
137        if (StackOp == IC_RPAREN) {
138          ++ParenCount;
139          InfixOperatorStack.pop_back();
140        } else if (StackOp == IC_LPAREN) {
141          --ParenCount;
142          InfixOperatorStack.pop_back();
143        } else {
144          InfixOperatorStack.pop_back();
145          PostfixStack.push_back(std::make_pair(StackOp, 0));
146        }
147      }
148      // Push the new operator.
149      InfixOperatorStack.push_back(Op);
150    }
151    int64_t execute() {
152      // Push any remaining operators onto the postfix stack.
153      while (!InfixOperatorStack.empty()) {
154        InfixCalculatorTok StackOp = InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val();
155        if (StackOp != IC_LPAREN && StackOp != IC_RPAREN)
156          PostfixStack.push_back(std::make_pair(StackOp, 0));
157      }
159      if (PostfixStack.empty())
160        return 0;
162      SmallVector<ICToken, 16> OperandStack;
163      for (unsigned i = 0, e = PostfixStack.size(); i != e; ++i) {
164        ICToken Op = PostfixStack[i];
165        if (Op.first == IC_IMM || Op.first == IC_REGISTER) {
166          OperandStack.push_back(Op);
167        } else {
168          assert (OperandStack.size() > 1 && "Too few operands.");
169          int64_t Val;
170          ICToken Op2 = OperandStack.pop_back_val();
171          ICToken Op1 = OperandStack.pop_back_val();
172          switch (Op.first) {
173          default:
174            report_fatal_error("Unexpected operator!");
175            break;
176          case IC_PLUS:
177            Val = Op1.second + Op2.second;
178            OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
179            break;
180          case IC_MINUS:
181            Val = Op1.second - Op2.second;
182            OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
183            break;
184          case IC_MULTIPLY:
185            assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
186                    "Multiply operation with an immediate and a register!");
187            Val = Op1.second * Op2.second;
188            OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
189            break;
190          case IC_DIVIDE:
191            assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
192                    "Divide operation with an immediate and a register!");
193            assert (Op2.second != 0 && "Division by zero!");
194            Val = Op1.second / Op2.second;
195            OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
196            break;
197          case IC_OR:
198            assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
199                    "Or operation with an immediate and a register!");
200            Val = Op1.second | Op2.second;
201            OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
202            break;
203          case IC_AND:
204            assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
205                    "And operation with an immediate and a register!");
206            Val = Op1.second & Op2.second;
207            OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
208            break;
209          case IC_LSHIFT:
210            assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
211                    "Left shift operation with an immediate and a register!");
212            Val = Op1.second << Op2.second;
213            OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
214            break;
215          case IC_RSHIFT:
216            assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
217                    "Right shift operation with an immediate and a register!");
218            Val = Op1.second >> Op2.second;
219            OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
220            break;
221          }
222        }
223      }
224      assert (OperandStack.size() == 1 && "Expected a single result.");
225      return OperandStack.pop_back_val().second;
226    }
227  };
229  enum IntelExprState {
230    IES_OR,
231    IES_AND,
232    IES_LSHIFT,
233    IES_RSHIFT,
234    IES_PLUS,
235    IES_MINUS,
237    IES_DIVIDE,
238    IES_LBRAC,
239    IES_RBRAC,
240    IES_LPAREN,
241    IES_RPAREN,
245    IES_ERROR
246  };
248  class IntelExprStateMachine {
249    IntelExprState State, PrevState;
250    unsigned BaseReg, IndexReg, TmpReg, Scale;
251    int64_t Imm;
252    const MCExpr *Sym;
253    StringRef SymName;
254    bool StopOnLBrac, AddImmPrefix;
255    InfixCalculator IC;
256    InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
257  public:
258    IntelExprStateMachine(int64_t imm, bool stoponlbrac, bool addimmprefix) :
259      State(IES_PLUS), PrevState(IES_ERROR), BaseReg(0), IndexReg(0), TmpReg(0),
260      Scale(1), Imm(imm), Sym(0), StopOnLBrac(stoponlbrac),
261      AddImmPrefix(addimmprefix) { Info.clear(); }
263    unsigned getBaseReg() { return BaseReg; }
264    unsigned getIndexReg() { return IndexReg; }
265    unsigned getScale() { return Scale; }
266    const MCExpr *getSym() { return Sym; }
267    StringRef getSymName() { return SymName; }
268    int64_t getImm() { return Imm + IC.execute(); }
269    bool isValidEndState() {
270      return State == IES_RBRAC || State == IES_INTEGER;
271    }
272    bool getStopOnLBrac() { return StopOnLBrac; }
273    bool getAddImmPrefix() { return AddImmPrefix; }
274    bool hadError() { return State == IES_ERROR; }
276    InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &getIdentifierInfo() {
277      return Info;
278    }
280    void onOr() {
281      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
282      switch (State) {
283      default:
284        State = IES_ERROR;
285        break;
286      case IES_INTEGER:
287      case IES_RPAREN:
288      case IES_REGISTER:
289        State = IES_OR;
290        IC.pushOperator(IC_OR);
291        break;
292      }
293      PrevState = CurrState;
294    }
295    void onAnd() {
296      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
297      switch (State) {
298      default:
299        State = IES_ERROR;
300        break;
301      case IES_INTEGER:
302      case IES_RPAREN:
303      case IES_REGISTER:
304        State = IES_AND;
305        IC.pushOperator(IC_AND);
306        break;
307      }
308      PrevState = CurrState;
309    }
310    void onLShift() {
311      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
312      switch (State) {
313      default:
314        State = IES_ERROR;
315        break;
316      case IES_INTEGER:
317      case IES_RPAREN:
318      case IES_REGISTER:
319        State = IES_LSHIFT;
320        IC.pushOperator(IC_LSHIFT);
321        break;
322      }
323      PrevState = CurrState;
324    }
325    void onRShift() {
326      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
327      switch (State) {
328      default:
329        State = IES_ERROR;
330        break;
331      case IES_INTEGER:
332      case IES_RPAREN:
333      case IES_REGISTER:
334        State = IES_RSHIFT;
335        IC.pushOperator(IC_RSHIFT);
336        break;
337      }
338      PrevState = CurrState;
339    }
340    void onPlus() {
341      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
342      switch (State) {
343      default:
344        State = IES_ERROR;
345        break;
346      case IES_INTEGER:
347      case IES_RPAREN:
348      case IES_REGISTER:
349        State = IES_PLUS;
350        IC.pushOperator(IC_PLUS);
351        if (CurrState == IES_REGISTER && PrevState != IES_MULTIPLY) {
352          // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with
353          // a scale of 1.
354          if (!BaseReg) {
355            BaseReg = TmpReg;
356          } else {
357            assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
358            IndexReg = TmpReg;
359            Scale = 1;
360          }
361        }
362        break;
363      }
364      PrevState = CurrState;
365    }
366    void onMinus() {
367      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
368      switch (State) {
369      default:
370        State = IES_ERROR;
371        break;
372      case IES_PLUS:
373      case IES_MULTIPLY:
374      case IES_DIVIDE:
375      case IES_LPAREN:
376      case IES_RPAREN:
377      case IES_LBRAC:
378      case IES_RBRAC:
379      case IES_INTEGER:
380      case IES_REGISTER:
381        State = IES_MINUS;
382        // Only push the minus operator if it is not a unary operator.
383        if (!(CurrState == IES_PLUS || CurrState == IES_MINUS ||
384              CurrState == IES_MULTIPLY || CurrState == IES_DIVIDE ||
385              CurrState == IES_LPAREN || CurrState == IES_LBRAC))
386          IC.pushOperator(IC_MINUS);
387        if (CurrState == IES_REGISTER && PrevState != IES_MULTIPLY) {
388          // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with
389          // a scale of 1.
390          if (!BaseReg) {
391            BaseReg = TmpReg;
392          } else {
393            assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
394            IndexReg = TmpReg;
395            Scale = 1;
396          }
397        }
398        break;
399      }
400      PrevState = CurrState;
401    }
402    void onRegister(unsigned Reg) {
403      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
404      switch (State) {
405      default:
406        State = IES_ERROR;
407        break;
408      case IES_PLUS:
409      case IES_LPAREN:
410        State = IES_REGISTER;
411        TmpReg = Reg;
412        IC.pushOperand(IC_REGISTER);
413        break;
414      case IES_MULTIPLY:
415        // Index Register - Scale * Register
416        if (PrevState == IES_INTEGER) {
417          assert (!IndexReg && "IndexReg already set!");
418          State = IES_REGISTER;
419          IndexReg = Reg;
420          // Get the scale and replace the 'Scale * Register' with '0'.
421          Scale = IC.popOperand();
422          IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM);
423          IC.popOperator();
424        } else {
425          State = IES_ERROR;
426        }
427        break;
428      }
429      PrevState = CurrState;
430    }
431    void onIdentifierExpr(const MCExpr *SymRef, StringRef SymRefName) {
432      PrevState = State;
433      switch (State) {
434      default:
435        State = IES_ERROR;
436        break;
437      case IES_PLUS:
438      case IES_MINUS:
439        State = IES_INTEGER;
440        Sym = SymRef;
441        SymName = SymRefName;
442        IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM);
443        break;
444      }
445    }
446    bool onInteger(int64_t TmpInt, StringRef &ErrMsg) {
447      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
448      switch (State) {
449      default:
450        State = IES_ERROR;
451        break;
452      case IES_PLUS:
453      case IES_MINUS:
454      case IES_OR:
455      case IES_AND:
456      case IES_LSHIFT:
457      case IES_RSHIFT:
458      case IES_DIVIDE:
459      case IES_MULTIPLY:
460      case IES_LPAREN:
461        State = IES_INTEGER;
462        if (PrevState == IES_REGISTER && CurrState == IES_MULTIPLY) {
463          // Index Register - Register * Scale
464          assert (!IndexReg && "IndexReg already set!");
465          IndexReg = TmpReg;
466          Scale = TmpInt;
467          if(Scale != 1 && Scale != 2 && Scale != 4 && Scale != 8) {
468            ErrMsg = "scale factor in address must be 1, 2, 4 or 8";
469            return true;
470          }
471          // Get the scale and replace the 'Register * Scale' with '0'.
472          IC.popOperator();
473        } else if ((PrevState == IES_PLUS || PrevState == IES_MINUS ||
474                    PrevState == IES_OR || PrevState == IES_AND ||
475                    PrevState == IES_LSHIFT || PrevState == IES_RSHIFT ||
476                    PrevState == IES_MULTIPLY || PrevState == IES_DIVIDE ||
477                    PrevState == IES_LPAREN || PrevState == IES_LBRAC) &&
478                   CurrState == IES_MINUS) {
479          // Unary minus.  No need to pop the minus operand because it was never
480          // pushed.
481          IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM, -TmpInt); // Push -Imm.
482        } else {
483          IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM, TmpInt);
484        }
485        break;
486      }
487      PrevState = CurrState;
488      return false;
489    }
490    void onStar() {
491      PrevState = State;
492      switch (State) {
493      default:
494        State = IES_ERROR;
495        break;
496      case IES_INTEGER:
497      case IES_REGISTER:
498      case IES_RPAREN:
499        State = IES_MULTIPLY;
500        IC.pushOperator(IC_MULTIPLY);
501        break;
502      }
503    }
504    void onDivide() {
505      PrevState = State;
506      switch (State) {
507      default:
508        State = IES_ERROR;
509        break;
510      case IES_INTEGER:
511      case IES_RPAREN:
512        State = IES_DIVIDE;
513        IC.pushOperator(IC_DIVIDE);
514        break;
515      }
516    }
517    void onLBrac() {
518      PrevState = State;
519      switch (State) {
520      default:
521        State = IES_ERROR;
522        break;
523      case IES_RBRAC:
524        State = IES_PLUS;
525        IC.pushOperator(IC_PLUS);
526        break;
527      }
528    }
529    void onRBrac() {
530      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
531      switch (State) {
532      default:
533        State = IES_ERROR;
534        break;
535      case IES_INTEGER:
536      case IES_REGISTER:
537      case IES_RPAREN:
538        State = IES_RBRAC;
539        if (CurrState == IES_REGISTER && PrevState != IES_MULTIPLY) {
540          // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with
541          // a scale of 1.
542          if (!BaseReg) {
543            BaseReg = TmpReg;
544          } else {
545            assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
546            IndexReg = TmpReg;
547            Scale = 1;
548          }
549        }
550        break;
551      }
552      PrevState = CurrState;
553    }
554    void onLParen() {
555      IntelExprState CurrState = State;
556      switch (State) {
557      default:
558        State = IES_ERROR;
559        break;
560      case IES_PLUS:
561      case IES_MINUS:
562      case IES_OR:
563      case IES_AND:
564      case IES_LSHIFT:
565      case IES_RSHIFT:
566      case IES_MULTIPLY:
567      case IES_DIVIDE:
568      case IES_LPAREN:
569        // FIXME: We don't handle this type of unary minus, yet.
570        if ((PrevState == IES_PLUS || PrevState == IES_MINUS ||
571            PrevState == IES_OR || PrevState == IES_AND ||
572            PrevState == IES_LSHIFT || PrevState == IES_RSHIFT ||
573            PrevState == IES_MULTIPLY || PrevState == IES_DIVIDE ||
574            PrevState == IES_LPAREN || PrevState == IES_LBRAC) &&
575            CurrState == IES_MINUS) {
576          State = IES_ERROR;
577          break;
578        }
579        State = IES_LPAREN;
580        IC.pushOperator(IC_LPAREN);
581        break;
582      }
583      PrevState = CurrState;
584    }
585    void onRParen() {
586      PrevState = State;
587      switch (State) {
588      default:
589        State = IES_ERROR;
590        break;
591      case IES_INTEGER:
592      case IES_REGISTER:
593      case IES_RPAREN:
594        State = IES_RPAREN;
595        IC.pushOperator(IC_RPAREN);
596        break;
597      }
598    }
599  };
601  MCAsmParser &getParser() const { return Parser; }
603  MCAsmLexer &getLexer() const { return Parser.getLexer(); }
605  bool Error(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg,
606             ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = None,
607             bool MatchingInlineAsm = false) {
608    if (MatchingInlineAsm) return true;
609    return Parser.Error(L, Msg, Ranges);
610  }
612  bool ErrorAndEatStatement(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg,
613          ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = None,
614          bool MatchingInlineAsm = false) {
615      Parser.eatToEndOfStatement();
616      return Error(L, Msg, Ranges, MatchingInlineAsm);
617  }
619  X86Operand *ErrorOperand(SMLoc Loc, StringRef Msg) {
620    Error(Loc, Msg);
621    return 0;
622  }
624  X86Operand *DefaultMemSIOperand(SMLoc Loc);
625  X86Operand *DefaultMemDIOperand(SMLoc Loc);
626  X86Operand *ParseOperand();
627  X86Operand *ParseATTOperand();
628  X86Operand *ParseIntelOperand();
629  X86Operand *ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator();
630  bool ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp, const MCExpr *&NewDisp);
631  X86Operand *ParseIntelOperator(unsigned OpKind);
632  X86Operand *ParseIntelSegmentOverride(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc Start, unsigned Size);
633  X86Operand *ParseIntelMemOperand(int64_t ImmDisp, SMLoc StartLoc,
634                                   unsigned Size);
635  bool ParseIntelExpression(IntelExprStateMachine &SM, SMLoc &End);
636  X86Operand *ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc Start,
637                                       int64_t ImmDisp, unsigned Size);
638  bool ParseIntelIdentifier(const MCExpr *&Val, StringRef &Identifier,
639                            InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info,
640                            bool IsUnevaluatedOperand, SMLoc &End);
642  X86Operand *ParseMemOperand(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc StartLoc);
644  X86Operand *CreateMemForInlineAsm(unsigned SegReg, const MCExpr *Disp,
645                                    unsigned BaseReg, unsigned IndexReg,
646                                    unsigned Scale, SMLoc Start, SMLoc End,
647                                    unsigned Size, StringRef Identifier,
648                                    InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info);
650  bool ParseDirectiveWord(unsigned Size, SMLoc L);
651  bool ParseDirectiveCode(StringRef IDVal, SMLoc L);
653  bool processInstruction(MCInst &Inst,
654                          const SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Ops);
656  /// Wrapper around MCStreamer::EmitInstruction(). Possibly adds
657  /// instrumentation around Inst.
658  void EmitInstruction(MCInst &Inst,
659                       SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand *> &Operands,
660                       MCStreamer &Out);
662  bool MatchAndEmitInstruction(SMLoc IDLoc, unsigned &Opcode,
663                               SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands,
664                               MCStreamer &Out, unsigned &ErrorInfo,
665                               bool MatchingInlineAsm) override;
667  /// doSrcDstMatch - Returns true if operands are matching in their
668  /// word size (%si and %di, %esi and %edi, etc.). Order depends on
669  /// the parsing mode (Intel vs. AT&T).
670  bool doSrcDstMatch(X86Operand &Op1, X86Operand &Op2);
672  /// Parses AVX512 specific operand primitives: masked registers ({%k<NUM>}, {z})
673  /// and memory broadcasting ({1to<NUM>}) primitives, updating Operands vector if required.
674  /// \return \c true if no parsing errors occurred, \c false otherwise.
675  bool HandleAVX512Operand(SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands,
676                            const MCParsedAsmOperand &Op);
678  bool is64BitMode() const {
679    // FIXME: Can tablegen auto-generate this?
680    return (STI.getFeatureBits() & X86::Mode64Bit) != 0;
681  }
682  bool is32BitMode() const {
683    // FIXME: Can tablegen auto-generate this?
684    return (STI.getFeatureBits() & X86::Mode32Bit) != 0;
685  }
686  bool is16BitMode() const {
687    // FIXME: Can tablegen auto-generate this?
688    return (STI.getFeatureBits() & X86::Mode16Bit) != 0;
689  }
690  void SwitchMode(uint64_t mode) {
691    uint64_t oldMode = STI.getFeatureBits() &
692        (X86::Mode64Bit | X86::Mode32Bit | X86::Mode16Bit);
693    unsigned FB = ComputeAvailableFeatures(STI.ToggleFeature(oldMode | mode));
694    setAvailableFeatures(FB);
695    assert(mode == (STI.getFeatureBits() &
696                    (X86::Mode64Bit | X86::Mode32Bit | X86::Mode16Bit)));
697  }
699  bool isParsingIntelSyntax() {
700    return getParser().getAssemblerDialect();
701  }
703  /// @name Auto-generated Matcher Functions
704  /// {
707#include "X86GenAsmMatcher.inc"
709  /// }
712  X86AsmParser(MCSubtargetInfo &sti, MCAsmParser &parser,
713               const MCInstrInfo &MII)
714      : MCTargetAsmParser(), STI(sti), Parser(parser), InstInfo(0) {
716    // Initialize the set of available features.
717    setAvailableFeatures(ComputeAvailableFeatures(STI.getFeatureBits()));
718    Instrumentation.reset(CreateX86AsmInstrumentation(STI));
719  }
720  bool ParseRegister(unsigned &RegNo, SMLoc &StartLoc, SMLoc &EndLoc) override;
722  bool
723    ParseInstruction(ParseInstructionInfo &Info, StringRef Name, SMLoc NameLoc,
724                     SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands) override;
726  bool ParseDirective(AsmToken DirectiveID) override;
728} // end anonymous namespace
730/// @name Auto-generated Match Functions
731/// {
733static unsigned MatchRegisterName(StringRef Name);
735/// }
737static bool CheckBaseRegAndIndexReg(unsigned BaseReg, unsigned IndexReg,
738                                    StringRef &ErrMsg) {
739  // If we have both a base register and an index register make sure they are
740  // both 64-bit or 32-bit registers.
741  // To support VSIB, IndexReg can be 128-bit or 256-bit registers.
742  if (BaseReg != 0 && IndexReg != 0) {
743    if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR64RegClassID].contains(BaseReg) &&
744        (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(IndexReg) ||
745         X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR32RegClassID].contains(IndexReg)) &&
746        IndexReg != X86::RIZ) {
747      ErrMsg = "base register is 64-bit, but index register is not";
748      return true;
749    }
750    if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR32RegClassID].contains(BaseReg) &&
751        (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(IndexReg) ||
752         X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR64RegClassID].contains(IndexReg)) &&
753        IndexReg != X86::EIZ){
754      ErrMsg = "base register is 32-bit, but index register is not";
755      return true;
756    }
757    if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(BaseReg)) {
758      if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR32RegClassID].contains(IndexReg) ||
759          X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR64RegClassID].contains(IndexReg)) {
760        ErrMsg = "base register is 16-bit, but index register is not";
761        return true;
762      }
763      if (((BaseReg == X86::BX || BaseReg == X86::BP) &&
764           IndexReg != X86::SI && IndexReg != X86::DI) ||
765          ((BaseReg == X86::SI || BaseReg == X86::DI) &&
766           IndexReg != X86::BX && IndexReg != X86::BP)) {
767        ErrMsg = "invalid 16-bit base/index register combination";
768        return true;
769      }
770    }
771  }
772  return false;
775bool X86AsmParser::doSrcDstMatch(X86Operand &Op1, X86Operand &Op2)
777  // Return true and let a normal complaint about bogus operands happen.
778  if (!Op1.isMem() || !Op2.isMem())
779    return true;
781  // Actually these might be the other way round if Intel syntax is
782  // being used. It doesn't matter.
783  unsigned diReg = Op1.Mem.BaseReg;
784  unsigned siReg = Op2.Mem.BaseReg;
786  if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(siReg))
787    return X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(diReg);
788  if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR32RegClassID].contains(siReg))
789    return X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR32RegClassID].contains(diReg);
790  if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR64RegClassID].contains(siReg))
791    return X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR64RegClassID].contains(diReg);
792  // Again, return true and let another error happen.
793  return true;
796bool X86AsmParser::ParseRegister(unsigned &RegNo,
797                                 SMLoc &StartLoc, SMLoc &EndLoc) {
798  RegNo = 0;
799  const AsmToken &PercentTok = Parser.getTok();
800  StartLoc = PercentTok.getLoc();
802  // If we encounter a %, ignore it. This code handles registers with and
803  // without the prefix, unprefixed registers can occur in cfi directives.
804  if (!isParsingIntelSyntax() && PercentTok.is(AsmToken::Percent))
805    Parser.Lex(); // Eat percent token.
807  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
808  EndLoc = Tok.getEndLoc();
810  if (Tok.isNot(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
811    if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) return true;
812    return Error(StartLoc, "invalid register name",
813                 SMRange(StartLoc, EndLoc));
814  }
816  RegNo = MatchRegisterName(Tok.getString());
818  // If the match failed, try the register name as lowercase.
819  if (RegNo == 0)
820    RegNo = MatchRegisterName(Tok.getString().lower());
822  if (!is64BitMode()) {
823    // FIXME: This should be done using Requires<Not64BitMode> and
824    // Requires<In64BitMode> so "eiz" usage in 64-bit instructions can be also
825    // checked.
826    // FIXME: Check AH, CH, DH, BH cannot be used in an instruction requiring a
827    // REX prefix.
828    if (RegNo == X86::RIZ ||
829        X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR64RegClassID].contains(RegNo) ||
830        X86II::isX86_64NonExtLowByteReg(RegNo) ||
831        X86II::isX86_64ExtendedReg(RegNo))
832      return Error(StartLoc, "register %"
833                   + Tok.getString() + " is only available in 64-bit mode",
834                   SMRange(StartLoc, EndLoc));
835  }
837  // Parse "%st" as "%st(0)" and "%st(1)", which is multiple tokens.
838  if (RegNo == 0 && (Tok.getString() == "st" || Tok.getString() == "ST")) {
839    RegNo = X86::ST0;
840    Parser.Lex(); // Eat 'st'
842    // Check to see if we have '(4)' after %st.
843    if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LParen))
844      return false;
845    // Lex the paren.
846    getParser().Lex();
848    const AsmToken &IntTok = Parser.getTok();
849    if (IntTok.isNot(AsmToken::Integer))
850      return Error(IntTok.getLoc(), "expected stack index");
851    switch (IntTok.getIntVal()) {
852    case 0: RegNo = X86::ST0; break;
853    case 1: RegNo = X86::ST1; break;
854    case 2: RegNo = X86::ST2; break;
855    case 3: RegNo = X86::ST3; break;
856    case 4: RegNo = X86::ST4; break;
857    case 5: RegNo = X86::ST5; break;
858    case 6: RegNo = X86::ST6; break;
859    case 7: RegNo = X86::ST7; break;
860    default: return Error(IntTok.getLoc(), "invalid stack index");
861    }
863    if (getParser().Lex().isNot(AsmToken::RParen))
864      return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "expected ')'");
866    EndLoc = Parser.getTok().getEndLoc();
867    Parser.Lex(); // Eat ')'
868    return false;
869  }
871  EndLoc = Parser.getTok().getEndLoc();
873  // If this is "db[0-7]", match it as an alias
874  // for dr[0-7].
875  if (RegNo == 0 && Tok.getString().size() == 3 &&
876      Tok.getString().startswith("db")) {
877    switch (Tok.getString()[2]) {
878    case '0': RegNo = X86::DR0; break;
879    case '1': RegNo = X86::DR1; break;
880    case '2': RegNo = X86::DR2; break;
881    case '3': RegNo = X86::DR3; break;
882    case '4': RegNo = X86::DR4; break;
883    case '5': RegNo = X86::DR5; break;
884    case '6': RegNo = X86::DR6; break;
885    case '7': RegNo = X86::DR7; break;
886    }
888    if (RegNo != 0) {
889      EndLoc = Parser.getTok().getEndLoc();
890      Parser.Lex(); // Eat it.
891      return false;
892    }
893  }
895  if (RegNo == 0) {
896    if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) return true;
897    return Error(StartLoc, "invalid register name",
898                 SMRange(StartLoc, EndLoc));
899  }
901  Parser.Lex(); // Eat identifier token.
902  return false;
905X86Operand *X86AsmParser::DefaultMemSIOperand(SMLoc Loc) {
906  unsigned basereg =
907    is64BitMode() ? X86::RSI : (is32BitMode() ? X86::ESI : X86::SI);
908  const MCExpr *Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(0, getContext());
909  return X86Operand::CreateMem(/*SegReg=*/0, Disp, /*BaseReg=*/basereg,
910                               /*IndexReg=*/0, /*Scale=*/1, Loc, Loc, 0);
913X86Operand *X86AsmParser::DefaultMemDIOperand(SMLoc Loc) {
914  unsigned basereg =
915    is64BitMode() ? X86::RDI : (is32BitMode() ? X86::EDI : X86::DI);
916  const MCExpr *Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(0, getContext());
917  return X86Operand::CreateMem(/*SegReg=*/0, Disp, /*BaseReg=*/basereg,
918                               /*IndexReg=*/0, /*Scale=*/1, Loc, Loc, 0);
921X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseOperand() {
922  if (isParsingIntelSyntax())
923    return ParseIntelOperand();
924  return ParseATTOperand();
927/// getIntelMemOperandSize - Return intel memory operand size.
928static unsigned getIntelMemOperandSize(StringRef OpStr) {
929  unsigned Size = StringSwitch<unsigned>(OpStr)
930    .Cases("BYTE", "byte", 8)
931    .Cases("WORD", "word", 16)
932    .Cases("DWORD", "dword", 32)
933    .Cases("QWORD", "qword", 64)
934    .Cases("XWORD", "xword", 80)
935    .Cases("XMMWORD", "xmmword", 128)
936    .Cases("YMMWORD", "ymmword", 256)
937    .Cases("ZMMWORD", "zmmword", 512)
938    .Cases("OPAQUE", "opaque", -1U) // needs to be non-zero, but doesn't matter
939    .Default(0);
940  return Size;
943X86Operand *
944X86AsmParser::CreateMemForInlineAsm(unsigned SegReg, const MCExpr *Disp,
945                                    unsigned BaseReg, unsigned IndexReg,
946                                    unsigned Scale, SMLoc Start, SMLoc End,
947                                    unsigned Size, StringRef Identifier,
948                                    InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info){
949  // If this is not a VarDecl then assume it is a FuncDecl or some other label
950  // reference.  We need an 'r' constraint here, so we need to create register
951  // operand to ensure proper matching.  Just pick a GPR based on the size of
952  // a pointer.
953  if (isa<MCSymbolRefExpr>(Disp) && !Info.IsVarDecl) {
954    unsigned RegNo =
955        is64BitMode() ? X86::RBX : (is32BitMode() ? X86::EBX : X86::BX);
956    return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End, /*AddressOf=*/true,
957                                 SMLoc(), Identifier, Info.OpDecl);
958  }
960  // We either have a direct symbol reference, or an offset from a symbol.  The
961  // parser always puts the symbol on the LHS, so look there for size
962  // calculation purposes.
963  const MCBinaryExpr *BinOp = dyn_cast<MCBinaryExpr>(Disp);
964  bool IsSymRef =
965      isa<MCSymbolRefExpr>(BinOp ? BinOp->getLHS() : Disp);
966  if (IsSymRef) {
967    if (!Size) {
968      Size = Info.Type * 8; // Size is in terms of bits in this context.
969      if (Size)
970        InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_SizeDirective, Start,
971                                                    /*Len=*/0, Size));
972    }
973  }
975  // When parsing inline assembly we set the base register to a non-zero value
976  // if we don't know the actual value at this time.  This is necessary to
977  // get the matching correct in some cases.
978  BaseReg = BaseReg ? BaseReg : 1;
979  return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale, Start,
980                               End, Size, Identifier, Info.OpDecl);
983static void
984RewriteIntelBracExpression(SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite> *AsmRewrites,
985                           StringRef SymName, int64_t ImmDisp,
986                           int64_t FinalImmDisp, SMLoc &BracLoc,
987                           SMLoc &StartInBrac, SMLoc &End) {
988  // Remove the '[' and ']' from the IR string.
989  AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, BracLoc, 1));
990  AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, End, 1));
992  // If ImmDisp is non-zero, then we parsed a displacement before the
993  // bracketed expression (i.e., ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp])
994  // If ImmDisp doesn't match the displacement computed by the state machine
995  // then we have an additional displacement in the bracketed expression.
996  if (ImmDisp != FinalImmDisp) {
997    if (ImmDisp) {
998      // We have an immediate displacement before the bracketed expression.
999      // Adjust this to match the final immediate displacement.
1000      bool Found = false;
1001      for (SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite>::iterator I = AsmRewrites->begin(),
1002             E = AsmRewrites->end(); I != E; ++I) {
1003        if ((*I).Loc.getPointer() > BracLoc.getPointer())
1004          continue;
1005        if ((*I).Kind == AOK_ImmPrefix || (*I).Kind == AOK_Imm) {
1006          assert (!Found && "ImmDisp already rewritten.");
1007          (*I).Kind = AOK_Imm;
1008          (*I).Len = BracLoc.getPointer() - (*I).Loc.getPointer();
1009          (*I).Val = FinalImmDisp;
1010          Found = true;
1011          break;
1012        }
1013      }
1014      assert (Found && "Unable to rewrite ImmDisp.");
1015      (void)Found;
1016    } else {
1017      // We have a symbolic and an immediate displacement, but no displacement
1018      // before the bracketed expression.  Put the immediate displacement
1019      // before the bracketed expression.
1020      AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Imm, BracLoc, 0, FinalImmDisp));
1021    }
1022  }
1023  // Remove all the ImmPrefix rewrites within the brackets.
1024  for (SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite>::iterator I = AsmRewrites->begin(),
1025         E = AsmRewrites->end(); I != E; ++I) {
1026    if ((*I).Loc.getPointer() < StartInBrac.getPointer())
1027      continue;
1028    if ((*I).Kind == AOK_ImmPrefix)
1029      (*I).Kind = AOK_Delete;
1030  }
1031  const char *SymLocPtr = SymName.data();
1032  // Skip everything before the symbol.
1033  if (unsigned Len = SymLocPtr - StartInBrac.getPointer()) {
1034    assert(Len > 0 && "Expected a non-negative length.");
1035    AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, StartInBrac, Len));
1036  }
1037  // Skip everything after the symbol.
1038  if (unsigned Len = End.getPointer() - (SymLocPtr + SymName.size())) {
1039    SMLoc Loc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(SymLocPtr + SymName.size());
1040    assert(Len > 0 && "Expected a non-negative length.");
1041    AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, Loc, Len));
1042  }
1045bool X86AsmParser::ParseIntelExpression(IntelExprStateMachine &SM, SMLoc &End) {
1046  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
1048  bool Done = false;
1049  while (!Done) {
1050    bool UpdateLocLex = true;
1052    // The period in the dot operator (e.g., [ebx].foo.bar) is parsed as an
1053    // identifier.  Don't try an parse it as a register.
1054    if (Tok.getString().startswith("."))
1055      break;
1057    // If we're parsing an immediate expression, we don't expect a '['.
1058    if (SM.getStopOnLBrac() && getLexer().getKind() == AsmToken::LBrac)
1059      break;
1061    switch (getLexer().getKind()) {
1062    default: {
1063      if (SM.isValidEndState()) {
1064        Done = true;
1065        break;
1066      }
1067      return Error(Tok.getLoc(), "unknown token in expression");
1068    }
1069    case AsmToken::EndOfStatement: {
1070      Done = true;
1071      break;
1072    }
1073    case AsmToken::Identifier: {
1074      // This could be a register or a symbolic displacement.
1075      unsigned TmpReg;
1076      const MCExpr *Val;
1077      SMLoc IdentLoc = Tok.getLoc();
1078      StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
1079      if(!ParseRegister(TmpReg, IdentLoc, End)) {
1080        SM.onRegister(TmpReg);
1081        UpdateLocLex = false;
1082        break;
1083      } else {
1084        if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
1085          if (getParser().parsePrimaryExpr(Val, End))
1086            return Error(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected identifier!");
1087        } else {
1088          // This is a dot operator, not an adjacent identifier.
1089          if (Identifier.find('.') != StringRef::npos) {
1090            return false;
1091          } else {
1092            InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info = SM.getIdentifierInfo();
1093            if (ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
1094                                     /*Unevaluated=*/false, End))
1095              return true;
1096          }
1097        }
1098        SM.onIdentifierExpr(Val, Identifier);
1099        UpdateLocLex = false;
1100        break;
1101      }
1102      return Error(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected identifier!");
1103    }
1104    case AsmToken::Integer: {
1105      StringRef ErrMsg;
1106      if (isParsingInlineAsm() && SM.getAddImmPrefix())
1107        InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_ImmPrefix,
1108                                                    Tok.getLoc()));
1109      // Look for 'b' or 'f' following an Integer as a directional label
1110      SMLoc Loc = getTok().getLoc();
1111      int64_t IntVal = getTok().getIntVal();
1112      End = consumeToken();
1113      UpdateLocLex = false;
1114      if (getLexer().getKind() == AsmToken::Identifier) {
1115        StringRef IDVal = getTok().getString();
1116        if (IDVal == "f" || IDVal == "b") {
1117          MCSymbol *Sym =
1118              getContext().GetDirectionalLocalSymbol(IntVal, IDVal == "b");
1119          MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Variant = MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None;
1120          const MCExpr *Val =
1121	    MCSymbolRefExpr::Create(Sym, Variant, getContext());
1122          if (IDVal == "b" && Sym->isUndefined())
1123            return Error(Loc, "invalid reference to undefined symbol");
1124          StringRef Identifier = Sym->getName();
1125          SM.onIdentifierExpr(Val, Identifier);
1126          End = consumeToken();
1127        } else {
1128          if (SM.onInteger(IntVal, ErrMsg))
1129            return Error(Loc, ErrMsg);
1130        }
1131      } else {
1132        if (SM.onInteger(IntVal, ErrMsg))
1133          return Error(Loc, ErrMsg);
1134      }
1135      break;
1136    }
1137    case AsmToken::Plus:    SM.onPlus(); break;
1138    case AsmToken::Minus:   SM.onMinus(); break;
1139    case AsmToken::Star:    SM.onStar(); break;
1140    case AsmToken::Slash:   SM.onDivide(); break;
1141    case AsmToken::Pipe:    SM.onOr(); break;
1142    case AsmToken::Amp:     SM.onAnd(); break;
1143    case AsmToken::LessLess:
1144                            SM.onLShift(); break;
1145    case AsmToken::GreaterGreater:
1146                            SM.onRShift(); break;
1147    case AsmToken::LBrac:   SM.onLBrac(); break;
1148    case AsmToken::RBrac:   SM.onRBrac(); break;
1149    case AsmToken::LParen:  SM.onLParen(); break;
1150    case AsmToken::RParen:  SM.onRParen(); break;
1151    }
1152    if (SM.hadError())
1153      return Error(Tok.getLoc(), "unknown token in expression");
1155    if (!Done && UpdateLocLex)
1156      End = consumeToken();
1157  }
1158  return false;
1161X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc Start,
1162                                                   int64_t ImmDisp,
1163                                                   unsigned Size) {
1164  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
1165  SMLoc BracLoc = Tok.getLoc(), End = Tok.getEndLoc();
1166  if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac))
1167    return ErrorOperand(BracLoc, "Expected '[' token!");
1168  Parser.Lex(); // Eat '['
1170  SMLoc StartInBrac = Tok.getLoc();
1171  // Parse [ Symbol + ImmDisp ] and [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + ImmDisp ].  We
1172  // may have already parsed an immediate displacement before the bracketed
1173  // expression.
1174  IntelExprStateMachine SM(ImmDisp, /*StopOnLBrac=*/false, /*AddImmPrefix=*/true);
1175  if (ParseIntelExpression(SM, End))
1176    return 0;
1178  const MCExpr *Disp = 0;
1179  if (const MCExpr *Sym = SM.getSym()) {
1180    // A symbolic displacement.
1181    Disp = Sym;
1182    if (isParsingInlineAsm())
1183      RewriteIntelBracExpression(InstInfo->AsmRewrites, SM.getSymName(),
1184                                 ImmDisp, SM.getImm(), BracLoc, StartInBrac,
1185                                 End);
1186  }
1188  if (SM.getImm() || !Disp) {
1189    const MCExpr *Imm = MCConstantExpr::Create(SM.getImm(), getContext());
1190    if (Disp)
1191      Disp = MCBinaryExpr::CreateAdd(Disp, Imm, getContext());
1192    else
1193      Disp = Imm;  // An immediate displacement only.
1194  }
1196  // Parse struct field access.  Intel requires a dot, but MSVC doesn't.  MSVC
1197  // will in fact do global lookup the field name inside all global typedefs,
1198  // but we don't emulate that.
1199  if (Tok.getString().find('.') != StringRef::npos) {
1200    const MCExpr *NewDisp;
1201    if (ParseIntelDotOperator(Disp, NewDisp))
1202      return 0;
1204    End = Tok.getEndLoc();
1205    Parser.Lex();  // Eat the field.
1206    Disp = NewDisp;
1207  }
1209  int BaseReg = SM.getBaseReg();
1210  int IndexReg = SM.getIndexReg();
1211  int Scale = SM.getScale();
1212  if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
1213    // handle [-42]
1214    if (!BaseReg && !IndexReg) {
1215      if (!SegReg)
1216        return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, Start, End, Size);
1217      else
1218        return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, 0, 0, 1, Start, End, Size);
1219    }
1220    StringRef ErrMsg;
1221    if (CheckBaseRegAndIndexReg(BaseReg, IndexReg, ErrMsg)) {
1222      Error(StartInBrac, ErrMsg);
1223      return 0;
1224    }
1225    return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale, Start,
1226                                 End, Size);
1227  }
1229  InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info = SM.getIdentifierInfo();
1230  return CreateMemForInlineAsm(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale, Start,
1231                               End, Size, SM.getSymName(), Info);
1234// Inline assembly may use variable names with namespace alias qualifiers.
1235bool X86AsmParser::ParseIntelIdentifier(const MCExpr *&Val,
1236                                        StringRef &Identifier,
1237                                        InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info,
1238                                        bool IsUnevaluatedOperand, SMLoc &End) {
1239  assert (isParsingInlineAsm() && "Expected to be parsing inline assembly.");
1240  Val = 0;
1242  StringRef LineBuf(Identifier.data());
1243  SemaCallback->LookupInlineAsmIdentifier(LineBuf, Info, IsUnevaluatedOperand);
1245  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
1247  // Advance the token stream until the end of the current token is
1248  // after the end of what the frontend claimed.
1249  const char *EndPtr = Tok.getLoc().getPointer() + LineBuf.size();
1250  while (true) {
1251    End = Tok.getEndLoc();
1252    getLexer().Lex();
1254    assert(End.getPointer() <= EndPtr && "frontend claimed part of a token?");
1255    if (End.getPointer() == EndPtr) break;
1256  }
1258  // Create the symbol reference.
1259  Identifier = LineBuf;
1260  MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().GetOrCreateSymbol(Identifier);
1261  MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Variant = MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None;
1262  Val = MCSymbolRefExpr::Create(Sym, Variant, getParser().getContext());
1263  return false;
1266/// \brief Parse intel style segment override.
1267X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelSegmentOverride(unsigned SegReg,
1268                                                    SMLoc Start,
1269                                                    unsigned Size) {
1270  assert(SegReg != 0 && "Tried to parse a segment override without a segment!");
1271  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok(); // Eat colon.
1272  if (Tok.isNot(AsmToken::Colon))
1273    return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Expected ':' token!");
1274  Parser.Lex(); // Eat ':'
1276  int64_t ImmDisp = 0;
1277  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
1278    ImmDisp = Tok.getIntVal();
1279    AsmToken ImmDispToken = Parser.Lex(); // Eat the integer.
1281    if (isParsingInlineAsm())
1282      InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(
1283          AsmRewrite(AOK_ImmPrefix, ImmDispToken.getLoc()));
1285    if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac)) {
1286      // An immediate following a 'segment register', 'colon' token sequence can
1287      // be followed by a bracketed expression.  If it isn't we know we have our
1288      // final segment override.
1289      const MCExpr *Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(ImmDisp, getContext());
1290      return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, /*BaseReg=*/0, /*IndexReg=*/0,
1291                                   /*Scale=*/1, Start, ImmDispToken.getEndLoc(),
1292                                   Size);
1293    }
1294  }
1296  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::LBrac))
1297    return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, Start, ImmDisp, Size);
1299  const MCExpr *Val;
1300  SMLoc End;
1301  if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
1302    if (getParser().parsePrimaryExpr(Val, End))
1303      return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "unknown token in expression");
1305    return X86Operand::CreateMem(Val, Start, End, Size);
1306  }
1308  InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
1309  StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
1310  if (ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
1311                           /*Unevaluated=*/false, End))
1312    return 0;
1313  return CreateMemForInlineAsm(/*SegReg=*/0, Val, /*BaseReg=*/0,/*IndexReg=*/0,
1314                               /*Scale=*/1, Start, End, Size, Identifier, Info);
1317/// ParseIntelMemOperand - Parse intel style memory operand.
1318X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelMemOperand(int64_t ImmDisp, SMLoc Start,
1319                                               unsigned Size) {
1320  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
1321  SMLoc End;
1323  // Parse ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp ].
1324  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::LBrac))
1325    return ParseIntelBracExpression(/*SegReg=*/0, Start, ImmDisp, Size);
1326  assert(ImmDisp == 0);
1328  const MCExpr *Val;
1329  if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
1330    if (getParser().parsePrimaryExpr(Val, End))
1331      return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "unknown token in expression");
1333    return X86Operand::CreateMem(Val, Start, End, Size);
1334  }
1336  InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
1337  StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
1338  if (ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
1339                           /*Unevaluated=*/false, End))
1340    return 0;
1342  if (!getLexer().is(AsmToken::LBrac))
1343    return CreateMemForInlineAsm(/*SegReg=*/0, Val, /*BaseReg=*/0, /*IndexReg=*/0,
1344                                 /*Scale=*/1, Start, End, Size, Identifier, Info);
1346  Parser.Lex(); // Eat '['
1348  // Parse Identifier [ ImmDisp ]
1349  IntelExprStateMachine SM(/*ImmDisp=*/0, /*StopOnLBrac=*/true,
1350                           /*AddImmPrefix=*/false);
1351  if (ParseIntelExpression(SM, End))
1352    return 0;
1354  if (SM.getSym()) {
1355    Error(Start, "cannot use more than one symbol in memory operand");
1356    return 0;
1357  }
1358  if (SM.getBaseReg()) {
1359    Error(Start, "cannot use base register with variable reference");
1360    return 0;
1361  }
1362  if (SM.getIndexReg()) {
1363    Error(Start, "cannot use index register with variable reference");
1364    return 0;
1365  }
1367  const MCExpr *Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(SM.getImm(), getContext());
1368  // BaseReg is non-zero to avoid assertions.  In the context of inline asm,
1369  // we're pointing to a local variable in memory, so the base register is
1370  // really the frame or stack pointer.
1371  return X86Operand::CreateMem(/*SegReg=*/0, Disp, /*BaseReg=*/1, /*IndexReg=*/0,
1372                               /*Scale=*/1, Start, End, Size, Identifier,
1373                               Info.OpDecl);
1376/// Parse the '.' operator.
1377bool X86AsmParser::ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp,
1378                                                const MCExpr *&NewDisp) {
1379  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
1380  int64_t OrigDispVal, DotDispVal;
1382  // FIXME: Handle non-constant expressions.
1383  if (const MCConstantExpr *OrigDisp = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Disp))
1384    OrigDispVal = OrigDisp->getValue();
1385  else
1386    return Error(Tok.getLoc(), "Non-constant offsets are not supported!");
1388  // Drop the optional '.'.
1389  StringRef DotDispStr = Tok.getString();
1390  if (DotDispStr.startswith("."))
1391    DotDispStr = DotDispStr.drop_front(1);
1393  // .Imm gets lexed as a real.
1394  if (Tok.is(AsmToken::Real)) {
1395    APInt DotDisp;
1396    DotDispStr.getAsInteger(10, DotDisp);
1397    DotDispVal = DotDisp.getZExtValue();
1398  } else if (isParsingInlineAsm() && Tok.is(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
1399    unsigned DotDisp;
1400    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> BaseMember = DotDispStr.split('.');
1401    if (SemaCallback->LookupInlineAsmField(BaseMember.first, BaseMember.second,
1402                                           DotDisp))
1403      return Error(Tok.getLoc(), "Unable to lookup field reference!");
1404    DotDispVal = DotDisp;
1405  } else
1406    return Error(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected token type!");
1408  if (isParsingInlineAsm() && Tok.is(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
1409    SMLoc Loc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(DotDispStr.data());
1410    unsigned Len = DotDispStr.size();
1411    unsigned Val = OrigDispVal + DotDispVal;
1412    InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_DotOperator, Loc, Len,
1413                                                Val));
1414  }
1416  NewDisp = MCConstantExpr::Create(OrigDispVal + DotDispVal, getContext());
1417  return false;
1420/// Parse the 'offset' operator.  This operator is used to specify the
1421/// location rather then the content of a variable.
1422X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator() {
1423  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
1424  SMLoc OffsetOfLoc = Tok.getLoc();
1425  Parser.Lex(); // Eat offset.
1427  const MCExpr *Val;
1428  InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
1429  SMLoc Start = Tok.getLoc(), End;
1430  StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
1431  if (ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
1432                           /*Unevaluated=*/false, End))
1433    return 0;
1435  // Don't emit the offset operator.
1436  InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, OffsetOfLoc, 7));
1438  // The offset operator will have an 'r' constraint, thus we need to create
1439  // register operand to ensure proper matching.  Just pick a GPR based on
1440  // the size of a pointer.
1441  unsigned RegNo =
1442      is64BitMode() ? X86::RBX : (is32BitMode() ? X86::EBX : X86::BX);
1443  return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End, /*GetAddress=*/true,
1444                               OffsetOfLoc, Identifier, Info.OpDecl);
1447enum IntelOperatorKind {
1449  IOK_SIZE,
1450  IOK_TYPE
1453/// Parse the 'LENGTH', 'TYPE' and 'SIZE' operators.  The LENGTH operator
1454/// returns the number of elements in an array.  It returns the value 1 for
1455/// non-array variables.  The SIZE operator returns the size of a C or C++
1456/// variable.  A variable's size is the product of its LENGTH and TYPE.  The
1457/// TYPE operator returns the size of a C or C++ type or variable. If the
1458/// variable is an array, TYPE returns the size of a single element.
1459X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOperator(unsigned OpKind) {
1460  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
1461  SMLoc TypeLoc = Tok.getLoc();
1462  Parser.Lex(); // Eat operator.
1464  const MCExpr *Val = 0;
1465  InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
1466  SMLoc Start = Tok.getLoc(), End;
1467  StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
1468  if (ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
1469                           /*Unevaluated=*/true, End))
1470    return 0;
1472  if (!Info.OpDecl)
1473    return ErrorOperand(Start, "unable to lookup expression");
1475  unsigned CVal = 0;
1476  switch(OpKind) {
1477  default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected operand kind!");
1478  case IOK_LENGTH: CVal = Info.Length; break;
1479  case IOK_SIZE: CVal = Info.Size; break;
1480  case IOK_TYPE: CVal = Info.Type; break;
1481  }
1483  // Rewrite the type operator and the C or C++ type or variable in terms of an
1484  // immediate.  E.g. TYPE foo -> $$4
1485  unsigned Len = End.getPointer() - TypeLoc.getPointer();
1486  InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Imm, TypeLoc, Len, CVal));
1488  const MCExpr *Imm = MCConstantExpr::Create(CVal, getContext());
1489  return X86Operand::CreateImm(Imm, Start, End);
1492X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOperand() {
1493  const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
1494  SMLoc Start, End;
1496  // Offset, length, type and size operators.
1497  if (isParsingInlineAsm()) {
1498    StringRef AsmTokStr = Tok.getString();
1499    if (AsmTokStr == "offset" || AsmTokStr == "OFFSET")
1500      return ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator();
1501    if (AsmTokStr == "length" || AsmTokStr == "LENGTH")
1502      return ParseIntelOperator(IOK_LENGTH);
1503    if (AsmTokStr == "size" || AsmTokStr == "SIZE")
1504      return ParseIntelOperator(IOK_SIZE);
1505    if (AsmTokStr == "type" || AsmTokStr == "TYPE")
1506      return ParseIntelOperator(IOK_TYPE);
1507  }
1509  unsigned Size = getIntelMemOperandSize(Tok.getString());
1510  if (Size) {
1511    Parser.Lex(); // Eat operand size (e.g., byte, word).
1512    if (Tok.getString() != "PTR" && Tok.getString() != "ptr")
1513      return ErrorOperand(Start, "Expected 'PTR' or 'ptr' token!");
1514    Parser.Lex(); // Eat ptr.
1515  }
1516  Start = Tok.getLoc();
1518  // Immediate.
1519  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer) || getLexer().is(AsmToken::Minus) ||
1520      getLexer().is(AsmToken::LParen)) {
1521    AsmToken StartTok = Tok;
1522    IntelExprStateMachine SM(/*Imm=*/0, /*StopOnLBrac=*/true,
1523                             /*AddImmPrefix=*/false);
1524    if (ParseIntelExpression(SM, End))
1525      return 0;
1527    int64_t Imm = SM.getImm();
1528    if (isParsingInlineAsm()) {
1529      unsigned Len = Tok.getLoc().getPointer() - Start.getPointer();
1530      if (StartTok.getString().size() == Len)
1531        // Just add a prefix if this wasn't a complex immediate expression.
1532        InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_ImmPrefix, Start));
1533      else
1534        // Otherwise, rewrite the complex expression as a single immediate.
1535        InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Imm, Start, Len, Imm));
1536    }
1538    if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac)) {
1539      // If a directional label (ie. 1f or 2b) was parsed above from
1540      // ParseIntelExpression() then SM.getSym() was set to a pointer to
1541      // to the MCExpr with the directional local symbol and this is a
1542      // memory operand not an immediate operand.
1543      if (SM.getSym())
1544        return X86Operand::CreateMem(SM.getSym(), Start, End, Size);
1546      const MCExpr *ImmExpr = MCConstantExpr::Create(Imm, getContext());
1547      return X86Operand::CreateImm(ImmExpr, Start, End);
1548    }
1550    // Only positive immediates are valid.
1551    if (Imm < 0)
1552      return ErrorOperand(Start, "expected a positive immediate displacement "
1553                          "before bracketed expr.");
1555    // Parse ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp ].
1556    return ParseIntelMemOperand(Imm, Start, Size);
1557  }
1559  // Register.
1560  unsigned RegNo = 0;
1561  if (!ParseRegister(RegNo, Start, End)) {
1562    // If this is a segment register followed by a ':', then this is the start
1563    // of a segment override, otherwise this is a normal register reference.
1564    if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Colon))
1565      return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End);
1567    return ParseIntelSegmentOverride(/*SegReg=*/RegNo, Start, Size);
1568  }
1570  // Memory operand.
1571  return ParseIntelMemOperand(/*Disp=*/0, Start, Size);
1574X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseATTOperand() {
1575  switch (getLexer().getKind()) {
1576  default:
1577    // Parse a memory operand with no segment register.
1578    return ParseMemOperand(0, Parser.getTok().getLoc());
1579  case AsmToken::Percent: {
1580    // Read the register.
1581    unsigned RegNo;
1582    SMLoc Start, End;
1583    if (ParseRegister(RegNo, Start, End)) return 0;
1584    if (RegNo == X86::EIZ || RegNo == X86::RIZ) {
1585      Error(Start, "%eiz and %riz can only be used as index registers",
1586            SMRange(Start, End));
1587      return 0;
1588    }
1590    // If this is a segment register followed by a ':', then this is the start
1591    // of a memory reference, otherwise this is a normal register reference.
1592    if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Colon))
1593      return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End);
1595    getParser().Lex(); // Eat the colon.
1596    return ParseMemOperand(RegNo, Start);
1597  }
1598  case AsmToken::Dollar: {
1599    // $42 -> immediate.
1600    SMLoc Start = Parser.getTok().getLoc(), End;
1601    Parser.Lex();
1602    const MCExpr *Val;
1603    if (getParser().parseExpression(Val, End))
1604      return 0;
1605    return X86Operand::CreateImm(Val, Start, End);
1606  }
1607  }
1611X86AsmParser::HandleAVX512Operand(SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands,
1612                                  const MCParsedAsmOperand &Op) {
1613  if(STI.getFeatureBits() & X86::FeatureAVX512) {
1614    if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::LCurly)) {
1615      // Eat "{" and mark the current place.
1616      const SMLoc consumedToken = consumeToken();
1617      // Distinguish {1to<NUM>} from {%k<NUM>}.
1618      if(getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
1619        // Parse memory broadcasting ({1to<NUM>}).
1620        if (getLexer().getTok().getIntVal() != 1)
1621          return !ErrorAndEatStatement(getLexer().getLoc(),
1622                                       "Expected 1to<NUM> at this point");
1623        Parser.Lex();  // Eat "1" of 1to8
1624        if (!getLexer().is(AsmToken::Identifier) ||
1625            !getLexer().getTok().getIdentifier().startswith("to"))
1626          return !ErrorAndEatStatement(getLexer().getLoc(),
1627                                       "Expected 1to<NUM> at this point");
1628        // Recognize only reasonable suffixes.
1629        const char *BroadcastPrimitive =
1630          StringSwitch<const char*>(getLexer().getTok().getIdentifier())
1631            .Case("to8",  "{1to8}")
1632            .Case("to16", "{1to16}")
1633            .Default(0);
1634        if (!BroadcastPrimitive)
1635          return !ErrorAndEatStatement(getLexer().getLoc(),
1636                                       "Invalid memory broadcast primitive.");
1637        Parser.Lex();  // Eat "toN" of 1toN
1638        if (!getLexer().is(AsmToken::RCurly))
1639          return !ErrorAndEatStatement(getLexer().getLoc(),
1640                                       "Expected } at this point");
1641        Parser.Lex();  // Eat "}"
1642        Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken(BroadcastPrimitive,
1643                                                   consumedToken));
1644        // No AVX512 specific primitives can pass
1645        // after memory broadcasting, so return.
1646        return true;
1647      } else {
1648        // Parse mask register {%k1}
1649        Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken("{", consumedToken));
1650        if (X86Operand *Op = ParseOperand()) {
1651          Operands.push_back(Op);
1652          if (!getLexer().is(AsmToken::RCurly))
1653            return !ErrorAndEatStatement(getLexer().getLoc(),
1654                                         "Expected } at this point");
1655          Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken("}", consumeToken()));
1657          // Parse "zeroing non-masked" semantic {z}
1658          if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::LCurly)) {
1659            Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken("{z}", consumeToken()));
1660            if (!getLexer().is(AsmToken::Identifier) ||
1661                getLexer().getTok().getIdentifier() != "z")
1662              return !ErrorAndEatStatement(getLexer().getLoc(),
1663                                           "Expected z at this point");
1664            Parser.Lex();  // Eat the z
1665            if (!getLexer().is(AsmToken::RCurly))
1666              return !ErrorAndEatStatement(getLexer().getLoc(),
1667                                           "Expected } at this point");
1668            Parser.Lex();  // Eat the }
1669          }
1670        }
1671      }
1672    }
1673  }
1674  return true;
1677/// ParseMemOperand: segment: disp(basereg, indexreg, scale).  The '%ds:' prefix
1678/// has already been parsed if present.
1679X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseMemOperand(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc MemStart) {
1681  // We have to disambiguate a parenthesized expression "(4+5)" from the start
1682  // of a memory operand with a missing displacement "(%ebx)" or "(,%eax)".  The
1683  // only way to do this without lookahead is to eat the '(' and see what is
1684  // after it.
1685  const MCExpr *Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(0, getParser().getContext());
1686  if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LParen)) {
1687    SMLoc ExprEnd;
1688    if (getParser().parseExpression(Disp, ExprEnd)) return 0;
1690    // After parsing the base expression we could either have a parenthesized
1691    // memory address or not.  If not, return now.  If so, eat the (.
1692    if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LParen)) {
1693      // Unless we have a segment register, treat this as an immediate.
1694      if (SegReg == 0)
1695        return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, MemStart, ExprEnd);
1696      return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, 0, 0, 1, MemStart, ExprEnd);
1697    }
1699    // Eat the '('.
1700    Parser.Lex();
1701  } else {
1702    // Okay, we have a '('.  We don't know if this is an expression or not, but
1703    // so we have to eat the ( to see beyond it.
1704    SMLoc LParenLoc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
1705    Parser.Lex(); // Eat the '('.
1707    if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Percent) || getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
1708      // Nothing to do here, fall into the code below with the '(' part of the
1709      // memory operand consumed.
1710    } else {
1711      SMLoc ExprEnd;
1713      // It must be an parenthesized expression, parse it now.
1714      if (getParser().parseParenExpression(Disp, ExprEnd))
1715        return 0;
1717      // After parsing the base expression we could either have a parenthesized
1718      // memory address or not.  If not, return now.  If so, eat the (.
1719      if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LParen)) {
1720        // Unless we have a segment register, treat this as an immediate.
1721        if (SegReg == 0)
1722          return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, LParenLoc, ExprEnd);
1723        return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, 0, 0, 1, MemStart, ExprEnd);
1724      }
1726      // Eat the '('.
1727      Parser.Lex();
1728    }
1729  }
1731  // If we reached here, then we just ate the ( of the memory operand.  Process
1732  // the rest of the memory operand.
1733  unsigned BaseReg = 0, IndexReg = 0, Scale = 1;
1734  SMLoc IndexLoc, BaseLoc;
1736  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Percent)) {
1737    SMLoc StartLoc, EndLoc;
1738    BaseLoc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
1739    if (ParseRegister(BaseReg, StartLoc, EndLoc)) return 0;
1740    if (BaseReg == X86::EIZ || BaseReg == X86::RIZ) {
1741      Error(StartLoc, "eiz and riz can only be used as index registers",
1742            SMRange(StartLoc, EndLoc));
1743      return 0;
1744    }
1745  }
1747  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
1748    Parser.Lex(); // Eat the comma.
1749    IndexLoc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
1751    // Following the comma we should have either an index register, or a scale
1752    // value. We don't support the later form, but we want to parse it
1753    // correctly.
1754    //
1755    // Not that even though it would be completely consistent to support syntax
1756    // like "1(%eax,,1)", the assembler doesn't. Use "eiz" or "riz" for this.
1757    if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Percent)) {
1758      SMLoc L;
1759      if (ParseRegister(IndexReg, L, L)) return 0;
1761      if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::RParen)) {
1762        // Parse the scale amount:
1763        //  ::= ',' [scale-expression]
1764        if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Comma)) {
1765          Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(),
1766                "expected comma in scale expression");
1767          return 0;
1768        }
1769        Parser.Lex(); // Eat the comma.
1771        if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::RParen)) {
1772          SMLoc Loc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
1774          int64_t ScaleVal;
1775          if (getParser().parseAbsoluteExpression(ScaleVal)){
1776            Error(Loc, "expected scale expression");
1777            return 0;
1778          }
1780          // Validate the scale amount.
1781	  if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(BaseReg) &&
1782              ScaleVal != 1) {
1783            Error(Loc, "scale factor in 16-bit address must be 1");
1784            return 0;
1785	  }
1786          if (ScaleVal != 1 && ScaleVal != 2 && ScaleVal != 4 && ScaleVal != 8){
1787            Error(Loc, "scale factor in address must be 1, 2, 4 or 8");
1788            return 0;
1789          }
1790          Scale = (unsigned)ScaleVal;
1791        }
1792      }
1793    } else if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::RParen)) {
1794      // A scale amount without an index is ignored.
1795      // index.
1796      SMLoc Loc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
1798      int64_t Value;
1799      if (getParser().parseAbsoluteExpression(Value))
1800        return 0;
1802      if (Value != 1)
1803        Warning(Loc, "scale factor without index register is ignored");
1804      Scale = 1;
1805    }
1806  }
1808  // Ok, we've eaten the memory operand, verify we have a ')' and eat it too.
1809  if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::RParen)) {
1810    Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "unexpected token in memory operand");
1811    return 0;
1812  }
1813  SMLoc MemEnd = Parser.getTok().getEndLoc();
1814  Parser.Lex(); // Eat the ')'.
1816  // Check for use of invalid 16-bit registers. Only BX/BP/SI/DI are allowed,
1817  // and then only in non-64-bit modes. Except for DX, which is a special case
1818  // because an unofficial form of in/out instructions uses it.
1819  if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(BaseReg) &&
1820      (is64BitMode() || (BaseReg != X86::BX && BaseReg != X86::BP &&
1821                         BaseReg != X86::SI && BaseReg != X86::DI)) &&
1822      BaseReg != X86::DX) {
1823    Error(BaseLoc, "invalid 16-bit base register");
1824    return 0;
1825  }
1826  if (BaseReg == 0 &&
1827      X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(IndexReg)) {
1828    Error(IndexLoc, "16-bit memory operand may not include only index register");
1829    return 0;
1830  }
1832  StringRef ErrMsg;
1833  if (CheckBaseRegAndIndexReg(BaseReg, IndexReg, ErrMsg)) {
1834    Error(BaseLoc, ErrMsg);
1835    return 0;
1836  }
1838  return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale,
1839                               MemStart, MemEnd);
1842bool X86AsmParser::
1843ParseInstruction(ParseInstructionInfo &Info, StringRef Name, SMLoc NameLoc,
1844                 SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands) {
1845  InstInfo = &Info;
1846  StringRef PatchedName = Name;
1848  // FIXME: Hack to recognize setneb as setne.
1849  if (PatchedName.startswith("set") && PatchedName.endswith("b") &&
1850      PatchedName != "setb" && PatchedName != "setnb")
1851    PatchedName = PatchedName.substr(0, Name.size()-1);
1853  // FIXME: Hack to recognize cmp<comparison code>{ss,sd,ps,pd}.
1854  const MCExpr *ExtraImmOp = 0;
1855  if ((PatchedName.startswith("cmp") || PatchedName.startswith("vcmp")) &&
1856      (PatchedName.endswith("ss") || PatchedName.endswith("sd") ||
1857       PatchedName.endswith("ps") || PatchedName.endswith("pd"))) {
1858    bool IsVCMP = PatchedName[0] == 'v';
1859    unsigned SSECCIdx = IsVCMP ? 4 : 3;
1860    unsigned SSEComparisonCode = StringSwitch<unsigned>(
1861      PatchedName.slice(SSECCIdx, PatchedName.size() - 2))
1862      .Case("eq",       0x00)
1863      .Case("lt",       0x01)
1864      .Case("le",       0x02)
1865      .Case("unord",    0x03)
1866      .Case("neq",      0x04)
1867      .Case("nlt",      0x05)
1868      .Case("nle",      0x06)
1869      .Case("ord",      0x07)
1870      /* AVX only from here */
1871      .Case("eq_uq",    0x08)
1872      .Case("nge",      0x09)
1873      .Case("ngt",      0x0A)
1874      .Case("false",    0x0B)
1875      .Case("neq_oq",   0x0C)
1876      .Case("ge",       0x0D)
1877      .Case("gt",       0x0E)
1878      .Case("true",     0x0F)
1879      .Case("eq_os",    0x10)
1880      .Case("lt_oq",    0x11)
1881      .Case("le_oq",    0x12)
1882      .Case("unord_s",  0x13)
1883      .Case("neq_us",   0x14)
1884      .Case("nlt_uq",   0x15)
1885      .Case("nle_uq",   0x16)
1886      .Case("ord_s",    0x17)
1887      .Case("eq_us",    0x18)
1888      .Case("nge_uq",   0x19)
1889      .Case("ngt_uq",   0x1A)
1890      .Case("false_os", 0x1B)
1891      .Case("neq_os",   0x1C)
1892      .Case("ge_oq",    0x1D)
1893      .Case("gt_oq",    0x1E)
1894      .Case("true_us",  0x1F)
1895      .Default(~0U);
1896    if (SSEComparisonCode != ~0U && (IsVCMP || SSEComparisonCode < 8)) {
1897      ExtraImmOp = MCConstantExpr::Create(SSEComparisonCode,
1898                                          getParser().getContext());
1899      if (PatchedName.endswith("ss")) {
1900        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpss" : "cmpss";
1901      } else if (PatchedName.endswith("sd")) {
1902        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpsd" : "cmpsd";
1903      } else if (PatchedName.endswith("ps")) {
1904        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpps" : "cmpps";
1905      } else {
1906        assert(PatchedName.endswith("pd") && "Unexpected mnemonic!");
1907        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmppd" : "cmppd";
1908      }
1909    }
1910  }
1912  Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken(PatchedName, NameLoc));
1914  if (ExtraImmOp && !isParsingIntelSyntax())
1915    Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateImm(ExtraImmOp, NameLoc, NameLoc));
1917  // Determine whether this is an instruction prefix.
1918  bool isPrefix =
1919    Name == "lock" || Name == "rep" ||
1920    Name == "repe" || Name == "repz" ||
1921    Name == "repne" || Name == "repnz" ||
1922    Name == "rex64" || Name == "data16";
1925  // This does the actual operand parsing.  Don't parse any more if we have a
1926  // prefix juxtaposed with an operation like "lock incl 4(%rax)", because we
1927  // just want to parse the "lock" as the first instruction and the "incl" as
1928  // the next one.
1929  if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement) && !isPrefix) {
1931    // Parse '*' modifier.
1932    if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Star))
1933      Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken("*", consumeToken()));
1935    // Read the operands.
1936    while(1) {
1937      if (X86Operand *Op = ParseOperand()) {
1938         Operands.push_back(Op);
1939        if (!HandleAVX512Operand(Operands, *Op))
1940          return true;
1941      } else {
1942         Parser.eatToEndOfStatement();
1943         return true;
1944      }
1945      // check for comma and eat it
1946      if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma))
1947        Parser.Lex();
1948      else
1949        break;
1950     }
1952    if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
1953      return ErrorAndEatStatement(getLexer().getLoc(),
1954                                  "unexpected token in argument list");
1955   }
1957  // Consume the EndOfStatement or the prefix separator Slash
1958  if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement) ||
1959      (isPrefix && getLexer().is(AsmToken::Slash)))
1960    Parser.Lex();
1962  if (ExtraImmOp && isParsingIntelSyntax())
1963    Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateImm(ExtraImmOp, NameLoc, NameLoc));
1965  // This is a terrible hack to handle "out[bwl]? %al, (%dx)" ->
1966  // "outb %al, %dx".  Out doesn't take a memory form, but this is a widely
1967  // documented form in various unofficial manuals, so a lot of code uses it.
1968  if ((Name == "outb" || Name == "outw" || Name == "outl" || Name == "out") &&
1969      Operands.size() == 3) {
1970    X86Operand &Op = *(X86Operand*)Operands.back();
1971    if (Op.isMem() && Op.Mem.SegReg == 0 &&
1972        isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp) &&
1973        cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp)->getValue() == 0 &&
1974        Op.Mem.BaseReg == MatchRegisterName("dx") && Op.Mem.IndexReg == 0) {
1975      SMLoc Loc = Op.getEndLoc();
1976      Operands.back() = X86Operand::CreateReg(Op.Mem.BaseReg, Loc, Loc);
1977      delete &Op;
1978    }
1979  }
1980  // Same hack for "in[bwl]? (%dx), %al" -> "inb %dx, %al".
1981  if ((Name == "inb" || Name == "inw" || Name == "inl" || Name == "in") &&
1982      Operands.size() == 3) {
1983    X86Operand &Op = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[1];
1984    if (Op.isMem() && Op.Mem.SegReg == 0 &&
1985        isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp) &&
1986        cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp)->getValue() == 0 &&
1987        Op.Mem.BaseReg == MatchRegisterName("dx") && Op.Mem.IndexReg == 0) {
1988      SMLoc Loc = Op.getEndLoc();
1989      Operands.begin()[1] = X86Operand::CreateReg(Op.Mem.BaseReg, Loc, Loc);
1990      delete &Op;
1991    }
1992  }
1994  // Append default arguments to "ins[bwld]"
1995  if (Name.startswith("ins") && Operands.size() == 1 &&
1996      (Name == "insb" || Name == "insw" || Name == "insl" ||
1997       Name == "insd" )) {
1998    if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) {
1999      Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateReg(X86::DX, NameLoc, NameLoc));
2000      Operands.push_back(DefaultMemDIOperand(NameLoc));
2001    } else {
2002      Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateReg(X86::DX, NameLoc, NameLoc));
2003      Operands.push_back(DefaultMemDIOperand(NameLoc));
2004    }
2005  }
2007  // Append default arguments to "outs[bwld]"
2008  if (Name.startswith("outs") && Operands.size() == 1 &&
2009      (Name == "outsb" || Name == "outsw" || Name == "outsl" ||
2010       Name == "outsd" )) {
2011    if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) {
2012      Operands.push_back(DefaultMemSIOperand(NameLoc));
2013      Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateReg(X86::DX, NameLoc, NameLoc));
2014    } else {
2015      Operands.push_back(DefaultMemSIOperand(NameLoc));
2016      Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateReg(X86::DX, NameLoc, NameLoc));
2017    }
2018  }
2020  // Transform "lods[bwlq]" into "lods[bwlq] ($SIREG)" for appropriate
2021  // values of $SIREG according to the mode. It would be nice if this
2022  // could be achieved with InstAlias in the tables.
2023  if (Name.startswith("lods") && Operands.size() == 1 &&
2024      (Name == "lods" || Name == "lodsb" || Name == "lodsw" ||
2025       Name == "lodsl" || Name == "lodsd" || Name == "lodsq"))
2026    Operands.push_back(DefaultMemSIOperand(NameLoc));
2028  // Transform "stos[bwlq]" into "stos[bwlq] ($DIREG)" for appropriate
2029  // values of $DIREG according to the mode. It would be nice if this
2030  // could be achieved with InstAlias in the tables.
2031  if (Name.startswith("stos") && Operands.size() == 1 &&
2032      (Name == "stos" || Name == "stosb" || Name == "stosw" ||
2033       Name == "stosl" || Name == "stosd" || Name == "stosq"))
2034    Operands.push_back(DefaultMemDIOperand(NameLoc));
2036  // Transform "scas[bwlq]" into "scas[bwlq] ($DIREG)" for appropriate
2037  // values of $DIREG according to the mode. It would be nice if this
2038  // could be achieved with InstAlias in the tables.
2039  if (Name.startswith("scas") && Operands.size() == 1 &&
2040      (Name == "scas" || Name == "scasb" || Name == "scasw" ||
2041       Name == "scasl" || Name == "scasd" || Name == "scasq"))
2042    Operands.push_back(DefaultMemDIOperand(NameLoc));
2044  // Add default SI and DI operands to "cmps[bwlq]".
2045  if (Name.startswith("cmps") &&
2046      (Name == "cmps" || Name == "cmpsb" || Name == "cmpsw" ||
2047       Name == "cmpsl" || Name == "cmpsd" || Name == "cmpsq")) {
2048    if (Operands.size() == 1) {
2049      if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) {
2050        Operands.push_back(DefaultMemSIOperand(NameLoc));
2051        Operands.push_back(DefaultMemDIOperand(NameLoc));
2052      } else {
2053        Operands.push_back(DefaultMemDIOperand(NameLoc));
2054        Operands.push_back(DefaultMemSIOperand(NameLoc));
2055      }
2056    } else if (Operands.size() == 3) {
2057      X86Operand &Op = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[1];
2058      X86Operand &Op2 = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[2];
2059      if (!doSrcDstMatch(Op, Op2))
2060        return Error(Op.getStartLoc(),
2061                     "mismatching source and destination index registers");
2062    }
2063  }
2065  // Add default SI and DI operands to "movs[bwlq]".
2066  if ((Name.startswith("movs") &&
2067      (Name == "movs" || Name == "movsb" || Name == "movsw" ||
2068       Name == "movsl" || Name == "movsd" || Name == "movsq")) ||
2069      (Name.startswith("smov") &&
2070      (Name == "smov" || Name == "smovb" || Name == "smovw" ||
2071       Name == "smovl" || Name == "smovd" || Name == "smovq"))) {
2072    if (Operands.size() == 1) {
2073      if (Name == "movsd")
2074        Operands.back() = X86Operand::CreateToken("movsl", NameLoc);
2075      if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) {
2076        Operands.push_back(DefaultMemDIOperand(NameLoc));
2077        Operands.push_back(DefaultMemSIOperand(NameLoc));
2078      } else {
2079        Operands.push_back(DefaultMemSIOperand(NameLoc));
2080        Operands.push_back(DefaultMemDIOperand(NameLoc));
2081      }
2082    } else if (Operands.size() == 3) {
2083      X86Operand &Op = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[1];
2084      X86Operand &Op2 = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[2];
2085      if (!doSrcDstMatch(Op, Op2))
2086        return Error(Op.getStartLoc(),
2087                     "mismatching source and destination index registers");
2088    }
2089  }
2091  // FIXME: Hack to handle recognize s{hr,ar,hl} $1, <op>.  Canonicalize to
2092  // "shift <op>".
2093  if ((Name.startswith("shr") || Name.startswith("sar") ||
2094       Name.startswith("shl") || Name.startswith("sal") ||
2095       Name.startswith("rcl") || Name.startswith("rcr") ||
2096       Name.startswith("rol") || Name.startswith("ror")) &&
2097      Operands.size() == 3) {
2098    if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) {
2099      // Intel syntax
2100      X86Operand *Op1 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[2]);
2101      if (Op1->isImm() && isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm()) &&
2102          cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm())->getValue() == 1) {
2103        delete Operands[2];
2104        Operands.pop_back();
2105      }
2106    } else {
2107      X86Operand *Op1 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[1]);
2108      if (Op1->isImm() && isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm()) &&
2109          cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm())->getValue() == 1) {
2110        delete Operands[1];
2111        Operands.erase(Operands.begin() + 1);
2112      }
2113    }
2114  }
2116  // Transforms "int $3" into "int3" as a size optimization.  We can't write an
2117  // instalias with an immediate operand yet.
2118  if (Name == "int" && Operands.size() == 2) {
2119    X86Operand *Op1 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[1]);
2120    if (Op1->isImm() && isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm()) &&
2121        cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm())->getValue() == 3) {
2122      delete Operands[1];
2123      Operands.erase(Operands.begin() + 1);
2124      static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[0])->setTokenValue("int3");
2125    }
2126  }
2128  return false;
2131static bool convertToSExti8(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Opcode, unsigned Reg,
2132                            bool isCmp) {
2133  MCInst TmpInst;
2134  TmpInst.setOpcode(Opcode);
2135  if (!isCmp)
2136    TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(Reg));
2137  TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(Reg));
2138  TmpInst.addOperand(Inst.getOperand(0));
2139  Inst = TmpInst;
2140  return true;
2143static bool convert16i16to16ri8(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Opcode,
2144                                bool isCmp = false) {
2145  if (!Inst.getOperand(0).isImm() ||
2146      !isImmSExti16i8Value(Inst.getOperand(0).getImm()))
2147    return false;
2149  return convertToSExti8(Inst, Opcode, X86::AX, isCmp);
2152static bool convert32i32to32ri8(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Opcode,
2153                                bool isCmp = false) {
2154  if (!Inst.getOperand(0).isImm() ||
2155      !isImmSExti32i8Value(Inst.getOperand(0).getImm()))
2156    return false;
2158  return convertToSExti8(Inst, Opcode, X86::EAX, isCmp);
2161static bool convert64i32to64ri8(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Opcode,
2162                                bool isCmp = false) {
2163  if (!Inst.getOperand(0).isImm() ||
2164      !isImmSExti64i8Value(Inst.getOperand(0).getImm()))
2165    return false;
2167  return convertToSExti8(Inst, Opcode, X86::RAX, isCmp);
2170bool X86AsmParser::
2171processInstruction(MCInst &Inst,
2172                   const SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Ops) {
2173  switch (Inst.getOpcode()) {
2174  default: return false;
2175  case X86::AND16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::AND16ri8);
2176  case X86::AND32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::AND32ri8);
2177  case X86::AND64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::AND64ri8);
2178  case X86::XOR16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::XOR16ri8);
2179  case X86::XOR32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::XOR32ri8);
2180  case X86::XOR64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::XOR64ri8);
2181  case X86::OR16i16:  return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::OR16ri8);
2182  case X86::OR32i32:  return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::OR32ri8);
2183  case X86::OR64i32:  return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::OR64ri8);
2184  case X86::CMP16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::CMP16ri8, true);
2185  case X86::CMP32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::CMP32ri8, true);
2186  case X86::CMP64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::CMP64ri8, true);
2187  case X86::ADD16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::ADD16ri8);
2188  case X86::ADD32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::ADD32ri8);
2189  case X86::ADD64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::ADD64ri8);
2190  case X86::SUB16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::SUB16ri8);
2191  case X86::SUB32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::SUB32ri8);
2192  case X86::SUB64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::SUB64ri8);
2193  case X86::ADC16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::ADC16ri8);
2194  case X86::ADC32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::ADC32ri8);
2195  case X86::ADC64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::ADC64ri8);
2196  case X86::SBB16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::SBB16ri8);
2197  case X86::SBB32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::SBB32ri8);
2198  case X86::SBB64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::SBB64ri8);
2199  case X86::VMOVAPDrr:
2200  case X86::VMOVAPDYrr:
2201  case X86::VMOVAPSrr:
2202  case X86::VMOVAPSYrr:
2203  case X86::VMOVDQArr:
2204  case X86::VMOVDQAYrr:
2205  case X86::VMOVDQUrr:
2206  case X86::VMOVDQUYrr:
2207  case X86::VMOVUPDrr:
2208  case X86::VMOVUPDYrr:
2209  case X86::VMOVUPSrr:
2210  case X86::VMOVUPSYrr: {
2211    if (X86II::isX86_64ExtendedReg(Inst.getOperand(0).getReg()) ||
2212        !X86II::isX86_64ExtendedReg(Inst.getOperand(1).getReg()))
2213      return false;
2215    unsigned NewOpc;
2216    switch (Inst.getOpcode()) {
2217    default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid opcode");
2218    case X86::VMOVAPDrr:  NewOpc = X86::VMOVAPDrr_REV;  break;
2219    case X86::VMOVAPDYrr: NewOpc = X86::VMOVAPDYrr_REV; break;
2220    case X86::VMOVAPSrr:  NewOpc = X86::VMOVAPSrr_REV;  break;
2221    case X86::VMOVAPSYrr: NewOpc = X86::VMOVAPSYrr_REV; break;
2222    case X86::VMOVDQArr:  NewOpc = X86::VMOVDQArr_REV;  break;
2223    case X86::VMOVDQAYrr: NewOpc = X86::VMOVDQAYrr_REV; break;
2224    case X86::VMOVDQUrr:  NewOpc = X86::VMOVDQUrr_REV;  break;
2225    case X86::VMOVDQUYrr: NewOpc = X86::VMOVDQUYrr_REV; break;
2226    case X86::VMOVUPDrr:  NewOpc = X86::VMOVUPDrr_REV;  break;
2227    case X86::VMOVUPDYrr: NewOpc = X86::VMOVUPDYrr_REV; break;
2228    case X86::VMOVUPSrr:  NewOpc = X86::VMOVUPSrr_REV;  break;
2229    case X86::VMOVUPSYrr: NewOpc = X86::VMOVUPSYrr_REV; break;
2230    }
2231    Inst.setOpcode(NewOpc);
2232    return true;
2233  }
2234  case X86::VMOVSDrr:
2235  case X86::VMOVSSrr: {
2236    if (X86II::isX86_64ExtendedReg(Inst.getOperand(0).getReg()) ||
2237        !X86II::isX86_64ExtendedReg(Inst.getOperand(2).getReg()))
2238      return false;
2239    unsigned NewOpc;
2240    switch (Inst.getOpcode()) {
2241    default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid opcode");
2242    case X86::VMOVSDrr: NewOpc = X86::VMOVSDrr_REV;   break;
2243    case X86::VMOVSSrr: NewOpc = X86::VMOVSSrr_REV;   break;
2244    }
2245    Inst.setOpcode(NewOpc);
2246    return true;
2247  }
2248  }
2251static const char *getSubtargetFeatureName(unsigned Val);
2253void X86AsmParser::EmitInstruction(
2254    MCInst &Inst, SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand *> &Operands,
2255    MCStreamer &Out) {
2256  Instrumentation->InstrumentInstruction(Inst, Operands, getContext(), Out);
2257  Out.EmitInstruction(Inst, STI);
2260bool X86AsmParser::
2261MatchAndEmitInstruction(SMLoc IDLoc, unsigned &Opcode,
2262                        SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands,
2263                        MCStreamer &Out, unsigned &ErrorInfo,
2264                        bool MatchingInlineAsm) {
2265  assert(!Operands.empty() && "Unexpect empty operand list!");
2266  X86Operand *Op = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[0]);
2267  assert(Op->isToken() && "Leading operand should always be a mnemonic!");
2268  ArrayRef<SMRange> EmptyRanges = None;
2270  // First, handle aliases that expand to multiple instructions.
2271  // FIXME: This should be replaced with a real .td file alias mechanism.
2272  // Also, MatchInstructionImpl should actually *do* the EmitInstruction
2273  // call.
2274  if (Op->getToken() == "fstsw" || Op->getToken() == "fstcw" ||
2275      Op->getToken() == "fstsww" || Op->getToken() == "fstcww" ||
2276      Op->getToken() == "finit" || Op->getToken() == "fsave" ||
2277      Op->getToken() == "fstenv" || Op->getToken() == "fclex") {
2278    MCInst Inst;
2279    Inst.setOpcode(X86::WAIT);
2280    Inst.setLoc(IDLoc);
2281    if (!MatchingInlineAsm)
2282      EmitInstruction(Inst, Operands, Out);
2284    const char *Repl =
2285      StringSwitch<const char*>(Op->getToken())
2286        .Case("finit",  "fninit")
2287        .Case("fsave",  "fnsave")
2288        .Case("fstcw",  "fnstcw")
2289        .Case("fstcww",  "fnstcw")
2290        .Case("fstenv", "fnstenv")
2291        .Case("fstsw",  "fnstsw")
2292        .Case("fstsww", "fnstsw")
2293        .Case("fclex",  "fnclex")
2294        .Default(0);
2295    assert(Repl && "Unknown wait-prefixed instruction");
2296    delete Operands[0];
2297    Operands[0] = X86Operand::CreateToken(Repl, IDLoc);
2298  }
2300  bool WasOriginallyInvalidOperand = false;
2301  MCInst Inst;
2303  // First, try a direct match.
2304  switch (MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst,
2305                               ErrorInfo, MatchingInlineAsm,
2306                               isParsingIntelSyntax())) {
2307  default: break;
2308  case Match_Success:
2309    // Some instructions need post-processing to, for example, tweak which
2310    // encoding is selected. Loop on it while changes happen so the
2311    // individual transformations can chain off each other.
2312    if (!MatchingInlineAsm)
2313      while (processInstruction(Inst, Operands))
2314        ;
2316    Inst.setLoc(IDLoc);
2317    if (!MatchingInlineAsm)
2318      EmitInstruction(Inst, Operands, Out);
2319    Opcode = Inst.getOpcode();
2320    return false;
2321  case Match_MissingFeature: {
2322    assert(ErrorInfo && "Unknown missing feature!");
2323    // Special case the error message for the very common case where only
2324    // a single subtarget feature is missing.
2325    std::string Msg = "instruction requires:";
2326    unsigned Mask = 1;
2327    for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(ErrorInfo)*8-1); ++i) {
2328      if (ErrorInfo & Mask) {
2329        Msg += " ";
2330        Msg += getSubtargetFeatureName(ErrorInfo & Mask);
2331      }
2332      Mask <<= 1;
2333    }
2334    return Error(IDLoc, Msg, EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
2335  }
2336  case Match_InvalidOperand:
2337    WasOriginallyInvalidOperand = true;
2338    break;
2339  case Match_MnemonicFail:
2340    break;
2341  }
2343  // FIXME: Ideally, we would only attempt suffix matches for things which are
2344  // valid prefixes, and we could just infer the right unambiguous
2345  // type. However, that requires substantially more matcher support than the
2346  // following hack.
2348  // Change the operand to point to a temporary token.
2349  StringRef Base = Op->getToken();
2350  SmallString<16> Tmp;
2351  Tmp += Base;
2352  Tmp += ' ';
2353  Op->setTokenValue(Tmp.str());
2355  // If this instruction starts with an 'f', then it is a floating point stack
2356  // instruction.  These come in up to three forms for 32-bit, 64-bit, and
2357  // 80-bit floating point, which use the suffixes s,l,t respectively.
2358  //
2359  // Otherwise, we assume that this may be an integer instruction, which comes
2360  // in 8/16/32/64-bit forms using the b,w,l,q suffixes respectively.
2361  const char *Suffixes = Base[0] != 'f' ? "bwlq" : "slt\0";
2363  // Check for the various suffix matches.
2364  Tmp[Base.size()] = Suffixes[0];
2365  unsigned ErrorInfoIgnore;
2366  unsigned ErrorInfoMissingFeature = 0; // Init suppresses compiler warnings.
2367  unsigned Match1, Match2, Match3, Match4;
2369  Match1 = MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst, ErrorInfoIgnore,
2370                                MatchingInlineAsm, isParsingIntelSyntax());
2371  // If this returned as a missing feature failure, remember that.
2372  if (Match1 == Match_MissingFeature)
2373    ErrorInfoMissingFeature = ErrorInfoIgnore;
2374  Tmp[Base.size()] = Suffixes[1];
2375  Match2 = MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst, ErrorInfoIgnore,
2376                                MatchingInlineAsm, isParsingIntelSyntax());
2377  // If this returned as a missing feature failure, remember that.
2378  if (Match2 == Match_MissingFeature)
2379    ErrorInfoMissingFeature = ErrorInfoIgnore;
2380  Tmp[Base.size()] = Suffixes[2];
2381  Match3 = MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst, ErrorInfoIgnore,
2382                                MatchingInlineAsm, isParsingIntelSyntax());
2383  // If this returned as a missing feature failure, remember that.
2384  if (Match3 == Match_MissingFeature)
2385    ErrorInfoMissingFeature = ErrorInfoIgnore;
2386  Tmp[Base.size()] = Suffixes[3];
2387  Match4 = MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst, ErrorInfoIgnore,
2388                                MatchingInlineAsm, isParsingIntelSyntax());
2389  // If this returned as a missing feature failure, remember that.
2390  if (Match4 == Match_MissingFeature)
2391    ErrorInfoMissingFeature = ErrorInfoIgnore;
2393  // Restore the old token.
2394  Op->setTokenValue(Base);
2396  // If exactly one matched, then we treat that as a successful match (and the
2397  // instruction will already have been filled in correctly, since the failing
2398  // matches won't have modified it).
2399  unsigned NumSuccessfulMatches =
2400    (Match1 == Match_Success) + (Match2 == Match_Success) +
2401    (Match3 == Match_Success) + (Match4 == Match_Success);
2402  if (NumSuccessfulMatches == 1) {
2403    Inst.setLoc(IDLoc);
2404    if (!MatchingInlineAsm)
2405      EmitInstruction(Inst, Operands, Out);
2406    Opcode = Inst.getOpcode();
2407    return false;
2408  }
2410  // Otherwise, the match failed, try to produce a decent error message.
2412  // If we had multiple suffix matches, then identify this as an ambiguous
2413  // match.
2414  if (NumSuccessfulMatches > 1) {
2415    char MatchChars[4];
2416    unsigned NumMatches = 0;
2417    if (Match1 == Match_Success) MatchChars[NumMatches++] = Suffixes[0];
2418    if (Match2 == Match_Success) MatchChars[NumMatches++] = Suffixes[1];
2419    if (Match3 == Match_Success) MatchChars[NumMatches++] = Suffixes[2];
2420    if (Match4 == Match_Success) MatchChars[NumMatches++] = Suffixes[3];
2422    SmallString<126> Msg;
2423    raw_svector_ostream OS(Msg);
2424    OS << "ambiguous instructions require an explicit suffix (could be ";
2425    for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumMatches; ++i) {
2426      if (i != 0)
2427        OS << ", ";
2428      if (i + 1 == NumMatches)
2429        OS << "or ";
2430      OS << "'" << Base << MatchChars[i] << "'";
2431    }
2432    OS << ")";
2433    Error(IDLoc, OS.str(), EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
2434    return true;
2435  }
2437  // Okay, we know that none of the variants matched successfully.
2439  // If all of the instructions reported an invalid mnemonic, then the original
2440  // mnemonic was invalid.
2441  if ((Match1 == Match_MnemonicFail) && (Match2 == Match_MnemonicFail) &&
2442      (Match3 == Match_MnemonicFail) && (Match4 == Match_MnemonicFail)) {
2443    if (!WasOriginallyInvalidOperand) {
2444      ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = MatchingInlineAsm ? EmptyRanges :
2445        Op->getLocRange();
2446      return Error(IDLoc, "invalid instruction mnemonic '" + Base + "'",
2447                   Ranges, MatchingInlineAsm);
2448    }
2450    // Recover location info for the operand if we know which was the problem.
2451    if (ErrorInfo != ~0U) {
2452      if (ErrorInfo >= Operands.size())
2453        return Error(IDLoc, "too few operands for instruction",
2454                     EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
2456      X86Operand *Operand = (X86Operand*)Operands[ErrorInfo];
2457      if (Operand->getStartLoc().isValid()) {
2458        SMRange OperandRange = Operand->getLocRange();
2459        return Error(Operand->getStartLoc(), "invalid operand for instruction",
2460                     OperandRange, MatchingInlineAsm);
2461      }
2462    }
2464    return Error(IDLoc, "invalid operand for instruction", EmptyRanges,
2465                 MatchingInlineAsm);
2466  }
2468  // If one instruction matched with a missing feature, report this as a
2469  // missing feature.
2470  if ((Match1 == Match_MissingFeature) + (Match2 == Match_MissingFeature) +
2471      (Match3 == Match_MissingFeature) + (Match4 == Match_MissingFeature) == 1){
2472    std::string Msg = "instruction requires:";
2473    unsigned Mask = 1;
2474    for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(ErrorInfoMissingFeature)*8-1); ++i) {
2475      if (ErrorInfoMissingFeature & Mask) {
2476        Msg += " ";
2477        Msg += getSubtargetFeatureName(ErrorInfoMissingFeature & Mask);
2478      }
2479      Mask <<= 1;
2480    }
2481    return Error(IDLoc, Msg, EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
2482  }
2484  // If one instruction matched with an invalid operand, report this as an
2485  // operand failure.
2486  if ((Match1 == Match_InvalidOperand) + (Match2 == Match_InvalidOperand) +
2487      (Match3 == Match_InvalidOperand) + (Match4 == Match_InvalidOperand) == 1){
2488    Error(IDLoc, "invalid operand for instruction", EmptyRanges,
2489          MatchingInlineAsm);
2490    return true;
2491  }
2493  // If all of these were an outright failure, report it in a useless way.
2494  Error(IDLoc, "unknown use of instruction mnemonic without a size suffix",
2495        EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
2496  return true;
2500bool X86AsmParser::ParseDirective(AsmToken DirectiveID) {
2501  StringRef IDVal = DirectiveID.getIdentifier();
2502  if (IDVal == ".word")
2503    return ParseDirectiveWord(2, DirectiveID.getLoc());
2504  else if (IDVal.startswith(".code"))
2505    return ParseDirectiveCode(IDVal, DirectiveID.getLoc());
2506  else if (IDVal.startswith(".att_syntax")) {
2507    getParser().setAssemblerDialect(0);
2508    return false;
2509  } else if (IDVal.startswith(".intel_syntax")) {
2510    getParser().setAssemblerDialect(1);
2511    if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
2512      // FIXME: Handle noprefix
2513      if (Parser.getTok().getString() == "noprefix")
2514        Parser.Lex();
2515    }
2516    return false;
2517  }
2518  return true;
2521/// ParseDirectiveWord
2522///  ::= .word [ expression (, expression)* ]
2523bool X86AsmParser::ParseDirectiveWord(unsigned Size, SMLoc L) {
2524  if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
2525    for (;;) {
2526      const MCExpr *Value;
2527      if (getParser().parseExpression(Value))
2528        return false;
2530      getParser().getStreamer().EmitValue(Value, Size);
2532      if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
2533        break;
2535      // FIXME: Improve diagnostic.
2536      if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Comma)) {
2537        Error(L, "unexpected token in directive");
2538        return false;
2539      }
2540      Parser.Lex();
2541    }
2542  }
2544  Parser.Lex();
2545  return false;
2548/// ParseDirectiveCode
2549///  ::= .code16 | .code32 | .code64
2550bool X86AsmParser::ParseDirectiveCode(StringRef IDVal, SMLoc L) {
2551  if (IDVal == ".code16") {
2552    Parser.Lex();
2553    if (!is16BitMode()) {
2554      SwitchMode(X86::Mode16Bit);
2555      getParser().getStreamer().EmitAssemblerFlag(MCAF_Code16);
2556    }
2557  } else if (IDVal == ".code32") {
2558    Parser.Lex();
2559    if (!is32BitMode()) {
2560      SwitchMode(X86::Mode32Bit);
2561      getParser().getStreamer().EmitAssemblerFlag(MCAF_Code32);
2562    }
2563  } else if (IDVal == ".code64") {
2564    Parser.Lex();
2565    if (!is64BitMode()) {
2566      SwitchMode(X86::Mode64Bit);
2567      getParser().getStreamer().EmitAssemblerFlag(MCAF_Code64);
2568    }
2569  } else {
2570    Error(L, "unknown directive " + IDVal);
2571    return false;
2572  }
2574  return false;
2577// Force static initialization.
2578extern "C" void LLVMInitializeX86AsmParser() {
2579  RegisterMCAsmParser<X86AsmParser> X(TheX86_32Target);
2580  RegisterMCAsmParser<X86AsmParser> Y(TheX86_64Target);
2586#include "X86GenAsmMatcher.inc"