SSAUpdater.cpp revision 93f3bcf7f323069e40d9abb950da73d437b6f7da
1//===- SSAUpdater.cpp - Unstructured SSA Update Tool ----------------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file implements the SSAUpdater class.
14#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/SSAUpdater.h"
15#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
16#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
17#include "llvm/Support/CFG.h"
18#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
19#include "llvm/Support/ValueHandle.h"
20#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
21using namespace llvm;
23typedef DenseMap<BasicBlock*, TrackingVH<Value> > AvailableValsTy;
24typedef std::vector<std::pair<BasicBlock*, TrackingVH<Value> > >
25                IncomingPredInfoTy;
27static AvailableValsTy &getAvailableVals(void *AV) {
28  return *static_cast<AvailableValsTy*>(AV);
31static IncomingPredInfoTy &getIncomingPredInfo(void *IPI) {
32  return *static_cast<IncomingPredInfoTy*>(IPI);
36SSAUpdater::SSAUpdater() : AV(0), PrototypeValue(0), IPI(0) {}
38SSAUpdater::~SSAUpdater() {
39  delete &getAvailableVals(AV);
40  delete &getIncomingPredInfo(IPI);
43/// Initialize - Reset this object to get ready for a new set of SSA
44/// updates.  ProtoValue is the value used to name PHI nodes.
45void SSAUpdater::Initialize(Value *ProtoValue) {
46  if (AV == 0)
47    AV = new AvailableValsTy();
48  else
49    getAvailableVals(AV).clear();
51  if (IPI == 0)
52    IPI = new IncomingPredInfoTy();
53  else
54    getIncomingPredInfo(IPI).clear();
55  PrototypeValue = ProtoValue;
58/// AddAvailableValue - Indicate that a rewritten value is available in the
59/// specified block with the specified value.
60void SSAUpdater::AddAvailableValue(BasicBlock *BB, Value *V) {
61  assert(PrototypeValue != 0 && "Need to initialize SSAUpdater");
62  assert(PrototypeValue->getType() == V->getType() &&
63         "All rewritten values must have the same type");
64  getAvailableVals(AV)[BB] = V;
67/// GetValueInBlock - Construct SSA form, materializing a value in the
68/// specified block.
69Value *SSAUpdater::GetValueInBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
70  assert(getIncomingPredInfo(IPI).empty() && "Unexpected Internal State");
71  Value *Res = GetValueInBlockInternal(BB);
72  assert(getIncomingPredInfo(IPI).empty() && "Unexpected Internal State");
73  return Res;
76/// RewriteUse - Rewrite a use of the symbolic value.  This handles PHI nodes,
77/// which use their value in the corresponding predecessor.
78void SSAUpdater::RewriteUse(Use &U) {
79  Instruction *User = cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
80  BasicBlock *UseBB = User->getParent();
81  if (PHINode *UserPN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(User))
82    UseBB = UserPN->getIncomingBlock(U);
84  U.set(GetValueInBlock(UseBB));
88/// GetValueInBlock - Check to see if AvailableVals has an entry for the
89/// specified BB and if so, return it.  If not, construct SSA form by walking
90/// predecessors inserting PHI nodes as needed until we get to a block where the
91/// value is available.
93Value *SSAUpdater::GetValueInBlockInternal(BasicBlock *BB) {
94  AvailableValsTy &AvailableVals = getAvailableVals(AV);
96  // Query AvailableVals by doing an insertion of null.
97  std::pair<AvailableValsTy::iterator, bool> InsertRes =
98  AvailableVals.insert(std::make_pair(BB, WeakVH()));
100  // Handle the case when the insertion fails because we have already seen BB.
101  if (!InsertRes.second) {
102    // If the insertion failed, there are two cases.  The first case is that the
103    // value is already available for the specified block.  If we get this, just
104    // return the value.
105    if (InsertRes.first->second != 0)
106      return InsertRes.first->second;
108    // Otherwise, if the value we find is null, then this is the value is not
109    // known but it is being computed elsewhere in our recursion.  This means
110    // that we have a cycle.  Handle this by inserting a PHI node and returning
111    // it.  When we get back to the first instance of the recursion we will fill
112    // in the PHI node.
113    return InsertRes.first->second =
114    PHINode::Create(PrototypeValue->getType(), PrototypeValue->getName(),
115                    &BB->front());
116  }
118  // Okay, the value isn't in the map and we just inserted a null in the entry
119  // to indicate that we're processing the block.  Since we have no idea what
120  // value is in this block, we have to recurse through our predecessors.
121  //
122  // While we're walking our predecessors, we keep track of them in a vector,
123  // then insert a PHI node in the end if we actually need one.  We could use a
124  // smallvector here, but that would take a lot of stack space for every level
125  // of the recursion, just use IncomingPredInfo as an explicit stack.
126  IncomingPredInfoTy &IncomingPredInfo = getIncomingPredInfo(IPI);
127  unsigned FirstPredInfoEntry = IncomingPredInfo.size();
129  // As we're walking the predecessors, keep track of whether they are all
130  // producing the same value.  If so, this value will capture it, if not, it
131  // will get reset to null.  We distinguish the no-predecessor case explicitly
132  // below.
133  TrackingVH<Value> SingularValue;
135  // We can get our predecessor info by walking the pred_iterator list, but it
136  // is relatively slow.  If we already have PHI nodes in this block, walk one
137  // of them to get the predecessor list instead.
138  if (PHINode *SomePhi = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BB->begin())) {
139    for (unsigned i = 0, e = SomePhi->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i) {
140      BasicBlock *PredBB = SomePhi->getIncomingBlock(i);
141      Value *PredVal = GetValueInBlockInternal(PredBB);
142      IncomingPredInfo.push_back(std::make_pair(PredBB, PredVal));
144      // Compute SingularValue.
145      if (i == 0)
146        SingularValue = PredVal;
147      else if (PredVal != SingularValue)
148        SingularValue = 0;
149    }
150  } else {
151    bool isFirstPred = true;
152    for (pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(BB), E = pred_end(BB); PI != E; ++PI) {
153      BasicBlock *PredBB = *PI;
154      Value *PredVal = GetValueInBlockInternal(PredBB);
155      IncomingPredInfo.push_back(std::make_pair(PredBB, PredVal));
157      // Compute SingularValue.
158      if (isFirstPred) {
159        SingularValue = PredVal;
160        isFirstPred = false;
161      } else if (PredVal != SingularValue)
162        SingularValue = 0;
163    }
164  }
166  // If there are no predecessors, then we must have found an unreachable block
167  // just return 'undef'.  Since there are no predecessors, InsertRes must not
168  // be invalidated.
169  if (IncomingPredInfo.size() == FirstPredInfoEntry)
170    return InsertRes.first->second = UndefValue::get(PrototypeValue->getType());
172  /// Look up BB's entry in AvailableVals.  'InsertRes' may be invalidated.  If
173  /// this block is involved in a loop, a no-entry PHI node will have been
174  /// inserted as InsertedVal.  Otherwise, we'll still have the null we inserted
175  /// above.
176  TrackingVH<Value> &InsertedVal = AvailableVals[BB];
178  // If all the predecessor values are the same then we don't need to insert a
179  // PHI.  This is the simple and common case.
180  if (SingularValue) {
181    // If a PHI node got inserted, replace it with the singlar value and delete
182    // it.
183    if (InsertedVal) {
184      PHINode *OldVal = cast<PHINode>(InsertedVal);
185      // Be careful about dead loops.  These RAUW's also update InsertedVal.
186      if (InsertedVal != SingularValue)
187        OldVal->replaceAllUsesWith(SingularValue);
188      else
189        OldVal->replaceAllUsesWith(UndefValue::get(InsertedVal->getType()));
190      OldVal->eraseFromParent();
191    } else {
192      InsertedVal = SingularValue;
193    }
195    // Drop the entries we added in IncomingPredInfo to restore the stack.
196    IncomingPredInfo.erase(IncomingPredInfo.begin()+FirstPredInfoEntry,
197                           IncomingPredInfo.end());
198    return InsertedVal;
199  }
201  // Otherwise, we do need a PHI: insert one now if we don't already have one.
202  if (InsertedVal == 0)
203    InsertedVal = PHINode::Create(PrototypeValue->getType(),
204                                  PrototypeValue->getName(), &BB->front());
206  PHINode *InsertedPHI = cast<PHINode>(InsertedVal);
207  InsertedPHI->reserveOperandSpace(IncomingPredInfo.size()-FirstPredInfoEntry);
209  // Fill in all the predecessors of the PHI.
210  for (std::vector<std::pair<BasicBlock*, TrackingVH<Value> > >::iterator I =
211       IncomingPredInfo.begin()+FirstPredInfoEntry, E = IncomingPredInfo.end();
212       I != E; ++I)
213    InsertedPHI->addIncoming(I->second, I->first);
215  // Drop the entries we added in IncomingPredInfo to restore the stack.
216  IncomingPredInfo.erase(IncomingPredInfo.begin()+FirstPredInfoEntry,
217                         IncomingPredInfo.end());
219  // See if the PHI node can be merged to a single value.  This can happen in
220  // loop cases when we get a PHI of itself and one other value.
221  if (Value *ConstVal = InsertedPHI->hasConstantValue()) {
222    InsertedPHI->replaceAllUsesWith(ConstVal);
223    InsertedPHI->eraseFromParent();
224    InsertedVal = ConstVal;
225  } else {
226    DEBUG(errs() << "  Inserted PHI: " << *InsertedPHI << "\n");
227  }
229  return InsertedVal;