BugDriver.h revision a0f5b15e1eb8642d92b3141a6b88a5729ea979dc
1//===- BugDriver.h - Top-Level BugPoint class -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// This class contains all of the shared state and information that is used by
4// the BugPoint tool to track down errors in optimizations.  This class is the
5// main driver class that invokes all sub-functionality.
9#ifndef BUGDRIVER_H
10#define BUGDRIVER_H
12#include <vector>
13#include <string>
15class PassInfo;
16class Module;
17class Function;
18class AbstractInterpreter;
19class Instruction;
21class DebugCrashes;
22class ReduceMiscompilingPasses;
23class ReduceMiscompilingFunctions;
24class ReduceCrashingFunctions;
25class ReduceCrashingBlocks;
27class CBE;
28class GCC;
30extern bool DisableSimplifyCFG;
32class BugDriver {
33  const std::string ToolName;  // Name of bugpoint
34  std::string ReferenceOutputFile; // Name of `good' output file
35  Module *Program;             // The raw program, linked together
36  std::vector<const PassInfo*> PassesToRun;
37  AbstractInterpreter *Interpreter;   // How to run the program
38  CBE *cbe;
39  GCC *gcc;
41  // FIXME: sort out public/private distinctions...
42  friend class DebugCrashes;
43  friend class ReduceMiscompilingPasses;
44  friend class ReduceMiscompilingFunctions;
45  friend class ReduceMisCodegenFunctions;
46  friend class ReduceCrashingFunctions;
47  friend class ReduceCrashingBlocks;
50  BugDriver(const char *toolname);
52  const std::string &getToolName() const { return ToolName; }
54  // Set up methods... these methods are used to copy information about the
55  // command line arguments into instance variables of BugDriver.
56  //
57  bool addSources(const std::vector<std::string> &FileNames);
58  template<class It>
59  void addPasses(It I, It E) { PassesToRun.insert(PassesToRun.end(), I, E); }
61  /// run - The top level method that is invoked after all of the instance
62  /// variables are set up from command line arguments.
63  ///
64  bool run();
66  /// debugCrash - This method is called when some pass crashes on input.  It
67  /// attempts to prune down the testcase to something reasonable, and figure
68  /// out exactly which pass is crashing.
69  ///
70  bool debugCrash();
72  /// debugMiscompilation - This method is used when the passes selected are not
73  /// crashing, but the generated output is semantically different from the
74  /// input.
75  bool debugMiscompilation();
77  /// debugPassMiscompilation - This method is called when the specified pass
78  /// miscompiles Program as input.  It tries to reduce the testcase to
79  /// something that smaller that still miscompiles the program.
80  /// ReferenceOutput contains the filename of the file containing the output we
81  /// are to match.
82  ///
83  bool debugPassMiscompilation(const PassInfo *ThePass,
84			       const std::string &ReferenceOutput);
86  /// compileSharedObject - This method creates a SharedObject from a given
87  /// BytecodeFile for debugging a code generator.
88  ///
89  std::string compileSharedObject(const std::string &BytecodeFile);
91  /// debugCodeGenerator - This method narrows down a module to a function or
92  /// set of functions, using the CBE as a ``safe'' code generator for other
93  /// functions that are not under consideration.
94  bool debugCodeGenerator();
96  /// isExecutingJIT - Returns true if bugpoint is currently testing the JIT
97  ///
98  bool isExecutingJIT();
101  /// ParseInputFile - Given a bytecode or assembly input filename, parse and
102  /// return it, or return null if not possible.
103  ///
104  Module *ParseInputFile(const std::string &InputFilename) const;
106  /// writeProgramToFile - This writes the current "Program" to the named
107  /// bytecode file.  If an error occurs, true is returned.
108  ///
109  bool writeProgramToFile(const std::string &Filename, Module *M = 0) const;
112  /// EmitProgressBytecode - This function is used to output the current Program
113  /// to a file named "bugpoing-ID.bc".
114  ///
115  void EmitProgressBytecode(const std::string &ID, bool NoFlyer = false);
117  /// runPasses - Run the specified passes on Program, outputting a bytecode
118  /// file and writting the filename into OutputFile if successful.  If the
119  /// optimizations fail for some reason (optimizer crashes), return true,
120  /// otherwise return false.  If DeleteOutput is set to true, the bytecode is
121  /// deleted on success, and the filename string is undefined.  This prints to
122  /// cout a single line message indicating whether compilation was successful
123  /// or failed, unless Quiet is set.
124  ///
125  bool runPasses(const std::vector<const PassInfo*> &PassesToRun,
126                 std::string &OutputFilename, bool DeleteOutput = false,
127		 bool Quiet = false) const;
129  /// runPasses - Just like the method above, but this just returns true or
130  /// false indicating whether or not the optimizer crashed on the specified
131  /// input (true = crashed).
132  ///
133  bool runPasses(const std::vector<const PassInfo*> &PassesToRun,
134                 bool DeleteOutput = true) const {
135    std::string Filename;
136    return runPasses(PassesToRun, Filename, DeleteOutput);
137  }
139  /// PrintFunctionList - prints out list of problematic functions
140  ///
141  static void PrintFunctionList(const std::vector<Function*> &Funcs);
143  /// deleteInstructionFromProgram - This method clones the current Program and
144  /// deletes the specified instruction from the cloned module.  It then runs a
145  /// series of cleanup passes (ADCE and SimplifyCFG) to eliminate any code
146  /// which depends on the value.  The modified module is then returned.
147  ///
148  Module *deleteInstructionFromProgram(Instruction *I, unsigned Simp) const;
150  /// performFinalCleanups - This method clones the current Program and performs
151  /// a series of cleanups intended to get rid of extra cruft on the module
152  /// before handing it to the user... if the module parameter is specified, it
153  /// operates directly on the specified Module, modifying it in place.
154  ///
155  Module *performFinalCleanups(Module *M = 0) const;
157  /// initializeExecutionEnvironment - This method is used to set up the
158  /// environment for executing LLVM programs.
159  ///
160  bool initializeExecutionEnvironment();
162  /// executeProgram - This method runs "Program", capturing the output of the
163  /// program to a file, returning the filename of the file.  A recommended
164  /// filename may be optionally specified.
165  ///
166  std::string executeProgram(std::string RequestedOutputFilename = "",
167                             std::string Bytecode = "",
168                             std::string SharedObject = "",
169                             AbstractInterpreter *AI = 0);
171  /// executeProgramWithCBE - Used to create reference output with the C
172  /// backend, if reference output is not provided.
173  std::string executeProgramWithCBE(std::string RequestedOutputFilename = "",
174                                    std::string Bytecode = "",
175                                    std::string SharedObject = "");
177  /// diffProgram - This method executes the specified module and diffs the
178  /// output against the file specified by ReferenceOutputFile.  If the output
179  /// is different, true is returned.
180  ///
181  bool diffProgram(const std::string &BytecodeFile = "",
182                   const std::string &SharedObject = "",
183                   bool RemoveBytecode = false);
186/// getPassesString - Turn a list of passes into a string which indicates the
187/// command line options that must be passed to add the passes.
189std::string getPassesString(const std::vector<const PassInfo*> &Passes);
191// DeleteFunctionBody - "Remove" the function by deleting all of it's basic
192// blocks, making it external.
194void DeleteFunctionBody(Function *F);