2// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4// You may obtain a copy of the License at
6//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12// limitations under the License.
14// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
15// Author: dbikel@google.com (Dan Bikel)
17// An \ref Fst implementation that allows non-destructive edit operations on an
18// existing fst.
20#ifndef FST_LIB_EDIT_FST_H_
21#define FST_LIB_EDIT_FST_H_
23#include <vector>
24using std::vector;
26#include <fst/cache.h>
28#include <tr1/unordered_map>
29using std::tr1::unordered_map;
30using std::tr1::unordered_multimap;
32namespace fst {
34// The EditFst class enables non-destructive edit operations on a wrapped
35// ExpandedFst. The implementation uses copy-on-write semantics at the node
36// level: if a user has an underlying fst on which he or she wants to perform a
37// relatively small number of edits (read: mutations), then this implementation
38// will copy the edited node to an internal MutableFst and perform any edits in
39// situ on that copied node. This class supports all the methods of MutableFst
40// except for DeleteStates(const vector<StateId> &); thus, new nodes may also be
41// added, and one may add transitions from existing nodes of the wrapped fst to
42// new nodes.
44// N.B.: The documentation for Fst::Copy(true) says that its behavior is
45// undefined if invoked on an fst that has already been accessed.  This class
46// requires that the Fst implementation it wraps provides consistent, reliable
47// behavior when its Copy(true) method is invoked, where consistent means
48// the graph structure, graph properties and state numbering and do not change.
49// VectorFst and CompactFst, for example, are both well-behaved in this regard.
51// The EditFstData class is a container for all mutable data for EditFstImpl;
52// also, this class provides most of the actual implementation of what EditFst
53// does (that is, most of EditFstImpl's methods delegate to methods in this, the
54// EditFstData class).  Instances of this class are reference-counted and can be
55// shared between otherwise independent EditFstImpl instances. This scheme
56// allows EditFstImpl to implement the thread-safe, copy-on-write semantics
57// required by Fst::Copy(true).
59// template parameters:
60//   A the type of arc to use
61//   WrappedFstT the type of fst wrapped by the EditFst instance that
62//     this EditFstData instance is backing
63//   MutableFstT the type of mutable fst to use internally for edited states;
64//     crucially, MutableFstT::Copy(false) *must* yield an fst that is
65//     thread-safe for reading (VectorFst, for example, has this property)
66template <typename A,
67          typename WrappedFstT = ExpandedFst<A>,
68          typename MutableFstT = VectorFst<A> >
69class EditFstData {
70 public:
71  typedef A Arc;
72  typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
73  typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
74  typedef typename unordered_map<StateId, StateId>::const_iterator
75      IdMapIterator;
76  typedef typename unordered_map<StateId, Weight>::const_iterator
77      FinalWeightIterator;
80  EditFstData() : num_new_states_(0) {
81    SetEmptyAndDeleteKeysForInternalMaps();
82  }
84  EditFstData(const EditFstData &other) :
85      edits_(other.edits_),
86      external_to_internal_ids_(other.external_to_internal_ids_),
87      edited_final_weights_(other.edited_final_weights_),
88      num_new_states_(other.num_new_states_) {
89  }
91  ~EditFstData() {
92  }
94  static EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *Read(istream &strm,
95                                                        const FstReadOptions &opts);
97  bool Write(ostream &strm, const FstWriteOptions &opts) const {
98    // Serialize all private data members of this class.
99    FstWriteOptions edits_opts(opts);
100    edits_opts.write_header = true;  // Force writing contained header.
101    edits_.Write(strm, edits_opts);
102    WriteType(strm, external_to_internal_ids_);
103    WriteType(strm, edited_final_weights_);
104    WriteType(strm, num_new_states_);
105    if (!strm) {
106      LOG(ERROR) << "EditFstData::Write: write failed: " << opts.source;
107      return false;
108    }
109    return true;
110  }
112  int RefCount() const { return ref_count_.count(); }
113  int IncrRefCount() { return ref_count_.Incr(); }
114  int DecrRefCount() { return ref_count_.Decr(); }
116  StateId NumNewStates() const {
117    return num_new_states_;
118  }
120  // accessor methods for the fst holding edited states
121  StateId EditedStart() const {
122    return edits_.Start();
123  }
125  Weight Final(StateId s, const WrappedFstT *wrapped) const {
126    FinalWeightIterator final_weight_it = GetFinalWeightIterator(s);
127    if (final_weight_it == NotInFinalWeightMap()) {
128      IdMapIterator it = GetEditedIdMapIterator(s);
129      return it == NotInEditedMap() ?
130             wrapped->Final(s) : edits_.Final(it->second);
131    }
132    else {
133      return final_weight_it->second;
134    }
135  }
137  size_t NumArcs(StateId s, const WrappedFstT *wrapped) const {
138    IdMapIterator it = GetEditedIdMapIterator(s);
139    return it == NotInEditedMap() ?
140           wrapped->NumArcs(s) : edits_.NumArcs(it->second);
141  }
143  size_t NumInputEpsilons(StateId s, const WrappedFstT *wrapped) const {
144    IdMapIterator it = GetEditedIdMapIterator(s);
145    return it == NotInEditedMap() ?
146           wrapped->NumInputEpsilons(s) :
147           edits_.NumInputEpsilons(it->second);
148  }
150  size_t NumOutputEpsilons(StateId s, const WrappedFstT *wrapped) const {
151    IdMapIterator it = GetEditedIdMapIterator(s);
152    return it == NotInEditedMap() ?
153           wrapped->NumOutputEpsilons(s) :
154           edits_.NumOutputEpsilons(it->second);
155  }
157  void SetEditedProperties(uint64 props, uint64 mask) {
158    edits_.SetProperties(props, mask);
159  }
161  // non-const MutableFst operations
163  // Sets the start state for this fst.
164  void SetStart(StateId s) {
165    edits_.SetStart(s);
166  }
168  // Sets the final state for this fst.
169  Weight SetFinal(StateId s, Weight w, const WrappedFstT *wrapped) {
170    Weight old_weight = Final(s, wrapped);
171    IdMapIterator it = GetEditedIdMapIterator(s);
172    // if we haven't already edited state s, don't add it to edited_ (which can
173    // be expensive if s has many transitions); just use the
174    // edited_final_weights_ map
175    if (it == NotInEditedMap()) {
176      edited_final_weights_[s] = w;
177    }
178    else {
179      edits_.SetFinal(GetEditableInternalId(s, wrapped), w);
180    }
181    return old_weight;
182  }
184  // Adds a new state to this fst, initially with no arcs.
185  StateId AddState(StateId curr_num_states) {
186    StateId internal_state_id = edits_.AddState();
187    StateId external_state_id = curr_num_states;
188    external_to_internal_ids_[external_state_id] = internal_state_id;
189    num_new_states_++;
190    return external_state_id;
191  }
193  // Adds the specified arc to the specified state of this fst.
194  const A *AddArc(StateId s, const Arc &arc, const WrappedFstT *wrapped) {
195    StateId internal_id = GetEditableInternalId(s, wrapped);
197    size_t num_arcs = edits_.NumArcs(internal_id);
198    ArcIterator<MutableFstT> arc_it(edits_, internal_id);
199    const A *prev_arc = NULL;
200    if (num_arcs > 0) {
201      // grab the final arc associated with this state in edits_
202      arc_it.Seek(num_arcs - 1);
203      prev_arc = &(arc_it.Value());
204    }
205    edits_.AddArc(internal_id, arc);
206    return prev_arc;
207  }
209  void DeleteStates() {
210    edits_.DeleteStates();
211    num_new_states_ = 0;
212    external_to_internal_ids_.clear();
213    edited_final_weights_.clear();
214  }
216  // Removes all but the first n outgoing arcs of the specified state.
217  void DeleteArcs(StateId s, size_t n, const WrappedFstT *wrapped) {
218    edits_.DeleteArcs(GetEditableInternalId(s, wrapped), n);
219  }
221  // Removes all outgoing arcs from the specified state.
222  void DeleteArcs(StateId s, const WrappedFstT *wrapped) {
223    edits_.DeleteArcs(GetEditableInternalId(s, wrapped));
224  }
226  // end methods for non-const MutableFst operations
228  // Provides information for the generic arc iterator.
229  void InitArcIterator(StateId s, ArcIteratorData<Arc> *data,
230                       const WrappedFstT *wrapped) const {
231    IdMapIterator id_map_it = GetEditedIdMapIterator(s);
232    if (id_map_it == NotInEditedMap()) {
233      VLOG(3) << "EditFstData::InitArcIterator: iterating on state "
234          << s << " of original fst";
235      wrapped->InitArcIterator(s, data);
236    } else {
237      VLOG(2) << "EditFstData::InitArcIterator: iterating on edited state "
238          << s << " (internal state id: " << id_map_it->second << ")";
239      edits_.InitArcIterator(id_map_it->second, data);
240    }
241  }
243    // Provides information for the generic mutable arc iterator.
244  void InitMutableArcIterator(StateId s, MutableArcIteratorData<A> *data,
245                              const WrappedFstT *wrapped) {
246    data->base =
247        new MutableArcIterator<MutableFstT>(&edits_,
248                                            GetEditableInternalId(s, wrapped));
249  }
251  // Prints out the map from external to internal state id's (for debugging
252  // purposes).
253  void PrintMap() {
254    for (IdMapIterator map_it = external_to_internal_ids_.begin();
255        map_it != NotInEditedMap(); ++map_it) {
256      LOG(INFO) << "(external,internal)=("
257          << map_it->first << "," << map_it->second << ")";
258    }
259  }
262 private:
263  void SetEmptyAndDeleteKeysForInternalMaps() {
264  }
266  // Returns the iterator of the map from external to internal state id's
267  // of edits_ for the specified external state id.
268  IdMapIterator GetEditedIdMapIterator(StateId s) const {
269    return external_to_internal_ids_.find(s);
270  }
271  IdMapIterator NotInEditedMap() const {
272    return external_to_internal_ids_.end();
273  }
275  FinalWeightIterator GetFinalWeightIterator(StateId s) const {
276    return edited_final_weights_.find(s);
277  }
278  FinalWeightIterator NotInFinalWeightMap() const {
279    return edited_final_weights_.end();
280  }
282  // Returns the internal state id of the specified external id if the state has
283  // already been made editable, or else copies the state from wrapped_
284  // to edits_ and returns the state id of the newly editable state in edits_.
285  //
286  // \return makes the specified state editable if it isn't already and returns
287  //         its state id in edits_
288  StateId GetEditableInternalId(StateId s, const WrappedFstT *wrapped) {
289    IdMapIterator id_map_it = GetEditedIdMapIterator(s);
290    if (id_map_it == NotInEditedMap()) {
291      StateId new_internal_id = edits_.AddState();
292      VLOG(2) << "EditFstData::GetEditableInternalId: editing state " << s
293          << " of original fst; new internal state id:" << new_internal_id;
294      external_to_internal_ids_[s] = new_internal_id;
295      for (ArcIterator< Fst<A> > arc_iterator(*wrapped, s);
296          !arc_iterator.Done();
297          arc_iterator.Next()) {
298        edits_.AddArc(new_internal_id, arc_iterator.Value());
299      }
300      // copy the final weight
301      FinalWeightIterator final_weight_it = GetFinalWeightIterator(s);
302      if (final_weight_it == NotInFinalWeightMap()) {
303        edits_.SetFinal(new_internal_id, wrapped->Final(s));
304      } else {
305        edits_.SetFinal(new_internal_id, final_weight_it->second);
306        edited_final_weights_.erase(s);
307      }
308      return new_internal_id;
309    } else {
310      return id_map_it->second;
311    }
312  }
314  // A mutable fst (by default, a VectorFst) to contain new states, and/or
315  // copies of states from a wrapped ExpandedFst that have been modified in
316  // some way.
317  MutableFstT edits_;
318  // A mapping from external state id's to the internal id's of states that
319  // appear in edits_.
320  unordered_map<StateId, StateId> external_to_internal_ids_;
321  // A mapping from external state id's to final state weights assigned to
322  // those states.  The states in this map are *only* those whose final weight
323  // has been modified; if any other part of the state has been modified,
324  // the entire state is copied to edits_, and all modifications reside there.
325  unordered_map<StateId, Weight> edited_final_weights_;
326  // The number of new states added to this mutable fst impl, which is <= the
327  // number of states in edits_ (since edits_ contains both edited *and* new
328  // states).
329  StateId num_new_states_;
330  RefCounter ref_count_;
333// EditFstData method implementations: just the Read method.
334template <typename A, typename WrappedFstT, typename MutableFstT>
335EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *
336EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>::Read(istream &strm,
337                                               const FstReadOptions &opts) {
338  EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *data =
339      new EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>();
340    // next read in MutabelFstT machine that stores edits
341  FstReadOptions edits_opts(opts);
342  edits_opts.header = 0;  // Contained header was written out, so read it in.
344  // Because our internal representation of edited states is a solid object
345  // of type MutableFstT (defaults to VectorFst<A>) and not a pointer,
346  // and because the static Read method allocates a new object on the heap,
347  // we need to call Read, check if there was a failure, use
348  // MutableFstT::operator= to assign the object (not the pointer) to the
349  // edits_ data member (which will increase the ref count by 1 on the impl)
350  // and, finally, delete the heap-allocated object.
351  MutableFstT *edits = MutableFstT::Read(strm, edits_opts);
352  if (!edits) {
353    return 0;
354  }
355  data->edits_ = *edits;
356  delete edits;
357  // finally, read in rest of private data members
358  ReadType(strm, &data->external_to_internal_ids_);
359  ReadType(strm, &data->edited_final_weights_);
360  ReadType(strm, &data->num_new_states_);
361  if (!strm) {
362    LOG(ERROR) << "EditFst::Read: read failed: " << opts.source;
363    return 0;
364  }
365  return data;
368// This class enables non-destructive edit operations on a wrapped ExpandedFst.
369// The implementation uses copy-on-write semantics at the node level: if a user
370// has an underlying fst on which he or she wants to perform a relatively small
371// number of edits (read: mutations), then this implementation will copy the
372// edited node to an internal MutableFst and perform any edits in situ on that
373// copied node. This class supports all the methods of MutableFst except for
374// DeleteStates(const vector<StateId> &); thus, new nodes may also be added, and
375// one may add transitions from existing nodes of the wrapped fst to new nodes.
377// template parameters:
378//   A the type of arc to use
379//   WrappedFstT the type of fst wrapped by the EditFst instance that
380//     this EditFstImpl instance is backing
381//   MutableFstT the type of mutable fst to use internally for edited states;
382//     crucially, MutableFstT::Copy(false) *must* yield an fst that is
383//     thread-safe for reading (VectorFst, for example, has this property)
384template <typename A,
385          typename WrappedFstT = ExpandedFst<A>,
386          typename MutableFstT = VectorFst<A> >
387class EditFstImpl : public FstImpl<A> {
388 public:
389  using FstImpl<A>::SetProperties;
390  using FstImpl<A>::SetInputSymbols;
391  using FstImpl<A>::SetOutputSymbols;
392  using FstImpl<A>::WriteHeader;
394  typedef A Arc;
395  typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
396  typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
398  // Constructs an editable fst implementation with no states.  Effectively,
399  // this initially-empty fst will in every way mimic the behavior of
400  // a VectorFst--more precisely, a VectorFstImpl instance--but with slightly
401  // slower performance (by a constant factor), due to the fact that
402  // this class maintains a mapping between external state id's and
403  // their internal equivalents.
404  EditFstImpl() {
405    FstImpl<A>::SetType("edit");
406    wrapped_ = new MutableFstT();
407    InheritPropertiesFromWrapped();
408    data_ = new EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>();
409  }
411  // Wraps the specified ExpandedFst. This constructor requires that the
412  // specified Fst is an ExpandedFst instance. This requirement is only enforced
413  // at runtime. (See below for the reason.)
414  //
415  // This library uses the pointer-to-implementation or "PIMPL" design pattern.
416  // In particular, to make it convenient to bind an implementation class to its
417  // interface, there are a pair of template "binder" classes, one for immutable
418  // and one for mutable fst's (ImplToFst and ImplToMutableFst, respectively).
419  // As it happens, the API for the ImplToMutableFst<I,F> class requires that
420  // the implementation class--the template parameter "I"--have a constructor
421  // taking a const Fst<A> reference.  Accordingly, the constructor here must
422  // perform a static_cast to the WrappedFstT type required by EditFst and
423  // therefore EditFstImpl.
424  explicit EditFstImpl(const Fst<A> &wrapped)
425      : wrapped_(static_cast<WrappedFstT *>(wrapped.Copy())) {
426    FstImpl<A>::SetType("edit");
428    data_ = new EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>();
429    // have edits_ inherit all properties from wrapped_
430    data_->SetEditedProperties(wrapped_->Properties(kFstProperties, false),
431                               kFstProperties);
432    InheritPropertiesFromWrapped();
433  }
435  // A copy constructor for this implementation class, used to implement
436  // the Copy() method of the Fst interface.
437  EditFstImpl(const EditFstImpl &impl)
438      : FstImpl<A>(),
439        wrapped_(static_cast<WrappedFstT *>(impl.wrapped_->Copy(true))),
440        data_(impl.data_) {
441    data_->IncrRefCount();
442    SetProperties(impl.Properties());
443  }
445  ~EditFstImpl() {
446    delete wrapped_;
447    if (!data_->DecrRefCount()) {
448      delete data_;
449    }
450  }
452  // const Fst/ExpandedFst operations, declared in the Fst and ExpandedFst
453  // interfaces
454  StateId Start() const {
455    StateId edited_start = data_->EditedStart();
456    return edited_start == kNoStateId ? wrapped_->Start() : edited_start;
457  }
459  Weight Final(StateId s) const {
460    return data_->Final(s, wrapped_);
461  }
463  size_t NumArcs(StateId s) const {
464    return data_->NumArcs(s, wrapped_);
465  }
467  size_t NumInputEpsilons(StateId s) const {
468    return data_->NumInputEpsilons(s, wrapped_);
469  }
471  size_t NumOutputEpsilons(StateId s) const {
472    return data_->NumOutputEpsilons(s, wrapped_);
473  }
475  StateId NumStates() const {
476    return wrapped_->NumStates() + data_->NumNewStates();
477  }
479  static EditFstImpl<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *
480  Read(istream &strm,
481       const FstReadOptions &opts);
483  bool Write(ostream &strm, const FstWriteOptions &opts) const {
484    FstHeader hdr;
485    hdr.SetStart(Start());
486    hdr.SetNumStates(NumStates());
487    FstWriteOptions header_opts(opts);
488    header_opts.write_isymbols = false;  // Let contained FST hold any symbols.
489    header_opts.write_osymbols = false;
490    WriteHeader(strm, header_opts, kFileVersion, &hdr);
492    // First, serialize wrapped fst to stream.
493    FstWriteOptions wrapped_opts(opts);
494    wrapped_opts.write_header = true;  // Force writing contained header.
495    wrapped_->Write(strm, wrapped_opts);
497    data_->Write(strm, opts);
499    strm.flush();
500    if (!strm) {
501      LOG(ERROR) << "EditFst::Write: write failed: " << opts.source;
502      return false;
503    }
504    return true;
505  }
506  // end const Fst operations
508  // non-const MutableFst operations
510  // Sets the start state for this fst.
511  void SetStart(StateId s) {
512    MutateCheck();
513    data_->SetStart(s);
514    SetProperties(SetStartProperties(FstImpl<A>::Properties()));
515  }
517  // Sets the final state for this fst.
518  void SetFinal(StateId s, Weight w) {
519    MutateCheck();
520    Weight old_weight = data_->SetFinal(s, w, wrapped_);
521    SetProperties(SetFinalProperties(FstImpl<A>::Properties(), old_weight, w));
522  }
524  // Adds a new state to this fst, initially with no arcs.
525  StateId AddState() {
526    MutateCheck();
527    SetProperties(AddStateProperties(FstImpl<A>::Properties()));
528    return data_->AddState(NumStates());
529  }
531  // Adds the specified arc to the specified state of this fst.
532  void AddArc(StateId s, const Arc &arc) {
533    MutateCheck();
534    const A *prev_arc = data_->AddArc(s, arc, wrapped_);
535    SetProperties(AddArcProperties(FstImpl<A>::Properties(), s, arc, prev_arc));
536  }
538  void DeleteStates(const vector<StateId>& dstates) {
539    FSTERROR() << ": EditFstImpl::DeleteStates(const std::vector<StateId>&): "
540               << " not implemented";
541    SetProperties(kError, kError);
542  }
544  // Deletes all states in this fst.
545  void DeleteStates();
547  // Removes all but the first n outgoing arcs of the specified state.
548  void DeleteArcs(StateId s, size_t n) {
549    MutateCheck();
550    data_->DeleteArcs(s, n, wrapped_);
551    SetProperties(DeleteArcsProperties(FstImpl<A>::Properties()));
552  }
554  // Removes all outgoing arcs from the specified state.
555  void DeleteArcs(StateId s) {
556    MutateCheck();
557    data_->DeleteArcs(s, wrapped_);
558    SetProperties(DeleteArcsProperties(FstImpl<A>::Properties()));
559  }
561  void ReserveStates(StateId s) {
562  }
564  void ReserveArcs(StateId s, size_t n) {
565  }
567  // end non-const MutableFst operations
569  // Provides information for the generic state iterator.
570  void InitStateIterator(StateIteratorData<Arc> *data) const {
571    data->base = 0;
572    data->nstates = NumStates();
573  }
575  // Provides information for the generic arc iterator.
576  void InitArcIterator(StateId s, ArcIteratorData<Arc> *data) const {
577    data_->InitArcIterator(s, data, wrapped_);
578  }
580  // Provides information for the generic mutable arc iterator.
581  void InitMutableArcIterator(StateId s, MutableArcIteratorData<A> *data) {
582    MutateCheck();
583    data_->InitMutableArcIterator(s, data, wrapped_);
584  }
586 private:
587  typedef typename unordered_map<StateId, StateId>::const_iterator
588    IdMapIterator;
589  typedef typename unordered_map<StateId, Weight>::const_iterator
590    FinalWeightIterator;
591  // Properties always true of this Fst class
592  static const uint64 kStaticProperties = kExpanded | kMutable;
593  // Current file format version
594  static const int kFileVersion = 2;
595  // Minimum file format version supported
596  static const int kMinFileVersion = 2;
598  // Causes this fst to inherit all the properties from its wrapped fst, except
599  // for the two properties that always apply to EditFst instances: kExpanded
600  // and kMutable.
601  void InheritPropertiesFromWrapped() {
602    SetProperties(wrapped_->Properties(kCopyProperties, false) |
603                  kStaticProperties);
604    SetInputSymbols(wrapped_->InputSymbols());
605    SetOutputSymbols(wrapped_->OutputSymbols());
606  }
608  // This method ensures that any operations that alter the mutable data
609  // portion of this EditFstImpl cause the data_ member to be copied when its
610  // reference count is greater than 1.  Note that this method is distinct from
611  // MutableFst::Mutate, which gets invoked whenever one of the basic mutation
612  // methods defined in MutableFst is invoked, such as SetInputSymbols.
613  // The MutateCheck here in EditFstImpl is invoked whenever one of the
614  // mutating methods specifically related to the types of edits provided
615  // by EditFst is performed, such as changing an arc of an existing state
616  // of the wrapped fst via a MutableArcIterator, or adding a new state via
617  // AddState().
618  void MutateCheck() {
619    if (data_->RefCount() > 1) {
620      EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *data_copy =
621          new EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>(*data_);
622      if (data_ && !data_->DecrRefCount()) {
623        delete data_;
624      }
625      data_ = data_copy;
626    }
627  }
629  // The fst that this fst wraps.  The purpose of this class is to enable
630  // non-destructive edits on this wrapped fst.
631  const WrappedFstT *wrapped_;
632  // The mutable data for this EditFst instance, with delegates for all the
633  // methods that can mutate data.
634  EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *data_;
637template <typename A, typename WrappedFstT, typename MutableFstT>
638const uint64 EditFstImpl<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>::kStaticProperties;
642template<typename A, typename WrappedFstT, typename MutableFstT>
643inline void EditFstImpl<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>::DeleteStates() {
644  data_->DeleteStates();
645  delete wrapped_;
646  // we are deleting all states, so just forget about pointer to wrapped_
647  // and do what default constructor does: set wrapped_ to a new VectorFst
648  wrapped_ = new MutableFstT();
649  uint64 newProps = DeleteAllStatesProperties(FstImpl<A>::Properties(),
650                                              kStaticProperties);
651  FstImpl<A>::SetProperties(newProps);
654template <typename A, typename WrappedFstT, typename MutableFstT>
655EditFstImpl<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *
656EditFstImpl<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>::Read(istream &strm,
657                                               const FstReadOptions &opts) {
658  EditFstImpl<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *impl = new EditFstImpl();
659  FstHeader hdr;
660  if (!impl->ReadHeader(strm, opts, kMinFileVersion, &hdr)) {
661    return 0;
662  }
663  impl->SetStart(hdr.Start());
665  // first, read in wrapped fst
666  FstReadOptions wrapped_opts(opts);
667  wrapped_opts.header = 0;  // Contained header was written out, so read it in.
668  Fst<A> *wrapped_fst = Fst<A>::Read(strm, wrapped_opts);
669  if (!wrapped_fst) {
670    return 0;
671  }
672  impl->wrapped_ = static_cast<WrappedFstT *>(wrapped_fst);
674  impl->data_ = EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>::Read(strm, opts);
676  if (!impl->data_) {
677    delete wrapped_fst;
678    return 0;
679  }
681  return impl;
686// Concrete, editable FST.  This class attaches interface to implementation.
687template <typename A,
688          typename WrappedFstT = ExpandedFst<A>,
689          typename MutableFstT = VectorFst<A> >
690class EditFst :
691  public ImplToMutableFst< EditFstImpl<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> > {
692 public:
693  friend class MutableArcIterator< EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> >;
695  typedef A Arc;
696  typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
697  typedef EditFstImpl<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> Impl;
699  EditFst() : ImplToMutableFst<Impl>(new Impl()) {}
701  explicit EditFst(const Fst<A> &fst) :
702      ImplToMutableFst<Impl>(new Impl(fst)) {}
704  explicit EditFst(const WrappedFstT &fst) :
705      ImplToMutableFst<Impl>(new Impl(fst)) {}
707  // See Fst<>::Copy() for doc.
708  EditFst(const EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> &fst, bool safe = false) :
709    ImplToMutableFst<Impl>(fst, safe) {}
711  virtual ~EditFst() {}
713  // Get a copy of this EditFst. See Fst<>::Copy() for further doc.
714  virtual EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *Copy(bool safe = false) const {
715    return new EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>(*this, safe);
716  }
718  EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> &
719  operator=(const EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> &fst) {
720    SetImpl(fst.GetImpl(), false);
721    return *this;
722  }
724  virtual EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> &operator=(const Fst<A> &fst) {
725    if (this != &fst) {
726      SetImpl(new Impl(fst));
727    }
728    return *this;
729  }
731  // Read an EditFst from an input stream; return NULL on error.
732  static EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *
733  Read(istream &strm,
734       const FstReadOptions &opts) {
735    Impl* impl = Impl::Read(strm, opts);
736    return impl ? new EditFst<A>(impl) : 0;
737  }
739  // Read an EditFst from a file; return NULL on error.
740  // Empty filename reads from standard input.
741  static EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *Read(const string &filename) {
742    Impl* impl = ImplToExpandedFst<Impl, MutableFst<A> >::Read(filename);
743    return impl ? new EditFst<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>(impl) : 0;
744  }
746  virtual bool Write(ostream &strm, const FstWriteOptions &opts) const {
747    return GetImpl()->Write(strm, opts);
748  }
750  virtual bool Write(const string &filename) const {
751    return Fst<A>::WriteFile(filename);
752  }
754  virtual void InitStateIterator(StateIteratorData<Arc> *data) const {
755    GetImpl()->InitStateIterator(data);
756  }
758  virtual void InitArcIterator(StateId s, ArcIteratorData<Arc> *data) const {
759    GetImpl()->InitArcIterator(s, data);
760  }
762  virtual
763  void InitMutableArcIterator(StateId s, MutableArcIteratorData<A> *data) {
764    GetImpl()->InitMutableArcIterator(s, data);
765  }
766 private:
767  explicit EditFst(Impl *impl) : ImplToMutableFst<Impl>(impl) {}
769  // Makes visible to friends.
770  Impl *GetImpl() const { return ImplToFst< Impl, MutableFst<A> >::GetImpl(); }
772  void SetImpl(Impl *impl, bool own_impl = true) {
773    ImplToFst< Impl, MutableFst<A> >::SetImpl(impl, own_impl);
774  }
777}  // namespace fst
779#endif  // FST_LIB_EDIT_FST_H_