3//  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
5//  Abstract:
6//     DirectX Typography Services public API definitions.
13#if _MSC_VER > 1000
14#pragma once
19#include "specstrings.h"
20#include "unknwn.h"
24#include "dcommon.h"
26#if _FX_COMPILER_ == _FX_VC6_
27typedef signed char         INT8, *PINT8;
28typedef signed short        INT16, *PINT16;
29typedef signed int          INT32, *PINT32;
30typedef signed __int64      INT64, *PINT64;
31typedef unsigned char       UINT8, *PUINT8;
32typedef unsigned short      UINT16, *PUINT16;
33typedef unsigned int        UINT32, *PUINT32;
34typedef unsigned __int64    UINT64, *PUINT64;
42#define DWRITE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) WINAPI
45/// <summary>
46/// The type of a font represented by a single font file.
47/// Font formats that consist of multiple files, e.g. Type 1 .PFM and .PFB, have
48/// separate enum values for each of the file type.
49/// </summary>
52    /// <summary>
53    /// Font type is not recognized by the DirectWrite font system.
54    /// </summary>
57    /// <summary>
58    /// OpenType font with CFF outlines.
59    /// </summary>
62    /// <summary>
63    /// OpenType font with TrueType outlines.
64    /// </summary>
67    /// <summary>
68    /// OpenType font that contains a TrueType collection.
69    /// </summary>
72    /// <summary>
73    /// Type 1 PFM font.
74    /// </summary>
77    /// <summary>
78    /// Type 1 PFB font.
79    /// </summary>
82    /// <summary>
83    /// Vector .FON font.
84    /// </summary>
87    /// <summary>
88    /// Bitmap .FON font.
89    /// </summary>
93/// <summary>
94/// The file format of a complete font face.
95/// Font formats that consist of multiple files, e.g. Type 1 .PFM and .PFB, have
96/// a single enum entry.
97/// </summary>
100    /// <summary>
101    /// OpenType font face with CFF outlines.
102    /// </summary>
105    /// <summary>
106    /// OpenType font face with TrueType outlines.
107    /// </summary>
110    /// <summary>
111    /// OpenType font face that is a part of a TrueType collection.
112    /// </summary>
115    /// <summary>
116    /// A Type 1 font face.
117    /// </summary>
120    /// <summary>
121    /// A vector .FON format font face.
122    /// </summary>
125    /// <summary>
126    /// A bitmap .FON format font face.
127    /// </summary>
130    /// <summary>
131    /// Font face type is not recognized by the DirectWrite font system.
132    /// </summary>
136/// <summary>
137/// Specifies algorithmic style simulations to be applied to the font face.
138/// Bold and oblique simulations can be combined via bitwise OR operation.
139/// </summary>
142    /// <summary>
143    /// No simulations are performed.
144    /// </summary>
147    /// <summary>
148    /// Algorithmic emboldening is performed.
149    /// </summary>
152    /// <summary>
153    /// Algorithmic italicization is performed.
154    /// </summary>
162/// <summary>
163/// The font weight enumeration describes common values for degree of blackness or thickness of strokes of characters in a font.
164/// Font weight values less than 1 or greater than 999 are considered to be invalid, and they are rejected by font API functions.
165/// </summary>
168    /// <summary>
169    /// Predefined font weight : Thin (100).
170    /// </summary>
173    /// <summary>
174    /// Predefined font weight : Extra-light (200).
175    /// </summary>
178    /// <summary>
179    /// Predefined font weight : Ultra-light (200).
180    /// </summary>
183    /// <summary>
184    /// Predefined font weight : Light (300).
185    /// </summary>
188    /// <summary>
189    /// Predefined font weight : Normal (400).
190    /// </summary>
193    /// <summary>
194    /// Predefined font weight : Regular (400).
195    /// </summary>
198    /// <summary>
199    /// Predefined font weight : Medium (500).
200    /// </summary>
203    /// <summary>
204    /// Predefined font weight : Demi-bold (600).
205    /// </summary>
208    /// <summary>
209    /// Predefined font weight : Semi-bold (600).
210    /// </summary>
213    /// <summary>
214    /// Predefined font weight : Bold (700).
215    /// </summary>
218    /// <summary>
219    /// Predefined font weight : Extra-bold (800).
220    /// </summary>
223    /// <summary>
224    /// Predefined font weight : Ultra-bold (800).
225    /// </summary>
228    /// <summary>
229    /// Predefined font weight : Black (900).
230    /// </summary>
233    /// <summary>
234    /// Predefined font weight : Heavy (900).
235    /// </summary>
238    /// <summary>
239    /// Predefined font weight : Extra-black (950).
240    /// </summary>
243    /// <summary>
244    /// Predefined font weight : Ultra-black (950).
245    /// </summary>
249/// <summary>
250/// The font stretch enumeration describes relative change from the normal aspect ratio
251/// as specified by a font designer for the glyphs in a font.
252/// Values less than 1 or greater than 9 are considered to be invalid, and they are rejected by font API functions.
253/// </summary>
256    /// <summary>
257    /// Predefined font stretch : Not known (0).
258    /// </summary>
261    /// <summary>
262    /// Predefined font stretch : Ultra-condensed (1).
263    /// </summary>
266    /// <summary>
267    /// Predefined font stretch : Extra-condensed (2).
268    /// </summary>
271    /// <summary>
272    /// Predefined font stretch : Condensed (3).
273    /// </summary>
276    /// <summary>
277    /// Predefined font stretch : Semi-condensed (4).
278    /// </summary>
281    /// <summary>
282    /// Predefined font stretch : Normal (5).
283    /// </summary>
286    /// <summary>
287    /// Predefined font stretch : Medium (5).
288    /// </summary>
291    /// <summary>
292    /// Predefined font stretch : Semi-expanded (6).
293    /// </summary>
296    /// <summary>
297    /// Predefined font stretch : Expanded (7).
298    /// </summary>
301    /// <summary>
302    /// Predefined font stretch : Extra-expanded (8).
303    /// </summary>
306    /// <summary>
307    /// Predefined font stretch : Ultra-expanded (9).
308    /// </summary>
312/// <summary>
313/// The font style enumeration describes the slope style of a font face, such as Normal, Italic or Oblique.
314/// Values other than the ones defined in the enumeration are considered to be invalid, and they are rejected by font API functions.
315/// </summary>
318    /// <summary>
319    /// Font slope style : Normal.
320    /// </summary>
323    /// <summary>
324    /// Font slope style : Oblique.
325    /// </summary>
328    /// <summary>
329    /// Font slope style : Italic.
330    /// </summary>
335/// <summary>
336/// The informational string enumeration identifies a string in a font.
337/// </summary>
340    /// <summary>
341    /// Unspecified name ID.
342    /// </summary>
345    /// <summary>
346    /// Copyright notice provided by the font.
347    /// </summary>
350    /// <summary>
351    /// String containing a version number.
352    /// </summary>
355    /// <summary>
356    /// Trademark information provided by the font.
357    /// </summary>
360    /// <summary>
361    /// Name of the font manufacturer.
362    /// </summary>
365    /// <summary>
366    /// Name of the font designer.
367    /// </summary>
370    /// <summary>
371    /// URL of font designer (with protocol, e.g., http://, ftp://).
372    /// </summary>
375    /// <summary>
376    /// Description of the font. Can contain revision information, usage recommendations, history, features, etc.
377    /// </summary>
380    /// <summary>
381    /// URL of font vendor (with protocol, e.g., http://, ftp://). If a unique serial number is embedded in the URL, it can be used to register the font.
382    /// </summary>
385    /// <summary>
386    /// Description of how the font may be legally used, or different example scenarios for licensed use. This field should be written in plain language, not legalese.
387    /// </summary>
390    /// <summary>
391    /// URL where additional licensing information can be found.
392    /// </summary>
395    /// <summary>
396    /// GDI-compatible family name. Because GDI allows a maximum of four fonts per family, fonts in the same family may have different GDI-compatible family names
397    /// (e.g., "Arial", "Arial Narrow", "Arial Black").
398    /// </summary>
401    /// <summary>
402    /// GDI-compatible subfamily name.
403    /// </summary>
406    /// <summary>
407    /// Family name preferred by the designer. This enables font designers to group more than four fonts in a single family without losing compatibility with
408    /// GDI. This name is typically only present if it differs from the GDI-compatible family name.
409    /// </summary>
412    /// <summary>
413    /// Subfamily name preferred by the designer. This name is typically only present if it differs from the GDI-compatible subfamily name.
414    /// </summary>
417    /// <summary>
418    /// Sample text. This can be the font name or any other text that the designer thinks is the best example to display the font in.
419    /// </summary>
424/// <summary>
425/// The DWRITE_FONT_METRICS structure specifies the metrics of a font face that
426/// are applicable to all glyphs within the font face.
427/// </summary>
430    /// <summary>
431    /// The number of font design units per em unit.
432    /// Font files use their own coordinate system of font design units.
433    /// A font design unit is the smallest measurable unit in the em square,
434    /// an imaginary square that is used to size and align glyphs.
435    /// The concept of em square is used as a reference scale factor when defining font size and device transformation semantics.
436    /// The size of one em square is also commonly used to compute the paragraph identation value.
437    /// </summary>
438    UINT16 designUnitsPerEm;
440    /// <summary>
441    /// Ascent value of the font face in font design units.
442    /// Ascent is the distance from the top of font character alignment box to English baseline.
443    /// </summary>
444    UINT16 ascent;
446    /// <summary>
447    /// Descent value of the font face in font design units.
448    /// Descent is the distance from the bottom of font character alignment box to English baseline.
449    /// </summary>
450    UINT16 descent;
452    /// <summary>
453    /// Line gap in font design units.
454    /// Recommended additional white space to add between lines to improve legibility. The recommended line spacing
455    /// (baseline-to-baseline distance) is thus the sum of ascent, descent, and lineGap. The line gap is usually
456    /// positive or zero but can be negative, in which case the recommended line spacing is less than the height
457    /// of the character alignment box.
458    /// </summary>
459    INT16 lineGap;
461    /// <summary>
462    /// Cap height value of the font face in font design units.
463    /// Cap height is the distance from English baseline to the top of a typical English capital.
464    /// Capital "H" is often used as a reference character for the purpose of calculating the cap height value.
465    /// </summary>
466    UINT16 capHeight;
468    /// <summary>
469    /// x-height value of the font face in font design units.
470    /// x-height is the distance from English baseline to the top of lowercase letter "x", or a similar lowercase character.
471    /// </summary>
472    UINT16 xHeight;
474    /// <summary>
475    /// The underline position value of the font face in font design units.
476    /// Underline position is the position of underline relative to the English baseline.
477    /// The value is usually made negative in order to place the underline below the baseline.
478    /// </summary>
479    INT16 underlinePosition;
481    /// <summary>
482    /// The suggested underline thickness value of the font face in font design units.
483    /// </summary>
484    UINT16 underlineThickness;
486    /// <summary>
487    /// The strikethrough position value of the font face in font design units.
488    /// Strikethrough position is the position of strikethrough relative to the English baseline.
489    /// The value is usually made positive in order to place the strikethrough above the baseline.
490    /// </summary>
491    INT16 strikethroughPosition;
493    /// <summary>
494    /// The suggested strikethrough thickness value of the font face in font design units.
495    /// </summary>
496    UINT16 strikethroughThickness;
499/// <summary>
500/// The DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS structure specifies the metrics of an individual glyph.
501/// The units depend on how the metrics are obtained.
502/// </summary>
505    /// <summary>
506    /// Specifies the X offset from the glyph origin to the left edge of the black box.
507    /// The glyph origin is the current horizontal writing position.
508    /// A negative value means the black box extends to the left of the origin (often true for lowercase italic 'f').
509    /// </summary>
510    INT32 leftSideBearing;
512    /// <summary>
513    /// Specifies the X offset from the origin of the current glyph to the origin of the next glyph when writing horizontally.
514    /// </summary>
515    UINT32 advanceWidth;
517    /// <summary>
518    /// Specifies the X offset from the right edge of the black box to the origin of the next glyph when writing horizontally.
519    /// The value is negative when the right edge of the black box overhangs the layout box.
520    /// </summary>
521    INT32 rightSideBearing;
523    /// <summary>
524    /// Specifies the vertical offset from the vertical origin to the top of the black box.
525    /// Thus, a positive value adds whitespace whereas a negative value means the glyph overhangs the top of the layout box.
526    /// </summary>
527    INT32 topSideBearing;
529    /// <summary>
530    /// Specifies the Y offset from the vertical origin of the current glyph to the vertical origin of the next glyph when writing vertically.
531    /// (Note that the term "origin" by itself denotes the horizontal origin. The vertical origin is different.
532    /// Its Y coordinate is specified by verticalOriginY value,
533    /// and its X coordinate is half the advanceWidth to the right of the horizontal origin).
534    /// </summary>
535    UINT32 advanceHeight;
537    /// <summary>
538    /// Specifies the vertical distance from the black box's bottom edge to the advance height.
539    /// Positive when the bottom edge of the black box is within the layout box.
540    /// Negative when the bottom edge of black box overhangs the layout box.
541    /// </summary>
542    INT32 bottomSideBearing;
544    /// <summary>
545    /// Specifies the Y coordinate of a glyph's vertical origin, in the font's design coordinate system.
546    /// The y coordinate of a glyph's vertical origin is the sum of the glyph's top side bearing
547    /// and the top (i.e. yMax) of the glyph's bounding box.
548    /// </summary>
549    INT32 verticalOriginY;
552/// <summary>
553/// Optional adjustment to a glyph's position. An glyph offset changes the position of a glyph without affecting
554/// the pen position. Offsets are in logical, pre-transform units.
555/// </summary>
558    /// <summary>
559    /// Offset in the advance direction of the run. A positive advance offset moves the glyph to the right
560    /// (in pre-transform coordinates) if the run is left-to-right or to the left if the run is right-to-left.
561    /// </summary>
562    FLOAT advanceOffset;
564    /// <summary>
565    /// Offset in the ascent direction, i.e., the direction ascenders point. A positive ascender offset moves
566    /// the glyph up (in pre-transform coordinates).
567    /// </summary>
568    FLOAT ascenderOffset;
571/// <summary>
572/// Specifies the type of DirectWrite factory object.
573/// DirectWrite factory contains internal state such as font loader registration and cached font data.
574/// In most cases it is recommended to use the shared factory object, because it allows multiple components
575/// that use DirectWrite to share internal DirectWrite state and reduce memory usage.
576/// However, there are cases when it is desirable to reduce the impact of a component,
577/// such as a plug-in from an untrusted source, on the rest of the process by sandboxing and isolating it
578/// from the rest of the process components. In such cases, it is recommended to use an isolated factory for the sandboxed
579/// component.
580/// </summary>
583    /// <summary>
584    /// Shared factory allow for re-use of cached font data across multiple in process components.
585    /// Such factories also take advantage of cross process font caching components for better performance.
586    /// </summary>
589    /// <summary>
590    /// Objects created from the isolated factory do not interact with internal DirectWrite state from other components.
591    /// </summary>
595// Creates an OpenType tag as a 32bit integer such that
596// the first character in the tag is the lowest byte,
597// (least significant on little endian architectures)
598// which can be used to compare with tags in the font file.
599// This macro is compatible with DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG.
601// Example: DWRITE_MAKE_OPENTYPE_TAG('c','c','m','p')
602// Dword:   0x706D6363
604#define DWRITE_MAKE_OPENTYPE_TAG(a,b,c,d) ( \
605    (static_cast<UINT32>(static_cast<UINT8>(d)) << 24) | \
606    (static_cast<UINT32>(static_cast<UINT8>(c)) << 16) | \
607    (static_cast<UINT32>(static_cast<UINT8>(b)) << 8)  | \
608     static_cast<UINT32>(static_cast<UINT8>(a)))
610interface IDWriteFontFileStream;
612/// <summary>
613/// Font file loader interface handles loading font file resources of a particular type from a key.
614/// The font file loader interface is recommended to be implemented by a singleton object.
615/// IMPORTANT: font file loader implementations must not register themselves with DirectWrite factory
616/// inside their constructors and must not unregister themselves in their destructors, because
617/// registration and unregistraton operations increment and decrement the object reference count respectively.
618/// Instead, registration and unregistration of font file loaders with DirectWrite factory should be performed
619/// outside of the font file loader implementation as a separate step.
620/// </summary>
621interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("727cad4e-d6af-4c9e-8a08-d695b11caa49") IDWriteFontFileLoader : public IUnknown
623    /// <summary>
624    /// Creates a font file stream object that encapsulates an open file resource.
625    /// The resource is closed when the last reference to fontFileStream is released.
626    /// </summary>
627    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKey">Font file reference key that uniquely identifies the font file resource
628    /// within the scope of the font loader being used.</param>
629    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKeySize">Size of font file reference key in bytes.</param>
630    /// <param name="fontFileStream">Pointer to the newly created font file stream.</param>
631    /// <returns>
632    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
633    /// </returns>
634    STDMETHOD(CreateStreamFromKey)(
635        __in_bcount(fontFileReferenceKeySize) void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
636        UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
637        __out IDWriteFontFileStream** fontFileStream
638        ) PURE;
641/// <summary>
642/// A built-in implementation of IDWriteFontFileLoader interface that operates on local font files
643/// and exposes local font file information from the font file reference key.
644/// Font file references created using CreateFontFileReference use this font file loader.
645/// </summary>
646interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("b2d9f3ec-c9fe-4a11-a2ec-d86208f7c0a2") IDWriteLocalFontFileLoader : public IDWriteFontFileLoader
648    /// <summary>
649    /// Obtains the length of the absolute file path from the font file reference key.
650    /// </summary>
651    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKey">Font file reference key that uniquely identifies the local font file
652    /// within the scope of the font loader being used.</param>
653    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKeySize">Size of font file reference key in bytes.</param>
654    /// <param name="filePathLength">Length of the file path string not including the terminated NULL character.</param>
655    /// <returns>
656    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
657    /// </returns>
658    STDMETHOD(GetFilePathLengthFromKey)(
659        __in_bcount(fontFileReferenceKeySize) void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
660        UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
661        __out UINT32* filePathLength
662        ) PURE;
664    /// <summary>
665    /// Obtains the absolute font file path from the font file reference key.
666    /// </summary>
667    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKey">Font file reference key that uniquely identifies the local font file
668    /// within the scope of the font loader being used.</param>
669    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKeySize">Size of font file reference key in bytes.</param>
670    /// <param name="filePath">Character array that receives the local file path.</param>
671    /// <param name="filePathSize">Size of the filePath array in character count including the terminated NULL character.</param>
672    /// <returns>
673    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
674    /// </returns>
675    STDMETHOD(GetFilePathFromKey)(
676        __in_bcount(fontFileReferenceKeySize) void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
677        UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
678        __out_ecount_z(filePathSize) WCHAR* filePath,
679        UINT32 filePathSize
680        ) PURE;
682    /// <summary>
683    /// Obtains the last write time of the file from the font file reference key.
684    /// </summary>
685    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKey">Font file reference key that uniquely identifies the local font file
686    /// within the scope of the font loader being used.</param>
687    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKeySize">Size of font file reference key in bytes.</param>
688    /// <param name="lastWriteTime">Last modified time of the font file.</param>
689    /// <returns>
690    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
691    /// </returns>
692    STDMETHOD(GetLastWriteTimeFromKey)(
693        __in_bcount(fontFileReferenceKeySize) void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
694        UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
695        __out FILETIME* lastWriteTime
696        ) PURE;
699/// <summary>
700/// The interface for loading font file data.
701/// </summary>
702interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("6d4865fe-0ab8-4d91-8f62-5dd6be34a3e0") IDWriteFontFileStream : public IUnknown
704    /// <summary>
705    /// Reads a fragment from a file.
706    /// </summary>
707    /// <param name="fragmentStart">Receives the pointer to the start of the font file fragment.</param>
708    /// <param name="fileOffset">Offset of the fragment from the beginning of the font file.</param>
709    /// <param name="fragmentSize">Size of the fragment in bytes.</param>
710    /// <param name="fragmentContext">The client defined context to be passed to the ReleaseFileFragment.</param>
711    /// <returns>
712    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
713    /// </returns>
714    /// <remarks>
715    /// IMPORTANT: ReadFileFragment() implementations must check whether the requested file fragment
716    /// is within the file bounds. Otherwise, an error should be returned from ReadFileFragment.
717    /// </remarks>
718    STDMETHOD(ReadFileFragment)(
719        __deref_out_bcount(fragmentSize) void const** fragmentStart,
720        UINT64 fileOffset,
721        UINT64 fragmentSize,
722        __out void** fragmentContext
723        ) PURE;
725    /// <summary>
726    /// Releases a fragment from a file.
727    /// </summary>
728    /// <param name="fragmentContext">The client defined context of a font fragment returned from ReadFileFragment.</param>
729    STDMETHOD_(void, ReleaseFileFragment)(
730        void* fragmentContext
731        ) PURE;
733    /// <summary>
734    /// Obtains the total size of a file.
735    /// </summary>
736    /// <param name="fileSize">Receives the total size of the file.</param>
737    /// <returns>
738    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
739    /// </returns>
740    /// <remarks>
741    /// Implementing GetFileSize() for asynchronously loaded font files may require
742    /// downloading the complete file contents, therefore this method should only be used for operations that
743    /// either require complete font file to be loaded (e.g., copying a font file) or need to make
744    /// decisions based on the value of the file size (e.g., validation against a persisted file size).
745    /// </remarks>
746    STDMETHOD(GetFileSize)(
747        __out UINT64* fileSize
748        ) PURE;
750    /// <summary>
751    /// Obtains the last modified time of the file. The last modified time is used by DirectWrite font selection algorithms
752    /// to determine whether one font resource is more up to date than another one.
753    /// </summary>
754    /// <param name="lastWriteTime">Receives the last modifed time of the file in the format that represents
755    /// the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).</param>
756    /// <returns>
757    /// Standard HRESULT error code. For resources that don't have a concept of the last modified time, the implementation of
758    /// GetLastWriteTime should return E_NOTIMPL.
759    /// </returns>
760    STDMETHOD(GetLastWriteTime)(
761        __out UINT64* lastWriteTime
762        ) PURE;
765/// <summary>
766/// The interface that represents a reference to a font file.
767/// </summary>
768interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("739d886a-cef5-47dc-8769-1a8b41bebbb0") IDWriteFontFile : public IUnknown
770    /// <summary>
771    /// This method obtains the pointer to the reference key of a font file. The pointer is only valid until the object that refers to it is released.
772    /// </summary>
773    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKey">Pointer to the font file reference key.
774    /// IMPORTANT: The pointer value is valid until the font file reference object it is obtained from is released.</param>
775    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKeySize">Size of font file reference key in bytes.</param>
776    /// <returns>
777    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
778    /// </returns>
779    STDMETHOD(GetReferenceKey)(
780        __deref_out_bcount(*fontFileReferenceKeySize) void const** fontFileReferenceKey,
781        __out UINT32* fontFileReferenceKeySize
782        ) PURE;
784    /// <summary>
785    /// Obtains the file loader associated with a font file object.
786    /// </summary>
787    /// <param name="fontFileLoader">The font file loader associated with the font file object.</param>
788    /// <returns>
789    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
790    /// </returns>
791    STDMETHOD(GetLoader)(
792        __out IDWriteFontFileLoader** fontFileLoader
793        ) PURE;
795    /// <summary>
796    /// Analyzes a file and returns whether it represents a font, and whether the font type is supported by the font system.
797    /// </summary>
798    /// <param name="isSupportedFontType">TRUE if the font type is supported by the font system, FALSE otherwise.</param>
799    /// <param name="fontFileType">The type of the font file. Note that even if isSupportedFontType is FALSE,
800    /// the fontFileType value may be different from DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN.</param>
801    /// <param name="fontFaceType">The type of the font face that can be constructed from the font file.
802    /// Note that even if isSupportedFontType is FALSE, the fontFaceType value may be different from
804    /// <param name="numberOfFaces">Number of font faces contained in the font file.</param>
805    /// <returns>
806    /// Standard HRESULT error code if there was a processing error during analysis.
807    /// </returns>
808    /// <remarks>
809    /// IMPORTANT: certain font file types are recognized, but not supported by the font system.
810    /// For example, the font system will recognize a file as a Type 1 font file,
811    /// but will not be able to construct a font face object from it. In such situations, Analyze will set
812    /// isSupportedFontType output parameter to FALSE.
813    /// </remarks>
814    STDMETHOD(Analyze)(
815        __out BOOL* isSupportedFontType,
816        __out DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE* fontFileType,
817        __out_opt DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE* fontFaceType,
818        __out UINT32* numberOfFaces
819        ) PURE;
822/// <summary>
823/// Represents the internal structure of a device pixel (i.e., the physical arrangement of red,
824/// green, and blue color components) that is assumed for purposes of rendering text.
825/// </summary>
829    /// <summary>
830    /// The red, green, and blue color components of each pixel are assumed to occupy the same point.
831    /// </summary>
834    /// <summary>
835    /// Each pixel comprises three vertical stripes, with red on the left, green in the center, and
836    /// blue on the right. This is the most common pixel geometry for LCD monitors.
837    /// </summary>
840    /// <summary>
841    /// Each pixel comprises three vertical stripes, with blue on the left, green in the center, and
842    /// red on the right.
843    /// </summary>
849/// <summary>
850/// Represents a method of rendering glyphs.
851/// </summary>
854    /// <summary>
855    /// Specifies that the rendering mode is determined automatically based on the font and size.
856    /// </summary>
859    /// <summary>
860    /// Specifies that no anti-aliasing is performed. Each pixel is either set to the foreground
861    /// color of the text or retains the color of the background.
862    /// </summary>
865    /// <summary>
866    /// Specifies ClearType rendering with the same metrics as aliased text. Glyphs can only
867    /// be positioned on whole-pixel boundaries.
868    /// </summary>
871    /// <summary>
872    /// Specifies ClearType rendering with the same metrics as text rendering using GDI using a font
873    /// created with CLEARTYPE_NATURAL_QUALITY. Glyph metrics are closer to their ideal values than
874    /// with aliased text, but glyphs are still positioned on whole-pixel boundaries.
875    /// </summary>
878    /// <summary>
879    /// Specifies ClearType rendering with anti-aliasing in the horizontal dimension only. This is
880    /// typically used with small to medium font sizes (up to 16 ppem).
881    /// </summary>
884    /// <summary>
885    /// Specifies ClearType rendering with anti-aliasing in both horizontal and vertical dimensions.
886    /// This is typically used at larger sizes to makes curves and diagonal lines look smoother, at
887    /// the expense of some softness.
888    /// </summary>
891    /// <summary>
892    /// Specifies that rendering should bypass the rasterizer and use the outlines directly. This is
893    /// typically used at very large sizes.
894    /// </summary>
898/// <summary>
899/// The DWRITE_MATRIX structure specifies the graphics transform to be applied
900/// to rendered glyphs.
901/// </summary>
904    /// <summary>
905    /// Horizontal scaling / cosine of rotation
906    /// </summary>
907    FLOAT m11;
909    /// <summary>
910    /// Vertical shear / sine of rotation
911    /// </summary>
912    FLOAT m12;
914    /// <summary>
915    /// Horizontal shear / negative sine of rotation
916    /// </summary>
917    FLOAT m21;
919    /// <summary>
920    /// Vertical scaling / cosine of rotation
921    /// </summary>
922    FLOAT m22;
924    /// <summary>
925    /// Horizontal shift (always orthogonal regardless of rotation)
926    /// </summary>
927    FLOAT dx;
929    /// <summary>
930    /// Vertical shift (always orthogonal regardless of rotation)
931    /// </summary>
932    FLOAT dy;
935/// <summary>
936/// The interface that represents text rendering settings for glyph rasterization and filtering.
937/// </summary>
938interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("2f0da53a-2add-47cd-82ee-d9ec34688e75") IDWriteRenderingParams : public IUnknown
940    /// <summary>
941    /// Gets the gamma value used for gamma correction. Valid values must be
942    /// greater than zero and cannot exceed 256.
943    /// </summary>
944    STDMETHOD_(FLOAT, GetGamma)() PURE;
946    /// <summary>
947    /// Gets the amount of contrast enhancement. Valid values are greater than
948    /// or equal to zero.
949    /// </summary>
950    STDMETHOD_(FLOAT, GetEnhancedContrast)() PURE;
952    /// <summary>
953    /// Gets the ClearType level. Valid values range from 0.0f (no ClearType)
954    /// to 1.0f (full ClearType).
955    /// </summary>
956    STDMETHOD_(FLOAT, GetClearTypeLevel)() PURE;
958    /// <summary>
959    /// Gets the pixel geometry.
960    /// </summary>
963    /// <summary>
964    /// Gets the rendering mode.
965    /// </summary>
969// Forward declarations of D2D types
970interface ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink;
972typedef ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink IDWriteGeometrySink;
974/// <summary>
975/// The interface that represents an absolute reference to a font face.
976/// It contains font face type, appropriate file references and face identification data.
977/// Various font data such as metrics, names and glyph outlines is obtained from IDWriteFontFace.
978/// </summary>
979interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("5f49804d-7024-4d43-bfa9-d25984f53849") IDWriteFontFace : public IUnknown
981    /// <summary>
982    /// Obtains the file format type of a font face.
983    /// </summary>
986    /// <summary>
987    /// Obtains the font files representing a font face.
988    /// </summary>
989    /// <param name="numberOfFiles">The number of files representing the font face.</param>
990    /// <param name="fontFiles">User provided array that stores pointers to font files representing the font face.
991    /// This parameter can be NULL if the user is only interested in the number of files representing the font face.
992    /// This API increments reference count of the font file pointers returned according to COM conventions, and the client
993    /// should release them when finished.</param>
994    /// <returns>
995    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
996    /// </returns>
997    STDMETHOD(GetFiles)(
998        __inout UINT32* numberOfFiles,
999        __out_ecount_opt(*numberOfFiles) IDWriteFontFile** fontFiles
1000        ) PURE;
1002    /// <summary>
1003    /// Obtains the zero-based index of the font face in its font file or files. If the font files contain a single face,
1004    /// the return value is zero.
1005    /// </summary>
1006    STDMETHOD_(UINT32, GetIndex)() PURE;
1008    /// <summary>
1009    /// Obtains the algorithmic style simulation flags of a font face.
1010    /// </summary>
1013    /// <summary>
1014    /// Determines whether the font is a symbol font.
1015    /// </summary>
1016    STDMETHOD_(BOOL, IsSymbolFont)() PURE;
1018    /// <summary>
1019    /// Obtains design units and common metrics for the font face.
1020    /// These metrics are applicable to all the glyphs within a fontface and are used by applications for layout calculations.
1021    /// </summary>
1022    /// <param name="fontFaceMetrics">Points to a DWRITE_FONT_METRICS structure to fill in.
1023    /// The metrics returned by this function are in font design units.</param>
1024    STDMETHOD_(void, GetMetrics)(
1025        __out DWRITE_FONT_METRICS* fontFaceMetrics
1026        ) PURE;
1028    /// <summary>
1029    /// Obtains the number of glyphs in the font face.
1030    /// </summary>
1031    STDMETHOD_(UINT16, GetGlyphCount)() PURE;
1033    /// <summary>
1034    /// Obtains ideal glyph metrics in font design units. Design glyphs metrics are used for glyph positioning.
1035    /// </summary>
1036    /// <param name="glyphIndices">An array of glyph indices to compute the metrics for.</param>
1037    /// <param name="glyphCount">The number of elements in the glyphIndices array.</param>
1038    /// <param name="glyphMetrics">Array of DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS structures filled by this function.
1039    /// The metrics returned by this function are in font design units.</param>
1040    /// <param name="isSideways">Indicates whether the font is being used in a sideways run.
1041    /// This can affect the glyph metrics if the font has oblique simulation
1042    /// because sideways oblique simulation differs from non-sideways oblique simulation.</param>
1043    /// <returns>
1044    /// Standard HRESULT error code. If any of the input glyph indices are outside of the valid glyph index range
1045    /// for the current font face, E_INVALIDARG will be returned.
1046    /// </returns>
1047    STDMETHOD(GetDesignGlyphMetrics)(
1048        __in_ecount(glyphCount) UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
1049        UINT32 glyphCount,
1050        __out_ecount(glyphCount) DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS* glyphMetrics,
1051        BOOL isSideways = FALSE
1052        ) PURE;
1054    /// <summary>
1055    /// Returns the nominal mapping of UCS4 Unicode code points to glyph indices as defined by the font 'CMAP' table.
1056    /// Note that this mapping is primarily provided for line layout engines built on top of the physical font API.
1057    /// Because of OpenType glyph substitution and line layout character substitution, the nominal conversion does not always correspond
1058    /// to how a Unicode string will map to glyph indices when rendering using a particular font face.
1059    /// Also, note that Unicode Variant Selectors provide for alternate mappings for character to glyph.
1060    /// This call will always return the default variant.
1061    /// </summary>
1062    /// <param name="codePoints">An array of USC4 code points to obtain nominal glyph indices from.</param>
1063    /// <param name="codePointCount">The number of elements in the codePoints array.</param>
1064    /// <param name="glyphIndices">Array of nominal glyph indices filled by this function.</param>
1065    /// <returns>
1066    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1067    /// </returns>
1068    STDMETHOD(GetGlyphIndices)(
1069        __in_ecount(codePointCount) UINT32 const* codePoints,
1070        UINT32 codePointCount,
1071        __out_ecount(codePointCount) UINT16* glyphIndices
1072        ) PURE;
1074    /// <summary>
1075    /// Finds the specified OpenType font table if it exists and returns a pointer to it.
1076    /// The function accesses the underling font data via the IDWriteFontStream interface
1077    /// implemented by the font file loader.
1078    /// </summary>
1079    /// <param name="openTypeTableTag">Four character tag of table to find.
1080    ///     Use the DWRITE_MAKE_OPENTYPE_TAG() macro to create it.
1081    ///     Unlike GDI, it does not support the special TTCF and null tags to access the whole font.</param>
1082    /// <param name="tableData">
1083    ///     Pointer to base of table in memory.
1084    ///     The pointer is only valid so long as the FontFace used to get the font table still exists
1085    ///     (not any other FontFace, even if it actually refers to the same physical font).
1086    /// </param>
1087    /// <param name="tableSize">Byte size of table.</param>
1088    /// <param name="tableContext">
1089    ///     Opaque context which must be freed by calling ReleaseFontTable.
1090    ///     The context actually comes from the lower level IDWriteFontFileStream,
1091    ///     which may be implemented by the application or DWrite itself.
1092    ///     It is possible for a NULL tableContext to be returned, especially if
1093    ///     the implementation directly memory maps the whole file.
1094    ///     Nevertheless, always release it later, and do not use it as a test for function success.
1095    ///     The same table can be queried multiple times,
1096    ///     but each returned context can be different, so release each separately.
1097    /// </param>
1098    /// <param name="exists">True if table exists.</param>
1099    /// <returns>
1100    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1101    /// If a table can not be found, the function will not return an error, but the size will be 0, table NULL, and exists = FALSE.
1102    /// The context does not need to be freed if the table was not found.
1103    /// </returns>
1104    /// <remarks>
1105    /// The context for the same tag may be different for each call,
1106    /// so each one must be held and released separately.
1107    /// </remarks>
1108    STDMETHOD(TryGetFontTable)(
1109        __in UINT32 openTypeTableTag,
1110        __deref_out_bcount(*tableSize) const void** tableData,
1111        __out UINT32* tableSize,
1112        __out void** tableContext,
1113        __out BOOL* exists
1114        ) PURE;
1116    /// <summary>
1117    /// Releases the table obtained earlier from TryGetFontTable.
1118    /// </summary>
1119    /// <param name="tableContext">Opaque context from TryGetFontTable.</param>
1120    /// <returns>
1121    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1122    /// </returns>
1123    STDMETHOD_(void, ReleaseFontTable)(
1124        __in void* tableContext
1125        ) PURE;
1127    /// <summary>
1128    /// Computes the outline of a run of glyphs by calling back to the outline sink interface.
1129    /// </summary>
1130    /// <param name="emSize">Logical size of the font in DIP units. A DIP ("device-independent pixel") equals 1/96 inch.</param>
1131    /// <param name="glyphIndices">Array of glyph indices.</param>
1132    /// <param name="glyphAdvances">Optional array of glyph advances in DIPs.</param>
1133    /// <param name="glyphOffsets">Optional array of glyph offsets.</param>
1134    /// <param name="glyphCount">Number of glyphs.</param>
1135    /// <param name="isSideways">If true, specifies that glyphs are rotated 90 degrees to the left and vertical metrics are used.
1136    /// A client can render a vertical run by specifying isSideways = true and rotating the resulting geometry 90 degrees to the
1137    /// right using a transform. The isSideways and isRightToLeft parameters cannot both be true.</param>
1138    /// <param name="isRightToLeft">If true, specifies that the advance direction is right to left. By default, the advance direction
1139    /// is left to right.</param>
1140    /// <param name="geometrySink">Interface the function calls back to draw each element of the geometry.</param>
1141    /// <returns>
1142    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1143    /// </returns>
1144    STDMETHOD(GetGlyphRunOutline)(
1145        FLOAT emSize,
1146        __in_ecount(glyphCount) UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
1147        __in_ecount_opt(glyphCount) FLOAT const* glyphAdvances,
1148        __in_ecount_opt(glyphCount) DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET const* glyphOffsets,
1149        UINT32 glyphCount,
1150        BOOL isSideways,
1151        BOOL isRightToLeft,
1152        IDWriteGeometrySink* geometrySink
1153        ) PURE;
1155    /// <summary>
1156    /// Determines the recommended rendering mode for the font given the specified size and rendering parameters.
1157    /// </summary>
1158    /// <param name="emSize">Logical size of the font in DIP units. A DIP ("device-independent pixel") equals 1/96 inch.</param>
1159    /// <param name="pixelsPerDip">Number of physical pixels per DIP. For example, if the DPI of the rendering surface is 96 this
1160    /// value is 1.0f. If the DPI is 120, this value is 120.0f/96.</param>
1161    /// <param name="measuringMode">Specifies measuring method that will be used for glyphs in the font.
1162    /// Renderer implementations may choose different rendering modes for given measuring methods, but
1163    /// best results are seen when the corresponding modes match:
1167    /// </param>
1168    /// <param name="renderingParams">Rendering parameters object. This parameter is necessary in case the rendering parameters
1169    /// object overrides the rendering mode.</param>
1170    /// <param name="renderingMode">Receives the recommended rendering mode to use.</param>
1171    /// <returns>
1172    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1173    /// </returns>
1174    STDMETHOD(GetRecommendedRenderingMode)(
1175        FLOAT emSize,
1176        FLOAT pixelsPerDip,
1177        DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode,
1178        IDWriteRenderingParams* renderingParams,
1179        __out DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE* renderingMode
1180        ) PURE;
1182    /// <summary>
1183    /// Obtains design units and common metrics for the font face.
1184    /// These metrics are applicable to all the glyphs within a fontface and are used by applications for layout calculations.
1185    /// </summary>
1186    /// <param name="emSize">Logical size of the font in DIP units. A DIP ("device-independent pixel") equals 1/96 inch.</param>
1187    /// <param name="pixelsPerDip">Number of physical pixels per DIP. For example, if the DPI of the rendering surface is 96 this
1188    /// value is 1.0f. If the DPI is 120, this value is 120.0f/96.</param>
1189    /// <param name="transform">Optional transform applied to the glyphs and their positions. This transform is applied after the
1190    /// scaling specified by the font size and pixelsPerDip.</param>
1191    /// <param name="fontFaceMetrics">Points to a DWRITE_FONT_METRICS structure to fill in.
1192    /// The metrics returned by this function are in font design units.</param>
1193    STDMETHOD(GetGdiCompatibleMetrics)(
1194        FLOAT emSize,
1195        FLOAT pixelsPerDip,
1196        __in_opt DWRITE_MATRIX const* transform,
1197        __out DWRITE_FONT_METRICS* fontFaceMetrics
1198        ) PURE;
1201    /// <summary>
1202    /// Obtains glyph metrics in font design units with the return values compatible with what GDI would produce.
1203    /// Glyphs metrics are used for positioning of individual glyphs.
1204    /// </summary>
1205    /// <param name="emSize">Logical size of the font in DIP units. A DIP ("device-independent pixel") equals 1/96 inch.</param>
1206    /// <param name="pixelsPerDip">Number of physical pixels per DIP. For example, if the DPI of the rendering surface is 96 this
1207    /// value is 1.0f. If the DPI is 120, this value is 120.0f/96.</param>
1208    /// <param name="transform">Optional transform applied to the glyphs and their positions. This transform is applied after the
1209    /// scaling specified by the font size and pixelsPerDip.</param>
1210    /// <param name="useGdiNatural">
1211    /// When set to FALSE, the metrics are the same as the metrics of GDI aliased text.
1212    /// When set to TRUE, the metrics are the same as the metrics of text measured by GDI using a font
1213    /// created with CLEARTYPE_NATURAL_QUALITY.
1214    /// </param>
1215    /// <param name="glyphIndices">An array of glyph indices to compute the metrics for.</param>
1216    /// <param name="glyphCount">The number of elements in the glyphIndices array.</param>
1217    /// <param name="glyphMetrics">Array of DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS structures filled by this function.
1218    /// The metrics returned by this function are in font design units.</param>
1219    /// <param name="isSideways">Indicates whether the font is being used in a sideways run.
1220    /// This can affect the glyph metrics if the font has oblique simulation
1221    /// because sideways oblique simulation differs from non-sideways oblique simulation.</param>
1222    /// <returns>
1223    /// Standard HRESULT error code. If any of the input glyph indices are outside of the valid glyph index range
1224    /// for the current font face, E_INVALIDARG will be returned.
1225    /// </returns>
1226    STDMETHOD(GetGdiCompatibleGlyphMetrics)(
1227        FLOAT emSize,
1228        FLOAT pixelsPerDip,
1229        __in_opt DWRITE_MATRIX const* transform,
1230        BOOL useGdiNatural,
1231        __in_ecount(glyphCount) UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
1232        UINT32 glyphCount,
1233        __out_ecount(glyphCount) DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS* glyphMetrics,
1234        BOOL isSideways = FALSE
1235        ) PURE;
1238interface IDWriteFactory;
1239interface IDWriteFontFileEnumerator;
1241/// <summary>
1242/// The font collection loader interface is used to construct a collection of fonts given a particular type of key.
1243/// The font collection loader interface is recommended to be implemented by a singleton object.
1244/// IMPORTANT: font collection loader implementations must not register themselves with a DirectWrite factory
1245/// inside their constructors and must not unregister themselves in their destructors, because
1246/// registration and unregistraton operations increment and decrement the object reference count respectively.
1247/// Instead, registration and unregistration of font file loaders with DirectWrite factory should be performed
1248/// outside of the font file loader implementation as a separate step.
1249/// </summary>
1250interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("cca920e4-52f0-492b-bfa8-29c72ee0a468") IDWriteFontCollectionLoader : public IUnknown
1252    /// <summary>
1253    /// Creates a font file enumerator object that encapsulates a collection of font files.
1254    /// The font system calls back to this interface to create a font collection.
1255    /// </summary>
1256    /// <param name="factory">Factory associated with the loader.</param>
1257    /// <param name="collectionKey">Font collection key that uniquely identifies the collection of font files within
1258    /// the scope of the font collection loader being used.</param>
1259    /// <param name="collectionKeySize">Size of the font collection key in bytes.</param>
1260    /// <param name="fontFileEnumerator">Pointer to the newly created font file enumerator.</param>
1261    /// <returns>
1262    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1263    /// </returns>
1264    STDMETHOD(CreateEnumeratorFromKey)(
1265        IDWriteFactory* factory,
1266        __in_bcount(collectionKeySize) void const* collectionKey,
1267        UINT32 collectionKeySize,
1268        __out IDWriteFontFileEnumerator** fontFileEnumerator
1269        ) PURE;
1272/// <summary>
1273/// The font file enumerator interface encapsulates a collection of font files. The font system uses this interface
1274/// to enumerate font files when building a font collection.
1275/// </summary>
1276interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("72755049-5ff7-435d-8348-4be97cfa6c7c") IDWriteFontFileEnumerator : public IUnknown
1278    /// <summary>
1279    /// Advances to the next font file in the collection. When it is first created, the enumerator is positioned
1280    /// before the first element of the collection and the first call to MoveNext advances to the first file.
1281    /// </summary>
1282    /// <param name="hasCurrentFile">Receives the value TRUE if the enumerator advances to a file, or FALSE if
1283    /// the enumerator advanced past the last file in the collection.</param>
1284    /// <returns>
1285    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1286    /// </returns>
1287    STDMETHOD(MoveNext)(
1288        __out BOOL* hasCurrentFile
1289        ) PURE;
1291    /// <summary>
1292    /// Gets a reference to the current font file.
1293    /// </summary>
1294    /// <param name="fontFile">Pointer to the newly created font file object.</param>
1295    /// <returns>
1296    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1297    /// </returns>
1298    STDMETHOD(GetCurrentFontFile)(
1299        __out IDWriteFontFile** fontFile
1300        ) PURE;
1303/// <summary>
1304/// Represents a collection of strings indexed by locale name.
1305/// </summary>
1306interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("08256209-099a-4b34-b86d-c22b110e7771") IDWriteLocalizedStrings : public IUnknown
1308    /// <summary>
1309    /// Gets the number of language/string pairs.
1310    /// </summary>
1311    STDMETHOD_(UINT32, GetCount)() PURE;
1313    /// <summary>
1314    /// Gets the index of the item with the specified locale name.
1315    /// </summary>
1316    /// <param name="localeName">Locale name to look for.</param>
1317    /// <param name="index">Receives the zero-based index of the locale name/string pair.</param>
1318    /// <param name="exists">Receives TRUE if the locale name exists or FALSE if not.</param>
1319    /// <returns>
1320    /// Standard HRESULT error code. If the specified locale name does not exist, the return value is S_OK,
1321    /// but *index is UINT_MAX and *exists is FALSE.
1322    /// </returns>
1323    STDMETHOD(FindLocaleName)(
1324        __in_z WCHAR const* localeName,
1325        __out UINT32* index,
1326        __out BOOL* exists
1327        ) PURE;
1329    /// <summary>
1330    /// Gets the length in characters (not including the null terminator) of the locale name with the specified index.
1331    /// </summary>
1332    /// <param name="index">Zero-based index of the locale name.</param>
1333    /// <param name="length">Receives the length in characters, not including the null terminator.</param>
1334    /// <returns>
1335    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1336    /// </returns>
1337    STDMETHOD(GetLocaleNameLength)(
1338        UINT32 index,
1339        __out UINT32* length
1340        ) PURE;
1342    /// <summary>
1343    /// Copies the locale name with the specified index to the specified array.
1344    /// </summary>
1345    /// <param name="index">Zero-based index of the locale name.</param>
1346    /// <param name="localeName">Character array that receives the locale name.</param>
1347    /// <param name="size">Size of the array in characters. The size must include space for the terminating
1348    /// null character.</param>
1349    /// <returns>
1350    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1351    /// </returns>
1352    STDMETHOD(GetLocaleName)(
1353        UINT32 index,
1354        __out_ecount_z(size) WCHAR* localeName,
1355        UINT32 size
1356        ) PURE;
1358    /// <summary>
1359    /// Gets the length in characters (not including the null terminator) of the string with the specified index.
1360    /// </summary>
1361    /// <param name="index">Zero-based index of the string.</param>
1362    /// <param name="length">Receives the length in characters, not including the null terminator.</param>
1363    /// <returns>
1364    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1365    /// </returns>
1366    STDMETHOD(GetStringLength)(
1367        UINT32 index,
1368        __out UINT32* length
1369        ) PURE;
1371    /// <summary>
1372    /// Copies the string with the specified index to the specified array.
1373    /// </summary>
1374    /// <param name="index">Zero-based index of the string.</param>
1375    /// <param name="stringBuffer">Character array that receives the string.</param>
1376    /// <param name="size">Size of the array in characters. The size must include space for the terminating
1377    /// null character.</param>
1378    /// <returns>
1379    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1380    /// </returns>
1381    STDMETHOD(GetString)(
1382        UINT32 index,
1383        __out_ecount_z(size) WCHAR* stringBuffer,
1384        UINT32 size
1385        ) PURE;
1388interface IDWriteFontFamily;
1389interface IDWriteFont;
1391/// <summary>
1392/// The IDWriteFontCollection encapsulates a collection of fonts.
1393/// </summary>
1394interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("a84cee02-3eea-4eee-a827-87c1a02a0fcc") IDWriteFontCollection : public IUnknown
1396    /// <summary>
1397    /// Gets the number of font families in the collection.
1398    /// </summary>
1399    STDMETHOD_(UINT32, GetFontFamilyCount)() PURE;
1401    /// <summary>
1402    /// Creates a font family object given a zero-based font family index.
1403    /// </summary>
1404    /// <param name="index">Zero-based index of the font family.</param>
1405    /// <param name="fontFamily">Receives a pointer the newly created font family object.</param>
1406    /// <returns>
1407    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1408    /// </returns>
1409    STDMETHOD(GetFontFamily)(
1410        UINT32 index,
1411        __out IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily
1412        ) PURE;
1414    /// <summary>
1415    /// Finds the font family with the specified family name.
1416    /// </summary>
1417    /// <param name="familyName">Name of the font family. The name is not case-sensitive but must otherwise exactly match a family name in the collection.</param>
1418    /// <param name="index">Receives the zero-based index of the matching font family if the family name was found or UINT_MAX otherwise.</param>
1419    /// <param name="exists">Receives TRUE if the family name exists or FALSE otherwise.</param>
1420    /// <returns>
1421    /// Standard HRESULT error code. If the specified family name does not exist, the return value is S_OK, but *index is UINT_MAX and *exists is FALSE.
1422    /// </returns>
1423    STDMETHOD(FindFamilyName)(
1424        __in_z WCHAR const* familyName,
1425        __out UINT32* index,
1426        __out BOOL* exists
1427        ) PURE;
1429    /// <summary>
1430    /// Gets the font object that corresponds to the same physical font as the specified font face object. The specified physical font must belong
1431    /// to the font collection.
1432    /// </summary>
1433    /// <param name="fontFace">Font face object that specifies the physical font.</param>
1434    /// <param name="font">Receives a pointer to the newly created font object if successful or NULL otherwise.</param>
1435    /// <returns>
1436    /// Standard HRESULT error code. If the specified physical font is not part of the font collection the return value is DWRITE_E_NOFONT.
1437    /// </returns>
1438    STDMETHOD(GetFontFromFontFace)(
1439        IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
1440        __out IDWriteFont** font
1441        ) PURE;
1444/// <summary>
1445/// The IDWriteFontList interface represents a list of fonts.
1446/// </summary>
1447interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("1a0d8438-1d97-4ec1-aef9-a2fb86ed6acb") IDWriteFontList : public IUnknown
1449    /// <summary>
1450    /// Gets the font collection that contains the fonts.
1451    /// </summary>
1452    /// <param name="fontCollection">Receives a pointer to the font collection object.</param>
1453    /// <returns>
1454    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1455    /// </returns>
1456    STDMETHOD(GetFontCollection)(
1457        __out IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection
1458        ) PURE;
1460    /// <summary>
1461    /// Gets the number of fonts in the font list.
1462    /// </summary>
1463    STDMETHOD_(UINT32, GetFontCount)() PURE;
1465    /// <summary>
1466    /// Gets a font given its zero-based index.
1467    /// </summary>
1468    /// <param name="index">Zero-based index of the font in the font list.</param>
1469    /// <param name="font">Receives a pointer to the newly created font object.</param>
1470    /// <returns>
1471    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1472    /// </returns>
1473    STDMETHOD(GetFont)(
1474        UINT32 index,
1475        __out IDWriteFont** font
1476        ) PURE;
1479/// <summary>
1480/// The IDWriteFontFamily interface represents a set of fonts that share the same design but are differentiated
1481/// by weight, stretch, and style.
1482/// </summary>
1483interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("da20d8ef-812a-4c43-9802-62ec4abd7add") IDWriteFontFamily : public IDWriteFontList
1485    /// <summary>
1486    /// Creates an localized strings object that contains the family names for the font family, indexed by locale name.
1487    /// </summary>
1488    /// <param name="names">Receives a pointer to the newly created localized strings object.</param>
1489    /// <returns>
1490    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1491    /// </returns>
1492    STDMETHOD(GetFamilyNames)(
1493        __out IDWriteLocalizedStrings** names
1494        ) PURE;
1496    /// <summary>
1497    /// Gets the font that best matches the specified properties.
1498    /// </summary>
1499    /// <param name="weight">Requested font weight.</param>
1500    /// <param name="stretch">Requested font stretch.</param>
1501    /// <param name="style">Requested font style.</param>
1502    /// <param name="matchingFont">Receives a pointer to the newly created font object.</param>
1503    /// <returns>
1504    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1505    /// </returns>
1506    STDMETHOD(GetFirstMatchingFont)(
1507        DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT  weight,
1508        DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH stretch,
1509        DWRITE_FONT_STYLE   style,
1510        __out IDWriteFont** matchingFont
1511        ) PURE;
1513    /// <summary>
1514    /// Gets a list of fonts in the font family ranked in order of how well they match the specified properties.
1515    /// </summary>
1516    /// <param name="weight">Requested font weight.</param>
1517    /// <param name="stretch">Requested font stretch.</param>
1518    /// <param name="style">Requested font style.</param>
1519    /// <param name="matchingFonts">Receives a pointer to the newly created font list object.</param>
1520    /// <returns>
1521    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1522    /// </returns>
1523    STDMETHOD(GetMatchingFonts)(
1524        DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT      weight,
1525        DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH     stretch,
1526        DWRITE_FONT_STYLE       style,
1527        __out IDWriteFontList** matchingFonts
1528        ) PURE;
1531/// <summary>
1532/// The IDWriteFont interface represents a physical font in a font collection.
1533/// </summary>
1534interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("acd16696-8c14-4f5d-877e-fe3fc1d32737") IDWriteFont : public IUnknown
1536    /// <summary>
1537    /// Gets the font family to which the specified font belongs.
1538    /// </summary>
1539    /// <param name="fontFamily">Receives a pointer to the font family object.</param>
1540    /// <returns>
1541    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1542    /// </returns>
1543    STDMETHOD(GetFontFamily)(
1544        __out IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily
1545        ) PURE;
1547    /// <summary>
1548    /// Gets the weight of the specified font.
1549    /// </summary>
1552    /// <summary>
1553    /// Gets the stretch (aka. width) of the specified font.
1554    /// </summary>
1557    /// <summary>
1558    /// Gets the style (aka. slope) of the specified font.
1559    /// </summary>
1562    /// <summary>
1563    /// Returns TRUE if the font is a symbol font or FALSE if not.
1564    /// </summary>
1565    STDMETHOD_(BOOL, IsSymbolFont)() PURE;
1567    /// <summary>
1568    /// Gets a localized strings collection containing the face names for the font (e.g., Regular or Bold), indexed by locale name.
1569    /// </summary>
1570    /// <param name="names">Receives a pointer to the newly created localized strings object.</param>
1571    /// <returns>
1572    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1573    /// </returns>
1574    STDMETHOD(GetFaceNames)(
1575        __out IDWriteLocalizedStrings** names
1576        ) PURE;
1578    /// <summary>
1579    /// Gets a localized strings collection containing the specified informational strings, indexed by locale name.
1580    /// </summary>
1581    /// <param name="informationalStringID">Identifies the string to get.</param>
1582    /// <param name="informationalStrings">Receives a pointer to the newly created localized strings object.</param>
1583    /// <param name="exists">Receives the value TRUE if the font contains the specified string ID or FALSE if not.</param>
1584    /// <returns>
1585    /// Standard HRESULT error code. If the font does not contain the specified string, the return value is S_OK but
1586    /// informationalStrings receives a NULL pointer and exists receives the value FALSE.
1587    /// </returns>
1588    STDMETHOD(GetInformationalStrings)(
1589        DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_ID informationalStringID,
1590        __out IDWriteLocalizedStrings** informationalStrings,
1591        __out BOOL* exists
1592        ) PURE;
1594    /// <summary>
1595    /// Gets a value that indicates what simulation are applied to the specified font.
1596    /// </summary>
1599    /// <summary>
1600    /// Gets the metrics for the font.
1601    /// </summary>
1602    /// <param name="fontMetrics">Receives the font metrics.</param>
1603    STDMETHOD_(void, GetMetrics)(
1604        __out DWRITE_FONT_METRICS* fontMetrics
1605        ) PURE;
1607    /// <summary>
1608    /// Determines whether the font supports the specified character.
1609    /// </summary>
1610    /// <param name="unicodeValue">Unicode (UCS-4) character value.</param>
1611    /// <param name="exists">Receives the value TRUE if the font supports the specified character or FALSE if not.</param>
1612    /// <returns>
1613    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1614    /// </returns>
1615    STDMETHOD(HasCharacter)(
1616        UINT32 unicodeValue,
1617        __out BOOL* exists
1618        ) PURE;
1620    /// <summary>
1621    /// Creates a font face object for the font.
1622    /// </summary>
1623    /// <param name="fontFace">Receives a pointer to the newly created font face object.</param>
1624    /// <returns>
1625    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1626    /// </returns>
1627    STDMETHOD(CreateFontFace)(
1628        __out IDWriteFontFace** fontFace
1629        ) PURE;
1632/// <summary>
1633/// Direction for how reading progresses.
1634/// </summary>
1637    /// <summary>
1638    /// Reading progresses from left to right.
1639    /// </summary>
1642    /// <summary>
1643    /// Reading progresses from right to left.
1644    /// </summary>
1648/// <summary>
1649/// Direction for how lines of text are placed relative to one another.
1650/// </summary>
1653    /// <summary>
1654    /// Text lines are placed from top to bottom.
1655    /// </summary>
1659/// <summary>
1660/// Alignment of paragraph text along the reading direction axis relative to
1661/// the leading and trailing edge of the layout box.
1662/// </summary>
1665    /// <summary>
1666    /// The leading edge of the paragraph text is aligned to the layout box's leading edge.
1667    /// </summary>
1670    /// <summary>
1671    /// The trailing edge of the paragraph text is aligned to the layout box's trailing edge.
1672    /// </summary>
1675    /// <summary>
1676    /// The center of the paragraph text is aligned to the center of the layout box.
1677    /// </summary>
1681/// <summary>
1682/// Alignment of paragraph text along the flow direction axis relative to the
1683/// flow's beginning and ending edge of the layout box.
1684/// </summary>
1687    /// <summary>
1688    /// The first line of paragraph is aligned to the flow's beginning edge of the layout box.
1689    /// </summary>
1692    /// <summary>
1693    /// The last line of paragraph is aligned to the flow's ending edge of the layout box.
1694    /// </summary>
1697    /// <summary>
1698    /// The center of the paragraph is aligned to the center of the flow of the layout box.
1699    /// </summary>
1703/// <summary>
1704/// Word wrapping in multiline paragraph.
1705/// </summary>
1708    /// <summary>
1709    /// Words are broken across lines to avoid text overflowing the layout box.
1710    /// </summary>
1713    /// <summary>
1714    /// Words are kept within the same line even when it overflows the layout box.
1715    /// This option is often used with scrolling to reveal overflow text.
1716    /// </summary>
1720/// <summary>
1721/// The method used for line spacing in layout.
1722/// </summary>
1725    /// <summary>
1726    /// Line spacing depends solely on the content, growing to accomodate the size of fonts and inline objects.
1727    /// </summary>
1730    /// <summary>
1731    /// Lines are explicitly set to uniform spacing, regardless of contained font sizes.
1732    /// This can be useful to avoid the uneven appearance that can occur from font fallback.
1733    /// </summary>
1737/// <summary>
1738/// Text granularity used to trim text overflowing the layout box.
1739/// </summary>
1742    /// <summary>
1743    /// No trimming occurs. Text flows beyond the layout width.
1744    /// </summary>
1747    /// <summary>
1748    /// Trimming occurs at character cluster boundary.
1749    /// </summary>
1752    /// <summary>
1753    /// Trimming occurs at word boundary.
1754    /// </summary>
1758/// <summary>
1759/// Typographic feature of text supplied by the font.
1760/// </summary>
1763    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_ALTERNATIVE_FRACTIONS               = 0x63726661, // 'afrc'
1765    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SMALL_CAPITALS_FROM_CAPITALS        = 0x63733263, // 'c2sc'
1766    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CONTEXTUAL_ALTERNATES               = 0x746c6163, // 'calt'
1767    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CASE_SENSITIVE_FORMS                = 0x65736163, // 'case'
1769    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CONTEXTUAL_LIGATURES                = 0x67696c63, // 'clig'
1770    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CAPITAL_SPACING                     = 0x70737063, // 'cpsp'
1771    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CONTEXTUAL_SWASH                    = 0x68777363, // 'cswh'
1772    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_CURSIVE_POSITIONING                 = 0x73727563, // 'curs'
1773    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_DEFAULT                             = 0x746c6664, // 'dflt'
1774    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_DISCRETIONARY_LIGATURES             = 0x67696c64, // 'dlig'
1775    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_EXPERT_FORMS                        = 0x74707865, // 'expt'
1776    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_FRACTIONS                           = 0x63617266, // 'frac'
1777    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_FULL_WIDTH                          = 0x64697766, // 'fwid'
1778    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HALF_FORMS                          = 0x666c6168, // 'half'
1779    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HALANT_FORMS                        = 0x6e6c6168, // 'haln'
1780    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_ALTERNATE_HALF_WIDTH                = 0x746c6168, // 'halt'
1781    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HISTORICAL_FORMS                    = 0x74736968, // 'hist'
1782    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HORIZONTAL_KANA_ALTERNATES          = 0x616e6b68, // 'hkna'
1783    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HISTORICAL_LIGATURES                = 0x67696c68, // 'hlig'
1784    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HALF_WIDTH                          = 0x64697768, // 'hwid'
1785    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_HOJO_KANJI_FORMS                    = 0x6f6a6f68, // 'hojo'
1786    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_JIS04_FORMS                         = 0x3430706a, // 'jp04'
1787    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_JIS78_FORMS                         = 0x3837706a, // 'jp78'
1788    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_JIS83_FORMS                         = 0x3338706a, // 'jp83'
1789    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_JIS90_FORMS                         = 0x3039706a, // 'jp90'
1790    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_KERNING                             = 0x6e72656b, // 'kern'
1791    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STANDARD_LIGATURES                  = 0x6167696c, // 'liga'
1792    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_LINING_FIGURES                      = 0x6d756e6c, // 'lnum'
1793    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_LOCALIZED_FORMS                     = 0x6c636f6c, // 'locl'
1794    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_MARK_POSITIONING                    = 0x6b72616d, // 'mark'
1795    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_MATHEMATICAL_GREEK                  = 0x6b72676d, // 'mgrk'
1796    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_MARK_TO_MARK_POSITIONING            = 0x6b6d6b6d, // 'mkmk'
1797    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_ALTERNATE_ANNOTATION_FORMS          = 0x746c616e, // 'nalt'
1798    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_NLC_KANJI_FORMS                     = 0x6b636c6e, // 'nlck'
1799    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_OLD_STYLE_FIGURES                   = 0x6d756e6f, // 'onum'
1800    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_ORDINALS                            = 0x6e64726f, // 'ordn'
1802    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_PETITE_CAPITALS                     = 0x70616370, // 'pcap'
1803    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_PROPORTIONAL_FIGURES                = 0x6d756e70, // 'pnum'
1804    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_PROPORTIONAL_WIDTHS                 = 0x64697770, // 'pwid'
1805    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_QUARTER_WIDTHS                      = 0x64697771, // 'qwid'
1806    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_REQUIRED_LIGATURES                  = 0x67696c72, // 'rlig'
1807    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_RUBY_NOTATION_FORMS                 = 0x79627572, // 'ruby'
1808    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_ALTERNATES                = 0x746c6173, // 'salt'
1809    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SCIENTIFIC_INFERIORS                = 0x666e6973, // 'sinf'
1810    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SMALL_CAPITALS                      = 0x70636d73, // 'smcp'
1811    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SIMPLIFIED_FORMS                    = 0x6c706d73, // 'smpl'
1812    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_1                     = 0x31307373, // 'ss01'
1813    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_2                     = 0x32307373, // 'ss02'
1814    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_3                     = 0x33307373, // 'ss03'
1815    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_4                     = 0x34307373, // 'ss04'
1816    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_5                     = 0x35307373, // 'ss05'
1817    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_6                     = 0x36307373, // 'ss06'
1818    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_7                     = 0x37307373, // 'ss07'
1819    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_8                     = 0x38307373, // 'ss08'
1820    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_9                     = 0x39307373, // 'ss09'
1821    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_10                    = 0x30317373, // 'ss10'
1822    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_11                    = 0x31317373, // 'ss11'
1823    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_12                    = 0x32317373, // 'ss12'
1824    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_13                    = 0x33317373, // 'ss13'
1825    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_14                    = 0x34317373, // 'ss14'
1826    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_15                    = 0x35317373, // 'ss15'
1827    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_16                    = 0x36317373, // 'ss16'
1828    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_17                    = 0x37317373, // 'ss17'
1829    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_18                    = 0x38317373, // 'ss18'
1830    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_19                    = 0x39317373, // 'ss19'
1831    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_STYLISTIC_SET_20                    = 0x30327373, // 'ss20'
1832    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SUBSCRIPT                           = 0x73627573, // 'subs'
1833    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SUPERSCRIPT                         = 0x73707573, // 'sups'
1834    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SWASH                               = 0x68737773, // 'swsh'
1835    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_TITLING                             = 0x6c746974, // 'titl'
1836    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_TRADITIONAL_NAME_FORMS              = 0x6d616e74, // 'tnam'
1837    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_TABULAR_FIGURES                     = 0x6d756e74, // 'tnum'
1838    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_TRADITIONAL_FORMS                   = 0x64617274, // 'trad'
1839    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_THIRD_WIDTHS                        = 0x64697774, // 'twid'
1840    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_UNICASE                             = 0x63696e75, // 'unic'
1841    DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG_SLASHED_ZERO                        = 0x6f72657a, // 'zero'
1844/// <summary>
1845/// The DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE structure specifies a range of text positions where format is applied.
1846/// </summary>
1849    /// <summary>
1850    /// The start text position of the range.
1851    /// </summary>
1852    UINT32 startPosition;
1854    /// <summary>
1855    /// The number of text positions in the range.
1856    /// </summary>
1857    UINT32 length;
1860/// <summary>
1861/// The DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE structure specifies properties used to identify and execute typographic feature in the font.
1862/// </summary>
1865    /// <summary>
1866    /// The feature OpenType name identifier.
1867    /// </summary>
1870    /// <summary>
1871    /// Execution parameter of the feature.
1872    /// </summary>
1873    /// <remarks>
1874    /// The parameter should be non-zero to enable the feature.  Once enabled, a feature can't be disabled again within
1875    /// the same range.  Features requiring a selector use this value to indicate the selector index.
1876    /// </remarks>
1877    UINT32 parameter;
1880/// <summary>
1881/// Defines a set of typographic features to be applied during shaping.
1882/// Notice the character range which this feature list spans is specified
1883/// as a separate parameter to GetGlyphs.
1884/// </summary>
1887    /// <summary>
1888    /// Array of font features.
1889    /// </summary>
1890    __field_ecount(featureCount) DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE* features;
1892    /// <summary>
1893    /// The number of features.
1894    /// </summary>
1895    UINT32 featureCount;
1898/// <summary>
1899/// The DWRITE_TRIMMING structure specifies the trimming option for text overflowing the layout box.
1900/// </summary>
1903    /// <summary>
1904    /// Text granularity of which trimming applies.
1905    /// </summary>
1908    /// <summary>
1909    /// Character code used as the delimiter signaling the beginning of the portion of text to be preserved,
1910    /// most useful for path ellipsis, where the delimeter would be a slash.
1911    /// </summary>
1912    UINT32 delimiter;
1914    /// <summary>
1915    /// How many occurences of the delimiter to step back.
1916    /// </summary>
1917    UINT32 delimiterCount;
1921interface IDWriteTypography;
1922interface IDWriteInlineObject;
1924/// <summary>
1925/// The format of text used for text layout purpose.
1926/// </summary>
1927/// <remarks>
1928/// This object may not be thread-safe and it may carry the state of text format change.
1929/// </remarks>
1930interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("9c906818-31d7-4fd3-a151-7c5e225db55a") IDWriteTextFormat : public IUnknown
1932    /// <summary>
1933    /// Set alignment option of text relative to layout box's leading and trailing edge.
1934    /// </summary>
1935    /// <param name="textAlignment">Text alignment option</param>
1936    /// <returns>
1937    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1938    /// </returns>
1939    STDMETHOD(SetTextAlignment)(
1940        DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT textAlignment
1941        ) PURE;
1943    /// <summary>
1944    /// Set alignment option of paragraph relative to layout box's top and bottom edge.
1945    /// </summary>
1946    /// <param name="paragraphAlignment">Paragraph alignment option</param>
1947    /// <returns>
1948    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1949    /// </returns>
1950    STDMETHOD(SetParagraphAlignment)(
1951        DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT paragraphAlignment
1952        ) PURE;
1954    /// <summary>
1955    /// Set word wrapping option.
1956    /// </summary>
1957    /// <param name="wordWrapping">Word wrapping option</param>
1958    /// <returns>
1959    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1960    /// </returns>
1961    STDMETHOD(SetWordWrapping)(
1962        DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING wordWrapping
1963        ) PURE;
1965    /// <summary>
1966    /// Set paragraph reading direction.
1967    /// </summary>
1968    /// <param name="readingDirection">Text reading direction</param>
1969    /// <returns>
1970    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1971    /// </returns>
1972    STDMETHOD(SetReadingDirection)(
1973        DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION readingDirection
1974        ) PURE;
1976    /// <summary>
1977    /// Set paragraph flow direction.
1978    /// </summary>
1979    /// <param name="flowDirection">Paragraph flow direction</param>
1980    /// <returns>
1981    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1982    /// </returns>
1983    STDMETHOD(SetFlowDirection)(
1984        DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION flowDirection
1985        ) PURE;
1987    /// <summary>
1988    /// Set incremental tab stop position.
1989    /// </summary>
1990    /// <param name="incrementalTabStop">The incremental tab stop value</param>
1991    /// <returns>
1992    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
1993    /// </returns>
1994    STDMETHOD(SetIncrementalTabStop)(
1995        FLOAT incrementalTabStop
1996        ) PURE;
1998    /// <summary>
1999    /// Set trimming options for any trailing text exceeding the layout width
2000    /// or for any far text exceeding the layout height.
2001    /// </summary>
2002    /// <param name="trimmingOptions">Text trimming options.</param>
2003    /// <param name="trimmingSign">Application-defined omission sign. This parameter may be NULL if no trimming sign is desired.</param>
2004    /// <remarks>
2005    /// Any inline object can be used for the trimming sign, but CreateEllipsisTrimmingSign
2006    /// provides a typical ellipsis symbol. Trimming is also useful vertically for hiding
2007    /// partial lines.
2008    /// </remarks>
2009    /// <returns>
2010    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2011    /// </returns>
2012    STDMETHOD(SetTrimming)(
2013        __in DWRITE_TRIMMING const* trimmingOptions,
2014        IDWriteInlineObject* trimmingSign
2015        ) PURE;
2017    /// <summary>
2018    /// Set line spacing.
2019    /// </summary>
2020    /// <param name="lineSpacingMethod">How to determine line height.</param>
2021    /// <param name="lineSpacing">The line height, or rather distance between one baseline to another.</param>
2022    /// <param name="baseline">Distance from top of line to baseline. A reasonable ratio to lineSpacing is 80%.</param>
2023    /// <remarks>
2024    /// For the default method, spacing depends solely on the content.
2025    /// For uniform spacing, the given line height will override the content.
2026    /// </remarks>
2027    /// <returns>
2028    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2029    /// </returns>
2030    STDMETHOD(SetLineSpacing)(
2031        DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD lineSpacingMethod,
2032        FLOAT lineSpacing,
2033        FLOAT baseline
2034        ) PURE;
2036    /// <summary>
2037    /// Get alignment option of text relative to layout box's leading and trailing edge.
2038    /// </summary>
2041    /// <summary>
2042    /// Get alignment option of paragraph relative to layout box's top and bottom edge.
2043    /// </summary>
2046    /// <summary>
2047    /// Get word wrapping option.
2048    /// </summary>
2051    /// <summary>
2052    /// Get paragraph reading direction.
2053    /// </summary>
2056    /// <summary>
2057    /// Get paragraph flow direction.
2058    /// </summary>
2061    /// <summary>
2062    /// Get incremental tab stop position.
2063    /// </summary>
2064    STDMETHOD_(FLOAT, GetIncrementalTabStop)() PURE;
2066    /// <summary>
2067    /// Get trimming options for text overflowing the layout width.
2068    /// </summary>
2069    /// <param name="trimmingOptions">Text trimming options.</param>
2070    /// <param name="trimmingSign">Trimming omission sign. This parameter may be NULL.</param>
2071    /// <returns>
2072    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2073    /// </returns>
2074    STDMETHOD(GetTrimming)(
2075        __out DWRITE_TRIMMING* trimmingOptions,
2076        __out IDWriteInlineObject** trimmingSign
2077        ) PURE;
2079    /// <summary>
2080    /// Get line spacing.
2081    /// </summary>
2082    /// <param name="lineSpacingMethod">How line height is determined.</param>
2083    /// <param name="lineSpacing">The line height, or rather distance between one baseline to another.</param>
2084    /// <param name="baseline">Distance from top of line to baseline.</param>
2085    /// <returns>
2086    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2087    /// </returns>
2088    STDMETHOD(GetLineSpacing)(
2089        __out DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD* lineSpacingMethod,
2090        __out FLOAT* lineSpacing,
2091        __out FLOAT* baseline
2092        ) PURE;
2094    /// <summary>
2095    /// Get the font collection.
2096    /// </summary>
2097    /// <param name="fontCollection">The current font collection.</param>
2098    /// <returns>
2099    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2100    /// </returns>
2101    STDMETHOD(GetFontCollection)(
2102        __out IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection
2103        ) PURE;
2105    /// <summary>
2106    /// Get the length of the font family name, in characters, not including the terminating NULL character.
2107    /// </summary>
2108    STDMETHOD_(UINT32, GetFontFamilyNameLength)() PURE;
2110    /// <summary>
2111    /// Get a copy of the font family name.
2112    /// </summary>
2113    /// <param name="fontFamilyName">Character array that receives the current font family name</param>
2114    /// <param name="nameSize">Size of the character array in character count including the terminated NULL character.</param>
2115    /// <returns>
2116    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2117    /// </returns>
2118    STDMETHOD(GetFontFamilyName)(
2119        __out_ecount_z(nameSize) WCHAR* fontFamilyName,
2120        UINT32 nameSize
2121        ) PURE;
2123    /// <summary>
2124    /// Get the font weight.
2125    /// </summary>
2128    /// <summary>
2129    /// Get the font style.
2130    /// </summary>
2133    /// <summary>
2134    /// Get the font stretch.
2135    /// </summary>
2138    /// <summary>
2139    /// Get the font em height.
2140    /// </summary>
2141    STDMETHOD_(FLOAT, GetFontSize)() PURE;
2143    /// <summary>
2144    /// Get the length of the locale name, in characters, not including the terminating NULL character.
2145    /// </summary>
2146    STDMETHOD_(UINT32, GetLocaleNameLength)() PURE;
2148    /// <summary>
2149    /// Get a copy of the locale name.
2150    /// </summary>
2151    /// <param name="localeName">Character array that receives the current locale name</param>
2152    /// <param name="nameSize">Size of the character array in character count including the terminated NULL character.</param>
2153    /// <returns>
2154    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2155    /// </returns>
2156    STDMETHOD(GetLocaleName)(
2157        __out_ecount_z(nameSize) WCHAR* localeName,
2158        UINT32 nameSize
2159        ) PURE;
2163/// <summary>
2164/// Font typography setting.
2165/// </summary>
2166interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("55f1112b-1dc2-4b3c-9541-f46894ed85b6") IDWriteTypography : public IUnknown
2168    /// <summary>
2169    /// Add font feature.
2170    /// </summary>
2171    /// <param name="fontFeature">The font feature to add.</param>
2172    /// <returns>
2173    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2174    /// </returns>
2175    STDMETHOD(AddFontFeature)(
2176        DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE fontFeature
2177        ) PURE;
2179    /// <summary>
2180    /// Get the number of font features.
2181    /// </summary>
2182    STDMETHOD_(UINT32, GetFontFeatureCount)() PURE;
2184    /// <summary>
2185    /// Get the font feature at the specified index.
2186    /// </summary>
2187    /// <param name="fontFeatureIndex">The zero-based index of the font feature to get.</param>
2188    /// <param name="fontFeature">The font feature.</param>
2189    /// <returns>
2190    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2191    /// </returns>
2192    STDMETHOD(GetFontFeature)(
2193        UINT32 fontFeatureIndex,
2194        __out DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE* fontFeature
2195        ) PURE;
2200    /// <summary>
2201    /// No additional shaping requirement. Text is shaped with the writing system default behavior.
2202    /// </summary>
2205    /// <summary>
2206    /// Text should leave no visual on display i.e. control or format control characters.
2207    /// </summary>
2215/// <summary>
2216/// Association of text and its writing system script as well as some display attributes.
2217/// </summary>
2220    /// <summary>
2221    /// Zero-based index representation of writing system script.
2222    /// </summary>
2223    UINT16 script;
2225    /// <summary>
2226    /// Additional shaping requirement of text.
2227    /// </summary>
2228    DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES shapes;
2231/// <summary>
2232/// Condition at the edges of inline object or text used to determine
2233/// line-breaking behavior.
2234/// </summary>
2237    /// <summary>
2238    /// Whether a break is allowed is determined by the condition of the
2239    /// neighboring text span or inline object.
2240    /// </summary>
2243    /// <summary>
2244    /// A break is allowed, unless overruled by the condition of the
2245    /// neighboring text span or inline object, either prohibited by a
2246    /// May Not or forced by a Must.
2247    /// </summary>
2250    /// <summary>
2251    /// There should be no break, unless overruled by a Must condition from
2252    /// the neighboring text span or inline object.
2253    /// </summary>
2256    /// <summary>
2257    /// The break must happen, regardless of the condition of the adjacent
2258    /// text span or inline object.
2259    /// </summary>
2263/// <summary>
2264/// Line breakpoint characteristics of a character.
2265/// </summary>
2268    /// <summary>
2269    /// Breaking condition before the character.
2270    /// </summary>
2271    UINT8 breakConditionBefore  : 2;
2273    /// <summary>
2274    /// Breaking condition after the character.
2275    /// </summary>
2276    UINT8 breakConditionAfter   : 2;
2278    /// <summary>
2279    /// The character is some form of whitespace, which may be meaningful
2280    /// for justification.
2281    /// </summary>
2282    UINT8 isWhitespace          : 1;
2284    /// <summary>
2285    /// The character is a soft hyphen, often used to indicate hyphenation
2286    /// points inside words.
2287    /// </summary>
2288    UINT8 isSoftHyphen          : 1;
2290    UINT8 padding               : 2;
2293/// <summary>
2294/// How to apply number substitution on digits and related punctuation.
2295/// </summary>
2298    /// <summary>
2299    /// Specifies that the substitution method should be determined based
2300    /// on LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION value of the specified text culture.
2301    /// </summary>
2304    /// <summary>
2305    /// If the culture is Arabic or Farsi, specifies that the number shape
2306    /// depend on the context. Either traditional or nominal number shape
2307    /// are used depending on the nearest preceding strong character or (if
2308    /// there is none) the reading direction of the paragraph.
2309    /// </summary>
2312    /// <summary>
2313    /// Specifies that code points 0x30-0x39 are always rendered as nominal numeral
2314    /// shapes (ones of the European number), i.e., no substitution is performed.
2315    /// </summary>
2318    /// <summary>
2319    /// Specifies that number are rendered using the national number shape
2320    /// as specified by the LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS value of the specified text culture.
2321    /// </summary>
2324    /// <summary>
2325    /// Specifies that number are rendered using the traditional shape
2326    /// for the specified culture. For most cultures, this is the same as
2327    /// NativeNational. However, NativeNational results in Latin number
2328    /// for some Arabic cultures, whereas this value results in Arabic
2329    /// number for all Arabic cultures.
2330    /// </summary>
2334/// <summary>
2335/// Holds the appropriate digits and numeric punctuation for a given locale.
2336/// </summary>
2337interface DECLSPEC_UUID("14885CC9-BAB0-4f90-B6ED-5C366A2CD03D") DECLSPEC_NOVTABLE IDWriteNumberSubstitution : public IUnknown
2341/// <summary>
2342/// Shaping output properties per input character.
2343/// </summary>
2346    /// <summary>
2347    /// This character can be shaped independently from the others
2348    /// (usually set for the space character).
2349    /// </summary>
2350    UINT16  isShapedAlone       : 1;
2352    /// <summary>
2353    /// Reserved for use by shaping engine.
2354    /// </summary>
2355    UINT16  reserved            : 15;
2358/// <summary>
2359/// Shaping output properties per output glyph.
2360/// </summary>
2363    /// <summary>
2364    /// Justification class, whether to use spacing, kashidas, or
2365    /// another method. This exists for backwards compatibility
2366    /// with Uniscribe's SCRIPT_JUSTIFY enum.
2367    /// </summary>
2368    UINT16  justification       : 4;
2370    /// <summary>
2371    /// Indicates glyph is the first of a cluster.
2372    /// </summary>
2373    UINT16  isClusterStart      : 1;
2375    /// <summary>
2376    /// Glyph is a diacritic.
2377    /// </summary>
2378    UINT16  isDiacritic         : 1;
2380    /// <summary>
2381    /// Glyph has no width, blank, ZWJ, ZWNJ etc.
2382    /// </summary>
2383    UINT16  isZeroWidthSpace    : 1;
2385    /// <summary>
2386    /// Reserved for use by shaping engine.
2387    /// </summary>
2388    UINT16  reserved            : 9;
2391/// <summary>
2392/// The interface implemented by the text analyzer's client to provide text to
2393/// the analyzer. It allows the separation between the logical view of text as
2394/// a continuous stream of characters identifiable by unique text positions,
2395/// and the actual memory layout of potentially discrete blocks of text in the
2396/// client's backing store.
2398/// If any of these callbacks returns an error, the analysis functions will
2399/// stop prematurely and return a callback error. Rather than return E_NOTIMPL,
2400/// an application should stub the method and return a constant/null and S_OK.
2401/// </summary>
2402interface DECLSPEC_UUID("688e1a58-5094-47c8-adc8-fbcea60ae92b") DECLSPEC_NOVTABLE IDWriteTextAnalysisSource : public IUnknown
2404    /// <summary>
2405    /// Get a block of text starting at the specified text position.
2406    /// Returning NULL indicates the end of text - the position is after
2407    /// the last character. This function is called iteratively for
2408    /// each consecutive block, tying together several fragmented blocks
2409    /// in the backing store into a virtual contiguous string.
2410    /// </summary>
2411    /// <param name="textPosition">First position of the piece to obtain. All
2412    ///     positions are in UTF16 code-units, not whole characters, which
2413    ///     matters when supplementary characters are used.</param>
2414    /// <param name="textString">Address that receives a pointer to the text block
2415    ///     at the specified position.</param>
2416    /// <param name="textLength">Number of UTF16 units of the retrieved chunk.
2417    ///     The returned length is not the length of the block, but the length
2418    ///     remaining in the block, from the given position until its end.
2419    ///     So querying for a position that is 75 positions into a 100
2420    ///     postition block would return 25.</param>
2421    /// <returns>Pointer to the first character at the given text position.
2422    /// NULL indicates no chunk available at the specified position, either
2423    /// because textPosition >= the entire text content length or because the
2424    /// queried position is not mapped into the app's backing store.</returns>
2425    /// <remarks>
2426    /// Although apps can implement sparse textual content that only maps part of
2427    /// the backing store, the app must map any text that is in the range passed
2428    /// to any analysis functions.
2429    /// </remarks>
2430    STDMETHOD(GetTextAtPosition)(
2431        UINT32 textPosition,
2432        __out WCHAR const** textString,
2433        __out UINT32* textLength
2434        ) PURE;
2436    /// <summary>
2437    /// Get a block of text immediately preceding the specified position.
2438    /// </summary>
2439    /// <param name="textPosition">Position immediately after the last position of the chunk to obtain.</param>
2440    /// <param name="textString">Address that receives a pointer to the text block
2441    ///     at the specified position.</param>
2442    /// <param name="textLength">Number of UTF16 units of the retrieved block.
2443    ///     The length returned is from the given position to the front of
2444    ///     the block.</param>
2445    /// <returns>Pointer to the first character at (textPosition - textLength).
2446    /// NULL indicates no chunk available at the specified position, either
2447    /// because textPosition == 0,the textPosition > the entire text content
2448    /// length, or the queried position is not mapped into the app's backing
2449    /// store.</returns>
2450    /// <remarks>
2451    /// Although apps can implement sparse textual content that only maps part of
2452    /// the backing store, the app must map any text that is in the range passed
2453    /// to any analysis functions.
2454    /// </remarks>
2455    STDMETHOD(GetTextBeforePosition)(
2456        UINT32 textPosition,
2457        __out WCHAR const** textString,
2458        __out UINT32* textLength
2459        ) PURE;
2461    /// <summary>
2462    /// Get paragraph reading direction.
2463    /// </summary>
2464    STDMETHOD_(DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION, GetParagraphReadingDirection)() PURE;
2466    /// <summary>
2467    /// Get locale name on the range affected by it.
2468    /// </summary>
2469    /// <param name="textPosition">Position to get the locale name of.</param>
2470    /// <param name="textLength">Receives the length from the given position up to the
2471    ///     next differing locale.</param>
2472    /// <param name="localeName">Address that receives a pointer to the locale
2473    ///     at the specified position.</param>
2474    /// <remarks>
2475    /// The localeName pointer must remain valid until the next call or until
2476    /// the analysis returns.
2477    /// </remarks>
2478    STDMETHOD(GetLocaleName)(
2479        UINT32 textPosition,
2480        __out UINT32* textLength,
2481        __out_z WCHAR const** localeName
2482        ) PURE;
2484    /// <summary>
2485    /// Get number substitution on the range affected by it.
2486    /// </summary>
2487    /// <param name="textPosition">Position to get the number substitution of.</param>
2488    /// <param name="textLength">Receives the length from the given position up to the
2489    ///     next differing number substitution.</param>
2490    /// <param name="numberSubstitution">Address that receives a pointer to the number substitution
2491    ///     at the specified position.</param>
2492    /// <remarks>
2493    /// Any implementation should return the number substitution with an
2494    /// incremented ref count, and the analysis will release when finished
2495    /// with it (either before the next call or before it returns). However,
2496    /// the sink callback may hold onto it after that.
2497    /// </remarks>
2498    STDMETHOD(GetNumberSubstitution)(
2499        UINT32 textPosition,
2500        __out UINT32* textLength,
2501        __out IDWriteNumberSubstitution** numberSubstitution
2502        ) PURE;
2505/// <summary>
2506/// The interface implemented by the text analyzer's client to receive the
2507/// output of a given text analysis. The Text analyzer disregards any current
2508/// state of the analysis sink, therefore a Set method call on a range
2509/// overwrites the previously set analysis result of the same range.
2510/// </summary>
2511interface DECLSPEC_UUID("5810cd44-0ca0-4701-b3fa-bec5182ae4f6") DECLSPEC_NOVTABLE IDWriteTextAnalysisSink : public IUnknown
2513    /// <summary>
2514    /// Report script analysis for the text range.
2515    /// </summary>
2516    /// <param name="textPosition">Starting position to report from.</param>
2517    /// <param name="textLength">Number of UTF16 units of the reported range.</param>
2518    /// <param name="scriptAnalysis">Script analysis of characters in range.</param>
2519    /// <returns>
2520    /// A successful code or error code to abort analysis.
2521    /// </returns>
2522    STDMETHOD(SetScriptAnalysis)(
2523        UINT32 textPosition,
2524        UINT32 textLength,
2525        __in DWRITE_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS const* scriptAnalysis
2526        ) PURE;
2528    /// <summary>
2529    /// Repport line-break opportunities for each character, starting from
2530    /// the specified position.
2531    /// </summary>
2532    /// <param name="textPosition">Starting position to report from.</param>
2533    /// <param name="textLength">Number of UTF16 units of the reported range.</param>
2534    /// <param name="lineBreakpoints">Breaking conditions for each character.</param>
2535    /// <returns>
2536    /// A successful code or error code to abort analysis.
2537    /// </returns>
2538    STDMETHOD(SetLineBreakpoints)(
2539        UINT32 textPosition,
2540        UINT32 textLength,
2541        __in_ecount(textLength) DWRITE_LINE_BREAKPOINT const* lineBreakpoints
2542        ) PURE;
2544    /// <summary>
2545    /// Set bidirectional level on the range, called once per each
2546    /// level run change (either explicit or resolved implicit).
2547    /// </summary>
2548    /// <param name="textPosition">Starting position to report from.</param>
2549    /// <param name="textLength">Number of UTF16 units of the reported range.</param>
2550    /// <param name="explicitLevel">Explicit level from embedded control codes
2551    ///     RLE/RLO/LRE/LRO/PDF, determined before any additional rules.</param>
2552    /// <param name="resolvedLevel">Final implicit level considering the
2553    ///     explicit level and characters' natural directionality, after all
2554    ///     Bidi rules have been applied.</param>
2555    /// <returns>
2556    /// A successful code or error code to abort analysis.
2557    /// </returns>
2558    STDMETHOD(SetBidiLevel)(
2559        UINT32 textPosition,
2560        UINT32 textLength,
2561        UINT8 explicitLevel,
2562        UINT8 resolvedLevel
2563        ) PURE;
2565    /// <summary>
2566    /// Set number substitution on the range.
2567    /// </summary>
2568    /// <param name="textPosition">Starting position to report from.</param>
2569    /// <param name="textLength">Number of UTF16 units of the reported range.</param>
2570    /// <param name="numberSubstitution">The number substitution applicable to
2571    ///     the returned range of text. The sink callback may hold onto it by
2572    ///     incrementing its ref count.</param>
2573    /// <returns>
2574    /// A successful code or error code to abort analysis.
2575    /// </returns>
2576    /// <remark>
2577    /// Unlike script and bidi analysis, where every character passed to the
2578    /// analyzer has a result, this will only be called for those ranges where
2579    /// substitution is applicable. For any other range, you will simply not
2580    /// be called.
2581    /// </remark>
2582    STDMETHOD(SetNumberSubstitution)(
2583        UINT32 textPosition,
2584        UINT32 textLength,
2585        __notnull IDWriteNumberSubstitution* numberSubstitution
2586        ) PURE;
2589/// <summary>
2590/// Analyzes various text properties for complex script processing.
2591/// </summary>
2592interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("b7e6163e-7f46-43b4-84b3-e4e6249c365d") IDWriteTextAnalyzer : public IUnknown
2594    /// <summary>
2595    /// Analyzes a text range for script boundaries, reading text attributes
2596    /// from the source and reporting the Unicode script ID to the sink
2597    /// callback SetScript.
2598    /// </summary>
2599    /// <param name="analysisSource">Source object to analyze.</param>
2600    /// <param name="textPosition">Starting position within the source object.</param>
2601    /// <param name="textLength">Length to analyze.</param>
2602    /// <param name="analysisSink">Callback object.</param>
2603    /// <returns>
2604    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2605    /// </returns>
2606    STDMETHOD(AnalyzeScript)(
2607        IDWriteTextAnalysisSource* analysisSource,
2608        UINT32 textPosition,
2609        UINT32 textLength,
2610        IDWriteTextAnalysisSink* analysisSink
2611        ) PURE;
2613    /// <summary>
2614    /// Analyzes a text range for script directionality, reading attributes
2615    /// from the source and reporting levels to the sink callback SetBidiLevel.
2616    /// </summary>
2617    /// <param name="analysisSource">Source object to analyze.</param>
2618    /// <param name="textPosition">Starting position within the source object.</param>
2619    /// <param name="textLength">Length to analyze.</param>
2620    /// <param name="analysisSink">Callback object.</param>
2621    /// <returns>
2622    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2623    /// </returns>
2624    /// <remarks>
2625    /// While the function can handle multiple paragraphs, the text range
2626    /// should not arbitrarily split the middle of paragraphs. Otherwise the
2627    /// returned levels may be wrong, since the Bidi algorithm is meant to
2628    /// apply to the paragraph as a whole.
2629    /// </remarks>
2630    /// <remarks>
2631    /// Embedded control codes (LRE/LRO/RLE/RLO/PDF) are taken into account.
2632    /// </remarks>
2633    STDMETHOD(AnalyzeBidi)(
2634        IDWriteTextAnalysisSource* analysisSource,
2635        UINT32 textPosition,
2636        UINT32 textLength,
2637        IDWriteTextAnalysisSink* analysisSink
2638        ) PURE;
2640    /// <summary>
2641    /// Analyzes a text range for spans where number substitution is applicable,
2642    /// reading attributes from the source and reporting substitutable ranges
2643    /// to the sink callback SetNumberSubstitution.
2644    /// </summary>
2645    /// <param name="analysisSource">Source object to analyze.</param>
2646    /// <param name="textPosition">Starting position within the source object.</param>
2647    /// <param name="textLength">Length to analyze.</param>
2648    /// <param name="analysisSink">Callback object.</param>
2649    /// <returns>
2650    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2651    /// </returns>
2652    /// <remarks>
2653    /// While the function can handle multiple ranges of differing number
2654    /// substitutions, the text ranges should not arbitrarily split the
2655    /// middle of numbers. Otherwise it will treat the numbers separately
2656    /// and will not translate any intervening punctuation.
2657    /// </remarks>
2658    /// <remarks>
2659    /// Embedded control codes (LRE/LRO/RLE/RLO/PDF) are taken into account.
2660    /// </remarks>
2661    STDMETHOD(AnalyzeNumberSubstitution)(
2662        IDWriteTextAnalysisSource* analysisSource,
2663        UINT32 textPosition,
2664        UINT32 textLength,
2665        IDWriteTextAnalysisSink* analysisSink
2666        ) PURE;
2668    /// <summary>
2669    /// Analyzes a text range for potential breakpoint opportunities, reading
2670    /// attributes from the source and reporting breakpoint opportunities to
2671    /// the sink callback SetLineBreakpoints.
2672    /// </summary>
2673    /// <param name="analysisSource">Source object to analyze.</param>
2674    /// <param name="textPosition">Starting position within the source object.</param>
2675    /// <param name="textLength">Length to analyze.</param>
2676    /// <param name="analysisSink">Callback object.</param>
2677    /// <returns>
2678    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2679    /// </returns>
2680    /// <remarks>
2681    /// While the function can handle multiple paragraphs, the text range
2682    /// should not arbitrarily split the middle of paragraphs, unless the
2683    /// given text span is considered a whole unit. Otherwise the
2684    /// returned properties for the first and last characters will
2685    /// inappropriately allow breaks.
2686    /// </remarks>
2687    /// <remarks>
2688    /// Special cases include the first, last, and surrogate characters. Any
2689    /// text span is treated as if adjacent to inline objects on either side.
2690    /// So the rules with contingent-break opportunities are used, where the
2691    /// edge between text and inline objects is always treated as a potential
2692    /// break opportunity, dependent on any overriding rules of the adjacent
2693    /// objects to prohibit or force the break (see Unicode TR #14).
2694    /// Surrogate pairs never break between.
2695    /// </remarks>
2696    STDMETHOD(AnalyzeLineBreakpoints)(
2697        IDWriteTextAnalysisSource* analysisSource,
2698        UINT32 textPosition,
2699        UINT32 textLength,
2700        IDWriteTextAnalysisSink* analysisSink
2701        ) PURE;
2703    /// <summary>
2704    /// Parses the input text string and maps it to the set of glyphs and associated glyph data
2705    /// according to the font and the writing system's rendering rules.
2706    /// </summary>
2707    /// <param name="textString">The string to convert to glyphs.</param>
2708    /// <param name="textLength">The length of textString.</param>
2709    /// <param name="fontFace">The font face to get glyphs from.</param>
2710    /// <param name="isSideways">Set to true if the text is intended to be
2711    /// drawn vertically.</param>
2712    /// <param name="isRightToLeft">Set to TRUE for right-to-left text.</param>
2713    /// <param name="scriptAnalysis">Script analysis result from AnalyzeScript.</param>
2714    /// <param name="localeName">The locale to use when selecting glyphs.
2715    /// e.g. the same character may map to different glyphs for ja-jp vs zh-chs.
2716    /// If this is NULL then the default mapping based on the script is used.</param>
2717    /// <param name="numberSubstitution">Optional number substitution which
2718    /// selects the appropriate glyphs for digits and related numeric characters,
2719    /// depending on the results obtained from AnalyzeNumberSubstitution. Passing
2720    /// null indicates that no substitution is needed and that the digits should
2721    /// receive nominal glyphs.</param>
2722    /// <param name="features">An array of pointers to the sets of typographic
2723    /// features to use in each feature range.</param>
2724    /// <param name="featureRangeLengths">The length of each feature range, in characters.
2725    /// The sum of all lengths should be equal to textLength.</param>
2726    /// <param name="featureRanges">The number of feature ranges.</param>
2727    /// <param name="maxGlyphCount">The maximum number of glyphs that can be
2728    /// returned.</param>
2729    /// <param name="clusterMap">The mapping from character ranges to glyph
2730    /// ranges.</param>
2731    /// <param name="textProps">Per-character output properties.</param>
2732    /// <param name="glyphIndices">Output glyph indices.</param>
2733    /// <param name="glyphProps">Per-glyph output properties.</param>
2734    /// <param name="actualGlyphCount">The actual number of glyphs returned if
2735    /// the call succeeds.</param>
2736    /// <returns>
2737    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2738    /// </returns>
2739    /// <remarks>
2740    /// Note that the mapping from characters to glyphs is, in general, many-
2741    /// to-many.  The recommended estimate for the per-glyph output buffers is
2742    /// (3 * textLength / 2 + 16).  This is not guaranteed to be sufficient.
2743    ///
2744    /// The value of the actualGlyphCount parameter is only valid if the call
2745    /// succeeds.  In the event that maxGlyphCount is not big enough
2747    /// will be returned.  The application should allocate a larger buffer and try again.
2748    /// </remarks>
2749    STDMETHOD(GetGlyphs)(
2750        __in_ecount(textLength) WCHAR const* textString,
2751        UINT32 textLength,
2752        IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
2753        BOOL isSideways,
2754        BOOL isRightToLeft,
2755        __in DWRITE_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS const* scriptAnalysis,
2756        __in_z_opt WCHAR const* localeName,
2757        __maybenull IDWriteNumberSubstitution* numberSubstitution,
2758        __in_ecount_opt(featureRanges) DWRITE_TYPOGRAPHIC_FEATURES const** features,
2759        __in_ecount_opt(featureRanges) UINT32 const* featureRangeLengths,
2760        UINT32 featureRanges,
2761        UINT32 maxGlyphCount,
2762        __out_ecount(textLength) UINT16* clusterMap,
2763        __out_ecount(textLength) DWRITE_SHAPING_TEXT_PROPERTIES* textProps,
2764        __out_ecount(maxGlyphCount) UINT16* glyphIndices,
2765        __out_ecount(maxGlyphCount) DWRITE_SHAPING_GLYPH_PROPERTIES* glyphProps,
2766        __out UINT32* actualGlyphCount
2767        ) PURE;
2769    /// <summary>
2770    /// Place glyphs output from the GetGlyphs method according to the font
2771    /// and the writing system's rendering rules.
2772    /// </summary>
2773    /// <param name="textString">The original string the glyphs came from.</param>
2774    /// <param name="clusterMap">The mapping from character ranges to glyph
2775    /// ranges. Returned by GetGlyphs.</param>
2776    /// <param name="textProps">Per-character properties. Returned by
2777    /// GetGlyphs.</param>
2778    /// <param name="textLength">The length of textString.</param>
2779    /// <param name="glyphIndices">Glyph indices. See GetGlyphs</param>
2780    /// <param name="glyphProps">Per-glyph properties. See GetGlyphs</param>
2781    /// <param name="glyphCount">The number of glyphs.</param>
2782    /// <param name="fontFace">The font face the glyphs came from.</param>
2783    /// <param name="fontEmSize">Logical font size in DIP's.</param>
2784    /// <param name="isSideways">Set to true if the text is intended to be
2785    /// drawn vertically.</param>
2786    /// <param name="isRightToLeft">Set to TRUE for right-to-left text.</param>
2787    /// <param name="scriptAnalysis">Script analysis result from AnalyzeScript.</param>
2788    /// <param name="localeName">The locale to use when selecting glyphs.
2789    /// e.g. the same character may map to different glyphs for ja-jp vs zh-chs.
2790    /// If this is NULL then the default mapping based on the script is used.</param>
2791    /// <param name="features">An array of pointers to the sets of typographic
2792    /// features to use in each feature range.</param>
2793    /// <param name="featureRangeLengths">The length of each feature range, in characters.
2794    /// The sum of all lengths should be equal to textLength.</param>
2795    /// <param name="featureRanges">The number of feature ranges.</param>
2796    /// <param name="glyphAdvances">The advance width of each glyph.</param>
2797    /// <param name="glyphOffsets">The offset of the origin of each glyph.</param>
2798    /// <returns>
2799    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2800    /// </returns>
2801    STDMETHOD(GetGlyphPlacements)(
2802        __in_ecount(textLength) WCHAR const* textString,
2803        __in_ecount(textLength) UINT16 const* clusterMap,
2804        __in_ecount(textLength) DWRITE_SHAPING_TEXT_PROPERTIES* textProps,
2805        UINT32 textLength,
2806        __in_ecount(glyphCount) UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
2807        __in_ecount(glyphCount) DWRITE_SHAPING_GLYPH_PROPERTIES const* glyphProps,
2808        UINT32 glyphCount,
2809        IDWriteFontFace * fontFace,
2810        FLOAT fontEmSize,
2811        BOOL isSideways,
2812        BOOL isRightToLeft,
2813        __in DWRITE_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS const* scriptAnalysis,
2814        __in_z_opt WCHAR const* localeName,
2815        __in_ecount_opt(featureRanges) DWRITE_TYPOGRAPHIC_FEATURES const** features,
2816        __in_ecount_opt(featureRanges) UINT32 const* featureRangeLengths,
2817        UINT32 featureRanges,
2818        __out_ecount(glyphCount) FLOAT* glyphAdvances,
2819        __out_ecount(glyphCount) DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET* glyphOffsets
2820        ) PURE;
2822    /// <summary>
2823    /// Place glyphs output from the GetGlyphs method according to the font
2824    /// and the writing system's rendering rules.
2825    /// </summary>
2826    /// <param name="textString">The original string the glyphs came from.</param>
2827    /// <param name="clusterMap">The mapping from character ranges to glyph
2828    /// ranges. Returned by GetGlyphs.</param>
2829    /// <param name="textProps">Per-character properties. Returned by
2830    /// GetGlyphs.</param>
2831    /// <param name="textLength">The length of textString.</param>
2832    /// <param name="glyphIndices">Glyph indices. See GetGlyphs</param>
2833    /// <param name="glyphProps">Per-glyph properties. See GetGlyphs</param>
2834    /// <param name="glyphCount">The number of glyphs.</param>
2835    /// <param name="fontFace">The font face the glyphs came from.</param>
2836    /// <param name="fontEmSize">Logical font size in DIP's.</param>
2837    /// <param name="pixelsPerDip">Number of physical pixels per DIP. For example, if the DPI of the rendering surface is 96 this
2838    /// value is 1.0f. If the DPI is 120, this value is 120.0f/96.</param>
2839    /// <param name="transform">Optional transform applied to the glyphs and their positions. This transform is applied after the
2840    /// scaling specified by the font size and pixelsPerDip.</param>
2841    /// <param name="useGdiNatural">
2842    /// When set to FALSE, the metrics are the same as the metrics of GDI aliased text.
2843    /// When set to TRUE, the metrics are the same as the metrics of text measured by GDI using a font
2844    /// created with CLEARTYPE_NATURAL_QUALITY.
2845    /// </param>
2846    /// <param name="isSideways">Set to true if the text is intended to be
2847    /// drawn vertically.</param>
2848    /// <param name="isRightToLeft">Set to TRUE for right-to-left text.</param>
2849    /// <param name="scriptAnalysis">Script analysis result from AnalyzeScript.</param>
2850    /// <param name="localeName">The locale to use when selecting glyphs.
2851    /// e.g. the same character may map to different glyphs for ja-jp vs zh-chs.
2852    /// If this is NULL then the default mapping based on the script is used.</param>
2853    /// <param name="features">An array of pointers to the sets of typographic
2854    /// features to use in each feature range.</param>
2855    /// <param name="featureRangeLengths">The length of each feature range, in characters.
2856    /// The sum of all lengths should be equal to textLength.</param>
2857    /// <param name="featureRanges">The number of feature ranges.</param>
2858    /// <param name="glyphAdvances">The advance width of each glyph.</param>
2859    /// <param name="glyphOffsets">The offset of the origin of each glyph.</param>
2860    /// <returns>
2861    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
2862    /// </returns>
2863    STDMETHOD(GetGdiCompatibleGlyphPlacements)(
2864        __in_ecount(textLength) WCHAR const* textString,
2865        __in_ecount(textLength) UINT16 const* clusterMap,
2866        __in_ecount(textLength) DWRITE_SHAPING_TEXT_PROPERTIES* textProps,
2867        UINT32 textLength,
2868        __in_ecount(glyphCount) UINT16 const* glyphIndices,
2869        __in_ecount(glyphCount) DWRITE_SHAPING_GLYPH_PROPERTIES const* glyphProps,
2870        UINT32 glyphCount,
2871        IDWriteFontFace * fontFace,
2872        FLOAT fontEmSize,
2873        FLOAT pixelsPerDip,
2874        __in_opt DWRITE_MATRIX const* transform,
2875        BOOL useGdiNatural,
2876        BOOL isSideways,
2877        BOOL isRightToLeft,
2878        __in DWRITE_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS const* scriptAnalysis,
2879        __in_z_opt WCHAR const* localeName,
2880        __in_ecount_opt(featureRanges) DWRITE_TYPOGRAPHIC_FEATURES const** features,
2881        __in_ecount_opt(featureRanges) UINT32 const* featureRangeLengths,
2882        UINT32 featureRanges,
2883        __out_ecount(glyphCount) FLOAT* glyphAdvances,
2884        __out_ecount(glyphCount) DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET* glyphOffsets
2885        ) PURE;
2888/// <summary>
2889/// The DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN structure contains the information needed by renderers
2890/// to draw glyph runs. All coordinates are in device independent pixels (DIPs).
2891/// </summary>
2894    /// <summary>
2895    /// The physical font face to draw with.
2896    /// </summary>
2897    __notnull IDWriteFontFace* fontFace;
2899    /// <summary>
2900    /// Logical size of the font in DIPs, not points (equals 1/96 inch).
2901    /// </summary>
2902    FLOAT fontEmSize;
2904    /// <summary>
2905    /// The number of glyphs.
2906    /// </summary>
2907    UINT32 glyphCount;
2909    /// <summary>
2910    /// The indices to render.
2911    /// </summary>
2912    __field_ecount(glyphCount) UINT16 const* glyphIndices;
2914    /// <summary>
2915    /// Glyph advance widths.
2916    /// </summary>
2917    __field_ecount_opt(glyphCount) FLOAT const* glyphAdvances;
2919    /// <summary>
2920    /// Glyph offsets.
2921    /// </summary>
2922    __field_ecount_opt(glyphCount) DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET const* glyphOffsets;
2924    /// <summary>
2925    /// If true, specifies that glyphs are rotated 90 degrees to the left and
2926    /// vertical metrics are used. Vertical writing is achieved by specifying
2927    /// isSideways = true and rotating the entire run 90 degrees to the right
2928    /// via a rotate transform.
2929    /// </summary>
2930    BOOL isSideways;
2932    /// <summary>
2933    /// The implicit resolved bidi level of the run. Odd levels indicate
2934    /// right-to-left languages like Hebrew and Arabic, while even levels
2935    /// indicate left-to-right languages like English and Japanese (when
2936    /// written horizontally). For right-to-left languages, the text origin
2937    /// is on the right, and text should be drawn to the left.
2938    /// </summary>
2939    UINT32 bidiLevel;
2942/// <summary>
2943/// The DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION structure contains additional properties
2944/// related to those in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN.
2945/// </summary>
2948    /// <summary>
2949    /// The locale name associated with this run.
2950    /// </summary>
2951    __nullterminated WCHAR const* localeName;
2953    /// <summary>
2954    /// The text associated with the glyphs.
2955    /// </summary>
2956    __field_ecount(stringLength) WCHAR const* string;
2958    /// <summary>
2959    /// The number of characters (UTF16 code-units).
2960    /// Note that this may be different than the number of glyphs.
2961    /// </summary>
2962    UINT32 stringLength;
2964    /// <summary>
2965    /// An array of indices to the glyph indices array, of the first glyphs of
2966    /// all the glyph clusters of the glyphs to render.
2967    /// </summary>
2968    __field_ecount(stringLength) UINT16 const* clusterMap;
2970    /// <summary>
2971    /// Corresponding text position in the original string
2972    /// this glyph run came from.
2973    /// </summary>
2974    UINT32 textPosition;
2977/// <summary>
2978/// The DWRITE_UNDERLINE structure contains about the size and placement of
2979/// underlines. All coordinates are in device independent pixels (DIPs).
2980/// </summary>
2983    /// <summary>
2984    /// Width of the underline, measured parallel to the baseline.
2985    /// </summary>
2986    FLOAT width;
2988    /// <summary>
2989    /// Thickness of the underline, measured perpendicular to the
2990    /// baseline.
2991    /// </summary>
2992    FLOAT thickness;
2994    /// <summary>
2995    /// Offset of the underline from the baseline.
2996    /// A positive offset represents a position below the baseline and
2997    /// a negative offset is above.
2998    /// </summary>
2999    FLOAT offset;
3001    /// <summary>
3002    /// Height of the tallest run where the underline applies.
3003    /// </summary>
3004    FLOAT runHeight;
3006    /// <summary>
3007    /// Reading direction of the text associated with the underline.  This
3008    /// value is used to interpret whether the width value runs horizontally
3009    /// or vertically.
3010    /// </summary>
3011    DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION readingDirection;
3013    /// <summary>
3014    /// Flow direction of the text associated with the underline.  This value
3015    /// is used to interpret whether the thickness value advances top to
3016    /// bottom, left to right, or right to left.
3017    /// </summary>
3018    DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION flowDirection;
3020    /// <summary>
3021    /// Locale of the text the underline is being drawn under. Can be
3022    /// pertinent where the locale affects how the underline is drawn.
3023    /// For example, in vertical text, the underline belongs on the
3024    /// left for Chinese but on the right for Japanese.
3025    /// This choice is completely left up to higher levels.
3026    /// </summary>
3027    __nullterminated WCHAR const* localeName;
3029    /// <summary>
3030    /// The measuring mode can be useful to the renderer to determine how
3031    /// underlines are rendered, e.g. rounding the thickness to a whole pixel
3032    /// in GDI-compatible modes.
3033    /// </summary>
3034    DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode;
3037/// <summary>
3038/// The DWRITE_STRIKETHROUGH structure contains about the size and placement of
3039/// strickthroughs. All coordinates are in device independent pixels (DIPs).
3040/// </summary>
3043    /// <summary>
3044    /// Width of the strikethrough, measured parallel to the baseline.
3045    /// </summary>
3046    FLOAT width;
3048    /// <summary>
3049    /// Thickness of the strikethrough, measured perpendicular to the
3050    /// baseline.
3051    /// </summary>
3052    FLOAT thickness;
3054    /// <summary>
3055    /// Offset of the stikethrough from the baseline.
3056    /// A positive offset represents a position below the baseline and
3057    /// a negative offset is above.
3058    /// </summary>
3059    FLOAT offset;
3061    /// <summary>
3062    /// Reading direction of the text associated with the strikethrough.  This
3063    /// value is used to interpret whether the width value runs horizontally
3064    /// or vertically.
3065    /// </summary>
3066    DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION readingDirection;
3068    /// <summary>
3069    /// Flow direction of the text associated with the strikethrough.  This
3070    /// value is used to interpret whether the thickness value advances top to
3071    /// bottom, left to right, or right to left.
3072    /// </summary>
3073    DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION flowDirection;
3075    /// <summary>
3076    /// Locale of the range. Can be pertinent where the locale affects the style.
3077    /// </summary>
3078    __nullterminated WCHAR const* localeName;
3080    /// <summary>
3081    /// The measuring mode can be useful to the renderer to determine how
3082    /// underlines are rendered, e.g. rounding the thickness to a whole pixel
3083    /// in GDI-compatible modes.
3084    /// </summary>
3085    DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode;
3088/// <summary>
3089/// The DWRITE_LINE_METRICS structure contains information about a formatted
3090/// line of text.
3091/// </summary>
3094    /// <summary>
3095    /// The number of total text positions in the line.
3096    /// This includes any trailing whitespace and newline characters.
3097    /// </summary>
3098    UINT32 length;
3100    /// <summary>
3101    /// The number of whitespace positions at the end of the line.  Newline
3102    /// sequences are considered whitespace.
3103    /// </summary>
3104    UINT32 trailingWhitespaceLength;
3106    /// <summary>
3107    /// The number of characters in the newline sequence at the end of the line.
3108    /// If the count is zero, then the line was either wrapped or it is the
3109    /// end of the text.
3110    /// </summary>
3111    UINT32 newlineLength;
3113    /// <summary>
3114    /// Height of the line as measured from top to bottom.
3115    /// </summary>
3116    FLOAT height;
3118    /// <summary>
3119    /// Distance from the top of the line to its baseline.
3120    /// </summary>
3121    FLOAT baseline;
3123    /// <summary>
3124    /// The line is trimmed.
3125    /// </summary>
3126    BOOL isTrimmed;
3130/// <summary>
3131/// The DWRITE_CLUSTER_METRICS structure contains information about a glyph cluster.
3132/// </summary>
3135    /// <summary>
3136    /// The total advance width of all glyphs in the cluster.
3137    /// </summary>
3138    FLOAT width;
3140    /// <summary>
3141    /// The number of text positions in the cluster.
3142    /// </summary>
3143    UINT16 length;
3145    /// <summary>
3146    /// Indicate whether line can be broken right after the cluster.
3147    /// </summary>
3148    UINT16 canWrapLineAfter : 1;
3150    /// <summary>
3151    /// Indicate whether the cluster corresponds to whitespace character.
3152    /// </summary>
3153    UINT16 isWhitespace : 1;
3155    /// <summary>
3156    /// Indicate whether the cluster corresponds to a newline character.
3157    /// </summary>
3158    UINT16 isNewline : 1;
3160    /// <summary>
3161    /// Indicate whether the cluster corresponds to soft hyphen character.
3162    /// </summary>
3163    UINT16 isSoftHyphen : 1;
3165    /// <summary>
3166    /// Indicate whether the cluster is read from right to left.
3167    /// </summary>
3168    UINT16 isRightToLeft : 1;
3170    UINT16 padding : 11;
3174/// <summary>
3175/// Overall metrics associated with text after layout.
3176/// All coordinates are in device independent pixels (DIPs).
3177/// </summary>
3180    /// <summary>
3181    /// Left-most point of formatted text relative to layout box
3182    /// (excluding any glyph overhang).
3183    /// </summary>
3184    FLOAT left;
3186    /// <summary>
3187    /// Top-most point of formatted text relative to layout box
3188    /// (excluding any glyph overhang).
3189    /// </summary>
3190    FLOAT top;
3192    /// <summary>
3193    /// The width of the formatted text ignoring trailing whitespace
3194    /// at the end of each line.
3195    /// </summary>
3196    FLOAT width;
3198    /// <summary>
3199    /// The width of the formatted text taking into account the
3200    /// trailing whitespace at the end of each line.
3201    /// </summary>
3202    FLOAT widthIncludingTrailingWhitespace;
3204    /// <summary>
3205    /// The height of the formatted text. The height of an empty string
3206    /// is determined by the size of the default font's line height.
3207    /// </summary>
3208    FLOAT height;
3210    /// <summary>
3211    /// Initial width given to the layout. Depending on whether the text
3212    /// was wrapped or not, it can be either larger or smaller than the
3213    /// text content width.
3214    /// </summary>
3215    FLOAT layoutWidth;
3217    /// <summary>
3218    /// Initial height given to the layout. Depending on the length of the
3219    /// text, it may be larger or smaller than the text content height.
3220    /// </summary>
3221    FLOAT layoutHeight;
3223    /// <summary>
3224    /// The maximum reordering count of any line of text, used
3225    /// to calculate the most number of hit-testing boxes needed.
3226    /// If the layout has no bidirectional text or no text at all,
3227    /// the minimum level is 1.
3228    /// </summary>
3229    UINT32 maxBidiReorderingDepth;
3231    /// <summary>
3232    /// Total number of lines.
3233    /// </summary>
3234    UINT32 lineCount;
3238/// <summary>
3239/// Properties describing the geometric measurement of an
3240/// application-defined inline object.
3241/// </summary>
3244    /// <summary>
3245    /// Width of the inline object.
3246    /// </summary>
3247    FLOAT width;
3249    /// <summary>
3250    /// Height of the inline object as measured from top to bottom.
3251    /// </summary>
3252    FLOAT height;
3254    /// <summary>
3255    /// Distance from the top of the object to the baseline where it is lined up with the adjacent text.
3256    /// If the baseline is at the bottom, baseline simply equals height.
3257    /// </summary>
3258    FLOAT baseline;
3260    /// <summary>
3261    /// Flag indicating whether the object is to be placed upright or alongside the text baseline
3262    /// for vertical text.
3263    /// </summary>
3264    BOOL  supportsSideways;
3268/// <summary>
3269/// The DWRITE_OVERHANG_METRICS structure holds how much any visible pixels
3270/// (in DIPs) overshoot each side of the layout or inline objects.
3271/// </summary>
3272/// <remarks>
3273/// Positive overhangs indicate that the visible area extends outside the layout
3274/// box or inline object, while negative values mean there is whitespace inside.
3275/// The returned values are unaffected by rendering transforms or pixel snapping.
3276/// Additionally, they may not exactly match final target's pixel bounds after
3277/// applying grid fitting and hinting.
3278/// </remarks>
3281    /// <summary>
3282    /// The distance from the left-most visible DIP to its left alignment edge.
3283    /// </summary>
3284    FLOAT left;
3286    /// <summary>
3287    /// The distance from the top-most visible DIP to its top alignment edge.
3288    /// </summary>
3289    FLOAT top;
3291    /// <summary>
3292    /// The distance from the right-most visible DIP to its right alignment edge.
3293    /// </summary>
3294    FLOAT right;
3296    /// <summary>
3297    /// The distance from the bottom-most visible DIP to its bottom alignment edge.
3298    /// </summary>
3299    FLOAT bottom;
3303/// <summary>
3304/// Geometry enclosing of text positions.
3305/// </summary>
3308    /// <summary>
3309    /// First text position within the geometry.
3310    /// </summary>
3311    UINT32 textPosition;
3313    /// <summary>
3314    /// Number of text positions within the geometry.
3315    /// </summary>
3316    UINT32 length;
3318    /// <summary>
3319    /// Left position of the top-left coordinate of the geometry.
3320    /// </summary>
3321    FLOAT left;
3323    /// <summary>
3324    /// Top position of the top-left coordinate of the geometry.
3325    /// </summary>
3326    FLOAT top;
3328    /// <summary>
3329    /// Geometry's width.
3330    /// </summary>
3331    FLOAT width;
3333    /// <summary>
3334    /// Geometry's height.
3335    /// </summary>
3336    FLOAT height;
3338    /// <summary>
3339    /// Bidi level of text positions enclosed within the geometry.
3340    /// </summary>
3341    UINT32 bidiLevel;
3343    /// <summary>
3344    /// Geometry encloses text?
3345    /// </summary>
3346    BOOL isText;
3348    /// <summary>
3349    /// Range is trimmed.
3350    /// </summary>
3351    BOOL isTrimmed;
3355interface IDWriteTextRenderer;
3358/// <summary>
3359/// The IDWriteInlineObject interface wraps an application defined inline graphic,
3360/// allowing DWrite to query metrics as if it was a glyph inline with the text.
3361/// </summary>
3362interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("8339FDE3-106F-47ab-8373-1C6295EB10B3") IDWriteInlineObject : public IUnknown
3364    /// <summary>
3365    /// The application implemented rendering callback (IDWriteTextRenderer::DrawInlineObject)
3366    /// can use this to draw the inline object without needing to cast or query the object
3367    /// type. The text layout does not call this method directly.
3368    /// </summary>
3369    /// <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param>
3370    /// <param name="renderer">The renderer passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw as the object's containing parent.</param>
3371    /// <param name="originX">X-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.</param>
3372    /// <param name="originY">Y-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.</param>
3373    /// <param name="isSideways">The object should be drawn on its side.</param>
3374    /// <param name="isRightToLeft">The object is in an right-to-left context and should be drawn flipped.</param>
3375    /// <param name="clientDrawingEffect">The drawing effect set in IDWriteTextLayout::SetDrawingEffect.</param>
3376    /// <returns>
3377    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3378    /// </returns>
3379    STDMETHOD(Draw)(
3380        __maybenull void* clientDrawingContext,
3381        IDWriteTextRenderer* renderer,
3382        FLOAT originX,
3383        FLOAT originY,
3384        BOOL isSideways,
3385        BOOL isRightToLeft,
3386        __maybenull IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3387        ) PURE;
3389    /// <summary>
3390    /// TextLayout calls this callback function to get the measurement of the inline object.
3391    /// </summary>
3392    /// <param name="metrics">Returned metrics</param>
3393    /// <returns>
3394    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3395    /// </returns>
3396    STDMETHOD(GetMetrics)(
3397        __out DWRITE_INLINE_OBJECT_METRICS* metrics
3398        ) PURE;
3400    /// <summary>
3401    /// TextLayout calls this callback function to get the visible extents (in DIPs) of the inline object.
3402    /// In the case of a simple bitmap, with no padding and no overhang, all the overhangs will
3403    /// simply be zeroes.
3404    /// </summary>
3405    /// <param name="overhangs">Overshoot of visible extents (in DIPs) outside the object.</param>
3406    /// <returns>
3407    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3408    /// </returns>
3409    /// <remarks>
3410    /// The overhangs should be returned relative to the reported size of the object
3411    /// (DWRITE_INLINE_OBJECT_METRICS::width/height), and should not be baseline
3412    /// adjusted. If you have an image that is actually 100x100 DIPs, but you want it
3413    /// slightly inset (perhaps it has a glow) by 20 DIPs on each side, you would
3414    /// return a width/height of 60x60 and four overhangs of 20 DIPs.
3415    /// </remarks>
3416    STDMETHOD(GetOverhangMetrics)(
3417        __out DWRITE_OVERHANG_METRICS* overhangs
3418        ) PURE;
3420    /// <summary>
3421    /// Layout uses this to determine the line breaking behavior of the inline object
3422    /// amidst the text.
3423    /// </summary>
3424    /// <param name="breakConditionBefore">Line-breaking condition between the object and the content immediately preceding it.</param>
3425    /// <param name="breakConditionAfter" >Line-breaking condition between the object and the content immediately following it.</param>
3426    /// <returns>
3427    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3428    /// </returns>
3429    STDMETHOD(GetBreakConditions)(
3430        __out DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION* breakConditionBefore,
3431        __out DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION* breakConditionAfter
3432        ) PURE;
3435/// <summary>
3436/// The IDWritePixelSnapping interface defines the pixel snapping properties of a text renderer.
3437/// </summary>
3438interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("eaf3a2da-ecf4-4d24-b644-b34f6842024b") IDWritePixelSnapping : public IUnknown
3440    /// <summary>
3441    /// Determines whether pixel snapping is disabled. The recommended default is FALSE,
3442    /// unless doing animation that requires subpixel vertical placement.
3443    /// </summary>
3444    /// <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param>
3445    /// <param name="isDisabled">Receives TRUE if pixel snapping is disabled or FALSE if it not.</param>
3446    /// <returns>
3447    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3448    /// </returns>
3449    STDMETHOD(IsPixelSnappingDisabled)(
3450        __maybenull void* clientDrawingContext,
3451        __out BOOL* isDisabled
3452        ) PURE;
3454    /// <summary>
3455    /// Gets the current transform that maps abstract coordinates to DIPs,
3456    /// which may disable pixel snapping upon any rotation or shear.
3457    /// </summary>
3458    /// <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param>
3459    /// <param name="transform">Receives the transform.</param>
3460    /// <returns>
3461    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3462    /// </returns>
3463    STDMETHOD(GetCurrentTransform)(
3464        __maybenull void* clientDrawingContext,
3465        __out DWRITE_MATRIX* transform
3466        ) PURE;
3468    /// <summary>
3469    /// Gets the number of physical pixels per DIP. A DIP (device-independent pixel) is 1/96 inch,
3470    /// so the pixelsPerDip value is the number of logical pixels per inch divided by 96 (yielding
3471    /// a value of 1 for 96 DPI and 1.25 for 120).
3472    /// </summary>
3473    /// <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param>
3474    /// <param name="pixelsPerDip">Receives the number of physical pixels per DIP.</param>
3475    /// <returns>
3476    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3477    /// </returns>
3478    STDMETHOD(GetPixelsPerDip)(
3479        __maybenull void* clientDrawingContext,
3480        __out FLOAT* pixelsPerDip
3481        ) PURE;
3484/// <summary>
3485/// The IDWriteTextLayout interface represents a set of application-defined
3486/// callbacks that perform rendering of text, inline objects, and decorations
3487/// such as underlines.
3488/// </summary>
3489interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("ef8a8135-5cc6-45fe-8825-c5a0724eb819") IDWriteTextRenderer : public IDWritePixelSnapping
3491    /// <summary>
3492    /// IDWriteTextLayout::Draw calls this function to instruct the client to
3493    /// render a run of glyphs.
3494    /// </summary>
3495    /// <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to
3496    /// IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param>
3497    /// <param name="baselineOriginX">X-coordinate of the baseline.</param>
3498    /// <param name="baselineOriginY">Y-coordinate of the baseline.</param>
3499    /// <param name="measuringMode">Specifies measuring method for glyphs in the run.
3500    /// Renderer implementations may choose different rendering modes for given measuring methods,
3501    /// but best results are seen when the rendering mode matches the corresponding measuring mode:
3505    /// </param>
3506    /// <param name="glyphRun">The glyph run to draw.</param>
3507    /// <param name="glyphRunDescription">Properties of the characters
3508    /// associated with this run.</param>
3509    /// <param name="clientDrawingEffect">The drawing effect set in
3510    /// IDWriteTextLayout::SetDrawingEffect.</param>
3511    /// <returns>
3512    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3513    /// </returns>
3514    STDMETHOD(DrawGlyphRun)(
3515        __maybenull void* clientDrawingContext,
3516        FLOAT baselineOriginX,
3517        FLOAT baselineOriginY,
3518        DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode,
3519        __in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN const* glyphRun,
3520        __in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION const* glyphRunDescription,
3521        __maybenull IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3522        ) PURE;
3524    /// <summary>
3525    /// IDWriteTextLayout::Draw calls this function to instruct the client to draw
3526    /// an underline.
3527    /// </summary>
3528    /// <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to
3529    /// IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param>
3530    /// <param name="baselineOriginX">X-coordinate of the baseline.</param>
3531    /// <param name="baselineOriginY">Y-coordinate of the baseline.</param>
3532    /// <param name="underline">Underline logical information.</param>
3533    /// <param name="clientDrawingEffect">The drawing effect set in
3534    /// IDWriteTextLayout::SetDrawingEffect.</param>
3535    /// <returns>
3536    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3537    /// </returns>
3538    /// <remarks>
3539    /// A single underline can be broken into multiple calls, depending on
3540    /// how the formatting changes attributes. If font sizes/styles change
3541    /// within an underline, the thickness and offset will be averaged
3542    /// weighted according to characters.
3543    /// To get the correct top coordinate of the underline rect, add underline::offset
3544    /// to the baseline's Y. Otherwise the underline will be immediately under the text.
3545    /// The x coordinate will always be passed as the left side, regardless
3546    /// of text directionality. This simplifies drawing and reduces the
3547    /// problem of round-off that could potentially cause gaps or a double
3548    /// stamped alpha blend. To avoid alpha overlap, round the end points
3549    /// to the nearest device pixel.
3550    /// </remarks>
3551    STDMETHOD(DrawUnderline)(
3552        __maybenull void* clientDrawingContext,
3553        FLOAT baselineOriginX,
3554        FLOAT baselineOriginY,
3555        __in DWRITE_UNDERLINE const* underline,
3556        __maybenull IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3557        ) PURE;
3559    /// <summary>
3560    /// IDWriteTextLayout::Draw calls this function to instruct the client to draw
3561    /// a strikethrough.
3562    /// </summary>
3563    /// <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to
3564    /// IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param>
3565    /// <param name="baselineOriginX">X-coordinate of the baseline.</param>
3566    /// <param name="baselineOriginY">Y-coordinate of the baseline.</param>
3567    /// <param name="strikethrough">Strikethrough logical information.</param>
3568    /// <param name="clientDrawingEffect">The drawing effect set in
3569    /// IDWriteTextLayout::SetDrawingEffect.</param>
3570    /// <returns>
3571    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3572    /// </returns>
3573    /// <remarks>
3574    /// A single strikethrough can be broken into multiple calls, depending on
3575    /// how the formatting changes attributes. Strikethrough is not averaged
3576    /// across font sizes/styles changes.
3577    /// To get the correct top coordinate of the strikethrough rect,
3578    /// add strikethrough::offset to the baseline's Y.
3579    /// Like underlines, the x coordinate will always be passed as the left side,
3580    /// regardless of text directionality.
3581    /// </remarks>
3582    STDMETHOD(DrawStrikethrough)(
3583        __maybenull void* clientDrawingContext,
3584        FLOAT baselineOriginX,
3585        FLOAT baselineOriginY,
3586        __in DWRITE_STRIKETHROUGH const* strikethrough,
3587        __maybenull IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3588        ) PURE;
3590    /// <summary>
3591    /// IDWriteTextLayout::Draw calls this application callback when it needs to
3592    /// draw an inline object.
3593    /// </summary>
3594    /// <param name="clientDrawingContext">The context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.</param>
3595    /// <param name="originX">X-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.</param>
3596    /// <param name="originY">Y-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.</param>
3597    /// <param name="inlineObject">The object set using IDWriteTextLayout::SetInlineObject.</param>
3598    /// <param name="isSideways">The object should be drawn on its side.</param>
3599    /// <param name="isRightToLeft">The object is in an right-to-left context and should be drawn flipped.</param>
3600    /// <param name="clientDrawingEffect">The drawing effect set in
3601    /// IDWriteTextLayout::SetDrawingEffect.</param>
3602    /// <returns>
3603    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3604    /// </returns>
3605    /// <remarks>
3606    /// The right-to-left flag is a hint for those cases where it would look
3607    /// strange for the image to be shown normally (like an arrow pointing to
3608    /// right to indicate a submenu).
3609    /// </remarks>
3610    STDMETHOD(DrawInlineObject)(
3611        __maybenull void* clientDrawingContext,
3612        FLOAT originX,
3613        FLOAT originY,
3614        IDWriteInlineObject* inlineObject,
3615        BOOL isSideways,
3616        BOOL isRightToLeft,
3617        __maybenull IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect
3618        ) PURE;
3621/// <summary>
3622/// The IDWriteTextLayout interface represents a block of text after it has
3623/// been fully analyzed and formatted.
3625/// All coordinates are in device independent pixels (DIPs).
3626/// </summary>
3627interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("53737037-6d14-410b-9bfe-0b182bb70961") IDWriteTextLayout : public IDWriteTextFormat
3629    /// <summary>
3630    /// Set layout maximum width
3631    /// </summary>
3632    /// <param name="maxWidth">Layout maximum width</param>
3633    /// <returns>
3634    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3635    /// </returns>
3636    STDMETHOD(SetMaxWidth)(
3637        FLOAT maxWidth
3638        ) PURE;
3640    /// <summary>
3641    /// Set layout maximum height
3642    /// </summary>
3643    /// <param name="maxHeight">Layout maximum height</param>
3644    /// <returns>
3645    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3646    /// </returns>
3647    STDMETHOD(SetMaxHeight)(
3648        FLOAT maxHeight
3649        ) PURE;
3651    /// <summary>
3652    /// Set the font collection.
3653    /// </summary>
3654    /// <param name="fontCollection">The font collection to set</param>
3655    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3656    /// <returns>
3657    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3658    /// </returns>
3659    STDMETHOD(SetFontCollection)(
3660        IDWriteFontCollection* fontCollection,
3661        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3662        ) PURE;
3664    /// <summary>
3665    /// Set null-terminated font family name.
3666    /// </summary>
3667    /// <param name="fontFamilyName">Font family name</param>
3668    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3669    /// <returns>
3670    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3671    /// </returns>
3672    STDMETHOD(SetFontFamilyName)(
3673        __in_z WCHAR const* fontFamilyName,
3674        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3675        ) PURE;
3677    /// <summary>
3678    /// Set font weight.
3679    /// </summary>
3680    /// <param name="fontWeight">Font weight</param>
3681    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3682    /// <returns>
3683    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3684    /// </returns>
3685    STDMETHOD(SetFontWeight)(
3686        DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT fontWeight,
3687        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3688        ) PURE;
3690    /// <summary>
3691    /// Set font style.
3692    /// </summary>
3693    /// <param name="fontStyle">Font style</param>
3694    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3695    /// <returns>
3696    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3697    /// </returns>
3698    STDMETHOD(SetFontStyle)(
3699        DWRITE_FONT_STYLE fontStyle,
3700        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3701        ) PURE;
3703    /// <summary>
3704    /// Set font stretch.
3705    /// </summary>
3706    /// <param name="fontStretch">font stretch</param>
3707    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3708    /// <returns>
3709    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3710    /// </returns>
3711    STDMETHOD(SetFontStretch)(
3712        DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH fontStretch,
3713        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3714        ) PURE;
3716    /// <summary>
3717    /// Set font em height.
3718    /// </summary>
3719    /// <param name="fontSize">Font em height</param>
3720    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3721    /// <returns>
3722    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3723    /// </returns>
3724    STDMETHOD(SetFontSize)(
3725        FLOAT fontSize,
3726        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3727        ) PURE;
3729    /// <summary>
3730    /// Set underline.
3731    /// </summary>
3732    /// <param name="hasUnderline">The Boolean flag indicates whether underline takes place</param>
3733    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3734    /// <returns>
3735    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3736    /// </returns>
3737    STDMETHOD(SetUnderline)(
3738        BOOL hasUnderline,
3739        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3740        ) PURE;
3742    /// <summary>
3743    /// Set strikethrough.
3744    /// </summary>
3745    /// <param name="hasStrikethrough">The Boolean flag indicates whether strikethrough takes place</param>
3746    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3747    /// <returns>
3748    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3749    /// </returns>
3750    STDMETHOD(SetStrikethrough)(
3751        BOOL hasStrikethrough,
3752        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3753        ) PURE;
3755    /// <summary>
3756    /// Set application-defined drawing effect.
3757    /// </summary>
3758    /// <param name="drawingEffect">Pointer to an application-defined drawing effect.</param>
3759    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3760    /// <returns>
3761    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3762    /// </returns>
3763    /// <remarks>
3764    /// This drawing effect is associated with the specified range and will be passed back
3765    /// to the application via the callback when the range is drawn at drawing time.
3766    /// </remarks>
3767    STDMETHOD(SetDrawingEffect)(
3768        IUnknown* drawingEffect,
3769        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3770        ) PURE;
3772    /// <summary>
3773    /// Set inline object.
3774    /// </summary>
3775    /// <param name="inlineObject">Pointer to an application-implemented inline object.</param>
3776    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3777    /// <returns>
3778    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3779    /// </returns>
3780    /// <remarks>
3781    /// This inline object applies to the specified range and will be passed back
3782    /// to the application via the DrawInlineObject callback when the range is drawn.
3783    /// Any text in that range will be suppressed.
3784    /// </remarks>
3785    STDMETHOD(SetInlineObject)(
3786        IDWriteInlineObject* inlineObject,
3787        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3788        ) PURE;
3790    /// <summary>
3791    /// Set font typography features.
3792    /// </summary>
3793    /// <param name="typography">Pointer to font typography setting.</param>
3794    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3795    /// <returns>
3796    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3797    /// </returns>
3798    STDMETHOD(SetTypography)(
3799        IDWriteTypography* typography,
3800        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3801        ) PURE;
3803    /// <summary>
3804    /// Set locale name.
3805    /// </summary>
3806    /// <param name="localeName">Locale name</param>
3807    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3808    /// <returns>
3809    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3810    /// </returns>
3811    STDMETHOD(SetLocaleName)(
3812        __in_z WCHAR const* localeName,
3813        DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange
3814        ) PURE;
3816    /// <summary>
3817    /// Get layout maximum width
3818    /// </summary>
3819    STDMETHOD_(FLOAT, GetMaxWidth)() PURE;
3821    /// <summary>
3822    /// Get layout maximum height
3823    /// </summary>
3824    STDMETHOD_(FLOAT, GetMaxHeight)() PURE;
3826    /// <summary>
3827    /// Get the font collection where the current position is at.
3828    /// </summary>
3829    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3830    /// <param name="fontCollection">The current font collection</param>
3831    /// <param name="textRange">Text range to which this change applies.</param>
3832    /// <returns>
3833    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3834    /// </returns>
3835    STDMETHOD(GetFontCollection)(
3836        UINT32 currentPosition,
3837        __out IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection,
3838        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3839        ) PURE;
3841    /// <summary>
3842    /// Get the length of the font family name where the current position is at.
3843    /// </summary>
3844    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3845    /// <param name="nameLength">Size of the character array in character count not including the terminated NULL character.</param>
3846    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3847    /// <returns>
3848    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3849    /// </returns>
3850    STDMETHOD(GetFontFamilyNameLength)(
3851        UINT32 currentPosition,
3852        __out UINT32* nameLength,
3853        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3854        ) PURE;
3856    /// <summary>
3857    /// Copy the font family name where the current position is at.
3858    /// </summary>
3859    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3860    /// <param name="fontFamilyName">Character array that receives the current font family name</param>
3861    /// <param name="nameSize">Size of the character array in character count including the terminated NULL character.</param>
3862    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3863    /// <returns>
3864    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3865    /// </returns>
3866    STDMETHOD(GetFontFamilyName)(
3867        UINT32 currentPosition,
3868        __out_ecount_z(nameSize) WCHAR* fontFamilyName,
3869        UINT32 nameSize,
3870        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3871        ) PURE;
3873    /// <summary>
3874    /// Get the font weight where the current position is at.
3875    /// </summary>
3876    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3877    /// <param name="fontWeight">The current font weight</param>
3878    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3879    /// <returns>
3880    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3881    /// </returns>
3882    STDMETHOD(GetFontWeight)(
3883        UINT32 currentPosition,
3884        __out DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT* fontWeight,
3885        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3886        ) PURE;
3888    /// <summary>
3889    /// Get the font style where the current position is at.
3890    /// </summary>
3891    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3892    /// <param name="fontStyle">The current font style</param>
3893    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3894    /// <returns>
3895    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3896    /// </returns>
3897    STDMETHOD(GetFontStyle)(
3898        UINT32 currentPosition,
3899        __out DWRITE_FONT_STYLE* fontStyle,
3900        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3901        ) PURE;
3903    /// <summary>
3904    /// Get the font stretch where the current position is at.
3905    /// </summary>
3906    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3907    /// <param name="fontStretch">The current font stretch</param>
3908    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3909    /// <returns>
3910    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3911    /// </returns>
3912    STDMETHOD(GetFontStretch)(
3913        UINT32 currentPosition,
3914        __out DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH* fontStretch,
3915        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3916        ) PURE;
3918    /// <summary>
3919    /// Get the font em height where the current position is at.
3920    /// </summary>
3921    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3922    /// <param name="fontSize">The current font em height</param>
3923    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3924    /// <returns>
3925    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3926    /// </returns>
3927    STDMETHOD(GetFontSize)(
3928        UINT32 currentPosition,
3929        __out FLOAT* fontSize,
3930        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3931        ) PURE;
3933    /// <summary>
3934    /// Get the underline presence where the current position is at.
3935    /// </summary>
3936    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3937    /// <param name="hasUnderline">The Boolean flag indicates whether text is underlined.</param>
3938    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3939    /// <returns>
3940    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3941    /// </returns>
3942    STDMETHOD(GetUnderline)(
3943        UINT32 currentPosition,
3944        __out BOOL* hasUnderline,
3945        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3946        ) PURE;
3948    /// <summary>
3949    /// Get the strikethrough presence where the current position is at.
3950    /// </summary>
3951    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3952    /// <param name="hasStrikethrough">The Boolean flag indicates whether text has strikethrough.</param>
3953    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3954    /// <returns>
3955    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3956    /// </returns>
3957    STDMETHOD(GetStrikethrough)(
3958        UINT32 currentPosition,
3959        __out BOOL* hasStrikethrough,
3960        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3961        ) PURE;
3963    /// <summary>
3964    /// Get the application-defined drawing effect where the current position is at.
3965    /// </summary>
3966    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3967    /// <param name="drawingEffect">The current application-defined drawing effect.</param>
3968    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3969    /// <returns>
3970    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3971    /// </returns>
3972    STDMETHOD(GetDrawingEffect)(
3973        UINT32 currentPosition,
3974        __out IUnknown** drawingEffect,
3975        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3976        ) PURE;
3978    /// <summary>
3979    /// Get the inline object at the given position.
3980    /// </summary>
3981    /// <param name="currentPosition">The given text position.</param>
3982    /// <param name="inlineObject">The inline object.</param>
3983    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3984    /// <returns>
3985    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
3986    /// </returns>
3987    STDMETHOD(GetInlineObject)(
3988        UINT32 currentPosition,
3989        __out IDWriteInlineObject** inlineObject,
3990        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
3991        ) PURE;
3993    /// <summary>
3994    /// Get the typography setting where the current position is at.
3995    /// </summary>
3996    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
3997    /// <param name="typography">The current typography setting.</param>
3998    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
3999    /// <returns>
4000    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4001    /// </returns>
4002    STDMETHOD(GetTypography)(
4003        UINT32 currentPosition,
4004        __out IDWriteTypography** typography,
4005        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
4006        ) PURE;
4008    /// <summary>
4009    /// Get the length of the locale name where the current position is at.
4010    /// </summary>
4011    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
4012    /// <param name="nameLength">Size of the character array in character count not including the terminated NULL character.</param>
4013    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
4014    /// <returns>
4015    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4016    /// </returns>
4017    STDMETHOD(GetLocaleNameLength)(
4018        UINT32 currentPosition,
4019        __out UINT32* nameLength,
4020        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
4021        ) PURE;
4023    /// <summary>
4024    /// Get the locale name where the current position is at.
4025    /// </summary>
4026    /// <param name="currentPosition">The current text position.</param>
4027    /// <param name="localeName">Character array that receives the current locale name</param>
4028    /// <param name="nameSize">Size of the character array in character count including the terminated NULL character.</param>
4029    /// <param name="textRange">The position range of the current format.</param>
4030    /// <returns>
4031    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4032    /// </returns>
4033    STDMETHOD(GetLocaleName)(
4034        UINT32 currentPosition,
4035        __out_ecount_z(nameSize) WCHAR* localeName,
4036        UINT32 nameSize,
4037        __out_opt DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange = NULL
4038        ) PURE;
4040    /// <summary>
4041    /// Initiate drawing of the text.
4042    /// </summary>
4043    /// <param name="clientDrawingContext">An application defined value
4044    /// included in rendering callbacks.</param>
4045    /// <param name="renderer">The set of application-defined callbacks that do
4046    /// the actual rendering.</param>
4047    /// <param name="originX">X-coordinate of the layout's left side.</param>
4048    /// <param name="originY">Y-coordinate of the layout's top side.</param>
4049    /// <returns>
4050    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4051    /// </returns>
4052    STDMETHOD(Draw)(
4053        __maybenull void* clientDrawingContext,
4054        IDWriteTextRenderer* renderer,
4055        FLOAT originX,
4056        FLOAT originY
4057        ) PURE;
4059    /// <summary>
4060    /// GetLineMetrics returns properties of each line.
4061    /// </summary>
4062    /// <param name="lineMetrics">The array to fill with line information.</param>
4063    /// <param name="maxLineCount">The maximum size of the lineMetrics array.</param>
4064    /// <param name="actualLineCount">The actual size of the lineMetrics
4065    /// array that is needed.</param>
4066    /// <returns>
4067    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4068    /// </returns>
4069    /// <remarks>
4070    /// If maxLineCount is not large enough E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
4071    /// which is equivalent to HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER),
4072    /// is returned and *actualLineCount is set to the number of lines
4073    /// needed.
4074    /// </remarks>
4075    STDMETHOD(GetLineMetrics)(
4076        __out_ecount_opt(maxLineCount) DWRITE_LINE_METRICS* lineMetrics,
4077        UINT32 maxLineCount,
4078        __out UINT32* actualLineCount
4079        ) PURE;
4081    /// <summary>
4082    /// GetMetrics retrieves overall metrics for the formatted string.
4083    /// </summary>
4084    /// <param name="textMetrics">The returned metrics.</param>
4085    /// <returns>
4086    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4087    /// </returns>
4088    /// <remarks>
4089    /// Drawing effects like underline and strikethrough do not contribute
4090    /// to the text size, which is essentially the sum of advance widths and
4091    /// line heights. Additionally, visible swashes and other graphic
4092    /// adornments may extend outside the returned width and height.
4093    /// </remarks>
4094    STDMETHOD(GetMetrics)(
4095        __out DWRITE_TEXT_METRICS* textMetrics
4096        ) PURE;
4098    /// <summary>
4099    /// GetOverhangMetrics returns the overhangs (in DIPs) of the layout and all
4100    /// objects contained in it, including text glyphs and inline objects.
4101    /// </summary>
4102    /// <param name="overhangs">Overshoots of visible extents (in DIPs) outside the layout.</param>
4103    /// <returns>
4104    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4105    /// </returns>
4106    /// <remarks>
4107    /// Any underline and strikethrough do not contribute to the black box
4108    /// determination, since these are actually drawn by the renderer, which
4109    /// is allowed to draw them in any variety of styles.
4110    /// </remarks>
4111    STDMETHOD(GetOverhangMetrics)(
4112        __out DWRITE_OVERHANG_METRICS* overhangs
4113        ) PURE;
4115    /// <summary>
4116    /// Retrieve logical properties and measurement of each cluster.
4117    /// </summary>
4118    /// <param name="clusterMetrics">The array to fill with cluster information.</param>
4119    /// <param name="maxClusterCount">The maximum size of the clusterMetrics array.</param>
4120    /// <param name="actualClusterCount">The actual size of the clusterMetrics array that is needed.</param>
4121    /// <returns>
4122    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4123    /// </returns>
4124    /// <remarks>
4125    /// If maxClusterCount is not large enough E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
4126    /// which is equivalent to HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER),
4127    /// is returned and *actualClusterCount is set to the number of clusters
4128    /// needed.
4129    /// </remarks>
4130    STDMETHOD(GetClusterMetrics)(
4131        __out_ecount_opt(maxClusterCount) DWRITE_CLUSTER_METRICS* clusterMetrics,
4132        UINT32 maxClusterCount,
4133        __out UINT32* actualClusterCount
4134        ) PURE;
4136    /// <summary>
4137    /// Determines the minimum possible width the layout can be set to without
4138    /// emergency breaking between the characters of whole words.
4139    /// </summary>
4140    /// <param name="minWidth">Minimum width.</param>
4141    /// <returns>
4142    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4143    /// </returns>
4144    STDMETHOD(DetermineMinWidth)(
4145        __out FLOAT* minWidth
4146        ) PURE;
4148    /// <summary>
4149    /// Given a coordinate (in DIPs) relative to the top-left of the layout box,
4150    /// this returns the corresponding hit-test metrics of the text string where
4151    /// the hit-test has occurred. This is useful for mapping mouse clicks to caret
4152    /// positions. When the given coordinate is outside the text string, the function
4153    /// sets the output value *isInside to false but returns the nearest character
4154    /// position.
4155    /// </summary>
4156    /// <param name="pointX">X coordinate to hit-test, relative to the top-left location of the layout box.</param>
4157    /// <param name="pointY">Y coordinate to hit-test, relative to the top-left location of the layout box.</param>
4158    /// <param name="isTrailingHit">Output flag indicating whether the hit-test location is at the leading or the trailing
4159    ///     side of the character. When the output *isInside value is set to false, this value is set according to the output
4160    ///     *position value to represent the edge closest to the hit-test location. </param>
4161    /// <param name="isInside">Output flag indicating whether the hit-test location is inside the text string.
4162    ///     When false, the position nearest the text's edge is returned.</param>
4163    /// <param name="hitTestMetrics">Output geometry fully enclosing the hit-test location. When the output *isInside value
4164    ///     is set to false, this structure represents the geometry enclosing the edge closest to the hit-test location.</param>
4165    /// <returns>
4166    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4167    /// </returns>
4168    STDMETHOD(HitTestPoint)(
4169        FLOAT pointX,
4170        FLOAT pointY,
4171        __out BOOL* isTrailingHit,
4172        __out BOOL* isInside,
4173        __out DWRITE_HIT_TEST_METRICS* hitTestMetrics
4174        ) PURE;
4176    /// <summary>
4177    /// Given a text position and whether the caret is on the leading or trailing
4178    /// edge of that position, this returns the corresponding coordinate (in DIPs)
4179    /// relative to the top-left of the layout box. This is most useful for drawing
4180    /// the caret's current position, but it could also be used to anchor an IME to the
4181    /// typed text or attach a floating menu near the point of interest. It may also be
4182    /// used to programmatically obtain the geometry of a particular text position
4183    /// for UI automation.
4184    /// </summary>
4185    /// <param name="textPosition">Text position to get the coordinate of.</param>
4186    /// <param name="isTrailingHit">Flag indicating whether the location is of the leading or the trailing side of the specified text position. </param>
4187    /// <param name="pointX">Output caret X, relative to the top-left of the layout box.</param>
4188    /// <param name="pointY">Output caret Y, relative to the top-left of the layout box.</param>
4189    /// <param name="hitTestMetrics">Output geometry fully enclosing the specified text position.</param>
4190    /// <returns>
4191    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4192    /// </returns>
4193    /// <remarks>
4194    /// When drawing a caret at the returned X,Y, it should should be centered on X
4195    /// and drawn from the Y coordinate down. The height will be the size of the
4196    /// hit-tested text (which can vary in size within a line).
4197    /// Reading direction also affects which side of the character the caret is drawn.
4198    /// However, the returned X coordinate will be correct for either case.
4199    /// You can get a text length back that is larger than a single character.
4200    /// This happens for complex scripts when multiple characters form a single cluster,
4201    /// when diacritics join their base character, or when you test a surrogate pair.
4202    /// </remarks>
4203    STDMETHOD(HitTestTextPosition)(
4204        UINT32 textPosition,
4205        BOOL isTrailingHit,
4206        __out FLOAT* pointX,
4207        __out FLOAT* pointY,
4208        __out DWRITE_HIT_TEST_METRICS* hitTestMetrics
4209        ) PURE;
4211    /// <summary>
4212    /// The application calls this function to get a set of hit-test metrics
4213    /// corresponding to a range of text positions. The main usage for this
4214    /// is to draw highlighted selection of the text string.
4215    ///
4216    /// The function returns E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER, which is equivalent to
4217    /// HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER), when the buffer size of
4218    /// hitTestMetrics is too small to hold all the regions calculated by the
4219    /// function. In such situation, the function sets the output value
4220    /// *actualHitTestMetricsCount to the number of geometries calculated.
4221    /// The application is responsible to allocate a new buffer of greater
4222    /// size and call the function again.
4223    ///
4224    /// A good value to use as an initial value for maxHitTestMetricsCount may
4225    /// be calculated from the following equation:
4226    ///     maxHitTestMetricsCount = lineCount * maxBidiReorderingDepth
4227    ///
4228    /// where lineCount is obtained from the value of the output argument
4229    /// *actualLineCount from the function IDWriteTextLayout::GetLineMetrics,
4230    /// and the maxBidiReorderingDepth value from the DWRITE_TEXT_METRICS
4231    /// structure of the output argument *textMetrics from the function
4232    /// IDWriteFactory::CreateTextLayout.
4233    /// </summary>
4234    /// <param name="textPosition">First text position of the specified range.</param>
4235    /// <param name="textLength">Number of positions of the specified range.</param>
4236    /// <param name="originX">Offset of the X origin (left of the layout box) which is added to each of the hit-test metrics returned.</param>
4237    /// <param name="originY">Offset of the Y origin (top of the layout box) which is added to each of the hit-test metrics returned.</param>
4238    /// <param name="hitTestMetrics">Pointer to a buffer of the output geometry fully enclosing the specified position range.</param>
4239    /// <param name="maxHitTestMetricsCount">Maximum number of distinct metrics it could hold in its buffer memory.</param>
4240    /// <param name="actualHitTestMetricsCount">Actual number of metrics returned or needed.</param>
4241    /// <returns>
4242    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4243    /// </returns>
4244    /// <remarks>
4245    /// There are no gaps in the returned metrics. While there could be visual gaps,
4246    /// depending on bidi ordering, each range is contiguous and reports all the text,
4247    /// including any hidden characters and trimmed text.
4248    /// The height of each returned range will be the same within each line, regardless
4249    /// of how the font sizes vary.
4250    /// </remarks>
4251    STDMETHOD(HitTestTextRange)(
4252        UINT32 textPosition,
4253        UINT32 textLength,
4254        FLOAT originX,
4255        FLOAT originY,
4256        __out_ecount_opt(maxHitTestMetricsCount) DWRITE_HIT_TEST_METRICS* hitTestMetrics,
4257        UINT32 maxHitTestMetricsCount,
4258        __out UINT32* actualHitTestMetricsCount
4259        ) PURE;
4262/// <summary>
4263/// Encapsulates a 32-bit device independent bitmap and device context, which can be used for rendering glyphs.
4264/// </summary>
4265interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("5e5a32a3-8dff-4773-9ff6-0696eab77267") IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget : public IUnknown
4267    /// <summary>
4268    /// Draws a run of glyphs to the bitmap.
4269    /// </summary>
4270    /// <param name="baselineOriginX">Horizontal position of the baseline origin, in DIPs, relative to the upper-left corner of the DIB.</param>
4271    /// <param name="baselineOriginY">Vertical position of the baseline origin, in DIPs, relative to the upper-left corner of the DIB.</param>
4272    /// <param name="measuringMode">Specifies measuring method for glyphs in the run.
4273    /// Renderer implementations may choose different rendering modes for different measuring methods, for example
4277    /// </param>
4278    /// <param name="glyphRun">Structure containing the properties of the glyph run.</param>
4279    /// <param name="renderingParams">Object that controls rendering behavior.</param>
4280    /// <param name="textColor">Specifies the foreground color of the text.</param>
4281    /// <param name="blackBoxRect">Optional rectangle that receives the bounding box (in pixels not DIPs) of all the pixels affected by
4282    /// drawing the glyph run. The black box rectangle may extend beyond the dimensions of the bitmap.</param>
4283    /// <returns>
4284    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4285    /// </returns>
4286    STDMETHOD(DrawGlyphRun)(
4287        FLOAT baselineOriginX,
4288        FLOAT baselineOriginY,
4289        DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode,
4290        __in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN const* glyphRun,
4291        IDWriteRenderingParams* renderingParams,
4292        COLORREF textColor,
4293        __out_opt RECT* blackBoxRect = NULL
4294        ) PURE;
4296    /// <summary>
4297    /// Gets a handle to the memory device context.
4298    /// </summary>
4299    /// <returns>
4300    /// Returns the device context handle.
4301    /// </returns>
4302    /// <remarks>
4303    /// An application can use the device context to draw using GDI functions. An application can obtain the bitmap handle
4304    /// (HBITMAP) by calling GetCurrentObject. An application that wants information about the underlying bitmap, including
4305    /// a pointer to the pixel data, can call GetObject to fill in a DIBSECTION structure. The bitmap is always a 32-bit
4306    /// top-down DIB.
4307    /// </remarks>
4308    STDMETHOD_(HDC, GetMemoryDC)() PURE;
4310    /// <summary>
4311    /// Gets the number of bitmap pixels per DIP. A DIP (device-independent pixel) is 1/96 inch so this value is the number
4312    /// if pixels per inch divided by 96.
4313    /// </summary>
4314    /// <returns>
4315    /// Returns the number of bitmap pixels per DIP.
4316    /// </returns>
4317    STDMETHOD_(FLOAT, GetPixelsPerDip)() PURE;
4319    /// <summary>
4320    /// Sets the number of bitmap pixels per DIP. A DIP (device-independent pixel) is 1/96 inch so this value is the number
4321    /// if pixels per inch divided by 96.
4322    /// </summary>
4323    /// <param name="pixelsPerDip">Specifies the number of pixels per DIP.</param>
4324    /// <returns>
4325    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4326    /// </returns>
4327    STDMETHOD(SetPixelsPerDip)(
4328        FLOAT pixelsPerDip
4329        ) PURE;
4331    /// <summary>
4332    /// Gets the transform that maps abstract coordinate to DIPs. By default this is the identity
4333    /// transform. Note that this is unrelated to the world transform of the underlying device
4334    /// context.
4335    /// </summary>
4336    /// <param name="transform">Receives the transform.</param>
4337    /// <returns>
4338    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4339    /// </returns>
4340    STDMETHOD(GetCurrentTransform)(
4341        __out DWRITE_MATRIX* transform
4342        ) PURE;
4344    /// <summary>
4345    /// Sets the transform that maps abstract coordinate to DIPs. This does not affect the world
4346    /// transform of the underlying device context.
4347    /// </summary>
4348    /// <param name="transform">Specifies the new transform. This parameter can be NULL, in which
4349    /// case the identity transform is implied.</param>
4350    /// <returns>
4351    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4352    /// </returns>
4353    STDMETHOD(SetCurrentTransform)(
4354        __in_opt DWRITE_MATRIX const* transform
4355        ) PURE;
4357    /// <summary>
4358    /// Gets the dimensions of the bitmap.
4359    /// </summary>
4360    /// <param name="size">Receives the size of the bitmap in pixels.</param>
4361    /// <returns>
4362    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4363    /// </returns>
4364    STDMETHOD(GetSize)(
4365        __out SIZE* size
4366        ) PURE;
4368    /// <summary>
4369    /// Resizes the bitmap.
4370    /// </summary>
4371    /// <param name="width">New bitmap width, in pixels.</param>
4372    /// <param name="height">New bitmap height, in pixels.</param>
4373    /// <returns>
4374    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4375    /// </returns>
4376    STDMETHOD(Resize)(
4377        UINT32 width,
4378        UINT32 height
4379        ) PURE;
4382/// <summary>
4383/// The GDI interop interface provides interoperability with GDI.
4384/// </summary>
4385interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("1edd9491-9853-4299-898f-6432983b6f3a") IDWriteGdiInterop : public IUnknown
4387    /// <summary>
4388    /// Creates a font object that matches the properties specified by the LOGFONT structure.
4389    /// </summary>
4390    /// <param name="logFont">Structure containing a GDI-compatible font description.</param>
4391    /// <param name="font">Receives a newly created font object if successful, or NULL in case of error.</param>
4392    /// <returns>
4393    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4394    /// </returns>
4395    STDMETHOD(CreateFontFromLOGFONT)(
4396        __in LOGFONTW const* logFont,
4397        __out IDWriteFont** font
4398        ) PURE;
4400    /// <summary>
4401    /// Initializes a LOGFONT structure based on the GDI-compatible properties of the specified font.
4402    /// </summary>
4403    /// <param name="font">Specifies a font in the system font collection.</param>
4404    /// <param name="logFont">Structure that receives a GDI-compatible font description.</param>
4405    /// <param name="isSystemFont">Contains TRUE if the specified font object is part of the system font collection
4406    /// or FALSE otherwise.</param>
4407    /// <returns>
4408    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4409    /// </returns>
4410    STDMETHOD(ConvertFontToLOGFONT)(
4411        IDWriteFont* font,
4412        __out LOGFONTW* logFont,
4413        __out BOOL* isSystemFont
4414        ) PURE;
4416    /// <summary>
4417    /// Initializes a LOGFONT structure based on the GDI-compatible properties of the specified font.
4418    /// </summary>
4419    /// <param name="font">Specifies a font face.</param>
4420    /// <param name="logFont">Structure that receives a GDI-compatible font description.</param>
4421    /// <returns>
4422    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4423    /// </returns>
4424    STDMETHOD(ConvertFontFaceToLOGFONT)(
4425        IDWriteFontFace* font,
4426        __out LOGFONTW* logFont
4427        ) PURE;
4429    /// <summary>
4430    /// Creates a font face object that corresponds to the currently selected HFONT.
4431    /// </summary>
4432    /// <param name="hdc">Handle to a device context into which a font has been selected. It is assumed that the client
4433    /// has already performed font mapping and that the font selected into the DC is the actual font that would be used
4434    /// for rendering glyphs.</param>
4435    /// <param name="fontFace">Contains the newly created font face object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4436    /// <returns>
4437    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4438    /// </returns>
4439    STDMETHOD(CreateFontFaceFromHdc)(
4440        HDC hdc,
4441        __out IDWriteFontFace** fontFace
4442        ) PURE;
4444    /// <summary>
4445    /// Creates an object that encapsulates a bitmap and memory DC which can be used for rendering glyphs.
4446    /// </summary>
4447    /// <param name="hdc">Optional device context used to create a compatible memory DC.</param>
4448    /// <param name="width">Width of the bitmap.</param>
4449    /// <param name="height">Height of the bitmap.</param>
4450    /// <param name="renderTarget">Receives a pointer to the newly created render target.</param>
4451    STDMETHOD(CreateBitmapRenderTarget)(
4452        __in_opt HDC hdc,
4453        UINT32 width,
4454        UINT32 height,
4455        __out IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget** renderTarget
4456        ) PURE;
4459/// <summary>
4460/// The DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE enumeration identifies a type of alpha texture. An alpha texture is a bitmap of alpha values, each
4461/// representing the darkness (i.e., opacity) of a pixel or subpixel.
4462/// </summary>
4465    /// <summary>
4466    /// Specifies an alpha texture for aliased text rendering (i.e., bi-level, where each pixel is either fully opaque or fully transparent),
4467    /// with one byte per pixel.
4468    /// </summary>
4471    /// <summary>
4472    /// Specifies an alpha texture for ClearType text rendering, with three bytes per pixel in the horizontal dimension and
4473    /// one byte per pixel in the vertical dimension.
4474    /// </summary>
4478/// <summary>
4479/// Maximum alpha value in a texture returned by IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis::CreateAlphaTexture.
4480/// </summary>
4481#define DWRITE_ALPHA_MAX 255
4483/// <summary>
4484/// Interface that encapsulates information used to render a glyph run.
4485/// </summary>
4486interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("7d97dbf7-e085-42d4-81e3-6a883bded118") IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis : public IUnknown
4488    /// <summary>
4489    /// Gets the bounding rectangle of the physical pixels affected by the glyph run.
4490    /// </summary>
4491    /// <param name="textureType">Specifies the type of texture requested. If a bi-level texture is requested, the
4492    /// bounding rectangle includes only bi-level glyphs. Otherwise, the bounding rectangle includes only anti-aliased
4493    /// glyphs.</param>
4494    /// <param name="textureBounds">Receives the bounding rectangle, or an empty rectangle if there are no glyphs
4495    /// if the specified type.</param>
4496    /// <returns>
4497    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4498    /// </returns>
4499    STDMETHOD(GetAlphaTextureBounds)(
4500        DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE textureType,
4501        __out RECT* textureBounds
4502        ) PURE;
4504    /// <summary>
4505    /// Creates an alpha texture of the specified type.
4506    /// </summary>
4507    /// <param name="textureType">Specifies the type of texture requested. If a bi-level texture is requested, the
4508    /// texture contains only bi-level glyphs. Otherwise, the texture contains only anti-aliased glyphs.</param>
4509    /// <param name="textureBounds">Specifies the bounding rectangle of the texture, which can be different than
4510    /// the bounding rectangle returned by GetAlphaTextureBounds.</param>
4511    /// <param name="alphaValues">Receives the array of alpha values.</param>
4512    /// <param name="bufferSize">Size of the alphaValues array. The minimum size depends on the dimensions of the
4513    /// rectangle and the type of texture requested.</param>
4514    /// <returns>
4515    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4516    /// </returns>
4517    STDMETHOD(CreateAlphaTexture)(
4518        DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE textureType,
4519        __in RECT const* textureBounds,
4520        __out_bcount(bufferSize) BYTE* alphaValues,
4521        UINT32 bufferSize
4522        ) PURE;
4524    /// <summary>
4525    /// Gets properties required for ClearType blending.
4526    /// </summary>
4527    /// <param name="renderingParams">Rendering parameters object. In most cases, the values returned in the output
4528    /// parameters are based on the properties of this object. The exception is if a GDI-compatible rendering mode
4529    /// is specified.</param>
4530    /// <param name="blendGamma">Receives the gamma value to use for gamma correction.</param>
4531    /// <param name="blendEnhancedContrast">Receives the enhanced contrast value.</param>
4532    /// <param name="blendClearTypeLevel">Receives the ClearType level.</param>
4533    STDMETHOD(GetAlphaBlendParams)(
4534        IDWriteRenderingParams* renderingParams,
4535        __out FLOAT* blendGamma,
4536        __out FLOAT* blendEnhancedContrast,
4537        __out FLOAT* blendClearTypeLevel
4538        ) PURE;
4541/// <summary>
4542/// The root factory interface for all DWrite objects.
4543/// </summary>
4544interface DWRITE_DECLARE_INTERFACE("b859ee5a-d838-4b5b-a2e8-1adc7d93db48") IDWriteFactory : public IUnknown
4546    /// <summary>
4547    /// Gets a font collection representing the set of installed fonts.
4548    /// </summary>
4549    /// <param name="fontCollection">Receives a pointer to the system font collection object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4550    /// <param name="checkForUpdates">If this parameter is nonzero, the function performs an immediate check for changes to the set of
4551    /// installed fonts. If this parameter is FALSE, the function will still detect changes if the font cache service is running, but
4552    /// there may be some latency. For example, an application might specify TRUE if it has itself just installed a font and wants to
4553    /// be sure the font collection contains that font.</param>
4554    /// <returns>
4555    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4556    /// </returns>
4557    STDMETHOD(GetSystemFontCollection)(
4558        __out IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection,
4559        BOOL checkForUpdates = FALSE
4560        ) PURE;
4562    /// <summary>
4563    /// Creates a font collection using a custom font collection loader.
4564    /// </summary>
4565    /// <param name="collectionLoader">Application-defined font collection loader, which must have been previously
4566    /// registered using RegisterFontCollectionLoader.</param>
4567    /// <param name="collectionKey">Key used by the loader to identify a collection of font files.</param>
4568    /// <param name="collectionKeySize">Size in bytes of the collection key.</param>
4569    /// <param name="fontCollection">Receives a pointer to the system font collection object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4570    /// <returns>
4571    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4572    /// </returns>
4573    STDMETHOD(CreateCustomFontCollection)(
4574        IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* collectionLoader,
4575        __in_bcount(collectionKeySize) void const* collectionKey,
4576        UINT32 collectionKeySize,
4577        __out IDWriteFontCollection** fontCollection
4578        ) PURE;
4580    /// <summary>
4581    /// Registers a custom font collection loader with the factory object.
4582    /// </summary>
4583    /// <param name="fontCollectionLoader">Application-defined font collection loader.</param>
4584    /// <returns>
4585    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4586    /// </returns>
4587    STDMETHOD(RegisterFontCollectionLoader)(
4588        IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* fontCollectionLoader
4589        ) PURE;
4591    /// <summary>
4592    /// Unregisters a custom font collection loader that was previously registered using RegisterFontCollectionLoader.
4593    /// </summary>
4594    /// <param name="fontCollectionLoader">Application-defined font collection loader.</param>
4595    /// <returns>
4596    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4597    /// </returns>
4598    STDMETHOD(UnregisterFontCollectionLoader)(
4599        IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* fontCollectionLoader
4600        ) PURE;
4602    /// <summary>
4603    /// CreateFontFileReference creates a font file reference object from a local font file.
4604    /// </summary>
4605    /// <param name="filePath">Absolute file path. Subsequent operations on the constructed object may fail
4606    /// if the user provided filePath doesn't correspond to a valid file on the disk.</param>
4607    /// <param name="lastWriteTime">Last modified time of the input file path. If the parameter is omitted,
4608    /// the function will access the font file to obtain its last write time, so the clients are encouraged to specify this value
4609    /// to avoid extra disk access. Subsequent operations on the constructed object may fail
4610    /// if the user provided lastWriteTime doesn't match the file on the disk.</param>
4611    /// <param name="fontFile">Contains newly created font file reference object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4612    /// <returns>
4613    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4614    /// </returns>
4615    STDMETHOD(CreateFontFileReference)(
4616        __in_z WCHAR const* filePath,
4617        __in_opt FILETIME const* lastWriteTime,
4618        __out IDWriteFontFile** fontFile
4619        ) PURE;
4621    /// <summary>
4622    /// CreateCustomFontFileReference creates a reference to an application specific font file resource.
4623    /// This function enables an application or a document to use a font without having to install it on the system.
4624    /// The fontFileReferenceKey has to be unique only in the scope of the fontFileLoader used in this call.
4625    /// </summary>
4626    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKey">Font file reference key that uniquely identifies the font file resource
4627    /// during the lifetime of fontFileLoader.</param>
4628    /// <param name="fontFileReferenceKeySize">Size of font file reference key in bytes.</param>
4629    /// <param name="fontFileLoader">Font file loader that will be used by the font system to load data from the file identified by
4630    /// fontFileReferenceKey.</param>
4631    /// <param name="fontFile">Contains the newly created font file object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4632    /// <returns>
4633    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4634    /// </returns>
4635    /// <remarks>
4636    /// This function is provided for cases when an application or a document needs to use a font
4637    /// without having to install it on the system. fontFileReferenceKey has to be unique only in the scope
4638    /// of the fontFileLoader used in this call.
4639    /// </remarks>
4640    STDMETHOD(CreateCustomFontFileReference)(
4641        __in_bcount(fontFileReferenceKeySize) void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
4642        UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
4643        IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader,
4644        __out IDWriteFontFile** fontFile
4645        ) PURE;
4647    /// <summary>
4648    /// Creates a font face object.
4649    /// </summary>
4650    /// <param name="fontFaceType">The file format of the font face.</param>
4651    /// <param name="numberOfFiles">The number of font files require to represent the font face.</param>
4652    /// <param name="fontFiles">Font files representing the font face. Since IDWriteFontFace maintains its own references
4653    /// to the input font file objects, it's OK to release them after this call.</param>
4654    /// <param name="faceIndex">The zero based index of a font face in cases when the font files contain a collection of font faces.
4655    /// If the font files contain a single face, this value should be zero.</param>
4656    /// <param name="fontFaceSimulationFlags">Font face simulation flags for algorithmic emboldening and italicization.</param>
4657    /// <param name="fontFace">Contains the newly created font face object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4658    /// <returns>
4659    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4660    /// </returns>
4661    STDMETHOD(CreateFontFace)(
4662        DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE fontFaceType,
4663        UINT32 numberOfFiles,
4664        __in_ecount(numberOfFiles) IDWriteFontFile* const* fontFiles,
4665        UINT32 faceIndex,
4666        DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS fontFaceSimulationFlags,
4667        __out IDWriteFontFace** fontFace
4668        ) PURE;
4670    /// <summary>
4671    /// Creates a rendering parameters object with default settings for the primary monitor.
4672    /// </summary>
4673    /// <param name="renderingParams">Holds the newly created rendering parameters object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4674    /// <returns>
4675    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4676    /// </returns>
4677    STDMETHOD(CreateRenderingParams)(
4678        __out IDWriteRenderingParams** renderingParams
4679        ) PURE;
4681    /// <summary>
4682    /// Creates a rendering parameters object with default settings for the specified monitor.
4683    /// </summary>
4684    /// <param name="monitor">The monitor to read the default values from.</param>
4685    /// <param name="renderingParams">Holds the newly created rendering parameters object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4686    /// <returns>
4687    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4688    /// </returns>
4689    STDMETHOD(CreateMonitorRenderingParams)(
4690        HMONITOR monitor,
4691        __out IDWriteRenderingParams** renderingParams
4692        ) PURE;
4694    /// <summary>
4695    /// Creates a rendering parameters object with the specified properties.
4696    /// </summary>
4697    /// <param name="gamma">The gamma value used for gamma correction, which must be greater than zero and cannot exceed 256.</param>
4698    /// <param name="enhancedContrast">The amount of contrast enhancement, zero or greater.</param>
4699    /// <param name="clearTypeLevel">The degree of ClearType level, from 0.0f (no ClearType) to 1.0f (full ClearType).</param>
4700    /// <param name="pixelGeometry">The geometry of a device pixel.</param>
4701    /// <param name="renderingMode">Method of rendering glyphs. In most cases, this should be DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE_DEFAULT to automatically use an appropriate mode.</param>
4702    /// <param name="renderingParams">Holds the newly created rendering parameters object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4703    /// <returns>
4704    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4705    /// </returns>
4706    STDMETHOD(CreateCustomRenderingParams)(
4707        FLOAT gamma,
4708        FLOAT enhancedContrast,
4709        FLOAT clearTypeLevel,
4710        DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY pixelGeometry,
4711        DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE renderingMode,
4712        __out IDWriteRenderingParams** renderingParams
4713        ) PURE;
4715    /// <summary>
4716    /// Registers a font file loader with DirectWrite.
4717    /// </summary>
4718    /// <param name="fontFileLoader">Pointer to the implementation of the IDWriteFontFileLoader for a particular file resource type.</param>
4719    /// <returns>
4720    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4721    /// </returns>
4722    /// <remarks>
4723    /// This function registers a font file loader with DirectWrite.
4724    /// Font file loader interface handles loading font file resources of a particular type from a key.
4725    /// The font file loader interface is recommended to be implemented by a singleton object.
4726    /// A given instance can only be registered once.
4727    /// Succeeding attempts will return an error that it has already been registered.
4728    /// IMPORTANT: font file loader implementations must not register themselves with DirectWrite
4729    /// inside their constructors and must not unregister themselves in their destructors, because
4730    /// registration and unregistraton operations increment and decrement the object reference count respectively.
4731    /// Instead, registration and unregistration of font file loaders with DirectWrite should be performed
4732    /// outside of the font file loader implementation as a separate step.
4733    /// </remarks>
4734    STDMETHOD(RegisterFontFileLoader)(
4735        IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader
4736        ) PURE;
4738    /// <summary>
4739    /// Unregisters a font file loader that was previously registered with the DirectWrite font system using RegisterFontFileLoader.
4740    /// </summary>
4741    /// <param name="fontFileLoader">Pointer to the file loader that was previously registered with the DirectWrite font system using RegisterFontFileLoader.</param>
4742    /// <returns>
4743    /// This function will succeed if the user loader is requested to be removed.
4744    /// It will fail if the pointer to the file loader identifies a standard DirectWrite loader,
4745    /// or a loader that is never registered or has already been unregistered.
4746    /// </returns>
4747    /// <remarks>
4748    /// This function unregisters font file loader callbacks with the DirectWrite font system.
4749    /// The font file loader interface is recommended to be implemented by a singleton object.
4750    /// IMPORTANT: font file loader implementations must not register themselves with DirectWrite
4751    /// inside their constructors and must not unregister themselves in their destructors, because
4752    /// registration and unregistraton operations increment and decrement the object reference count respectively.
4753    /// Instead, registration and unregistration of font file loaders with DirectWrite should be performed
4754    /// outside of the font file loader implementation as a separate step.
4755    /// </remarks>
4756    STDMETHOD(UnregisterFontFileLoader)(
4757        IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader
4758        ) PURE;
4760    /// <summary>
4761    /// Create a text format object used for text layout.
4762    /// </summary>
4763    /// <param name="fontFamilyName">Name of the font family</param>
4764    /// <param name="fontCollection">Font collection. NULL indicates the system font collection.</param>
4765    /// <param name="fontWeight">Font weight</param>
4766    /// <param name="fontStyle">Font style</param>
4767    /// <param name="fontStretch">Font stretch</param>
4768    /// <param name="fontSize">Logical size of the font in DIP units. A DIP ("device-independent pixel") equals 1/96 inch.</param>
4769    /// <param name="localeName">Locale name</param>
4770    /// <param name="textFormat">Contains newly created text format object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4771    /// <returns>
4772    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4773    /// </returns>
4774    STDMETHOD(CreateTextFormat)(
4775        __in_z WCHAR const* fontFamilyName,
4776        __maybenull IDWriteFontCollection* fontCollection,
4777        DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT fontWeight,
4778        DWRITE_FONT_STYLE fontStyle,
4779        DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH fontStretch,
4780        FLOAT fontSize,
4781        __in_z WCHAR const* localeName,
4782        __out IDWriteTextFormat** textFormat
4783        ) PURE;
4785    /// <summary>
4786    /// Create a typography object used in conjunction with text format for text layout.
4787    /// </summary>
4788    /// <param name="typography">Contains newly created typography object, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4789    /// <returns>
4790    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4791    /// </returns>
4792    STDMETHOD(CreateTypography)(
4793        __out IDWriteTypography** typography
4794        ) PURE;
4796    /// <summary>
4797    /// Create an object used for interoperability with GDI.
4798    /// </summary>
4799    /// <param name="gdiInterop">Receives the GDI interop object if successful, or NULL in case of failure.</param>
4800    /// <returns>
4801    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4802    /// </returns>
4803    STDMETHOD(GetGdiInterop)(
4804        __out IDWriteGdiInterop** gdiInterop
4805        ) PURE;
4807    /// <summary>
4808    /// CreateTextLayout takes a string, format, and associated constraints
4809    /// and produces and object representing the fully analyzed
4810    /// and formatted result.
4811    /// </summary>
4812    /// <param name="string">The string to layout.</param>
4813    /// <param name="stringLength">The length of the string.</param>
4814    /// <param name="textFormat">The format to apply to the string.</param>
4815    /// <param name="maxWidth">Width of the layout box.</param>
4816    /// <param name="maxHeight">Height of the layout box.</param>
4817    /// <param name="textLayout">The resultant object.</param>
4818    /// <returns>
4819    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4820    /// </returns>
4821    STDMETHOD(CreateTextLayout)(
4822        __in_ecount(stringLength) WCHAR const* string,
4823        UINT32 stringLength,
4824        IDWriteTextFormat* textFormat,
4825        FLOAT maxWidth,
4826        FLOAT maxHeight,
4827        __out IDWriteTextLayout** textLayout
4828        ) PURE;
4830    /// <summary>
4831    /// CreateGdiCompatibleTextLayout takes a string, format, and associated constraints
4832    /// and produces and object representing the result formatted for a particular display resolution
4833    /// and measuring method. The resulting text layout should only be used for the intended resolution,
4834    /// and for cases where text scalability is desired, CreateTextLayout should be used instead.
4835    /// </summary>
4836    /// <param name="string">The string to layout.</param>
4837    /// <param name="stringLength">The length of the string.</param>
4838    /// <param name="textFormat">The format to apply to the string.</param>
4839    /// <param name="layoutWidth">Width of the layout box.</param>
4840    /// <param name="layoutHeight">Height of the layout box.</param>
4841    /// <param name="pixelsPerDip">Number of physical pixels per DIP. For example, if rendering onto a 96 DPI device then pixelsPerDip
4842    /// is 1. If rendering onto a 120 DPI device then pixelsPerDip is 120/96.</param>
4843    /// <param name="transform">Optional transform applied to the glyphs and their positions. This transform is applied after the
4844    /// scaling specified the font size and pixelsPerDip.</param>
4845    /// <param name="useGdiNatural">
4846    /// When set to FALSE, instructs the text layout to use the same metrics as GDI aliased text.
4847    /// When set to TRUE, instructs the text layout to use the same metrics as text measured by GDI using a font
4848    /// created with CLEARTYPE_NATURAL_QUALITY.
4849    /// </param>
4850    /// <param name="textLayout">The resultant object.</param>
4851    /// <returns>
4852    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4853    /// </returns>
4854    STDMETHOD(CreateGdiCompatibleTextLayout)(
4855        __in_ecount(stringLength) WCHAR const* string,
4856        UINT32 stringLength,
4857        IDWriteTextFormat* textFormat,
4858        FLOAT layoutWidth,
4859        FLOAT layoutHeight,
4860        FLOAT pixelsPerDip,
4861        __in_opt DWRITE_MATRIX const* transform,
4862        BOOL useGdiNatural,
4863        __out IDWriteTextLayout** textLayout
4864        ) PURE;
4866    /// <summary>
4867    /// The application may call this function to create an inline object for trimming, using an ellipsis as the omission sign.
4868    /// The ellipsis will be created using the current settings of the format, including base font, style, and any effects.
4869    /// Alternate omission signs can be created by the application by implementing IDWriteInlineObject.
4870    /// </summary>
4871    /// <param name="textFormat">Text format used as a template for the omission sign.</param>
4872    /// <param name="trimmingSign">Created omission sign.</param>
4873    /// <returns>
4874    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4875    /// </returns>
4876    STDMETHOD(CreateEllipsisTrimmingSign)(
4877        IDWriteTextFormat* textFormat,
4878        __out IDWriteInlineObject** trimmingSign
4879        ) PURE;
4881    /// <summary>
4882    /// Return an interface to perform text analysis with.
4883    /// </summary>
4884    /// <param name="textAnalyzer">The resultant object.</param>
4885    /// <returns>
4886    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4887    /// </returns>
4888    STDMETHOD(CreateTextAnalyzer)(
4889        __out IDWriteTextAnalyzer** textAnalyzer
4890        ) PURE;
4892    /// <summary>
4893    /// Creates a number substitution object using a locale name,
4894    /// substitution method, and whether to ignore user overrides (uses NLS
4895    /// defaults for the given culture instead).
4896    /// </summary>
4897    /// <param name="substitutionMethod">Method of number substitution to use.</param>
4898    /// <param name="localeName">Which locale to obtain the digits from.</param>
4899    /// <param name="ignoreUserOverride">Ignore the user's settings and use the locale defaults</param>
4900    /// <param name="numberSubstitution">Receives a pointer to the newly created object.</param>
4901    STDMETHOD(CreateNumberSubstitution)(
4902        __in DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD substitutionMethod,
4903        __in_z WCHAR const* localeName,
4904        __in BOOL ignoreUserOverride,
4905        __out IDWriteNumberSubstitution** numberSubstitution
4906        ) PURE;
4908    /// <summary>
4909    /// Creates a glyph run analysis object, which encapsulates information
4910    /// used to render a glyph run.
4911    /// </summary>
4912    /// <param name="glyphRun">Structure specifying the properties of the glyph run.</param>
4913    /// <param name="pixelsPerDip">Number of physical pixels per DIP. For example, if rendering onto a 96 DPI bitmap then pixelsPerDip
4914    /// is 1. If rendering onto a 120 DPI bitmap then pixelsPerDip is 120/96.</param>
4915    /// <param name="transform">Optional transform applied to the glyphs and their positions. This transform is applied after the
4916    /// scaling specified the emSize and pixelsPerDip.</param>
4917    /// <param name="renderingMode">Specifies the rendering mode, which must be one of the raster rendering modes (i.e., not default
4918    /// and not outline).</param>
4919    /// <param name="measuringMode">Specifies the method to measure glyphs.</param>
4920    /// <param name="baselineOriginX">Horizontal position of the baseline origin, in DIPs.</param>
4921    /// <param name="baselineOriginY">Vertical position of the baseline origin, in DIPs.</param>
4922    /// <param name="glyphRunAnalysis">Receives a pointer to the newly created object.</param>
4923    /// <returns>
4924    /// Standard HRESULT error code.
4925    /// </returns>
4926    STDMETHOD(CreateGlyphRunAnalysis)(
4927        __in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN const* glyphRun,
4928        FLOAT pixelsPerDip,
4929        __in_opt DWRITE_MATRIX const* transform,
4930        DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE renderingMode,
4931        DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode,
4932        FLOAT baselineOriginX,
4933        FLOAT baselineOriginY,
4934        __out IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis** glyphRunAnalysis
4935        ) PURE;
4937}; // interface IDWriteFactory
4939/// <summary>
4940/// Creates a DirectWrite factory object that is used for subsequent creation of individual DirectWrite objects.
4941/// </summary>
4942/// <param name="factoryType">Identifies whether the factory object will be shared or isolated.</param>
4943/// <param name="iid">Identifies the DirectWrite factory interface, such as __uuidof(IDWriteFactory).</param>
4944/// <param name="factory">Receives the DirectWrite factory object.</param>
4945/// <returns>
4946/// Standard HRESULT error code.
4947/// </returns>
4948/// <remarks>
4949/// Obtains DirectWrite factory object that is used for subsequent creation of individual DirectWrite classes.
4950/// DirectWrite factory contains internal state such as font loader registration and cached font data.
4951/// In most cases it is recommended to use the shared factory object, because it allows multiple components
4952/// that use DirectWrite to share internal DirectWrite state and reduce memory usage.
4953/// However, there are cases when it is desirable to reduce the impact of a component,
4954/// such as a plug-in from an untrusted source, on the rest of the process by sandboxing and isolating it
4955/// from the rest of the process components. In such cases, it is recommended to use an isolated factory for the sandboxed
4956/// component.
4957/// </remarks>
4959    __in DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE factoryType,
4960    __in REFIID iid,
4961    __out IUnknown **factory
4962    );
4964// Macros used to define DirectWrite error codes.
4965#define FACILITY_DWRITE 0x898
4966#define DWRITE_ERR_BASE 0x5000
4967#define MAKE_DWRITE_HR(severity, code) MAKE_HRESULT(severity, FACILITY_DWRITE, (DWRITE_ERR_BASE + code))
4970/// <summary>
4971/// Indicates an error in an input file such as a font file.
4972/// </summary>
4973#define DWRITE_E_FILEFORMAT             MAKE_DWRITE_HR_ERR(0x000)
4975/// <summary>
4976/// Indicates an error originating in DirectWrite code, which is not expected to occur but is safe to recover from.
4977/// </summary>
4978#define DWRITE_E_UNEXPECTED             MAKE_DWRITE_HR_ERR(0x001)
4980/// <summary>
4981/// Indicates the specified font does not exist.
4982/// </summary>
4983#define DWRITE_E_NOFONT                 MAKE_DWRITE_HR_ERR(0x002)
4985/// <summary>
4986/// A font file could not be opened because the file, directory, network location, drive, or other storage
4987/// location does not exist or is unavailable.
4988/// </summary>
4989#define DWRITE_E_FILENOTFOUND           MAKE_DWRITE_HR_ERR(0x003)
4991/// <summary>
4992/// A font file exists but could not be opened due to access denied, sharing violation, or similar error.
4993/// </summary>
4994#define DWRITE_E_FILEACCESS             MAKE_DWRITE_HR_ERR(0x004)
4996/// <summary>
4997/// A font collection is obsolete due to changes in the system.
4998/// </summary>
5001/// <summary>
5002/// The given interface is already registered.
5003/// </summary>
5006#endif /* DWRITE_H_INCLUDED */