1// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
8#ifndef _FPDFVIEW_H_
9#define _FPDFVIEW_H_
11#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WINDOWS__)
12#include <windows.h>
15// Data types
16typedef void*	FPDF_MODULEMGR;
18// PDF types
19typedef void*	FPDF_DOCUMENT;
20typedef void*	FPDF_PAGE;
21typedef void*	FPDF_PAGEOBJECT;	// Page object(text, path, etc)
22typedef void*	FPDF_PATH;
23typedef void*	FPDF_CLIPPATH;
24typedef void*	FPDF_BITMAP;
25typedef void*	FPDF_FONT;
27typedef void*	FPDF_TEXTPAGE;
28typedef void*	FPDF_SCHHANDLE;
29typedef void*	FPDF_PAGELINK;
30typedef void*	FPDF_HMODULE;
31typedef void*	FPDF_DOCSCHHANDLE;
33typedef void*	FPDF_BOOKMARK;
34typedef void*	FPDF_DEST;
35typedef void*	FPDF_ACTION;
36typedef void*	FPDF_LINK;
38// Basic data types
39typedef int				FPDF_BOOL;
40typedef int				FPDF_ERROR;
41typedef unsigned long	FPDF_DWORD;
43typedef	float			FS_FLOAT;
45// String types
46typedef unsigned short			FPDF_WCHAR;
47typedef unsigned char const*	FPDF_LPCBYTE;
49// FPDFSDK may use three types of strings: byte string, wide string (UTF-16LE encoded), and platform dependent string
50typedef const char*				FPDF_BYTESTRING;
52typedef const unsigned short*	FPDF_WIDESTRING;		// Foxit PDF SDK always use UTF-16LE encoding wide string,
53														// each character use 2 bytes (except surrogation), with low byte first.
55// For Windows programmers: for most case it's OK to treat FPDF_WIDESTRING as Windows unicode string,
56//		 however, special care needs to be taken if you expect to process Unicode larger than 0xffff.
57// For Linux/Unix programmers: most compiler/library environment uses 4 bytes for a Unicode character,
58//		you have to convert between FPDF_WIDESTRING and system wide string by yourself.
60#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
61typedef const unsigned short* FPDF_STRING;
63typedef const char* FPDF_STRING;
66#ifndef _FS_DEF_MATRIX_
67#define _FS_DEF_MATRIX_
68/** @brief Matrix for transformation. */
69typedef struct _FS_MATRIX_
71	float	a;	/**< @brief Coefficient a.*/
72	float	b;	/**< @brief Coefficient b.*/
73	float	c;	/**< @brief Coefficient c.*/
74	float	d;	/**< @brief Coefficient d.*/
75	float	e;	/**< @brief Coefficient e.*/
76	float	f;	/**< @brief Coefficient f.*/
80#ifndef _FS_DEF_RECTF_
81#define _FS_DEF_RECTF_
82/** @brief Rectangle area(float) in device or page coordination system. */
83typedef struct _FS_RECTF_
85	/**@{*/
86	/** @brief The x-coordinate of the left-top corner. */
87	float	left;
88	/** @brief The y-coordinate of the left-top corner. */
89	float	top;
90	/** @brief The x-coordinate of the right-bottom corner. */
91	float	right;
92	/** @brief The y-coordinate of the right-bottom corner. */
93	float	bottom;
94	/**@}*/
96/** @brief Const Pointer to ::FS_RECTF structure.*/
97typedef const FS_RECTF*	FS_LPCRECTF;
100#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(FPDFSDK_EXPORTS)
101// On Windows system, functions are exported in a DLL
102#define DLLEXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
103#define STDCALL __stdcall
105#define DLLEXPORT
106#define STDCALL
109extern const char g_ExpireDate[];
110extern const char g_ModuleCodes[];
112// Exported Functions
113#ifdef __cplusplus
114extern "C" {
117// Function: FPDF_InitLibrary
118//			Initialize the FPDFSDK library
119// Parameters:
120//			hInstance	-	For WIN32 system only: the instance of the executable or DLL module.
121// Return value:
122//			None.
123// Comments:
124//			You have to call this function before you can call any PDF processing functions.
126DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_InitLibrary(void* hInstance);
129// Function: FPDF_DestroyLibary
130//			Release all resources allocated by the FPDFSDK library.
131// Parameters:
132//			None.
133// Return value:
134//			None.
135// Comments:
136//			You can call this function to release all memory blocks allocated by the library.
137//			After this function called, you should not call any PDF processing functions.
138DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_DestroyLibrary();
140//Policy for accessing the local machine time.
143// Function: FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicy
144//			Set the policy for the sandbox environment.
145// Parameters:
146//			policy		-	The specified policy for setting, for example:FPDF_POLICY_MACHINETIME_ACCESS.
147//			enable		-	True for enable, False for disable the policy.
148// Return value:
149//			None.
150DLLEXPORT void	STDCALL FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicy(FPDF_DWORD policy, FPDF_BOOL enable);
153* Open and load a PDF document.
154* @param[in] file_path	-	Path to the PDF file (including extension).
155* @param[in] password	-	A string used as the password for PDF file.
156*							If no password needed, empty or NULL can be used.
157* @note		Loaded document can be closed by FPDF_CloseDocument.
158*			If this function fails, you can use FPDF_GetLastError() to retrieve
159*			the reason why it fails.
160* @retval	A handle to the loaded document. If failed, NULL is returned.
163	FPDF_BYTESTRING password);
165// Function: FPDF_LoadMemDocument
166//			Open and load a PDF document from memory.
167// Parameters:
168//			data_buf	-	Pointer to a buffer containing the PDF document.
169//			size		-	Number of bytes in the PDF document.
170//			password	-	A string used as the password for PDF file.
171//							If no password needed, empty or NULL can be used.
172// Return value:
173//			A handle to the loaded document. If failed, NULL is returned.
174// Comments:
175//			The memory buffer must remain valid when the document is open.
176//			Loaded document can be closed by FPDF_CloseDocument.
177//			If this function fails, you can use FPDF_GetLastError() to retrieve
178//			the reason why it fails.
180DLLEXPORT FPDF_DOCUMENT	STDCALL FPDF_LoadMemDocument(const void* data_buf,
181											int size, FPDF_BYTESTRING password);
183// Structure for custom file access.
184typedef struct {
185	// File length, in bytes.
186	unsigned long	m_FileLen;
188	// A function pointer for getting a block of data from specific position.
189	// Position is specified by byte offset from beginning of the file.
190	// The position and size will never go out range of file length.
191	// It may be possible for FPDFSDK to call this function multiple times for same position.
192	// Return value: should be non-zero if successful, zero for error.
193	int				(*m_GetBlock)(void* param, unsigned long position, unsigned char* pBuf, unsigned long size);
195	// A custom pointer for all implementation specific data.
196	// This pointer will be used as the first parameter to m_GetBlock callback.
197	void*			m_Param;
200// Function: FPDF_LoadCustomDocument
201//			Load PDF document from a custom access descriptor.
202// Parameters:
203//			pFileAccess	-	A structure for access the file.
204//			password	-	Optional password for decrypting the PDF file.
205// Return value:
206//			A handle to the loaded document. If failed, NULL is returned.
207// Comments:
208//			The application should maintain the file resources being valid until the PDF document close.
209//			Loaded document can be closed by FPDF_CloseDocument.
211														FPDF_BYTESTRING password);
213// Function: FPDF_GetFileVersion
214//			Get the file version of the specific PDF document.
215// Parameters:
216//			doc			-	Handle to document.
217//			fileVersion	-	The PDF file version. File version: 14 for 1.4, 15 for 1.5, ...
218// Return value:
219//			TRUE if this call succeed, If failed, FALSE is returned.
220// Comments:
221//			If the document is created by function ::FPDF_CreateNewDocument, then this function would always fail.
222DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDF_GetFileVersion(FPDF_DOCUMENT doc, int* fileVersion);
224#define FPDF_ERR_SUCCESS		0		// No error.
225#define FPDF_ERR_UNKNOWN		1		// Unknown error.
226#define FPDF_ERR_FILE			2		// File not found or could not be opened.
227#define FPDF_ERR_FORMAT			3		// File not in PDF format or corrupted.
228#define FPDF_ERR_PASSWORD		4		// Password required or incorrect password.
229#define FPDF_ERR_SECURITY		5		// Unsupported security scheme.
230#define FPDF_ERR_PAGE			6		// Page not found or content error.
232// Function: FPDF_GetLastError
233//			Get last error code when an SDK function failed.
234// Parameters:
235//			None.
236// Return value:
237//			A 32-bit integer indicating error codes (defined above).
238// Comments:
239//			If the previous SDK call succeeded, the return value of this function
240//			is not defined.
242DLLEXPORT unsigned long	STDCALL FPDF_GetLastError();
244// Function: FPDF_GetDocPermission
245//			Get file permission flags of the document.
246// Parameters:
247//			document	-	Handle to document. Returned by FPDF_LoadDocument function.
248// Return value:
249//			A 32-bit integer indicating permission flags. Please refer to PDF Reference for
250//			detailed description. If the document is not protected, 0xffffffff will be returned.
252DLLEXPORT unsigned long	STDCALL FPDF_GetDocPermissions(FPDF_DOCUMENT document);
254// Function: FPDF_GetPageCount
255//			Get total number of pages in a document.
256// Parameters:
257//			document	-	Handle to document. Returned by FPDF_LoadDocument function.
258// Return value:
259//			Total number of pages in the document.
263// Function: FPDF_LoadPage
264//			Load a page inside a document.
265// Parameters:
266//			document	-	Handle to document. Returned by FPDF_LoadDocument function.
267//			page_index	-	Index number of the page. 0 for the first page.
268// Return value:
269//			A handle to the loaded page. If failed, NULL is returned.
270// Comments:
271//			Loaded page can be rendered to devices using FPDF_RenderPage function.
272//			Loaded page can be closed by FPDF_ClosePage.
274DLLEXPORT FPDF_PAGE	STDCALL FPDF_LoadPage(FPDF_DOCUMENT document, int page_index);
276// Function: FPDF_GetPageWidth
277//			Get page width.
278// Parameters:
279//			page		-	Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage function.
280// Return value:
281//			Page width (excluding non-displayable area) measured in points.
282//			One point is 1/72 inch (around 0.3528 mm).
284DLLEXPORT double STDCALL FPDF_GetPageWidth(FPDF_PAGE page);
286// Function: FPDF_GetPageHeight
287//			Get page height.
288// Parameters:
289//			page		-	Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage function.
290// Return value:
291//			Page height (excluding non-displayable area) measured in points.
292//			One point is 1/72 inch (around 0.3528 mm)
294DLLEXPORT double STDCALL FPDF_GetPageHeight(FPDF_PAGE page);
296// Function: FPDF_GetPageSizeByIndex
297//			Get the size of a page by index.
298// Parameters:
299//			document	-	Handle to document. Returned by FPDF_LoadDocument function.
300//			page_index	-	Page index, zero for the first page.
301//			width		-	Pointer to a double value receiving the page width (in points).
302//			height		-	Pointer to a double value receiving the page height (in points).
303// Return value:
304//			Non-zero for success. 0 for error (document or page not found).
306DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDF_GetPageSizeByIndex(FPDF_DOCUMENT document, int page_index, double* width, double* height);
309// Page rendering flags. They can be combined with bit OR.
310#define FPDF_ANNOT			0x01		// Set if annotations are to be rendered.
311#define FPDF_LCD_TEXT		0x02		// Set if using text rendering optimized for LCD display.
312#define FPDF_NO_NATIVETEXT	0x04		// Don't use the native text output available on some platforms
313#define FPDF_GRAYSCALE		0x08		// Grayscale output.
314#define FPDF_DEBUG_INFO		0x80		// Set if you want to get some debug info.
315										// Please discuss with Foxit first if you need to collect debug info.
316#define FPDF_NO_CATCH		0x100		// Set if you don't want to catch exception.
317#define FPDF_RENDER_LIMITEDIMAGECACHE	0x200	// Limit image cache size.
318#define FPDF_RENDER_FORCEHALFTONE		0x400	// Always use halftone for image stretching.
319#define FPDF_PRINTING		0x800	// Render for printing.
320#define FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER		0x10		//set whether render in a reverse Byte order, this flag only
321												//enable when render to a bitmap.
322#ifdef _WIN32
323// Function: FPDF_RenderPage
324//			Render contents in a page to a device (screen, bitmap, or printer).
325//			This function is only supported on Windows system.
326// Parameters:
327//			dc			-	Handle to device context.
328//			page		-	Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage function.
329//			start_x		-	Left pixel position of the display area in the device coordinate.
330//			start_y		-	Top pixel position of the display area in the device coordinate.
331//			size_x		-	Horizontal size (in pixels) for displaying the page.
332//			size_y		-	Vertical size (in pixels) for displaying the page.
333//			rotate		-	Page orientation: 0 (normal), 1 (rotated 90 degrees clockwise),
334//								2 (rotated 180 degrees), 3 (rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise).
335//			flags		-	0 for normal display, or combination of flags defined above.
336// Return value:
337//			None.
339DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_RenderPage(HDC dc, FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y,
340						int rotate, int flags);
343// Function: FPDF_RenderPageBitmap
344//			Render contents in a page to a device independent bitmap
345// Parameters:
346//			bitmap		-	Handle to the device independent bitmap (as the output buffer).
347//							Bitmap handle can be created by FPDFBitmap_Create function.
348//			page		-	Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage function.
349//			start_x		-	Left pixel position of the display area in the bitmap coordinate.
350//			start_y		-	Top pixel position of the display area in the bitmap coordinate.
351//			size_x		-	Horizontal size (in pixels) for displaying the page.
352//			size_y		-	Vertical size (in pixels) for displaying the page.
353//			rotate		-	Page orientation: 0 (normal), 1 (rotated 90 degrees clockwise),
354//								2 (rotated 180 degrees), 3 (rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise).
355//			flags		-	0 for normal display, or combination of flags defined above.
356// Return value:
357//			None.
359DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_RenderPageBitmap(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap, FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y,
360						int size_x, int size_y, int rotate, int flags);
362// Function: FPDF_ClosePage
363//			Close a loaded PDF page.
364// Parameters:
365//			page		-	Handle to the loaded page.
366// Return value:
367//			None.
371// Function: FPDF_CloseDocument
372//			Close a loaded PDF document.
373// Parameters:
374//			document	-	Handle to the loaded document.
375// Return value:
376//			None.
378DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_CloseDocument(FPDF_DOCUMENT document);
380// Function: FPDF_DeviceToPage
381//			Convert the screen coordinate of a point to page coordinate.
382// Parameters:
383//			page		-	Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage function.
384//			start_x		-	Left pixel position of the display area in the device coordinate.
385//			start_y		-	Top pixel position of the display area in the device coordinate.
386//			size_x		-	Horizontal size (in pixels) for displaying the page.
387//			size_y		-	Vertical size (in pixels) for displaying the page.
388//			rotate		-	Page orientation: 0 (normal), 1 (rotated 90 degrees clockwise),
389//								2 (rotated 180 degrees), 3 (rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise).
390//			device_x	-	X value in device coordinate, for the point to be converted.
391//			device_y	-	Y value in device coordinate, for the point to be converted.
392//			page_x		-	A Pointer to a double receiving the converted X value in page coordinate.
393//			page_y		-	A Pointer to a double receiving the converted Y value in page coordinate.
394// Return value:
395//			None.
396// Comments:
397//			The page coordinate system has its origin at left-bottom corner of the page, with X axis goes along
398//			the bottom side to the right, and Y axis goes along the left side upward. NOTE: this coordinate system
399//			can be altered when you zoom, scroll, or rotate a page, however, a point on the page should always have
400//			the same coordinate values in the page coordinate system.
402//			The device coordinate system is device dependent. For screen device, its origin is at left-top
403//			corner of the window. However this origin can be altered by Windows coordinate transformation
404//			utilities. You must make sure the start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y and rotate parameters have exactly
405//			same values as you used in FPDF_RenderPage() function call.
407DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_DeviceToPage(FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y,
408						int rotate, int device_x, int device_y, double* page_x, double* page_y);
410// Function: FPDF_PageToDevice
411//			Convert the page coordinate of a point to screen coordinate.
412// Parameters:
413//			page		-	Handle to the page. Returned by FPDF_LoadPage function.
414//			start_x		-	Left pixel position of the display area in the device coordinate.
415//			start_y		-	Top pixel position of the display area in the device coordinate.
416//			size_x		-	Horizontal size (in pixels) for displaying the page.
417//			size_y		-	Vertical size (in pixels) for displaying the page.
418//			rotate		-	Page orientation: 0 (normal), 1 (rotated 90 degrees clockwise),
419//								2 (rotated 180 degrees), 3 (rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise).
420//			page_x		-	X value in page coordinate, for the point to be converted.
421//			page_y		-	Y value in page coordinate, for the point to be converted.
422//			device_x	-	A pointer to an integer receiving the result X value in device coordinate.
423//			device_y	-	A pointer to an integer receiving the result Y value in device coordinate.
424// Return value:
425//			None.
426// Comments:
427//			See comments of FPDF_DeviceToPage() function.
429DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_PageToDevice(FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y,
430						int rotate, double page_x, double page_y, int* device_x, int* device_y);
432// Function: FPDFBitmap_Create
433//			Create a Foxit Device Independent Bitmap (FXDIB).
434// Parameters:
435//			width		-	Number of pixels in a horizontal line of the bitmap. Must be greater than 0.
436//			height		-	Number of pixels in a vertical line of the bitmap. Must be greater than 0.
437//			alpha		-	A flag indicating whether alpha channel is used. Non-zero for using alpha, zero for not using.
438// Return value:
439//			The created bitmap handle, or NULL if parameter error or out of memory.
440// Comments:
441//			An FXDIB always use 4 byte per pixel. The first byte of a pixel is always double word aligned.
442//			Each pixel contains red (R), green (G), blue (B) and optionally alpha (A) values.
443//			The byte order is BGRx (the last byte unused if no alpha channel) or BGRA.
445//			The pixels in a horizontal line (also called scan line) are stored side by side, with left most
446//			pixel stored first (with lower memory address). Each scan line uses width*4 bytes.
448//			Scan lines are stored one after another, with top most scan line stored first. There is no gap
449//			between adjacent scan lines.
451//			This function allocates enough memory for holding all pixels in the bitmap, but it doesn't
452//			initialize the buffer. Applications can use FPDFBitmap_FillRect to fill the bitmap using any color.
453DLLEXPORT FPDF_BITMAP STDCALL FPDFBitmap_Create(int width, int height, int alpha);
455// More DIB formats
456#define FPDFBitmap_Gray		1		// Gray scale bitmap, one byte per pixel.
457#define FPDFBitmap_BGR		2		// 3 bytes per pixel, byte order: blue, green, red.
458#define FPDFBitmap_BGRx		3		// 4 bytes per pixel, byte order: blue, green, red, unused.
459#define FPDFBitmap_BGRA		4		// 4 bytes per pixel, byte order: blue, green, red, alpha.
461// Function: FPDFBitmap_CreateEx
462//			Create a Foxit Device Independent Bitmap (FXDIB)
463// Parameters:
464//			width		-	Number of pixels in a horizontal line of the bitmap. Must be greater than 0.
465//			height		-	Number of pixels in a vertical line of the bitmap. Must be greater than 0.
466//			format		-	A number indicating for bitmap format, as defined above.
467//			first_scan	-	A pointer to the first byte of first scan line, for external buffer
468//							only. If this parameter is NULL, then the SDK will create its own buffer.
469//			stride		-	Number of bytes for each scan line, for external buffer only..
470// Return value:
471//			The created bitmap handle, or NULL if parameter error or out of memory.
472// Comments:
473//			Similar to FPDFBitmap_Create function, with more formats and external buffer supported.
474//			Bitmap created by this function can be used in any place that a FPDF_BITMAP handle is
475//			required.
477//			If external scanline buffer is used, then the application should destroy the buffer
478//			by itself. FPDFBitmap_Destroy function will not destroy the buffer.
480DLLEXPORT FPDF_BITMAP STDCALL FPDFBitmap_CreateEx(int width, int height, int format, void* first_scan, int stride);
482// Function: FPDFBitmap_FillRect
483//			Fill a rectangle area in an FXDIB.
484// Parameters:
485//			bitmap		-	The handle to the bitmap. Returned by FPDFBitmap_Create function.
486//			left		-	The left side position. Starting from 0 at the left-most pixel.
487//			top			-	The top side position. Starting from 0 at the top-most scan line.
488//			width		-	Number of pixels to be filled in each scan line.
489//			height		-	Number of scan lines to be filled.
490//			red			-	A number from 0 to 255, identifying the red intensity.
491//			green		-	A number from 0 to 255, identifying the green intensity.
492//			blue		-	A number from 0 to 255, identifying the blue intensity.
493//			alpha		-	(Only if the alpha channeled is used when bitmap created) A number from 0 to 255,
494//							identifying the alpha value.
495// Return value:
496//			None.
497// Comments:
498//			This function set the color and (optionally) alpha value in specified region of the bitmap.
499//			NOTE: If alpha channel is used, this function does NOT composite the background with the source color,
500//			instead the background will be replaced by the source color and alpha.
501//			If alpha channel is not used, the "alpha" parameter is ignored.
503DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFBitmap_FillRect(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap, int left, int top, int width, int height,
504									int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);
506// Function: FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer
507//			Get data buffer of an FXDIB
508// Parameters:
509//			bitmap		-	Handle to the bitmap. Returned by FPDFBitmap_Create function.
510// Return value:
511//			The pointer to the first byte of the bitmap buffer.
512// Comments:
513//			The stride may be more than width * number of bytes per pixel
514//			Applications can use this function to get the bitmap buffer pointer, then manipulate any color
515//			and/or alpha values for any pixels in the bitmap.
516DLLEXPORT void* STDCALL FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap);
518// Function: FPDFBitmap_GetWidth
519//			Get width of an FXDIB.
520// Parameters:
521//			bitmap		-	Handle to the bitmap. Returned by FPDFBitmap_Create function.
522// Return value:
523//			The number of pixels in a horizontal line of the bitmap.
526// Function: FPDFBitmap_GetHeight
527//			Get height of an FXDIB.
528// Parameters:
529//			bitmap		-	Handle to the bitmap. Returned by FPDFBitmap_Create function.
530// Return value:
531//			The number of pixels in a vertical line of the bitmap.
532DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFBitmap_GetHeight(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap);
534// Function: FPDFBitmap_GetStride
535//			Get number of bytes for each scan line in the bitmap buffer.
536// Parameters:
537//			bitmap		-	Handle to the bitmap. Returned by FPDFBitmap_Create function.
538// Return value:
539//			The number of bytes for each scan line in the bitmap buffer.
540// Comments:
541//			The stride may be more than width * number of bytes per pixel
542DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFBitmap_GetStride(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap);
544// Function: FPDFBitmap_Destroy
545//			Destroy an FXDIB and release all related buffers.
546// Parameters:
547//			bitmap		-	Handle to the bitmap. Returned by FPDFBitmap_Create function.
548// Return value:
549//			None.
550// Comments:
551//			This function will not destroy any external buffer.
553DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFBitmap_Destroy(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap);
555// Function: FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintScaling
556//			Whether the PDF document prefers to be scaled or not.
557// Parameters:
558//			document	-	Handle to the loaded document.
559// Return value:
560//			None.
564// Function: FPDF_GetNamedDestByName
565//			get a special dest handle by the index.
566// Parameters:
567//			document	-	Handle to the loaded document.
568//			name		-	The name of a special named dest.
569// Return value:
570//			The handle of the dest.
574#ifdef __cplusplus
578#endif // _FPDFVIEW_H_