dynamic_message.h revision fbaaef999ba563838ebd00874ed8a1c01fbf286d
149edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
249edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
349edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
549edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
649edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
749edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// met:
949edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
1049edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
1149edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
1249edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
1349edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
1449edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// distribution.
1549edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
1649edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
1749edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// this software without specific prior written permission.
1949edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS
2049edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT
2149edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR
2249edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT
2349edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
2449edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT
2549edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,
2649edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY
2749edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT
2849edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE
2949edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
3149edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
3249edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org//  Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
3349edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org//  Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
3549edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// Defines an implementation of Message which can emulate types which are not
3649edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// known at compile-time.
3849edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org#ifndef GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_DYNAMIC_MESSAGE_H__
3949edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org#define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_DYNAMIC_MESSAGE_H__
4149edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org#include <google/protobuf/message.h>
4249edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
4449edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.orgnamespace google {
4549edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.orgnamespace protobuf {
4749edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.org// Defined in other files.
4849edbdf52640c88918f8e6638ab4965819eb1dfekmillikin@chromium.orgclass Descriptor;        // descriptor.h
49class DescriptorPool;    // descriptor.h
51// Constructs implementations of Message which can emulate types which are not
52// known at compile-time.
54// Sometimes you want to be able to manipulate protocol types that you don't
55// know about at compile time.  It would be nice to be able to construct
56// a Message object which implements the message type given by any arbitrary
57// Descriptor.  DynamicMessage provides this.
59// As it turns out, a DynamicMessage needs to construct extra
60// information about its type in order to operate.  Most of this information
61// can be shared between all DynamicMessages of the same type.  But, caching
62// this information in some sort of global map would be a bad idea, since
63// the cached information for a particular descriptor could outlive the
64// descriptor itself.  To avoid this problem, DynamicMessageFactory
65// encapsulates this "cache".  All DynamicMessages of the same type created
66// from the same factory will share the same support data.  Any Descriptors
67// used with a particular factory must outlive the factory.
68class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT DynamicMessageFactory : public MessageFactory {
69 public:
70  // Construct a DynamicMessageFactory that will search for extensions in
71  // the DescriptorPool in which the exendee is defined.
72  DynamicMessageFactory();
74  // Construct a DynamicMessageFactory that will search for extensions in
75  // the given DescriptorPool.
76  DynamicMessageFactory(const DescriptorPool* pool);
77  ~DynamicMessageFactory();
79  // implements MessageFactory ---------------------------------------
81  // Given a Descriptor, constructs the default (prototype) Message of that
82  // type.  You can then call that message's New() method to construct a
83  // mutable message of that type.
84  //
85  // Calling this method twice with the same Descriptor returns the same
86  // object.  The returned object remains property of the factory and will
87  // be destroyed when the factory is destroyed.  Also, any objects created
88  // by calling the prototype's New() method share some data with the
89  // prototype, so these must be destoyed before the DynamicMessageFactory
90  // is destroyed.
91  //
92  // The given descriptor must outlive the returned message, and hence must
93  // outlive the DynamicMessageFactory.
94  //
95  // Note that while GetPrototype() is idempotent, it is not const.  This
96  // implies that it is not thread-safe to call GetPrototype() on the same
97  // DynamicMessageFactory in two different threads simultaneously.  However,
98  // the returned objects are just as thread-safe as any other Message.
99  const Message* GetPrototype(const Descriptor* type);
101 private:
102  const DescriptorPool* pool_;
104  // This struct just contains a hash_map.  We can't #include <google/protobuf/stubs/hash.h> from
105  // this header due to hacks needed for hash_map portability in the open source
106  // release.  Namely, stubs/hash.h, which defines hash_map portably, is not a
107  // public header (for good reason), but dynamic_message.h is, and public
108  // headers may only #include other public headers.
109  struct PrototypeMap;
110  scoped_ptr<PrototypeMap> prototypes_;
115}  // namespace protobuf
117}  // namespace google