1<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
4  <title>Building SDL with Borland's C++ compilers</title>
6  <meta name="author"
7 content="David Snopek and updated by Dominique Louis.">
9  <body>
10     <xevol @newtonave.net="">      </xevol>     
11<h1>Building SDL with Borland's C++ compilers. </h1>
12      <b> by <a href="mailto:xevol@users.sourceforge.net"> David Snopek</a></b> 
13    and updated by <b><a href="mailto:Dominique@SavageSoftware.com.au">Dominique 
14  Louis</a></b> ( Last updated : 30th June 2003 ).<br>
15      <br>
16       These instructions cover how to compile SDL and its included test
17programs   using either  Borland <a href="#bcbwin">C++ Builder 5, 6 for Windows</a>, 
18 <a href="#k3">C++ Builder for Linux  ( AKA Kylix 3 )</a> or the free <a
19 href="#bccc">Borland C++ command-line compiler</a>. <br>
21<h3> <b> Extract the files </b> </h3>
23<p> Unzip the Borland.zip archive into <b>this</b> directory.  Do not unzip 
24  it into any  other directory because the makefiles ( *.mak ) and project 
25 files ( *.bpr ) use relative paths to refer to the SDL sources.  This  should 
26 create a directory named "Borland" inside of the top level SDL source directory. 
27   </p>
29<h3> <b><a name="bcbwin"></a> Using Borland C++ Builder 5, 6 for Windows </b>
32<p> Inside of the "Borland" directory there is a "bcb6" directory that contains 
33  a number  of Builder project files.  Double-click on the "libSDL.bpg" file 
34  icon.  Once Builder has  started click on the "<u>P</u>rojects" menu on 
35the  menu-bar and go down to  "B<u>u</u>ild All Projects" option.  <br>
36   This will proceed  to build SDL ( with Borland's calling convention ), 
37SDLmain,  and all  the <a href="#tests">test programs</a>. Currently, all 
38the <a href="#tests">test programs</a>  are dynamically linked to Sam Lantinga's 
41<p><b>NOTE :</b> Borland's "lib" format and Microsoft's "lib" format are incompatible.
43   If you wish to dynamically link to the SDL library supplied by Sam Lantinga 
44 in each release, I have created the correct *.libs for SDL 1.2.4 and they 
45 exist in the "/lib" directory.<br>
46   If you would like to create the *.lib files yourself, you will need to 
47make  use of Borland's "implib.exe" utility.<br>
48   </p>
50<p><tt>IMPLIB</tt> works like this: </p>
52<pre>    IMPLIB (destination lib name) (source dll)<br></pre>
54<p> For example,</p>
56<pre>    IMPLIB SDL.lib SDL.dll<br></pre>
58<p>This assumes that SDL.dll was compiled with Visual C++ or similar.<br>
59   </p>
61<p>To learn more about the difference between Borland's and Microsoft's *.lib 
62 format please read the article <a
63 href="http://www.bcbdev.com/articles/vcdll.htm">here</a>.<br>
64   </p>
66<p>  <b><br>
67   NOTE :</b> The C++ Builder for Windows project format, is not compatible
68 with the Kylix  3 project format, hence the reason why they are in separate
69 directories.</p>
71<h3> <b><a name="bccc"></a> Using the free Borland C++ command-line compiler 
72 </b> </h3>
74<p> The free Borland compiler can be downloaded at no charge from <a
75 href="http://www.borland.com/bcppbuilder/freecompiler/"> the  Borland website 
76  </a>.  Make sure that it is installed and properly configured. </p>
78<p> Open an MS-DOS Prompt.  Change to the "Borland\freebcc" directory under 
79  the  SDL source directory.  Type "make -f SDL.mak" to build SDL and "make 
80  -f  SDLmain.mak".  There are also makefiles for all of the <a
81 href="#tests">test  programs</a>, if you wish to build them. All .exes and 
82DLLs are created in the "test" SDL directory. Ify ou would like to create 
83the DLL and all the test applications, I have thrown together a basic batchfile 
84called "makeall.bat" which should create everything in the right order. </p>
86<h3> <b> Output files </b> </h3>
87       No matter which compiler you used, three important files should have 
88 been  produced:        
90      	<li> SDL.dll ( Borland format ) </li>
91      	<li> SDL.lib&nbsp;( Borland format ) </li>
92      	<li> SDLmain.lib&nbsp;( Borland format ) </li>
95       Both of the *.lib files will need to be added to all the projects
96that   use SDL and SDL.dll  must be placed some where the Windows dynamic
97linker   can find it (either in your  project directory or on the system
98path, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM).       
99<h3> <b><a name="k3"></a> Using Borland C++ Builder for Linux ( AKA Kylix 
100 3 ) </b> </h3>
102<p> Inside of the "Borland" directory there is a "k3" directory that contains 
103  a number  of Builder project files.  Double-click on the "libSDL.bpg" file 
104  icon.  Once Builder has  started click on the "<u>P</u>rojects" menu on 
105the  menu-bar and go down to  "B<u>u</u>ild All Projects" option.  This will 
106proceed  to build all  the <a href="#tests">test programs</a>.&nbsp;<br>
107   Linux  users do not need *.lib files as the Shared Object is linked right 
108 into the  project ( very neat actually, Windows should do this sort of thing 
109 as it is a lot easier for the developer ).  <br>
110      <b>NOTE :</b>&nbsp;The C++ Builder for Windows project format, is not
111 compatible with the Kylix  3 project format, hence the reason why they are
112 in separate directories.</p>
114<p> On Mandrake 8.1 the shared objects for SDL are located in the /usr/lib 
115  directory as libSDL_*.so and the Mesa OpenGL shared objects are located 
116in  /usr/X11R6/lib as libGL*.so<br>
117       <br>
118       So if your setup is different you may need to change the project file
119  so that they re-link to the ones on your system.<br>
120       <br>
121       On Mandrake 8.1 the headers files are located at /usr/include/SDL/.
122 So  if you you have not installed the development RPMs ( usually named libSDL-devel*
123   ) for SDL ( not included ) you may have to change the include directory
124 within  some of the projects.<br>
125   </p>
127<h3> Known Problems</h3>
128     The only known problem is that I ( Dominique Louis ), was unable to
129create  the projects that rebuilt the SDL shared objects under Linux, due
130to time  constraints and my lack of intimate knowledge of Linux.     
131<h3><a name="tests"><b> Test programs </b> </a></h3>
132   Some of the test programs require included media files ( *.wav; *.bmp
133etc   ). All the test programs are now created in the "test" directory, where
134the media files are ( usually ) so they should be ready to go.  <br>
135     <br>
136  <br>
137 <br>