2This is a list of API changes in SDL's version history.
4Version 1.0:
7	Added cast macros for correct usage with C++:
8		SDL_reinterpret_cast(type, expression)
9		SDL_static_cast(type, expression)
11	Added SDL_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN_DISPLAY as a preferred synonym for 
14	Added SDL_DISABLE_LOCK_KEYS environment variable to enable normal
15	up/down events for Caps-Lock and Num-Lock keys.
18	Added SDL_BUTTON_X1 and SDL_BUTTON_X2 constants.
21	Added SDL_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER to override SDL's disabling
22	of the screensaver on Mac OS X and X11.
25	If SDL_OpenAudio() is passed zero for the desired format
26	fields, the following environment variables will be used
27	to fill them in:
32	If an environment variable is not specified, it will be set
33	to a reasonable default value.
35	Added support for the SDL_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN_HEAD environment
36	variable, currently supported on X11 Xinerama configurations.
38	Added SDL_GL_SWAP_CONTROL to wait for vsync in OpenGL applications.
40	Added SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL to guarantee hardware acceleration.
42	Added current_w and current_h to the SDL_VideoInfo structure,
43	which is set to the desktop resolution during video intialization,
44	and then set to the current resolution when a video mode is set.
46	SDL_SetVideoMode() now accepts 0 for width or height and will use
47	the current video mode (or the desktop mode if no mode has been set.)
49	Added SDL_GetKeyRepeat()
51	Added SDL_config.h, with defaults for various build environments.
54	Added CPU feature detection functions to SDL_cpuinfo.h:
55		SDL_HasRDTSC(), SDL_HasMMX(), SDL_Has3DNow(), SDL_HasSSE(),
56		SDL_HasAltiVec()
57	Added function to create RWops from const memory: SDL_RWFromConstMem()
60	Added SDL_LoadObject(), SDL_LoadFunction(), and SDL_UnloadObject()
67	Added SDL_GL_STEREO for stereoscopic OpenGL contexts
70	Added SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE event to signal that the screen needs to
71	be redrawn.  This is currently only delivered to OpenGL windows
72	on X11, though it may be delivered in the future when the video
73	memory is lost under DirectX.
76	You can pass SDL_NOFRAME to SDL_VideoMode() to create a window
77	that has no title bar or frame decoration.  Fullscreen video
78	modes automatically have this flag set.
80	Added a function to query the clipping rectangle for a surface:
81		void SDL_GetClipRect(SDL_Surface *surface, SDL_Rect *rect)
83	Added a function to query the current event filter:
84		SDL_EventFilter SDL_GetEventFilter(void)
86	If you pass -1 to SDL_ShowCursor(), it won't change the current
87	cursor visibility state, but will still return it.
89	SDL_LockSurface() and SDL_UnlockSurface() are recursive, meaning
90	you can nest them as deep as you want, as long as each lock call
91	has a matching unlock call.  The surface remains locked until the
92	last matching unlock call.
94	Note that you may not blit to or from a locked surface.
97	The SDL_SetGammaRamp() and SDL_GetGammaRamp() functions now take
98	arrays of Uint16 values instead of Uint8 values.  For the most part,
99	you can just take your old values and shift them up 8 bits to get
100	new correct values for your gamma ramps.
102	You can pass SDL_RLEACCEL in flags passed to SDL_ConvertSurface()
103        and SDL will try to RLE accelerate colorkey and alpha blits in the
104	resulting surface.
107	Added a function to return the thread ID of a specific thread:
108		Uint32 SDL_GetThreadID(SDL_Thread *thread)
109	If 'thread' is NULL, this function returns the id for this thread.
112	The YUV overlay structure has been changed to use an array of
113	pitches and pixels representing the planes of a YUV image, to
114	better enable hardware acceleration.  The YV12 and IYUV formats
115	each have three planes, corresponding to the Y, U, and V portions
116	of the image, while packed pixel YUV formats just have one plane.
118	For palettized mode (8bpp), the screen colormap is now split in
119	a physical and a logical palette. The physical palette determines
120	what colours the screen pixels will get when displayed, and the
121	logical palette controls the mapping from blits to/from the screen.
122	A new function, SDL_SetPalette() has been added to change
123	logical and physical palettes separately. SDL_SetColors() works
124	just as before, and is equivalent to calling SDL_SetPalette() with
125	a flag argument of (SDL_LOGPAL|SDL_PHYSPAL).
127	SDL_BlitSurface() no longer modifies the source rectangle, only the
128	destination rectangle. The width/height members of the destination
129	rectangle are ignored, only the position is used.
131	The old source clipping function SDL_SetClipping() has been replaced
132	with a more useful function to set the destination clipping rectangle:
133		SDL_bool SDL_SetClipRect(SDL_Surface *surface, SDL_Rect *rect)
135	Added a function to see what subsystems have been initialized:
136		Uint32 SDL_WasInit(Uint32 flags)
138	The Big Alpha Flip: SDL now treats alpha as opacity like everybody
139	else, and not as transparency:
141	A new cpp symbol: SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE is defined as 255
142	A new cpp symbol: SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT is defined as 0
143	Values between 0 and 255 vary from fully transparent to fully opaque.
145	New functions:
146	SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha()
147	    Returns a surface converted to a format with alpha-channel
148	    that can be blit efficiently to the screen. (In other words,
149	    like SDL_DisplayFormat() but the resulting surface has
150	    an alpha channel.)  This is useful for surfaces with alpha.
151	SDL_MapRGBA()
152	    Works as SDL_MapRGB() but takes an additional alpha parameter.
153	SDL_GetRGBA()
154	    Works as SDL_GetRGB() but also returns the alpha value
155	    (SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE for formats without an alpha channel)
157	Both SDL_GetRGB() and SDL_GetRGBA() now always return values in
158	the [0..255] interval. Previously, SDL_GetRGB() would return
159	(0xf8, 0xfc, 0xf8) for a completely white pixel in RGB565 format.
160	(N.B.: This is broken for bit fields < 3 bits.)
162	SDL_MapRGB() returns pixels in which the alpha channel is set opaque.
164	SDL_SetAlpha() can now be used for both setting the per-surface
165	alpha, using the new way of thinking of alpha, and also to enable
166	and disable per-pixel alpha blending for surfaces with an alpha
167	channel:
168		To disable alpha blending:
169			SDL_SetAlpha(surface, 0, 0);
170		To re-enable alpha blending:
171			SDL_SetAlpha(surface, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0);
172	Surfaces with an alpha channel have blending enabled by default.
174	SDL_SetAlpha() now accepts SDL_RLEACCEL as a flag, which requests
175	RLE acceleration of blits, just as like with SDL_SetColorKey().
176	This flag can be set for both surfaces with an alpha channel
177	and surfaces with an alpha value set by SDL_SetAlpha().
178	As always, RLE surfaces must be locked before pixel access is
179	allowed, and unlocked before any other SDL operations are done
180	on it.
182	The blit semantics for surfaces with and without alpha and colorkey
183	have now been defined:
185	RGBA->RGB:
186	    SDL_SRCALPHA set:
187		alpha-blend (using alpha-channel).
188		SDL_SRCCOLORKEY ignored.
189	    SDL_SRCALPHA not set:
190		copy RGB.
191		if SDL_SRCCOLORKEY set, only copy the pixels matching the
192		RGB values of the source colour key, ignoring alpha in the
193		comparison.
195	RGB->RGBA:
196	    SDL_SRCALPHA set:
197		alpha-blend (using the source per-surface alpha value);
198		set destination alpha to opaque.
199	    SDL_SRCALPHA not set:
200		copy RGB, set destination alpha to opaque.
201	    both:
202		if SDL_SRCCOLORKEY set, only copy the pixels matching the
203		source colour key.
206	    SDL_SRCALPHA set:
207		alpha-blend (using the source alpha channel) the RGB values;
208		leave destination alpha untouched. [Note: is this correct?]
209		SDL_SRCCOLORKEY ignored.
210	    SDL_SRCALPHA not set:
211		copy all of RGBA to the destination.
212		if SDL_SRCCOLORKEY set, only copy the pixels matching the
213		RGB values of the source colour key, ignoring alpha in the
214		comparison.
216	RGB->RGB: 
217	    SDL_SRCALPHA set:
218		alpha-blend (using the source per-surface alpha value).
219	    SDL_SRCALPHA not set:
220		copy RGB.
221	    both:
222		if SDL_SRCCOLORKEY set, only copy the pixels matching the
223		source colour key.
225	As a special case, blits from surfaces with per-surface alpha
226	value of 128 (50% transparency) are optimised and much faster
227	than other alpha values. This does not apply to surfaces with
228	alpha channels (per-pixel alpha).
230	New functions for manipulating the gamma of the display have
231	been added:
232		int SDL_SetGamma(float red, float green, float blue);
233		int SDL_SetGammaRamp(Uint8 *red, Uint8 *green, Uint8 *blue);
234		int SDL_GetGammaRamp(Uint8 *red, Uint8 *green, Uint8 *blue);
235	Gamma ramps are tables with 256 entries which map the screen color
236	components into actually displayed colors.  For an example of
237	implementing gamma correction and gamma fades, see test/testgamma.c
238	Gamma control is not supported on all hardware.
241	The size of the SDL_CDtrack structure changed from 8 to 12 bytes
242	as the size of the length member was extended to 32 bits.
244        You can now use SDL for 2D blitting with a GL mode by passing the
245	SDL_OPENGLBLIT flag to SDL_SetVideoMode().  You can specify 16 or
246	32 bpp, and the data in the framebuffer is put into the GL scene
247	when you call SDL_UpdateRects(), and the scene will be visible
248	when you call SDL_GL_SwapBuffers().
250	Run the "testgl" test program with the -logo command line option
251	to see an example of this blending of 2D and 3D in SDL.
254	Added SDL_FreeRW() to the API, to complement SDL_AllocRW()
256	Added resizable window support - just add SDL_RESIZABLE to the
257	SDL_SetVideoMode() flags, and then wait for SDL_VIDEORESIZE events.
258	See SDL_events.h for details on the new SDL_ResizeEvent structure.
260	Added condition variable support, based on mutexes and semaphores.
261		SDL_CreateCond()
262		SDL_DestroyCond()
263		SDL_CondSignal()
264		SDL_CondBroadcast()
265		SDL_CondWait()
266		SDL_CondTimedWait()
267	The new function prototypes are in SDL_mutex.h
269	Added counting semaphore support, based on the mutex primitive.
270		SDL_CreateSemaphore()
271		SDL_DestroySemaphore()
272		SDL_SemWait()
273		SDL_SemTryWait()
274		SDL_SemWaitTimeout()
275		SDL_SemPost()
276		SDL_SemValue()
277	The new function prototypes are in SDL_mutex.h
279	Added support for asynchronous blitting.  To take advantage of this,
280	you must set the SDL_ASYNCBLIT flag when setting the video mode and
281	creating surfaces that you want accelerated in this way.  You must
282	lock surfaces that have this flag set, and the lock will block until
283	any queued blits have completed.
285	Added YUV video overlay support.
286	The supported YUV formats are: YV12, IYUV, YUY2, UYVY, and YVYU.
287	This function creates an overlay surface:
288		SDL_CreateYUVOverlay()
289	You must lock and unlock the overlay to get access to the data:
290		SDL_LockYUVOverlay() SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay()
291	You can then display the overlay:
292		SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay()
293	You must free the overlay when you are done using it:
294		SDL_FreeYUVOverlay()
295	See SDL_video.h for the full function prototypes.
297	The joystick hat position constants have been changed:
298	Old constant            New constant
299	------------            ------------
300	     0                  SDL_HAT_CENTERED
301	     1                  SDL_HAT_UP
302	     2                  SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP
303	     3                  SDL_HAT_RIGHT
304	     4                  SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN
305	     5                  SDL_HAT_DOWN
306	     6                  SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN
307	     7                  SDL_HAT_LEFT
308	     8                  SDL_HAT_LEFTUP
309	The new constants are bitmasks, so you can check for the
310	individual axes like this:
311		if ( hat_position & SDL_HAT_UP ) {
312		}
313	and you'll catch left-up, up, and right-up.
316	Added multiple timer support:
317		SDL_AddTimer() and SDL_RemoveTimer()
319	SDL_WM_SetIcon() now respects the icon colorkey if mask is NULL.
322	Added initial OpenGL support.
323	First set GL attributes (such as RGB depth, alpha depth, etc.)
324		SDL_GL_SetAttribute()
325	Then call SDL_SetVideoMode() with the SDL_OPENGL flag.
326	Perform all of your normal GL drawing.
327	Finally swap the buffers with the new SDL function:
328		SDL_GL_SwapBuffers()
329	See the new 'testgl' test program for an example of using GL with SDL.
331	You can load GL extension functions by using the function:
332		SDL_GL_LoadProcAddress()
334	Added functions to initialize and cleanup specific SDL subsystems:
335		SDL_InitSubSystem() and SDL_QuitSubSystem()
337	Added user-defined event type:
338		typedef struct {
339        		Uint8 type;
340        		int code;
341        		void *data1;
342        		void *data2;
343		} SDL_UserEvent;
344	This structure is in the "user" member of an SDL_Event.
346	Added a function to push events into the event queue:
347		SDL_PushEvent()
349	Example of using the new SDL user-defined events:
350	{
351		SDL_Event event;
353		event.type = SDL_USEREVENT;
354		event.user.code = my_event_code;
355		event.user.data1 = significant_data;
356		event.user.data2 = 0;
357		SDL_PushEvent(&event);
358	}
360	Added a function to get mouse deltas since last query:
361		SDL_GetRelativeMouseState()
363	Added a boolean datatype to SDL_types.h:
364		SDL_bool = { SDL_TRUE, SDL_FALSE }
366	Added a function to get the current audio status:
367		SDL_GetAudioState();
368	It returns one of:
373	Added an AAlib driver (ASCII Art) - by Stephane Peter.
376	The input grab state is reset after each call to SDL_SetVideoMode().
377	The input is grabbed by default in fullscreen mode, and ungrabbed in
378	windowed mode.  If you want to set input grab to a particular value,
379	you should set it after each call to SDL_SetVideoMode().
382	Exposed SDL_AudioInit(), SDL_VideoInit()
383	Added SDL_AudioDriverName() and SDL_VideoDriverName()
385	Added new window manager function:
386		SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen()
387	This is currently implemented only on Linux
389	The ALT-ENTER code has been removed - it's not appropriate for a
390	lib to bind keys when they aren't even emergency escape sequences.
392	ALT-ENTER functionality can be implemented with the following code:
394	int Handle_AltEnter(const SDL_Event *event)
395	{
396	    if ( event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN ) {
397	        if ( (event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN) &&
398	             (event->key.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT) ) {   
399	                SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(SDL_GetVideoSurface());
400	                return(0);
401	        }
402	    }
403	    return(1);
404	}
405	SDL_SetEventFilter(Handle_AltEnter);
408	Under X11, if you grab the input and hide the mouse cursor,
409	the mouse will go into a "relative motion" mode where you
410	will always get relative motion events no matter how far in
411	each direction you move the mouse - relative motion is not
412	bounded by the edges of the window (though the absolute values
413	of the mouse positions are clamped by the size of the window).
414	The SVGAlib, framebuffer console, and DirectInput drivers all
415	have this behavior naturally, and the GDI and BWindow drivers
416	never go into "relative motion" mode.
419	Added a function to enable keyboard repeat:
420		SDL_EnableKeyRepeat()
422	Added a function to grab the mouse and keyboard input
423		SDL_WM_GrabInput()
425	Added a function to iconify the window.
426		SDL_WM_IconifyWindow()
427	If this function succeeds, the application will receive an event
428	signaling SDL_APPACTIVE event 
431	Added constants to SDL_audio.h for 16-bit native byte ordering:
435	New public release
437Version 0.11:
440	A new function SDL_GetVideoSurface() has been added, and returns
441	a pointer to the current display surface.
443	SDL_AllocSurface() has been renamed SDL_CreateRGBSurface(), and
444	a new function SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom() has been added to allow
445	creating an SDL surface from an existing pixel data buffer.
447	Added SDL_GetRGB() to the headers and documentation.
450	SDL_SetLibraryPath() is no longer meaningful, and has been removed.
453	A new flag for SDL_Init(), SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE, prevents SDL from
454	installing fatal signal handlers on operating systems that support
455	them.
457Version 0.9:
460	SDL_CreateColorCursor() has been removed.  Color cursors should
461	be implemented as sprites, blitted by the application when the
462	cursor moves.  To get smooth color cursor updates when the app
463	is busy, pass the SDL_INIT_EVENTTHREAD flag to SDL_Init().  This
464	allows you to handle the mouse motion in another thread from an
465	event filter function, but is currently only supported by Linux
466	and BeOS.  Note that you'll have to protect the display surface
467	from multi-threaded access by using mutexes if you do this.
469	Thread-safe surface support has been removed from SDL.
470	This makes blitting somewhat faster, by removing SDL_MiddleBlit().
471	Code that used SDL_MiddleBlit() should use SDL_LowerBlit() instead.
472	You can make your surfaces thread-safe by allocating your own
473	mutex and making lock/unlock calls around accesses to your surface.
476	SDL_GetMouseState() now takes pointers to int rather than Uint16.
478	If you set the SDL_WINDOWID environment variable under UNIX X11,
479	SDL will use that as the main window instead of creating it's own.
480	This is an unsupported extension to SDL, and not portable at all.
483	Added a function SDL_SetLibraryPath() which can be used to specify
484	the directory containing the SDL dynamic libraries.  This is useful
485	for commercial applications which ship with particular versions
486	of the libraries, and for security on multi-user systems.
487	If this function is not used, the default system directories are 
488	searched using the native dynamic object loading mechanism.
490	In order to support C linkage under Visual C++, you must declare
491	main() without any return type:
492		main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
493			/* Do the program... */
494			return(0);
495		}
496	C++ programs should also return a value if compiled under VC++.
498	The blit_endian member of the SDL_VideoInfo struct has been removed.
500	SDL_SymToASCII() has been replaced with SDL_GetKeyName(), so there
501	is now no longer any function to translate a keysym to a character.
503	The SDL_keysym structure has been extended with a 'scancode' and
504	'unicode' member.  The 'scancode' is a hardware specific scancode
505	for the key that was pressed, and may be 0.  The 'unicode' member
506	is a 16-bit UNICODE translation of the key that was pressed along
507	with any modifiers or compose keys that have been pressed.
508	If no UNICODE translation exists for the key, 'unicode' will be 0.
510	Added a function SDL_EnableUNICODE() to enable/disable UNICODE
511	translation of character keypresses.  Translation defaults off.
513	To convert existing code to use the new API, change code which
514	uses SDL_SymToASCII() to get the keyname to use SDL_GetKeyName(),
515	and change code which uses it to get the ASCII value of a sym to
516	use the 'unicode' member of the event keysym.
519	There is partial support for 64-bit datatypes.  I don't recommend 
520	you use this if you have a choice, because 64-bit datatypes are not
521	supported on many platforms.  On platforms for which it is supported,
522	the SDL_HAS_64BIT_TYPE C preprocessor define will be enabled, and
523	you can use the Uint64 and Sint64 datatypes.
525	Added functions to SDL_endian.h to support 64-bit datatypes:
526	    SDL_SwapLE64(), SDL_SwapBE64(),
527	    SDL_ReadLE64(), SDL_ReadBE64(), SDL_WriteLE64(), SDL_WriteBE64()
529	A new member "len_ratio" has been added to the SDL_AudioCVT structure,
530	and allows you to determine either the original buffer length or the
531	converted buffer length, given the other.
533	A new function SDL_FreeWAV() has been added to the API to free data
534	allocated by SDL_LoadWAV_RW().  This is necessary under Win32 since
535	the gcc compiled DLL uses a different heap than VC++ compiled apps.
537	SDL now has initial support for international keyboards using the
538	Latin character set.
539	If a particular mapping is desired, you can set the DEFAULT_KEYBOARD
540	compile-time variable, or you can set the environment variable 
541	"SDL_KEYBOARD" to a string identifying the keyboard mapping you desire.
542	The valid values for these variables can be found in SDL_keyboard.c
544	Full support for German and French keyboards under X11 is implemented.
547	The THREADED_EVENTS compile-time define has been replaced with the
548	SDL_INIT_EVENTTHREAD flag.  If this flag is passed to SDL_Init(),
549	SDL will create a separate thread to perform input event handling.
550	If this flag is passed to SDL_Init(), and the OS doesn't support 
551	event handling in a separate thread, SDL_Init() will fail.
552	Be sure to add calls to SDL_Delay() in your main thread to allow
553	the OS to schedule your event thread, or it may starve, leading
554	to slow event delivery and/or dropped events.
555	Currently MacOS and Win32 do not support this flag, while BeOS 
556	and Linux do support it.  I recommend that your application only
557	use this flag if absolutely necessary.
559	The SDL thread function passed to SDL_CreateThread() now returns a
560	status.  This status can be retrieved by passing a non-NULL pointer
561	as the 'status' argument to SDL_WaitThread().
563	The volume parameter to SDL_MixAudio() has been increased in range
564	from (0-8) to (0-128)
566	SDL now has a data source abstraction which can encompass a file,
567	an area of memory, or any custom object you can envision.  It uses
568	these abstractions, SDL_RWops, in the endian read/write functions,
569	and the built-in WAV and BMP file loaders.  This means you can load
570	WAV chunks from memory mapped files, compressed archives, network
571	pipes, or anything else that has a data read abstraction.
573	There are three built-in data source abstractions:
574	    SDL_RWFromFile(), SDL_RWFromFP(), SDL_RWFromMem()
575	along with a generic data source allocation function:
576	    SDL_AllocRW()
577	These data sources can be used like stdio file pointers with the
578	following convenience functions:
579	    SDL_RWseek(), SDL_RWread(), SDL_RWwrite(), SDL_RWclose()
580	These functions are defined in the new header file "SDL_rwops.h"
582	The endian swapping functions have been turned into macros for speed
583	and SDL_CalculateEndian() has been removed.  SDL_endian.h now defines
584	SDL_BYTEORDER as either SDL_BIG_ENDIAN or SDL_LIL_ENDIAN depending on
585	the endianness of the host system.
587	The endian read/write functions now take an SDL_RWops pointer
588	instead of a stdio FILE pointer, to support the new data source
589	abstraction.
591	The SDL_*LoadWAV() functions have been replaced with a single
592	SDL_LoadWAV_RW() function that takes a SDL_RWops pointer as it's
593	first parameter, and a flag whether or not to automatically 
594	free it as the second parameter.  SDL_LoadWAV() is a macro for
595	backward compatibility and convenience:
596	    SDL_LoadWAV_RW(SDL_RWFromFile("sample.wav", "rb"), 1, ...);
598	The SDL_*LoadBMP()/SDL_*SaveBMP() functions have each been replaced
599	with a single function that takes a SDL_RWops pointer as it's
600	first parameter, and a flag whether or not to automatically 
601	free it as the second parameter.  SDL_LoadBMP() and SDL_SaveBMP()
602	are macros for backward compatibility and convenience:
603	    SDL_LoadBMP_RW(SDL_RWFromFile("sample.bmp", "rb"), 1, ...);
604	    SDL_SaveBMP_RW(SDL_RWFromFile("sample.bmp", "wb"), 1, ...);
605	Note that these functions use SDL_RWseek() extensively, and should
606	not be used on pipes or other non-seekable data sources.
609	The Linux SDL_SysWMInfo and SDL_SysWMMsg structures have been 
610	extended to support multiple types of display drivers, as well as
611        safe access to the X11 display when THREADED_EVENTS is enabled.
612        The new structures are documented in the SDL_syswm.h header file.
614	Thanks to John Elliott <jce@seasip.demon.co.uk>, the UK keyboard
615	should now work properly, as well as the "Windows" keys on US
616	keyboards.
618	The Linux CD-ROM code now reads the CD-ROM devices from /etc/fstab
619	instead of trying to open each block device on the system.
620	The CD must be listed in /etc/fstab as using the iso9660 filesystem.
622	On Linux, if you define THREADED_EVENTS at compile time, a separate
623	thread will be spawned to gather X events asynchronously from the
624	graphics updates.  This hasn't been extensively tested, but it does
625	provide a means of handling keyboard and mouse input in a separate
626	thread from the graphics thread.  (This is now enabled by default.)
628	A special access function SDL_PeepEvents() allows you to manipulate
629	the event queue in a thread-safe manner, including peeking at events,
630	removing events of a specified type, and adding new events of arbitrary
631	type to the queue (use the new 'user' member of the SDL_Event type).
633	If you use SDL_PeepEvents() to gather events, then the main graphics
634	thread needs to call SDL_PumpEvents() periodically to drive the event
635	loop and generate input events.  This is not necessary if SDL has been 
636	compiled with THREADED_EVENTS defined, but doesn't hurt.
638	A new function SDL_ThreadID() returns the identifier associated with
639	the current thread.
642	The AUDIO_STEREO format flag has been replaced with a new 'channels'
643	member of the SDL_AudioSpec structure.  The channels are 1 for mono
644	audio, and 2 for stereo audio.  In the future more channels may be
645	supported for 3D surround sound.
647	The SDL_MixAudio() function now takes an additional volume parameter,
648	which should be set to SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME for compatibility with the
649	original function.
651	The CD-ROM functions which take a 'cdrom' parameter can now be
652	passed NULL, and will act on the last successfully opened CD-ROM.
655	No changes, bugfixes only.
658	No changes, bugfixes only.
661	Added a fast rectangle fill function: SDL_FillRect()
663	Addition of a useful function for getting info on the video hardware:
664	    const SDL_VideoInfo *SDL_GetVideoInfo(void)
665        This function replaces SDL_GetDisplayFormat().
667	Initial support for double-buffering:
668	  Use the SDL_DOUBLEBUF flag in SDL_SetVideoMode()
669	  Update the screen with a new function: SDL_Flip()
671	SDL_AllocSurface() takes two new flags:
672	SDL_SRCCOLORKEY means that the surface will be used for colorkey blits
673	  and if the hardware supports hardware acceleration of colorkey blits
674	  between two surfaces in video memory, to place the surface in video
675	  memory if possible, otherwise it will be placed in system memory.
676	SDL_SRCALPHA means that the surface will be used for alpha blits and
677	  if the hardware supports hardware acceleration of alpha blits between
678	  two surfaces in video memory, to place the surface in video memory
679	  if possible, otherwise it will be placed in system memory.
680	SDL_HWSURFACE now means that the surface will be created with the 
681	  same format as the display surface, since having surfaces in video
682	  memory is only useful for fast blitting to the screen, and you can't
683	  blit surfaces with different surface formats in video memory.
686	You can now pass a NULL mask to SDL_WM_SetIcon(), and it will assume
687	that the icon consists of the entire image.
689	SDL_LowerBlit() is back -- but don't use it on the display surface.
690	It is exactly the same as SDL_MiddleBlit(), but doesn't check for
691	thread safety.
693	Added SDL_FPLoadBMP(), SDL_FPSaveBMP(), SDL_FPLoadWAV(), which take
694	a FILE pointer instead of a file name.
696	Added CD-ROM audio control API:
697	    SDL_CDNumDrives()
698	    SDL_CDName()
699	    SDL_CDOpen()
700	    SDL_CDStatus()
701	    SDL_CDPlayTracks()
702	    SDL_CDPlay()
703	    SDL_CDPause()
704	    SDL_CDResume()
705	    SDL_CDStop()
706	    SDL_CDEject()
707	    SDL_CDClose()
710	No changes, bugfixes only.
713	Mouse motion event now includes relative motion information:
714	    Sint16 event->motion.xrel, Sint16 event->motion.yrel
716	X11 keyrepeat handling can be disabled by defining IGNORE_X_KEYREPEAT
717	    (Add -DIGNORE_X_KEYREPEAT to CFLAGS line in obj/x11Makefile)
720	No changes, bugfixes only.
723	Removed SDL_MapSurface() and SDL_UnmapSurface() -- surfaces are now
724	automatically mapped on blit.
727	SDL stable release