2    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
3    Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Sam Lantinga
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19    Sam Lantinga
20    slouken@libsdl.org
22#include "SDL_config.h"
25   Code to load and save surfaces in Windows BMP format.
27   Why support BMP format?  Well, it's a native format for Windows, and
28   most image processing programs can read and write it.  It would be nice
29   to be able to have at least one image format that we can natively load
30   and save, and since PNG is so complex that it would bloat the library,
31   BMP is a good alternative.
33   This code currently supports Win32 DIBs in uncompressed 8 and 24 bpp.
36#include "SDL_video.h"
37#include "SDL_endian.h"
39/* Compression encodings for BMP files */
40#ifndef BI_RGB
41#define BI_RGB		0
42#define BI_RLE8		1
43#define BI_RLE4		2
44#define BI_BITFIELDS	3
48SDL_Surface * SDL_LoadBMP_RW (SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc)
50	SDL_bool was_error;
51	long fp_offset = 0;
52	int bmpPitch;
53	int i, pad;
54	SDL_Surface *surface;
55	Uint32 Rmask;
56	Uint32 Gmask;
57	Uint32 Bmask;
58	SDL_Palette *palette;
59	Uint8 *bits;
60	Uint8 *top, *end;
61	SDL_bool topDown;
62	int ExpandBMP;
64	/* The Win32 BMP file header (14 bytes) */
65	char   magic[2];
66	Uint32 bfSize;
67	Uint16 bfReserved1;
68	Uint16 bfReserved2;
69	Uint32 bfOffBits;
71	/* The Win32 BITMAPINFOHEADER struct (40 bytes) */
72	Uint32 biSize;
73	Sint32 biWidth;
74	Sint32 biHeight;
75	Uint16 biPlanes;
76	Uint16 biBitCount;
77	Uint32 biCompression;
78	Uint32 biSizeImage;
79	Sint32 biXPelsPerMeter;
80	Sint32 biYPelsPerMeter;
81	Uint32 biClrUsed;
82	Uint32 biClrImportant;
84	/* Make sure we are passed a valid data source */
85	surface = NULL;
86	was_error = SDL_FALSE;
87	if ( src == NULL ) {
88		was_error = SDL_TRUE;
89		goto done;
90	}
92	/* Read in the BMP file header */
93	fp_offset = SDL_RWtell(src);
94	SDL_ClearError();
95	if ( SDL_RWread(src, magic, 1, 2) != 2 ) {
96		SDL_Error(SDL_EFREAD);
97		was_error = SDL_TRUE;
98		goto done;
99	}
100	if ( SDL_strncmp(magic, "BM", 2) != 0 ) {
101		SDL_SetError("File is not a Windows BMP file");
102		was_error = SDL_TRUE;
103		goto done;
104	}
105	bfSize		= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
106	bfReserved1	= SDL_ReadLE16(src);
107	bfReserved2	= SDL_ReadLE16(src);
108	bfOffBits	= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
110	/* Read the Win32 BITMAPINFOHEADER */
111	biSize		= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
112	if ( biSize == 12 ) {
113		biWidth		= (Uint32)SDL_ReadLE16(src);
114		biHeight	= (Uint32)SDL_ReadLE16(src);
115		biPlanes	= SDL_ReadLE16(src);
116		biBitCount	= SDL_ReadLE16(src);
117		biCompression	= BI_RGB;
118		biSizeImage	= 0;
119		biXPelsPerMeter	= 0;
120		biYPelsPerMeter	= 0;
121		biClrUsed	= 0;
122		biClrImportant	= 0;
123	} else {
124		biWidth		= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
125		biHeight	= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
126		biPlanes	= SDL_ReadLE16(src);
127		biBitCount	= SDL_ReadLE16(src);
128		biCompression	= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
129		biSizeImage	= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
130		biXPelsPerMeter	= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
131		biYPelsPerMeter	= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
132		biClrUsed	= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
133		biClrImportant	= SDL_ReadLE32(src);
134	}
136	/* stop some compiler warnings. */
137	(void) bfSize;
138	(void) bfReserved1;
139	(void) bfReserved2;
140	(void) biPlanes;
141	(void) biSizeImage;
142	(void) biXPelsPerMeter;
143	(void) biYPelsPerMeter;
144	(void) biClrImportant;
146	if (biHeight < 0) {
147		topDown = SDL_TRUE;
148		biHeight = -biHeight;
149	} else {
150		topDown = SDL_FALSE;
151	}
153	/* Check for read error */
154	if ( SDL_strcmp(SDL_GetError(), "") != 0 ) {
155		was_error = SDL_TRUE;
156		goto done;
157	}
159	/* Expand 1 and 4 bit bitmaps to 8 bits per pixel */
160	switch (biBitCount) {
161		case 1:
162		case 4:
163			ExpandBMP = biBitCount;
164			biBitCount = 8;
165			break;
166		default:
167			ExpandBMP = 0;
168			break;
169	}
171	/* We don't support any BMP compression right now */
172	Rmask = Gmask = Bmask = 0;
173	switch (biCompression) {
174		case BI_RGB:
175			/* If there are no masks, use the defaults */
176			if ( bfOffBits == (14+biSize) ) {
177				/* Default values for the BMP format */
178				switch (biBitCount) {
179					case 15:
180					case 16:
181						Rmask = 0x7C00;
182						Gmask = 0x03E0;
183						Bmask = 0x001F;
184						break;
185					case 24:
187					        Rmask = 0x000000FF;
188					        Gmask = 0x0000FF00;
189					        Bmask = 0x00FF0000;
190						break;
192					case 32:
193						Rmask = 0x00FF0000;
194						Gmask = 0x0000FF00;
195						Bmask = 0x000000FF;
196						break;
197					default:
198						break;
199				}
200				break;
201			}
202			/* Fall through -- read the RGB masks */
204		case BI_BITFIELDS:
205			switch (biBitCount) {
206				case 15:
207				case 16:
208				case 32:
209					Rmask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
210					Gmask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
211					Bmask = SDL_ReadLE32(src);
212					break;
213				default:
214					break;
215			}
216			break;
217		default:
218			SDL_SetError("Compressed BMP files not supported");
219			was_error = SDL_TRUE;
220			goto done;
221	}
223	/* Create a compatible surface, note that the colors are RGB ordered */
224	surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
225			biWidth, biHeight, biBitCount, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, 0);
226	if ( surface == NULL ) {
227		was_error = SDL_TRUE;
228		goto done;
229	}
231	/* Load the palette, if any */
232	palette = (surface->format)->palette;
233	if ( palette ) {
234		if ( biClrUsed == 0 ) {
235			biClrUsed = 1 << biBitCount;
236		}
237		if ( biSize == 12 ) {
238			for ( i = 0; i < (int)biClrUsed; ++i ) {
239				SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].b, 1, 1);
240				SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].g, 1, 1);
241				SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].r, 1, 1);
242				palette->colors[i].unused = 0;
243			}
244		} else {
245			for ( i = 0; i < (int)biClrUsed; ++i ) {
246				SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].b, 1, 1);
247				SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].g, 1, 1);
248				SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].r, 1, 1);
249				SDL_RWread(src, &palette->colors[i].unused, 1, 1);
250			}
251		}
252		palette->ncolors = biClrUsed;
253	}
255	/* Read the surface pixels.  Note that the bmp image is upside down */
256	if ( SDL_RWseek(src, fp_offset+bfOffBits, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {
257		SDL_Error(SDL_EFSEEK);
258		was_error = SDL_TRUE;
259		goto done;
260	}
261	top = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels;
262	end = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels+(surface->h*surface->pitch);
263	switch (ExpandBMP) {
264		case 1:
265			bmpPitch = (biWidth + 7) >> 3;
266			pad  = (((bmpPitch)%4) ? (4-((bmpPitch)%4)) : 0);
267			break;
268		case 4:
269			bmpPitch = (biWidth + 1) >> 1;
270			pad  = (((bmpPitch)%4) ? (4-((bmpPitch)%4)) : 0);
271			break;
272		default:
273			pad  = ((surface->pitch%4) ?
274					(4-(surface->pitch%4)) : 0);
275			break;
276	}
277	if ( topDown ) {
278		bits = top;
279	} else {
280		bits = end - surface->pitch;
281	}
282	while ( bits >= top && bits < end ) {
283		switch (ExpandBMP) {
284			case 1:
285			case 4: {
286			Uint8 pixel = 0;
287			int   shift = (8-ExpandBMP);
288			for ( i=0; i<surface->w; ++i ) {
289				if ( i%(8/ExpandBMP) == 0 ) {
290					if ( !SDL_RWread(src, &pixel, 1, 1) ) {
291						SDL_SetError(
292					"Error reading from BMP");
293						was_error = SDL_TRUE;
294						goto done;
295					}
296				}
297				*(bits+i) = (pixel>>shift);
298				pixel <<= ExpandBMP;
299			} }
300			break;
302			default:
303			if ( SDL_RWread(src, bits, 1, surface->pitch)
304							 != surface->pitch ) {
305				SDL_Error(SDL_EFREAD);
306				was_error = SDL_TRUE;
307				goto done;
308			}
310			/* Byte-swap the pixels if needed. Note that the 24bpp
311			   case has already been taken care of above. */
312			switch(biBitCount) {
313				case 15:
314				case 16: {
315				        Uint16 *pix = (Uint16 *)bits;
316					for(i = 0; i < surface->w; i++)
317					        pix[i] = SDL_Swap16(pix[i]);
318					break;
319				}
321				case 32: {
322				        Uint32 *pix = (Uint32 *)bits;
323					for(i = 0; i < surface->w; i++)
324					        pix[i] = SDL_Swap32(pix[i]);
325					break;
326				}
327			}
329			break;
330		}
331		/* Skip padding bytes, ugh */
332		if ( pad ) {
333			Uint8 padbyte;
334			for ( i=0; i<pad; ++i ) {
335				SDL_RWread(src, &padbyte, 1, 1);
336			}
337		}
338		if ( topDown ) {
339			bits += surface->pitch;
340		} else {
341			bits -= surface->pitch;
342		}
343	}
345	if ( was_error ) {
346		if ( src ) {
347			SDL_RWseek(src, fp_offset, RW_SEEK_SET);
348		}
349		if ( surface ) {
350			SDL_FreeSurface(surface);
351		}
352		surface = NULL;
353	}
354	if ( freesrc && src ) {
355		SDL_RWclose(src);
356	}
357	return(surface);
360int SDL_SaveBMP_RW (SDL_Surface *saveme, SDL_RWops *dst, int freedst)
362	long fp_offset;
363	int i, pad;
364	SDL_Surface *surface;
365	Uint8 *bits;
367	/* The Win32 BMP file header (14 bytes) */
368	char   magic[2] = { 'B', 'M' };
369	Uint32 bfSize;
370	Uint16 bfReserved1;
371	Uint16 bfReserved2;
372	Uint32 bfOffBits;
374	/* The Win32 BITMAPINFOHEADER struct (40 bytes) */
375	Uint32 biSize;
376	Sint32 biWidth;
377	Sint32 biHeight;
378	Uint16 biPlanes;
379	Uint16 biBitCount;
380	Uint32 biCompression;
381	Uint32 biSizeImage;
382	Sint32 biXPelsPerMeter;
383	Sint32 biYPelsPerMeter;
384	Uint32 biClrUsed;
385	Uint32 biClrImportant;
387	/* Make sure we have somewhere to save */
388	surface = NULL;
389	if ( dst ) {
390		if ( saveme->format->palette ) {
391			if ( saveme->format->BitsPerPixel == 8 ) {
392				surface = saveme;
393			} else {
394				SDL_SetError("%d bpp BMP files not supported",
395						saveme->format->BitsPerPixel);
396			}
397		}
398		else if ( (saveme->format->BitsPerPixel == 24) &&
400				(saveme->format->Rmask == 0x00FF0000) &&
401				(saveme->format->Gmask == 0x0000FF00) &&
402				(saveme->format->Bmask == 0x000000FF)
404				(saveme->format->Rmask == 0x000000FF) &&
405				(saveme->format->Gmask == 0x0000FF00) &&
406				(saveme->format->Bmask == 0x00FF0000)
408			  ) {
409			surface = saveme;
410		} else {
411			SDL_Rect bounds;
413			/* Convert to 24 bits per pixel */
414			surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
415					saveme->w, saveme->h, 24,
417					0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF,
419					0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000,
421					0);
422			if ( surface != NULL ) {
423				bounds.x = 0;
424				bounds.y = 0;
425				bounds.w = saveme->w;
426				bounds.h = saveme->h;
427				if ( SDL_LowerBlit(saveme, &bounds, surface,
428							&bounds) < 0 ) {
429					SDL_FreeSurface(surface);
430					SDL_SetError(
431					"Couldn't convert image to 24 bpp");
432					surface = NULL;
433				}
434			}
435		}
436	}
438	if ( surface && (SDL_LockSurface(surface) == 0) ) {
439		const int bw = surface->w*surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
441		/* Set the BMP file header values */
442		bfSize = 0;		 /* We'll write this when we're done */
443		bfReserved1 = 0;
444		bfReserved2 = 0;
445		bfOffBits = 0;		/* We'll write this when we're done */
447		/* Write the BMP file header values */
448		fp_offset = SDL_RWtell(dst);
449		SDL_ClearError();
450		SDL_RWwrite(dst, magic, 2, 1);
451		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfSize);
452		SDL_WriteLE16(dst, bfReserved1);
453		SDL_WriteLE16(dst, bfReserved2);
454		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfOffBits);
456		/* Set the BMP info values */
457		biSize = 40;
458		biWidth = surface->w;
459		biHeight = surface->h;
460		biPlanes = 1;
461		biBitCount = surface->format->BitsPerPixel;
462		biCompression = BI_RGB;
463		biSizeImage = surface->h*surface->pitch;
464		biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
465		biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
466		if ( surface->format->palette ) {
467			biClrUsed = surface->format->palette->ncolors;
468		} else {
469			biClrUsed = 0;
470		}
471		biClrImportant = 0;
473		/* Write the BMP info values */
474		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biSize);
475		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biWidth);
476		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biHeight);
477		SDL_WriteLE16(dst, biPlanes);
478		SDL_WriteLE16(dst, biBitCount);
479		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biCompression);
480		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biSizeImage);
481		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biXPelsPerMeter);
482		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biYPelsPerMeter);
483		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biClrUsed);
484		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, biClrImportant);
486		/* Write the palette (in BGR color order) */
487		if ( surface->format->palette ) {
488			SDL_Color *colors;
489			int       ncolors;
491			colors = surface->format->palette->colors;
492			ncolors = surface->format->palette->ncolors;
493			for ( i=0; i<ncolors; ++i ) {
494				SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].b, 1, 1);
495				SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].g, 1, 1);
496				SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].r, 1, 1);
497				SDL_RWwrite(dst, &colors[i].unused, 1, 1);
498			}
499		}
501		/* Write the bitmap offset */
502		bfOffBits = SDL_RWtell(dst)-fp_offset;
503		if ( SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset+10, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {
504			SDL_Error(SDL_EFSEEK);
505		}
506		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfOffBits);
507		if ( SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset+bfOffBits, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {
508			SDL_Error(SDL_EFSEEK);
509		}
511		/* Write the bitmap image upside down */
512		bits = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels+(surface->h*surface->pitch);
513		pad  = ((bw%4) ? (4-(bw%4)) : 0);
514		while ( bits > (Uint8 *)surface->pixels ) {
515			bits -= surface->pitch;
516			if ( SDL_RWwrite(dst, bits, 1, bw) != bw) {
517				SDL_Error(SDL_EFWRITE);
518				break;
519			}
520			if ( pad ) {
521				const Uint8 padbyte = 0;
522				for ( i=0; i<pad; ++i ) {
523					SDL_RWwrite(dst, &padbyte, 1, 1);
524				}
525			}
526		}
528		/* Write the BMP file size */
529		bfSize = SDL_RWtell(dst)-fp_offset;
530		if ( SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset+2, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {
531			SDL_Error(SDL_EFSEEK);
532		}
533		SDL_WriteLE32(dst, bfSize);
534		if ( SDL_RWseek(dst, fp_offset+bfSize, RW_SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {
535			SDL_Error(SDL_EFSEEK);
536		}
538		/* Close it up.. */
539		SDL_UnlockSurface(surface);
540		if ( surface != saveme ) {
541			SDL_FreeSurface(surface);
542		}
543	}
545	if ( freedst && dst ) {
546		SDL_RWclose(dst);
547	}
548	return((SDL_strcmp(SDL_GetError(), "") == 0) ? 0 : -1);