revision b144271179aaf82cb1151e9dfd8e866747402594
4Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
6Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
7found in the LICENSE file.
9Repackage expected/actual GM results as needed by our HTML rebaseline viewer.
12# System-level imports
13import argparse
14import fnmatch
15import json
16import logging
17import os
18import re
19import sys
20import time
22# Imports from within Skia
23import fix_pythonpath  # must do this first
24from pyutils import url_utils
25import gm_json
26import imagediffdb
27import imagepair
28import imagepairset
29import results
32    results.KEY__EXPECTATIONS__BUGS,
36TRUNK_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
37DEFAULT_EXPECTATIONS_DIR = os.path.join(TRUNK_DIRECTORY, 'expectations', 'gm')
38DEFAULT_IGNORE_FAILURES_FILE = 'ignored-tests.txt'
40IMAGEPAIR_SET_DESCRIPTIONS = ('expected image', 'actual image')
43class ExpectationComparisons(results.BaseComparisons):
44  """Loads actual and expected GM results into an ImagePairSet.
46  Loads actual and expected results from all builders, except for those skipped
47  by _ignore_builder().
49  Once this object has been constructed, the results (in self._results[])
50  are immutable.  If you want to update the results based on updated JSON
51  file contents, you will need to create a new ExpectationComparisons object."""
53  def __init__(self, actuals_root=results.DEFAULT_ACTUALS_DIR,
54               expected_root=DEFAULT_EXPECTATIONS_DIR,
55               ignore_failures_file=DEFAULT_IGNORE_FAILURES_FILE,
56               generated_images_root=results.DEFAULT_GENERATED_IMAGES_ROOT,
57               diff_base_url=None, builder_regex_list=None):
58    """
59    Args:
60      actuals_root: root directory containing all actual-results.json files
61      expected_root: root directory containing all expected-results.json files
62      ignore_failures_file: if a file with this name is found within
63          expected_root, ignore failures for any tests listed in the file
64      generated_images_root: directory within which to create all pixel diffs;
65          if this directory does not yet exist, it will be created
66      diff_base_url: base URL within which the client should look for diff
67          images; if not specified, defaults to a "file:///" URL representation
68          of generated_images_root
69      builder_regex_list: List of regular expressions specifying which builders
70          we will process. If None, process all builders.
71    """
72    time_start = int(time.time())
73    if builder_regex_list != None:
74      self.set_match_builders_pattern_list(builder_regex_list)
75    self._image_diff_db = imagediffdb.ImageDiffDB(generated_images_root)
76    self._diff_base_url = (
77        diff_base_url or
78        url_utils.create_filepath_url(generated_images_root))
79    self._actuals_root = actuals_root
80    self._expected_root = expected_root
81    self._ignore_failures_on_these_tests = []
82    if ignore_failures_file:
83      self._ignore_failures_on_these_tests = (
84          ExpectationComparisons._read_noncomment_lines(
85              os.path.join(expected_root, ignore_failures_file)))
86    self._load_actual_and_expected()
87    self._timestamp = int(time.time())
88'Results complete; took %d seconds.' %
89                 (self._timestamp - time_start))
91  def edit_expectations(self, modifications):
92    """Edit the expectations stored within this object and write them back
93    to disk.
95    Note that this will NOT update the results stored in self._results[] ;
96    in order to see those updates, you must instantiate a new
97    ExpectationComparisons object based on the (now updated) files on disk.
99    Args:
100      modifications: a list of dictionaries, one for each expectation to update:
102         [
103           {
104             imagepair.KEY__IMAGEPAIRS__EXPECTATIONS: {
105               results.KEY__EXPECTATIONS__BUGS: [123, 456],
106               results.KEY__EXPECTATIONS__IGNOREFAILURE: false,
107               results.KEY__EXPECTATIONS__REVIEWED: true,
108             },
109             imagepair.KEY__IMAGEPAIRS__EXTRACOLUMNS: {
110               results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__BUILDER: 'Test-Mac10.6-MacMini4.1-GeForce320M-x86-Debug',
111               results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__CONFIG: '8888',
112               results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__TEST: 'bigmatrix',
113             },
114             results.KEY__IMAGEPAIRS__IMAGE_B_URL: 'bitmap-64bitMD5/bigmatrix/10894408024079689926.png',
115           },
116           ...
117         ]
119    """
120    expected_builder_dicts = self._read_builder_dicts_from_root(
121        self._expected_root)
122    for mod in modifications:
123      image_name = results.IMAGE_FILENAME_FORMATTER % (
124          mod[imagepair.KEY__IMAGEPAIRS__EXTRACOLUMNS]
125             [results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__TEST],
126          mod[imagepair.KEY__IMAGEPAIRS__EXTRACOLUMNS]
127             [results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__CONFIG])
128      _, hash_type, hash_digest = gm_json.SplitGmRelativeUrl(
129          mod[imagepair.KEY__IMAGEPAIRS__IMAGE_B_URL])
130      allowed_digests = [[hash_type, int(hash_digest)]]
131      new_expectations = {
132          gm_json.JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS_ALLOWEDDIGESTS: allowed_digests,
133      }
135        value = mod[imagepair.KEY__IMAGEPAIRS__EXPECTATIONS].get(field)
136        if value is not None:
137          new_expectations[field] = value
138      builder_dict = expected_builder_dicts[
139          mod[imagepair.KEY__IMAGEPAIRS__EXTRACOLUMNS]
140             [results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__BUILDER]]
141      builder_expectations = builder_dict.get(gm_json.JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS)
142      if not builder_expectations:
143        builder_expectations = {}
144        builder_dict[gm_json.JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS] = builder_expectations
145      builder_expectations[image_name] = new_expectations
146    ExpectationComparisons._write_dicts_to_root(
147        expected_builder_dicts, self._expected_root)
149  @staticmethod
150  def _write_dicts_to_root(meta_dict, root, pattern='*.json'):
151    """Write all per-builder dictionaries within meta_dict to files under
152    the root path.
154    Security note: this will only write to files that already exist within
155    the root path (as found by os.walk() within root), so we don't need to
156    worry about malformed content writing to disk outside of root.
157    However, the data written to those files is not double-checked, so it
158    could contain poisonous data.
160    Args:
161      meta_dict: a builder-keyed meta-dictionary containing all the JSON
162                 dictionaries we want to write out
163      root: path to root of directory tree within which to write files
164      pattern: which files to write within root (fnmatch-style pattern)
166    Raises:
167      IOError if root does not refer to an existing directory
168      KeyError if the set of per-builder dictionaries written out was
169               different than expected
170    """
171    if not os.path.isdir(root):
172      raise IOError('no directory found at path %s' % root)
173    actual_builders_written = []
174    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
175      for matching_filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
176        builder = os.path.basename(dirpath)
177        per_builder_dict = meta_dict.get(builder)
178        if per_builder_dict is not None:
179          fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, matching_filename)
180          gm_json.WriteToFile(per_builder_dict, fullpath)
181          actual_builders_written.append(builder)
183    # Check: did we write out the set of per-builder dictionaries we
184    # expected to?
185    expected_builders_written = sorted(meta_dict.keys())
186    actual_builders_written.sort()
187    if expected_builders_written != actual_builders_written:
188      raise KeyError(
189          'expected to write dicts for builders %s, but actually wrote them '
190          'for builders %s' % (
191              expected_builders_written, actual_builders_written))
193  def _load_actual_and_expected(self):
194    """Loads the results of all tests, across all builders (based on the
195    files within self._actuals_root and self._expected_root),
196    and stores them in self._results.
197    """
198'Reading actual-results JSON files from %s...' %
199                 self._actuals_root)
200    actual_builder_dicts = self._read_builder_dicts_from_root(
201        self._actuals_root)
202'Reading expected-results JSON files from %s...' %
203                 self._expected_root)
204    expected_builder_dicts = self._read_builder_dicts_from_root(
205        self._expected_root)
207    all_image_pairs = imagepairset.ImagePairSet(
208        descriptions=IMAGEPAIR_SET_DESCRIPTIONS,
209        diff_base_url=self._diff_base_url)
210    failing_image_pairs = imagepairset.ImagePairSet(
211        descriptions=IMAGEPAIR_SET_DESCRIPTIONS,
212        diff_base_url=self._diff_base_url)
214    all_image_pairs.ensure_extra_column_values_in_summary(
215        column_id=results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__RESULT_TYPE, values=[
216            results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__FAILED,
217            results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__FAILUREIGNORED,
218            results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__NOCOMPARISON,
219            results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__SUCCEEDED,
220        ])
221    failing_image_pairs.ensure_extra_column_values_in_summary(
222        column_id=results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__RESULT_TYPE, values=[
223            results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__FAILED,
224            results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__FAILUREIGNORED,
225            results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__NOCOMPARISON,
226        ])
228    # Only consider builders we have both expected and actual results for.
229    # Fixes ('rebaseline_server shows actual results
230    # (but not expectations) for Test-Ubuntu12-ShuttleA-NoGPU-x86_64-Debug
231    # builder')
232    actual_builder_set = set(actual_builder_dicts.keys())
233    expected_builder_set = set(expected_builder_dicts.keys())
234    builders = sorted(actual_builder_set.intersection(expected_builder_set))
236    num_builders = len(builders)
237    builder_num = 0
238    for builder in builders:
239      builder_num += 1
240'Generating pixel diffs for builder #%d of %d, "%s"...' %
241                   (builder_num, num_builders, builder))
242      actual_results_for_this_builder = (
243          actual_builder_dicts[builder][gm_json.JSONKEY_ACTUALRESULTS])
244      for result_type in sorted(actual_results_for_this_builder.keys()):
245        results_of_this_type = actual_results_for_this_builder[result_type]
246        if not results_of_this_type:
247          continue
248        for image_name in sorted(results_of_this_type.keys()):
249          (test, config) = results.IMAGE_FILENAME_RE.match(image_name).groups()
250          actual_image_relative_url = (
251              ExpectationComparisons._create_relative_url(
252                  hashtype_and_digest=results_of_this_type[image_name],
253                  test_name=test))
255          # Default empty expectations; overwrite these if we find any real ones
256          expectations_per_test = None
257          expected_image_relative_url = None
258          expectations_dict = None
259          try:
260            expectations_per_test = (
261                expected_builder_dicts
262                [builder][gm_json.JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS][image_name])
263            # TODO(epoger): assumes a single allowed digest per test, which is
264            # fine; see
265            expected_image_hashtype_and_digest = (
266                expectations_per_test
268            expected_image_relative_url = (
269                ExpectationComparisons._create_relative_url(
270                    hashtype_and_digest=expected_image_hashtype_and_digest,
271                    test_name=test))
272            expectations_dict = {}
274              expectations_dict[field] = expectations_per_test.get(field)
275          except (KeyError, TypeError):
276            # There are several cases in which we would expect to find
277            # no expectations for a given test:
278            #
279            # 1. result_type == NOCOMPARISON
280            #   There are no expectations for this test yet!
281            #
282            # 2. alternate rendering mode failures (e.g. serialized)
283            #   In cases like
284            #
285            #   ('tileimagefilter GM test failing in serialized render mode'),
286            #   the gm-actuals will list a failure for the alternate
287            #   rendering mode even though we don't have explicit expectations
288            #   for the test (the implicit expectation is that it must
289            #   render the same in all rendering modes).
290            #
291            # Don't log type 1, because it is common.
292            # Log other types, because they are rare and we should know about
293            # them, but don't throw an exception, because we need to keep our
294            # tools working in the meanwhile!
295            if result_type != results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__NOCOMPARISON:
296              logging.warning('No expectations found for test: %s' % {
297                  results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__BUILDER: builder,
298                  results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__RESULT_TYPE: result_type,
299                  'image_name': image_name,
300                  })
302          # If this test was recently rebaselined, it will remain in
303          # the 'failed' set of actuals until all the bots have
304          # cycled (although the expectations have indeed been set
305          # from the most recent actuals).  Treat these as successes
306          # instead of failures.
307          #
308          # TODO(epoger): Do we need to do something similar in
309          # other cases, such as when we have recently marked a test
310          # as ignoreFailure but it still shows up in the 'failed'
311          # category?  Maybe we should not rely on the result_type
312          # categories recorded within the gm_actuals AT ALL, and
313          # instead evaluate the result_type ourselves based on what
314          # we see in expectations vs actual checksum?
315          if expected_image_relative_url == actual_image_relative_url:
316            updated_result_type = results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__SUCCEEDED
317          elif ((result_type == results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__FAILED) and
318                (test in self._ignore_failures_on_these_tests)):
319            updated_result_type = results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__FAILUREIGNORED
320          else:
321            updated_result_type = result_type
322          extra_columns_dict = {
323              results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__RESULT_TYPE: updated_result_type,
324              results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__BUILDER: builder,
325              results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__TEST: test,
326              results.KEY__EXTRACOLUMNS__CONFIG: config,
327          }
328          try:
329            image_pair = imagepair.ImagePair(
330                image_diff_db=self._image_diff_db,
331                base_url=gm_json.GM_ACTUALS_ROOT_HTTP_URL,
332                imageA_relative_url=expected_image_relative_url,
333                imageB_relative_url=actual_image_relative_url,
334                expectations=expectations_dict,
335                extra_columns=extra_columns_dict)
336            all_image_pairs.add_image_pair(image_pair)
337            if updated_result_type != results.KEY__RESULT_TYPE__SUCCEEDED:
338              failing_image_pairs.add_image_pair(image_pair)
339          except Exception:
340            logging.exception('got exception while creating new ImagePair')
342    self._results = {
343      results.KEY__HEADER__RESULTS_ALL: all_image_pairs.as_dict(),
344      results.KEY__HEADER__RESULTS_FAILURES: failing_image_pairs.as_dict(),
345    }
348def main():
349  logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
350                      datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
351                      level=logging.INFO)
352  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
353  parser.add_argument(
354      '--actuals', default=results.DEFAULT_ACTUALS_DIR,
355      help='Directory containing all actual-result JSON files; defaults to '
356      '\'%(default)s\' .')
357  parser.add_argument(
358      '--expectations', default=DEFAULT_EXPECTATIONS_DIR,
359      help='Directory containing all expected-result JSON files; defaults to '
360      '\'%(default)s\' .')
361  parser.add_argument(
362      '--ignore-failures-file', default=DEFAULT_IGNORE_FAILURES_FILE,
363      help='If a file with this name is found within the EXPECTATIONS dir, '
364      'ignore failures for any tests listed in the file; defaults to '
365      '\'%(default)s\' .')
366  parser.add_argument(
367      '--outfile', required=True,
368      help='File to write result summary into, in JSON format.')
369  parser.add_argument(
370      '--results', default=results.KEY__HEADER__RESULTS_FAILURES,
371      help='Which result types to include. Defaults to \'%(default)s\'; '
372      'must be one of ' +
373      str([results.KEY__HEADER__RESULTS_FAILURES,
374           results.KEY__HEADER__RESULTS_ALL]))
375  parser.add_argument(
376      '--workdir', default=results.DEFAULT_GENERATED_IMAGES_ROOT,
377      help='Directory within which to download images and generate diffs; '
378      'defaults to \'%(default)s\' .')
379  args = parser.parse_args()
380  results_obj = ExpectationComparisons(
381      actuals_root=args.actuals,
382      expected_root=args.expectations,
383      ignore_failures_file=args.ignore_failures_file,
384      generated_images_root=args.workdir)
385  gm_json.WriteToFile(
386      results_obj.get_packaged_results_of_type(results_type=args.results),
387      args.outfile)
390if __name__ == '__main__':
391  main()