view.html revision dcb4e65998913bfb2cc7e331ffacf0965bdee0ea
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3<html ng-app="Loader">
6  <title>Current GM Results</title>
7  <script src=""></script>
8  <script src="loader.js"></script>
12  <div ng-controller="Loader.Controller">
14  <!-- TODO(epoger): Add some indication of how old the
15  expected/actual data is -->
17  <em>
18    {{loadingMessage}}
19  </em>
21  <div ng-hide="!categories">
22    <div ng-hide="!(header.isEditable && header.isExported)"
23         style="background-color:#ffbb00">
24      WARNING!  These results are editable and exported, so any user
25      who can connect to this server over the network can modify them.
26    </div>
27  <table border="1">
28    <tr>
29      <th colspan="2">
30        Filters
31      </th>
32      <th>
33        Settings
34      </th>
35    </tr>
36    <tr valign="top">
37      <td>
38        resultType<br>
39        <label ng-repeat="(resultType, count) in categories['resultType']">
40          <input type="checkbox"
41                 name="resultTypes"
42                 value="{{resultType}}"
43                 ng-checked="!isHiddenResultType(resultType)"
44                 ng-click="toggleHiddenResultType(resultType)">
45          {{resultType}} ({{count}})<br>
46        </label>
47      </td>
48      <td>
49        config<br>
50        <label ng-repeat="(config, count) in categories['config']">
51          <input type="checkbox"
52                 name="configs"
53                 value="{{config}}"
54                 ng-checked="!isHiddenConfig(config)"
55                 ng-click="toggleHiddenConfig(config)">
56          {{config}} ({{count}})<br>
57        </label>
58      </td>
59      <td><table>
60        <tr><td>
61          Image size
62          <input type="text" ng-model="imageSizePending"
63                 ng-init="imageSizePending=100"
64                 ng-change="areUpdatesPending = true"
65                 maxlength="4"/>
66        </td></tr>
67        <tr><td>
68          Max records to display
69          <input type="text" ng-model="displayLimitPending"
70                 ng-init="displayLimitPending=50"
71                 ng-change="areUpdatesPending = true"
72                 maxlength="4"/>
73        </td></tr>
74        <tr><td>
75          <button style="font-size:30px"
76                  ng-click="updateResults()"
77                  ng-disabled="!areUpdatesPending">
78            Update Results
79          </button>
80        </td></tr>
81      </tr></table></td>
82    </tr>
83  </table>
85    <p>
86      TODO(epoger): Add ability to filter builder and test names
87      (using a free-form text field, with partial string match)
88      <br>
89      TODO(epoger): Add more columns, such as pixel diffs, notes/bugs,
90      ignoreFailure boolean
91      <br>
92      TODO(epoger): Improve the column sorting, as per
93      <a href="">
95      </a>
96      <br>
97      TODO(epoger): Right now, if you change which column is used to
98      sort the data, the column widths may fluctuate based on the
99      longest string <i>currently visible</i> within the top {{displayLimit}}
100      results.  Can we fix the column widths to be wide enough to hold
101      any result, even the currently hidden results?
102      <p>
103      Found {{filteredTestData.length}} matches, and displaying the first
104      {{displayLimit}}: <br>
105      <!-- TODO(epoger): If (displayLimit <= filteredTestData.length),
106           modify this message to indicate that all results are shown. -->
107      (click on the column header radio buttons to re-sort by that column)
108      <br>
109      <table border="1">
110        <tr>
111          <th ng-repeat="categoryName in ['resultType', 'builder', 'test', 'config']">
112            <input type="radio"
113                   name="sortColumnRadio"
114                   value="{{categoryName}}"
115                   ng-checked="(sortColumn == categoryName)"
116                   ng-click="sortResultsBy(categoryName)">
117            {{categoryName}}
118          </th>
119          <th>
120            <input type="radio"
121                   name="sortColumnRadio"
122                   value="expectedHashDigest"
123                   ng-checked="(sortColumn == 'expectedHashDigest')"
124                   ng-click="sortResultsBy('expectedHashDigest')">
125            expected image
126          </th>
127          <th>
128            <input type="radio"
129                   name="sortColumnRadio"
130                   value="actualHashDigest"
131                   ng-checked="(sortColumn == 'actualHashDigest')"
132                   ng-click="sortResultsBy('actualHashDigest')">
133            actual image
134          </th>
135          <th ng-hide="!header.isEditable">
136            <!-- item-selection checkbox column -->
137            {{selectedItems}}  <!-- TODO(epoger): temporary debug output -->
138          </th>
139        </tr>
140        <tr ng-repeat="result in limitedTestData">
141          <td>{{result.resultType}}</td>
142          <td>{{result.builder}}</td>
143          <td>{{result.test}}</td>
144          <td>{{result.config}}</td>
145          <td>
146            <a target="_blank" href="{{result.expectedHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}.png">
147              <img width="{{imageSize}}" src="{{result.expectedHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}.png"/>
148            </a>
149          </td>
150          <td>
151            <a target="_blank" href="{{result.actualHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png">
152              <img width="{{imageSize}}" src="{{result.actualHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png"/>
153            </a>
154          </td>
155          <td ng-hide="!header.isEditable">
156            <input type="checkbox"
157                   name="rowSelect"
158                   value="{{result.index}}"
159                   ng-checked="isItemSelected(result.index)"
160                   ng-click="toggleItemSelected(result.index)">
161        </tr>
162      </table>
163  </div>
164  </div>
166  <!-- TODO(epoger): Can we get the base URLs (commondatastorage and
167       issues list) from
169       ?  I tried importing the
170 script and using
171       that to do so, but I got Access-Control-Allow-Origin errors.
172    -->