view.html revision eb832599b631a09b180ea3615347adba6bd5e363
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3<html ng-app="Loader" ng-controller="Loader.Controller">
6  <title ng-bind="windowTitle"></title>
7  <script src=""></script>
8  <script src="loader.js"></script>
9  <link rel="stylesheet" href="view.css">
13  <em>
14    {{loadingMessage}}
15  </em>
17  <div ng-hide="!categories"><!-- everything: hide until data is loaded -->
19    <div ng-hide="!(header.isEditable && header.isExported)"
20         style="background-color:#ffbb00">
21      WARNING!  These results are editable and exported, so any user
22      who can connect to this server over the network can modify them.
23    </div>
25    <div style="background-color:#bbffbb"><!-- TODOs -->
26      <p>
27      TODO(epoger):
28      <input type="checkbox" name="showTodosCheckbox" value="true"
29             ng-checked="showTodos == true"
30             ng-click="showTodos = !showTodos">
31      show
32      <ul ng-hide="!showTodos">
33        <li>
34          If server was run with --reload flag, automatically check for
35          new results and tell the user when new results are available
36          (the user can reload the page if he wants to see them).
37        </li><li>
38          Add ability to filter builder and test names
39          (using a free-form text field, with partial string match)
40        </li><li>
41          Add more columns, such as pixel diffs, notes/bugs,
42          ignoreFailure boolean
43        </li><li>
44          Improve the column sorting, as per
45          <a href="">
47          </a>
48        </li><li>
49          Right now, if you change which column is used to
50          sort the data, the column widths may fluctuate based on the
51          longest string <i>currently visible</i> within the top {{displayLimit}}
52          results.  Can we fix the column widths to be wide enough to hold
53          any result, even the currently hidden results?
54        </li>
55      </ul>
56    </div><!-- TODOs -->
58    <div ng-hide="!(header.timeUpdated)">
59      Results current as of {{localTimeString(header.timeUpdated)}}
60    </div>
62    <div style="font-size:20px"><!-- tabs -->
63      <div ng-repeat="tab in tabs"
64           style="display:inline-block">
65        <div class="tab-{{tab == viewingTab}}"
66             style="display:inline-block"
67             ng-click="setViewingTab(tab)">
68          &nbsp;{{tab}} ({{numResultsPerTab[tab]}})&nbsp;
69        </div>
70        <div style="display:inline-block">
71          &nbsp;
72        </div>
73      </div>
74    </div><!-- tabs -->
76    <div class="tab-true"><!-- display of current tab -->
78    <br>
79    <table ng-hide="viewingTab != defaultTab" border="1">
80    <tr>
81      <th colspan="2">
82        Filters
83      </th>
84      <th>
85        Settings
86      </th>
87    </tr>
88    <tr valign="top">
89      <td>
90        resultType<br>
91        <label ng-repeat="(resultType, count) in categories['resultType']">
92          <input type="checkbox"
93                 name="resultTypes"
94                 value="{{resultType}}"
95                 ng-checked="!isHiddenResultType(resultType)"
96                 ng-click="toggleHiddenResultType(resultType)">
97          {{resultType}} ({{count}})<br>
98        </label>
99      </td>
100      <td>
101        config<br>
102        <label ng-repeat="(config, count) in categories['config']">
103          <input type="checkbox"
104                 name="configs"
105                 value="{{config}}"
106                 ng-checked="!isHiddenConfig(config)"
107                 ng-click="toggleHiddenConfig(config)">
108          {{config}} ({{count}})<br>
109        </label>
110      </td>
111      <td><table>
112        <tr><td>
113          Image size
114          <input type="text" ng-model="imageSizePending"
115                 ng-init="imageSizePending=100"
116                 ng-change="areUpdatesPending = true"
117                 maxlength="4"/>
118        </td></tr>
119        <tr><td>
120          Max records to display
121          <input type="text" ng-model="displayLimitPending"
122                 ng-init="displayLimitPending=50"
123                 ng-change="areUpdatesPending = true"
124                 maxlength="4"/>
125        </td></tr>
126        <tr><td>
127          <button style="font-size:30px"
128                  ng-click="updateResults()"
129                  ng-disabled="!areUpdatesPending">
130            Update Results
131          </button>
132        </td></tr>
133      </tr></table></td>
134    </tr>
135  </table>
137      <p>
139      <div ng-hide="'Pending Approval' != viewingTab">
140        <div style="display:inline-block">
141          <button style="font-size:20px"
142                  ng-click="submitApprovals(filteredTestData)"
143                  ng-disabled="submitPending || (filteredTestData.length == 0)">
144            Update these {{filteredTestData.length}} expectations on the server
145          </button>
146        </div>
147        <div style="display:inline-block">
148          <div style="font-size:20px"
149               ng-hide="!submitPending">
150            Submitting, please wait...
151          </div>
152        </div>
153      </div>
155      <p>
157      <div>
158        <div style="float:left">
159          Found {{filteredTestData.length}} matches;
160          <span ng-hide="filteredTestData.length <= limitedTestData.length">
161            displaying the first {{limitedTestData.length}}
162          </span>
163          <span ng-hide="filteredTestData.length > limitedTestData.length">
164            displaying them all
165          </span>
166          <br>
167          (click on the column header radio buttons to re-sort by that column)
168        </div>
169        <div style="float:right">
170          <div ng-repeat="otherTab in tabs">
171            <button ng-click="moveSelectedItemsToTab(otherTab)"
172                    ng-disabled="selectedItems.length == 0"
173                    ng-hide="otherTab == viewingTab">
174              {{selectedItems.length}} move selected tests to {{otherTab}} tab
175            </button>
176          </div>
177        </div>
178        <div style="clear:both">
179        </div>
180      </div>
181      <br>
183      <table border="1">
184        <tr>
185          <th ng-repeat="categoryName in ['resultType', 'builder', 'test', 'config']">
186            <input type="radio"
187                   name="sortColumnRadio"
188                   value="{{categoryName}}"
189                   ng-checked="(sortColumn == categoryName)"
190                   ng-click="sortResultsBy(categoryName)">
191            {{categoryName}}
192          </th>
193          <th>
194            <input type="radio"
195                   name="sortColumnRadio"
196                   value="expectedHashDigest"
197                   ng-checked="(sortColumn == 'expectedHashDigest')"
198                   ng-click="sortResultsBy('expectedHashDigest')">
199            expected image
200          </th>
201          <th>
202            <input type="radio"
203                   name="sortColumnRadio"
204                   value="actualHashDigest"
205                   ng-checked="(sortColumn == 'actualHashDigest')"
206                   ng-click="sortResultsBy('actualHashDigest')">
207            actual image
208          </th>
209          <th>
210            <!-- item-selection checkbox column -->
211          </th>
212        </tr>
213        <tr ng-repeat="result in limitedTestData">
214          <td>{{result.resultType}}</td>
215          <td>{{result.builder}}</td>
216          <td>{{result.test}}</td>
217          <td>{{result.config}}</td>
218          <td>
219            <a target="_blank" href="{{result.expectedHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}.png">
220              <img width="{{imageSize}}" src="{{result.expectedHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}.png"/>
221            </a>
222          </td>
223          <td>
224            <a target="_blank" href="{{result.actualHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png">
225              <img width="{{imageSize}}" src="{{result.actualHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png"/>
226            </a>
227          </td>
228          <td>
229            <input type="checkbox"
230                   name="rowSelect"
231                   value="{{result.index}}"
232                   ng-checked="isItemSelected(result.index)"
233                   ng-click="toggleItemSelected(result.index)">
234        </tr>
235      </table>
236  </div><!-- display of current tab -->
237  </div><!-- everything: hide until data is loaded -->
239  <!-- TODO(epoger): Can we get the base URLs (commondatastorage and
240       issues list) from
242       ?  I tried importing the
243 script and using
244       that to do so, but I got Access-Control-Allow-Origin errors.
245    -->