SkCanvas.h revision e254310a55d55a710309714c48f7fbbe7a6126f7
3 * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
4 *
5 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6 * found in the LICENSE file.
7 */
10#ifndef SkCanvas_DEFINED
11#define SkCanvas_DEFINED
13#include "SkTypes.h"
14#include "SkBitmap.h"
15#include "SkDeque.h"
16#include "SkClipStack.h"
17#include "SkPaint.h"
18#include "SkRefCnt.h"
19#include "SkPath.h"
20#include "SkRegion.h"
21#include "SkXfermode.h"
23class SkBounder;
24class SkBaseDevice;
25class SkDraw;
26class SkDrawFilter;
27class SkMetaData;
28class SkPicture;
29class SkRRect;
30class SkSurface_Base;
31class GrContext;
33/** \class SkCanvas
35    A Canvas encapsulates all of the state about drawing into a device (bitmap).
36    This includes a reference to the device itself, and a stack of matrix/clip
37    values. For any given draw call (e.g. drawRect), the geometry of the object
38    being drawn is transformed by the concatenation of all the matrices in the
39    stack. The transformed geometry is clipped by the intersection of all of
40    the clips in the stack.
42    While the Canvas holds the state of the drawing device, the state (style)
43    of the object being drawn is held by the Paint, which is provided as a
44    parameter to each of the draw() methods. The Paint holds attributes such as
45    color, typeface, textSize, strokeWidth, shader (e.g. gradients, patterns),
46    etc.
48class SK_API SkCanvas : public SkRefCnt {
52    /**
53     *  Creates an empty canvas with no backing device/pixels, and zero
54     *  dimensions.
55     */
56    SkCanvas();
58    /**
59     *  Creates a canvas of the specified dimensions, but explicitly not backed
60     *  by any device/pixels. Typically this use used by subclasses who handle
61     *  the draw calls in some other way.
62     */
63    SkCanvas(int width, int height);
65    /** Construct a canvas with the specified device to draw into.
67        @param device   Specifies a device for the canvas to draw into.
68    */
69    explicit SkCanvas(SkBaseDevice* device);
71    /** Construct a canvas with the specified bitmap to draw into.
72        @param bitmap   Specifies a bitmap for the canvas to draw into. Its
73                        structure are copied to the canvas.
74    */
75    explicit SkCanvas(const SkBitmap& bitmap);
76    virtual ~SkCanvas();
78    SkMetaData& getMetaData();
80    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
82    /**
83     *  Trigger the immediate execution of all pending draw operations.
84     */
85    void flush();
87    /**
88     *  Return the width/height of the underlying device. The current drawable
89     *  area may be small (due to clipping or saveLayer). For a canvas with
90     *  no device, 0,0 will be returned.
91     */
92    SkISize getDeviceSize() const;
94    /** Return the canvas' device object, which may be null. The device holds
95        the bitmap of the pixels that the canvas draws into. The reference count
96        of the returned device is not changed by this call.
97    */
98    SkBaseDevice* getDevice() const;
100    /**
101     *  saveLayer() can create another device (which is later drawn onto
102     *  the previous device). getTopDevice() returns the top-most device current
103     *  installed. Note that this can change on other calls like save/restore,
104     *  so do not access this device after subsequent canvas calls.
105     *  The reference count of the device is not changed.
106     *
107     * @param updateMatrixClip If this is true, then before the device is
108     *        returned, we ensure that its has been notified about the current
109     *        matrix and clip. Note: this happens automatically when the device
110     *        is drawn to, but is optional here, as there is a small perf hit
111     *        sometimes.
112     */
113    SkBaseDevice* getTopDevice(bool updateMatrixClip = false) const;
115    /**
116     *  Shortcut for getDevice()->createCompatibleDevice(...).
117     *  If getDevice() == NULL, this method does nothing, and returns NULL.
118     */
119    SkBaseDevice* createCompatibleDevice(SkBitmap::Config config,
120                                         int width, int height,
121                                         bool isOpaque);
123    /**
124     * Return the GPU context of the device that is associated with the canvas.
125     * For a canvas with non-GPU device, NULL is returned.
126     */
127    GrContext* getGrContext();
129    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
131    /**
132     * This enum can be used with read/writePixels to perform a pixel ops to or
133     * from an 8888 config other than Skia's native config (SkPMColor). There
134     * are three byte orders supported: native, BGRA, and RGBA. Each has a
135     * premultiplied and unpremultiplied variant.
136     *
137     * Components of a 8888 pixel can be packed/unpacked from a 32bit word using
138     * either byte offsets or shift values. Byte offsets are endian-invariant
139     * while shifts are not. BGRA and RGBA configs are defined by byte
140     * orderings. The native config is defined by shift values (SK_A32_SHIFT,
141     * ..., SK_B32_SHIFT).
142     */
143    enum Config8888 {
144        /**
145         * Skia's native order specified by:
146         *      SK_A32_SHIFT, SK_R32_SHIFT, SK_G32_SHIFT, and SK_B32_SHIFT
147         *
148         * kNative_Premul_Config8888 is equivalent to SkPMColor
149         * kNative_Unpremul_Config8888 has the same component order as SkPMColor
150         * but is not premultiplied.
151         */
152        kNative_Premul_Config8888,
153        kNative_Unpremul_Config8888,
154        /**
155         * low byte to high byte: B, G, R, A.
156         */
157        kBGRA_Premul_Config8888,
158        kBGRA_Unpremul_Config8888,
159        /**
160         * low byte to high byte: R, G, B, A.
161         */
162        kRGBA_Premul_Config8888,
163        kRGBA_Unpremul_Config8888
164    };
166    /**
167     *  On success (returns true), copy the canvas pixels into the bitmap.
168     *  On failure, the bitmap parameter is left unchanged and false is
169     *  returned.
170     *
171     *  The canvas' pixels are converted to the bitmap's config. The only
172     *  supported config is kARGB_8888_Config, though this is likely to be
173     *  relaxed in  the future. The meaning of config kARGB_8888_Config is
174     *  modified by the enum param config8888. The default value interprets
175     *  kARGB_8888_Config as SkPMColor
176     *
177     *  If the bitmap has pixels already allocated, the canvas pixels will be
178     *  written there. If not, bitmap->allocPixels() will be called
179     *  automatically. If the bitmap is backed by a texture readPixels will
180     *  fail.
181     *
182     *  The actual pixels written is the intersection of the canvas' bounds, and
183     *  the rectangle formed by the bitmap's width,height and the specified x,y.
184     *  If bitmap pixels extend outside of that intersection, they will not be
185     *  modified.
186     *
187     *  Other failure conditions:
188     *    * If the canvas is backed by a non-raster device (e.g. PDF) then
189     *       readPixels will fail.
190     *    * If bitmap is texture-backed then readPixels will fail. (This may be
191     *       relaxed in the future.)
192     *
193     *  Example that reads the entire canvas into a bitmap using the native
194     *  SkPMColor:
195     *    SkISize size = canvas->getDeviceSize();
196     *    bitmap->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, size.fWidth,
197     *                                                   size.fHeight);
198     *    if (canvas->readPixels(bitmap, 0, 0)) {
199     *       // use the pixels
200     *    }
201     */
202    bool readPixels(SkBitmap* bitmap,
203                    int x, int y,
204                    Config8888 config8888 = kNative_Premul_Config8888);
206    /**
207     * DEPRECATED: This will be removed as soon as webkit is no longer relying
208     * on it. The bitmap is resized to the intersection of srcRect and the
209     * canvas bounds. New pixels are always allocated on success. Bitmap is
210     * unmodified on failure.
211     */
212    bool readPixels(const SkIRect& srcRect, SkBitmap* bitmap);
214    /**
215     *  Similar to draw sprite, this method will copy the pixels in bitmap onto
216     *  the canvas, with the top/left corner specified by (x, y). The canvas'
217     *  pixel values are completely replaced: there is no blending.
218     *
219     *  Currently if bitmap is backed by a texture this is a no-op. This may be
220     *  relaxed in the future.
221     *
222     *  If the bitmap has config kARGB_8888_Config then the config8888 param
223     *  will determines how the pixel valuess are intepreted. If the bitmap is
224     *  not kARGB_8888_Config then this parameter is ignored.
225     *
226     *  Note: If you are recording drawing commands on this canvas to
227     *  SkPicture, writePixels() is ignored!
228     */
229    void writePixels(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
230                     int x, int y,
231                     Config8888 config8888 = kNative_Premul_Config8888);
233    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
235    enum SaveFlags {
236        /** save the matrix state, restoring it on restore() */
237        kMatrix_SaveFlag            = 0x01,
238        /** save the clip state, restoring it on restore() */
239        kClip_SaveFlag              = 0x02,
240        /** the layer needs to support per-pixel alpha */
241        kHasAlphaLayer_SaveFlag     = 0x04,
242        /** the layer needs to support 8-bits per color component */
243        kFullColorLayer_SaveFlag    = 0x08,
244        /** the layer should clip against the bounds argument */
245        kClipToLayer_SaveFlag       = 0x10,
247        // helper masks for common choices
248        kMatrixClip_SaveFlag        = 0x03,
249        kARGB_NoClipLayer_SaveFlag  = 0x0F,
250        kARGB_ClipLayer_SaveFlag    = 0x1F
251    };
253    /** This call saves the current matrix, clip, and drawFilter, and pushes a
254        copy onto a private stack. Subsequent calls to translate, scale,
255        rotate, skew, concat or clipRect, clipPath, and setDrawFilter all
256        operate on this copy.
257        When the balancing call to restore() is made, the previous matrix, clip,
258        and drawFilter are restored.
259        @param flags The flags govern what portion of the Matrix/Clip/drawFilter
260                     state the save (and matching restore) effect. For example,
261                     if only kMatrix is specified, then only the matrix state
262                     will be pushed and popped. Likewise for the clip if kClip
263                     is specified.  However, the drawFilter is always affected
264                     by calls to save/restore.
265        @return The value to pass to restoreToCount() to balance this save()
266    */
267    virtual int save(SaveFlags flags = kMatrixClip_SaveFlag);
269    /** This behaves the same as save(), but in addition it allocates an
270        offscreen bitmap. All drawing calls are directed there, and only when
271        the balancing call to restore() is made is that offscreen transfered to
272        the canvas (or the previous layer).
273        @param bounds (may be null) This rect, if non-null, is used as a hint to
274                      limit the size of the offscreen, and thus drawing may be
275                      clipped to it, though that clipping is not guaranteed to
276                      happen. If exact clipping is desired, use clipRect().
277        @param paint (may be null) This is copied, and is applied to the
278                     offscreen when restore() is called
279        @param flags  LayerFlags
280        @return The value to pass to restoreToCount() to balance this save()
281    */
282    virtual int saveLayer(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint,
283                          SaveFlags flags = kARGB_ClipLayer_SaveFlag);
285    /** This behaves the same as save(), but in addition it allocates an
286        offscreen bitmap. All drawing calls are directed there, and only when
287        the balancing call to restore() is made is that offscreen transfered to
288        the canvas (or the previous layer).
289        @param bounds (may be null) This rect, if non-null, is used as a hint to
290                      limit the size of the offscreen, and thus drawing may be
291                      clipped to it, though that clipping is not guaranteed to
292                      happen. If exact clipping is desired, use clipRect().
293        @param alpha  This is applied to the offscreen when restore() is called.
294        @param flags  LayerFlags
295        @return The value to pass to restoreToCount() to balance this save()
296    */
297    int saveLayerAlpha(const SkRect* bounds, U8CPU alpha,
298                       SaveFlags flags = kARGB_ClipLayer_SaveFlag);
300    /** This call balances a previous call to save(), and is used to remove all
301        modifications to the matrix/clip/drawFilter state since the last save
302        call.
303        It is an error to call restore() more times than save() was called.
304    */
305    virtual void restore();
307    /** Returns the number of matrix/clip states on the SkCanvas' private stack.
308        This will equal # save() calls - # restore() calls.
309    */
310    int getSaveCount() const;
312    /** Efficient way to pop any calls to save() that happened after the save
313        count reached saveCount. It is an error for saveCount to be less than
314        getSaveCount()
315        @param saveCount    The number of save() levels to restore from
316    */
317    void restoreToCount(int saveCount);
319    /** Returns true if drawing is currently going to a layer (from saveLayer)
320     *  rather than to the root device.
321     */
322    virtual bool isDrawingToLayer() const;
324    /** Preconcat the current matrix with the specified translation
325        @param dx   The distance to translate in X
326        @param dy   The distance to translate in Y
327        returns true if the operation succeeded (e.g. did not overflow)
328    */
329    virtual bool translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy);
331    /** Preconcat the current matrix with the specified scale.
332        @param sx   The amount to scale in X
333        @param sy   The amount to scale in Y
334        returns true if the operation succeeded (e.g. did not overflow)
335    */
336    virtual bool scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy);
338    /** Preconcat the current matrix with the specified rotation.
339        @param degrees  The amount to rotate, in degrees
340        returns true if the operation succeeded (e.g. did not overflow)
341    */
342    virtual bool rotate(SkScalar degrees);
344    /** Preconcat the current matrix with the specified skew.
345        @param sx   The amount to skew in X
346        @param sy   The amount to skew in Y
347        returns true if the operation succeeded (e.g. did not overflow)
348    */
349    virtual bool skew(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy);
351    /** Preconcat the current matrix with the specified matrix.
352        @param matrix   The matrix to preconcatenate with the current matrix
353        @return true if the operation succeeded (e.g. did not overflow)
354    */
355    virtual bool concat(const SkMatrix& matrix);
357    /** Replace the current matrix with a copy of the specified matrix.
358        @param matrix The matrix that will be copied into the current matrix.
359    */
360    virtual void setMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix);
362    /** Helper for setMatrix(identity). Sets the current matrix to identity.
363    */
364    void resetMatrix();
366    /**
367     *  Modify the current clip with the specified rectangle.
368     *  @param rect The rect to combine with the current clip
369     *  @param op The region op to apply to the current clip
370     *  @param doAntiAlias true if the clip should be antialiased
371     *  @return true if the canvas' clip is non-empty
372     */
373    virtual bool clipRect(const SkRect& rect,
374                          SkRegion::Op op = SkRegion::kIntersect_Op,
375                          bool doAntiAlias = false);
377    /**
378     *  Modify the current clip with the specified SkRRect.
379     *  @param rrect The rrect to combine with the current clip
380     *  @param op The region op to apply to the current clip
381     *  @param doAntiAlias true if the clip should be antialiased
382     *  @return true if the canvas' clip is non-empty
383     */
384    virtual bool clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect,
385                           SkRegion::Op op = SkRegion::kIntersect_Op,
386                           bool doAntiAlias = false);
388    /**
389     *  Modify the current clip with the specified path.
390     *  @param path The path to combine with the current clip
391     *  @param op The region op to apply to the current clip
392     *  @param doAntiAlias true if the clip should be antialiased
393     *  @return true if the canvas' new clip is non-empty
394     */
395    virtual bool clipPath(const SkPath& path,
396                          SkRegion::Op op = SkRegion::kIntersect_Op,
397                          bool doAntiAlias = false);
399    /** EXPERIMENTAL -- only used for testing
400        Set to false to force clips to be hard, even if doAntiAlias=true is
401        passed to clipRect or clipPath.
402     */
403    void setAllowSoftClip(bool allow) {
404        fAllowSoftClip = allow;
405    }
407    /** EXPERIMENTAL -- only used for testing
408        Set to simplify clip stack using path ops.
409     */
410    void setAllowSimplifyClip(bool allow) {
411        fAllowSimplifyClip = allow;
412    }
414    /** Modify the current clip with the specified region. Note that unlike
415        clipRect() and clipPath() which transform their arguments by the current
416        matrix, clipRegion() assumes its argument is already in device
417        coordinates, and so no transformation is performed.
418        @param deviceRgn    The region to apply to the current clip
419        @param op The region op to apply to the current clip
420        @return true if the canvas' new clip is non-empty
421    */
422    virtual bool clipRegion(const SkRegion& deviceRgn,
423                            SkRegion::Op op = SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);
425    /** Helper for clipRegion(rgn, kReplace_Op). Sets the current clip to the
426        specified region. This does not intersect or in any other way account
427        for the existing clip region.
428        @param deviceRgn The region to copy into the current clip.
429        @return true if the new clip region is non-empty
430    */
431    bool setClipRegion(const SkRegion& deviceRgn) {
432        return this->clipRegion(deviceRgn, SkRegion::kReplace_Op);
433    }
435    /** Return true if the specified rectangle, after being transformed by the
436        current matrix, would lie completely outside of the current clip. Call
437        this to check if an area you intend to draw into is clipped out (and
438        therefore you can skip making the draw calls).
439        @param rect the rect to compare with the current clip
440        @return true if the rect (transformed by the canvas' matrix) does not
441                     intersect with the canvas' clip
442    */
443    bool quickReject(const SkRect& rect) const;
445    /** Return true if the specified path, after being transformed by the
446        current matrix, would lie completely outside of the current clip. Call
447        this to check if an area you intend to draw into is clipped out (and
448        therefore you can skip making the draw calls). Note, for speed it may
449        return false even if the path itself might not intersect the clip
450        (i.e. the bounds of the path intersects, but the path does not).
451        @param path The path to compare with the current clip
452        @return true if the path (transformed by the canvas' matrix) does not
453                     intersect with the canvas' clip
454    */
455    bool quickReject(const SkPath& path) const;
457    /** Return true if the horizontal band specified by top and bottom is
458        completely clipped out. This is a conservative calculation, meaning
459        that it is possible that if the method returns false, the band may still
460        in fact be clipped out, but the converse is not true. If this method
461        returns true, then the band is guaranteed to be clipped out.
462        @param top  The top of the horizontal band to compare with the clip
463        @param bottom The bottom of the horizontal and to compare with the clip
464        @return true if the horizontal band is completely clipped out (i.e. does
465                     not intersect the current clip)
466    */
467    bool quickRejectY(SkScalar top, SkScalar bottom) const {
468        SkASSERT(top <= bottom);
469        const SkRect& clipR = this->getLocalClipBounds();
470        // In the case where the clip is empty and we are provided with a
471        // negative top and positive bottom parameter then this test will return
472        // false even though it will be clipped. We have chosen to exclude that
473        // check as it is rare and would result double the comparisons.
474        return top >= clipR.fBottom || bottom <= clipR.fTop;
475    }
477    /** Return the bounds of the current clip (in local coordinates) in the
478        bounds parameter, and return true if it is non-empty. This can be useful
479        in a way similar to quickReject, in that it tells you that drawing
480        outside of these bounds will be clipped out.
481    */
482    bool getClipBounds(SkRect* bounds) const;
484    /** Return the bounds of the current clip, in device coordinates; returns
485        true if non-empty. Maybe faster than getting the clip explicitly and
486        then taking its bounds.
487    */
488    bool getClipDeviceBounds(SkIRect* bounds) const;
491    /** Fill the entire canvas' bitmap (restricted to the current clip) with the
492        specified ARGB color, using the specified mode.
493        @param a    the alpha component (0..255) of the color to fill the canvas
494        @param r    the red component (0..255) of the color to fill the canvas
495        @param g    the green component (0..255) of the color to fill the canvas
496        @param b    the blue component (0..255) of the color to fill the canvas
497        @param mode the mode to apply the color in (defaults to SrcOver)
498    */
499    void drawARGB(U8CPU a, U8CPU r, U8CPU g, U8CPU b,
500                  SkXfermode::Mode mode = SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode);
502    /** Fill the entire canvas' bitmap (restricted to the current clip) with the
503        specified color and mode.
504        @param color    the color to draw with
505        @param mode the mode to apply the color in (defaults to SrcOver)
506    */
507    void drawColor(SkColor color,
508                   SkXfermode::Mode mode = SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode);
510    /**
511     *  This erases the entire drawing surface to the specified color,
512     *  irrespective of the clip. It does not blend with the previous pixels,
513     *  but always overwrites them.
514     *
515     *  It is roughly equivalent to the following:
516     *;
517     *      canvas.clipRect(hugeRect, kReplace_Op);
518     *      paint.setColor(color);
519     *      paint.setXfermodeMode(kSrc_Mode);
520     *      canvas.drawPaint(paint);
521     *      canvas.restore();
522     *  though it is almost always much more efficient.
523     */
524    virtual void clear(SkColor);
526    /**
527     *  Fill the entire canvas' bitmap (restricted to the current clip) with the
528     *  specified paint.
529     *  @param paint    The paint used to fill the canvas
530     */
531    virtual void drawPaint(const SkPaint& paint);
533    enum PointMode {
534        /** drawPoints draws each point separately */
535        kPoints_PointMode,
536        /** drawPoints draws each pair of points as a line segment */
537        kLines_PointMode,
538        /** drawPoints draws the array of points as a polygon */
539        kPolygon_PointMode
540    };
542    /** Draw a series of points, interpreted based on the PointMode mode. For
543        all modes, the count parameter is interpreted as the total number of
544        points. For kLine mode, count/2 line segments are drawn.
545        For kPoint mode, each point is drawn centered at its coordinate, and its
546        size is specified by the paint's stroke-width. It draws as a square,
547        unless the paint's cap-type is round, in which the points are drawn as
548        circles.
549        For kLine mode, each pair of points is drawn as a line segment,
550        respecting the paint's settings for cap/join/width.
551        For kPolygon mode, the entire array is drawn as a series of connected
552        line segments.
553        Note that, while similar, kLine and kPolygon modes draw slightly
554        differently than the equivalent path built with a series of moveto,
555        lineto calls, in that the path will draw all of its contours at once,
556        with no interactions if contours intersect each other (think XOR
557        xfermode). drawPoints always draws each element one at a time.
558        @param mode     PointMode specifying how to draw the array of points.
559        @param count    The number of points in the array
560        @param pts      Array of points to draw
561        @param paint    The paint used to draw the points
562    */
563    virtual void drawPoints(PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint pts[],
564                            const SkPaint& paint);
566    /** Helper method for drawing a single point. See drawPoints() for a more
567        details.
568    */
569    void drawPoint(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint);
571    /** Draws a single pixel in the specified color.
572        @param x        The X coordinate of which pixel to draw
573        @param y        The Y coordiante of which pixel to draw
574        @param color    The color to draw
575    */
576    void drawPoint(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkColor color);
578    /** Draw a line segment with the specified start and stop x,y coordinates,
579        using the specified paint. NOTE: since a line is always "framed", the
580        paint's Style is ignored.
581        @param x0    The x-coordinate of the start point of the line
582        @param y0    The y-coordinate of the start point of the line
583        @param x1    The x-coordinate of the end point of the line
584        @param y1    The y-coordinate of the end point of the line
585        @param paint The paint used to draw the line
586    */
587    void drawLine(SkScalar x0, SkScalar y0, SkScalar x1, SkScalar y1,
588                  const SkPaint& paint);
590    /** Draw the specified rectangle using the specified paint. The rectangle
591        will be filled or stroked based on the Style in the paint.
592        @param rect     The rect to be drawn
593        @param paint    The paint used to draw the rect
594    */
595    virtual void drawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint);
597    /** Draw the specified rectangle using the specified paint. The rectangle
598        will be filled or framed based on the Style in the paint.
599        @param rect     The rect to be drawn
600        @param paint    The paint used to draw the rect
601    */
602    void drawIRect(const SkIRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint)
603    {
604        SkRect r;
605        r.set(rect);    // promotes the ints to scalars
606        this->drawRect(r, paint);
607    }
609    /** Draw the specified rectangle using the specified paint. The rectangle
610        will be filled or framed based on the Style in the paint.
611        @param left     The left side of the rectangle to be drawn
612        @param top      The top side of the rectangle to be drawn
613        @param right    The right side of the rectangle to be drawn
614        @param bottom   The bottom side of the rectangle to be drawn
615        @param paint    The paint used to draw the rect
616    */
617    void drawRectCoords(SkScalar left, SkScalar top, SkScalar right,
618                        SkScalar bottom, const SkPaint& paint);
620    /** Draw the specified oval using the specified paint. The oval will be
621        filled or framed based on the Style in the paint.
622        @param oval     The rectangle bounds of the oval to be drawn
623        @param paint    The paint used to draw the oval
624    */
625    virtual void drawOval(const SkRect& oval, const SkPaint&);
627    /**
628     *  Draw the specified RRect using the specified paint The rrect will be filled or stroked
629     *  based on the Style in the paint.
630     *
631     *  @param rrect    The round-rect to draw
632     *  @param paint    The paint used to draw the round-rect
633     */
634    virtual void drawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, const SkPaint& paint);
636    /** Draw the specified circle using the specified paint. If radius is <= 0,
637        then nothing will be drawn. The circle will be filled
638        or framed based on the Style in the paint.
639        @param cx       The x-coordinate of the center of the cirle to be drawn
640        @param cy       The y-coordinate of the center of the cirle to be drawn
641        @param radius   The radius of the cirle to be drawn
642        @param paint    The paint used to draw the circle
643    */
644    void drawCircle(SkScalar cx, SkScalar cy, SkScalar radius,
645                    const SkPaint& paint);
647    /** Draw the specified arc, which will be scaled to fit inside the
648        specified oval. If the sweep angle is >= 360, then the oval is drawn
649        completely. Note that this differs slightly from SkPath::arcTo, which
650        treats the sweep angle mod 360.
651        @param oval The bounds of oval used to define the shape of the arc
652        @param startAngle Starting angle (in degrees) where the arc begins
653        @param sweepAngle Sweep angle (in degrees) measured clockwise
654        @param useCenter true means include the center of the oval. For filling
655                         this will draw a wedge. False means just use the arc.
656        @param paint    The paint used to draw the arc
657    */
658    void drawArc(const SkRect& oval, SkScalar startAngle, SkScalar sweepAngle,
659                 bool useCenter, const SkPaint& paint);
661    /** Draw the specified round-rect using the specified paint. The round-rect
662        will be filled or framed based on the Style in the paint.
663        @param rect     The rectangular bounds of the roundRect to be drawn
664        @param rx       The x-radius of the oval used to round the corners
665        @param ry       The y-radius of the oval used to round the corners
666        @param paint    The paint used to draw the roundRect
667    */
668    void drawRoundRect(const SkRect& rect, SkScalar rx, SkScalar ry,
669                       const SkPaint& paint);
671    /** Draw the specified path using the specified paint. The path will be
672        filled or framed based on the Style in the paint.
673        @param path     The path to be drawn
674        @param paint    The paint used to draw the path
675    */
676    virtual void drawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint);
678    /** Draw the specified bitmap, with its top/left corner at (x,y), using the
679        specified paint, transformed by the current matrix. Note: if the paint
680        contains a maskfilter that generates a mask which extends beyond the
681        bitmap's original width/height, then the bitmap will be drawn as if it
682        were in a Shader with CLAMP mode. Thus the color outside of the original
683        width/height will be the edge color replicated.
685        If a shader is present on the paint it will be ignored, except in the
686        case where the bitmap is kA8_Config. In that case, the color is
687        generated by the shader.
689        @param bitmap   The bitmap to be drawn
690        @param left     The position of the left side of the bitmap being drawn
691        @param top      The position of the top side of the bitmap being drawn
692        @param paint    The paint used to draw the bitmap, or NULL
693    */
694    virtual void drawBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap, SkScalar left, SkScalar top,
695                            const SkPaint* paint = NULL);
697    enum DrawBitmapRectFlags {
698        kNone_DrawBitmapRectFlag            = 0x0,
699        /**
700         *  When filtering is enabled, allow the color samples outside of
701         *  the src rect (but still in the src bitmap) to bleed into the
702         *  drawn portion
703         */
704        kBleed_DrawBitmapRectFlag           = 0x1,
705    };
707    /** Draw the specified bitmap, with the specified matrix applied (before the
708        canvas' matrix is applied).
709        @param bitmap   The bitmap to be drawn
710        @param src      Optional: specify the subset of the bitmap to be drawn
711        @param dst      The destination rectangle where the scaled/translated
712                        image will be drawn
713        @param paint    The paint used to draw the bitmap, or NULL
714    */
715    virtual void drawBitmapRectToRect(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkRect* src,
716                                      const SkRect& dst,
717                                      const SkPaint* paint = NULL,
718                                      DrawBitmapRectFlags flags = kNone_DrawBitmapRectFlag);
720    void drawBitmapRect(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkRect& dst,
721                        const SkPaint* paint = NULL) {
722        this->drawBitmapRectToRect(bitmap, NULL, dst, paint, kNone_DrawBitmapRectFlag);
723    }
725    void drawBitmapRect(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkIRect* isrc,
726                        const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint = NULL,
727                        DrawBitmapRectFlags flags = kNone_DrawBitmapRectFlag) {
728        SkRect realSrcStorage;
729        SkRect* realSrcPtr = NULL;
730        if (isrc) {
731            realSrcStorage.set(*isrc);
732            realSrcPtr = &realSrcStorage;
733        }
734        this->drawBitmapRectToRect(bitmap, realSrcPtr, dst, paint, flags);
735    }
737    virtual void drawBitmapMatrix(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkMatrix& m,
738                                  const SkPaint* paint = NULL);
740    /**
741     *  Draw the bitmap stretched differentially to fit into dst.
742     *  center is a rect within the bitmap, and logically divides the bitmap
743     *  into 9 sections (3x3). For example, if the middle pixel of a [5x5]
744     *  bitmap is the "center", then the center-rect should be [2, 2, 3, 3].
745     *
746     *  If the dst is >= the bitmap size, then...
747     *  - The 4 corners are not stretched at all.
748     *  - The sides are stretched in only one axis.
749     *  - The center is stretched in both axes.
750     * Else, for each axis where dst < bitmap,
751     *  - The corners shrink proportionally
752     *  - The sides (along the shrink axis) and center are not drawn
753     */
754    virtual void drawBitmapNine(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkIRect& center,
755                                const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint = NULL);
757    /** Draw the specified bitmap, with its top/left corner at (x,y),
758        NOT transformed by the current matrix. Note: if the paint
759        contains a maskfilter that generates a mask which extends beyond the
760        bitmap's original width/height, then the bitmap will be drawn as if it
761        were in a Shader with CLAMP mode. Thus the color outside of the original
762        width/height will be the edge color replicated.
763        @param bitmap   The bitmap to be drawn
764        @param left     The position of the left side of the bitmap being drawn
765        @param top      The position of the top side of the bitmap being drawn
766        @param paint    The paint used to draw the bitmap, or NULL
767    */
768    virtual void drawSprite(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int left, int top,
769                            const SkPaint* paint = NULL);
771    /** Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the specified paint.
772        The origin is interpreted based on the Align setting in the paint.
773        @param text The text to be drawn
774        @param byteLength   The number of bytes to read from the text parameter
775        @param x        The x-coordinate of the origin of the text being drawn
776        @param y        The y-coordinate of the origin of the text being drawn
777        @param paint    The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
778    */
779    virtual void drawText(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkScalar x,
780                          SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint);
782    /** Draw the text, with each character/glyph origin specified by the pos[]
783        array. The origin is interpreted by the Align setting in the paint.
784        @param text The text to be drawn
785        @param byteLength   The number of bytes to read from the text parameter
786        @param pos      Array of positions, used to position each character
787        @param paint    The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
788        */
789    virtual void drawPosText(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
790                             const SkPoint pos[], const SkPaint& paint);
792    /** Draw the text, with each character/glyph origin specified by the x
793        coordinate taken from the xpos[] array, and the y from the constY param.
794        The origin is interpreted by the Align setting in the paint.
795        @param text The text to be drawn
796        @param byteLength   The number of bytes to read from the text parameter
797        @param xpos     Array of x-positions, used to position each character
798        @param constY   The shared Y coordinate for all of the positions
799        @param paint    The paint used for the text (e.g. color, size, style)
800        */
801    virtual void drawPosTextH(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
802                              const SkScalar xpos[], SkScalar constY,
803                              const SkPaint& paint);
805    /** Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the specified paint, along
806        the specified path. The paint's Align setting determins where along the
807        path to start the text.
808        @param text The text to be drawn
809        @param byteLength   The number of bytes to read from the text parameter
810        @param path         The path the text should follow for its baseline
811        @param hOffset      The distance along the path to add to the text's
812                            starting position
813        @param vOffset      The distance above(-) or below(+) the path to
814                            position the text
815        @param paint        The paint used for the text
816    */
817    void drawTextOnPathHV(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
818                          const SkPath& path, SkScalar hOffset,
819                          SkScalar vOffset, const SkPaint& paint);
821    /** Draw the text, with origin at (x,y), using the specified paint, along
822        the specified path. The paint's Align setting determins where along the
823        path to start the text.
824        @param text The text to be drawn
825        @param byteLength   The number of bytes to read from the text parameter
826        @param path         The path the text should follow for its baseline
827        @param matrix       (may be null) Applied to the text before it is
828                            mapped onto the path
829        @param paint        The paint used for the text
830        */
831    virtual void drawTextOnPath(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
832                                const SkPath& path, const SkMatrix* matrix,
833                                const SkPaint& paint);
835    /** Draw the picture into this canvas. This method effective brackets the
836        playback of the picture's draw calls with save/restore, so the state
837        of this canvas will be unchanged after this call.
838        @param picture The recorded drawing commands to playback into this
839                       canvas.
840    */
841    virtual void drawPicture(SkPicture& picture);
843    enum VertexMode {
844        kTriangles_VertexMode,
845        kTriangleStrip_VertexMode,
846        kTriangleFan_VertexMode
847    };
849    /** Draw the array of vertices, interpreted as triangles (based on mode).
850        @param vmode How to interpret the array of vertices
851        @param vertexCount The number of points in the vertices array (and
852                    corresponding texs and colors arrays if non-null)
853        @param vertices Array of vertices for the mesh
854        @param texs May be null. If not null, specifies the coordinate
855                    in _texture_ space (not uv space) for each vertex.
856        @param colors May be null. If not null, specifies a color for each
857                      vertex, to be interpolated across the triangle.
858        @param xmode Used if both texs and colors are present. In this
859                    case the colors are combined with the texture using mode,
860                    before being drawn using the paint. If mode is null, then
861                    kModulate_Mode is used.
862        @param indices If not null, array of indices to reference into the
863                    vertex (texs, colors) array.
864        @param indexCount number of entries in the indices array (if not null)
865        @param paint Specifies the shader/texture if present.
866    */
867    virtual void drawVertices(VertexMode vmode, int vertexCount,
868                              const SkPoint vertices[], const SkPoint texs[],
869                              const SkColor colors[], SkXfermode* xmode,
870                              const uint16_t indices[], int indexCount,
871                              const SkPaint& paint);
873    /** Send a blob of data to the canvas.
874        For canvases that draw, this call is effectively a no-op, as the data
875        is not parsed, but just ignored. However, this call exists for
876        subclasses like SkPicture's recording canvas, that can store the data
877        and then play it back later (via another call to drawData).
878     */
879    virtual void drawData(const void* data, size_t length) {
880        // do nothing. Subclasses may do something with the data
881    }
883    /** Add comments. beginCommentGroup/endCommentGroup open/close a new group.
884        Each comment added via addComment is notionally attached to its
885        enclosing group. Top-level comments simply belong to no group.
886     */
887    virtual void beginCommentGroup(const char* description) {
888        // do nothing. Subclasses may do something
889    }
890    virtual void addComment(const char* kywd, const char* value) {
891        // do nothing. Subclasses may do something
892    }
893    virtual void endCommentGroup() {
894        // do nothing. Subclasses may do something
895    }
898    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
900    /** Get the current bounder object.
901        The bounder's reference count is unchaged.
902        @return the canva's bounder (or NULL).
903    */
904    SkBounder*  getBounder() const { return fBounder; }
906    /** Set a new bounder (or NULL).
907        Pass NULL to clear any previous bounder.
908        As a convenience, the parameter passed is also returned.
909        If a previous bounder exists, its reference count is decremented.
910        If bounder is not NULL, its reference count is incremented.
911        @param bounder the new bounder (or NULL) to be installed in the canvas
912        @return the set bounder object
913    */
914    virtual SkBounder* setBounder(SkBounder* bounder);
916    /** Get the current filter object. The filter's reference count is not
917        affected. The filter is saved/restored, just like the matrix and clip.
918        @return the canvas' filter (or NULL).
919    */
920    SkDrawFilter* getDrawFilter() const;
922    /** Set the new filter (or NULL). Pass NULL to clear any existing filter.
923        As a convenience, the parameter is returned. If an existing filter
924        exists, its refcnt is decrement. If the new filter is not null, its
925        refcnt is incremented. The filter is saved/restored, just like the
926        matrix and clip.
927        @param filter the new filter (or NULL)
928        @return the new filter
929    */
930    virtual SkDrawFilter* setDrawFilter(SkDrawFilter* filter);
932    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
934    /** Return the current matrix on the canvas.
935        This does not account for the translate in any of the devices.
936        @return The current matrix on the canvas.
937    */
938    const SkMatrix& getTotalMatrix() const;
940    enum ClipType {
941        kEmpty_ClipType = 0,
942        kRect_ClipType,
943        kComplex_ClipType
944    };
946    /** Returns a description of the total clip; may be cheaper than
947        getting the clip and querying it directly.
948    */
949    ClipType getClipType() const;
951    /** DEPRECATED -- need to move this guy to private/friend
952     *  Return the current device clip (concatenation of all clip calls).
953     *  This does not account for the translate in any of the devices.
954     *  @return the current device clip (concatenation of all clip calls).
955     */
956    const SkRegion& getTotalClip() const;
958    /** Return the clip stack. The clip stack stores all the individual
959     *  clips organized by the save/restore frame in which they were
960     *  added.
961     *  @return the current clip stack ("list" of individual clip elements)
962     */
963    const SkClipStack* getClipStack() const {
964        return &fClipStack;
965    }
967    class ClipVisitor {
968    public:
969        virtual ~ClipVisitor();
970        virtual void clipRect(const SkRect&, SkRegion::Op, bool antialias) = 0;
971        virtual void clipPath(const SkPath&, SkRegion::Op, bool antialias) = 0;
972    };
974    /**
975     *  Replays the clip operations, back to front, that have been applied to
976     *  the canvas, calling the appropriate method on the visitor for each
977     *  clip. All clips have already been transformed into device space.
978     */
979    void replayClips(ClipVisitor*) const;
981    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
983    /** After calling saveLayer(), there can be any number of devices that make
984        up the top-most drawing area. LayerIter can be used to iterate through
985        those devices. Note that the iterator is only valid until the next API
986        call made on the canvas. Ownership of all pointers in the iterator stays
987        with the canvas, so none of them should be modified or deleted.
988    */
989    class SK_API LayerIter /*: SkNoncopyable*/ {
990    public:
991        /** Initialize iterator with canvas, and set values for 1st device */
992        LayerIter(SkCanvas*, bool skipEmptyClips);
993        ~LayerIter();
995        /** Return true if the iterator is done */
996        bool done() const { return fDone; }
997        /** Cycle to the next device */
998        void next();
1000        // These reflect the current device in the iterator
1002        SkBaseDevice*   device() const;
1003        const SkMatrix& matrix() const;
1004        const SkRegion& clip() const;
1005        const SkPaint&  paint() const;
1006        int             x() const;
1007        int             y() const;
1009    private:
1010        // used to embed the SkDrawIter object directly in our instance, w/o
1011        // having to expose that class def to the public. There is an assert
1012        // in our constructor to ensure that fStorage is large enough
1013        // (though needs to be a compile-time-assert!). We use intptr_t to work
1014        // safely with 32 and 64 bit machines (to ensure the storage is enough)
1015        intptr_t          fStorage[32];
1016        class SkDrawIter* fImpl;    // this points at fStorage
1017        SkPaint           fDefaultPaint;
1018        bool              fDone;
1019    };
1022    // Returns the canvas to be used by DrawIter. Default implementation
1023    // returns this. Subclasses that encapsulate an indirect canvas may
1024    // need to overload this method. The impl must keep track of this, as it
1025    // is not released or deleted by the caller.
1026    virtual SkCanvas* canvasForDrawIter();
1028    // Clip rectangle bounds. Called internally by saveLayer.
1029    // returns false if the entire rectangle is entirely clipped out
1030    bool clipRectBounds(const SkRect* bounds, SaveFlags flags,
1031                        SkIRect* intersection);
1033    // Called by child classes that override clipPath and clipRRect to only
1034    // track fast conservative clip bounds, rather than exact clips.
1035    bool updateClipConservativelyUsingBounds(const SkRect&, SkRegion::Op,
1036                                             bool inverseFilled);
1038    // notify our surface (if we have one) that we are about to draw, so it
1039    // can perform copy-on-write or invalidate any cached images
1040    void predrawNotify();
1042    /**
1043     DEPRECATED -- need to remove when subclass stop relying on it.
1044     Marked as 'protected' to avoid new clients using this before we can
1045     completely remove it.
1047     Specify a device for this canvas to draw into. If it is not null, its
1048     reference count is incremented. If the canvas was already holding a
1049     device, its reference count is decremented. The new device is returned.
1050     */
1051    virtual SkBaseDevice* setDevice(SkBaseDevice* device);
1054    class MCRec;
1056    SkClipStack fClipStack;
1057    SkDeque     fMCStack;
1058    // points to top of stack
1059    MCRec*      fMCRec;
1060    // the first N recs that can fit here mean we won't call malloc
1061    uint32_t    fMCRecStorage[32];
1063    SkBounder*  fBounder;
1064    int         fSaveLayerCount;    // number of successful saveLayer calls
1066    SkMetaData* fMetaData;
1068    SkSurface_Base*  fSurfaceBase;
1069    SkSurface_Base* getSurfaceBase() const { return fSurfaceBase; }
1070    void setSurfaceBase(SkSurface_Base* sb) {
1071        fSurfaceBase = sb;
1072    }
1073    friend class SkSurface_Base;
1074    friend class SkSurface_Gpu;
1076    bool fDeviceCMDirty;            // cleared by updateDeviceCMCache()
1077    void updateDeviceCMCache();
1079    friend class SkDrawIter;    // needs setupDrawForLayerDevice()
1080    friend class AutoDrawLooper;
1082    SkBaseDevice* createLayerDevice(SkBitmap::Config, int width, int height,
1083                                    bool isOpaque);
1085    SkBaseDevice* init(SkBaseDevice*);
1087    // internal methods are not virtual, so they can safely be called by other
1088    // canvas apis, without confusing subclasses (like SkPictureRecording)
1089    void internalDrawBitmap(const SkBitmap&, const SkMatrix& m, const SkPaint* paint);
1090    void internalDrawBitmapRect(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkRect* src,
1091                                const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint,
1092                                DrawBitmapRectFlags flags);
1093    void internalDrawBitmapNine(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkIRect& center,
1094                                const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint);
1095    void internalDrawPaint(const SkPaint& paint);
1096    int internalSaveLayer(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint,
1097                          SaveFlags, bool justForImageFilter);
1098    void internalDrawDevice(SkBaseDevice*, int x, int y, const SkPaint*);
1100    // shared by save() and saveLayer()
1101    int internalSave(SaveFlags flags);
1102    void internalRestore();
1103    static void DrawRect(const SkDraw& draw, const SkPaint& paint,
1104                         const SkRect& r, SkScalar textSize);
1105    static void DrawTextDecorations(const SkDraw& draw, const SkPaint& paint,
1106                                    const char text[], size_t byteLength,
1107                                    SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
1109    /*  These maintain a cache of the clip bounds in local coordinates,
1110        (converted to 2s-compliment if floats are slow).
1111     */
1112    mutable SkRect fCachedLocalClipBounds;
1113    mutable bool   fCachedLocalClipBoundsDirty;
1114    bool fAllowSoftClip;
1115    bool fAllowSimplifyClip;
1117    const SkRect& getLocalClipBounds() const {
1118        if (fCachedLocalClipBoundsDirty) {
1119            if (!this->getClipBounds(&fCachedLocalClipBounds)) {
1120                fCachedLocalClipBounds.setEmpty();
1121            }
1122            fCachedLocalClipBoundsDirty = false;
1123        }
1124        return fCachedLocalClipBounds;
1125    }
1127    class AutoValidateClip : ::SkNoncopyable {
1128    public:
1129        explicit AutoValidateClip(SkCanvas* canvas) : fCanvas(canvas) {
1130            fCanvas->validateClip();
1131        }
1132        ~AutoValidateClip() { fCanvas->validateClip(); }
1134    private:
1135        const SkCanvas* fCanvas;
1136    };
1138#ifdef SK_DEBUG
1139    void validateClip() const;
1141    void validateClip() const {}
1144    typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
1147/** Stack helper class to automatically call restoreToCount() on the canvas
1148    when this object goes out of scope. Use this to guarantee that the canvas
1149    is restored to a known state.
1151class SkAutoCanvasRestore : SkNoncopyable {
1153    SkAutoCanvasRestore(SkCanvas* canvas, bool doSave) : fCanvas(canvas), fSaveCount(0) {
1154        if (fCanvas) {
1155            fSaveCount = canvas->getSaveCount();
1156            if (doSave) {
1157                canvas->save();
1158            }
1159        }
1160    }
1161    ~SkAutoCanvasRestore() {
1162        if (fCanvas) {
1163            fCanvas->restoreToCount(fSaveCount);
1164        }
1165    }
1167    /**
1168     *  Perform the restore now, instead of waiting for the destructor. Will
1169     *  only do this once.
1170     */
1171    void restore() {
1172        if (fCanvas) {
1173            fCanvas->restoreToCount(fSaveCount);
1174            fCanvas = NULL;
1175        }
1176    }
1179    SkCanvas*   fCanvas;
1180    int         fSaveCount;
1182#define SkAutoCanvasRestore(...) SK_REQUIRE_LOCAL_VAR(SkAutoCanvasRestore)
1184/** Stack helper class to automatically open and close a comment block
1185 */
1186class SkAutoCommentBlock : SkNoncopyable {
1188    SkAutoCommentBlock(SkCanvas* canvas, const char* description) {
1189        fCanvas = canvas;
1190        if (NULL != fCanvas) {
1191            fCanvas->beginCommentGroup(description);
1192        }
1193    }
1195    ~SkAutoCommentBlock() {
1196        if (NULL != fCanvas) {
1197            fCanvas->endCommentGroup();
1198        }
1199    }
1202    SkCanvas* fCanvas;
1204#define SkAutoCommentBlock(...) SK_REQUIRE_LOCAL_VAR(SkAutoCommentBlock)