SkScalar.h revision 373ebc634573364c27b1ebd35bb537ef1285cba4
3 * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
4 *
5 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
6 * found in the LICENSE file.
7 */
10#ifndef SkScalar_DEFINED
11#define SkScalar_DEFINED
13#include "SkFixed.h"
14#include "SkFloatingPoint.h"
16/** \file SkScalar.h
18    Types and macros for the data type SkScalar. This is the fractional numeric type
19    that, depending on the compile-time flag SK_SCALAR_IS_FLOAT, may be implemented
20    either as an IEEE float, or as a 16.16 SkFixed. The macros in this file are written
21    to allow the calling code to manipulate SkScalar values without knowing which representation
22    is in effect.
27    /** SkScalar is our type for fractional values and coordinates. Depending on
28        compile configurations, it is either represented as an IEEE float, or
29        as a 16.16 fixed point integer.
30    */
31    typedef float   SkScalar;
32    extern const uint32_t gIEEENotANumber;
33    extern const uint32_t gIEEEInfinity;
35    /** SK_Scalar1 is defined to be 1.0 represented as an SkScalar
36    */
37    #define SK_Scalar1              (1.0f)
38    /** SK_Scalar1 is defined to be 1/2 represented as an SkScalar
39    */
40    #define SK_ScalarHalf           (0.5f)
41    /** SK_ScalarInfinity is defined to be infinity as an SkScalar
42    */
43    #define SK_ScalarInfinity           (*SkTCast<const float*>(&gIEEEInfinity))
44    /** SK_ScalarMax is defined to be the largest value representable as an SkScalar
45    */
46    #define SK_ScalarMax            (3.402823466e+38f)
47    /** SK_ScalarMin is defined to be the smallest value representable as an SkScalar
48    */
49    #define SK_ScalarMin            (-SK_ScalarMax)
50    /** SK_ScalarNaN is defined to be 'Not a Number' as an SkScalar
51    */
52    #define SK_ScalarNaN      (*SkTCast<const float*>(&gIEEENotANumber))
53    /** SkScalarIsNaN(n) returns true if argument is not a number
54    */
55    static inline bool SkScalarIsNaN(float x) { return x != x; }
57    /** Returns true if x is not NaN and not infinite */
58    static inline bool SkScalarIsFinite(float x) {
59        // We rely on the following behavior of infinities and nans
60        // 0 * finite --> 0
61        // 0 * infinity --> NaN
62        // 0 * NaN --> NaN
63        float prod = x * 0;
64        // At this point, prod will either be NaN or 0
65        // Therefore we can return (prod == prod) or (0 == prod).
66        return prod == prod;
67    }
69#ifdef SK_DEBUG
70    /** SkIntToScalar(n) returns its integer argument as an SkScalar
71     *
72     * If we're compiling in DEBUG mode, and can thus afford some extra runtime
73     * cycles, check to make sure that the parameter passed in has not already
74     * been converted to SkScalar.  (A double conversion like this is harmless
75     * for SK_SCALAR_IS_FLOAT, but for SK_SCALAR_IS_FIXED this causes trouble.)
76     *
77     * Note that we need all of these method signatures to properly handle the
78     * various types that we pass into SkIntToScalar() to date:
79     * int, size_t, U8CPU, etc., even though what we really mean is "anything
80     * but a float".
81     */
82    static inline float SkIntToScalar(signed int param) {
83        return (float)param;
84    }
85    static inline float SkIntToScalar(unsigned int param) {
86        return (float)param;
87    }
88    static inline float SkIntToScalar(signed long param) {
89        return (float)param;
90    }
91    static inline float SkIntToScalar(unsigned long param) {
92        return (float)param;
93    }
94    static inline float SkIntToScalar(float /* param */) {
95        /* If the parameter passed into SkIntToScalar is a float,
96         * one of two things has happened:
97         * 1. the parameter was an SkScalar (which is typedef'd to float)
98         * 2. the parameter was a float instead of an int
99         *
100         * Either way, it's not good.
101         */
102        SkDEBUGFAIL("looks like you passed an SkScalar into SkIntToScalar");
103        return (float)0;
104    }
105#else  // not SK_DEBUG
106    /** SkIntToScalar(n) returns its integer argument as an SkScalar
107    */
108    #define SkIntToScalar(n)        ((float)(n))
109#endif // not SK_DEBUG
110    /** SkFixedToScalar(n) returns its SkFixed argument as an SkScalar
111    */
112    #define SkFixedToScalar(x)      SkFixedToFloat(x)
113    /** SkScalarToFixed(n) returns its SkScalar argument as an SkFixed
114    */
115    #define SkScalarToFixed(x)      SkFloatToFixed(x)
117    #define SkScalarToFloat(n)      (n)
118    #define SkFloatToScalar(n)      (n)
120    #define SkScalarToDouble(n)      (double)(n)
121    #define SkDoubleToScalar(n)      (float)(n)
123    /** SkScalarFraction(x) returns the signed fractional part of the argument
124    */
125    #define SkScalarFraction(x)     sk_float_mod(x, 1.0f)
127    #define SkScalarFloorToScalar(x)    sk_float_floor(x)
128    #define SkScalarCeilToScalar(x)     sk_float_ceil(x)
129    #define SkScalarRoundToScalar(x)    sk_float_floor((x) + 0.5f)
131    #define SkScalarFloorToInt(x)       sk_float_floor2int(x)
132    #define SkScalarCeilToInt(x)        sk_float_ceil2int(x)
133    #define SkScalarRoundToInt(x)       sk_float_round2int(x)
135    /** Returns the absolute value of the specified SkScalar
136    */
137    #define SkScalarAbs(x)          sk_float_abs(x)
138    /** Return x with the sign of y
139     */
140    #define SkScalarCopySign(x, y)  sk_float_copysign(x, y)
141    /** Returns the value pinned between 0 and max inclusive
142    */
143    inline SkScalar SkScalarClampMax(SkScalar x, SkScalar max) {
144        return x < 0 ? 0 : x > max ? max : x;
145    }
146    /** Returns the value pinned between min and max inclusive
147    */
148    inline SkScalar SkScalarPin(SkScalar x, SkScalar min, SkScalar max) {
149        return x < min ? min : x > max ? max : x;
150    }
151    /** Returns the specified SkScalar squared (x*x)
152    */
153    inline SkScalar SkScalarSquare(SkScalar x) { return x * x; }
154    /** Returns the product of two SkScalars
155    */
156    #define SkScalarMul(a, b)       ((float)(a) * (b))
157    /** Returns the product of two SkScalars plus a third SkScalar
158    */
159    #define SkScalarMulAdd(a, b, c) ((float)(a) * (b) + (c))
160    /** Returns the product of a SkScalar and an int rounded to the nearest integer value
161    */
162    #define SkScalarMulRound(a, b) SkScalarRound((float)(a) * (b))
163    /** Returns the product of a SkScalar and an int promoted to the next larger int
164    */
165    #define SkScalarMulCeil(a, b) SkScalarCeil((float)(a) * (b))
166    /** Returns the product of a SkScalar and an int truncated to the next smaller int
167    */
168    #define SkScalarMulFloor(a, b) SkScalarFloor((float)(a) * (b))
169    /** Returns the quotient of two SkScalars (a/b)
170    */
171    #define SkScalarDiv(a, b)       ((float)(a) / (b))
172    /** Returns the mod of two SkScalars (a mod b)
173    */
174    #define SkScalarMod(x,y)        sk_float_mod(x,y)
175    /** Returns the product of the first two arguments, divided by the third argument
176    */
177    #define SkScalarMulDiv(a, b, c) ((float)(a) * (b) / (c))
178    /** Returns the multiplicative inverse of the SkScalar (1/x)
179    */
180    #define SkScalarInvert(x)       (SK_Scalar1 / (x))
181    #define SkScalarFastInvert(x)   (SK_Scalar1 / (x))
182    /** Returns the square root of the SkScalar
183    */
184    #define SkScalarSqrt(x)         sk_float_sqrt(x)
185    /** Returns b to the e
186    */
187    #define SkScalarPow(b, e)       sk_float_pow(b, e)
188    /** Returns the average of two SkScalars (a+b)/2
189    */
190    #define SkScalarAve(a, b)       (((a) + (b)) * 0.5f)
191    /** Returns the geometric mean of two SkScalars
192    */
193    #define SkScalarMean(a, b)      sk_float_sqrt((float)(a) * (b))
194    /** Returns one half of the specified SkScalar
195    */
196    #define SkScalarHalf(a)         ((a) * 0.5f)
198    #define SK_ScalarSqrt2          1.41421356f
199    #define SK_ScalarPI             3.14159265f
200    #define SK_ScalarTanPIOver8     0.414213562f
201    #define SK_ScalarRoot2Over2     0.707106781f
203    #define SkDegreesToRadians(degrees) ((degrees) * (SK_ScalarPI / 180))
204    float SkScalarSinCos(SkScalar radians, SkScalar* cosValue);
205    #define SkScalarSin(radians)    (float)sk_float_sin(radians)
206    #define SkScalarCos(radians)    (float)sk_float_cos(radians)
207    #define SkScalarTan(radians)    (float)sk_float_tan(radians)
208    #define SkScalarASin(val)   (float)sk_float_asin(val)
209    #define SkScalarACos(val)   (float)sk_float_acos(val)
210    #define SkScalarATan2(y, x) (float)sk_float_atan2(y,x)
211    #define SkScalarExp(x)  (float)sk_float_exp(x)
212    #define SkScalarLog(x)  (float)sk_float_log(x)
214    inline SkScalar SkMaxScalar(SkScalar a, SkScalar b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
215    inline SkScalar SkMinScalar(SkScalar a, SkScalar b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
217    static inline bool SkScalarIsInt(SkScalar x) {
218        return x == (float)(int)x;
219    }
221    typedef SkFixed SkScalar;
223    #define SK_Scalar1              SK_Fixed1
224    #define SK_ScalarHalf           SK_FixedHalf
225    #define SK_ScalarInfinity   SK_FixedMax
226    #define SK_ScalarMax            SK_FixedMax
227    #define SK_ScalarMin            SK_FixedMin
228    #define SK_ScalarNaN            SK_FixedNaN
229    #define SkScalarIsNaN(x)        ((x) == SK_FixedNaN)
230    #define SkScalarIsFinite(x)     ((x) != SK_FixedNaN)
232    #define SkIntToScalar(n)        SkIntToFixed(n)
233    #define SkFixedToScalar(x)      (x)
234    #define SkScalarToFixed(x)      (x)
235    #define SkScalarToFloat(n)  SkFixedToFloat(n)
236    #define SkFloatToScalar(n)  SkFloatToFixed(n)
238    #define SkScalarToDouble(n) SkFixedToDouble(n)
239    #define SkDoubleToScalar(n) SkDoubleToFixed(n)
240    #define SkScalarFraction(x)     SkFixedFraction(x)
242    #define SkScalarFloorToScalar(x)    SkFixedFloorToFixed(x)
243    #define SkScalarCeilToScalar(x)     SkFixedCeilToFixed(x)
244    #define SkScalarRoundToScalar(x)    SkFixedRoundToFixed(x)
246    #define SkScalarFloorToInt(x)       SkFixedFloorToInt(x)
247    #define SkScalarCeilToInt(x)        SkFixedCeilToInt(x)
248    #define SkScalarRoundToInt(x)       SkFixedRoundToInt(x)
250    #define SkScalarAbs(x)          SkFixedAbs(x)
251    #define SkScalarCopySign(x, y)  SkCopySign32(x, y)
252    #define SkScalarClampMax(x, max) SkClampMax(x, max)
253    #define SkScalarPin(x, min, max) SkPin32(x, min, max)
254    #define SkScalarSquare(x)       SkFixedSquare(x)
255    #define SkScalarMul(a, b)       SkFixedMul(a, b)
256    #define SkScalarMulAdd(a, b, c) SkFixedMulAdd(a, b, c)
257    #define SkScalarMulRound(a, b)  SkFixedMulCommon(a, b, SK_FixedHalf)
258    #define SkScalarMulCeil(a, b)   SkFixedMulCommon(a, b, SK_Fixed1 - 1)
259    #define SkScalarMulFloor(a, b)  SkFixedMulCommon(a, b, 0)
260    #define SkScalarDiv(a, b)       SkFixedDiv(a, b)
261    #define SkScalarMod(a, b)       SkFixedMod(a, b)
262    #define SkScalarMulDiv(a, b, c) SkMulDiv(a, b, c)
263    #define SkScalarInvert(x)       SkFixedInvert(x)
264    #define SkScalarFastInvert(x)   SkFixedFastInvert(x)
265    #define SkScalarSqrt(x)         SkFixedSqrt(x)
266    #define SkScalarAve(a, b)       SkFixedAve(a, b)
267    #define SkScalarMean(a, b)      SkFixedMean(a, b)
268    #define SkScalarHalf(a)         ((a) >> 1)
270    #define SK_ScalarSqrt2          SK_FixedSqrt2
271    #define SK_ScalarPI             SK_FixedPI
272    #define SK_ScalarTanPIOver8     SK_FixedTanPIOver8
273    #define SK_ScalarRoot2Over2     SK_FixedRoot2Over2
275    #define SkDegreesToRadians(degrees)     SkFractMul(degrees, SK_FractPIOver180)
276    #define SkScalarSinCos(radians, cosPtr) SkFixedSinCos(radians, cosPtr)
277    #define SkScalarSin(radians)    SkFixedSin(radians)
278    #define SkScalarCos(radians)    SkFixedCos(radians)
279    #define SkScalarTan(val)        SkFixedTan(val)
280    #define SkScalarASin(val)       SkFixedASin(val)
281    #define SkScalarACos(val)       SkFixedACos(val)
282    #define SkScalarATan2(y, x)     SkFixedATan2(y,x)
283    #define SkScalarExp(x)          SkFixedExp(x)
284    #define SkScalarLog(x)          SkFixedLog(x)
286    #define SkMaxScalar(a, b)       SkMax32(a, b)
287    #define SkMinScalar(a, b)       SkMin32(a, b)
289    static inline bool SkScalarIsInt(SkFixed x) {
290        return 0 == (x & 0xffff);
291    }
294// DEPRECATED : use ToInt or ToScalar variant
295#define SkScalarFloor(x)    SkScalarFloorToInt(x)
296#define SkScalarCeil(x)     SkScalarCeilToInt(x)
297#define SkScalarRound(x)    SkScalarRoundToInt(x)
300 *  Returns -1 || 0 || 1 depending on the sign of value:
301 *  -1 if x < 0
302 *   0 if x == 0
303 *   1 if x > 0
304 */
305static inline int SkScalarSignAsInt(SkScalar x) {
306    return x < 0 ? -1 : (x > 0);
309// Scalar result version of above
310static inline SkScalar SkScalarSignAsScalar(SkScalar x) {
311    return x < 0 ? -SK_Scalar1 : ((x > 0) ? SK_Scalar1 : 0);
314#define SK_ScalarNearlyZero         (SK_Scalar1 / (1 << 12))
316static inline bool SkScalarNearlyZero(SkScalar x,
317                                    SkScalar tolerance = SK_ScalarNearlyZero) {
318    SkASSERT(tolerance >= 0);
319    return SkScalarAbs(x) <= tolerance;
322static inline bool SkScalarNearlyEqual(SkScalar x, SkScalar y,
323                                     SkScalar tolerance = SK_ScalarNearlyZero) {
324    SkASSERT(tolerance >= 0);
325    return SkScalarAbs(x-y) <= tolerance;
328/** Linearly interpolate between A and B, based on t.
329    If t is 0, return A
330    If t is 1, return B
331    else interpolate.
332    t must be [0..SK_Scalar1]
334static inline SkScalar SkScalarInterp(SkScalar A, SkScalar B, SkScalar t) {
335    SkASSERT(t >= 0 && t <= SK_Scalar1);
336    return A + SkScalarMul(B - A, t);
339static inline SkScalar SkScalarLog2(SkScalar x) {
340    static const SkScalar log2_conversion_factor = SkScalarDiv(1, SkScalarLog(2));
342    return SkScalarMul(SkScalarLog(x), log2_conversion_factor);
345/** Interpolate along the function described by (keys[length], values[length])
346    for the passed searchKey.  SearchKeys outside the range keys[0]-keys[Length]
347    clamp to the min or max value.  This function was inspired by a desire
348    to change the multiplier for thickness in fakeBold; therefore it assumes
349    the number of pairs (length) will be small, and a linear search is used.
350    Repeated keys are allowed for discontinuous functions (so long as keys is
351    monotonically increasing), and if key is the value of a repeated scalar in
352    keys, the first one will be used.  However, that may change if a binary
353    search is used.
355SkScalar SkScalarInterpFunc(SkScalar searchKey, const SkScalar keys[],
356                            const SkScalar values[], int length);