2 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
7#include "PathOpsTestCommon.h"
8#include "SkIntersections.h"
9#include "SkPathOpsLine.h"
10#include "Test.h"
12// FIXME: add tests for intersecting, non-intersecting, degenerate, coincident
13static const SkDLine tests[][2] = {
14    {{{{30,20}, {30,50}}}, {{{24,30}, {36,30}}}},
15    {{{{323,193}, {-317,193}}}, {{{0,994}, {0,0}}}},
16    {{{{90,230}, {160,60}}}, {{{60,120}, {260,120}}}},
17    {{{{90,230}, {160,60}}}, {{{181.176468,120}, {135.294128,120}}}},
18    {{{{181.1764678955078125f, 120}, {186.3661956787109375f, 134.7042236328125f}}},
19     {{{175.8309783935546875f, 141.5211334228515625f}, {187.8782806396484375f, 133.7258148193359375f}}}},
20#if 0  // FIXME: these fail because one line is too short and appears quasi-coincident
21    {{{{158.000000, 926.000000}, {1108.00000, 926.000000}}},
22            {{{1108.00000, 926.000000}, {1108.00000, 925.999634}}}},
23    {{{{1108,926}, {1108,925.9996337890625}}}, {{{158,926}, {1108,926}}}},
25    {{{{192, 4}, {243, 4}}}, {{{246, 4}, {189, 4}}}},
26    {{{{246, 4}, {189, 4}}}, {{{192, 4}, {243, 4}}}},
27    {{{{5, 0}, {0, 5}}}, {{{5, 4}, {1, 4}}}},
28    {{{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}}, {{{1, 0}, {0, 0}}}},
29    {{{{0, 0}, {0, 0}}}, {{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}}},
30    {{{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}}, {{{0, 0}, {0, 2}}}},
31    {{{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}}, {{{0, 0}, {2, 0}}}},
32    {{{{1, 1}, {2, 2}}}, {{{0, 0}, {3, 3}}}},
33    {{{{166.86950047022856, 112.69654129527828}, {166.86948801592692, 112.69655741235339}}},
34     {{{166.86960700313026, 112.6965477747386}, {166.86925794355412, 112.69656471103423}}}}
37static const size_t tests_count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(tests);
39static const SkDLine noIntersect[][2] = {
40   {{{{(double) (2 - 1e-6f),2}, {(double) (2 - 1e-6f),4}}},
41    {{{2,1}, {2,3}}}},
43    {{{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}}, {{{3, 0}, {2, 0}}}},
44    {{{{0, 0}, {0, 0}}}, {{{1, 0}, {2, 0}}}},
45    {{{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}}, {{{0, 3}, {0, 2}}}},
46    {{{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}}, {{{2, 0}, {3, 0}}}},
47    {{{{1, 1}, {2, 2}}}, {{{4, 4}, {3, 3}}}},
50static const size_t noIntersect_count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(noIntersect);
52static const SkDLine coincidentTests[][2] = {
53   {{{ { 10105, 2510 }, { 10123, 2509.98999f } }},
54    {{{10105, 2509.98999f}, { 10123, 2510 } }}},
56   {{ { { 0, 482.5 }, { -4.4408921e-016, 682.5 } } },
57    {{{0,683}, {0,482}}}},
59   {{{{1.77635684e-015,312}, {-1.24344979e-014,348}}},
60    {{{0,348}, {0,312}}}},
62   {{{{979.304871, 561}, {1036.69507, 291}}},
63    {{{985.681519, 531}, {982.159790, 547.568542}}}},
65   {{{{232.159805, 547.568542}, {235.681549, 531}}},
66    {{{286.695129,291}, {229.304855,561}}}},
68    {{{{186.3661956787109375f, 134.7042236328125f}, {187.8782806396484375f, 133.7258148193359375f}}},
69     {{{175.8309783935546875f, 141.5211334228515625f}, {187.8782806396484375f, 133.7258148193359375f}}}},
71    {{{{235.681549, 531.000000}, {280.318420, 321.000000}}},
72     {{{286.695129, 291.000000}, {229.304855, 561.000000}}}},
75static const size_t coincidentTests_count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(coincidentTests);
77static void check_results(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkDLine& line1, const SkDLine& line2,
78                          const SkIntersections& ts) {
79    for (int i = 0; i < ts.used(); ++i) {
80        SkDPoint result1 = line1.ptAtT(ts[0][i]);
81        SkDPoint result2 = line2.ptAtT(ts[1][i]);
82        if (!result1.approximatelyEqual(result2) && !ts.nearlySame(i)) {
83            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, ts.used() != 1);
84            result2 = line2.ptAtT(ts[1][i ^ 1]);
85            if (!result1.approximatelyEqual(result2)) {
86                SkDebugf(".");
87            }
88            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result1.approximatelyEqual(result2));
89            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result1.approximatelyEqual(ts.pt(i).asSkPoint()));
90        }
91    }
94static void testOne(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkDLine& line1, const SkDLine& line2) {
95    SkASSERT(ValidLine(line1));
96    SkASSERT(ValidLine(line2));
97    SkIntersections i;
98    int pts = i.intersect(line1, line2);
99    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts);
100    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == i.used());
101    check_results(reporter, line1, line2, i);
102    if (line1[0] == line1[1] || line2[0] == line2[1]) {
103        return;
104    }
105    if (line1[0].fY == line1[1].fY) {
106        double left = SkTMin(line1[0].fX, line1[1].fX);
107        double right = SkTMax(line1[0].fX, line1[1].fX);
108        SkIntersections ts;
109        ts.horizontal(line2, left, right, line1[0].fY, line1[0].fX != left);
110        check_results(reporter, line2, line1, ts);
111    }
112    if (line2[0].fY == line2[1].fY) {
113        double left = SkTMin(line2[0].fX, line2[1].fX);
114        double right = SkTMax(line2[0].fX, line2[1].fX);
115        SkIntersections ts;
116        ts.horizontal(line1, left, right, line2[0].fY, line2[0].fX != left);
117        check_results(reporter, line1, line2, ts);
118    }
119    if (line1[0].fX == line1[1].fX) {
120        double top = SkTMin(line1[0].fY, line1[1].fY);
121        double bottom = SkTMax(line1[0].fY, line1[1].fY);
122        SkIntersections ts;
123        ts.vertical(line2, top, bottom, line1[0].fX, line1[0].fY != top);
124        check_results(reporter, line2, line1, ts);
125    }
126    if (line2[0].fX == line2[1].fX) {
127        double top = SkTMin(line2[0].fY, line2[1].fY);
128        double bottom = SkTMax(line2[0].fY, line2[1].fY);
129        SkIntersections ts;
130        ts.vertical(line1, top, bottom, line2[0].fX, line2[0].fY != top);
131        check_results(reporter, line1, line2, ts);
132    }
133    reporter->bumpTestCount();
136static void testOneCoincident(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkDLine& line1,
137                              const SkDLine& line2) {
138    SkASSERT(ValidLine(line1));
139    SkASSERT(ValidLine(line2));
140    SkIntersections ts;
141    int pts = ts.intersect(line1, line2);
142    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == 2);
143    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == ts.used());
144    check_results(reporter, line1, line2, ts);
145    if (line1[0] == line1[1] || line2[0] == line2[1]) {
146        return;
147    }
148    if (line1[0].fY == line1[1].fY) {
149        double left = SkTMin(line1[0].fX, line1[1].fX);
150        double right = SkTMax(line1[0].fX, line1[1].fX);
151        SkIntersections ts;
152        ts.horizontal(line2, left, right, line1[0].fY, line1[0].fX != left);
153        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == 2);
154        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == ts.used());
155        check_results(reporter, line2, line1, ts);
156    }
157    if (line2[0].fY == line2[1].fY) {
158        double left = SkTMin(line2[0].fX, line2[1].fX);
159        double right = SkTMax(line2[0].fX, line2[1].fX);
160        SkIntersections ts;
161        ts.horizontal(line1, left, right, line2[0].fY, line2[0].fX != left);
162        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == 2);
163        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == ts.used());
164        check_results(reporter, line1, line2, ts);
165    }
166    if (line1[0].fX == line1[1].fX) {
167        double top = SkTMin(line1[0].fY, line1[1].fY);
168        double bottom = SkTMax(line1[0].fY, line1[1].fY);
169        SkIntersections ts;
170        ts.vertical(line2, top, bottom, line1[0].fX, line1[0].fY != top);
171        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == 2);
172        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == ts.used());
173        check_results(reporter, line2, line1, ts);
174    }
175    if (line2[0].fX == line2[1].fX) {
176        double top = SkTMin(line2[0].fY, line2[1].fY);
177        double bottom = SkTMax(line2[0].fY, line2[1].fY);
178        SkIntersections ts;
179        ts.vertical(line1, top, bottom, line2[0].fX, line2[0].fY != top);
180        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == 2);
181        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == ts.used());
182        check_results(reporter, line1, line2, ts);
183    }
184    reporter->bumpTestCount();
187DEF_TEST(PathOpsLineIntersection, reporter) {
188    size_t index;
189    for (index = 0; index < coincidentTests_count; ++index) {
190        const SkDLine& line1 = coincidentTests[index][0];
191        const SkDLine& line2 = coincidentTests[index][1];
192        testOneCoincident(reporter, line1, line2);
193    }
194    for (index = 0; index < tests_count; ++index) {
195        const SkDLine& line1 = tests[index][0];
196        const SkDLine& line2 = tests[index][1];
197        testOne(reporter, line1, line2);
198    }
199    for (index = 0; index < noIntersect_count; ++index) {
200        const SkDLine& line1 = noIntersect[index][0];
201        const SkDLine& line2 = noIntersect[index][1];
202        SkIntersections ts;
203        int pts = ts.intersect(line1, line2);
204        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !pts);
205        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, pts == ts.used());
206        reporter->bumpTestCount();
207    }
210DEF_TEST(PathOpsLineIntersectionOneOff, reporter) {
211    int index = 0;
212    SkASSERT(index < (int) tests_count);
213    testOne(reporter, tests[index][0], tests[index][1]);
214    testOne(reporter, tests[1][0], tests[1][1]);
217DEF_TEST(PathOpsLineIntersectionOneCoincident, reporter) {
218    int index = 0;
219    SkASSERT(index < (int) coincidentTests_count);
220    const SkDLine& line1 = coincidentTests[index][0];
221    const SkDLine& line2 = coincidentTests[index][1];
222    testOneCoincident(reporter, line1, line2);