enc.c revision 1e7bf8805bd030c19924a5306837ecd72c295751
1// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// This code is licensed under the same terms as WebM:
4//  Software License Agreement:  http://www.webmproject.org/license/software/
5//  Additional IP Rights Grant:  http://www.webmproject.org/license/additional/
6// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8// Speed-critical encoding functions.
10// Author: Skal (pascal.massimino@gmail.com)
12#include <stdlib.h>  // for abs()
13#include "./dsp.h"
14#include "../enc/vp8enci.h"
16#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
17extern "C" {
20static WEBP_INLINE uint8_t clip_8b(int v) {
21  return (!(v & ~0xff)) ? v : (v < 0) ? 0 : 255;
24static WEBP_INLINE int clip_max(int v, int max) {
25  return (v > max) ? max : v;
29// Compute susceptibility based on DCT-coeff histograms:
30// the higher, the "easier" the macroblock is to compress.
32const int VP8DspScan[16 + 4 + 4] = {
33  // Luma
34  0 +  0 * BPS,  4 +  0 * BPS, 8 +  0 * BPS, 12 +  0 * BPS,
35  0 +  4 * BPS,  4 +  4 * BPS, 8 +  4 * BPS, 12 +  4 * BPS,
36  0 +  8 * BPS,  4 +  8 * BPS, 8 +  8 * BPS, 12 +  8 * BPS,
37  0 + 12 * BPS,  4 + 12 * BPS, 8 + 12 * BPS, 12 + 12 * BPS,
39  0 + 0 * BPS,   4 + 0 * BPS, 0 + 4 * BPS,  4 + 4 * BPS,    // U
40  8 + 0 * BPS,  12 + 0 * BPS, 8 + 4 * BPS, 12 + 4 * BPS     // V
43static void CollectHistogram(const uint8_t* ref, const uint8_t* pred,
44                             int start_block, int end_block,
45                             VP8Histogram* const histo) {
46  int j;
47  for (j = start_block; j < end_block; ++j) {
48    int k;
49    int16_t out[16];
51    VP8FTransform(ref + VP8DspScan[j], pred + VP8DspScan[j], out);
53    // Convert coefficients to bin.
54    for (k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
55      const int v = abs(out[k]) >> 3;  // TODO(skal): add rounding?
56      const int clipped_value = clip_max(v, MAX_COEFF_THRESH);
57      histo->distribution[clipped_value]++;
58    }
59  }
63// run-time tables (~4k)
65static uint8_t clip1[255 + 510 + 1];    // clips [-255,510] to [0,255]
67// We declare this variable 'volatile' to prevent instruction reordering
68// and make sure it's set to true _last_ (so as to be thread-safe)
69static volatile int tables_ok = 0;
71static void InitTables(void) {
72  if (!tables_ok) {
73    int i;
74    for (i = -255; i <= 255 + 255; ++i) {
75      clip1[255 + i] = clip_8b(i);
76    }
77    tables_ok = 1;
78  }
83// Transforms (Paragraph 14.4)
85#define STORE(x, y, v) \
86  dst[(x) + (y) * BPS] = clip_8b(ref[(x) + (y) * BPS] + ((v) >> 3))
88static const int kC1 = 20091 + (1 << 16);
89static const int kC2 = 35468;
90#define MUL(a, b) (((a) * (b)) >> 16)
92static WEBP_INLINE void ITransformOne(const uint8_t* ref, const int16_t* in,
93                                      uint8_t* dst) {
94  int C[4 * 4], *tmp;
95  int i;
96  tmp = C;
97  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {    // vertical pass
98    const int a = in[0] + in[8];
99    const int b = in[0] - in[8];
100    const int c = MUL(in[4], kC2) - MUL(in[12], kC1);
101    const int d = MUL(in[4], kC1) + MUL(in[12], kC2);
102    tmp[0] = a + d;
103    tmp[1] = b + c;
104    tmp[2] = b - c;
105    tmp[3] = a - d;
106    tmp += 4;
107    in++;
108  }
110  tmp = C;
111  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {    // horizontal pass
112    const int dc = tmp[0] + 4;
113    const int a =  dc +  tmp[8];
114    const int b =  dc -  tmp[8];
115    const int c = MUL(tmp[4], kC2) - MUL(tmp[12], kC1);
116    const int d = MUL(tmp[4], kC1) + MUL(tmp[12], kC2);
117    STORE(0, i, a + d);
118    STORE(1, i, b + c);
119    STORE(2, i, b - c);
120    STORE(3, i, a - d);
121    tmp++;
122  }
125static void ITransform(const uint8_t* ref, const int16_t* in, uint8_t* dst,
126                       int do_two) {
127  ITransformOne(ref, in, dst);
128  if (do_two) {
129    ITransformOne(ref + 4, in + 16, dst + 4);
130  }
133static void FTransform(const uint8_t* src, const uint8_t* ref, int16_t* out) {
134  int i;
135  int tmp[16];
136  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i, src += BPS, ref += BPS) {
137    const int d0 = src[0] - ref[0];   // 9bit dynamic range ([-255,255])
138    const int d1 = src[1] - ref[1];
139    const int d2 = src[2] - ref[2];
140    const int d3 = src[3] - ref[3];
141    const int a0 = (d0 + d3);         // 10b                      [-510,510]
142    const int a1 = (d1 + d2);
143    const int a2 = (d1 - d2);
144    const int a3 = (d0 - d3);
145    tmp[0 + i * 4] = (a0 + a1) << 3;  // 14b                      [-8160,8160]
146    tmp[1 + i * 4] = (a2 * 2217 + a3 * 5352 + 1812) >> 9;      // [-7536,7542]
147    tmp[2 + i * 4] = (a0 - a1) << 3;
148    tmp[3 + i * 4] = (a3 * 2217 - a2 * 5352 +  937) >> 9;
149  }
150  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
151    const int a0 = (tmp[0 + i] + tmp[12 + i]);  // 15b
152    const int a1 = (tmp[4 + i] + tmp[ 8 + i]);
153    const int a2 = (tmp[4 + i] - tmp[ 8 + i]);
154    const int a3 = (tmp[0 + i] - tmp[12 + i]);
155    out[0 + i] = (a0 + a1 + 7) >> 4;            // 12b
156    out[4 + i] = ((a2 * 2217 + a3 * 5352 + 12000) >> 16) + (a3 != 0);
157    out[8 + i] = (a0 - a1 + 7) >> 4;
158    out[12+ i] = ((a3 * 2217 - a2 * 5352 + 51000) >> 16);
159  }
162static void ITransformWHT(const int16_t* in, int16_t* out) {
163  int tmp[16];
164  int i;
165  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
166    const int a0 = in[0 + i] + in[12 + i];
167    const int a1 = in[4 + i] + in[ 8 + i];
168    const int a2 = in[4 + i] - in[ 8 + i];
169    const int a3 = in[0 + i] - in[12 + i];
170    tmp[0  + i] = a0 + a1;
171    tmp[8  + i] = a0 - a1;
172    tmp[4  + i] = a3 + a2;
173    tmp[12 + i] = a3 - a2;
174  }
175  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
176    const int dc = tmp[0 + i * 4] + 3;    // w/ rounder
177    const int a0 = dc             + tmp[3 + i * 4];
178    const int a1 = tmp[1 + i * 4] + tmp[2 + i * 4];
179    const int a2 = tmp[1 + i * 4] - tmp[2 + i * 4];
180    const int a3 = dc             - tmp[3 + i * 4];
181    out[ 0] = (a0 + a1) >> 3;
182    out[16] = (a3 + a2) >> 3;
183    out[32] = (a0 - a1) >> 3;
184    out[48] = (a3 - a2) >> 3;
185    out += 64;
186  }
189static void FTransformWHT(const int16_t* in, int16_t* out) {
190  int tmp[16];
191  int i;
192  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i, in += 64) {
193    const int a0 = (in[0 * 16] + in[2 * 16]) << 2;
194    const int a1 = (in[1 * 16] + in[3 * 16]) << 2;
195    const int a2 = (in[1 * 16] - in[3 * 16]) << 2;
196    const int a3 = (in[0 * 16] - in[2 * 16]) << 2;
197    tmp[0 + i * 4] = (a0 + a1) + (a0 != 0);
198    tmp[1 + i * 4] = a3 + a2;
199    tmp[2 + i * 4] = a3 - a2;
200    tmp[3 + i * 4] = a0 - a1;
201  }
202  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
203    const int a0 = (tmp[0 + i] + tmp[8 + i]);
204    const int a1 = (tmp[4 + i] + tmp[12+ i]);
205    const int a2 = (tmp[4 + i] - tmp[12+ i]);
206    const int a3 = (tmp[0 + i] - tmp[8 + i]);
207    const int b0 = a0 + a1;
208    const int b1 = a3 + a2;
209    const int b2 = a3 - a2;
210    const int b3 = a0 - a1;
211    out[ 0 + i] = (b0 + (b0 > 0) + 3) >> 3;
212    out[ 4 + i] = (b1 + (b1 > 0) + 3) >> 3;
213    out[ 8 + i] = (b2 + (b2 > 0) + 3) >> 3;
214    out[12 + i] = (b3 + (b3 > 0) + 3) >> 3;
215  }
218#undef MUL
219#undef STORE
222// Intra predictions
224#define DST(x, y) dst[(x) + (y) * BPS]
226static WEBP_INLINE void Fill(uint8_t* dst, int value, int size) {
227  int j;
228  for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
229    memset(dst + j * BPS, value, size);
230  }
233static WEBP_INLINE void VerticalPred(uint8_t* dst,
234                                     const uint8_t* top, int size) {
235  int j;
236  if (top) {
237    for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) memcpy(dst + j * BPS, top, size);
238  } else {
239    Fill(dst, 127, size);
240  }
243static WEBP_INLINE void HorizontalPred(uint8_t* dst,
244                                       const uint8_t* left, int size) {
245  if (left) {
246    int j;
247    for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
248      memset(dst + j * BPS, left[j], size);
249    }
250  } else {
251    Fill(dst, 129, size);
252  }
255static WEBP_INLINE void TrueMotion(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* left,
256                                   const uint8_t* top, int size) {
257  int y;
258  if (left) {
259    if (top) {
260      const uint8_t* const clip = clip1 + 255 - left[-1];
261      for (y = 0; y < size; ++y) {
262        const uint8_t* const clip_table = clip + left[y];
263        int x;
264        for (x = 0; x < size; ++x) {
265          dst[x] = clip_table[top[x]];
266        }
267        dst += BPS;
268      }
269    } else {
270      HorizontalPred(dst, left, size);
271    }
272  } else {
273    // true motion without left samples (hence: with default 129 value)
274    // is equivalent to VE prediction where you just copy the top samples.
275    // Note that if top samples are not available, the default value is
276    // then 129, and not 127 as in the VerticalPred case.
277    if (top) {
278      VerticalPred(dst, top, size);
279    } else {
280      Fill(dst, 129, size);
281    }
282  }
285static WEBP_INLINE void DCMode(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* left,
286                               const uint8_t* top,
287                               int size, int round, int shift) {
288  int DC = 0;
289  int j;
290  if (top) {
291    for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) DC += top[j];
292    if (left) {   // top and left present
293      for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) DC += left[j];
294    } else {      // top, but no left
295      DC += DC;
296    }
297    DC = (DC + round) >> shift;
298  } else if (left) {   // left but no top
299    for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) DC += left[j];
300    DC += DC;
301    DC = (DC + round) >> shift;
302  } else {   // no top, no left, nothing.
303    DC = 0x80;
304  }
305  Fill(dst, DC, size);
309// Chroma 8x8 prediction (paragraph 12.2)
311static void IntraChromaPreds(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* left,
312                             const uint8_t* top) {
313  // U block
314  DCMode(C8DC8 + dst, left, top, 8, 8, 4);
315  VerticalPred(C8VE8 + dst, top, 8);
316  HorizontalPred(C8HE8 + dst, left, 8);
317  TrueMotion(C8TM8 + dst, left, top, 8);
318  // V block
319  dst += 8;
320  if (top) top += 8;
321  if (left) left += 16;
322  DCMode(C8DC8 + dst, left, top, 8, 8, 4);
323  VerticalPred(C8VE8 + dst, top, 8);
324  HorizontalPred(C8HE8 + dst, left, 8);
325  TrueMotion(C8TM8 + dst, left, top, 8);
329// luma 16x16 prediction (paragraph 12.3)
331static void Intra16Preds(uint8_t* dst,
332                         const uint8_t* left, const uint8_t* top) {
333  DCMode(I16DC16 + dst, left, top, 16, 16, 5);
334  VerticalPred(I16VE16 + dst, top, 16);
335  HorizontalPred(I16HE16 + dst, left, 16);
336  TrueMotion(I16TM16 + dst, left, top, 16);
340// luma 4x4 prediction
342#define AVG3(a, b, c) (((a) + 2 * (b) + (c) + 2) >> 2)
343#define AVG2(a, b) (((a) + (b) + 1) >> 1)
345static void VE4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {    // vertical
346  const uint8_t vals[4] = {
347    AVG3(top[-1], top[0], top[1]),
348    AVG3(top[ 0], top[1], top[2]),
349    AVG3(top[ 1], top[2], top[3]),
350    AVG3(top[ 2], top[3], top[4])
351  };
352  int i;
353  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
354    memcpy(dst + i * BPS, vals, 4);
355  }
358static void HE4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {    // horizontal
359  const int X = top[-1];
360  const int I = top[-2];
361  const int J = top[-3];
362  const int K = top[-4];
363  const int L = top[-5];
364  *(uint32_t*)(dst + 0 * BPS) = 0x01010101U * AVG3(X, I, J);
365  *(uint32_t*)(dst + 1 * BPS) = 0x01010101U * AVG3(I, J, K);
366  *(uint32_t*)(dst + 2 * BPS) = 0x01010101U * AVG3(J, K, L);
367  *(uint32_t*)(dst + 3 * BPS) = 0x01010101U * AVG3(K, L, L);
370static void DC4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
371  uint32_t dc = 4;
372  int i;
373  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) dc += top[i] + top[-5 + i];
374  Fill(dst, dc >> 3, 4);
377static void RD4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
378  const int X = top[-1];
379  const int I = top[-2];
380  const int J = top[-3];
381  const int K = top[-4];
382  const int L = top[-5];
383  const int A = top[0];
384  const int B = top[1];
385  const int C = top[2];
386  const int D = top[3];
387  DST(0, 3)                                     = AVG3(J, K, L);
388  DST(0, 2) = DST(1, 3)                         = AVG3(I, J, K);
389  DST(0, 1) = DST(1, 2) = DST(2, 3)             = AVG3(X, I, J);
390  DST(0, 0) = DST(1, 1) = DST(2, 2) = DST(3, 3) = AVG3(A, X, I);
391  DST(1, 0) = DST(2, 1) = DST(3, 2)             = AVG3(B, A, X);
392  DST(2, 0) = DST(3, 1)                         = AVG3(C, B, A);
393  DST(3, 0)                                     = AVG3(D, C, B);
396static void LD4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
397  const int A = top[0];
398  const int B = top[1];
399  const int C = top[2];
400  const int D = top[3];
401  const int E = top[4];
402  const int F = top[5];
403  const int G = top[6];
404  const int H = top[7];
405  DST(0, 0)                                     = AVG3(A, B, C);
406  DST(1, 0) = DST(0, 1)                         = AVG3(B, C, D);
407  DST(2, 0) = DST(1, 1) = DST(0, 2)             = AVG3(C, D, E);
408  DST(3, 0) = DST(2, 1) = DST(1, 2) = DST(0, 3) = AVG3(D, E, F);
409  DST(3, 1) = DST(2, 2) = DST(1, 3)             = AVG3(E, F, G);
410  DST(3, 2) = DST(2, 3)                         = AVG3(F, G, H);
411  DST(3, 3)                                     = AVG3(G, H, H);
414static void VR4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
415  const int X = top[-1];
416  const int I = top[-2];
417  const int J = top[-3];
418  const int K = top[-4];
419  const int A = top[0];
420  const int B = top[1];
421  const int C = top[2];
422  const int D = top[3];
423  DST(0, 0) = DST(1, 2) = AVG2(X, A);
424  DST(1, 0) = DST(2, 2) = AVG2(A, B);
425  DST(2, 0) = DST(3, 2) = AVG2(B, C);
426  DST(3, 0)             = AVG2(C, D);
428  DST(0, 3) =             AVG3(K, J, I);
429  DST(0, 2) =             AVG3(J, I, X);
430  DST(0, 1) = DST(1, 3) = AVG3(I, X, A);
431  DST(1, 1) = DST(2, 3) = AVG3(X, A, B);
432  DST(2, 1) = DST(3, 3) = AVG3(A, B, C);
433  DST(3, 1) =             AVG3(B, C, D);
436static void VL4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
437  const int A = top[0];
438  const int B = top[1];
439  const int C = top[2];
440  const int D = top[3];
441  const int E = top[4];
442  const int F = top[5];
443  const int G = top[6];
444  const int H = top[7];
445  DST(0, 0) =             AVG2(A, B);
446  DST(1, 0) = DST(0, 2) = AVG2(B, C);
447  DST(2, 0) = DST(1, 2) = AVG2(C, D);
448  DST(3, 0) = DST(2, 2) = AVG2(D, E);
450  DST(0, 1) =             AVG3(A, B, C);
451  DST(1, 1) = DST(0, 3) = AVG3(B, C, D);
452  DST(2, 1) = DST(1, 3) = AVG3(C, D, E);
453  DST(3, 1) = DST(2, 3) = AVG3(D, E, F);
454              DST(3, 2) = AVG3(E, F, G);
455              DST(3, 3) = AVG3(F, G, H);
458static void HU4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
459  const int I = top[-2];
460  const int J = top[-3];
461  const int K = top[-4];
462  const int L = top[-5];
463  DST(0, 0) =             AVG2(I, J);
464  DST(2, 0) = DST(0, 1) = AVG2(J, K);
465  DST(2, 1) = DST(0, 2) = AVG2(K, L);
466  DST(1, 0) =             AVG3(I, J, K);
467  DST(3, 0) = DST(1, 1) = AVG3(J, K, L);
468  DST(3, 1) = DST(1, 2) = AVG3(K, L, L);
469  DST(3, 2) = DST(2, 2) =
470  DST(0, 3) = DST(1, 3) = DST(2, 3) = DST(3, 3) = L;
473static void HD4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
474  const int X = top[-1];
475  const int I = top[-2];
476  const int J = top[-3];
477  const int K = top[-4];
478  const int L = top[-5];
479  const int A = top[0];
480  const int B = top[1];
481  const int C = top[2];
483  DST(0, 0) = DST(2, 1) = AVG2(I, X);
484  DST(0, 1) = DST(2, 2) = AVG2(J, I);
485  DST(0, 2) = DST(2, 3) = AVG2(K, J);
486  DST(0, 3)             = AVG2(L, K);
488  DST(3, 0)             = AVG3(A, B, C);
489  DST(2, 0)             = AVG3(X, A, B);
490  DST(1, 0) = DST(3, 1) = AVG3(I, X, A);
491  DST(1, 1) = DST(3, 2) = AVG3(J, I, X);
492  DST(1, 2) = DST(3, 3) = AVG3(K, J, I);
493  DST(1, 3)             = AVG3(L, K, J);
496static void TM4(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
497  int x, y;
498  const uint8_t* const clip = clip1 + 255 - top[-1];
499  for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
500    const uint8_t* const clip_table = clip + top[-2 - y];
501    for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
502      dst[x] = clip_table[top[x]];
503    }
504    dst += BPS;
505  }
508#undef DST
509#undef AVG3
510#undef AVG2
512// Left samples are top[-5 .. -2], top_left is top[-1], top are
513// located at top[0..3], and top right is top[4..7]
514static void Intra4Preds(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
515  DC4(I4DC4 + dst, top);
516  TM4(I4TM4 + dst, top);
517  VE4(I4VE4 + dst, top);
518  HE4(I4HE4 + dst, top);
519  RD4(I4RD4 + dst, top);
520  VR4(I4VR4 + dst, top);
521  LD4(I4LD4 + dst, top);
522  VL4(I4VL4 + dst, top);
523  HD4(I4HD4 + dst, top);
524  HU4(I4HU4 + dst, top);
528// Metric
530static WEBP_INLINE int GetSSE(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b,
531                              int w, int h) {
532  int count = 0;
533  int y, x;
534  for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
535    for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
536      const int diff = (int)a[x] - b[x];
537      count += diff * diff;
538    }
539    a += BPS;
540    b += BPS;
541  }
542  return count;
545static int SSE16x16(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
546  return GetSSE(a, b, 16, 16);
548static int SSE16x8(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
549  return GetSSE(a, b, 16, 8);
551static int SSE8x8(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
552  return GetSSE(a, b, 8, 8);
554static int SSE4x4(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
555  return GetSSE(a, b, 4, 4);
559// Texture distortion
561// We try to match the spectral content (weighted) between source and
562// reconstructed samples.
564// Hadamard transform
565// Returns the weighted sum of the absolute value of transformed coefficients.
566static int TTransform(const uint8_t* in, const uint16_t* w) {
567  int sum = 0;
568  int tmp[16];
569  int i;
570  // horizontal pass
571  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i, in += BPS) {
572    const int a0 = in[0] + in[2];
573    const int a1 = in[1] + in[3];
574    const int a2 = in[1] - in[3];
575    const int a3 = in[0] - in[2];
576    tmp[0 + i * 4] = a0 + a1;
577    tmp[1 + i * 4] = a3 + a2;
578    tmp[2 + i * 4] = a3 - a2;
579    tmp[3 + i * 4] = a0 - a1;
580  }
581  // vertical pass
582  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++w) {
583    const int a0 = tmp[0 + i] + tmp[8 + i];
584    const int a1 = tmp[4 + i] + tmp[12+ i];
585    const int a2 = tmp[4 + i] - tmp[12+ i];
586    const int a3 = tmp[0 + i] - tmp[8 + i];
587    const int b0 = a0 + a1;
588    const int b1 = a3 + a2;
589    const int b2 = a3 - a2;
590    const int b3 = a0 - a1;
592    sum += w[ 0] * abs(b0);
593    sum += w[ 4] * abs(b1);
594    sum += w[ 8] * abs(b2);
595    sum += w[12] * abs(b3);
596  }
597  return sum;
600static int Disto4x4(const uint8_t* const a, const uint8_t* const b,
601                    const uint16_t* const w) {
602  const int sum1 = TTransform(a, w);
603  const int sum2 = TTransform(b, w);
604  return abs(sum2 - sum1) >> 5;
607static int Disto16x16(const uint8_t* const a, const uint8_t* const b,
608                      const uint16_t* const w) {
609  int D = 0;
610  int x, y;
611  for (y = 0; y < 16 * BPS; y += 4 * BPS) {
612    for (x = 0; x < 16; x += 4) {
613      D += Disto4x4(a + x + y, b + x + y, w);
614    }
615  }
616  return D;
620// Quantization
623static const uint8_t kZigzag[16] = {
624  0, 1, 4, 8, 5, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 10, 7, 11, 14, 15
627// Simple quantization
628static int QuantizeBlock(int16_t in[16], int16_t out[16],
629                         int n, const VP8Matrix* const mtx) {
630  int last = -1;
631  for (; n < 16; ++n) {
632    const int j = kZigzag[n];
633    const int sign = (in[j] < 0);
634    int coeff = (sign ? -in[j] : in[j]) + mtx->sharpen_[j];
635    if (coeff > 2047) coeff = 2047;
636    if (coeff > mtx->zthresh_[j]) {
637      const int Q = mtx->q_[j];
638      const int iQ = mtx->iq_[j];
639      const int B = mtx->bias_[j];
640      out[n] = QUANTDIV(coeff, iQ, B);
641      if (sign) out[n] = -out[n];
642      in[j] = out[n] * Q;
643      if (out[n]) last = n;
644    } else {
645      out[n] = 0;
646      in[j] = 0;
647    }
648  }
649  return (last >= 0);
653// Block copy
655static WEBP_INLINE void Copy(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst, int size) {
656  int y;
657  for (y = 0; y < size; ++y) {
658    memcpy(dst, src, size);
659    src += BPS;
660    dst += BPS;
661  }
664static void Copy4x4(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst) { Copy(src, dst, 4); }
667// Initialization
669// Speed-critical function pointers. We have to initialize them to the default
670// implementations within VP8EncDspInit().
671VP8CHisto VP8CollectHistogram;
672VP8Idct VP8ITransform;
673VP8Fdct VP8FTransform;
674VP8WHT VP8ITransformWHT;
675VP8WHT VP8FTransformWHT;
676VP8Intra4Preds VP8EncPredLuma4;
677VP8IntraPreds VP8EncPredLuma16;
678VP8IntraPreds VP8EncPredChroma8;
679VP8Metric VP8SSE16x16;
680VP8Metric VP8SSE8x8;
681VP8Metric VP8SSE16x8;
682VP8Metric VP8SSE4x4;
683VP8WMetric VP8TDisto4x4;
684VP8WMetric VP8TDisto16x16;
685VP8QuantizeBlock VP8EncQuantizeBlock;
686VP8BlockCopy VP8Copy4x4;
688extern void VP8EncDspInitSSE2(void);
689extern void VP8EncDspInitNEON(void);
691void VP8EncDspInit(void) {
692  InitTables();
694  // default C implementations
695  VP8CollectHistogram = CollectHistogram;
696  VP8ITransform = ITransform;
697  VP8FTransform = FTransform;
698  VP8ITransformWHT = ITransformWHT;
699  VP8FTransformWHT = FTransformWHT;
700  VP8EncPredLuma4 = Intra4Preds;
701  VP8EncPredLuma16 = Intra16Preds;
702  VP8EncPredChroma8 = IntraChromaPreds;
703  VP8SSE16x16 = SSE16x16;
704  VP8SSE8x8 = SSE8x8;
705  VP8SSE16x8 = SSE16x8;
706  VP8SSE4x4 = SSE4x4;
707  VP8TDisto4x4 = Disto4x4;
708  VP8TDisto16x16 = Disto16x16;
709  VP8EncQuantizeBlock = QuantizeBlock;
710  VP8Copy4x4 = Copy4x4;
712  // If defined, use CPUInfo() to overwrite some pointers with faster versions.
713  if (VP8GetCPUInfo) {
714#if defined(WEBP_USE_SSE2)
715    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kSSE2)) {
716      VP8EncDspInitSSE2();
717    }
718#elif defined(WEBP_USE_NEON)
719    if (VP8GetCPUInfo(kNEON)) {
720      VP8EncDspInitNEON();
721    }
723  }
726#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
727}    // extern "C"