2 *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
11#include "pitch_estimator.h"
13#include <math.h>
14#include <memory.h>
16#include <stdlib.h>
19static const double kInterpolWin[8] = {-0.00067556028640,  0.02184247643159, -0.12203175715679,  0.60086484101160,
20                                       0.60086484101160, -0.12203175715679,  0.02184247643159, -0.00067556028640};
22/* interpolation filter */
23__inline static void IntrepolFilter(double *data_ptr, double *intrp)
25  *intrp = kInterpolWin[0] * data_ptr[-3];
26  *intrp += kInterpolWin[1] * data_ptr[-2];
27  *intrp += kInterpolWin[2] * data_ptr[-1];
28  *intrp += kInterpolWin[3] * data_ptr[0];
29  *intrp += kInterpolWin[4] * data_ptr[1];
30  *intrp += kInterpolWin[5] * data_ptr[2];
31  *intrp += kInterpolWin[6] * data_ptr[3];
32  *intrp += kInterpolWin[7] * data_ptr[4];
36/* 2D parabolic interpolation */
37/* probably some 0.5 factors can be eliminated, and the square-roots can be removed from the Cholesky fact. */
38__inline static void Intrpol2D(double T[3][3], double *x, double *y, double *peak_val)
40  double c, b[2], A[2][2];
41  double t1, t2, d;
42  double delta1, delta2;
45  // double T[3][3] = {{-1.25, -.25,-.25}, {-.25, .75, .75}, {-.25, .75, .75}};
46  // should result in: delta1 = 0.5;  delta2 = 0.0;  peak_val = 1.0
48  c = T[1][1];
49  b[0] = 0.5 * (T[1][2] + T[2][1] - T[0][1] - T[1][0]);
50  b[1] = 0.5 * (T[1][0] + T[2][1] - T[0][1] - T[1][2]);
51  A[0][1] = -0.5 * (T[0][1] + T[2][1] - T[1][0] - T[1][2]);
52  t1 = 0.5 * (T[0][0] + T[2][2]) - c;
53  t2 = 0.5 * (T[2][0] + T[0][2]) - c;
54  d = (T[0][1] + T[1][2] + T[1][0] + T[2][1]) - 4.0 * c - t1 - t2;
55  A[0][0] = -t1 - 0.5 * d;
56  A[1][1] = -t2 - 0.5 * d;
58  /* deal with singularities or ill-conditioned cases */
59  if ( (A[0][0] < 1e-7) || ((A[0][0] * A[1][1] - A[0][1] * A[0][1]) < 1e-7) ) {
60    *peak_val = T[1][1];
61    return;
62  }
64  /* Cholesky decomposition: replace A by upper-triangular factor */
65  A[0][0] = sqrt(A[0][0]);
66  A[0][1] = A[0][1] / A[0][0];
67  A[1][1] = sqrt(A[1][1] - A[0][1] * A[0][1]);
69  /* compute [x; y] = -0.5 * inv(A) * b */
70  t1 = b[0] / A[0][0];
71  t2 = (b[1] - t1 * A[0][1]) / A[1][1];
72  delta2 = t2 / A[1][1];
73  delta1 = 0.5 * (t1 - delta2 * A[0][1]) / A[0][0];
74  delta2 *= 0.5;
76  /* limit norm */
77  t1 = delta1 * delta1 + delta2 * delta2;
78  if (t1 > 1.0) {
79    delta1 /= t1;
80    delta2 /= t1;
81  }
83  *peak_val = 0.5 * (b[0] * delta1 + b[1] * delta2) + c;
85  *x += delta1;
86  *y += delta2;
90static void PCorr(const double *in, double *outcorr)
92  double sum, ysum, prod;
93  const double *x, *inptr;
94  int k, n;
96  //ysum = 1e-6;          /* use this with float (i.s.o. double)! */
97  ysum = 1e-13;
98  sum = 0.0;
99  x = in + PITCH_MAX_LAG/2 + 2;
100  for (n = 0; n < PITCH_CORR_LEN2; n++) {
101    ysum += in[n] * in[n];
102    sum += x[n] * in[n];
103  }
105  outcorr += PITCH_LAG_SPAN2 - 1;     /* index of last element in array */
106  *outcorr = sum / sqrt(ysum);
108  for (k = 1; k < PITCH_LAG_SPAN2; k++) {
109    ysum -= in[k-1] * in[k-1];
110    ysum += in[PITCH_CORR_LEN2 + k - 1] * in[PITCH_CORR_LEN2 + k - 1];
111    sum = 0.0;
112    inptr = &in[k];
113    prod = x[0] * inptr[0];
114    for (n = 1; n < PITCH_CORR_LEN2; n++) {
115      sum += prod;
116      prod = x[n] * inptr[n];
117    }
118    sum += prod;
119    outcorr--;
120    *outcorr = sum / sqrt(ysum);
121  }
125void WebRtcIsac_InitializePitch(const double *in,
126                                const double old_lag,
127                                const double old_gain,
128                                PitchAnalysisStruct *State,
129                                double *lags)
131  double buf_dec[PITCH_CORR_LEN2+PITCH_CORR_STEP2+PITCH_MAX_LAG/2+2];
132  double ratio, log_lag, gain_bias;
133  double bias;
134  double corrvec1[PITCH_LAG_SPAN2];
135  double corrvec2[PITCH_LAG_SPAN2];
136  int m, k;
137  // Allocating 10 extra entries at the begining of the CorrSurf
138  double corrSurfBuff[10 + (2*PITCH_BW+3)*(PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)];
139  double* CorrSurf[2*PITCH_BW+3];
140  double *CorrSurfPtr1, *CorrSurfPtr2;
141  double LagWin[3] = {0.2, 0.5, 0.98};
142  int ind1, ind2, peaks_ind, peak, max_ind;
143  int peaks[PITCH_MAX_NUM_PEAKS];
144  double adj, gain_tmp;
145  double corr, corr_max;
146  double intrp_a, intrp_b, intrp_c, intrp_d;
147  double peak_vals[PITCH_MAX_NUM_PEAKS];
148  double lags1[PITCH_MAX_NUM_PEAKS];
149  double lags2[PITCH_MAX_NUM_PEAKS];
150  double T[3][3];
151  int row;
153  for(k = 0; k < 2*PITCH_BW+3; k++)
154  {
155    CorrSurf[k] = &corrSurfBuff[10 + k * (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)];
156  }
157  /* reset CorrSurf matrix */
158  memset(corrSurfBuff, 0, sizeof(double) * (10 + (2*PITCH_BW+3) * (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)));
160  //warnings -DH
161  max_ind = 0;
162  peak = 0;
164  /* copy old values from state buffer */
165  memcpy(buf_dec, State->dec_buffer, sizeof(double) * (PITCH_CORR_LEN2+PITCH_CORR_STEP2+PITCH_MAX_LAG/2-PITCH_FRAME_LEN/2+2));
167  /* decimation; put result after the old values */
168  WebRtcIsac_DecimateAllpass(in, State->decimator_state, PITCH_FRAME_LEN,
169                             &buf_dec[PITCH_CORR_LEN2+PITCH_CORR_STEP2+PITCH_MAX_LAG/2-PITCH_FRAME_LEN/2+2]);
171  /* low-pass filtering */
173    buf_dec[k] += 0.75 * buf_dec[k-1] - 0.25 * buf_dec[k-2];
175  /* copy end part back into state buffer */
176  memcpy(State->dec_buffer, buf_dec+PITCH_FRAME_LEN/2, sizeof(double) * (PITCH_CORR_LEN2+PITCH_CORR_STEP2+PITCH_MAX_LAG/2-PITCH_FRAME_LEN/2+2));
178  /* compute correlation for first and second half of the frame */
179  PCorr(buf_dec, corrvec1);
180  PCorr(buf_dec + PITCH_CORR_STEP2, corrvec2);
182  /* bias towards pitch lag of previous frame */
183  log_lag = log(0.5 * old_lag);
184  gain_bias = 4.0 * old_gain * old_gain;
185  if (gain_bias > 0.8) gain_bias = 0.8;
186  for (k = 0; k < PITCH_LAG_SPAN2; k++)
187  {
188    ratio = log((double) (k + (PITCH_MIN_LAG/2-2))) - log_lag;
189    bias = 1.0 + gain_bias * exp(-5.0 * ratio * ratio);
190    corrvec1[k] *= bias;
191  }
193  /* taper correlation functions */
194  for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
195    gain_tmp = LagWin[k];
196    corrvec1[k] *= gain_tmp;
197    corrvec2[k] *= gain_tmp;
198    corrvec1[PITCH_LAG_SPAN2-1-k] *= gain_tmp;
199    corrvec2[PITCH_LAG_SPAN2-1-k] *= gain_tmp;
200  }
202  corr_max = 0.0;
203  /* fill middle row of correlation surface */
204  ind1 = 0;
205  ind2 = 0;
206  CorrSurfPtr1 = &CorrSurf[PITCH_BW][2];
207  for (k = 0; k < PITCH_LAG_SPAN2; k++) {
208    corr = corrvec1[ind1++] + corrvec2[ind2++];
209    CorrSurfPtr1[k] = corr;
210    if (corr > corr_max) {
211      corr_max = corr;  /* update maximum */
212      max_ind = (int)(&CorrSurfPtr1[k] - &CorrSurf[0][0]);
213    }
214  }
215  /* fill first and last rows of correlation surface */
216  ind1 = 0;
217  ind2 = PITCH_BW;
218  CorrSurfPtr1 = &CorrSurf[0][2];
219  CorrSurfPtr2 = &CorrSurf[2*PITCH_BW][PITCH_BW+2];
220  for (k = 0; k < PITCH_LAG_SPAN2-PITCH_BW; k++) {
221    ratio = ((double) (ind1 + 12)) / ((double) (ind2 + 12));
222    adj = 0.2 * ratio * (2.0 - ratio);   /* adjustment factor; inverse parabola as a function of ratio */
223    corr = adj * (corrvec1[ind1] + corrvec2[ind2]);
224    CorrSurfPtr1[k] = corr;
225    if (corr > corr_max) {
226      corr_max = corr;  /* update maximum */
227      max_ind = (int)(&CorrSurfPtr1[k] - &CorrSurf[0][0]);
228    }
229    corr = adj * (corrvec1[ind2++] + corrvec2[ind1++]);
230    CorrSurfPtr2[k] = corr;
231    if (corr > corr_max) {
232      corr_max = corr;  /* update maximum */
233      max_ind = (int)(&CorrSurfPtr2[k] - &CorrSurf[0][0]);
234    }
235  }
236  /* fill second and next to last rows of correlation surface */
237  ind1 = 0;
238  ind2 = PITCH_BW-1;
239  CorrSurfPtr1 = &CorrSurf[1][2];
240  CorrSurfPtr2 = &CorrSurf[2*PITCH_BW-1][PITCH_BW+1];
241  for (k = 0; k < PITCH_LAG_SPAN2-PITCH_BW+1; k++) {
242    ratio = ((double) (ind1 + 12)) / ((double) (ind2 + 12));
243    adj = 0.9 * ratio * (2.0 - ratio);   /* adjustment factor; inverse parabola as a function of ratio */
244    corr = adj * (corrvec1[ind1] + corrvec2[ind2]);
245    CorrSurfPtr1[k] = corr;
246    if (corr > corr_max) {
247      corr_max = corr;  /* update maximum */
248      max_ind = (int)(&CorrSurfPtr1[k] - &CorrSurf[0][0]);
249    }
250    corr = adj * (corrvec1[ind2++] + corrvec2[ind1++]);
251    CorrSurfPtr2[k] = corr;
252    if (corr > corr_max) {
253      corr_max = corr;  /* update maximum */
254      max_ind = (int)(&CorrSurfPtr2[k] - &CorrSurf[0][0]);
255    }
256  }
257  /* fill remainder of correlation surface */
258  for (m = 2; m < PITCH_BW; m++) {
259    ind1 = 0;
260    ind2 = PITCH_BW - m;         /* always larger than ind1 */
261    CorrSurfPtr1 = &CorrSurf[m][2];
262    CorrSurfPtr2 = &CorrSurf[2*PITCH_BW-m][PITCH_BW+2-m];
263    for (k = 0; k < PITCH_LAG_SPAN2-PITCH_BW+m; k++) {
264      ratio = ((double) (ind1 + 12)) / ((double) (ind2 + 12));
265      adj = ratio * (2.0 - ratio);    /* adjustment factor; inverse parabola as a function of ratio */
266      corr = adj * (corrvec1[ind1] + corrvec2[ind2]);
267      CorrSurfPtr1[k] = corr;
268      if (corr > corr_max) {
269        corr_max = corr;  /* update maximum */
270        max_ind = (int)(&CorrSurfPtr1[k] - &CorrSurf[0][0]);
271      }
272      corr = adj * (corrvec1[ind2++] + corrvec2[ind1++]);
273      CorrSurfPtr2[k] = corr;
274      if (corr > corr_max) {
275        corr_max = corr;  /* update maximum */
276        max_ind = (int)(&CorrSurfPtr2[k] - &CorrSurf[0][0]);
277      }
278    }
279  }
281  /* threshold value to qualify as a peak */
282  corr_max *= 0.6;
284  peaks_ind = 0;
285  /* find peaks */
286  for (m = 1; m < PITCH_BW+1; m++) {
287    if (peaks_ind == PITCH_MAX_NUM_PEAKS) break;
288    CorrSurfPtr1 = &CorrSurf[m][2];
289    for (k = 2; k < PITCH_LAG_SPAN2-PITCH_BW-2+m; k++) {
290      corr = CorrSurfPtr1[k];
291      if (corr > corr_max) {
292        if ( (corr > CorrSurfPtr1[k - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)]) && (corr > CorrSurfPtr1[k - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)]) ) {
293          if ( (corr > CorrSurfPtr1[k + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)]) && (corr > CorrSurfPtr1[k + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)]) ) {
294            /* found a peak; store index into matrix */
295            peaks[peaks_ind++] = (int)(&CorrSurfPtr1[k] - &CorrSurf[0][0]);
296            if (peaks_ind == PITCH_MAX_NUM_PEAKS) break;
297          }
298        }
299      }
300    }
301  }
302  for (m = PITCH_BW+1; m < 2*PITCH_BW; m++) {
303    if (peaks_ind == PITCH_MAX_NUM_PEAKS) break;
304    CorrSurfPtr1 = &CorrSurf[m][2];
305    for (k = 2+m-PITCH_BW; k < PITCH_LAG_SPAN2-2; k++) {
306      corr = CorrSurfPtr1[k];
307      if (corr > corr_max) {
308        if ( (corr > CorrSurfPtr1[k - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)]) && (corr > CorrSurfPtr1[k - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)]) ) {
309          if ( (corr > CorrSurfPtr1[k + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)]) && (corr > CorrSurfPtr1[k + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)]) ) {
310            /* found a peak; store index into matrix */
311            peaks[peaks_ind++] = (int)(&CorrSurfPtr1[k] - &CorrSurf[0][0]);
312            if (peaks_ind == PITCH_MAX_NUM_PEAKS) break;
313          }
314        }
315      }
316    }
317  }
319  if (peaks_ind > 0) {
320    /* examine each peak */
321    CorrSurfPtr1 = &CorrSurf[0][0];
322    for (k = 0; k < peaks_ind; k++) {
323      peak = peaks[k];
325      /* compute four interpolated values around current peak */
326      IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)], &intrp_a);
327      IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak - 1            ], &intrp_b);
328      IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak                ], &intrp_c);
329      IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)], &intrp_d);
331      /* determine maximum of the interpolated values */
332      corr = CorrSurfPtr1[peak];
333      corr_max = intrp_a;
334      if (intrp_b > corr_max) corr_max = intrp_b;
335      if (intrp_c > corr_max) corr_max = intrp_c;
336      if (intrp_d > corr_max) corr_max = intrp_d;
338      /* determine where the peak sits and fill a 3x3 matrix around it */
339      row = peak / (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4);
340      lags1[k] = (double) ((peak - row * (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)) + PITCH_MIN_LAG/2 - 4);
341      lags2[k] = (double) (lags1[k] + PITCH_BW - row);
342      if ( corr > corr_max ) {
343        T[0][0] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)];
344        T[2][0] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)];
345        T[1][1] = corr;
346        T[0][2] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)];
347        T[2][2] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)];
348        T[1][0] = intrp_a;
349        T[0][1] = intrp_b;
350        T[2][1] = intrp_c;
351        T[1][2] = intrp_d;
352      } else {
353        if (intrp_a == corr_max) {
354          lags1[k] -= 0.5;
355          lags2[k] += 0.5;
356          IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak - 2*(PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)], &T[0][0]);
357          IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (2*PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+9)], &T[2][0]);
358          T[1][1] = intrp_a;
359          T[0][2] = intrp_b;
360          T[2][2] = intrp_c;
361          T[1][0] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (2*PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+9)];
362          T[0][1] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)];
363          T[2][1] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)];
364          T[1][2] = corr;
365        } else if (intrp_b == corr_max) {
366          lags1[k] -= 0.5;
367          lags2[k] -= 0.5;
368          IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+6)], &T[0][0]);
369          T[2][0] = intrp_a;
370          T[1][1] = intrp_b;
371          IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+3)], &T[0][2]);
372          T[2][2] = intrp_d;
373          T[1][0] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)];
374          T[0][1] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak - 1];
375          T[2][1] = corr;
376          T[1][2] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)];
377        } else if (intrp_c == corr_max) {
378          lags1[k] += 0.5;
379          lags2[k] += 0.5;
380          T[0][0] = intrp_a;
381          IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)], &T[2][0]);
382          T[1][1] = intrp_c;
383          T[0][2] = intrp_d;
384          IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)], &T[2][2]);
385          T[1][0] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak - (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)];
386          T[0][1] = corr;
387          T[2][1] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak + 1];
388          T[1][2] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)];
389        } else {
390          lags1[k] += 0.5;
391          lags2[k] -= 0.5;
392          T[0][0] = intrp_b;
393          T[2][0] = intrp_c;
394          T[1][1] = intrp_d;
395          IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak + 2*(PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)], &T[0][2]);
396          IntrepolFilter(&CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (2*PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+9)], &T[2][2]);
397          T[1][0] = corr;
398          T[0][1] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)];
399          T[2][1] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+5)];
400          T[1][2] = CorrSurfPtr1[peak + (2*PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+9)];
401        }
402      }
404      /* 2D parabolic interpolation gives more accurate lags and peak value */
405      Intrpol2D(T, &lags1[k], &lags2[k], &peak_vals[k]);
406    }
408    /* determine the highest peak, after applying a bias towards short lags */
409    corr_max = 0.0;
410    for (k = 0; k < peaks_ind; k++) {
411      corr = peak_vals[k] * pow(PITCH_PEAK_DECAY, log(lags1[k] + lags2[k]));
412      if (corr > corr_max) {
413        corr_max = corr;
414        peak = k;
415      }
416    }
418    lags1[peak] *= 2.0;
419    lags2[peak] *= 2.0;
421    if (lags1[peak] < (double) PITCH_MIN_LAG) lags1[peak] = (double) PITCH_MIN_LAG;
422    if (lags2[peak] < (double) PITCH_MIN_LAG) lags2[peak] = (double) PITCH_MIN_LAG;
423    if (lags1[peak] > (double) PITCH_MAX_LAG) lags1[peak] = (double) PITCH_MAX_LAG;
424    if (lags2[peak] > (double) PITCH_MAX_LAG) lags2[peak] = (double) PITCH_MAX_LAG;
426    /* store lags of highest peak in output array */
427    lags[0] = lags1[peak];
428    lags[1] = lags1[peak];
429    lags[2] = lags2[peak];
430    lags[3] = lags2[peak];
431  }
432  else
433  {
434    row = max_ind / (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4);
435    lags1[0] = (double) ((max_ind - row * (PITCH_LAG_SPAN2+4)) + PITCH_MIN_LAG/2 - 4);
436    lags2[0] = (double) (lags1[0] + PITCH_BW - row);
438    if (lags1[0] < (double) PITCH_MIN_LAG) lags1[0] = (double) PITCH_MIN_LAG;
439    if (lags2[0] < (double) PITCH_MIN_LAG) lags2[0] = (double) PITCH_MIN_LAG;
440    if (lags1[0] > (double) PITCH_MAX_LAG) lags1[0] = (double) PITCH_MAX_LAG;
441    if (lags2[0] > (double) PITCH_MAX_LAG) lags2[0] = (double) PITCH_MAX_LAG;
443    /* store lags of highest peak in output array */
444    lags[0] = lags1[0];
445    lags[1] = lags1[0];
446    lags[2] = lags2[0];
447    lags[3] = lags2[0];
448  }
453/* create weighting matrix by orthogonalizing a basis of polynomials of increasing order
454 * t = (0:4)';
455 * A = [t.^0, t.^1, t.^2, t.^3, t.^4];
456 * [Q, dummy] = qr(A);
457 * P.Weight = Q * diag([0, .1, .5, 1, 1]) * Q'; */
458static const double kWeight[5][5] = {
459  { 0.29714285714286,  -0.30857142857143,  -0.05714285714286,   0.05142857142857,  0.01714285714286},
460  {-0.30857142857143,   0.67428571428571,  -0.27142857142857,  -0.14571428571429,  0.05142857142857},
461  {-0.05714285714286,  -0.27142857142857,   0.65714285714286,  -0.27142857142857, -0.05714285714286},
462  { 0.05142857142857,  -0.14571428571429,  -0.27142857142857,   0.67428571428571, -0.30857142857143},
463  { 0.01714285714286,   0.05142857142857,  -0.05714285714286,  -0.30857142857143,  0.29714285714286}
467void WebRtcIsac_PitchAnalysis(const double *in,               /* PITCH_FRAME_LEN samples */
468                              double *out,                    /* PITCH_FRAME_LEN+QLOOKAHEAD samples */
469                              PitchAnalysisStruct *State,
470                              double *lags,
471                              double *gains)
473  double HPin[PITCH_FRAME_LEN];
474  double Weighted[PITCH_FRAME_LEN];
475  double Whitened[PITCH_FRAME_LEN + QLOOKAHEAD];
476  double inbuf[PITCH_FRAME_LEN + QLOOKAHEAD];
477  double out_G[PITCH_FRAME_LEN + QLOOKAHEAD];          // could be removed by using out instead
478  double out_dG[4][PITCH_FRAME_LEN + QLOOKAHEAD];
479  double old_lag, old_gain;
480  double nrg_wht, tmp;
481  double Wnrg, Wfluct, Wgain;
482  double H[4][4];
483  double grad[4];
484  double dG[4];
485  int k, m, n, iter;
487  /* high pass filtering using second order pole-zero filter */
488  WebRtcIsac_Highpass(in, HPin, State->hp_state, PITCH_FRAME_LEN);
490  /* copy from state into buffer */
491  memcpy(Whitened, State->whitened_buf, sizeof(double) * QLOOKAHEAD);
493  /* compute weighted and whitened signals */
494  WebRtcIsac_WeightingFilter(HPin, &Weighted[0], &Whitened[QLOOKAHEAD], &(State->Wghtstr));
496  /* copy from buffer into state */
497  memcpy(State->whitened_buf, Whitened+PITCH_FRAME_LEN, sizeof(double) * QLOOKAHEAD);
499  old_lag = State->PFstr_wght.oldlagp[0];
500  old_gain = State->PFstr_wght.oldgainp[0];
502  /* inital pitch estimate */
503  WebRtcIsac_InitializePitch(Weighted, old_lag, old_gain, State, lags);
506  /* Iterative optimization of lags - to be done */
508  /* compute energy of whitened signal */
509  nrg_wht = 0.0;
510  for (k = 0; k < PITCH_FRAME_LEN + QLOOKAHEAD; k++)
511    nrg_wht += Whitened[k] * Whitened[k];
514  /* Iterative optimization of gains */
516  /* set weights for energy, gain fluctiation, and spectral gain penalty functions */
517  Wnrg = 1.0 / nrg_wht;
518  Wgain = 0.005;
519  Wfluct = 3.0;
521  /* set initial gains */
522  for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
523    gains[k] = PITCH_MAX_GAIN_06;
525  /* two iterations should be enough */
526  for (iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++) {
527    /* compute Jacobian of pre-filter output towards gains */
528    WebRtcIsac_PitchfilterPre_gains(Whitened, out_G, out_dG, &(State->PFstr_wght), lags, gains);
530    /* gradient and approximate Hessian (lower triangle) for minimizing the filter's output power */
531    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
532      tmp = 0.0;
533      for (n = 0; n < PITCH_FRAME_LEN + QLOOKAHEAD; n++)
534        tmp += out_G[n] * out_dG[k][n];
535      grad[k] = tmp * Wnrg;
536    }
537    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
538      for (m = 0; m <= k; m++) {
539        tmp = 0.0;
540        for (n = 0; n < PITCH_FRAME_LEN + QLOOKAHEAD; n++)
541          tmp += out_dG[m][n] * out_dG[k][n];
542        H[k][m] = tmp * Wnrg;
543      }
544    }
546    /* add gradient and Hessian (lower triangle) for dampening fast gain changes */
547    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
548      tmp = kWeight[k+1][0] * old_gain;
549      for (m = 0; m < 4; m++)
550        tmp += kWeight[k+1][m+1] * gains[m];
551      grad[k] += tmp * Wfluct;
552    }
553    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
554      for (m = 0; m <= k; m++) {
555        H[k][m] += kWeight[k+1][m+1] * Wfluct;
556      }
557    }
559    /* add gradient and Hessian for dampening gain */
560    for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
561      tmp = 1.0 / (1 - gains[k]);
562      grad[k] += tmp * tmp * Wgain;
563      H[k][k] += 2.0 * tmp * (tmp * tmp * Wgain);
564    }
565    tmp = 1.0 / (1 - gains[3]);
566    grad[3] += 1.33 * (tmp * tmp * Wgain);
567    H[3][3] += 2.66 * tmp * (tmp * tmp * Wgain);
570    /* compute Cholesky factorization of Hessian
571     * by overwritting the upper triangle; scale factors on diagonal
572     * (for non pc-platforms store the inverse of the diagonals seperately to minimize divisions) */
573    H[0][1] = H[1][0] / H[0][0];
574    H[0][2] = H[2][0] / H[0][0];
575    H[0][3] = H[3][0] / H[0][0];
576    H[1][1] -= H[0][0] * H[0][1] * H[0][1];
577    H[1][2] = (H[2][1] - H[0][1] * H[2][0]) / H[1][1];
578    H[1][3] = (H[3][1] - H[0][1] * H[3][0]) / H[1][1];
579    H[2][2] -= H[0][0] * H[0][2] * H[0][2] + H[1][1] * H[1][2] * H[1][2];
580    H[2][3] = (H[3][2] - H[0][2] * H[3][0] - H[1][2] * H[1][1] * H[1][3]) / H[2][2];
581    H[3][3] -= H[0][0] * H[0][3] * H[0][3] + H[1][1] * H[1][3] * H[1][3] + H[2][2] * H[2][3] * H[2][3];
583    /* Compute update as  delta_gains = -inv(H) * grad */
584    /* copy and negate */
585    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
586      dG[k] = -grad[k];
587    /* back substitution */
588    dG[1] -= dG[0] * H[0][1];
589    dG[2] -= dG[0] * H[0][2] + dG[1] * H[1][2];
590    dG[3] -= dG[0] * H[0][3] + dG[1] * H[1][3] + dG[2] * H[2][3];
591    /* scale */
592    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
593      dG[k] /= H[k][k];
594    /* back substitution */
595    dG[2] -= dG[3] * H[2][3];
596    dG[1] -= dG[3] * H[1][3] + dG[2] * H[1][2];
597    dG[0] -= dG[3] * H[0][3] + dG[2] * H[0][2] + dG[1] * H[0][1];
599    /* update gains and check range */
600    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
601      gains[k] += dG[k];
602      if (gains[k] > PITCH_MAX_GAIN)
603        gains[k] = PITCH_MAX_GAIN;
604      else if (gains[k] < 0.0)
605        gains[k] = 0.0;
606    }
607  }
609  /* update state for next frame */
610  WebRtcIsac_PitchfilterPre(Whitened, out, &(State->PFstr_wght), lags, gains);
612  /* concatenate previous input's end and current input */
613  memcpy(inbuf, State->inbuf, sizeof(double) * QLOOKAHEAD);
614  memcpy(inbuf+QLOOKAHEAD, in, sizeof(double) * PITCH_FRAME_LEN);
616  /* lookahead pitch filtering for masking analysis */
617  WebRtcIsac_PitchfilterPre_la(inbuf, out, &(State->PFstr), lags, gains);
619  /* store last part of input */
620  for (k = 0; k < QLOOKAHEAD; k++)
621    State->inbuf[k] = inbuf[k + PITCH_FRAME_LEN];