AudioTrack.h revision 847d05dc8fa144dcf8f4f435d6a6ac1727f00937
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20#include <stdint.h>
21#include <sys/types.h>
23#include <media/IAudioFlinger.h>
24#include <media/IAudioTrack.h>
25#include <media/AudioSystem.h>
27#include <utils/RefBase.h>
28#include <utils/Errors.h>
29#include <binder/IInterface.h>
30#include <binder/IMemory.h>
31#include <cutils/sched_policy.h>
32#include <utils/threads.h>
34namespace android {
36// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38class audio_track_cblk_t;
40// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
42class AudioTrack : virtual public RefBase
45    enum channel_index {
46        MONO   = 0,
47        LEFT   = 0,
48        RIGHT  = 1
49    };
51    /* Events used by AudioTrack callback function (audio_track_cblk_t).
52     * Keep in sync with frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/ NATIVE_EVENT_*.
53     */
54    enum event_type {
55        EVENT_MORE_DATA = 0,        // Request to write more data to PCM buffer.
56        EVENT_UNDERRUN = 1,         // PCM buffer underrun occurred.
57        EVENT_LOOP_END = 2,         // Sample loop end was reached; playback restarted from
58                                    // loop start if loop count was not 0.
59        EVENT_MARKER = 3,           // Playback head is at the specified marker position
60                                    // (See setMarkerPosition()).
61        EVENT_NEW_POS = 4,          // Playback head is at a new position
62                                    // (See setPositionUpdatePeriod()).
63        EVENT_BUFFER_END = 5        // Playback head is at the end of the buffer.
64    };
66    /* Client should declare Buffer on the stack and pass address to obtainBuffer()
67     * and releaseBuffer().  See also callback_t for EVENT_MORE_DATA.
68     */
70    class Buffer
71    {
72    public:
73        enum {
74            MUTE    = 0x00000001
75        };
76        uint32_t    flags;        // 0 or MUTE
77        audio_format_t format;    // but AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_8_BIT -> AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
78        // accessed directly by WebKit ANP callback
79        int         channelCount; // will be removed in the future, do not use
81        size_t      frameCount;   // number of sample frames corresponding to size;
82                                  // on input it is the number of frames desired,
83                                  // on output is the number of frames actually filled
85        size_t      size;         // input/output in byte units
86        union {
87            void*       raw;
88            short*      i16;    // signed 16-bit
89            int8_t*     i8;     // unsigned 8-bit, offset by 0x80
90        };
91    };
94    /* As a convenience, if a callback is supplied, a handler thread
95     * is automatically created with the appropriate priority. This thread
96     * invokes the callback when a new buffer becomes available or various conditions occur.
97     * Parameters:
98     *
99     * event:   type of event notified (see enum AudioTrack::event_type).
100     * user:    Pointer to context for use by the callback receiver.
101     * info:    Pointer to optional parameter according to event type:
102     *          - EVENT_MORE_DATA: pointer to AudioTrack::Buffer struct. The callback must not write
103     *            more bytes than indicated by 'size' field and update 'size' if fewer bytes are
104     *            written.
105     *          - EVENT_UNDERRUN: unused.
106     *          - EVENT_LOOP_END: pointer to an int indicating the number of loops remaining.
107     *          - EVENT_MARKER: pointer to an uint32_t containing the marker position in frames.
108     *          - EVENT_NEW_POS: pointer to an uint32_t containing the new position in frames.
109     *          - EVENT_BUFFER_END: unused.
110     */
112    typedef void (*callback_t)(int event, void* user, void *info);
114    /* Returns the minimum frame count required for the successful creation of
115     * an AudioTrack object.
116     * Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
117     *  - NO_ERROR: successful operation
118     *  - NO_INIT: audio server or audio hardware not initialized
119     */
121     static status_t getMinFrameCount(int* frameCount,
122                                      audio_stream_type_t streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT,
123                                      uint32_t sampleRate = 0);
125    /* Constructs an uninitialized AudioTrack. No connection with
126     * AudioFlinger takes place.
127     */
128                        AudioTrack();
130    /* Creates an AudioTrack object and registers it with AudioFlinger.
131     * Once created, the track needs to be started before it can be used.
132     * Unspecified values are set to the audio hardware's current
133     * values.
134     *
135     * Parameters:
136     *
137     * streamType:         Select the type of audio stream this track is attached to
138     *                     (e.g. AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC).
139     * sampleRate:         Track sampling rate in Hz.
140     * format:             Audio format (e.g AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT for signed
141     *                     16 bits per sample).
142     * channelMask:        Channel mask.
143     * frameCount:         Minimum size of track PCM buffer in frames. This defines the
144     *                     application's contribution to the
145     *                     latency of the track. The actual size selected by the AudioTrack could be
146     *                     larger if the requested size is not compatible with current audio HAL
147     *                     latency.  Zero means to use a default value.
148     * flags:              See comments on audio_output_flags_t in <system/audio.h>.
149     * cbf:                Callback function. If not null, this function is called periodically
150     *                     to provide new PCM data.
151     * user:               Context for use by the callback receiver.
152     * notificationFrames: The callback function is called each time notificationFrames PCM
153     *                     frames have been consumed from track input buffer.
154     * sessionId:          Specific session ID, or zero to use default.
155     * threadCanCallJava:  Whether callbacks are made from an attached thread and thus can call JNI.
156     *                     If not present in parameter list, then fixed at false.
157     */
159                        AudioTrack( audio_stream_type_t streamType,
160                                    uint32_t sampleRate  = 0,
161                                    audio_format_t format = AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT,
162                                    audio_channel_mask_t channelMask = 0,
163                                    int frameCount       = 0,
164                                    audio_output_flags_t flags = AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE,
165                                    callback_t cbf       = NULL,
166                                    void* user           = NULL,
167                                    int notificationFrames = 0,
168                                    int sessionId        = 0);
170    /* Creates an audio track and registers it with AudioFlinger. With this constructor,
171     * the PCM data to be rendered by AudioTrack is passed in a shared memory buffer
172     * identified by the argument sharedBuffer. This prototype is for static buffer playback.
173     * PCM data must be present in memory before the AudioTrack is started.
174     * The write() and flush() methods are not supported in this case.
175     * It is recommended to pass a callback function to be notified of playback end by an
176     * EVENT_UNDERRUN event.
177     */
179                        AudioTrack( audio_stream_type_t streamType,
180                                    uint32_t sampleRate = 0,
181                                    audio_format_t format = AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT,
182                                    audio_channel_mask_t channelMask = 0,
183                                    const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer = 0,
184                                    audio_output_flags_t flags = AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE,
185                                    callback_t cbf      = NULL,
186                                    void* user          = NULL,
187                                    int notificationFrames = 0,
188                                    int sessionId       = 0);
190    /* Terminates the AudioTrack and unregisters it from AudioFlinger.
191     * Also destroys all resources associated with the AudioTrack.
192     */
193                        ~AudioTrack();
196    /* Initialize an uninitialized AudioTrack.
197     * Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
198     *  - NO_ERROR: successful initialization
199     *  - INVALID_OPERATION: AudioTrack is already initialized
200     *  - BAD_VALUE: invalid parameter (channelMask, format, sampleRate...)
201     *  - NO_INIT: audio server or audio hardware not initialized
202     */
203            status_t    set(audio_stream_type_t streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT,
204                            uint32_t sampleRate = 0,
205                            audio_format_t format = AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT,
206                            audio_channel_mask_t channelMask = 0,
207                            int frameCount      = 0,
208                            audio_output_flags_t flags = AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE,
209                            callback_t cbf      = NULL,
210                            void* user          = NULL,
211                            int notificationFrames = 0,
212                            const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer = 0,
213                            bool threadCanCallJava = false,
214                            int sessionId       = 0);
217    /* Result of constructing the AudioTrack. This must be checked
218     * before using any AudioTrack API (except for set()), because using
219     * an uninitialized AudioTrack produces undefined results.
220     * See set() method above for possible return codes.
221     */
222            status_t    initCheck() const;
224    /* Returns this track's estimated latency in milliseconds.
225     * This includes the latency due to AudioTrack buffer size, AudioMixer (if any)
226     * and audio hardware driver.
227     */
228            uint32_t     latency() const;
230    /* getters, see constructors and set() */
232            audio_stream_type_t streamType() const;
233            audio_format_t format() const;
234            int         channelCount() const;
235            uint32_t    frameCount() const;
237    /* Return channelCount * (bit depth per channel / 8).
238     * channelCount is determined from channelMask, and bit depth comes from format.
239     */
240            size_t      frameSize() const;
242            sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer();
245    /* After it's created the track is not active. Call start() to
246     * make it active. If set, the callback will start being called.
247     */
248            void        start();
250    /* Stop a track. If set, the callback will cease being called and
251     * obtainBuffer returns STOPPED. Note that obtainBuffer() still works
252     * and will fill up buffers until the pool is exhausted.
253     */
254            void        stop();
255            bool        stopped() const;
257    /* Flush a stopped track. All pending buffers are discarded.
258     * This function has no effect if the track is not stopped.
259     */
260            void        flush();
262    /* Pause a track. If set, the callback will cease being called and
263     * obtainBuffer returns STOPPED. Note that obtainBuffer() still works
264     * and will fill up buffers until the pool is exhausted.
265     */
266            void        pause();
268    /* Mute or unmute this track.
269     * While muted, the callback, if set, is still called.
270     */
271            void        mute(bool);
272            bool        muted() const;
274    /* Set volume for this track, mostly used for games' sound effects
275     * left and right volumes. Levels must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0.
276     */
277            status_t    setVolume(float left, float right);
278            void        getVolume(float* left, float* right) const;
280    /* Set the send level for this track. An auxiliary effect should be attached
281     * to the track with attachEffect(). Level must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0.
282     */
283            status_t    setAuxEffectSendLevel(float level);
284            void        getAuxEffectSendLevel(float* level) const;
286    /* Set sample rate for this track in Hz, mostly used for games' sound effects
287     */
288            status_t    setSampleRate(int sampleRate);
289            uint32_t    getSampleRate() const;
291    /* Enables looping and sets the start and end points of looping.
292     *
293     * Parameters:
294     *
295     * loopStart:   loop start expressed as the number of PCM frames played since AudioTrack start.
296     * loopEnd:     loop end expressed as the number of PCM frames played since AudioTrack start.
297     * loopCount:   number of loops to execute. Calling setLoop() with loopCount == 0 cancels any
298     *              pending or active loop. loopCount = -1 means infinite looping.
299     *
300     * For proper operation the following condition must be respected:
301     *          (loopEnd-loopStart) <= framecount()
302     */
303            status_t    setLoop(uint32_t loopStart, uint32_t loopEnd, int loopCount);
305    /* Sets marker position. When playback reaches the number of frames specified, a callback with
306     * event type EVENT_MARKER is called. Calling setMarkerPosition with marker == 0 cancels marker
307     * notification callback.
308     * If the AudioTrack has been opened with no callback function associated, the operation will
309     * fail.
310     *
311     * Parameters:
312     *
313     * marker:   marker position expressed in frames.
314     *
315     * Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
316     *  - NO_ERROR: successful operation
317     *  - INVALID_OPERATION: the AudioTrack has no callback installed.
318     */
319            status_t    setMarkerPosition(uint32_t marker);
320            status_t    getMarkerPosition(uint32_t *marker) const;
323    /* Sets position update period. Every time the number of frames specified has been played,
324     * a callback with event type EVENT_NEW_POS is called.
325     * Calling setPositionUpdatePeriod with updatePeriod == 0 cancels new position notification
326     * callback.
327     * If the AudioTrack has been opened with no callback function associated, the operation will
328     * fail.
329     *
330     * Parameters:
331     *
332     * updatePeriod:  position update notification period expressed in frames.
333     *
334     * Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
335     *  - NO_ERROR: successful operation
336     *  - INVALID_OPERATION: the AudioTrack has no callback installed.
337     */
338            status_t    setPositionUpdatePeriod(uint32_t updatePeriod);
339            status_t    getPositionUpdatePeriod(uint32_t *updatePeriod) const;
341    /* Sets playback head position within AudioTrack buffer. The new position is specified
342     * in number of frames.
343     * This method must be called with the AudioTrack in paused or stopped state.
344     * Note that the actual position set is <position> modulo the AudioTrack buffer size in frames.
345     * Therefore using this method makes sense only when playing a "static" audio buffer
346     * as opposed to streaming.
347     * The getPosition() method on the other hand returns the total number of frames played since
348     * playback start.
349     *
350     * Parameters:
351     *
352     * position:  New playback head position within AudioTrack buffer.
353     *
354     * Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
355     *  - NO_ERROR: successful operation
356     *  - INVALID_OPERATION: the AudioTrack is not stopped.
357     *  - BAD_VALUE: The specified position is beyond the number of frames present in AudioTrack
358     *               buffer
359     */
360            status_t    setPosition(uint32_t position);
361            status_t    getPosition(uint32_t *position);
363    /* Forces AudioTrack buffer full condition. When playing a static buffer, this method avoids
364     * rewriting the buffer before restarting playback after a stop.
365     * This method must be called with the AudioTrack in paused or stopped state.
366     *
367     * Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
368     *  - NO_ERROR: successful operation
369     *  - INVALID_OPERATION: the AudioTrack is not stopped.
370     */
371            status_t    reload();
373    /* Returns a handle on the audio output used by this AudioTrack.
374     *
375     * Parameters:
376     *  none.
377     *
378     * Returned value:
379     *  handle on audio hardware output
380     */
381            audio_io_handle_t    getOutput();
383    /* Returns the unique session ID associated with this track.
384     *
385     * Parameters:
386     *  none.
387     *
388     * Returned value:
389     *  AudioTrack session ID.
390     */
391            int    getSessionId() const;
393    /* Attach track auxiliary output to specified effect. Use effectId = 0
394     * to detach track from effect.
395     *
396     * Parameters:
397     *
398     * effectId:  effectId obtained from AudioEffect::id().
399     *
400     * Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
401     *  - NO_ERROR: successful operation
402     *  - INVALID_OPERATION: the effect is not an auxiliary effect.
403     *  - BAD_VALUE: The specified effect ID is invalid
404     */
405            status_t    attachAuxEffect(int effectId);
407    /* Obtains a buffer of "frameCount" frames. The buffer must be
408     * filled entirely, and then released with releaseBuffer().
409     * If the track is stopped, obtainBuffer() returns
410     * STOPPED instead of NO_ERROR as long as there are buffers available,
411     * at which point NO_MORE_BUFFERS is returned.
412     * Buffers will be returned until the pool
413     * is exhausted, at which point obtainBuffer() will either block
414     * or return WOULD_BLOCK depending on the value of the "blocking"
415     * parameter.
416     *
417     * Interpretation of waitCount:
418     *  +n  limits wait time to n * WAIT_PERIOD_MS,
419     *  -1  causes an (almost) infinite wait time,
420     *   0  non-blocking.
421     */
423        enum {
424            NO_MORE_BUFFERS = 0x80000001,   // same name in AudioFlinger.h, ok to be different value
425            STOPPED = 1
426        };
428            status_t    obtainBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer, int32_t waitCount);
430    /* Release a filled buffer of "frameCount" frames for AudioFlinger to process. */
431            void        releaseBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer);
433    /* As a convenience we provide a write() interface to the audio buffer.
434     * This is implemented on top of obtainBuffer/releaseBuffer. For best
435     * performance use callbacks. Returns actual number of bytes written >= 0,
436     * or one of the following negative status codes:
437     *      INVALID_OPERATION   AudioTrack is configured for shared buffer mode
438     *      BAD_VALUE           size is invalid
439     *      STOPPED             AudioTrack was stopped during the write
440     *      NO_MORE_BUFFERS     when obtainBuffer() returns same
441     *      or any other error code returned by IAudioTrack::start() or restoreTrack_l().
442     */
443            ssize_t     write(const void* buffer, size_t size);
445    /*
446     * Dumps the state of an audio track.
447     */
448            status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const;
451    /* copying audio tracks is not allowed */
452                        AudioTrack(const AudioTrack& other);
453            AudioTrack& operator = (const AudioTrack& other);
455    /* a small internal class to handle the callback */
456    class AudioTrackThread : public Thread
457    {
458    public:
459        AudioTrackThread(AudioTrack& receiver, bool bCanCallJava = false);
461        // Do not call Thread::requestExitAndWait() without first calling requestExit().
462        // Thread::requestExitAndWait() is not virtual, and the implementation doesn't do enough.
463        virtual void        requestExit();
465                void        pause();    // suspend thread from execution at next loop boundary
466                void        resume();   // allow thread to execute, if not requested to exit
468    private:
469        friend class AudioTrack;
470        virtual bool        threadLoop();
471        AudioTrack& mReceiver;
472        ~AudioTrackThread();
473        Mutex               mMyLock;    // Thread::mLock is private
474        Condition           mMyCond;    // Thread::mThreadExitedCondition is private
475        bool                mPaused;    // whether thread is currently paused
476    };
478            // body of AudioTrackThread::threadLoop()
479            bool processAudioBuffer(const sp<AudioTrackThread>& thread);
481            status_t createTrack_l(audio_stream_type_t streamType,
482                                 uint32_t sampleRate,
483                                 audio_format_t format,
484                                 audio_channel_mask_t channelMask,
485                                 int frameCount,
486                                 audio_output_flags_t flags,
487                                 const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
488                                 audio_io_handle_t output);
489            void flush_l();
490            status_t setLoop_l(uint32_t loopStart, uint32_t loopEnd, int loopCount);
491            audio_io_handle_t getOutput_l();
492            status_t restoreTrack_l(audio_track_cblk_t*& cblk, bool fromStart);
493            bool stopped_l() const { return !mActive; }
495    sp<IAudioTrack>         mAudioTrack;
496    sp<IMemory>             mCblkMemory;
497    sp<AudioTrackThread>    mAudioTrackThread;
499    float                   mVolume[2];
500    float                   mSendLevel;
501    uint32_t                mFrameCount;
503    audio_track_cblk_t*     mCblk;
504    audio_format_t          mFormat;
505    audio_stream_type_t     mStreamType;
506    uint8_t                 mChannelCount;
507    uint8_t                 mMuted;
508    uint8_t                 mReserved;
509    audio_channel_mask_t    mChannelMask;
510    status_t                mStatus;
511    uint32_t                mLatency;
513    bool                    mActive;                // protected by mLock
515    callback_t              mCbf;                   // callback handler for events, or NULL
516    void*                   mUserData;              // for client callback handler
518    // for notification APIs
519    uint32_t                mNotificationFramesReq; // requested number of frames between each
520                                                    // notification callback
521    uint32_t                mNotificationFramesAct; // actual number of frames between each
522                                                    // notification callback
523    sp<IMemory>             mSharedBuffer;
524    int                     mLoopCount;
525    uint32_t                mRemainingFrames;
526    uint32_t                mMarkerPosition;        // in frames
527    bool                    mMarkerReached;
528    uint32_t                mNewPosition;           // in frames
529    uint32_t                mUpdatePeriod;          // in frames
531    bool                    mFlushed; // FIXME will be made obsolete by making flush() synchronous
532    audio_output_flags_t    mFlags;
533    int                     mSessionId;
534    int                     mAuxEffectId;
535    mutable Mutex           mLock;
536    status_t                mRestoreStatus;
537    bool                    mIsTimed;
538    int                     mPreviousPriority;          // before start()
539    SchedPolicy             mPreviousSchedulingGroup;
542class TimedAudioTrack : public AudioTrack
545    TimedAudioTrack();
547    /* allocate a shared memory buffer that can be passed to queueTimedBuffer */
548    status_t allocateTimedBuffer(size_t size, sp<IMemory>* buffer);
550    /* queue a buffer obtained via allocateTimedBuffer for playback at the
551       given timestamp.  PTS units are microseconds on the media time timeline.
552       The media time transform (set with setMediaTimeTransform) set by the
553       audio producer will handle converting from media time to local time
554       (perhaps going through the common time timeline in the case of
555       synchronized multiroom audio case) */
556    status_t queueTimedBuffer(const sp<IMemory>& buffer, int64_t pts);
558    /* define a transform between media time and either common time or
559       local time */
560    enum TargetTimeline {LOCAL_TIME, COMMON_TIME};
561    status_t setMediaTimeTransform(const LinearTransform& xform,
562                                   TargetTimeline target);
565}; // namespace android