FastMixer.cpp revision 4182c4e2a07e2441fcd5c22eaff0ddfe7f826f61
2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
18// Design rules for threadLoop() are given in the comments at section "Fast mixer thread" of
19// StateQueue.h.  In particular, avoid library and system calls except at well-known points.
20// The design rules are only for threadLoop(), and don't apply to FastMixerDumpState methods.
23#define LOG_TAG "FastMixer"
24//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
28#include "Configuration.h"
29#include <sys/atomics.h>
30#include <time.h>
31#include <utils/Log.h>
32#include <utils/Trace.h>
33#include <system/audio.h>
35#include <cpustats/CentralTendencyStatistics.h>
37#include <cpustats/ThreadCpuUsage.h>
40#include "AudioMixer.h"
41#include "FastMixer.h"
43#define FAST_HOT_IDLE_NS     1000000L   // 1 ms: time to sleep while hot idling
44#define FAST_DEFAULT_NS    999999999L   // ~1 sec: default time to sleep
45#define MIN_WARMUP_CYCLES          2    // minimum number of loop cycles to wait for warmup
46#define MAX_WARMUP_CYCLES         10    // maximum number of loop cycles to wait for warmup
48namespace android {
50// Fast mixer thread
51bool FastMixer::threadLoop()
53    static const FastMixerState initial;
54    const FastMixerState *previous = &initial, *current = &initial;
55    FastMixerState preIdle; // copy of state before we went into idle
56    struct timespec oldTs = {0, 0};
57    bool oldTsValid = false;
58    long slopNs = 0;    // accumulated time we've woken up too early (> 0) or too late (< 0)
59    long sleepNs = -1;  // -1: busy wait, 0: sched_yield, > 0: nanosleep
60    int fastTrackNames[FastMixerState::kMaxFastTracks]; // handles used by mixer to identify tracks
61    int generations[FastMixerState::kMaxFastTracks];    // last observed mFastTracks[i].mGeneration
62    unsigned i;
63    for (i = 0; i < FastMixerState::kMaxFastTracks; ++i) {
64        fastTrackNames[i] = -1;
65        generations[i] = 0;
66    }
67    NBAIO_Sink *outputSink = NULL;
68    int outputSinkGen = 0;
69    AudioMixer* mixer = NULL;
70    short *mixBuffer = NULL;
71    enum {UNDEFINED, MIXED, ZEROED} mixBufferState = UNDEFINED;
72    NBAIO_Format format = Format_Invalid;
73    unsigned sampleRate = 0;
74    int fastTracksGen = 0;
75    long periodNs = 0;      // expected period; the time required to render one mix buffer
76    long underrunNs = 0;    // underrun likely when write cycle is greater than this value
77    long overrunNs = 0;     // overrun likely when write cycle is less than this value
78    long forceNs = 0;       // if overrun detected, force the write cycle to take this much time
79    long warmupNs = 0;      // warmup complete when write cycle is greater than to this value
80    FastMixerDumpState dummyDumpState, *dumpState = &dummyDumpState;
81    bool ignoreNextOverrun = true;  // used to ignore initial overrun and first after an underrun
83    struct timespec oldLoad = {0, 0};    // previous value of clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID)
84    bool oldLoadValid = false;  // whether oldLoad is valid
85    uint32_t bounds = 0;
86    bool full = false;      // whether we have collected at least mSamplingN samples
88    ThreadCpuUsage tcu;     // for reading the current CPU clock frequency in kHz
91    unsigned coldGen = 0;   // last observed mColdGen
92    bool isWarm = false;    // true means ready to mix, false means wait for warmup before mixing
93    struct timespec measuredWarmupTs = {0, 0};  // how long did it take for warmup to complete
94    uint32_t warmupCycles = 0;  // counter of number of loop cycles required to warmup
95    NBAIO_Sink* teeSink = NULL; // if non-NULL, then duplicate write() to this non-blocking sink
96    NBLog::Writer dummyLogWriter, *logWriter = &dummyLogWriter;
98    for (;;) {
100        // either nanosleep, sched_yield, or busy wait
101        if (sleepNs >= 0) {
102            if (sleepNs > 0) {
103                ALOG_ASSERT(sleepNs < 1000000000);
104                const struct timespec req = {0, sleepNs};
105                nanosleep(&req, NULL);
106            } else {
107                sched_yield();
108            }
109        }
110        // default to long sleep for next cycle
111        sleepNs = FAST_DEFAULT_NS;
113        // poll for state change
114        const FastMixerState *next = mSQ.poll();
115        if (next == NULL) {
116            // continue to use the default initial state until a real state is available
117            ALOG_ASSERT(current == &initial && previous == &initial);
118            next = current;
119        }
121        FastMixerState::Command command = next->mCommand;
122        if (next != current) {
124            // As soon as possible of learning of a new dump area, start using it
125            dumpState = next->mDumpState != NULL ? next->mDumpState : &dummyDumpState;
126            teeSink = next->mTeeSink;
127            logWriter = next->mNBLogWriter != NULL ? next->mNBLogWriter : &dummyLogWriter;
128            if (mixer != NULL) {
129                mixer->setLog(logWriter);
130            }
132            // We want to always have a valid reference to the previous (non-idle) state.
133            // However, the state queue only guarantees access to current and previous states.
134            // So when there is a transition from a non-idle state into an idle state, we make a
135            // copy of the last known non-idle state so it is still available on return from idle.
136            // The possible transitions are:
137            //  non-idle -> non-idle    update previous from current in-place
138            //  non-idle -> idle        update previous from copy of current
139            //  idle     -> idle        don't update previous
140            //  idle     -> non-idle    don't update previous
141            if (!(current->mCommand & FastMixerState::IDLE)) {
142                if (command & FastMixerState::IDLE) {
143                    preIdle = *current;
144                    current = &preIdle;
145                    oldTsValid = false;
147                    oldLoadValid = false;
149                    ignoreNextOverrun = true;
150                }
151                previous = current;
152            }
153            current = next;
154        }
155#if !LOG_NDEBUG
156        next = NULL;    // not referenced again
159        dumpState->mCommand = command;
161        switch (command) {
162        case FastMixerState::INITIAL:
163        case FastMixerState::HOT_IDLE:
164            sleepNs = FAST_HOT_IDLE_NS;
165            continue;
166        case FastMixerState::COLD_IDLE:
167            // only perform a cold idle command once
168            // FIXME consider checking previous state and only perform if previous != COLD_IDLE
169            if (current->mColdGen != coldGen) {
170                int32_t *coldFutexAddr = current->mColdFutexAddr;
171                ALOG_ASSERT(coldFutexAddr != NULL);
172                int32_t old = android_atomic_dec(coldFutexAddr);
173                if (old <= 0) {
174                    __futex_syscall4(coldFutexAddr, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, old - 1, NULL);
175                }
176                int policy = sched_getscheduler(0);
177                if (!(policy == SCHED_FIFO || policy == SCHED_RR)) {
178                    ALOGE("did not receive expected priority boost");
179                }
180                // This may be overly conservative; there could be times that the normal mixer
181                // requests such a brief cold idle that it doesn't require resetting this flag.
182                isWarm = false;
183                measuredWarmupTs.tv_sec = 0;
184                measuredWarmupTs.tv_nsec = 0;
185                warmupCycles = 0;
186                sleepNs = -1;
187                coldGen = current->mColdGen;
189                bounds = 0;
190                full = false;
192                oldTsValid = !clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &oldTs);
193            } else {
194                sleepNs = FAST_HOT_IDLE_NS;
195            }
196            continue;
197        case FastMixerState::EXIT:
198            delete mixer;
199            delete[] mixBuffer;
200            return false;
201        case FastMixerState::MIX:
202        case FastMixerState::WRITE:
203        case FastMixerState::MIX_WRITE:
204            break;
205        default:
206            LOG_FATAL("bad command %d", command);
207        }
209        // there is a non-idle state available to us; did the state change?
210        size_t frameCount = current->mFrameCount;
211        if (current != previous) {
213            // handle state change here, but since we want to diff the state,
214            // we're prepared for previous == &initial the first time through
215            unsigned previousTrackMask;
217            // check for change in output HAL configuration
218            NBAIO_Format previousFormat = format;
219            if (current->mOutputSinkGen != outputSinkGen) {
220                outputSink = current->mOutputSink;
221                outputSinkGen = current->mOutputSinkGen;
222                if (outputSink == NULL) {
223                    format = Format_Invalid;
224                    sampleRate = 0;
225                } else {
226                    format = outputSink->format();
227                    sampleRate = Format_sampleRate(format);
228                    ALOG_ASSERT(Format_channelCount(format) == 2);
229                }
230                dumpState->mSampleRate = sampleRate;
231            }
233            if ((format != previousFormat) || (frameCount != previous->mFrameCount)) {
234                // FIXME to avoid priority inversion, don't delete here
235                delete mixer;
236                mixer = NULL;
237                delete[] mixBuffer;
238                mixBuffer = NULL;
239                if (frameCount > 0 && sampleRate > 0) {
240                    // FIXME new may block for unbounded time at internal mutex of the heap
241                    //       implementation; it would be better to have normal mixer allocate for us
242                    //       to avoid blocking here and to prevent possible priority inversion
243                    mixer = new AudioMixer(frameCount, sampleRate, FastMixerState::kMaxFastTracks);
244                    mixBuffer = new short[frameCount * 2];
245                    periodNs = (frameCount * 1000000000LL) / sampleRate;    // 1.00
246                    underrunNs = (frameCount * 1750000000LL) / sampleRate;  // 1.75
247                    overrunNs = (frameCount * 500000000LL) / sampleRate;    // 0.50
248                    forceNs = (frameCount * 950000000LL) / sampleRate;      // 0.95
249                    warmupNs = (frameCount * 500000000LL) / sampleRate;     // 0.50
250                } else {
251                    periodNs = 0;
252                    underrunNs = 0;
253                    overrunNs = 0;
254                    forceNs = 0;
255                    warmupNs = 0;
256                }
257                mixBufferState = UNDEFINED;
258#if !LOG_NDEBUG
259                for (i = 0; i < FastMixerState::kMaxFastTracks; ++i) {
260                    fastTrackNames[i] = -1;
261                }
263                // we need to reconfigure all active tracks
264                previousTrackMask = 0;
265                fastTracksGen = current->mFastTracksGen - 1;
266                dumpState->mFrameCount = frameCount;
267            } else {
268                previousTrackMask = previous->mTrackMask;
269            }
271            // check for change in active track set
272            unsigned currentTrackMask = current->mTrackMask;
273            dumpState->mTrackMask = currentTrackMask;
274            if (current->mFastTracksGen != fastTracksGen) {
275                ALOG_ASSERT(mixBuffer != NULL);
276                int name;
278                // process removed tracks first to avoid running out of track names
279                unsigned removedTracks = previousTrackMask & ~currentTrackMask;
280                while (removedTracks != 0) {
281                    i = __builtin_ctz(removedTracks);
282                    removedTracks &= ~(1 << i);
283                    const FastTrack* fastTrack = &current->mFastTracks[i];
284                    ALOG_ASSERT(fastTrack->mBufferProvider == NULL);
285                    if (mixer != NULL) {
286                        name = fastTrackNames[i];
287                        ALOG_ASSERT(name >= 0);
288                        mixer->deleteTrackName(name);
289                    }
290#if !LOG_NDEBUG
291                    fastTrackNames[i] = -1;
293                    // don't reset track dump state, since other side is ignoring it
294                    generations[i] = fastTrack->mGeneration;
295                }
297                // now process added tracks
298                unsigned addedTracks = currentTrackMask & ~previousTrackMask;
299                while (addedTracks != 0) {
300                    i = __builtin_ctz(addedTracks);
301                    addedTracks &= ~(1 << i);
302                    const FastTrack* fastTrack = &current->mFastTracks[i];
303                    AudioBufferProvider *bufferProvider = fastTrack->mBufferProvider;
304                    ALOG_ASSERT(bufferProvider != NULL && fastTrackNames[i] == -1);
305                    if (mixer != NULL) {
306                        // calling getTrackName with default channel mask and a random invalid
307                        //   sessionId (no effects here)
308                        name = mixer->getTrackName(AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO, -555);
309                        ALOG_ASSERT(name >= 0);
310                        fastTrackNames[i] = name;
311                        mixer->setBufferProvider(name, bufferProvider);
312                        mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::TRACK, AudioMixer::MAIN_BUFFER,
313                                (void *) mixBuffer);
314                        // newly allocated track names default to full scale volume
315                        if (fastTrack->mSampleRate != 0 && fastTrack->mSampleRate != sampleRate) {
316                            mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::RESAMPLE,
317                                    AudioMixer::SAMPLE_RATE, (void*) fastTrack->mSampleRate);
318                        }
319                        mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::TRACK, AudioMixer::CHANNEL_MASK,
320                                (void *) fastTrack->mChannelMask);
321                        mixer->enable(name);
322                    }
323                    generations[i] = fastTrack->mGeneration;
324                }
326                // finally process (potentially) modified tracks; these use the same slot
327                // but may have a different buffer provider or volume provider
328                unsigned modifiedTracks = currentTrackMask & previousTrackMask;
329                while (modifiedTracks != 0) {
330                    i = __builtin_ctz(modifiedTracks);
331                    modifiedTracks &= ~(1 << i);
332                    const FastTrack* fastTrack = &current->mFastTracks[i];
333                    if (fastTrack->mGeneration != generations[i]) {
334                        // this track was actually modified
335                        AudioBufferProvider *bufferProvider = fastTrack->mBufferProvider;
336                        ALOG_ASSERT(bufferProvider != NULL);
337                        if (mixer != NULL) {
338                            name = fastTrackNames[i];
339                            ALOG_ASSERT(name >= 0);
340                            mixer->setBufferProvider(name, bufferProvider);
341                            if (fastTrack->mVolumeProvider == NULL) {
342                                mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::VOLUME, AudioMixer::VOLUME0,
343                                        (void *)0x1000);
344                                mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::VOLUME, AudioMixer::VOLUME1,
345                                        (void *)0x1000);
346                            }
347                            if (fastTrack->mSampleRate != 0 &&
348                                    fastTrack->mSampleRate != sampleRate) {
349                                mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::RESAMPLE,
350                                        AudioMixer::SAMPLE_RATE, (void*) fastTrack->mSampleRate);
351                            } else {
352                                mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::RESAMPLE,
353                                        AudioMixer::REMOVE, NULL);
354                            }
355                            mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::TRACK, AudioMixer::CHANNEL_MASK,
356                                    (void *) fastTrack->mChannelMask);
357                            // already enabled
358                        }
359                        generations[i] = fastTrack->mGeneration;
360                    }
361                }
363                fastTracksGen = current->mFastTracksGen;
365                dumpState->mNumTracks = popcount(currentTrackMask);
366            }
368#if 1   // FIXME shouldn't need this
369            // only process state change once
370            previous = current;
372        }
374        // do work using current state here
375        if ((command & FastMixerState::MIX) && (mixer != NULL) && isWarm) {
376            ALOG_ASSERT(mixBuffer != NULL);
377            // for each track, update volume and check for underrun
378            unsigned currentTrackMask = current->mTrackMask;
379            while (currentTrackMask != 0) {
380                i = __builtin_ctz(currentTrackMask);
381                currentTrackMask &= ~(1 << i);
382                const FastTrack* fastTrack = &current->mFastTracks[i];
383                int name = fastTrackNames[i];
384                ALOG_ASSERT(name >= 0);
385                if (fastTrack->mVolumeProvider != NULL) {
386                    uint32_t vlr = fastTrack->mVolumeProvider->getVolumeLR();
387                    mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::VOLUME, AudioMixer::VOLUME0,
388                            (void *)(vlr & 0xFFFF));
389                    mixer->setParameter(name, AudioMixer::VOLUME, AudioMixer::VOLUME1,
390                            (void *)(vlr >> 16));
391                }
392                // FIXME The current implementation of framesReady() for fast tracks
393                // takes a tryLock, which can block
394                // up to 1 ms.  If enough active tracks all blocked in sequence, this would result
395                // in the overall fast mix cycle being delayed.  Should use a non-blocking FIFO.
396                size_t framesReady = fastTrack->mBufferProvider->framesReady();
397                if (ATRACE_ENABLED()) {
398                    // I wish we had formatted trace names
399                    char traceName[16];
400                    strcpy(traceName, "fRdy");
401                    traceName[4] = i + (i < 10 ? '0' : 'A' - 10);
402                    traceName[5] = '\0';
403                    ATRACE_INT(traceName, framesReady);
404                }
405                FastTrackDump *ftDump = &dumpState->mTracks[i];
406                FastTrackUnderruns underruns = ftDump->mUnderruns;
407                if (framesReady < frameCount) {
408                    if (framesReady == 0) {
409                        underruns.mBitFields.mEmpty++;
410                        underruns.mBitFields.mMostRecent = UNDERRUN_EMPTY;
411                        mixer->disable(name);
412                    } else {
413                        // allow mixing partial buffer
414                        underruns.mBitFields.mPartial++;
415                        underruns.mBitFields.mMostRecent = UNDERRUN_PARTIAL;
416                        mixer->enable(name);
417                    }
418                } else {
419                    underruns.mBitFields.mFull++;
420                    underruns.mBitFields.mMostRecent = UNDERRUN_FULL;
421                    mixer->enable(name);
422                }
423                ftDump->mUnderruns = underruns;
424                ftDump->mFramesReady = framesReady;
425            }
427            int64_t pts;
428            if (outputSink == NULL || (OK != outputSink->getNextWriteTimestamp(&pts)))
429                pts = AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS;
431            // process() is CPU-bound
432            mixer->process(pts);
433            mixBufferState = MIXED;
434        } else if (mixBufferState == MIXED) {
435            mixBufferState = UNDEFINED;
436        }
437        bool attemptedWrite = false;
438        //bool didFullWrite = false;    // dumpsys could display a count of partial writes
439        if ((command & FastMixerState::WRITE) && (outputSink != NULL) && (mixBuffer != NULL)) {
440            if (mixBufferState == UNDEFINED) {
441                memset(mixBuffer, 0, frameCount * 2 * sizeof(short));
442                mixBufferState = ZEROED;
443            }
444            if (teeSink != NULL) {
445                (void) teeSink->write(mixBuffer, frameCount);
446            }
447            // FIXME write() is non-blocking and lock-free for a properly implemented NBAIO sink,
448            //       but this code should be modified to handle both non-blocking and blocking sinks
449            dumpState->mWriteSequence++;
450            ATRACE_BEGIN("write");
451            ssize_t framesWritten = outputSink->write(mixBuffer, frameCount);
452            ATRACE_END();
453            dumpState->mWriteSequence++;
454            if (framesWritten >= 0) {
455                ALOG_ASSERT((size_t) framesWritten <= frameCount);
456                dumpState->mFramesWritten += framesWritten;
457                //if ((size_t) framesWritten == frameCount) {
458                //    didFullWrite = true;
459                //}
460            } else {
461                dumpState->mWriteErrors++;
462            }
463            attemptedWrite = true;
464            // FIXME count # of writes blocked excessively, CPU usage, etc. for dump
465        }
467        // To be exactly periodic, compute the next sleep time based on current time.
468        // This code doesn't have long-term stability when the sink is non-blocking.
469        // FIXME To avoid drift, use the local audio clock or watch the sink's fill status.
470        struct timespec newTs;
471        int rc = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &newTs);
472        if (rc == 0) {
473            //logWriter->logTimestamp(newTs);
474            if (oldTsValid) {
475                time_t sec = newTs.tv_sec - oldTs.tv_sec;
476                long nsec = newTs.tv_nsec - oldTs.tv_nsec;
477                ALOGE_IF(sec < 0 || (sec == 0 && nsec < 0),
478                        "clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) failed: was %ld.%09ld but now %ld.%09ld",
479                        oldTs.tv_sec, oldTs.tv_nsec, newTs.tv_sec, newTs.tv_nsec);
480                if (nsec < 0) {
481                    --sec;
482                    nsec += 1000000000;
483                }
484                // To avoid an initial underrun on fast tracks after exiting standby,
485                // do not start pulling data from tracks and mixing until warmup is complete.
486                // Warmup is considered complete after the earlier of:
487                //      MIN_WARMUP_CYCLES write() attempts and last one blocks for at least warmupNs
488                //      MAX_WARMUP_CYCLES write() attempts.
489                // This is overly conservative, but to get better accuracy requires a new HAL API.
490                if (!isWarm && attemptedWrite) {
491                    measuredWarmupTs.tv_sec += sec;
492                    measuredWarmupTs.tv_nsec += nsec;
493                    if (measuredWarmupTs.tv_nsec >= 1000000000) {
494                        measuredWarmupTs.tv_sec++;
495                        measuredWarmupTs.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
496                    }
497                    ++warmupCycles;
498                    if ((nsec > warmupNs && warmupCycles >= MIN_WARMUP_CYCLES) ||
499                            (warmupCycles >= MAX_WARMUP_CYCLES)) {
500                        isWarm = true;
501                        dumpState->mMeasuredWarmupTs = measuredWarmupTs;
502                        dumpState->mWarmupCycles = warmupCycles;
503                    }
504                }
505                sleepNs = -1;
506                if (isWarm) {
507                    if (sec > 0 || nsec > underrunNs) {
508                        ATRACE_NAME("underrun");
509                        // FIXME only log occasionally
510                        ALOGV("underrun: time since last cycle %d.%03ld sec",
511                                (int) sec, nsec / 1000000L);
512                        dumpState->mUnderruns++;
513                        ignoreNextOverrun = true;
514                    } else if (nsec < overrunNs) {
515                        if (ignoreNextOverrun) {
516                            ignoreNextOverrun = false;
517                        } else {
518                            // FIXME only log occasionally
519                            ALOGV("overrun: time since last cycle %d.%03ld sec",
520                                    (int) sec, nsec / 1000000L);
521                            dumpState->mOverruns++;
522                        }
523                        // This forces a minimum cycle time. It:
524                        //  - compensates for an audio HAL with jitter due to sample rate conversion
525                        //  - works with a variable buffer depth audio HAL that never pulls at a
526                        //    rate < than overrunNs per buffer.
527                        //  - recovers from overrun immediately after underrun
528                        // It doesn't work with a non-blocking audio HAL.
529                        sleepNs = forceNs - nsec;
530                    } else {
531                        ignoreNextOverrun = false;
532                    }
533                }
535                if (isWarm) {
536                    // advance the FIFO queue bounds
537                    size_t i = bounds & (dumpState->mSamplingN - 1);
538                    bounds = (bounds & 0xFFFF0000) | ((bounds + 1) & 0xFFFF);
539                    if (full) {
540                        bounds += 0x10000;
541                    } else if (!(bounds & (dumpState->mSamplingN - 1))) {
542                        full = true;
543                    }
544                    // compute the delta value of clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
545                    uint32_t monotonicNs = nsec;
546                    if (sec > 0 && sec < 4) {
547                        monotonicNs += sec * 1000000000;
548                    }
549                    // compute raw CPU load = delta value of clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID)
550                    uint32_t loadNs = 0;
551                    struct timespec newLoad;
552                    rc = clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &newLoad);
553                    if (rc == 0) {
554                        if (oldLoadValid) {
555                            sec = newLoad.tv_sec - oldLoad.tv_sec;
556                            nsec = newLoad.tv_nsec - oldLoad.tv_nsec;
557                            if (nsec < 0) {
558                                --sec;
559                                nsec += 1000000000;
560                            }
561                            loadNs = nsec;
562                            if (sec > 0 && sec < 4) {
563                                loadNs += sec * 1000000000;
564                            }
565                        } else {
566                            // first time through the loop
567                            oldLoadValid = true;
568                        }
569                        oldLoad = newLoad;
570                    }
572                    // get the absolute value of CPU clock frequency in kHz
573                    int cpuNum = sched_getcpu();
574                    uint32_t kHz = tcu.getCpukHz(cpuNum);
575                    kHz = (kHz << 4) | (cpuNum & 0xF);
577                    // save values in FIFO queues for dumpsys
578                    // these stores #1, #2, #3 are not atomic with respect to each other,
579                    // or with respect to store #4 below
580                    dumpState->mMonotonicNs[i] = monotonicNs;
581                    dumpState->mLoadNs[i] = loadNs;
583                    dumpState->mCpukHz[i] = kHz;
585                    // this store #4 is not atomic with respect to stores #1, #2, #3 above, but
586                    // the newest open & oldest closed halves are atomic with respect to each other
587                    dumpState->mBounds = bounds;
588                    ATRACE_INT("cycle_ms", monotonicNs / 1000000);
589                    ATRACE_INT("load_us", loadNs / 1000);
590                }
592            } else {
593                // first time through the loop
594                oldTsValid = true;
595                sleepNs = periodNs;
596                ignoreNextOverrun = true;
597            }
598            oldTs = newTs;
599        } else {
600            // monotonic clock is broken
601            oldTsValid = false;
602            sleepNs = periodNs;
603        }
606    }   // for (;;)
608    // never return 'true'; Thread::_threadLoop() locks mutex which can result in priority inversion
613        uint32_t samplingN
615        ) :
616    mCommand(FastMixerState::INITIAL), mWriteSequence(0), mFramesWritten(0),
617    mNumTracks(0), mWriteErrors(0), mUnderruns(0), mOverruns(0),
618    mSampleRate(0), mFrameCount(0), /* mMeasuredWarmupTs({0, 0}), */ mWarmupCycles(0),
619    mTrackMask(0)
621    , mSamplingN(0), mBounds(0)
624    mMeasuredWarmupTs.tv_sec = 0;
625    mMeasuredWarmupTs.tv_nsec = 0;
627    increaseSamplingN(samplingN);
632void FastMixerDumpState::increaseSamplingN(uint32_t samplingN)
634    if (samplingN <= mSamplingN || samplingN > kSamplingN || roundup(samplingN) != samplingN) {
635        return;
636    }
637    uint32_t additional = samplingN - mSamplingN;
638    // sample arrays aren't accessed atomically with respect to the bounds,
639    // so clearing reduces chance for dumpsys to read random uninitialized samples
640    memset(&mMonotonicNs[mSamplingN], 0, sizeof(mMonotonicNs[0]) * additional);
641    memset(&mLoadNs[mSamplingN], 0, sizeof(mLoadNs[0]) * additional);
643    memset(&mCpukHz[mSamplingN], 0, sizeof(mCpukHz[0]) * additional);
645    mSamplingN = samplingN;
653// helper function called by qsort()
654static int compare_uint32_t(const void *pa, const void *pb)
656    uint32_t a = *(const uint32_t *)pa;
657    uint32_t b = *(const uint32_t *)pb;
658    if (a < b) {
659        return -1;
660    } else if (a > b) {
661        return 1;
662    } else {
663        return 0;
664    }
667void FastMixerDumpState::dump(int fd) const
669    if (mCommand == FastMixerState::INITIAL) {
670        fdprintf(fd, "FastMixer not initialized\n");
671        return;
672    }
673#define COMMAND_MAX 32
674    char string[COMMAND_MAX];
675    switch (mCommand) {
676    case FastMixerState::INITIAL:
677        strcpy(string, "INITIAL");
678        break;
679    case FastMixerState::HOT_IDLE:
680        strcpy(string, "HOT_IDLE");
681        break;
682    case FastMixerState::COLD_IDLE:
683        strcpy(string, "COLD_IDLE");
684        break;
685    case FastMixerState::EXIT:
686        strcpy(string, "EXIT");
687        break;
688    case FastMixerState::MIX:
689        strcpy(string, "MIX");
690        break;
691    case FastMixerState::WRITE:
692        strcpy(string, "WRITE");
693        break;
694    case FastMixerState::MIX_WRITE:
695        strcpy(string, "MIX_WRITE");
696        break;
697    default:
698        snprintf(string, COMMAND_MAX, "%d", mCommand);
699        break;
700    }
701    double measuredWarmupMs = (mMeasuredWarmupTs.tv_sec * 1000.0) +
702            (mMeasuredWarmupTs.tv_nsec / 1000000.0);
703    double mixPeriodSec = (double) mFrameCount / (double) mSampleRate;
704    fdprintf(fd, "FastMixer command=%s writeSequence=%u framesWritten=%u\n"
705                 "          numTracks=%u writeErrors=%u underruns=%u overruns=%u\n"
706                 "          sampleRate=%u frameCount=%u measuredWarmup=%.3g ms, warmupCycles=%u\n"
707                 "          mixPeriod=%.2f ms\n",
708                 string, mWriteSequence, mFramesWritten,
709                 mNumTracks, mWriteErrors, mUnderruns, mOverruns,
710                 mSampleRate, mFrameCount, measuredWarmupMs, mWarmupCycles,
711                 mixPeriodSec * 1e3);
713    // find the interval of valid samples
714    uint32_t bounds = mBounds;
715    uint32_t newestOpen = bounds & 0xFFFF;
716    uint32_t oldestClosed = bounds >> 16;
717    uint32_t n = (newestOpen - oldestClosed) & 0xFFFF;
718    if (n > mSamplingN) {
719        ALOGE("too many samples %u", n);
720        n = mSamplingN;
721    }
722    // statistics for monotonic (wall clock) time, thread raw CPU load in time, CPU clock frequency,
723    // and adjusted CPU load in MHz normalized for CPU clock frequency
724    CentralTendencyStatistics wall, loadNs;
726    CentralTendencyStatistics kHz, loadMHz;
727    uint32_t previousCpukHz = 0;
729    // Assuming a normal distribution for cycle times, three standard deviations on either side of
730    // the mean account for 99.73% of the population.  So if we take each tail to be 1/1000 of the
731    // sample set, we get 99.8% combined, or close to three standard deviations.
732    static const uint32_t kTailDenominator = 1000;
733    uint32_t *tail = n >= kTailDenominator ? new uint32_t[n] : NULL;
734    // loop over all the samples
735    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
736        size_t i = oldestClosed++ & (mSamplingN - 1);
737        uint32_t wallNs = mMonotonicNs[i];
738        if (tail != NULL) {
739            tail[j] = wallNs;
740        }
741        wall.sample(wallNs);
742        uint32_t sampleLoadNs = mLoadNs[i];
743        loadNs.sample(sampleLoadNs);
745        uint32_t sampleCpukHz = mCpukHz[i];
746        // skip bad kHz samples
747        if ((sampleCpukHz & ~0xF) != 0) {
748            kHz.sample(sampleCpukHz >> 4);
749            if (sampleCpukHz == previousCpukHz) {
750                double megacycles = (double) sampleLoadNs * (double) (sampleCpukHz >> 4) * 1e-12;
751                double adjMHz = megacycles / mixPeriodSec;  // _not_ wallNs * 1e9
752                loadMHz.sample(adjMHz);
753            }
754        }
755        previousCpukHz = sampleCpukHz;
757    }
758    fdprintf(fd, "Simple moving statistics over last %.1f seconds:\n", wall.n() * mixPeriodSec);
759    fdprintf(fd, "  wall clock time in ms per mix cycle:\n"
760                 "    mean=%.2f min=%.2f max=%.2f stddev=%.2f\n",
761                 wall.mean()*1e-6, wall.minimum()*1e-6, wall.maximum()*1e-6, wall.stddev()*1e-6);
762    fdprintf(fd, "  raw CPU load in us per mix cycle:\n"
763                 "    mean=%.0f min=%.0f max=%.0f stddev=%.0f\n",
764                 loadNs.mean()*1e-3, loadNs.minimum()*1e-3, loadNs.maximum()*1e-3,
765                 loadNs.stddev()*1e-3);
767    fdprintf(fd, "  CPU clock frequency in MHz:\n"
768                 "    mean=%.0f min=%.0f max=%.0f stddev=%.0f\n",
769                 kHz.mean()*1e-3, kHz.minimum()*1e-3, kHz.maximum()*1e-3, kHz.stddev()*1e-3);
770    fdprintf(fd, "  adjusted CPU load in MHz (i.e. normalized for CPU clock frequency):\n"
771                 "    mean=%.1f min=%.1f max=%.1f stddev=%.1f\n",
772                 loadMHz.mean(), loadMHz.minimum(), loadMHz.maximum(), loadMHz.stddev());
774    if (tail != NULL) {
775        qsort(tail, n, sizeof(uint32_t), compare_uint32_t);
776        // assume same number of tail samples on each side, left and right
777        uint32_t count = n / kTailDenominator;
778        CentralTendencyStatistics left, right;
779        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
780            left.sample(tail[i]);
781            right.sample(tail[n - (i + 1)]);
782        }
783        fdprintf(fd, "Distribution of mix cycle times in ms for the tails (> ~3 stddev outliers):\n"
784                     "  left tail: mean=%.2f min=%.2f max=%.2f stddev=%.2f\n"
785                     "  right tail: mean=%.2f min=%.2f max=%.2f stddev=%.2f\n",
786                     left.mean()*1e-6, left.minimum()*1e-6, left.maximum()*1e-6, left.stddev()*1e-6,
787                     right.mean()*1e-6, right.minimum()*1e-6, right.maximum()*1e-6,
788                     right.stddev()*1e-6);
789        delete[] tail;
790    }
792    // The active track mask and track states are updated non-atomically.
793    // So if we relied on isActive to decide whether to display,
794    // then we might display an obsolete track or omit an active track.
795    // Instead we always display all tracks, with an indication
796    // of whether we think the track is active.
797    uint32_t trackMask = mTrackMask;
798    fdprintf(fd, "Fast tracks: kMaxFastTracks=%u activeMask=%#x\n",
799            FastMixerState::kMaxFastTracks, trackMask);
800    fdprintf(fd, "Index Active Full Partial Empty  Recent Ready\n");
801    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < FastMixerState::kMaxFastTracks; ++i, trackMask >>= 1) {
802        bool isActive = trackMask & 1;
803        const FastTrackDump *ftDump = &mTracks[i];
804        const FastTrackUnderruns& underruns = ftDump->mUnderruns;
805        const char *mostRecent;
806        switch (underruns.mBitFields.mMostRecent) {
807        case UNDERRUN_FULL:
808            mostRecent = "full";
809            break;
810        case UNDERRUN_PARTIAL:
811            mostRecent = "partial";
812            break;
813        case UNDERRUN_EMPTY:
814            mostRecent = "empty";
815            break;
816        default:
817            mostRecent = "?";
818            break;
819        }
820        fdprintf(fd, "%5u %6s %4u %7u %5u %7s %5u\n", i, isActive ? "yes" : "no",
821                (underruns.mBitFields.mFull) & UNDERRUN_MASK,
822                (underruns.mBitFields.mPartial) & UNDERRUN_MASK,
823                (underruns.mBitFields.mEmpty) & UNDERRUN_MASK,
824                mostRecent, ftDump->mFramesReady);
825    }
828}   // namespace android