revision 1abb1cb3a8fe17f7866150604c2fd73751da787e
2 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.content;
21import android.content.res.AssetManager;
22import android.content.res.Resources;
23import android.content.res.TypedArray;
24import android.database.DatabaseErrorHandler;
25import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
26import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory;
31import android.os.Bundle;
32import android.os.Handler;
33import android.os.Looper;
34import android.util.AttributeSet;
44 * Interface to global information about an application environment.  This is
45 * an abstract class whose implementation is provided by
46 * the Android system.  It
47 * allows access to application-specific resources and classes, as well as
48 * up-calls for application-level operations such as launching activities,
49 * broadcasting and receiving intents, etc.
50 */
51public abstract class Context {
52    /**
53     * File creation mode: the default mode, where the created file can only
54     * be accessed by the calling application (or all applications sharing the
55     * same user ID).
56     * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
58     */
59    public static final int MODE_PRIVATE = 0x0000;
60    /**
61     * File creation mode: allow all other applications to have read access
62     * to the created file.
63     * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
65     */
66    public static final int MODE_WORLD_READABLE = 0x0001;
67    /**
68     * File creation mode: allow all other applications to have write access
69     * to the created file.
70     * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
71     * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
72     */
73    public static final int MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE = 0x0002;
74    /**
75     * File creation mode: for use with {@link #openFileOutput}, if the file
76     * already exists then write data to the end of the existing file
77     * instead of erasing it.
78     * @see #openFileOutput
79     */
80    public static final int MODE_APPEND = 0x8000;
82    /**
83     * SharedPreference loading flag: when set, the file on disk will
84     * be checked for modification even if the shared preferences
85     * instance is already loaded in this process.  This behavior is
86     * sometimes desired in cases where the application has multiple
87     * processes, all writing to the same SharedPreferences file.
88     * Generally there are better forms of communication between
89     * processes, though.
90     *
91     * <p>This was the legacy (but undocumented) behavior in and
92     * before Gingerbread (Android 2.3) and this flag is implied when
93     * targetting such releases.  For applications targetting SDK
94     * versions <em>greater than</em> Android 2.3, this flag must be
95     * explicitly set if desired.
96     *
97     * @see #getSharedPreferences
98     */
99    public static final int MODE_MULTI_PROCESS = 0x0004;
101    /**
102     * Database open flag: when set, the database is opened with write-ahead
103     * logging enabled by default.
104     *
105     * @see #openOrCreateDatabase(String, int, CursorFactory)
106     * @see #openOrCreateDatabase(String, int, CursorFactory, DatabaseErrorHandler)
107     * @see SQLiteDatabase#enableWriteAheadLogging
108     */
109    public static final int MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING = 0x0008;
111    /**
112     * Flag for {@link #bindService}: automatically create the service as long
113     * as the binding exists.  Note that while this will create the service,
114     * its {@link}
115     * method will still only be called due to an
116     * explicit call to {@link #startService}.  Even without that, though,
117     * this still provides you with access to the service object while the
118     * service is created.
119     *
120     * <p>Note that prior to {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH},
121     * not supplying this flag would also impact how important the system
122     * consider's the target service's process to be.  When set, the only way
123     * for it to be raised was by binding from a service in which case it will
124     * only be important when that activity is in the foreground.  Now to
125     * achieve this behavior you must explicitly supply the new flag
126     * {@link #BIND_ADJUST_WITH_ACTIVITY}.  For compatibility, old applications
127     * that don't specify {@link #BIND_AUTO_CREATE} will automatically have
128     * the flags {@link #BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY} and
129     * {@link #BIND_ADJUST_WITH_ACTIVITY} set for them in order to achieve
130     * the same result.
131     */
132    public static final int BIND_AUTO_CREATE = 0x0001;
134    /**
135     * Flag for {@link #bindService}: include debugging help for mismatched
136     * calls to unbind.  When this flag is set, the callstack of the following
137     * {@link #unbindService} call is retained, to be printed if a later
138     * incorrect unbind call is made.  Note that doing this requires retaining
139     * information about the binding that was made for the lifetime of the app,
140     * resulting in a leak -- this should only be used for debugging.
141     */
142    public static final int BIND_DEBUG_UNBIND = 0x0002;
144    /**
145     * Flag for {@link #bindService}: don't allow this binding to raise
146     * the target service's process to the foreground scheduling priority.
147     * It will still be raised to at least the same memory priority
148     * as the client (so that its process will not be killable in any
149     * situation where the client is not killable), but for CPU scheduling
150     * purposes it may be left in the background.  This only has an impact
151     * in the situation where the binding client is a foreground process
152     * and the target service is in a background process.
153     */
154    public static final int BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND = 0x0004;
156    /**
157     * Flag for {@link #bindService}: indicates that the client application
158     * binding to this service considers the service to be more important than
159     * the app itself.  When set, the platform will try to have the out of
160     * memory kill the app before it kills the service it is bound to, though
161     * this is not guaranteed to be the case.
162     */
163    public static final int BIND_ABOVE_CLIENT = 0x0008;
165    /**
166     * Flag for {@link #bindService}: allow the process hosting the bound
167     * service to go through its normal memory management.  It will be
168     * treated more like a running service, allowing the system to
169     * (temporarily) expunge the process if low on memory or for some other
170     * whim it may have, and being more aggressive about making it a candidate
171     * to be killed (and restarted) if running for a long time.
172     */
173    public static final int BIND_ALLOW_OOM_MANAGEMENT = 0x0010;
175    /**
176     * Flag for {@link #bindService}: don't impact the scheduling or
177     * memory management priority of the target service's hosting process.
178     * Allows the service's process to be managed on the background LRU list
179     * just like a regular application process in the background.
180     */
181    public static final int BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY = 0x0020;
183    /**
184     * Flag for {@link #bindService}: this service is very important to
185     * the client, so should be brought to the foreground process level
186     * when the client is.  Normally a process can only be raised to the
187     * visibility level by a client, even if that client is in the foreground.
188     */
189    public static final int BIND_IMPORTANT = 0x0040;
191    /**
192     * Flag for {@link #bindService}: If binding from an activity, allow the
193     * target service's process importance to be raised based on whether the
194     * activity is visible to the user, regardless whether another flag is
195     * used to reduce the amount that the client process's overall importance
196     * is used to impact it.
197     */
198    public static final int BIND_ADJUST_WITH_ACTIVITY = 0x0080;
200    /**
201     * Flag for {@link #bindService}: Don't consider the bound service to be
202     * visible, even if the caller is visible.
203     * @hide
204     */
205    public static final int BIND_NOT_VISIBLE = 0x40000000;
207    /** Return an AssetManager instance for your application's package. */
208    public abstract AssetManager getAssets();
210    /** Return a Resources instance for your application's package. */
211    public abstract Resources getResources();
213    /** Return PackageManager instance to find global package information. */
214    public abstract PackageManager getPackageManager();
216    /** Return a ContentResolver instance for your application's package. */
217    public abstract ContentResolver getContentResolver();
219    /**
220     * Return the Looper for the main thread of the current process.  This is
221     * the thread used to dispatch calls to application components (activities,
222     * services, etc).
223     */
224    public abstract Looper getMainLooper();
226    /**
227     * Return the context of the single, global Application object of the
228     * current process.  This generally should only be used if you need a
229     * Context whose lifecycle is separate from the current context, that is
230     * tied to the lifetime of the process rather than the current component.
231     *
232     * <p>Consider for example how this interacts with
233     * {@link #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)}:
234     * <ul>
235     * <li> <p>If used from an Activity context, the receiver is being registered
236     * within that activity.  This means that you are expected to unregister
237     * before the activity is done being destroyed; in fact if you do not do
238     * so, the framework will clean up your leaked registration as it removes
239     * the activity and log an error.  Thus, if you use the Activity context
240     * to register a receiver that is static (global to the process, not
241     * associated with an Activity instance) then that registration will be
242     * removed on you at whatever point the activity you used is destroyed.
243     * <li> <p>If used from the Context returned here, the receiver is being
244     * registered with the global state associated with your application.  Thus
245     * it will never be unregistered for you.  This is necessary if the receiver
246     * is associated with static data, not a particular component.  However
247     * using the ApplicationContext elsewhere can easily lead to serious leaks
248     * if you forget to unregister, unbind, etc.
249     * </ul>
250     */
251    public abstract Context getApplicationContext();
253    /**
254     * Add a new {@link ComponentCallbacks} to the base application of the
255     * Context, which will be called at the same times as the ComponentCallbacks
256     * methods of activities and other components are called.  Note that you
257     * <em>must</em> be sure to use {@link #unregisterComponentCallbacks} when
258     * appropriate in the future; this will not be removed for you.
259     *
260     * @param callback The interface to call.  This can be either a
261     * {@link ComponentCallbacks} or {@link ComponentCallbacks2} interface.
262     */
263    public void registerComponentCallbacks(ComponentCallbacks callback) {
264        getApplicationContext().registerComponentCallbacks(callback);
265    }
267    /**
268     * Remove a {@link ComponentCallbacks} objec that was previously registered
269     * with {@link #registerComponentCallbacks(ComponentCallbacks)}.
270     */
271    public void unregisterComponentCallbacks(ComponentCallbacks callback) {
272        getApplicationContext().unregisterComponentCallbacks(callback);
273    }
275    /**
276     * Return a localized, styled CharSequence from the application's package's
277     * default string table.
278     *
279     * @param resId Resource id for the CharSequence text
280     */
281    public final CharSequence getText(int resId) {
282        return getResources().getText(resId);
283    }
285    /**
286     * Return a localized string from the application's package's
287     * default string table.
288     *
289     * @param resId Resource id for the string
290     */
291    public final String getString(int resId) {
292        return getResources().getString(resId);
293    }
295    /**
296     * Return a localized formatted string from the application's package's
297     * default string table, substituting the format arguments as defined in
298     * {@link java.util.Formatter} and {@link java.lang.String#format}.
299     *
300     * @param resId Resource id for the format string
301     * @param formatArgs The format arguments that will be used for substitution.
302     */
304    public final String getString(int resId, Object... formatArgs) {
305        return getResources().getString(resId, formatArgs);
306    }
308     /**
309     * Set the base theme for this context.  Note that this should be called
310     * before any views are instantiated in the Context (for example before
311     * calling {@link} or
312     * {@link android.view.LayoutInflater#inflate}).
313     *
314     * @param resid The style resource describing the theme.
315     */
316    public abstract void setTheme(int resid);
318    /** @hide Needed for some internal implementation...  not public because
319     * you can't assume this actually means anything. */
320    public int getThemeResId() {
321        return 0;
322    }
324    /**
325     * Return the Theme object associated with this Context.
326     */
327    public abstract Resources.Theme getTheme();
329    /**
330     * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
331     * {@link Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int[])}
332     * for more information.
333     *
334     * @see Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int[])
335     */
336    public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(
337            int[] attrs) {
338        return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs);
339    }
341    /**
342     * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
343     * {@link Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int, int[])}
344     * for more information.
345     *
346     * @see Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(int, int[])
347     */
348    public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(
349            int resid, int[] attrs) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
350        return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(resid, attrs);
351    }
353    /**
354     * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
355     * {@link Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)}
356     * for more information.
357     *
358     * @see Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)
359     */
360    public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(
361            AttributeSet set, int[] attrs) {
362        return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(set, attrs, 0, 0);
363    }
365    /**
366     * Retrieve styled attribute information in this Context's theme.  See
367     * {@link Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)}
368     * for more information.
369     *
370     * @see Resources.Theme#obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)
371     */
372    public final TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(
373            AttributeSet set, int[] attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
374        return getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(
375            set, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
376    }
378    /**
379     * Return a class loader you can use to retrieve classes in this package.
380     */
381    public abstract ClassLoader getClassLoader();
383    /** Return the name of this application's package. */
384    public abstract String getPackageName();
386    /** Return the full application info for this context's package. */
387    public abstract ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo();
389    /**
390     * Return the full path to this context's primary Android package.
391     * The Android package is a ZIP file which contains the application's
392     * primary resources.
393     *
394     * <p>Note: this is not generally useful for applications, since they should
395     * not be directly accessing the file system.
396     *
397     * @return String Path to the resources.
398     */
399    public abstract String getPackageResourcePath();
401    /**
402     * Return the full path to this context's primary Android package.
403     * The Android package is a ZIP file which contains application's
404     * primary code and assets.
405     *
406     * <p>Note: this is not generally useful for applications, since they should
407     * not be directly accessing the file system.
408     *
409     * @return String Path to the code and assets.
410     */
411    public abstract String getPackageCodePath();
413    /**
414     * {@hide}
415     * Return the full path to the shared prefs file for the given prefs group name.
416     *
417     * <p>Note: this is not generally useful for applications, since they should
418     * not be directly accessing the file system.
419     */
420    public abstract File getSharedPrefsFile(String name);
422    /**
423     * Retrieve and hold the contents of the preferences file 'name', returning
424     * a SharedPreferences through which you can retrieve and modify its
425     * values.  Only one instance of the SharedPreferences object is returned
426     * to any callers for the same name, meaning they will see each other's
427     * edits as soon as they are made.
428     *
429     * @param name Desired preferences file. If a preferences file by this name
430     * does not exist, it will be created when you retrieve an
431     * editor (SharedPreferences.edit()) and then commit changes (Editor.commit()).
432     * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
433     * default operation, {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE}
434     * and {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control permissions.  The bit
435     * {@link #MODE_MULTI_PROCESS} can also be used if multiple processes
436     * are mutating the same SharedPreferences file.  {@link #MODE_MULTI_PROCESS}
437     * is always on in apps targetting Gingerbread (Android 2.3) and below, and
438     * off by default in later versions.
439     *
440     * @return Returns the single SharedPreferences instance that can be used
441     *         to retrieve and modify the preference values.
442     *
443     * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
444     * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
445     * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
446     * @see #MODE_MULTI_PROCESS
447     */
448    public abstract SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(String name,
449            int mode);
451    /**
452     * Open a private file associated with this Context's application package
453     * for reading.
454     *
455     * @param name The name of the file to open; can not contain path
456     *             separators.
457     *
458     * @return FileInputStream Resulting input stream.
459     *
460     * @see #openFileOutput
461     * @see #fileList
462     * @see #deleteFile
463     * @see
464     */
465    public abstract FileInputStream openFileInput(String name)
466        throws FileNotFoundException;
468    /**
469     * Open a private file associated with this Context's application package
470     * for writing.  Creates the file if it doesn't already exist.
471     *
472     * @param name The name of the file to open; can not contain path
473     *             separators.
474     * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
475     * default operation, {@link #MODE_APPEND} to append to an existing file,
476     * {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE} and {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control
477     * permissions.
478     *
479     * @return FileOutputStream Resulting output stream.
480     *
481     * @see #MODE_APPEND
482     * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
483     * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
484     * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
485     * @see #openFileInput
486     * @see #fileList
487     * @see #deleteFile
488     * @see
489     */
490    public abstract FileOutputStream openFileOutput(String name, int mode)
491        throws FileNotFoundException;
493    /**
494     * Delete the given private file associated with this Context's
495     * application package.
496     *
497     * @param name The name of the file to delete; can not contain path
498     *             separators.
499     *
500     * @return True if the file was successfully deleted; else
501     *         false.
502     *
503     * @see #openFileInput
504     * @see #openFileOutput
505     * @see #fileList
506     * @see
507     */
508    public abstract boolean deleteFile(String name);
510    /**
511     * Returns the absolute path on the filesystem where a file created with
512     * {@link #openFileOutput} is stored.
513     *
514     * @param name The name of the file for which you would like to get
515     *          its path.
516     *
517     * @return Returns an absolute path to the given file.
518     *
519     * @see #openFileOutput
520     * @see #getFilesDir
521     * @see #getDir
522     */
523    public abstract File getFileStreamPath(String name);
525    /**
526     * Returns the absolute path to the directory on the filesystem where
527     * files created with {@link #openFileOutput} are stored.
528     *
529     * @return Returns the path of the directory holding application files.
530     *
531     * @see #openFileOutput
532     * @see #getFileStreamPath
533     * @see #getDir
534     */
535    public abstract File getFilesDir();
537    /**
538     * Returns the absolute path to the directory on the external filesystem
539     * (that is somewhere on {@link android.os.Environment#getExternalStorageDirectory()
540     * Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()}) where the application can
541     * place persistent files it owns.  These files are private to the
542     * applications, and not typically visible to the user as media.
543     *
544     * <p>This is like {@link #getFilesDir()} in that these
545     * files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled, however there
546     * are some important differences:
547     *
548     * <ul>
549     * <li>External files are not always available: they will disappear if the
550     * user mounts the external storage on a computer or removes it.  See the
551     * APIs on {@link android.os.Environment} for information in the storage state.
552     * <li>There is no security enforced with these files.  All applications
553     * can read and write files placed here.
554     * </ul>
555     *
556     * <p>Here is an example of typical code to manipulate a file in
557     * an application's private storage:</p>
558     *
559     * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/content/
560     * private_file}
561     *
562     * <p>If you supply a non-null <var>type</var> to this function, the returned
563     * file will be a path to a sub-directory of the given type.  Though these files
564     * are not automatically scanned by the media scanner, you can explicitly
565     * add them to the media database with
566     * {@link, String[], String[],
567     *      OnScanCompletedListener) MediaScannerConnection.scanFile}.
568     * Note that this is not the same as
569     * {@link android.os.Environment#getExternalStoragePublicDirectory
570     * Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory()}, which provides
571     * directories of media shared by all applications.  The
572     * directories returned here are
573     * owned by the application, and their contents will be removed when the
574     * application is uninstalled.  Unlike
575     * {@link android.os.Environment#getExternalStoragePublicDirectory
576     * Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory()}, the directory
577     * returned here will be automatically created for you.
578     *
579     * <p>Here is an example of typical code to manipulate a picture in
580     * an application's private storage and add it to the media database:</p>
581     *
582     * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/content/
583     * private_picture}
584     *
585     * @param type The type of files directory to return.  May be null for
586     * the root of the files directory or one of
587     * the following Environment constants for a subdirectory:
588     * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_MUSIC},
589     * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_PODCASTS},
590     * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_RINGTONES},
591     * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_ALARMS},
592     * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS},
593     * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_PICTURES}, or
594     * {@link android.os.Environment#DIRECTORY_MOVIES}.
595     *
596     * @return Returns the path of the directory holding application files
597     * on external storage.  Returns null if external storage is not currently
598     * mounted so it could not ensure the path exists; you will need to call
599     * this method again when it is available.
600     *
601     * @see #getFilesDir
602     * @see android.os.Environment#getExternalStoragePublicDirectory
603     */
604    public abstract File getExternalFilesDir(String type);
606    /**
607     * Return the directory where this application's OBB files (if there
608     * are any) can be found.  Note if the application does not have any OBB
609     * files, this directory may not exist.
610     */
611    public abstract File getObbDir();
613    /**
614     * Returns the absolute path to the application specific cache directory
615     * on the filesystem. These files will be ones that get deleted first when the
616     * device runs low on storage.
617     * There is no guarantee when these files will be deleted.
618     *
619     * <strong>Note: you should not <em>rely</em> on the system deleting these
620     * files for you; you should always have a reasonable maximum, such as 1 MB,
621     * for the amount of space you consume with cache files, and prune those
622     * files when exceeding that space.</strong>
623     *
624     * @return Returns the path of the directory holding application cache files.
625     *
626     * @see #openFileOutput
627     * @see #getFileStreamPath
628     * @see #getDir
629     */
630    public abstract File getCacheDir();
632    /**
633     * Returns the absolute path to the directory on the external filesystem
634     * (that is somewhere on {@link android.os.Environment#getExternalStorageDirectory()
635     * Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()} where the application can
636     * place cache files it owns.
637     *
638     * <p>This is like {@link #getCacheDir()} in that these
639     * files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled, however there
640     * are some important differences:
641     *
642     * <ul>
643     * <li>The platform does not monitor the space available in external storage,
644     * and thus will not automatically delete these files.  Note that you should
645     * be managing the maximum space you will use for these anyway, just like
646     * with {@link #getCacheDir()}.
647     * <li>External files are not always available: they will disappear if the
648     * user mounts the external storage on a computer or removes it.  See the
649     * APIs on {@link android.os.Environment} for information in the storage state.
650     * <li>There is no security enforced with these files.  All applications
651     * can read and write files placed here.
652     * </ul>
653     *
654     * @return Returns the path of the directory holding application cache files
655     * on external storage.  Returns null if external storage is not currently
656     * mounted so it could not ensure the path exists; you will need to call
657     * this method again when it is available.
658     *
659     * @see #getCacheDir
660     */
661    public abstract File getExternalCacheDir();
663    /**
664     * Returns an array of strings naming the private files associated with
665     * this Context's application package.
666     *
667     * @return Array of strings naming the private files.
668     *
669     * @see #openFileInput
670     * @see #openFileOutput
671     * @see #deleteFile
672     */
673    public abstract String[] fileList();
675    /**
676     * Retrieve, creating if needed, a new directory in which the application
677     * can place its own custom data files.  You can use the returned File
678     * object to create and access files in this directory.  Note that files
679     * created through a File object will only be accessible by your own
680     * application; you can only set the mode of the entire directory, not
681     * of individual files.
682     *
683     * @param name Name of the directory to retrieve.  This is a directory
684     * that is created as part of your application data.
685     * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
686     * default operation, {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE} and
687     * {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control permissions.
688     *
689     * @return Returns a File object for the requested directory.  The directory
690     * will have been created if it does not already exist.
691     *
692     * @see #openFileOutput(String, int)
693     */
694    public abstract File getDir(String name, int mode);
696    /**
697     * Open a new private SQLiteDatabase associated with this Context's
698     * application package.  Create the database file if it doesn't exist.
699     *
700     * @param name The name (unique in the application package) of the database.
701     * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
702     *     default operation, {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE}
703     *     and {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control permissions.
704     *     Use {@link #MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING} to enable write-ahead logging by default.
705     * @param factory An optional factory class that is called to instantiate a
706     *     cursor when query is called.
707     *
708     * @return The contents of a newly created database with the given name.
709     * @throws android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException if the database file could not be opened.
710     *
711     * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
712     * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
713     * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
715     * @see #deleteDatabase
716     */
717    public abstract SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase(String name,
718            int mode, CursorFactory factory);
720    /**
721     * Open a new private SQLiteDatabase associated with this Context's
722     * application package.  Creates the database file if it doesn't exist.
723     *
724     * <p>Accepts input param: a concrete instance of {@link DatabaseErrorHandler} to be
725     * used to handle corruption when sqlite reports database corruption.</p>
726     *
727     * @param name The name (unique in the application package) of the database.
728     * @param mode Operating mode.  Use 0 or {@link #MODE_PRIVATE} for the
729     *     default operation, {@link #MODE_WORLD_READABLE}
730     *     and {@link #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} to control permissions.
731     *     Use {@link #MODE_ENABLE_WRITE_AHEAD_LOGGING} to enable write-ahead logging by default.
732     * @param factory An optional factory class that is called to instantiate a
733     *     cursor when query is called.
734     * @param errorHandler the {@link DatabaseErrorHandler} to be used when sqlite reports database
735     * corruption. if null, {@link android.database.DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler} is assumed.
736     * @return The contents of a newly created database with the given name.
737     * @throws android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException if the database file could not be opened.
738     *
739     * @see #MODE_PRIVATE
740     * @see #MODE_WORLD_READABLE
741     * @see #MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE
743     * @see #deleteDatabase
744     */
745    public abstract SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase(String name,
746            int mode, CursorFactory factory, DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler);
748    /**
749     * Delete an existing private SQLiteDatabase associated with this Context's
750     * application package.
751     *
752     * @param name The name (unique in the application package) of the
753     *             database.
754     *
755     * @return True if the database was successfully deleted; else false.
756     *
757     * @see #openOrCreateDatabase
758     */
759    public abstract boolean deleteDatabase(String name);
761    /**
762     * Returns the absolute path on the filesystem where a database created with
763     * {@link #openOrCreateDatabase} is stored.
764     *
765     * @param name The name of the database for which you would like to get
766     *          its path.
767     *
768     * @return Returns an absolute path to the given database.
769     *
770     * @see #openOrCreateDatabase
771     */
772    public abstract File getDatabasePath(String name);
774    /**
775     * Returns an array of strings naming the private databases associated with
776     * this Context's application package.
777     *
778     * @return Array of strings naming the private databases.
779     *
780     * @see #openOrCreateDatabase
781     * @see #deleteDatabase
782     */
783    public abstract String[] databaseList();
785    /**
786     * @deprecated Use {@link
787     * WallpaperManager.get()} instead.
788     */
789    @Deprecated
790    public abstract Drawable getWallpaper();
792    /**
793     * @deprecated Use {@link
794     * WallpaperManager.peek()} instead.
795     */
796    @Deprecated
797    public abstract Drawable peekWallpaper();
799    /**
800     * @deprecated Use {@link
801     * WallpaperManager.getDesiredMinimumWidth()} instead.
802     */
803    @Deprecated
804    public abstract int getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth();
806    /**
807     * @deprecated Use {@link
808     * WallpaperManager.getDesiredMinimumHeight()} instead.
809     */
810    @Deprecated
811    public abstract int getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight();
813    /**
814     * @deprecated Use {@link
815     * WallpaperManager.set()} instead.
816     * <p>This method requires the caller to hold the permission
817     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#SET_WALLPAPER}.
818     */
819    @Deprecated
820    public abstract void setWallpaper(Bitmap bitmap) throws IOException;
822    /**
823     * @deprecated Use {@link
824     * WallpaperManager.set()} instead.
825     * <p>This method requires the caller to hold the permission
826     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#SET_WALLPAPER}.
827     */
828    @Deprecated
829    public abstract void setWallpaper(InputStream data) throws IOException;
831    /**
832     * @deprecated Use {@link
833     * WallpaperManager.clear()} instead.
834     * <p>This method requires the caller to hold the permission
835     * {@link android.Manifest.permission#SET_WALLPAPER}.
836     */
837    @Deprecated
838    public abstract void clearWallpaper() throws IOException;
840    /**
841     * Same as {@link #startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} with no options
842     * specified.
843     *
844     * @param intent The description of the activity to start.
845     *
846     * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
847     *
848     * @see {@link #startActivity(Intent, Bundle)}
849     * @see PackageManager#resolveActivity
850     */
851    public abstract void startActivity(Intent intent);
853    /**
854     * Launch a new activity.  You will not receive any information about when
855     * the activity exits.
856     *
857     * <p>Note that if this method is being called from outside of an
858     * {@link} Context, then the Intent must include
859     * the {@link Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} launch flag.  This is because,
860     * without being started from an existing Activity, there is no existing
861     * task in which to place the new activity and thus it needs to be placed
862     * in its own separate task.
863     *
864     * <p>This method throws {@link ActivityNotFoundException}
865     * if there was no Activity found to run the given Intent.
866     *
867     * @param intent The description of the activity to start.
868     * @param options Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
869     * May be null if there are no options.  See {@link}
870     * for how to build the Bundle supplied here; there are no supported definitions
871     * for building it manually.
872     *
873     * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
874     *
875     * @see #startActivity(Intent)
876     * @see PackageManager#resolveActivity
877     */
878    public abstract void startActivity(Intent intent, Bundle options);
880    /**
881     * Same as {@link #startActivities(Intent[], Bundle)} with no options
882     * specified.
883     *
884     * @param intents An array of Intents to be started.
885     *
886     * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
887     *
888     * @see {@link #startActivities(Intent[], Bundle)}
889     * @see PackageManager#resolveActivity
890     */
891    public abstract void startActivities(Intent[] intents);
893    /**
894     * Launch multiple new activities.  This is generally the same as calling
895     * {@link #startActivity(Intent)} for the first Intent in the array,
896     * that activity during its creation calling {@link #startActivity(Intent)}
897     * for the second entry, etc.  Note that unlike that approach, generally
898     * none of the activities except the last in the array will be created
899     * at this point, but rather will be created when the user first visits
900     * them (due to pressing back from the activity on top).
901     *
902     * <p>This method throws {@link ActivityNotFoundException}
903     * if there was no Activity found for <em>any</em> given Intent.  In this
904     * case the state of the activity stack is undefined (some Intents in the
905     * list may be on it, some not), so you probably want to avoid such situations.
906     *
907     * @param intents An array of Intents to be started.
908     * @param options Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
909     * See {@link android.content.Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle)
910     * Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} for more details.
911     *
912     * @throws ActivityNotFoundException
913     *
914     * @see {@link #startActivities(Intent[])}
915     * @see PackageManager#resolveActivity
916     */
917    public abstract void startActivities(Intent[] intents, Bundle options);
919    /**
920     * Same as {@link #startIntentSender(IntentSender, Intent, int, int, int, Bundle)}
921     * with no options specified.
922     *
923     * @param intent The IntentSender to launch.
924     * @param fillInIntent If non-null, this will be provided as the
925     * intent parameter to {@link IntentSender#sendIntent}.
926     * @param flagsMask Intent flags in the original IntentSender that you
927     * would like to change.
928     * @param flagsValues Desired values for any bits set in
929     * <var>flagsMask</var>
930     * @param extraFlags Always set to 0.
931     *
932     * @see #startActivity(Intent)
933     * @see #startIntentSender(IntentSender, Intent, int, int, int, Bundle)
934     */
935    public abstract void startIntentSender(IntentSender intent,
936            Intent fillInIntent, int flagsMask, int flagsValues, int extraFlags)
937            throws IntentSender.SendIntentException;
939    /**
940     * Like {@link #startActivity(Intent, Bundle)}, but taking a IntentSender
941     * to start.  If the IntentSender is for an activity, that activity will be started
942     * as if you had called the regular {@link #startActivity(Intent)}
943     * here; otherwise, its associated action will be executed (such as
944     * sending a broadcast) as if you had called
945     * {@link IntentSender#sendIntent IntentSender.sendIntent} on it.
946     *
947     * @param intent The IntentSender to launch.
948     * @param fillInIntent If non-null, this will be provided as the
949     * intent parameter to {@link IntentSender#sendIntent}.
950     * @param flagsMask Intent flags in the original IntentSender that you
951     * would like to change.
952     * @param flagsValues Desired values for any bits set in
953     * <var>flagsMask</var>
954     * @param extraFlags Always set to 0.
955     * @param options Additional options for how the Activity should be started.
956     * See {@link android.content.Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle)
957     * Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle)} for more details.  If options
958     * have also been supplied by the IntentSender, options given here will
959     * override any that conflict with those given by the IntentSender.
960     *
961     * @see #startActivity(Intent, Bundle)
962     * @see #startIntentSender(IntentSender, Intent, int, int, int)
963     */
964    public abstract void startIntentSender(IntentSender intent,
965            Intent fillInIntent, int flagsMask, int flagsValues, int extraFlags,
966            Bundle options) throws IntentSender.SendIntentException;
968    /**
969     * Broadcast the given intent to all interested BroadcastReceivers.  This
970     * call is asynchronous; it returns immediately, and you will continue
971     * executing while the receivers are run.  No results are propagated from
972     * receivers and receivers can not abort the broadcast. If you want
973     * to allow receivers to propagate results or abort the broadcast, you must
974     * send an ordered broadcast using
975     * {@link #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)}.
976     *
977     * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
978     *
979     * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
980     *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
981     *
982     * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
983     * @see #registerReceiver
984     * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent, String)
985     * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)
986     * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
987     */
988    public abstract void sendBroadcast(Intent intent);
990    /**
991     * Same as #sendBroadcast(Intent intent), but for a specific user. Used by the system only.
992     * @param intent the intent to broadcast
993     * @param userId user to send the intent to
994     * @hide
995     */
996    public void sendBroadcast(Intent intent, int userId) {
997        throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented. Must override in a subclass.");
998    }
1000    /**
1001     * Broadcast the given intent to all interested BroadcastReceivers, allowing
1002     * an optional required permission to be enforced.  This
1003     * call is asynchronous; it returns immediately, and you will continue
1004     * executing while the receivers are run.  No results are propagated from
1005     * receivers and receivers can not abort the broadcast. If you want
1006     * to allow receivers to propagate results or abort the broadcast, you must
1007     * send an ordered broadcast using
1008     * {@link #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)}.
1009     *
1010     * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1011     *
1012     * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1013     *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1014     * @param receiverPermission (optional) String naming a permission that
1015     *               a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast.
1016     *               If null, no permission is required.
1017     *
1018     * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
1019     * @see #registerReceiver
1020     * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1021     * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)
1022     * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1023     */
1024    public abstract void sendBroadcast(Intent intent,
1025            String receiverPermission);
1027    /**
1028     * Broadcast the given intent to all interested BroadcastReceivers, delivering
1029     * them one at a time to allow more preferred receivers to consume the
1030     * broadcast before it is delivered to less preferred receivers.  This
1031     * call is asynchronous; it returns immediately, and you will continue
1032     * executing while the receivers are run.
1033     *
1034     * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1035     *
1036     * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1037     *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1038     * @param receiverPermission (optional) String naming a permissions that
1039     *               a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast.
1040     *               If null, no permission is required.
1041     *
1042     * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
1043     * @see #registerReceiver
1044     * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1045     * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1046     */
1047    public abstract void sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent,
1048            String receiverPermission);
1050    /**
1051     * Version of {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)} that allows you to
1052     * receive data back from the broadcast.  This is accomplished by
1053     * supplying your own BroadcastReceiver when calling, which will be
1054     * treated as a final receiver at the end of the broadcast -- its
1055     * {@link BroadcastReceiver#onReceive} method will be called with
1056     * the result values collected from the other receivers.  The broadcast will
1057     * be serialized in the same way as calling
1058     * {@link #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)}.
1059     *
1060     * <p>Like {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)}, this method is
1061     * asynchronous; it will return before
1062     * resultReceiver.onReceive() is called.
1063     *
1064     * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1065     *
1066     * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1067     *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1068     * @param receiverPermission String naming a permissions that
1069     *               a receiver must hold in order to receive your broadcast.
1070     *               If null, no permission is required.
1071     * @param resultReceiver Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final
1072     *                       receiver of the broadcast.
1073     * @param scheduler A custom Handler with which to schedule the
1074     *                  resultReceiver callback; if null it will be
1075     *                  scheduled in the Context's main thread.
1076     * @param initialCode An initial value for the result code.  Often
1077     *                    Activity.RESULT_OK.
1078     * @param initialData An initial value for the result data.  Often
1079     *                    null.
1080     * @param initialExtras An initial value for the result extras.  Often
1081     *                      null.
1082     *
1083     * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1084     * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent, String)
1085     * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)
1086     * @see #sendStickyBroadcast(Intent)
1087     * @see #sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(Intent, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1088     * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
1089     * @see #registerReceiver
1090     * @see
1091     */
1092    public abstract void sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent,
1093            String receiverPermission, BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver,
1094            Handler scheduler, int initialCode, String initialData,
1095            Bundle initialExtras);
1097    /**
1098     * Perform a {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)} that is "sticky," meaning the
1099     * Intent you are sending stays around after the broadcast is complete,
1100     * so that others can quickly retrieve that data through the return
1101     * value of {@link #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)}.  In
1102     * all other ways, this behaves the same as
1103     * {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)}.
1104     *
1105     * <p>You must hold the {@link android.Manifest.permission#BROADCAST_STICKY}
1106     * permission in order to use this API.  If you do not hold that
1107     * permission, {@link SecurityException} will be thrown.
1108     *
1109     * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1110     * Intent will receive the broadcast, and the Intent will be held to
1111     * be re-broadcast to future receivers.
1112     *
1113     * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1114     * @see #sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(Intent, BroadcastReceiver, Handler, int, String, Bundle)
1115     */
1116    public abstract void sendStickyBroadcast(Intent intent);
1118    /**
1119     * Version of {@link #sendStickyBroadcast} that allows you to
1120     * receive data back from the broadcast.  This is accomplished by
1121     * supplying your own BroadcastReceiver when calling, which will be
1122     * treated as a final receiver at the end of the broadcast -- its
1123     * {@link BroadcastReceiver#onReceive} method will be called with
1124     * the result values collected from the other receivers.  The broadcast will
1125     * be serialized in the same way as calling
1126     * {@link #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)}.
1127     *
1128     * <p>Like {@link #sendBroadcast(Intent)}, this method is
1129     * asynchronous; it will return before
1130     * resultReceiver.onReceive() is called.  Note that the sticky data
1131     * stored is only the data you initially supply to the broadcast, not
1132     * the result of any changes made by the receivers.
1133     *
1134     * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1135     *
1136     * @param intent The Intent to broadcast; all receivers matching this
1137     *               Intent will receive the broadcast.
1138     * @param resultReceiver Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final
1139     *                       receiver of the broadcast.
1140     * @param scheduler A custom Handler with which to schedule the
1141     *                  resultReceiver callback; if null it will be
1142     *                  scheduled in the Context's main thread.
1143     * @param initialCode An initial value for the result code.  Often
1144     *                    Activity.RESULT_OK.
1145     * @param initialData An initial value for the result data.  Often
1146     *                    null.
1147     * @param initialExtras An initial value for the result extras.  Often
1148     *                      null.
1149     *
1150     * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent)
1151     * @see #sendBroadcast(Intent, String)
1152     * @see #sendOrderedBroadcast(Intent, String)
1153     * @see #sendStickyBroadcast(Intent)
1154     * @see android.content.BroadcastReceiver
1155     * @see #registerReceiver
1156     * @see
1157     */
1158    public abstract void sendStickyOrderedBroadcast(Intent intent,
1159            BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver,
1160            Handler scheduler, int initialCode, String initialData,
1161            Bundle initialExtras);
1164    /**
1165     * Remove the data previously sent with {@link #sendStickyBroadcast},
1166     * so that it is as if the sticky broadcast had never happened.
1167     *
1168     * <p>You must hold the {@link android.Manifest.permission#BROADCAST_STICKY}
1169     * permission in order to use this API.  If you do not hold that
1170     * permission, {@link SecurityException} will be thrown.
1171     *
1172     * @param intent The Intent that was previously broadcast.
1173     *
1174     * @see #sendStickyBroadcast
1175     */
1176    public abstract void removeStickyBroadcast(Intent intent);
1178    /**
1179     * Register a BroadcastReceiver to be run in the main activity thread.  The
1180     * <var>receiver</var> will be called with any broadcast Intent that
1181     * matches <var>filter</var>, in the main application thread.
1182     *
1183     * <p>The system may broadcast Intents that are "sticky" -- these stay
1184     * around after the broadcast as finished, to be sent to any later
1185     * registrations. If your IntentFilter matches one of these sticky
1186     * Intents, that Intent will be returned by this function
1187     * <strong>and</strong> sent to your <var>receiver</var> as if it had just
1188     * been broadcast.
1189     *
1190     * <p>There may be multiple sticky Intents that match <var>filter</var>,
1191     * in which case each of these will be sent to <var>receiver</var>.  In
1192     * this case, only one of these can be returned directly by the function;
1193     * which of these that is returned is arbitrarily decided by the system.
1194     *
1195     * <p>If you know the Intent your are registering for is sticky, you can
1196     * supply null for your <var>receiver</var>.  In this case, no receiver is
1197     * registered -- the function simply returns the sticky Intent that
1198     * matches <var>filter</var>.  In the case of multiple matches, the same
1199     * rules as described above apply.
1200     *
1201     * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1202     *
1203     * <p>As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH}, receivers
1204     * registered with this method will correctly respect the
1205     * {@link Intent#setPackage(String)} specified for an Intent being broadcast.
1206     * Prior to that, it would be ignored and delivered to all matching registered
1207     * receivers.  Be careful if using this for security.</p>
1208     *
1209     * <p class="note">Note: this method <em>cannot be called from a
1210     * {@link BroadcastReceiver} component;</em> that is, from a BroadcastReceiver
1211     * that is declared in an application's manifest.  It is okay, however, to call
1212     * this method from another BroadcastReceiver that has itself been registered
1213     * at run time with {@link #registerReceiver}, since the lifetime of such a
1214     * registered BroadcastReceiver is tied to the object that registered it.</p>
1215     *
1216     * @param receiver The BroadcastReceiver to handle the broadcast.
1217     * @param filter Selects the Intent broadcasts to be received.
1218     *
1219     * @return The first sticky intent found that matches <var>filter</var>,
1220     *         or null if there are none.
1221     *
1222     * @see #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter, String, Handler)
1223     * @see #sendBroadcast
1224     * @see #unregisterReceiver
1225     */
1226    public abstract Intent registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver,
1227                                            IntentFilter filter);
1229    /**
1230     * Register to receive intent broadcasts, to run in the context of
1231     * <var>scheduler</var>.  See
1232     * {@link #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)} for more
1233     * information.  This allows you to enforce permissions on who can
1234     * broadcast intents to your receiver, or have the receiver run in
1235     * a different thread than the main application thread.
1236     *
1237     * <p>See {@link BroadcastReceiver} for more information on Intent broadcasts.
1238     *
1239     * <p>As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH}, receivers
1240     * registered with this method will correctly respect the
1241     * {@link Intent#setPackage(String)} specified for an Intent being broadcast.
1242     * Prior to that, it would be ignored and delivered to all matching registered
1243     * receivers.  Be careful if using this for security.</p>
1244     *
1245     * @param receiver The BroadcastReceiver to handle the broadcast.
1246     * @param filter Selects the Intent broadcasts to be received.
1247     * @param broadcastPermission String naming a permissions that a
1248     *      broadcaster must hold in order to send an Intent to you.  If null,
1249     *      no permission is required.
1250     * @param scheduler Handler identifying the thread that will receive
1251     *      the Intent.  If null, the main thread of the process will be used.
1252     *
1253     * @return The first sticky intent found that matches <var>filter</var>,
1254     *         or null if there are none.
1255     *
1256     * @see #registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter)
1257     * @see #sendBroadcast
1258     * @see #unregisterReceiver
1259     */
1260    public abstract Intent registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver,
1261                                            IntentFilter filter,
1262                                            String broadcastPermission,
1263                                            Handler scheduler);
1265    /**
1266     * Unregister a previously registered BroadcastReceiver.  <em>All</em>
1267     * filters that have been registered for this BroadcastReceiver will be
1268     * removed.
1269     *
1270     * @param receiver The BroadcastReceiver to unregister.
1271     *
1272     * @see #registerReceiver
1273     */
1274    public abstract void unregisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver);
1276    /**
1277     * Request that a given application service be started.  The Intent
1278     * can either contain the complete class name of a specific service
1279     * implementation to start, or an abstract definition through the
1280     * action and other fields of the kind of service to start.  If this service
1281     * is not already running, it will be instantiated and started (creating a
1282     * process for it if needed); if it is running then it remains running.
1283     *
1284     * <p>Every call to this method will result in a corresponding call to
1285     * the target service's {@link} method,
1286     * with the <var>intent</var> given here.  This provides a convenient way
1287     * to submit jobs to a service without having to bind and call on to its
1288     * interface.
1289     *
1290     * <p>Using startService() overrides the default service lifetime that is
1291     * managed by {@link #bindService}: it requires the service to remain
1292     * running until {@link #stopService} is called, regardless of whether
1293     * any clients are connected to it.  Note that calls to startService()
1294     * are not nesting: no matter how many times you call startService(),
1295     * a single call to {@link #stopService} will stop it.
1296     *
1297     * <p>The system attempts to keep running services around as much as
1298     * possible.  The only time they should be stopped is if the current
1299     * foreground application is using so many resources that the service needs
1300     * to be killed.  If any errors happen in the service's process, it will
1301     * automatically be restarted.
1302     *
1303     * <p>This function will throw {@link SecurityException} if you do not
1304     * have permission to start the given service.
1305     *
1306     * @param service Identifies the service to be started.  The Intent may
1307     *      specify either an explicit component name to start, or a logical
1308     *      description (action, category, etc) to match an
1309     *      {@link IntentFilter} published by a service.  Additional values
1310     *      may be included in the Intent extras to supply arguments along with
1311     *      this specific start call.
1312     *
1313     * @return If the service is being started or is already running, the
1314     * {@link ComponentName} of the actual service that was started is
1315     * returned; else if the service does not exist null is returned.
1316     *
1317     * @throws SecurityException
1318     *
1319     * @see #stopService
1320     * @see #bindService
1321     */
1322    public abstract ComponentName startService(Intent service);
1324    /**
1325     * Request that a given application service be stopped.  If the service is
1326     * not running, nothing happens.  Otherwise it is stopped.  Note that calls
1327     * to startService() are not counted -- this stops the service no matter
1328     * how many times it was started.
1329     *
1330     * <p>Note that if a stopped service still has {@link ServiceConnection}
1331     * objects bound to it with the {@link #BIND_AUTO_CREATE} set, it will
1332     * not be destroyed until all of these bindings are removed.  See
1333     * the {@link} documentation for more details on a
1334     * service's lifecycle.
1335     *
1336     * <p>This function will throw {@link SecurityException} if you do not
1337     * have permission to stop the given service.
1338     *
1339     * @param service Description of the service to be stopped.  The Intent may
1340     *      specify either an explicit component name to start, or a logical
1341     *      description (action, category, etc) to match an
1342     *      {@link IntentFilter} published by a service.
1343     *
1344     * @return If there is a service matching the given Intent that is already
1345     * running, then it is stopped and true is returned; else false is returned.
1346     *
1347     * @throws SecurityException
1348     *
1349     * @see #startService
1350     */
1351    public abstract boolean stopService(Intent service);
1353    /**
1354     * Connect to an application service, creating it if needed.  This defines
1355     * a dependency between your application and the service.  The given
1356     * <var>conn</var> will receive the service object when it is created and be
1357     * told if it dies and restarts.  The service will be considered required
1358     * by the system only for as long as the calling context exists.  For
1359     * example, if this Context is an Activity that is stopped, the service will
1360     * not be required to continue running until the Activity is resumed.
1361     *
1362     * <p>This function will throw {@link SecurityException} if you do not
1363     * have permission to bind to the given service.
1364     *
1365     * <p class="note">Note: this method <em>can not be called from a
1366     * {@link BroadcastReceiver} component</em>.  A pattern you can use to
1367     * communicate from a BroadcastReceiver to a Service is to call
1368     * {@link #startService} with the arguments containing the command to be
1369     * sent, with the service calling its
1370     * {@link} method when done executing
1371     * that command.  See the API demo App/Service/Service Start Arguments
1372     * Controller for an illustration of this.  It is okay, however, to use
1373     * this method from a BroadcastReceiver that has been registered with
1374     * {@link #registerReceiver}, since the lifetime of this BroadcastReceiver
1375     * is tied to another object (the one that registered it).</p>
1376     *
1377     * @param service Identifies the service to connect to.  The Intent may
1378     *      specify either an explicit component name, or a logical
1379     *      description (action, category, etc) to match an
1380     *      {@link IntentFilter} published by a service.
1381     * @param conn Receives information as the service is started and stopped.
1382     *      This must be a valid ServiceConnection object; it must not be null.
1383     * @param flags Operation options for the binding.  May be 0,
1384     *          {@link #BIND_AUTO_CREATE}, {@link #BIND_DEBUG_UNBIND},
1385     *          {@link #BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND}, {@link #BIND_ABOVE_CLIENT},
1386     *          {@link #BIND_ALLOW_OOM_MANAGEMENT}, or
1387     *          {@link #BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY}.
1388     * @return If you have successfully bound to the service, true is returned;
1389     *         false is returned if the connection is not made so you will not
1390     *         receive the service object.
1391     *
1392     * @throws SecurityException
1393     *
1394     * @see #unbindService
1395     * @see #startService
1396     * @see #BIND_AUTO_CREATE
1397     * @see #BIND_DEBUG_UNBIND
1398     * @see #BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND
1399     */
1400    public abstract boolean bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn,
1401            int flags);
1403    /**
1404     * Same as {@link #bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, int)}, but with an explicit userId
1405     * argument for use by system server and other multi-user aware code.
1406     * @hide
1407     */
1408    public boolean bindService(Intent service, ServiceConnection conn, int flags, int userId) {
1409        throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented. Must override in a subclass.");
1410    }
1412    /**
1413     * Disconnect from an application service.  You will no longer receive
1414     * calls as the service is restarted, and the service is now allowed to
1415     * stop at any time.
1416     *
1417     * @param conn The connection interface previously supplied to
1418     *             bindService().  This parameter must not be null.
1419     *
1420     * @see #bindService
1421     */
1422    public abstract void unbindService(ServiceConnection conn);
1424    /**
1425     * Start executing an {@link} class.  The given
1426     * Instrumentation component will be run by killing its target application
1427     * (if currently running), starting the target process, instantiating the
1428     * instrumentation component, and then letting it drive the application.
1429     *
1430     * <p>This function is not synchronous -- it returns as soon as the
1431     * instrumentation has started and while it is running.
1432     *
1433     * <p>Instrumentation is normally only allowed to run against a package
1434     * that is either unsigned or signed with a signature that the
1435     * the instrumentation package is also signed with (ensuring the target
1436     * trusts the instrumentation).
1437     *
1438     * @param className Name of the Instrumentation component to be run.
1439     * @param profileFile Optional path to write profiling data as the
1440     * instrumentation runs, or null for no profiling.
1441     * @param arguments Additional optional arguments to pass to the
1442     * instrumentation, or null.
1443     *
1444     * @return Returns true if the instrumentation was successfully started,
1445     * else false if it could not be found.
1446     */
1447    public abstract boolean startInstrumentation(ComponentName className,
1448            String profileFile, Bundle arguments);
1450    /**
1451     * Return the handle to a system-level service by name. The class of the
1452     * returned object varies by the requested name. Currently available names
1453     * are:
1454     *
1455     * <dl>
1456     *  <dt> {@link #WINDOW_SERVICE} ("window")
1457     *  <dd> The top-level window manager in which you can place custom
1458     *  windows.  The returned object is a {@link android.view.WindowManager}.
1459     *  <dt> {@link #LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE} ("layout_inflater")
1460     *  <dd> A {@link android.view.LayoutInflater} for inflating layout resources
1461     *  in this context.
1462     *  <dt> {@link #ACTIVITY_SERVICE} ("activity")
1463     *  <dd> A {@link} for interacting with the
1464     *  global activity state of the system.
1465     *  <dt> {@link #POWER_SERVICE} ("power")
1466     *  <dd> A {@link android.os.PowerManager} for controlling power
1467     *  management.
1468     *  <dt> {@link #ALARM_SERVICE} ("alarm")
1469     *  <dd> A {@link} for receiving intents at the
1470     *  time of your choosing.
1471     *  <dt> {@link #NOTIFICATION_SERVICE} ("notification")
1472     *  <dd> A {@link} for informing the user
1473     *   of background events.
1474     *  <dt> {@link #KEYGUARD_SERVICE} ("keyguard")
1475     *  <dd> A {@link} for controlling keyguard.
1476     *  <dt> {@link #LOCATION_SERVICE} ("location")
1477     *  <dd> A {@link android.location.LocationManager} for controlling location
1478     *   (e.g., GPS) updates.
1479     *  <dt> {@link #SEARCH_SERVICE} ("search")
1480     *  <dd> A {@link} for handling search.
1481     *  <dt> {@link #VIBRATOR_SERVICE} ("vibrator")
1482     *  <dd> A {@link android.os.Vibrator} for interacting with the vibrator
1483     *  hardware.
1484     *  <dt> {@link #CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE} ("connection")
1485     *  <dd> A {@link ConnectivityManager} for
1486     *  handling management of network connections.
1487     *  <dt> {@link #WIFI_SERVICE} ("wifi")
1488     *  <dd> A {@link WifiManager} for management of
1489     * Wi-Fi connectivity.
1490     * <dt> {@link #INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE} ("input_method")
1491     * <dd> An {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager InputMethodManager}
1492     * for management of input methods.
1493     * <dt> {@link #UI_MODE_SERVICE} ("uimode")
1494     * <dd> An {@link} for controlling UI modes.
1495     * <dt> {@link #DOWNLOAD_SERVICE} ("download")
1496     * <dd> A {@link} for requesting HTTP downloads
1497     * </dl>
1498     *
1499     * <p>Note:  System services obtained via this API may be closely associated with
1500     * the Context in which they are obtained from.  In general, do not share the
1501     * service objects between various different contexts (Activities, Applications,
1502     * Services, Providers, etc.)
1503     *
1504     * @param name The name of the desired service.
1505     *
1506     * @return The service or null if the name does not exist.
1507     *
1508     * @see #WINDOW_SERVICE
1509     * @see android.view.WindowManager
1511     * @see android.view.LayoutInflater
1512     * @see #ACTIVITY_SERVICE
1513     * @see
1514     * @see #POWER_SERVICE
1515     * @see android.os.PowerManager
1516     * @see #ALARM_SERVICE
1517     * @see
1519     * @see
1520     * @see #KEYGUARD_SERVICE
1521     * @see
1522     * @see #LOCATION_SERVICE
1523     * @see android.location.LocationManager
1524     * @see #SEARCH_SERVICE
1525     * @see
1526     * @see #SENSOR_SERVICE
1527     * @see android.hardware.SensorManager
1528     * @see #STORAGE_SERVICE
1529     * @see
1530     * @see #VIBRATOR_SERVICE
1531     * @see android.os.Vibrator
1533     * @see
1534     * @see #WIFI_SERVICE
1535     * @see
1536     * @see #AUDIO_SERVICE
1537     * @see
1538     * @see #MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE
1539     * @see
1540     * @see #TELEPHONY_SERVICE
1541     * @see android.telephony.TelephonyManager
1542     * @see #INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE
1543     * @see android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
1544     * @see #UI_MODE_SERVICE
1545     * @see
1546     * @see #DOWNLOAD_SERVICE
1547     * @see
1548     */
1549    public abstract Object getSystemService(String name);
1551    /**
1552     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1553     * {@link android.os.PowerManager} for controlling power management,
1554     * including "wake locks," which let you keep the device on while
1555     * you're running long tasks.
1556     */
1557    public static final String POWER_SERVICE = "power";
1559    /**
1560     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1561     * {@link android.view.WindowManager} for accessing the system's window
1562     * manager.
1563     *
1564     * @see #getSystemService
1565     * @see android.view.WindowManager
1566     */
1567    public static final String WINDOW_SERVICE = "window";
1569    /**
1570     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1571     * {@link android.view.LayoutInflater} for inflating layout resources in this
1572     * context.
1573     *
1574     * @see #getSystemService
1575     * @see android.view.LayoutInflater
1576     */
1577    public static final String LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE = "layout_inflater";
1579    /**
1580     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1581     * {@link android.accounts.AccountManager} for receiving intents at a
1582     * time of your choosing.
1583     *
1584     * @see #getSystemService
1585     * @see android.accounts.AccountManager
1586     */
1587    public static final String ACCOUNT_SERVICE = "account";
1589    /**
1590     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1591     * {@link} for interacting with the global
1592     * system state.
1593     *
1594     * @see #getSystemService
1595     * @see
1596     */
1597    public static final String ACTIVITY_SERVICE = "activity";
1599    /**
1600     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1601     * {@link} for receiving intents at a
1602     * time of your choosing.
1603     *
1604     * @see #getSystemService
1605     * @see
1606     */
1607    public static final String ALARM_SERVICE = "alarm";
1609    /**
1610     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1611     * {@link} for informing the user of
1612     * background events.
1613     *
1614     * @see #getSystemService
1615     * @see
1616     */
1617    public static final String NOTIFICATION_SERVICE = "notification";
1619    /**
1620     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1621     * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager} for giving the user
1622     * feedback for UI events through the registered event listeners.
1623     *
1624     * @see #getSystemService
1625     * @see android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager
1626     */
1627    public static final String ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE = "accessibility";
1629    /**
1630     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1631     * {@link} for controlling keyguard.
1632     *
1633     * @see #getSystemService
1634     * @see
1635     */
1636    public static final String KEYGUARD_SERVICE = "keyguard";
1638    /**
1639     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1640     * android.location.LocationManager} for controlling location
1641     * updates.
1642     *
1643     * @see #getSystemService
1644     * @see android.location.LocationManager
1645     */
1646    public static final String LOCATION_SERVICE = "location";
1648    /**
1649     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1650     * {@link android.location.CountryDetector} for detecting the country that
1651     * the user is in.
1652     *
1653     * @hide
1654     */
1655    public static final String COUNTRY_DETECTOR = "country_detector";
1657    /**
1658     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1659     *} for handling searches.
1660     *
1661     * @see #getSystemService
1662     * @see
1663     */
1664    public static final String SEARCH_SERVICE = "search";
1666    /**
1667     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1668     * android.hardware.SensorManager} for accessing sensors.
1669     *
1670     * @see #getSystemService
1671     * @see android.hardware.SensorManager
1672     */
1673    public static final String SENSOR_SERVICE = "sensor";
1675    /**
1676     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1677     *} for accessing system storage
1678     * functions.
1679     *
1680     * @see #getSystemService
1681     * @see
1682     */
1683    public static final String STORAGE_SERVICE = "storage";
1685    /**
1686     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1687     * for accessing wallpapers.
1688     *
1689     * @see #getSystemService
1690     */
1691    public static final String WALLPAPER_SERVICE = "wallpaper";
1693    /**
1694     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1695     * android.os.Vibrator} for interacting with the vibration hardware.
1696     *
1697     * @see #getSystemService
1698     * @see android.os.Vibrator
1699     */
1700    public static final String VIBRATOR_SERVICE = "vibrator";
1702    /**
1703     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1704     *} for interacting with the status bar.
1705     *
1706     * @see #getSystemService
1707     * @see
1708     * @hide
1709     */
1710    public static final String STATUS_BAR_SERVICE = "statusbar";
1712    /**
1713     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1714     *} for handling management of
1715     * network connections.
1716     *
1717     * @see #getSystemService
1718     * @see
1719     */
1720    public static final String CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE = "connectivity";
1722    /**
1723     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1724     *} for handling management of
1725     * throttling.
1726     *
1727     * @hide
1728     * @see #getSystemService
1729     * @see
1730     */
1731    public static final String THROTTLE_SERVICE = "throttle";
1733    /**
1734     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1735     * android.os.IUpdateLock} for managing runtime sequences that
1736     * must not be interrupted by headless OTA application or similar.
1737     *
1738     * @hide
1739     * @see #getSystemService
1740     * @see android.os.UpdateLock
1741     */
1742    public static final String UPDATE_LOCK_SERVICE = "updatelock";
1744    /**
1745     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1746     *} for handling management of
1747     * system network services
1748     *
1749     * @hide
1750     * @see #getSystemService
1751     * @see
1752     */
1753    public static final String NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE = "network_management";
1755    /** {@hide} */
1756    public static final String NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE = "netstats";
1757    /** {@hide} */
1758    public static final String NETWORK_POLICY_SERVICE = "netpolicy";
1760    /**
1761     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1762     *} for handling management of
1763     * Wi-Fi access.
1764     *
1765     * @see #getSystemService
1766     * @see
1767     */
1768    public static final String WIFI_SERVICE = "wifi";
1770    /**
1771     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1772     *} for handling management of
1773     * Wi-Fi peer-to-peer connections.
1774     *
1775     * @see #getSystemService
1776     * @see
1777     */
1778    public static final String WIFI_P2P_SERVICE = "wifip2p";
1780    /**
1781     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1782     *} for handling management of network service
1783     * discovery
1784     *
1785     * @see #getSystemService
1786     * @see
1787     */
1788    public static final String NSD_SERVICE = "servicediscovery";
1790    /**
1791     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1792     * {@link} for handling management of volume,
1793     * ringer modes and audio routing.
1794     *
1795     * @see #getSystemService
1796     * @see
1797     */
1798    public static final String AUDIO_SERVICE = "audio";
1800    /**
1801     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1802     * {@link} for controlling and managing
1803     * routing of media.
1804     *
1805     * @see #getSystemService
1806     * @see
1807     */
1808    public static final String MEDIA_ROUTER_SERVICE = "media_router";
1810    /**
1811     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1812     * {@link android.telephony.TelephonyManager} for handling management the
1813     * telephony features of the device.
1814     *
1815     * @see #getSystemService
1816     * @see android.telephony.TelephonyManager
1817     */
1818    public static final String TELEPHONY_SERVICE = "phone";
1820    /**
1821     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1822     * {@link android.text.ClipboardManager} for accessing and modifying
1823     * the contents of the global clipboard.
1824     *
1825     * @see #getSystemService
1826     * @see android.text.ClipboardManager
1827     */
1828    public static final String CLIPBOARD_SERVICE = "clipboard";
1830    /**
1831     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1832     * {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager} for accessing input
1833     * methods.
1834     *
1835     * @see #getSystemService
1836     */
1837    public static final String INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE = "input_method";
1839    /**
1840     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1841     * {@link android.view.textservice.TextServicesManager} for accessing
1842     * text services.
1843     *
1844     * @see #getSystemService
1845     */
1846    public static final String TEXT_SERVICES_MANAGER_SERVICE = "textservices";
1848    /**
1849     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1850     * {@link android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager} for accessing AppWidgets.
1851     *
1852     * @hide
1853     * @see #getSystemService
1854     */
1855    public static final String APPWIDGET_SERVICE = "appwidget";
1857    /**
1858     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve an
1859     * {@link IBackupManager} for communicating
1860     * with the backup mechanism.
1861     * @hide
1862     *
1863     * @see #getSystemService
1864     */
1865    public static final String BACKUP_SERVICE = "backup";
1867    /**
1868     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1869     * {@link android.os.DropBoxManager} instance for recording
1870     * diagnostic logs.
1871     * @see #getSystemService
1872     */
1873    public static final String DROPBOX_SERVICE = "dropbox";
1875    /**
1876     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1877     * {@link} for working with global
1878     * device policy management.
1879     *
1880     * @see #getSystemService
1881     */
1882    public static final String DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE = "device_policy";
1884    /**
1885     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1886     * {@link} for controlling UI modes.
1887     *
1888     * @see #getSystemService
1889     */
1890    public static final String UI_MODE_SERVICE = "uimode";
1892    /**
1893     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1894     * {@link} for requesting HTTP downloads.
1895     *
1896     * @see #getSystemService
1897     */
1898    public static final String DOWNLOAD_SERVICE = "download";
1900    /**
1901     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1902     * {@link android.nfc.NfcManager} for using NFC.
1903     *
1904     * @see #getSystemService
1905     */
1906    public static final String NFC_SERVICE = "nfc";
1908    /**
1909     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1910     * {@link android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter} for using Bluetooth.
1911     *
1912     * @see #getSystemService
1913     * @hide
1914     */
1915    public static final String BLUETOOTH_SERVICE = "bluetooth";
1917    /**
1918     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1919     * {@link} for accessing the SIP related service.
1920     *
1921     * @see #getSystemService
1922     */
1923    /** @hide */
1924    public static final String SIP_SERVICE = "sip";
1926    /**
1927     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1928     * android.hardware.usb.UsbManager} for access to USB devices (as a USB host)
1929     * and for controlling this device's behavior as a USB device.
1930     *
1931     * @see #getSystemService
1932     * @see android.harware.usb.UsbManager
1933     */
1934    public static final String USB_SERVICE = "usb";
1936    /**
1937     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a {@link
1938     * android.hardware.SerialManager} for access to serial ports.
1939     *
1940     * @see #getSystemService
1941     * @see android.harware.SerialManager
1942     *
1943     * @hide
1944     */
1945    public static final String SERIAL_SERVICE = "serial";
1947    /**
1948     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1949     * {@link android.hardware.input.InputManager} for interacting with input devices.
1950     *
1951     * @see #getSystemService
1952     * @see android.hardware.input.InputManager
1953     */
1954    public static final String INPUT_SERVICE = "input";
1956    /**
1957     * Use with {@link #getSystemService} to retrieve a
1958     * {@link android.os.SchedulingPolicyService} for managing scheduling policy.
1959     *
1960     * @see #getSystemService
1961     * @see android.os.SchedulingPolicyService
1962     *
1963     * @hide
1964     */
1965    public static final String SCHEDULING_POLICY_SERVICE = "scheduling_policy";
1967    /**
1968     * Determine whether the given permission is allowed for a particular
1969     * process and user ID running in the system.
1970     *
1971     * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
1972     * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be > 0.
1973     * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
1974     * user, which will pass every permission check.
1975     *
1976     * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the given
1977     * pid/uid is allowed that permission, or
1978     * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
1979     *
1980     * @see PackageManager#checkPermission(String, String)
1981     * @see #checkCallingPermission
1982     */
1983    public abstract int checkPermission(String permission, int pid, int uid);
1985    /**
1986     * Determine whether the calling process of an IPC you are handling has been
1987     * granted a particular permission.  This is basically the same as calling
1988     * {@link #checkPermission(String, int, int)} with the pid and uid returned
1989     * by {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingPid} and
1990     * {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingUid}.  One important difference
1991     * is that if you are not currently processing an IPC, this function
1992     * will always fail.  This is done to protect against accidentally
1993     * leaking permissions; you can use {@link #checkCallingOrSelfPermission}
1994     * to avoid this protection.
1995     *
1996     * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
1997     *
1998     * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the calling
1999     * pid/uid is allowed that permission, or
2000     * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2001     *
2002     * @see PackageManager#checkPermission(String, String)
2003     * @see #checkPermission
2004     * @see #checkCallingOrSelfPermission
2005     */
2006    public abstract int checkCallingPermission(String permission);
2008    /**
2009     * Determine whether the calling process of an IPC <em>or you</em> have been
2010     * granted a particular permission.  This is the same as
2011     * {@link #checkCallingPermission}, except it grants your own permissions
2012     * if you are not currently processing an IPC.  Use with care!
2013     *
2014     * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2015     *
2016     * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the calling
2017     * pid/uid is allowed that permission, or
2018     * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2019     *
2020     * @see PackageManager#checkPermission(String, String)
2021     * @see #checkPermission
2022     * @see #checkCallingPermission
2023     */
2024    public abstract int checkCallingOrSelfPermission(String permission);
2026    /**
2027     * If the given permission is not allowed for a particular process
2028     * and user ID running in the system, throw a {@link SecurityException}.
2029     *
2030     * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2031     * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2032     * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2033     * user, which will pass every permission check.
2034     * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2035     *
2036     * @see #checkPermission(String, int, int)
2037     */
2038    public abstract void enforcePermission(
2039            String permission, int pid, int uid, String message);
2041    /**
2042     * If the calling process of an IPC you are handling has not been
2043     * granted a particular permission, throw a {@link
2044     * SecurityException}.  This is basically the same as calling
2045     * {@link #enforcePermission(String, int, int, String)} with the
2046     * pid and uid returned by {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingPid}
2047     * and {@link android.os.Binder#getCallingUid}.  One important
2048     * difference is that if you are not currently processing an IPC,
2049     * this function will always throw the SecurityException.  This is
2050     * done to protect against accidentally leaking permissions; you
2051     * can use {@link #enforceCallingOrSelfPermission} to avoid this
2052     * protection.
2053     *
2054     * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2055     * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2056     *
2057     * @see #checkCallingPermission(String)
2058     */
2059    public abstract void enforceCallingPermission(
2060            String permission, String message);
2062    /**
2063     * If neither you nor the calling process of an IPC you are
2064     * handling has been granted a particular permission, throw a
2065     * {@link SecurityException}.  This is the same as {@link
2066     * #enforceCallingPermission}, except it grants your own
2067     * permissions if you are not currently processing an IPC.  Use
2068     * with care!
2069     *
2070     * @param permission The name of the permission being checked.
2071     * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2072     *
2073     * @see #checkCallingOrSelfPermission(String)
2074     */
2075    public abstract void enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(
2076            String permission, String message);
2078    /**
2079     * Grant permission to access a specific Uri to another package, regardless
2080     * of whether that package has general permission to access the Uri's
2081     * content provider.  This can be used to grant specific, temporary
2082     * permissions, typically in response to user interaction (such as the
2083     * user opening an attachment that you would like someone else to
2084     * display).
2085     *
2086     * <p>Normally you should use {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
2088     * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
2089     * Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION} with the Intent being used to
2090     * start an activity instead of this function directly.  If you use this
2091     * function directly, you should be sure to call
2092     * {@link #revokeUriPermission} when the target should no longer be allowed
2093     * to access it.
2094     *
2095     * <p>To succeed, the content provider owning the Uri must have set the
2096     * {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestProvider_grantUriPermissions
2097     * grantUriPermissions} attribute in its manifest or included the
2098     * {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestGrantUriPermission
2099     * &lt;grant-uri-permissions&gt;} tag.
2100     *
2101     * @param toPackage The package you would like to allow to access the Uri.
2102     * @param uri The Uri you would like to grant access to.
2103     * @param modeFlags The desired access modes.  Any combination of
2104     * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
2106     * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
2108     *
2109     * @see #revokeUriPermission
2110     */
2111    public abstract void grantUriPermission(String toPackage, Uri uri,
2112            int modeFlags);
2114    /**
2115     * Remove all permissions to access a particular content provider Uri
2116     * that were previously added with {@link #grantUriPermission}.  The given
2117     * Uri will match all previously granted Uris that are the same or a
2118     * sub-path of the given Uri.  That is, revoking "content://foo/one" will
2119     * revoke both "content://foo/target" and "content://foo/target/sub", but not
2120     * "content://foo".
2121     *
2122     * @param uri The Uri you would like to revoke access to.
2123     * @param modeFlags The desired access modes.  Any combination of
2124     * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
2126     * {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION
2128     *
2129     * @see #grantUriPermission
2130     */
2131    public abstract void revokeUriPermission(Uri uri, int modeFlags);
2133    /**
2134     * Determine whether a particular process and user ID has been granted
2135     * permission to access a specific URI.  This only checks for permissions
2136     * that have been explicitly granted -- if the given process/uid has
2137     * more general access to the URI's content provider then this check will
2138     * always fail.
2139     *
2140     * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2141     * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2142     * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2143     * user, which will pass every permission check.
2144     * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2147     *
2148     * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the given
2149     * pid/uid is allowed to access that uri, or
2150     * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2151     *
2152     * @see #checkCallingUriPermission
2153     */
2154    public abstract int checkUriPermission(Uri uri, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags);
2156    /**
2157     * Determine whether the calling process and user ID has been
2158     * granted permission to access a specific URI.  This is basically
2159     * the same as calling {@link #checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int,
2160     * int)} with the pid and uid returned by {@link
2161     * android.os.Binder#getCallingPid} and {@link
2162     * android.os.Binder#getCallingUid}.  One important difference is
2163     * that if you are not currently processing an IPC, this function
2164     * will always fail.
2165     *
2166     * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2167     * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2170     *
2171     * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the caller
2172     * is allowed to access that uri, or
2173     * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2174     *
2175     * @see #checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int, int)
2176     */
2177    public abstract int checkCallingUriPermission(Uri uri, int modeFlags);
2179    /**
2180     * Determine whether the calling process of an IPC <em>or you</em> has been granted
2181     * permission to access a specific URI.  This is the same as
2182     * {@link #checkCallingUriPermission}, except it grants your own permissions
2183     * if you are not currently processing an IPC.  Use with care!
2184     *
2185     * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2186     * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2189     *
2190     * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the caller
2191     * is allowed to access that uri, or
2192     * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2193     *
2194     * @see #checkCallingUriPermission
2195     */
2196    public abstract int checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri uri, int modeFlags);
2198    /**
2199     * Check both a Uri and normal permission.  This allows you to perform
2200     * both {@link #checkPermission} and {@link #checkUriPermission} in one
2201     * call.
2202     *
2203     * @param uri The Uri whose permission is to be checked, or null to not
2204     * do this check.
2205     * @param readPermission The permission that provides overall read access,
2206     * or null to not do this check.
2207     * @param writePermission The permission that provides overall write
2208     * acess, or null to not do this check.
2209     * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2210     * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2211     * user, which will pass every permission check.
2212     * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2215     *
2216     * @return Returns {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the caller
2217     * is allowed to access that uri or holds one of the given permissions, or
2218     * {@link PackageManager#PERMISSION_DENIED} if it is not.
2219     */
2220    public abstract int checkUriPermission(Uri uri, String readPermission,
2221            String writePermission, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags);
2223    /**
2224     * If a particular process and user ID has not been granted
2225     * permission to access a specific URI, throw {@link
2226     * SecurityException}.  This only checks for permissions that have
2227     * been explicitly granted -- if the given process/uid has more
2228     * general access to the URI's content provider then this check
2229     * will always fail.
2230     *
2231     * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2232     * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2233     * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2234     * user, which will pass every permission check.
2235     * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2238     * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2239     *
2240     * @see #checkUriPermission(Uri, int, int, int)
2241     */
2242    public abstract void enforceUriPermission(
2243            Uri uri, int pid, int uid, int modeFlags, String message);
2245    /**
2246     * If the calling process and user ID has not been granted
2247     * permission to access a specific URI, throw {@link
2248     * SecurityException}.  This is basically the same as calling
2249     * {@link #enforceUriPermission(Uri, int, int, int, String)} with
2250     * the pid and uid returned by {@link
2251     * android.os.Binder#getCallingPid} and {@link
2252     * android.os.Binder#getCallingUid}.  One important difference is
2253     * that if you are not currently processing an IPC, this function
2254     * will always throw a SecurityException.
2255     *
2256     * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2257     * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2260     * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2261     *
2262     * @see #checkCallingUriPermission(Uri, int)
2263     */
2264    public abstract void enforceCallingUriPermission(
2265            Uri uri, int modeFlags, String message);
2267    /**
2268     * If the calling process of an IPC <em>or you</em> has not been
2269     * granted permission to access a specific URI, throw {@link
2270     * SecurityException}.  This is the same as {@link
2271     * #enforceCallingUriPermission}, except it grants your own
2272     * permissions if you are not currently processing an IPC.  Use
2273     * with care!
2274     *
2275     * @param uri The uri that is being checked.
2276     * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2279     * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2280     *
2281     * @see #checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri, int)
2282     */
2283    public abstract void enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission(
2284            Uri uri, int modeFlags, String message);
2286    /**
2287     * Enforce both a Uri and normal permission.  This allows you to perform
2288     * both {@link #enforcePermission} and {@link #enforceUriPermission} in one
2289     * call.
2290     *
2291     * @param uri The Uri whose permission is to be checked, or null to not
2292     * do this check.
2293     * @param readPermission The permission that provides overall read access,
2294     * or null to not do this check.
2295     * @param writePermission The permission that provides overall write
2296     * acess, or null to not do this check.
2297     * @param pid The process ID being checked against.  Must be &gt; 0.
2298     * @param uid The user ID being checked against.  A uid of 0 is the root
2299     * user, which will pass every permission check.
2300     * @param modeFlags The type of access to grant.  May be one or both of
2303     * @param message A message to include in the exception if it is thrown.
2304     *
2305     * @see #checkUriPermission(Uri, String, String, int, int, int)
2306     */
2307    public abstract void enforceUriPermission(
2308            Uri uri, String readPermission, String writePermission,
2309            int pid, int uid, int modeFlags, String message);
2311    /**
2312     * Flag for use with {@link #createPackageContext}: include the application
2313     * code with the context.  This means loading code into the caller's
2314     * process, so that {@link #getClassLoader()} can be used to instantiate
2315     * the application's classes.  Setting this flags imposes security
2316     * restrictions on what application context you can access; if the
2317     * requested application can not be safely loaded into your process,
2318     * java.lang.SecurityException will be thrown.  If this flag is not set,
2319     * there will be no restrictions on the packages that can be loaded,
2320     * but {@link #getClassLoader} will always return the default system
2321     * class loader.
2322     */
2323    public static final int CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE = 0x00000001;
2325    /**
2326     * Flag for use with {@link #createPackageContext}: ignore any security
2327     * restrictions on the Context being requested, allowing it to always
2328     * be loaded.  For use with {@link #CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE} to allow code
2329     * to be loaded into a process even when it isn't safe to do so.  Use
2330     * with extreme care!
2331     */
2332    public static final int CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY = 0x00000002;
2334    /**
2335     * Flag for use with {@link #createPackageContext}: a restricted context may
2336     * disable specific features. For instance, a View associated with a restricted
2337     * context would ignore particular XML attributes.
2338     */
2339    public static final int CONTEXT_RESTRICTED = 0x00000004;
2341    /**
2342     * Return a new Context object for the given application name.  This
2343     * Context is the same as what the named application gets when it is
2344     * launched, containing the same resources and class loader.  Each call to
2345     * this method returns a new instance of a Context object; Context objects
2346     * are not shared, however they share common state (Resources, ClassLoader,
2347     * etc) so the Context instance itself is fairly lightweight.
2348     *
2349     * <p>Throws {@link PackageManager.NameNotFoundException} if there is no
2350     * application with the given package name.
2351     *
2352     * <p>Throws {@link java.lang.SecurityException} if the Context requested
2353     * can not be loaded into the caller's process for security reasons (see
2354     * {@link #CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE} for more information}.
2355     *
2356     * @param packageName Name of the application's package.
2357     * @param flags Option flags, one of {@link #CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE}
2358     *              or {@link #CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY}.
2359     *
2360     * @return A Context for the application.
2361     *
2362     * @throws java.lang.SecurityException
2363     * @throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException if there is no application with
2364     * the given package name
2365     */
2366    public abstract Context createPackageContext(String packageName,
2367            int flags) throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;
2369    /**
2370     * Indicates whether this Context is restricted.
2371     *
2372     * @return True if this Context is restricted, false otherwise.
2373     *
2374     * @see #CONTEXT_RESTRICTED
2375     */
2376    public boolean isRestricted() {
2377        return false;
2378    }