2 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.widget;
19import android.database.Cursor;
20import android.database.DataSetObserver;
21import android.util.SparseIntArray;
24 * A helper class for adapters that implement the SectionIndexer interface.
25 * If the items in the adapter are sorted by simple alphabet-based sorting, then
26 * this class provides a way to do fast indexing of large lists using binary search.
27 * It caches the indices that have been determined through the binary search and also
28 * invalidates the cache if changes occur in the cursor.
29 * <p/>
30 * Your adapter is responsible for updating the cursor by calling {@link #setCursor} if the
31 * cursor changes. {@link #getPositionForSection} method does the binary search for the starting
32 * index of a given section (alphabet).
33 */
34public class AlphabetIndexer extends DataSetObserver implements SectionIndexer {
36    /**
37     * Cursor that is used by the adapter of the list view.
38     */
39    protected Cursor mDataCursor;
41    /**
42     * The index of the cursor column that this list is sorted on.
43     */
44    protected int mColumnIndex;
46    /**
47     * The string of characters that make up the indexing sections.
48     */
49    protected CharSequence mAlphabet;
51    /**
52     * Cached length of the alphabet array.
53     */
54    private int mAlphabetLength;
56    /**
57     * This contains a cache of the computed indices so far. It will get reset whenever
58     * the dataset changes or the cursor changes.
59     */
60    private SparseIntArray mAlphaMap;
62    /**
63     * Use a collator to compare strings in a localized manner.
64     */
65    private java.text.Collator mCollator;
67    /**
68     * The section array converted from the alphabet string.
69     */
70    private String[] mAlphabetArray;
72    /**
73     * Constructs the indexer.
74     * @param cursor the cursor containing the data set
75     * @param sortedColumnIndex the column number in the cursor that is sorted
76     *        alphabetically
77     * @param alphabet string containing the alphabet, with space as the first character.
78     *        For example, use the string " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" for English indexing.
79     *        The characters must be uppercase and be sorted in ascii/unicode order. Basically
80     *        characters in the alphabet will show up as preview letters.
81     */
82    public AlphabetIndexer(Cursor cursor, int sortedColumnIndex, CharSequence alphabet) {
83        mDataCursor = cursor;
84        mColumnIndex = sortedColumnIndex;
85        mAlphabet = alphabet;
86        mAlphabetLength = alphabet.length();
87        mAlphabetArray = new String[mAlphabetLength];
88        for (int i = 0; i < mAlphabetLength; i++) {
89            mAlphabetArray[i] = Character.toString(mAlphabet.charAt(i));
90        }
91        mAlphaMap = new SparseIntArray(mAlphabetLength);
92        if (cursor != null) {
93            cursor.registerDataSetObserver(this);
94        }
95        // Get a Collator for the current locale for string comparisons.
96        mCollator = java.text.Collator.getInstance();
97        mCollator.setStrength(java.text.Collator.PRIMARY);
98    }
100    /**
101     * Returns the section array constructed from the alphabet provided in the constructor.
102     * @return the section array
103     */
104    public Object[] getSections() {
105        return mAlphabetArray;
106    }
108    /**
109     * Sets a new cursor as the data set and resets the cache of indices.
110     * @param cursor the new cursor to use as the data set
111     */
112    public void setCursor(Cursor cursor) {
113        if (mDataCursor != null) {
114            mDataCursor.unregisterDataSetObserver(this);
115        }
116        mDataCursor = cursor;
117        if (cursor != null) {
118            mDataCursor.registerDataSetObserver(this);
119        }
120        mAlphaMap.clear();
121    }
123    /**
124     * Default implementation compares the first character of word with letter.
125     */
126    protected int compare(String word, String letter) {
127        final String firstLetter;
128        if (word.length() == 0) {
129            firstLetter = " ";
130        } else {
131            firstLetter = word.substring(0, 1);
132        }
134        return mCollator.compare(firstLetter, letter);
135    }
137    /**
138     * Performs a binary search or cache lookup to find the first row that
139     * matches a given section's starting letter.
140     * @param sectionIndex the section to search for
141     * @return the row index of the first occurrence, or the nearest next letter.
142     * For instance, if searching for "T" and no "T" is found, then the first
143     * row starting with "U" or any higher letter is returned. If there is no
144     * data following "T" at all, then the list size is returned.
145     */
146    public int getPositionForSection(int sectionIndex) {
147        final SparseIntArray alphaMap = mAlphaMap;
148        final Cursor cursor = mDataCursor;
150        if (cursor == null || mAlphabet == null) {
151            return 0;
152        }
154        // Check bounds
155        if (sectionIndex <= 0) {
156            return 0;
157        }
158        if (sectionIndex >= mAlphabetLength) {
159            sectionIndex = mAlphabetLength - 1;
160        }
162        int savedCursorPos = cursor.getPosition();
164        int count = cursor.getCount();
165        int start = 0;
166        int end = count;
167        int pos;
169        char letter = mAlphabet.charAt(sectionIndex);
170        String targetLetter = Character.toString(letter);
171        int key = letter;
172        // Check map
173        if (Integer.MIN_VALUE != (pos = alphaMap.get(key, Integer.MIN_VALUE))) {
174            // Is it approximate? Using negative value to indicate that it's
175            // an approximation and positive value when it is the accurate
176            // position.
177            if (pos < 0) {
178                pos = -pos;
179                end = pos;
180            } else {
181                // Not approximate, this is the confirmed start of section, return it
182                return pos;
183            }
184        }
186        // Do we have the position of the previous section?
187        if (sectionIndex > 0) {
188            int prevLetter =
189                    mAlphabet.charAt(sectionIndex - 1);
190            int prevLetterPos = alphaMap.get(prevLetter, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
191            if (prevLetterPos != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
192                start = Math.abs(prevLetterPos);
193            }
194        }
196        // Now that we have a possibly optimized start and end, let's binary search
198        pos = (end + start) / 2;
200        while (pos < end) {
201            // Get letter at pos
202            cursor.moveToPosition(pos);
203            String curName = cursor.getString(mColumnIndex);
204            if (curName == null) {
205                if (pos == 0) {
206                    break;
207                } else {
208                    pos--;
209                    continue;
210                }
211            }
212            int diff = compare(curName, targetLetter);
213            if (diff != 0) {
214                // TODO: Commenting out approximation code because it doesn't work for certain
215                // lists with custom comparators
216                // Enter approximation in hash if a better solution doesn't exist
217                // String startingLetter = Character.toString(getFirstLetter(curName));
218                // int startingLetterKey = startingLetter.charAt(0);
219                // int curPos = alphaMap.get(startingLetterKey, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
220                // if (curPos == Integer.MIN_VALUE || Math.abs(curPos) > pos) {
221                //     Negative pos indicates that it is an approximation
222                //     alphaMap.put(startingLetterKey, -pos);
223                // }
224                // if (mCollator.compare(startingLetter, targetLetter) < 0) {
225                if (diff < 0) {
226                    start = pos + 1;
227                    if (start >= count) {
228                        pos = count;
229                        break;
230                    }
231                } else {
232                    end = pos;
233                }
234            } else {
235                // They're the same, but that doesn't mean it's the start
236                if (start == pos) {
237                    // This is it
238                    break;
239                } else {
240                    // Need to go further lower to find the starting row
241                    end = pos;
242                }
243            }
244            pos = (start + end) / 2;
245        }
246        alphaMap.put(key, pos);
247        cursor.moveToPosition(savedCursorPos);
248        return pos;
249    }
251    /**
252     * Returns the section index for a given position in the list by querying the item
253     * and comparing it with all items in the section array.
254     */
255    public int getSectionForPosition(int position) {
256        int savedCursorPos = mDataCursor.getPosition();
257        mDataCursor.moveToPosition(position);
258        String curName = mDataCursor.getString(mColumnIndex);
259        mDataCursor.moveToPosition(savedCursorPos);
260        // Linear search, as there are only a few items in the section index
261        // Could speed this up later if it actually gets used.
262        for (int i = 0; i < mAlphabetLength; i++) {
263            char letter = mAlphabet.charAt(i);
264            String targetLetter = Character.toString(letter);
265            if (compare(curName, targetLetter) == 0) {
266                return i;
267            }
268        }
269        return 0; // Don't recognize the letter - falls under zero'th section
270    }
272    /*
273     * @hide
274     */
275    @Override
276    public void onChanged() {
277        super.onChanged();
278        mAlphaMap.clear();
279    }
281    /*
282     * @hide
283     */
284    @Override
285    public void onInvalidated() {
286        super.onInvalidated();
287        mAlphaMap.clear();
288    }