revision e63b5fae8d099d2f5d4d5a5cf7a8d5a86266c0fe
2 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20import android.content.ContentResolver;
21import android.content.Context;
25import android.content.res.Resources;
26import android.provider.Settings;
27import android.provider.Settings.SettingNotFoundException;
28import android.text.TextUtils;
29import android.util.Pair;
30import android.util.Slog;
31import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodInfo;
32import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype;
33import android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerInfo;
34import android.view.textservice.TextServicesManager;
36import java.util.ArrayList;
37import java.util.HashMap;
38import java.util.List;
39import java.util.Locale;
42 * InputMethodManagerUtils contains some static methods that provides IME informations.
43 * This methods are supposed to be used in both the framework and the Settings application.
44 */
45public class InputMethodUtils {
46    public static final boolean DEBUG = false;
47    public static final int NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID = -1;
48    public static final String SUBTYPE_MODE_ANY = null;
49    public static final String SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD = "keyboard";
50    public static final String SUBTYPE_MODE_VOICE = "voice";
51    private static final String TAG = "InputMethodUtils";
52    private static final Locale ENGLISH_LOCALE = new Locale("en");
53    private static final String NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID_STR = String.valueOf(NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID);
54    private static final String TAG_ENABLED_WHEN_DEFAULT_IS_NOT_ASCII_CAPABLE =
55            "EnabledWhenDefaultIsNotAsciiCapable";
56    private static final String TAG_ASCII_CAPABLE = "AsciiCapable";
57    /**
58     * Used in {@link #getFallbackLocaleForDefaultIme(ArrayList, Context)} to find the fallback IMEs
59     * that are mainly used until the system becomes ready. Note that {@link Locale} in this array
60     * is checked with {@link Locale#equals(Object)}, which means that {@code Locale.ENGLISH}
61     * doesn't automatically match {@code Locale("en", "IN")}.
62     */
63    private static final Locale[] SEARCH_ORDER_OF_FALLBACK_LOCALES = {
64        Locale.ENGLISH, // "en"
65        Locale.US, // "en_US"
66        Locale.UK, // "en_GB"
67    };
69    private InputMethodUtils() {
70        // This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
71    }
73    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
74    // Utilities for debug
75    public static String getStackTrace() {
76        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
77        try {
78            throw new RuntimeException();
79        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
80            final StackTraceElement[] frames = e.getStackTrace();
81            // Start at 1 because the first frame is here and we don't care about it
82            for (int j = 1; j < frames.length; ++j) {
83                sb.append(frames[j].toString() + "\n");
84            }
85        }
86        return sb.toString();
87    }
89    public static String getApiCallStack() {
90        String apiCallStack = "";
91        try {
92            throw new RuntimeException();
93        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
94            final StackTraceElement[] frames = e.getStackTrace();
95            for (int j = 1; j < frames.length; ++j) {
96                final String tempCallStack = frames[j].toString();
97                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(apiCallStack)) {
98                    // Overwrite apiCallStack if it's empty
99                    apiCallStack = tempCallStack;
100                } else if (tempCallStack.indexOf("Transact(") < 0) {
101                    // Overwrite apiCallStack if it's not a binder call
102                    apiCallStack = tempCallStack;
103                } else {
104                    break;
105                }
106            }
107        }
108        return apiCallStack;
109    }
110    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
112    public static boolean isSystemIme(InputMethodInfo inputMethod) {
113        return (inputMethod.getServiceInfo().applicationInfo.flags
114                & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0;
115    }
117    /**
118     * @deprecated Use {@link Locale} returned from
119     * {@link #getFallbackLocaleForDefaultIme(ArrayList)} instead.
120     */
121    @Deprecated
122    public static boolean isSystemImeThatHasEnglishKeyboardSubtype(InputMethodInfo imi) {
123        if (!isSystemIme(imi)) {
124            return false;
125        }
126        return containsSubtypeOf(imi, ENGLISH_LOCALE.getLanguage(), SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD);
127    }
129    public static Locale getFallbackLocaleForDefaultIme(final ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> imis,
130            final Context context) {
131        for (final Locale fallbackLocale : SEARCH_ORDER_OF_FALLBACK_LOCALES) {
132            for (int i = 0; i < imis.size(); ++i) {
133                final InputMethodInfo imi = imis.get(i);
134                if (isSystemIme(imi) && imi.isDefault(context) &&
135                        containsSubtypeOf(imi, fallbackLocale, false /* ignoreCountry */,
136                                SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD)) {
137                    return fallbackLocale;
138                }
139            }
140        }
141        return null;
142    }
144    private static boolean isSystemAuxilialyImeThatHasAutomaticSubtype(InputMethodInfo imi) {
145        if (!isSystemIme(imi)) {
146            return false;
147        }
148        if (!imi.isAuxiliaryIme()) {
149            return false;
150        }
151        final int subtypeCount = imi.getSubtypeCount();
152        for (int i = 0; i < subtypeCount; ++i) {
153            final InputMethodSubtype s = imi.getSubtypeAt(i);
154            if (s.overridesImplicitlyEnabledSubtype()) {
155                return true;
156            }
157        }
158        return false;
159    }
161    public static Locale getSystemLocaleFromContext(final Context context) {
162        try {
163            return context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
164        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException ex) {
165            return null;
166        }
167    }
169    public static ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> getDefaultEnabledImes(
170            Context context, boolean isSystemReady, ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> imis) {
171        // OK to store null in fallbackLocale because isImeThatHasSubtypeOf() is null-tolerant.
172        final Locale fallbackLocale = getFallbackLocaleForDefaultIme(imis, context);
174        if (!isSystemReady) {
175            final ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> retval = new ArrayList<>();
176            for (int i = 0; i < imis.size(); ++i) {
177                final InputMethodInfo imi = imis.get(i);
178                // TODO: We should check isAsciiCapable instead of relying on fallbackLocale.
179                if (isSystemIme(imi) && imi.isDefault(context) &&
180                        isImeThatHasSubtypeOf(imi, fallbackLocale, false /* ignoreCountry */,
181                                SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD)) {
182                    retval.add(imi);
183                }
184            }
185            return retval;
186        }
188        // OK to store null in fallbackLocale because isImeThatHasSubtypeOf() is null-tolerant.
189        final Locale systemLocale = getSystemLocaleFromContext(context);
190        // TODO: Use LinkedHashSet to simplify the code.
191        final ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> retval = new ArrayList<>();
192        boolean systemLocaleKeyboardImeFound = false;
194        // First, try to find IMEs with taking the system locale country into consideration.
195        for (int i = 0; i < imis.size(); ++i) {
196            final InputMethodInfo imi = imis.get(i);
197            if (!isSystemIme(imi) || !imi.isDefault(context)) {
198                continue;
199            }
200            final boolean isSystemLocaleKeyboardIme = isImeThatHasSubtypeOf(imi, systemLocale,
201                    false /* ignoreCountry */, SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD);
202            // TODO: We should check isAsciiCapable instead of relying on fallbackLocale.
203            // TODO: Use LinkedHashSet to simplify the code.
204            if (isSystemLocaleKeyboardIme ||
205                    isImeThatHasSubtypeOf(imi, fallbackLocale, false /* ignoreCountry */,
206                            SUBTYPE_MODE_ANY)) {
207                retval.add(imi);
208            }
209            systemLocaleKeyboardImeFound |= isSystemLocaleKeyboardIme;
210        }
212        // System locale country doesn't match any IMEs, try to find IMEs in a country-agnostic
213        // way.
214        if (!systemLocaleKeyboardImeFound) {
215            for (int i = 0; i < imis.size(); ++i) {
216                final InputMethodInfo imi = imis.get(i);
217                if (!isSystemIme(imi) || !imi.isDefault(context)) {
218                    continue;
219                }
220                if (isImeThatHasSubtypeOf(imi, fallbackLocale, false /* ignoreCountry */,
221                        SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD)) {
222                    // IMEs that have fallback locale are already added in the previous loop. We
223                    // don't need to add them again here.
224                    // TODO: Use LinkedHashSet to simplify the code.
225                    continue;
226                }
227                if (isImeThatHasSubtypeOf(imi, systemLocale, true /* ignoreCountry */,
228                        SUBTYPE_MODE_ANY)) {
229                    retval.add(imi);
230                }
231            }
232        }
234        // If one or more auxiliary input methods are available, OK to stop populating the list.
235        for (int i = 0; i < retval.size(); ++i) {
236            if (retval.get(i).isAuxiliaryIme()) {
237                return retval;
238            }
239        }
240        for (int i = 0; i < imis.size(); ++i) {
241            final InputMethodInfo imi = imis.get(i);
242            if (isSystemAuxilialyImeThatHasAutomaticSubtype(imi)) {
243                retval.add(imi);
244            }
245        }
246        return retval;
247    }
249    public static boolean isImeThatHasSubtypeOf(final InputMethodInfo imi,
250            final Locale locale, final boolean ignoreCountry, final String mode) {
251        if (locale == null) {
252            return false;
253        }
254        return containsSubtypeOf(imi, locale, ignoreCountry, mode);
255    }
257    /**
258     * @deprecated Use {@link #isSystemIme(InputMethodInfo)} and
259     * {@link InputMethodInfo#isDefault(Context)} and
260     * {@link #isImeThatHasSubtypeOf(InputMethodInfo, Locale, boolean, String))} instead.
261     */
262    @Deprecated
263    public static boolean isValidSystemDefaultIme(
264            boolean isSystemReady, InputMethodInfo imi, Context context) {
265        if (!isSystemReady) {
266            return false;
267        }
268        if (!isSystemIme(imi)) {
269            return false;
270        }
271        if (imi.getIsDefaultResourceId() != 0) {
272            try {
273                if (imi.isDefault(context) && containsSubtypeOf(
274                        imi, context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale.getLanguage(),
275                        SUBTYPE_MODE_ANY)) {
276                    return true;
277                }
278            } catch (Resources.NotFoundException ex) {
279            }
280        }
281        if (imi.getSubtypeCount() == 0) {
282            Slog.w(TAG, "Found no subtypes in a system IME: " + imi.getPackageName());
283        }
284        return false;
285    }
287    public static boolean containsSubtypeOf(final InputMethodInfo imi,
288            final Locale locale, final boolean ignoreCountry, final String mode) {
289        final int N = imi.getSubtypeCount();
290        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
291            final InputMethodSubtype subtype = imi.getSubtypeAt(i);
292            if (ignoreCountry) {
293                final Locale subtypeLocale = new Locale(getLanguageFromLocaleString(
294                        subtype.getLocale()));
295                if (!subtypeLocale.getLanguage().equals(locale.getLanguage())) {
296                    continue;
297                }
298            } else {
299                // TODO: Use {@link Locale#toLanguageTag()} and
300                // {@link Locale#forLanguageTag(languageTag)} instead.
301                if (!TextUtils.equals(subtype.getLocale(), locale.toString())) {
302                    continue;
303                }
304            }
305            if (mode == SUBTYPE_MODE_ANY || TextUtils.isEmpty(mode) ||
306                    mode.equalsIgnoreCase(subtype.getMode())) {
307                return true;
308            }
309        }
310        return false;
311    }
313    /**
314     * @deprecated Use {@link #containsSubtypeOf(InputMethodInfo, Locale, boolean, String)} instead.
315     */
316    @Deprecated
317    public static boolean containsSubtypeOf(InputMethodInfo imi, String language, String mode) {
318        final int N = imi.getSubtypeCount();
319        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
320            final InputMethodSubtype subtype = imi.getSubtypeAt(i);
321            if (!subtype.getLocale().startsWith(language)) {
322                continue;
323            }
324            if (mode == SUBTYPE_MODE_ANY || TextUtils.isEmpty(mode) ||
325                    mode.equalsIgnoreCase(subtype.getMode())) {
326                return true;
327            }
328        }
329        return false;
330    }
332    public static ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> getSubtypes(InputMethodInfo imi) {
333        ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> subtypes = new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>();
334        final int subtypeCount = imi.getSubtypeCount();
335        for (int i = 0; i < subtypeCount; ++i) {
336            subtypes.add(imi.getSubtypeAt(i));
337        }
338        return subtypes;
339    }
341    public static ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> getOverridingImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes(
342            InputMethodInfo imi, String mode) {
343        ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> subtypes = new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>();
344        final int subtypeCount = imi.getSubtypeCount();
345        for (int i = 0; i < subtypeCount; ++i) {
346            final InputMethodSubtype subtype = imi.getSubtypeAt(i);
347            if (subtype.overridesImplicitlyEnabledSubtype() && subtype.getMode().equals(mode)) {
348                subtypes.add(subtype);
349            }
350        }
351        return subtypes;
352    }
354    public static InputMethodInfo getMostApplicableDefaultIME(List<InputMethodInfo> enabledImes) {
355        if (enabledImes == null || enabledImes.isEmpty()) {
356            return null;
357        }
358        // We'd prefer to fall back on a system IME, since that is safer.
359        int i = enabledImes.size();
360        int firstFoundSystemIme = -1;
361        while (i > 0) {
362            i--;
363            final InputMethodInfo imi = enabledImes.get(i);
364            if (InputMethodUtils.isSystemImeThatHasEnglishKeyboardSubtype(imi)
365                    && !imi.isAuxiliaryIme()) {
366                return imi;
367            }
368            if (firstFoundSystemIme < 0 && InputMethodUtils.isSystemIme(imi)
369                    && !imi.isAuxiliaryIme()) {
370                firstFoundSystemIme = i;
371            }
372        }
373        return enabledImes.get(Math.max(firstFoundSystemIme, 0));
374    }
376    public static boolean isValidSubtypeId(InputMethodInfo imi, int subtypeHashCode) {
377        return getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(imi, subtypeHashCode) != NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
378    }
380    public static int getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(InputMethodInfo imi, int subtypeHashCode) {
381        if (imi != null) {
382            final int subtypeCount = imi.getSubtypeCount();
383            for (int i = 0; i < subtypeCount; ++i) {
384                InputMethodSubtype ims = imi.getSubtypeAt(i);
385                if (subtypeHashCode == ims.hashCode()) {
386                    return i;
387                }
388            }
389        }
390        return NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
391    }
393    private static ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> getImplicitlyApplicableSubtypesLocked(
394            Resources res, InputMethodInfo imi) {
395        final List<InputMethodSubtype> subtypes = InputMethodUtils.getSubtypes(imi);
396        final String systemLocale = res.getConfiguration().locale.toString();
397        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(systemLocale)) return new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>();
398        final String systemLanguage = res.getConfiguration().locale.getLanguage();
399        final HashMap<String, InputMethodSubtype> applicableModeAndSubtypesMap =
400                new HashMap<String, InputMethodSubtype>();
401        final int N = subtypes.size();
402        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
403            // scan overriding implicitly enabled subtypes.
404            InputMethodSubtype subtype = subtypes.get(i);
405            if (subtype.overridesImplicitlyEnabledSubtype()) {
406                final String mode = subtype.getMode();
407                if (!applicableModeAndSubtypesMap.containsKey(mode)) {
408                    applicableModeAndSubtypesMap.put(mode, subtype);
409                }
410            }
411        }
412        if (applicableModeAndSubtypesMap.size() > 0) {
413            return new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>(applicableModeAndSubtypesMap.values());
414        }
415        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
416            final InputMethodSubtype subtype = subtypes.get(i);
417            final String locale = subtype.getLocale();
418            final String mode = subtype.getMode();
419            final String language = getLanguageFromLocaleString(locale);
420            // When system locale starts with subtype's locale, that subtype will be applicable
421            // for system locale. We need to make sure the languages are the same, to prevent
422            // locales like "fil" (Filipino) being matched by "fi" (Finnish).
423            //
424            // For instance, it's clearly applicable for cases like system locale = en_US and
425            // subtype = en, but it is not necessarily considered applicable for cases like system
426            // locale = en and subtype = en_US.
427            //
428            // We just call systemLocale.startsWith(locale) in this function because there is no
429            // need to find applicable subtypes aggressively unlike
430            // findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked.
431            //
432            // TODO: This check is broken. It won't take scripts into account and doesn't
433            // account for the mandatory conversions performed by Locale#toString.
434            if (language.equals(systemLanguage) && systemLocale.startsWith(locale)) {
435                final InputMethodSubtype applicableSubtype = applicableModeAndSubtypesMap.get(mode);
436                // If more applicable subtypes are contained, skip.
437                if (applicableSubtype != null) {
438                    if (systemLocale.equals(applicableSubtype.getLocale())) continue;
439                    if (!systemLocale.equals(locale)) continue;
440                }
441                applicableModeAndSubtypesMap.put(mode, subtype);
442            }
443        }
444        final InputMethodSubtype keyboardSubtype
445                = applicableModeAndSubtypesMap.get(SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD);
446        final ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> applicableSubtypes = new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>(
447                applicableModeAndSubtypesMap.values());
448        if (keyboardSubtype != null && !keyboardSubtype.containsExtraValueKey(TAG_ASCII_CAPABLE)) {
449            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
450                final InputMethodSubtype subtype = subtypes.get(i);
451                final String mode = subtype.getMode();
452                if (SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD.equals(mode) && subtype.containsExtraValueKey(
453                        TAG_ENABLED_WHEN_DEFAULT_IS_NOT_ASCII_CAPABLE)) {
454                    applicableSubtypes.add(subtype);
455                }
456            }
457        }
458        if (keyboardSubtype == null) {
459            InputMethodSubtype lastResortKeyboardSubtype = findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked(
460                    res, subtypes, SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD, systemLocale, true);
461            if (lastResortKeyboardSubtype != null) {
462                applicableSubtypes.add(lastResortKeyboardSubtype);
463            }
464        }
465        return applicableSubtypes;
466    }
468    private static List<InputMethodSubtype> getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeList(
469            Context context, InputMethodInfo imi, List<InputMethodSubtype> enabledSubtypes,
470            boolean allowsImplicitlySelectedSubtypes) {
471        if (allowsImplicitlySelectedSubtypes && enabledSubtypes.isEmpty()) {
472            enabledSubtypes = InputMethodUtils.getImplicitlyApplicableSubtypesLocked(
473                    context.getResources(), imi);
474        }
475        return InputMethodSubtype.sort(context, 0, imi, enabledSubtypes);
476    }
478    /**
479     * Returns the language component of a given locale string.
480     * TODO: Use {@link Locale#toLanguageTag()} and {@link Locale#forLanguageTag(languageTag)}
481     */
482    public static String getLanguageFromLocaleString(String locale) {
483        final int idx = locale.indexOf('_');
484        if (idx < 0) {
485            return locale;
486        } else {
487            return locale.substring(0, idx);
488        }
489    }
491    /**
492     * If there are no selected subtypes, tries finding the most applicable one according to the
493     * given locale.
494     * @param subtypes this function will search the most applicable subtype in subtypes
495     * @param mode subtypes will be filtered by mode
496     * @param locale subtypes will be filtered by locale
497     * @param canIgnoreLocaleAsLastResort if this function can't find the most applicable subtype,
498     * it will return the first subtype matched with mode
499     * @return the most applicable subtypeId
500     */
501    public static InputMethodSubtype findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked(
502            Resources res, List<InputMethodSubtype> subtypes, String mode, String locale,
503            boolean canIgnoreLocaleAsLastResort) {
504        if (subtypes == null || subtypes.size() == 0) {
505            return null;
506        }
507        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(locale)) {
508            locale = res.getConfiguration().locale.toString();
509        }
510        final String language = getLanguageFromLocaleString(locale);
511        boolean partialMatchFound = false;
512        InputMethodSubtype applicableSubtype = null;
513        InputMethodSubtype firstMatchedModeSubtype = null;
514        final int N = subtypes.size();
515        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
516            InputMethodSubtype subtype = subtypes.get(i);
517            final String subtypeLocale = subtype.getLocale();
518            final String subtypeLanguage = getLanguageFromLocaleString(subtypeLocale);
519            // An applicable subtype should match "mode". If mode is null, mode will be ignored,
520            // and all subtypes with all modes can be candidates.
521            if (mode == null || subtypes.get(i).getMode().equalsIgnoreCase(mode)) {
522                if (firstMatchedModeSubtype == null) {
523                    firstMatchedModeSubtype = subtype;
524                }
525                if (locale.equals(subtypeLocale)) {
526                    // Exact match (e.g. system locale is "en_US" and subtype locale is "en_US")
527                    applicableSubtype = subtype;
528                    break;
529                } else if (!partialMatchFound && language.equals(subtypeLanguage)) {
530                    // Partial match (e.g. system locale is "en_US" and subtype locale is "en")
531                    applicableSubtype = subtype;
532                    partialMatchFound = true;
533                }
534            }
535        }
537        if (applicableSubtype == null && canIgnoreLocaleAsLastResort) {
538            return firstMatchedModeSubtype;
539        }
541        // The first subtype applicable to the system locale will be defined as the most applicable
542        // subtype.
543        if (DEBUG) {
544            if (applicableSubtype != null) {
545                Slog.d(TAG, "Applicable InputMethodSubtype was found: "
546                        + applicableSubtype.getMode() + "," + applicableSubtype.getLocale());
547            }
548        }
549        return applicableSubtype;
550    }
552    public static boolean canAddToLastInputMethod(InputMethodSubtype subtype) {
553        if (subtype == null) return true;
554        return !subtype.isAuxiliary();
555    }
557    public static void setNonSelectedSystemImesDisabledUntilUsed(
558            PackageManager packageManager, List<InputMethodInfo> enabledImis) {
559        if (DEBUG) {
560            Slog.d(TAG, "setNonSelectedSystemImesDisabledUntilUsed");
561        }
562        final String[] systemImesDisabledUntilUsed = Resources.getSystem().getStringArray(
563      ;
564        if (systemImesDisabledUntilUsed == null || systemImesDisabledUntilUsed.length == 0) {
565            return;
566        }
567        // Only the current spell checker should be treated as an enabled one.
568        final SpellCheckerInfo currentSpellChecker =
569                TextServicesManager.getInstance().getCurrentSpellChecker();
570        for (final String packageName : systemImesDisabledUntilUsed) {
571            if (DEBUG) {
572                Slog.d(TAG, "check " + packageName);
573            }
574            boolean enabledIme = false;
575            for (int j = 0; j < enabledImis.size(); ++j) {
576                final InputMethodInfo imi = enabledImis.get(j);
577                if (packageName.equals(imi.getPackageName())) {
578                    enabledIme = true;
579                    break;
580                }
581            }
582            if (enabledIme) {
583                // enabled ime. skip
584                continue;
585            }
586            if (currentSpellChecker != null
587                    && packageName.equals(currentSpellChecker.getPackageName())) {
588                // enabled spell checker. skip
589                if (DEBUG) {
590                    Slog.d(TAG, packageName + " is the current spell checker. skip");
591                }
592                continue;
593            }
594            ApplicationInfo ai = null;
595            try {
596                ai = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName,
597                        PackageManager.GET_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED_COMPONENTS);
598            } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
599                Slog.w(TAG, "NameNotFoundException: " + packageName, e);
600            }
601            if (ai == null) {
602                // No app found for packageName
603                continue;
604            }
605            final boolean isSystemPackage = (ai.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0;
606            if (!isSystemPackage) {
607                continue;
608            }
609            setDisabledUntilUsed(packageManager, packageName);
610        }
611    }
613    private static void setDisabledUntilUsed(PackageManager packageManager, String packageName) {
614        final int state = packageManager.getApplicationEnabledSetting(packageName);
615        if (state == PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT
616                || state == PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED) {
617            if (DEBUG) {
618                Slog.d(TAG, "Update state(" + packageName + "): DISABLED_UNTIL_USED");
619            }
620            packageManager.setApplicationEnabledSetting(packageName,
621                    PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED, 0);
622        } else {
623            if (DEBUG) {
624                Slog.d(TAG, packageName + " is already DISABLED_UNTIL_USED");
625            }
626        }
627    }
629    public static CharSequence getImeAndSubtypeDisplayName(Context context, InputMethodInfo imi,
630            InputMethodSubtype subtype) {
631        final CharSequence imiLabel = imi.loadLabel(context.getPackageManager());
632        return subtype != null
633                ? TextUtils.concat(subtype.getDisplayName(context,
634                        imi.getPackageName(), imi.getServiceInfo().applicationInfo),
635                                (TextUtils.isEmpty(imiLabel) ?
636                                        "" : " - " + imiLabel))
637                : imiLabel;
638    }
640    /**
641     * Returns true if a package name belongs to a UID.
642     *
643     * <p>This is a simple wrapper of {@link AppOpsManager#checkPackage(int, String)}.</p>
644     * @param appOpsManager the {@link AppOpsManager} object to be used for the validation.
645     * @param uid the UID to be validated.
646     * @param packageName the package name.
647     * @return {@code true} if the package name belongs to the UID.
648     */
649    public static boolean checkIfPackageBelongsToUid(final AppOpsManager appOpsManager,
650            final int uid, final String packageName) {
651        try {
652            appOpsManager.checkPackage(uid, packageName);
653            return true;
654        } catch (SecurityException e) {
655            return false;
656        }
657    }
659    /**
660     * Utility class for putting and getting settings for InputMethod
661     * TODO: Move all putters and getters of settings to this class.
662     */
663    public static class InputMethodSettings {
664        // The string for enabled input method is saved as follows:
665        // example: ("ime0;subtype0;subtype1;subtype2:ime1:ime2;subtype0")
666        private static final char INPUT_METHOD_SEPARATER = ':';
667        private static final char INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_SEPARATER = ';';
668        private final TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter mInputMethodSplitter =
669                new TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter(INPUT_METHOD_SEPARATER);
671        private final TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter mSubtypeSplitter =
672                new TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter(INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_SEPARATER);
674        private final Resources mRes;
675        private final ContentResolver mResolver;
676        private final HashMap<String, InputMethodInfo> mMethodMap;
677        private final ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> mMethodList;
679        private String mEnabledInputMethodsStrCache;
680        private int mCurrentUserId;
681        private int[] mCurrentProfileIds = new int[0];
683        private static void buildEnabledInputMethodsSettingString(
684                StringBuilder builder, Pair<String, ArrayList<String>> pair) {
685            String id = pair.first;
686            ArrayList<String> subtypes = pair.second;
687            builder.append(id);
688            // Inputmethod and subtypes are saved in the settings as follows:
689            // ime0;subtype0;subtype1:ime1;subtype0:ime2:ime3;subtype0;subtype1
690            for (String subtypeId: subtypes) {
691                builder.append(INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_SEPARATER).append(subtypeId);
692            }
693        }
695        public InputMethodSettings(
696                Resources res, ContentResolver resolver,
697                HashMap<String, InputMethodInfo> methodMap, ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> methodList,
698                int userId) {
699            setCurrentUserId(userId);
700            mRes = res;
701            mResolver = resolver;
702            mMethodMap = methodMap;
703            mMethodList = methodList;
704        }
706        public void setCurrentUserId(int userId) {
707            if (DEBUG) {
708                Slog.d(TAG, "--- Swtich the current user from " + mCurrentUserId + " to " + userId);
709            }
710            // IMMS settings are kept per user, so keep track of current user
711            mCurrentUserId = userId;
712        }
714        public void setCurrentProfileIds(int[] currentProfileIds) {
715            synchronized (this) {
716                mCurrentProfileIds = currentProfileIds;
717            }
718        }
720        public boolean isCurrentProfile(int userId) {
721            synchronized (this) {
722                if (userId == mCurrentUserId) return true;
723                for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentProfileIds.length; i++) {
724                    if (userId == mCurrentProfileIds[i]) return true;
725                }
726                return false;
727            }
728        }
730        public List<InputMethodInfo> getEnabledInputMethodListLocked() {
731            return createEnabledInputMethodListLocked(
732                    getEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked());
733        }
735        public List<Pair<InputMethodInfo, ArrayList<String>>>
736                getEnabledInputMethodAndSubtypeHashCodeListLocked() {
737            return createEnabledInputMethodAndSubtypeHashCodeListLocked(
738                    getEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked());
739        }
741        public List<InputMethodSubtype> getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeListLocked(
742                Context context, InputMethodInfo imi, boolean allowsImplicitlySelectedSubtypes) {
743            List<InputMethodSubtype> enabledSubtypes =
744                    getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeListLocked(imi);
745            if (allowsImplicitlySelectedSubtypes && enabledSubtypes.isEmpty()) {
746                enabledSubtypes = InputMethodUtils.getImplicitlyApplicableSubtypesLocked(
747                        context.getResources(), imi);
748            }
749            return InputMethodSubtype.sort(context, 0, imi, enabledSubtypes);
750        }
752        public List<InputMethodSubtype> getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeListLocked(
753                InputMethodInfo imi) {
754            List<Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>> imsList =
755                    getEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked();
756            ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> enabledSubtypes =
757                    new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>();
758            if (imi != null) {
759                for (Pair<String, ArrayList<String>> imsPair : imsList) {
760                    InputMethodInfo info = mMethodMap.get(imsPair.first);
761                    if (info != null && info.getId().equals(imi.getId())) {
762                        final int subtypeCount = info.getSubtypeCount();
763                        for (int i = 0; i < subtypeCount; ++i) {
764                            InputMethodSubtype ims = info.getSubtypeAt(i);
765                            for (String s: imsPair.second) {
766                                if (String.valueOf(ims.hashCode()).equals(s)) {
767                                    enabledSubtypes.add(ims);
768                                }
769                            }
770                        }
771                        break;
772                    }
773                }
774            }
775            return enabledSubtypes;
776        }
778        // At the initial boot, the settings for input methods are not set,
779        // so we need to enable IME in that case.
780        public void enableAllIMEsIfThereIsNoEnabledIME() {
781            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(getEnabledInputMethodsStr())) {
782                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
783                final int N = mMethodList.size();
784                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
785                    InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodList.get(i);
786                    Slog.i(TAG, "Adding: " + imi.getId());
787                    if (i > 0) sb.append(':');
788                    sb.append(imi.getId());
789                }
790                putEnabledInputMethodsStr(sb.toString());
791            }
792        }
794        public List<Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>> getEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked() {
795            ArrayList<Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>> imsList
796                    = new ArrayList<Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>>();
797            final String enabledInputMethodsStr = getEnabledInputMethodsStr();
798            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(enabledInputMethodsStr)) {
799                return imsList;
800            }
801            mInputMethodSplitter.setString(enabledInputMethodsStr);
802            while (mInputMethodSplitter.hasNext()) {
803                String nextImsStr =;
804                mSubtypeSplitter.setString(nextImsStr);
805                if (mSubtypeSplitter.hasNext()) {
806                    ArrayList<String> subtypeHashes = new ArrayList<String>();
807                    // The first element is ime id.
808                    String imeId =;
809                    while (mSubtypeSplitter.hasNext()) {
810                        subtypeHashes.add(;
811                    }
812                    imsList.add(new Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>(imeId, subtypeHashes));
813                }
814            }
815            return imsList;
816        }
818        public void appendAndPutEnabledInputMethodLocked(String id, boolean reloadInputMethodStr) {
819            if (reloadInputMethodStr) {
820                getEnabledInputMethodsStr();
821            }
822            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mEnabledInputMethodsStrCache)) {
823                // Add in the newly enabled input method.
824                putEnabledInputMethodsStr(id);
825            } else {
826                putEnabledInputMethodsStr(
827                        mEnabledInputMethodsStrCache + INPUT_METHOD_SEPARATER + id);
828            }
829        }
831        /**
832         * Build and put a string of EnabledInputMethods with removing specified Id.
833         * @return the specified id was removed or not.
834         */
835        public boolean buildAndPutEnabledInputMethodsStrRemovingIdLocked(
836                StringBuilder builder, List<Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>> imsList, String id) {
837            boolean isRemoved = false;
838            boolean needsAppendSeparator = false;
839            for (Pair<String, ArrayList<String>> ims: imsList) {
840                String curId = ims.first;
841                if (curId.equals(id)) {
842                    // We are disabling this input method, and it is
843                    // currently enabled.  Skip it to remove from the
844                    // new list.
845                    isRemoved = true;
846                } else {
847                    if (needsAppendSeparator) {
848                        builder.append(INPUT_METHOD_SEPARATER);
849                    } else {
850                        needsAppendSeparator = true;
851                    }
852                    buildEnabledInputMethodsSettingString(builder, ims);
853                }
854            }
855            if (isRemoved) {
856                // Update the setting with the new list of input methods.
857                putEnabledInputMethodsStr(builder.toString());
858            }
859            return isRemoved;
860        }
862        private List<InputMethodInfo> createEnabledInputMethodListLocked(
863                List<Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>> imsList) {
864            final ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> res = new ArrayList<InputMethodInfo>();
865            for (Pair<String, ArrayList<String>> ims: imsList) {
866                InputMethodInfo info = mMethodMap.get(ims.first);
867                if (info != null) {
868                    res.add(info);
869                }
870            }
871            return res;
872        }
874        private List<Pair<InputMethodInfo, ArrayList<String>>>
875                createEnabledInputMethodAndSubtypeHashCodeListLocked(
876                        List<Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>> imsList) {
877            final ArrayList<Pair<InputMethodInfo, ArrayList<String>>> res
878                    = new ArrayList<Pair<InputMethodInfo, ArrayList<String>>>();
879            for (Pair<String, ArrayList<String>> ims : imsList) {
880                InputMethodInfo info = mMethodMap.get(ims.first);
881                if (info != null) {
882                    res.add(new Pair<InputMethodInfo, ArrayList<String>>(info, ims.second));
883                }
884            }
885            return res;
886        }
888        private void putEnabledInputMethodsStr(String str) {
889            Settings.Secure.putStringForUser(
890                    mResolver, Settings.Secure.ENABLED_INPUT_METHODS, str, mCurrentUserId);
891            mEnabledInputMethodsStrCache = str;
892            if (DEBUG) {
893                Slog.d(TAG, "putEnabledInputMethodStr: " + str);
894            }
895        }
897        public String getEnabledInputMethodsStr() {
898            mEnabledInputMethodsStrCache = Settings.Secure.getStringForUser(
899                    mResolver, Settings.Secure.ENABLED_INPUT_METHODS, mCurrentUserId);
900            if (DEBUG) {
901                Slog.d(TAG, "getEnabledInputMethodsStr: " + mEnabledInputMethodsStrCache
902                        + ", " + mCurrentUserId);
903            }
904            return mEnabledInputMethodsStrCache;
905        }
907        private void saveSubtypeHistory(
908                List<Pair<String, String>> savedImes, String newImeId, String newSubtypeId) {
909            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
910            boolean isImeAdded = false;
911            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(newImeId) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(newSubtypeId)) {
912                builder.append(newImeId).append(INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_SEPARATER).append(
913                        newSubtypeId);
914                isImeAdded = true;
915            }
916            for (Pair<String, String> ime: savedImes) {
917                String imeId = ime.first;
918                String subtypeId = ime.second;
919                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(subtypeId)) {
920                    subtypeId = NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID_STR;
921                }
922                if (isImeAdded) {
923                    builder.append(INPUT_METHOD_SEPARATER);
924                } else {
925                    isImeAdded = true;
926                }
927                builder.append(imeId).append(INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_SEPARATER).append(
928                        subtypeId);
929            }
930            // Remove the last INPUT_METHOD_SEPARATER
931            putSubtypeHistoryStr(builder.toString());
932        }
934        private void addSubtypeToHistory(String imeId, String subtypeId) {
935            List<Pair<String, String>> subtypeHistory = loadInputMethodAndSubtypeHistoryLocked();
936            for (Pair<String, String> ime: subtypeHistory) {
937                if (ime.first.equals(imeId)) {
938                    if (DEBUG) {
939                        Slog.v(TAG, "Subtype found in the history: " + imeId + ", "
940                                + ime.second);
941                    }
942                    // We should break here
943                    subtypeHistory.remove(ime);
944                    break;
945                }
946            }
947            if (DEBUG) {
948                Slog.v(TAG, "Add subtype to the history: " + imeId + ", " + subtypeId);
949            }
950            saveSubtypeHistory(subtypeHistory, imeId, subtypeId);
951        }
953        private void putSubtypeHistoryStr(String str) {
954            if (DEBUG) {
955                Slog.d(TAG, "putSubtypeHistoryStr: " + str);
956            }
957            Settings.Secure.putStringForUser(
958                    mResolver, Settings.Secure.INPUT_METHODS_SUBTYPE_HISTORY, str, mCurrentUserId);
959        }
961        public Pair<String, String> getLastInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked() {
962            // Gets the first one from the history
963            return getLastSubtypeForInputMethodLockedInternal(null);
964        }
966        public String getLastSubtypeForInputMethodLocked(String imeId) {
967            Pair<String, String> ime = getLastSubtypeForInputMethodLockedInternal(imeId);
968            if (ime != null) {
969                return ime.second;
970            } else {
971                return null;
972            }
973        }
975        private Pair<String, String> getLastSubtypeForInputMethodLockedInternal(String imeId) {
976            List<Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>> enabledImes =
977                    getEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked();
978            List<Pair<String, String>> subtypeHistory = loadInputMethodAndSubtypeHistoryLocked();
979            for (Pair<String, String> imeAndSubtype : subtypeHistory) {
980                final String imeInTheHistory = imeAndSubtype.first;
981                // If imeId is empty, returns the first IME and subtype in the history
982                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(imeId) || imeInTheHistory.equals(imeId)) {
983                    final String subtypeInTheHistory = imeAndSubtype.second;
984                    final String subtypeHashCode =
985                            getEnabledSubtypeHashCodeForInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(
986                                    enabledImes, imeInTheHistory, subtypeInTheHistory);
987                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(subtypeHashCode)) {
988                        if (DEBUG) {
989                            Slog.d(TAG, "Enabled subtype found in the history: " + subtypeHashCode);
990                        }
991                        return new Pair<String, String>(imeInTheHistory, subtypeHashCode);
992                    }
993                }
994            }
995            if (DEBUG) {
996                Slog.d(TAG, "No enabled IME found in the history");
997            }
998            return null;
999        }
1001        private String getEnabledSubtypeHashCodeForInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(List<Pair<String,
1002                ArrayList<String>>> enabledImes, String imeId, String subtypeHashCode) {
1003            for (Pair<String, ArrayList<String>> enabledIme: enabledImes) {
1004                if (enabledIme.first.equals(imeId)) {
1005                    final ArrayList<String> explicitlyEnabledSubtypes = enabledIme.second;
1006                    final InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodMap.get(imeId);
1007                    if (explicitlyEnabledSubtypes.size() == 0) {
1008                        // If there are no explicitly enabled subtypes, applicable subtypes are
1009                        // enabled implicitly.
1010                        // If IME is enabled and no subtypes are enabled, applicable subtypes
1011                        // are enabled implicitly, so needs to treat them to be enabled.
1012                        if (imi != null && imi.getSubtypeCount() > 0) {
1013                            List<InputMethodSubtype> implicitlySelectedSubtypes =
1014                                    getImplicitlyApplicableSubtypesLocked(mRes, imi);
1015                            if (implicitlySelectedSubtypes != null) {
1016                                final int N = implicitlySelectedSubtypes.size();
1017                                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
1018                                    final InputMethodSubtype st = implicitlySelectedSubtypes.get(i);
1019                                    if (String.valueOf(st.hashCode()).equals(subtypeHashCode)) {
1020                                        return subtypeHashCode;
1021                                    }
1022                                }
1023                            }
1024                        }
1025                    } else {
1026                        for (String s: explicitlyEnabledSubtypes) {
1027                            if (s.equals(subtypeHashCode)) {
1028                                // If both imeId and subtypeId are enabled, return subtypeId.
1029                                try {
1030                                    final int hashCode = Integer.valueOf(subtypeHashCode);
1031                                    // Check whether the subtype id is valid or not
1032                                    if (isValidSubtypeId(imi, hashCode)) {
1033                                        return s;
1034                                    } else {
1035                                        return NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID_STR;
1036                                    }
1037                                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
1038                                    return NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID_STR;
1039                                }
1040                            }
1041                        }
1042                    }
1043                    // If imeId was enabled but subtypeId was disabled.
1044                    return NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID_STR;
1045                }
1046            }
1047            // If both imeId and subtypeId are disabled, return null
1048            return null;
1049        }
1051        private List<Pair<String, String>> loadInputMethodAndSubtypeHistoryLocked() {
1052            ArrayList<Pair<String, String>> imsList = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>();
1053            final String subtypeHistoryStr = getSubtypeHistoryStr();
1054            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(subtypeHistoryStr)) {
1055                return imsList;
1056            }
1057            mInputMethodSplitter.setString(subtypeHistoryStr);
1058            while (mInputMethodSplitter.hasNext()) {
1059                String nextImsStr =;
1060                mSubtypeSplitter.setString(nextImsStr);
1061                if (mSubtypeSplitter.hasNext()) {
1062                    String subtypeId = NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID_STR;
1063                    // The first element is ime id.
1064                    String imeId =;
1065                    while (mSubtypeSplitter.hasNext()) {
1066                        subtypeId =;
1067                        break;
1068                    }
1069                    imsList.add(new Pair<String, String>(imeId, subtypeId));
1070                }
1071            }
1072            return imsList;
1073        }
1075        private String getSubtypeHistoryStr() {
1076            if (DEBUG) {
1077                Slog.d(TAG, "getSubtypeHistoryStr: " + Settings.Secure.getStringForUser(
1078                        mResolver, Settings.Secure.INPUT_METHODS_SUBTYPE_HISTORY, mCurrentUserId));
1079            }
1080            return Settings.Secure.getStringForUser(
1081                    mResolver, Settings.Secure.INPUT_METHODS_SUBTYPE_HISTORY, mCurrentUserId);
1082        }
1084        public void putSelectedInputMethod(String imeId) {
1085            if (DEBUG) {
1086                Slog.d(TAG, "putSelectedInputMethodStr: " + imeId + ", "
1087                        + mCurrentUserId);
1088            }
1089            Settings.Secure.putStringForUser(
1090                    mResolver, Settings.Secure.DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD, imeId, mCurrentUserId);
1091        }
1093        public void putSelectedSubtype(int subtypeId) {
1094            if (DEBUG) {
1095                Slog.d(TAG, "putSelectedInputMethodSubtypeStr: " + subtypeId + ", "
1096                        + mCurrentUserId);
1097            }
1098            Settings.Secure.putIntForUser(mResolver, Settings.Secure.SELECTED_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE,
1099                    subtypeId, mCurrentUserId);
1100        }
1102        public String getDisabledSystemInputMethods() {
1103            return Settings.Secure.getStringForUser(
1104                    mResolver, Settings.Secure.DISABLED_SYSTEM_INPUT_METHODS, mCurrentUserId);
1105        }
1107        public String getSelectedInputMethod() {
1108            if (DEBUG) {
1109                Slog.d(TAG, "getSelectedInputMethodStr: " + Settings.Secure.getStringForUser(
1110                        mResolver, Settings.Secure.DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD, mCurrentUserId)
1111                        + ", " + mCurrentUserId);
1112            }
1113            return Settings.Secure.getStringForUser(
1114                    mResolver, Settings.Secure.DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD, mCurrentUserId);
1115        }
1117        public boolean isSubtypeSelected() {
1118            return getSelectedInputMethodSubtypeHashCode() != NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
1119        }
1121        private int getSelectedInputMethodSubtypeHashCode() {
1122            try {
1123                return Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(
1124                        mResolver, Settings.Secure.SELECTED_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE, mCurrentUserId);
1125            } catch (SettingNotFoundException e) {
1126                return NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
1127            }
1128        }
1130        public boolean isShowImeWithHardKeyboardEnabled() {
1131                return Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(mResolver,
1132                        Settings.Secure.SHOW_IME_WITH_HARD_KEYBOARD, 0, mCurrentUserId) == 1;
1133        }
1135        public void setShowImeWithHardKeyboard(boolean show) {
1136            Settings.Secure.putIntForUser(mResolver, Settings.Secure.SHOW_IME_WITH_HARD_KEYBOARD,
1137                    show ? 1 : 0, mCurrentUserId);
1138        }
1140        public int getCurrentUserId() {
1141            return mCurrentUserId;
1142        }
1144        public int getSelectedInputMethodSubtypeId(String selectedImiId) {
1145            final InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodMap.get(selectedImiId);
1146            if (imi == null) {
1147                return NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
1148            }
1149            final int subtypeHashCode = getSelectedInputMethodSubtypeHashCode();
1150            return getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(imi, subtypeHashCode);
1151        }
1153        public void saveCurrentInputMethodAndSubtypeToHistory(
1154                String curMethodId, InputMethodSubtype currentSubtype) {
1155            String subtypeId = NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID_STR;
1156            if (currentSubtype != null) {
1157                subtypeId = String.valueOf(currentSubtype.hashCode());
1158            }
1159            if (canAddToLastInputMethod(currentSubtype)) {
1160                addSubtypeToHistory(curMethodId, subtypeId);
1161            }
1162        }
1164        public HashMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>>
1165                getExplicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked(Context context) {
1166            HashMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>> enabledInputMethodAndSubtypes =
1167                    new HashMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>>();
1168            for (InputMethodInfo imi: getEnabledInputMethodListLocked()) {
1169                enabledInputMethodAndSubtypes.put(
1170                        imi, getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeListLocked(context, imi, true));
1171            }
1172            return enabledInputMethodAndSubtypes;
1173        }
1174    }