Main.cpp revision 745e17a07c77aa6b347d9e75c99eb3fcb381bc5d
2// Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
4// Android Asset Packaging Tool main entry point.
6#include "Main.h"
7#include "Bundle.h"
9#include <utils/Log.h>
10#include <utils/threads.h>
11#include <utils/List.h>
12#include <utils/Errors.h>
14#include <stdlib.h>
15#include <getopt.h>
16#include <assert.h>
18using namespace android;
20static const char* gProgName = "aapt";
23 * When running under Cygwin on Windows, this will convert slash-based
24 * paths into back-slash-based ones. Otherwise the ApptAssets file comparisons
25 * fail later as they use back-slash separators under Windows.
26 *
27 * This operates in-place on the path string.
28 */
29void convertPath(char *path) {
30  if (path != NULL && OS_PATH_SEPARATOR != '/') {
31    for (; *path; path++) {
32      if (*path == '/') {
33        *path = OS_PATH_SEPARATOR;
34      }
35    }
36  }
40 * Print usage info.
41 */
42void usage(void)
44    fprintf(stderr, "Android Asset Packaging Tool\n\n");
45    fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
46    fprintf(stderr,
47        " %s l[ist] [-v] [-a] file.{zip,jar,apk}\n"
48        "   List contents of Zip-compatible archive.\n\n", gProgName);
49    fprintf(stderr,
50        " %s d[ump] [--values] WHAT file.{apk} [asset [asset ...]]\n"
51        "   badging          Print the label and icon for the app declared in APK.\n"
52        "   permissions      Print the permissions from the APK.\n"
53        "   resources        Print the resource table from the APK.\n"
54        "   configurations   Print the configurations in the APK.\n"
55        "   xmltree          Print the compiled xmls in the given assets.\n"
56        "   xmlstrings       Print the strings of the given compiled xml assets.\n\n", gProgName);
57    fprintf(stderr,
58        " %s p[ackage] [-d][-f][-m][-u][-v][-x][-z][-M AndroidManifest.xml] \\\n"
59        "        [-0 extension [-0 extension ...]] [-g tolerance] [-j jarfile] \\\n"
60        "        [--min-sdk-version VAL] [--target-sdk-version VAL] \\\n"
61        "        [--max-sdk-version VAL] [--app-version VAL] \\\n"
62        "        [--app-version-name TEXT] [--custom-package VAL] [--utf16] \\\n"
63        "        [-I base-package [-I base-package ...]] \\\n"
64        "        [-A asset-source-dir]  [-G class-list-file] [-P public-definitions-file] \\\n"
65        "        [-S resource-sources [-S resource-sources ...]] "
66        "        [-F apk-file] [-J R-file-dir] \\\n"
67        "        [raw-files-dir [raw-files-dir] ...]\n"
68        "\n"
69        "   Package the android resources.  It will read assets and resources that are\n"
70        "   supplied with the -M -A -S or raw-files-dir arguments.  The -J -P -F and -R\n"
71        "   options control which files are output.\n\n"
72        , gProgName);
73    fprintf(stderr,
74        " %s r[emove] [-v] file.{zip,jar,apk} file1 [file2 ...]\n"
75        "   Delete specified files from Zip-compatible archive.\n\n",
76        gProgName);
77    fprintf(stderr,
78        " %s a[dd] [-v] file.{zip,jar,apk} file1 [file2 ...]\n"
79        "   Add specified files to Zip-compatible archive.\n\n", gProgName);
80    fprintf(stderr,
81        " %s v[ersion]\n"
82        "   Print program version.\n\n", gProgName);
83    fprintf(stderr,
84        " Modifiers:\n"
85        "   -a  print Android-specific data (resources, manifest) when listing\n"
86        "   -c  specify which configurations to include.  The default is all\n"
87        "       configurations.  The value of the parameter should be a comma\n"
88        "       separated list of configuration values.  Locales should be specified\n"
89        "       as either a language or language-region pair.  Some examples:\n"
90        "            en\n"
91        "            port,en\n"
92        "            port,land,en_US\n"
93        "       If you put the special locale, zz_ZZ on the list, it will perform\n"
94        "       pseudolocalization on the default locale, modifying all of the\n"
95        "       strings so you can look for strings that missed the\n"
96        "       internationalization process.  For example:\n"
97        "            port,land,zz_ZZ\n"
98        "   -d  one or more device assets to include, separated by commas\n"
99        "   -f  force overwrite of existing files\n"
100        "   -g  specify a pixel tolerance to force images to grayscale, default 0\n"
101        "   -j  specify a jar or zip file containing classes to include\n"
102        "   -k  junk path of file(s) added\n"
103        "   -m  make package directories under location specified by -J\n"
104#if 0
105        "   -p  pseudolocalize the default configuration\n"
107        "   -u  update existing packages (add new, replace older, remove deleted files)\n"
108        "   -v  verbose output\n"
109        "   -x  create extending (non-application) resource IDs\n"
110        "   -z  require localization of resource attributes marked with\n"
111        "       localization=\"suggested\"\n"
112        "   -A  additional directory in which to find raw asset files\n"
113        "   -G  A file to output proguard options into.\n"
114        "   -F  specify the apk file to output\n"
115        "   -I  add an existing package to base include set\n"
116        "   -J  specify where to output resource constant definitions\n"
117        "   -M  specify full path to AndroidManifest.xml to include in zip\n"
118        "   -P  specify where to output public resource definitions\n"
119        "   -S  directory in which to find resources.  Multiple directories will be scanned\n"
120        "       and the first match found (left to right) will take precedence.\n"
121        "   -0  specifies an additional extension for which such files will not\n"
122        "       be stored compressed in the .apk.  An empty string means to not\n"
123        "       compress any files at all.\n"
124        "   --min-sdk-version\n"
125        "       inserts android:minSdkVersion in to manifest.  If the version is 7 or\n"
126        "       higher, the default encoding for resources will be in UTF-8.\n"
127        "   --target-sdk-version\n"
128        "       inserts android:targetSdkVersion in to manifest.\n"
129        "   --max-sdk-version\n"
130        "       inserts android:maxSdkVersion in to manifest.\n"
131        "   --values\n"
132        "       when used with \"dump resources\" also includes resource values.\n"
133        "   --version-code\n"
134        "       inserts android:versionCode in to manifest.\n"
135        "   --version-name\n"
136        "       inserts android:versionName in to manifest.\n"
137        "   --custom-package\n"
138        "       generates into a different package.\n"
139        "   --utf16\n"
140        "       changes default encoding for resources to UTF-16.  Only useful when API\n"
141        "       level is set to 7 or higher where the default encoding is UTF-8.\n");
145 * Dispatch the command.
146 */
147int handleCommand(Bundle* bundle)
149    //printf("--- command %d (verbose=%d force=%d):\n",
150    //    bundle->getCommand(), bundle->getVerbose(), bundle->getForce());
151    //for (int i = 0; i < bundle->getFileSpecCount(); i++)
152    //    printf("  %d: '%s'\n", i, bundle->getFileSpecEntry(i));
154    switch (bundle->getCommand()) {
155    case kCommandVersion:   return doVersion(bundle);
156    case kCommandList:      return doList(bundle);
157    case kCommandDump:      return doDump(bundle);
158    case kCommandAdd:       return doAdd(bundle);
159    case kCommandRemove:    return doRemove(bundle);
160    case kCommandPackage:   return doPackage(bundle);
161    default:
162        fprintf(stderr, "%s: requested command not yet supported\n", gProgName);
163        return 1;
164    }
168 * Parse args.
169 */
170int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
172    char *prog = argv[0];
173    Bundle bundle;
174    bool wantUsage = false;
175    int result = 1;    // pessimistically assume an error.
176    int tolerance = 0;
178    /* default to compression */
179    bundle.setCompressionMethod(ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated);
181    if (argc < 2) {
182        wantUsage = true;
183        goto bail;
184    }
186    if (argv[1][0] == 'v')
187        bundle.setCommand(kCommandVersion);
188    else if (argv[1][0] == 'd')
189        bundle.setCommand(kCommandDump);
190    else if (argv[1][0] == 'l')
191        bundle.setCommand(kCommandList);
192    else if (argv[1][0] == 'a')
193        bundle.setCommand(kCommandAdd);
194    else if (argv[1][0] == 'r')
195        bundle.setCommand(kCommandRemove);
196    else if (argv[1][0] == 'p')
197        bundle.setCommand(kCommandPackage);
198    else {
199        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown command '%s'\n", argv[1]);
200        wantUsage = true;
201        goto bail;
202    }
203    argc -= 2;
204    argv += 2;
206    /*
207     * Pull out flags.  We support "-fv" and "-f -v".
208     */
209    while (argc && argv[0][0] == '-') {
210        /* flag(s) found */
211        const char* cp = argv[0] +1;
213        while (*cp != '\0') {
214            switch (*cp) {
215            case 'v':
216                bundle.setVerbose(true);
217                break;
218            case 'a':
219                bundle.setAndroidList(true);
220                break;
221            case 'c':
222                argc--;
223                argv++;
224                if (!argc) {
225                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-c' option\n");
226                    wantUsage = true;
227                    goto bail;
228                }
229                bundle.addConfigurations(argv[0]);
230                break;
231            case 'f':
232                bundle.setForce(true);
233                break;
234            case 'g':
235                argc--;
236                argv++;
237                if (!argc) {
238                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-g' option\n");
239                    wantUsage = true;
240                    goto bail;
241                }
242                tolerance = atoi(argv[0]);
243                bundle.setGrayscaleTolerance(tolerance);
244                printf("%s: Images with deviation <= %d will be forced to grayscale.\n", prog, tolerance);
245                break;
246            case 'k':
247                bundle.setJunkPath(true);
248                break;
249            case 'm':
250                bundle.setMakePackageDirs(true);
251                break;
252#if 0
253            case 'p':
254                bundle.setPseudolocalize(true);
255                break;
257            case 'u':
258                bundle.setUpdate(true);
259                break;
260            case 'x':
261                bundle.setExtending(true);
262                break;
263            case 'z':
264                bundle.setRequireLocalization(true);
265                break;
266            case 'j':
267                argc--;
268                argv++;
269                if (!argc) {
270                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-j' option\n");
271                    wantUsage = true;
272                    goto bail;
273                }
274                convertPath(argv[0]);
275                bundle.addJarFile(argv[0]);
276                break;
277            case 'A':
278                argc--;
279                argv++;
280                if (!argc) {
281                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-A' option\n");
282                    wantUsage = true;
283                    goto bail;
284                }
285                convertPath(argv[0]);
286                bundle.setAssetSourceDir(argv[0]);
287                break;
288            case 'G':
289                argc--;
290                argv++;
291                if (!argc) {
292                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-G' option\n");
293                    wantUsage = true;
294                    goto bail;
295                }
296                convertPath(argv[0]);
297                bundle.setProguardFile(argv[0]);
298                break;
299            case 'I':
300                argc--;
301                argv++;
302                if (!argc) {
303                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-I' option\n");
304                    wantUsage = true;
305                    goto bail;
306                }
307                convertPath(argv[0]);
308                bundle.addPackageInclude(argv[0]);
309                break;
310            case 'F':
311                argc--;
312                argv++;
313                if (!argc) {
314                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-F' option\n");
315                    wantUsage = true;
316                    goto bail;
317                }
318                convertPath(argv[0]);
319                bundle.setOutputAPKFile(argv[0]);
320                break;
321            case 'J':
322                argc--;
323                argv++;
324                if (!argc) {
325                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-J' option\n");
326                    wantUsage = true;
327                    goto bail;
328                }
329                convertPath(argv[0]);
330                bundle.setRClassDir(argv[0]);
331                break;
332            case 'M':
333                argc--;
334                argv++;
335                if (!argc) {
336                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-M' option\n");
337                    wantUsage = true;
338                    goto bail;
339                }
340                convertPath(argv[0]);
341                bundle.setAndroidManifestFile(argv[0]);
342                break;
343            case 'P':
344                argc--;
345                argv++;
346                if (!argc) {
347                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-P' option\n");
348                    wantUsage = true;
349                    goto bail;
350                }
351                convertPath(argv[0]);
352                bundle.setPublicOutputFile(argv[0]);
353                break;
354            case 'S':
355                argc--;
356                argv++;
357                if (!argc) {
358                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-S' option\n");
359                    wantUsage = true;
360                    goto bail;
361                }
362                convertPath(argv[0]);
363                bundle.addResourceSourceDir(argv[0]);
364                break;
365            case '0':
366                argc--;
367                argv++;
368                if (!argc) {
369                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '-e' option\n");
370                    wantUsage = true;
371                    goto bail;
372                }
373                if (argv[0][0] != 0) {
374                    bundle.addNoCompressExtension(argv[0]);
375                } else {
376                    bundle.setCompressionMethod(ZipEntry::kCompressStored);
377                }
378                break;
379            case '-':
380                if (strcmp(cp, "-min-sdk-version") == 0) {
381                    argc--;
382                    argv++;
383                    if (!argc) {
384                        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '--min-sdk-version' option\n");
385                        wantUsage = true;
386                        goto bail;
387                    }
388                    bundle.setMinSdkVersion(argv[0]);
389                } else if (strcmp(cp, "-target-sdk-version") == 0) {
390                    argc--;
391                    argv++;
392                    if (!argc) {
393                        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '--target-sdk-version' option\n");
394                        wantUsage = true;
395                        goto bail;
396                    }
397                    bundle.setTargetSdkVersion(argv[0]);
398                } else if (strcmp(cp, "-max-sdk-version") == 0) {
399                    argc--;
400                    argv++;
401                    if (!argc) {
402                        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '--max-sdk-version' option\n");
403                        wantUsage = true;
404                        goto bail;
405                    }
406                    bundle.setMaxSdkVersion(argv[0]);
407                } else if (strcmp(cp, "-version-code") == 0) {
408                    argc--;
409                    argv++;
410                    if (!argc) {
411                        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '--version-code' option\n");
412                        wantUsage = true;
413                        goto bail;
414                    }
415                    bundle.setVersionCode(argv[0]);
416                } else if (strcmp(cp, "-version-name") == 0) {
417                    argc--;
418                    argv++;
419                    if (!argc) {
420                        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '--version-name' option\n");
421                        wantUsage = true;
422                        goto bail;
423                    }
424                    bundle.setVersionName(argv[0]);
425                } else if (strcmp(cp, "-values") == 0) {
426                    bundle.setValues(true);
427                } else if (strcmp(cp, "-custom-package") == 0) {
428                    argc--;
429                    argv++;
430                    if (!argc) {
431                        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No argument supplied for '--custom-package' option\n");
432                        wantUsage = true;
433                        goto bail;
434                    }
435                    bundle.setCustomPackage(argv[0]);
436                } else if (strcmp(cp, "-utf16") == 0) {
437                    bundle.setEncodingSpecified(true);
438                    bundle.setUTF8(false);
439                } else {
440                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown option '-%s'\n", cp);
441                    wantUsage = true;
442                    goto bail;
443                }
444                cp += strlen(cp) - 1;
445                break;
446            default:
447                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown flag '-%c'\n", *cp);
448                wantUsage = true;
449                goto bail;
450            }
452            cp++;
453        }
454        argc--;
455        argv++;
456    }
458    /*
459     * We're past the flags.  The rest all goes straight in.
460     */
461    bundle.setFileSpec(argv, argc);
463    result = handleCommand(&bundle);
466    if (wantUsage) {
467        usage();
468        result = 2;
469    }
471    //printf("--> returning %d\n", result);
472    return result;