Lines Matching defs:KURL

49 KURL();
50 KURL(const KURL&);
51 KURL& operator=(const KURL&);
54 KURL(KURL&&);
55 KURL& operator=(KURL&&);
59 // output of KURL::string() called on a valid KURL object, or indiscernible
62 KURL(ParsedURLStringTag, const String&);
63 explicit KURL(WTF::HashTableDeletedValueType);
66 static KURL createIsolated(ParsedURLStringTag, const String&);
77 KURL(const KURL& base, const String& relative);
78 KURL(const KURL& base, const String& relative, const WTF::TextEncoding&);
81 // canonicalized the URL. The input must be exactly what KURL would have
83 KURL(const AtomicString& canonicalString, const url::Parsed&, bool isValid);
91 // Makes a deep copy. Helpful only if you need to use a KURL on another
94 KURL copy() const;
165 PLATFORM_EXPORT friend bool equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(const KURL&, const KURL&);
178 const KURL* innerURL() const { return m_innerURL.get(); }
187 void init(const KURL& base, const String& relative, const WTF::TextEncoding* queryEncoding);
196 void init(const KURL& base, const CHAR* relative, int relativeLength, const WTF::TextEncoding* queryEncoding);
204 OwnPtr<KURL> m_innerURL;
207 PLATFORM_EXPORT bool operator==(const KURL&, const KURL&);
208 PLATFORM_EXPORT bool operator==(const KURL&, const String&);
209 PLATFORM_EXPORT bool operator==(const String&, const KURL&);
210 PLATFORM_EXPORT bool operator!=(const KURL&, const KURL&);
211 PLATFORM_EXPORT bool operator!=(const KURL&, const String&);
212 PLATFORM_EXPORT bool operator!=(const String&, const KURL&);
214 PLATFORM_EXPORT bool equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(const KURL&, const KURL&);
216 PLATFORM_EXPORT const KURL& blankURL();
220 // These are also different from the KURL functions in that they don't require the string to be a valid and parsable URL.
221 // This is especially important because valid javascript URLs are not necessarily considered valid by KURL.
238 inline bool operator==(const KURL& a, const KURL& b)
243 inline bool operator==(const KURL& a, const String& b)
248 inline bool operator==(const String& a, const KURL& b)
253 inline bool operator!=(const KURL& a, const KURL& b)
258 inline bool operator!=(const KURL& a, const String& b)
263 inline bool operator!=(const String& a, const KURL& b)
273 template<> struct DefaultHash<blink::KURL> {