Lines Matching refs:opus_int

50     opus_int                    prev_speech_act_Q8,             /* I    Speech activity level in previous frame     */
51 opus_int toMono, /* I Last frame before a stereo->mono transition */
52 opus_int fs_kHz, /* I Sample rate (kHz) */
53 opus_int frame_length /* I Number of samples */
62 opus_int fs_kHz, /* I Samples rate (kHz) */
63 opus_int frame_length /* I Number of samples */
72 opus_int length, /* I Number of samples */
73 opus_int smooth_coef_Q16 /* I Smoothing coefficient */
103 opus_int *decode_only_mid /* O Flag that only mid channel has been coded */
110 opus_int length, /* I length of input */
111 const opus_int signalType, /* I Signal type */
112 const opus_int quantOffsetType, /* I Quantization offset type */
113 const opus_int sum_pulses[ MAX_NB_SHELL_BLOCKS ] /* I Sum of absolute pulses per block */
119 opus_int pulses[], /* I/O pulse signal */
120 opus_int length, /* I length of input */
121 const opus_int signalType, /* I Signal type */
122 const opus_int quantOffsetType, /* I Quantization offset type */
123 const opus_int sum_pulses[ MAX_NB_SHELL_BLOCKS ] /* I Sum of absolute pulses per block */
127 opus_int check_control_input(
132 opus_int silk_control_audio_bandwidth(
138 opus_int silk_control_SNR(
150 const opus_int signalType, /* I Signal type */
151 const opus_int quantOffsetType, /* I quantOffsetType */
153 const opus_int frame_length /* I Frame length */
159 const opus_int *pulses0 /* I data: nonnegative pulse amplitudes */
164 opus_int *pulses0, /* O data: nonnegative pulse amplitudes */
166 const opus_int pulses4 /* I number of pulses per pulse-subframe */
174 const opus_int conditional, /* I first gain is delta coded if 1 */
175 const opus_int nb_subfr /* I number of subframes */
183 const opus_int conditional, /* I first gain is delta coded if 1 */
184 const opus_int nb_subfr /* I number of subframes */
190 const opus_int nb_subfr /* I number of subframes */
198 const opus_int ifact_Q2, /* I interp. factor, weight on 2nd vector */
199 const opus_int d /* I number of parameters */
209 opus_int mu_Q9, /* I Mu value (R/D tradeoff) */
210 opus_int lowComplexity, /* I Flag for low complexity */
211 const opus_int nb_subfr /* I number of subframes */
218 opus_int *gain_Q7, /* O sum of absolute LTP coefficients */
224 const opus_int mu_Q9, /* I tradeoff betw. weighted error and rate */
226 opus_int L /* I number of vectors in codebook */
241 const opus_int HarmShapeGain_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], /* I Long term shaping coefs */
242 const opus_int Tilt_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], /* I Spectral tilt */
245 const opus_int pitchL[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], /* I Pitch lags */
246 const opus_int Lambda_Q10, /* I Rate/distortion tradeoff */
247 const opus_int LTP_scale_Q14 /* I LTP state scaling */
260 const opus_int HarmShapeGain_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], /* I Long term shaping coefs */
261 const opus_int Tilt_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], /* I Spectral tilt */
264 const opus_int pitchL[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], /* I Pitch lags */
265 const opus_int Lambda_Q10, /* I Rate/distortion tradeoff */
266 const opus_int LTP_scale_Q14 /* I LTP state scaling */
273 opus_int silk_VAD_Init( /* O Return value, 0 if success */
278 opus_int silk_VAD_GetSA_Q8( /* O Return value, 0 if success */
289 const opus_int frame_length /* I Frame length */
308 const opus_int NLSF_mu_Q20, /* I Rate weight for the RD optimization */
309 const opus_int nSurvivors, /* I Max survivors after first stage */
310 const opus_int signalType /* I Signal type: 0/1/2 */
318 const opus_int K, /* I Number of codebook vectors */
319 const opus_int LPC_order /* I Number of LPCs */
330 const opus_int quant_step_size_Q16, /* I Quantization step size */
341 const opus_int CB1_index /* I Index of vector in first LSF codebook */
356 opus_int silk_init_decoder(
361 opus_int silk_decoder_set_fs(
363 opus_int fs_kHz, /* I Sampling frequency (kHz) */
370 opus_int silk_decode_frame(
375 opus_int lostFlag, /* I 0: no loss, 1 loss, 2 decode fec */
376 opus_int condCoding /* I The type of conditional coding to use */
383 opus_int FrameIndex, /* I Frame number */
384 opus_int decode_LBRR, /* I Flag indicating LBRR data is being decoded */
385 opus_int condCoding /* I The type of conditional coding to use */
392 opus_int condCoding /* I The type of conditional coding to use */
400 const opus_int pulses[ MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ] /* I Pulse signal */
406 opus_int pulses[], /* O Excitation signal */
407 const opus_int signalType, /* I Sigtype */
408 const opus_int quantOffsetType, /* I quantOffsetType */
409 const opus_int frame_length /* I Frame length */
426 opus_int length /* I Length of residual */
433 opus_int FrameIndex, /* I Frame number */
434 opus_int encode_LBRR, /* I Flag indicating LBRR data is being encoded */
435 opus_int condCoding /* I The type of conditional coding to use */