Lines Matching defs:candidate

338      * If not associated, and the candidate will always be better
339 * For instance if the candidate is a home network versus an unknown public wifi,
344 private int compareNetwork(WifiConfiguration candidate,
346 if (candidate == null)
356 if (candidate.configKey(true).equals(currentNetwork.configKey(true))) {
361 logDbg("compareNetwork will compare " + candidate.configKey()
364 int order = compareWifiConfigurations(currentNetwork, candidate);
380 + " over " + candidate.configKey()
385 && candidate.configKey().equals(lastSelectedConfiguration)) {
386 // candidate is the last selected configuration,
392 logDbg(" ...and prefers +100 " + candidate.configKey()
1262 WifiConfiguration candidate = null;
1380 * select Best Network candidate from known WifiConfigurations
1425 logDbg("attemptAutoJoin skip candidate due to auto join status "
1473 logDbg("attemptAutoJoin good candidate seen, bumped soft -> status="
1483 logDbg("attemptAutoJoin good candidate seen, bumped hard -> status="
1507 logDbg("attemptAutoJoin skip current candidate "
1582 logDbg("attemptAutoJoin skip candidate due to no InternetAccess "
1591 if (candidate != null) {
1592 cur = " current candidate " + candidate.configKey();
1601 if (candidate == null) {
1602 candidate = config;
1605 logDbg("attemptAutoJoin will compare candidate " + candidate.configKey()
1608 int order = compareWifiConfigurations(candidate, config);
1616 && candidate.configKey().equals(lastSelectedConfiguration)) {
1617 // candidate is the last selected configuration,
1623 logDbg(" ...and prefers -100 " + candidate.configKey()
1637 + " over " + candidate.configKey()
1644 // Ascending : candidate < config
1645 candidate = config;
1654 if (candidate != null) {
1655 rssi5 = candidate.visibility.rssi5;
1656 rssi24 = candidate.visibility.rssi24;
1664 // Look for untrusted scored network only if the current candidate is bad
1687 // Highest score: Select this candidate
1691 logDbg("AutoJoinController: found untrusted candidate "
1702 // At this point, we have an untrusted network candidate.
1704 candidate =
1706 candidate.allowedKeyManagement.set(KeyMgmt.NONE);
1707 candidate.ephemeral = true;
1714 if (candidate == null
1722 // - we didn't find another valid candidate
1737 * If candidate is found, check the state of the connection so as
1738 * to decide if we should be acting on this candidate and switching over
1740 int networkDelta = compareNetwork(candidate, lastSelectedConfiguration);
1741 if (DBG && candidate != null) {
1750 logDbg("attemptAutoJoin networkSwitching candidate "
1751 + candidate.configKey()
1754 && currentConfiguration.isLinked(candidate))
1769 if (currentConfiguration != null && currentConfiguration.isLinked(candidate)) {
1776 + Integer.toString(candidate.networkId)
1777 + " to " + candidate.configKey());
1780 candidate.numScorerOverrideAndSwitchedNetwork++;
1782 candidate.numAssociation++;
1785 if (candidate.ephemeral) {
1786 // We found a new candidate that we are going to connect to, then
1789 incrementOrAddUntrusted(candidate.SSID, 1, 0);
1792 if (candidate.BSSID == null || candidate.BSSID.equals("any")) {
1798 attemptRoam(null, candidate, mScanResultAutoJoinAge, null);
1801 // Sanity, we were already asociated to that candidate
1806 // candidate is 5GHZ, then select this candidate so as WifiStateMachine and
1808 candidate.autoJoinBSSID = roamCandidate.BSSID;
1811 + candidate.autoJoinBSSID
1816 // We couldnt find a roam candidate
1817 candidate.autoJoinBSSID = "any";
1821 candidate.networkId, networkSwitchType, candidate);