Lines Matching refs:row

201      * The orientation of a "row".
250 * User-specified row height/column width. Can be WRAP_CONTENT.
256 * the row height, equal for all rows. Grid items may have variable length
262 * Tracks the secondary size of each row.
308 * Tracking start/end position of each row for visible items.
496 * Set the row height. May be WRAP_CONTENT, or a size in pixels.
502 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid row height: " + height);
607 // are horizontal and have more than one row.
721 // we try to maintain each row's position if number of rows keeps the same
742 // initialize row start locations
749 // initialize row start locations
769 int row = mGrid.getLocation(i).row;
771 if (low < mRows[row].low) {
772 mRows[row].low = mRows[row].high = low;
775 int firstItemRowPosition = mRows[mGrid.getLocation(firstIndex).row].low;
891 if (DEBUG) Log.v(getTag(), "processRowSizeSecondary row " + rowIndex +
937 if (DEBUG) Log.v(getTag(), "row " + rowIndex + " rowItemCount " + rowItemCount +
941 if (DEBUG) Log.v(getTag(), "row size secondary changed: " + mRowSizeSecondary[rowIndex] +
953 * Checks if we need to update row secondary sizes.
967 // For secondary row size wrap_content support we currently need a
1016 // Measure all current children and update cached row heights
1170 // if there are existing item in the row, add margin between
1174 int rowOfLowPos = mGrid.getLocation(lowVisiblePos).row;
1175 // If row is after row of lowest position,
1176 // start a new column after the first row.
1187 // if there are existing item in the row, add margin between
1191 int rowOfHighPos = mGrid.getLocation(highVisiblePos).row;
1348 // append invisible view of saved location till last row
1350 final int row = mGrid.getLocation(index).row;
1351 mGridProvider.createItem(index, row, true);
1352 if (row == mNumRows - 1) {
1383 // prepend invisible view of saved location till first row
1385 final int row = mGrid.getLocation(index).row;
1386 mGridProvider.createItem(index, row, false);
1387 if (row == 0) {
1477 int row = mGrid.getLocation(i).row;
1479 if (low < mRows[row].low) {
1480 mRows[row].low = low;
1483 if (high > mRows[row].high) {
1484 mRows[row].high = high;
1495 // relayout and repositioning views on each row
1497 List<Integer> row = rows[i];
1499 for (int j = 0, size = row.size(); j < size; j++) {
1500 final int position = row.get(j);
1526 findViewByPosition(row.get(k)).offsetLeftAndRight(primaryDelta);
1534 findViewByPosition(row.get(k)).offsetTopAndBottom(primaryDelta);
1639 // or try to reuse the row start positions near mFocusPosition
1642 // mFocusPosition with a estimated row index.
1651 // positions of each row.
1656 mGridProvider.createItem(i, mGrid.getLocation(i).row, true);
1884 if (location != null && location.row == rowIndex) {
1931 if (location != null && location.row == rowIndex) {
2238 final int row = location.row;
2241 isMin = row == 0;
2242 isMax = row == mGrid.getNumRows() - 1;
2244 isMax = row == 0;
2245 isMin = row == mGrid.getNumRows() - 1;
2302 final int row = mGrid.getLocation(pos).row;
2311 mGrid.getItemPositionsInRows(mFirstVisiblePos, pos)[row];
2328 mGrid.getItemPositionsInRows(pos, mLastVisiblePos)[row];
2469 final int focusedRow = mGrid.getLocation(pos).row;
2473 if (loc != null && loc.row == focusedRow) {
2489 // consider our children for focus searching in main direction on the same row.
2508 mGrid.getLocation(focusedPos).row : NO_POSITION;
2509 // Add focusables of next neighbor of same row on the focus search direction.
2520 if (focusedRow == NO_POSITION || (loc != null && loc.row == focusedRow)) {
2578 // for simple row, use LinearSmoothScroller to smooth animation.
2602 // for possible staggered grid, we need guarantee focus to same row/column.