/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.dx.dex.file; import com.android.dex.SizeOf; import com.android.dx.rop.annotation.Annotations; import com.android.dx.rop.annotation.AnnotationsList; import com.android.dx.rop.code.AccessFlags; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.Constant; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstArray; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstFieldRef; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstMethodRef; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstString; import com.android.dx.rop.cst.CstType; import com.android.dx.rop.type.StdTypeList; import com.android.dx.rop.type.TypeList; import com.android.dx.util.AnnotatedOutput; import com.android.dx.util.Hex; import com.android.dx.util.Writers; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Representation of a Dalvik class, which is basically a set of * members (fields or methods) along with a few more pieces of * information. */ public final class ClassDefItem extends IndexedItem { /** {@code non-null;} type constant for this class */ private final CstType thisClass; /** access flags */ private final int accessFlags; /** * {@code null-ok;} superclass or {@code null} if this class is a/the * root class */ private final CstType superclass; /** {@code null-ok;} list of implemented interfaces */ private TypeListItem interfaces; /** {@code null-ok;} source file name or {@code null} if unknown */ private final CstString sourceFile; /** {@code non-null;} associated class data object */ private final ClassDataItem classData; /** * {@code null-ok;} item wrapper for the static values, initialized * in {@link #addContents} */ private EncodedArrayItem staticValuesItem; /** {@code non-null;} annotations directory */ private AnnotationsDirectoryItem annotationsDirectory; /** * Constructs an instance. Its sets of members and annotations are * initially empty. * * @param thisClass {@code non-null;} type constant for this class * @param accessFlags access flags * @param superclass {@code null-ok;} superclass or {@code null} if * this class is a/the root class * @param interfaces {@code non-null;} list of implemented interfaces * @param sourceFile {@code null-ok;} source file name or * {@code null} if unknown */ public ClassDefItem(CstType thisClass, int accessFlags, CstType superclass, TypeList interfaces, CstString sourceFile) { if (thisClass == null) { throw new NullPointerException("thisClass == null"); } /* * TODO: Maybe check accessFlags and superclass, at * least for easily-checked stuff? */ if (interfaces == null) { throw new NullPointerException("interfaces == null"); } this.thisClass = thisClass; this.accessFlags = accessFlags; this.superclass = superclass; this.interfaces = (interfaces.size() == 0) ? null : new TypeListItem(interfaces); this.sourceFile = sourceFile; this.classData = new ClassDataItem(thisClass); this.staticValuesItem = null; this.annotationsDirectory = new AnnotationsDirectoryItem(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ItemType itemType() { return ItemType.TYPE_CLASS_DEF_ITEM; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int writeSize() { return SizeOf.CLASS_DEF_ITEM; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void addContents(DexFile file) { TypeIdsSection typeIds = file.getTypeIds(); MixedItemSection byteData = file.getByteData(); MixedItemSection wordData = file.getWordData(); MixedItemSection typeLists = file.getTypeLists(); StringIdsSection stringIds = file.getStringIds(); typeIds.intern(thisClass); if (!classData.isEmpty()) { MixedItemSection classDataSection = file.getClassData(); classDataSection.add(classData); CstArray staticValues = classData.getStaticValuesConstant(); if (staticValues != null) { staticValuesItem = byteData.intern(new EncodedArrayItem(staticValues)); } } if (superclass != null) { typeIds.intern(superclass); } if (interfaces != null) { interfaces = typeLists.intern(interfaces); } if (sourceFile != null) { stringIds.intern(sourceFile); } if (! annotationsDirectory.isEmpty()) { if (annotationsDirectory.isInternable()) { annotationsDirectory = wordData.intern(annotationsDirectory); } else { wordData.add(annotationsDirectory); } } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void writeTo(DexFile file, AnnotatedOutput out) { boolean annotates = out.annotates(); TypeIdsSection typeIds = file.getTypeIds(); int classIdx = typeIds.indexOf(thisClass); int superIdx = (superclass == null) ? -1 : typeIds.indexOf(superclass); int interOff = OffsettedItem.getAbsoluteOffsetOr0(interfaces); int annoOff = annotationsDirectory.isEmpty() ? 0 : annotationsDirectory.getAbsoluteOffset(); int sourceFileIdx = (sourceFile == null) ? -1 : file.getStringIds().indexOf(sourceFile); int dataOff = classData.isEmpty()? 0 : classData.getAbsoluteOffset(); int staticValuesOff = OffsettedItem.getAbsoluteOffsetOr0(staticValuesItem); if (annotates) { out.annotate(0, indexString() + ' ' + thisClass.toHuman()); out.annotate(4, " class_idx: " + Hex.u4(classIdx)); out.annotate(4, " access_flags: " + AccessFlags.classString(accessFlags)); out.annotate(4, " superclass_idx: " + Hex.u4(superIdx) + " // " + ((superclass == null) ? "" : superclass.toHuman())); out.annotate(4, " interfaces_off: " + Hex.u4(interOff)); if (interOff != 0) { TypeList list = interfaces.getList(); int sz = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { out.annotate(0, " " + list.getType(i).toHuman()); } } out.annotate(4, " source_file_idx: " + Hex.u4(sourceFileIdx) + " // " + ((sourceFile == null) ? "" : sourceFile.toHuman())); out.annotate(4, " annotations_off: " + Hex.u4(annoOff)); out.annotate(4, " class_data_off: " + Hex.u4(dataOff)); out.annotate(4, " static_values_off: " + Hex.u4(staticValuesOff)); } out.writeInt(classIdx); out.writeInt(accessFlags); out.writeInt(superIdx); out.writeInt(interOff); out.writeInt(sourceFileIdx); out.writeInt(annoOff); out.writeInt(dataOff); out.writeInt(staticValuesOff); } /** * Gets the constant corresponding to this class. * * @return {@code non-null;} the constant */ public CstType getThisClass() { return thisClass; } /** * Gets the access flags. * * @return the access flags */ public int getAccessFlags() { return accessFlags; } /** * Gets the superclass. * * @return {@code null-ok;} the superclass or {@code null} if * this class is a/the root class */ public CstType getSuperclass() { return superclass; } /** * Gets the list of interfaces implemented. * * @return {@code non-null;} the interfaces list */ public TypeList getInterfaces() { if (interfaces == null) { return StdTypeList.EMPTY; } return interfaces.getList(); } /** * Gets the source file name. * * @return {@code null-ok;} the source file name or {@code null} if unknown */ public CstString getSourceFile() { return sourceFile; } /** * Adds a static field. * * @param field {@code non-null;} the field to add * @param value {@code null-ok;} initial value for the field, if any */ public void addStaticField(EncodedField field, Constant value) { classData.addStaticField(field, value); } /** * Adds an instance field. * * @param field {@code non-null;} the field to add */ public void addInstanceField(EncodedField field) { classData.addInstanceField(field); } /** * Adds a direct ({@code static} and/or {@code private}) method. * * @param method {@code non-null;} the method to add */ public void addDirectMethod(EncodedMethod method) { classData.addDirectMethod(method); } /** * Adds a virtual method. * * @param method {@code non-null;} the method to add */ public void addVirtualMethod(EncodedMethod method) { classData.addVirtualMethod(method); } /** * Gets all the methods in this class. The returned list is not linked * in any way to the underlying lists contained in this instance, but * the objects contained in the list are shared. * * @return {@code non-null;} list of all methods */ public ArrayList getMethods() { return classData.getMethods(); } /** * Sets the direct annotations on this class. These are annotations * made on the class, per se, as opposed to on one of its members. * It is only valid to call this method at most once per instance. * * @param annotations {@code non-null;} annotations to set for this class * @param dexFile {@code non-null;} dex output */ public void setClassAnnotations(Annotations annotations, DexFile dexFile) { annotationsDirectory.setClassAnnotations(annotations, dexFile); } /** * Adds a field annotations item to this class. * * @param field {@code non-null;} field in question * @param annotations {@code non-null;} associated annotations to add * @param dexFile {@code non-null;} dex output */ public void addFieldAnnotations(CstFieldRef field, Annotations annotations, DexFile dexFile) { annotationsDirectory.addFieldAnnotations(field, annotations, dexFile); } /** * Adds a method annotations item to this class. * * @param method {@code non-null;} method in question * @param annotations {@code non-null;} associated annotations to add * @param dexFile {@code non-null;} dex output */ public void addMethodAnnotations(CstMethodRef method, Annotations annotations, DexFile dexFile) { annotationsDirectory.addMethodAnnotations(method, annotations, dexFile); } /** * Adds a parameter annotations item to this class. * * @param method {@code non-null;} method in question * @param list {@code non-null;} associated list of annotation sets to add * @param dexFile {@code non-null;} dex output */ public void addParameterAnnotations(CstMethodRef method, AnnotationsList list, DexFile dexFile) { annotationsDirectory.addParameterAnnotations(method, list, dexFile); } /** * Gets the method annotations for a given method, if any. This is * meant for use by debugging / dumping code. * * @param method {@code non-null;} the method * @return {@code null-ok;} the method annotations, if any */ public Annotations getMethodAnnotations(CstMethodRef method) { return annotationsDirectory.getMethodAnnotations(method); } /** * Gets the parameter annotations for a given method, if any. This is * meant for use by debugging / dumping code. * * @param method {@code non-null;} the method * @return {@code null-ok;} the parameter annotations, if any */ public AnnotationsList getParameterAnnotations(CstMethodRef method) { return annotationsDirectory.getParameterAnnotations(method); } /** * Prints out the contents of this instance, in a debugging-friendly * way. * * @param out {@code non-null;} where to output to * @param verbose whether to be verbose with the output */ public void debugPrint(Writer out, boolean verbose) { PrintWriter pw = Writers.printWriterFor(out); pw.println(getClass().getName() + " {"); pw.println(" accessFlags: " + Hex.u2(accessFlags)); pw.println(" superclass: " + superclass); pw.println(" interfaces: " + ((interfaces == null) ? "" : interfaces)); pw.println(" sourceFile: " + ((sourceFile == null) ? "" : sourceFile.toQuoted())); classData.debugPrint(out, verbose); annotationsDirectory.debugPrint(pw); pw.println("}"); } }