/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.uiautomator.core; import android.app.UiAutomation.OnAccessibilityEventListener; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo; /** * The QueryController main purpose is to translate a {@link UiSelector} selectors to * {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. This is all this controller does. */ class QueryController { private static final String LOG_TAG = QueryController.class.getSimpleName(); private static final boolean DEBUG = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.DEBUG); private static final boolean VERBOSE = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); private final UiAutomatorBridge mUiAutomatorBridge; private final Object mLock = new Object(); private String mLastActivityName = null; // During a pattern selector search, the recursive pattern search // methods will track their counts and indexes here. private int mPatternCounter = 0; private int mPatternIndexer = 0; // These help show each selector's search context as it relates to the previous sub selector // matched. When a compound selector fails, it is hard to tell which part of it is failing. // Seeing how a selector is being parsed and which sub selector failed within a long list // of compound selectors is very helpful. private int mLogIndent = 0; private int mLogParentIndent = 0; private String mLastTraversedText = ""; public QueryController(UiAutomatorBridge bridge) { mUiAutomatorBridge = bridge; bridge.setOnAccessibilityEventListener(new OnAccessibilityEventListener() { @Override public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { synchronized (mLock) { switch(event.getEventType()) { case AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED: // don't trust event.getText(), check for nulls if (event.getText() != null && event.getText().size() > 0) { if(event.getText().get(0) != null) mLastActivityName = event.getText().get(0).toString(); } break; case AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_TRAVERSED_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY: // don't trust event.getText(), check for nulls if (event.getText() != null && event.getText().size() > 0) if(event.getText().get(0) != null) mLastTraversedText = event.getText().get(0).toString(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Last text selection reported: " + mLastTraversedText); break; } mLock.notifyAll(); } } }); } /** * Returns the last text selection reported by accessibility * event TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_TRAVERSED_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY. One way to cause * this event is using a DPad arrows to focus on UI elements. */ public String getLastTraversedText() { mUiAutomatorBridge.waitForIdle(); synchronized (mLock) { if (mLastTraversedText.length() > 0) { return mLastTraversedText; } } return null; } /** * Clears the last text selection value saved from the TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED * event */ public void clearLastTraversedText() { mUiAutomatorBridge.waitForIdle(); synchronized (mLock) { mLastTraversedText = ""; } } private void initializeNewSearch() { mPatternCounter = 0; mPatternIndexer = 0; mLogIndent = 0; mLogParentIndent = 0; } /** * Counts the instances of the selector group. The selector must be in the following * format: [container_selector, PATTERN=[INSTANCE=x, PATTERN=[the_pattern]] * where the container_selector is used to find the containment region to search for patterns * and the INSTANCE=x is the instance of the_pattern to return. * @param selector * @return number of pattern matches. Returns 0 for all other cases. */ public int getPatternCount(UiSelector selector) { findAccessibilityNodeInfo(selector, true /*counting*/); return mPatternCounter; } /** * Main search method for translating By selectors to AccessibilityInfoNodes * @param selector * @return AccessibilityNodeInfo */ public AccessibilityNodeInfo findAccessibilityNodeInfo(UiSelector selector) { return findAccessibilityNodeInfo(selector, false); } protected AccessibilityNodeInfo findAccessibilityNodeInfo(UiSelector selector, boolean isCounting) { mUiAutomatorBridge.waitForIdle(); initializeNewSearch(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Searching: " + selector); synchronized (mLock) { AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode = getRootNode(); if (rootNode == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Cannot proceed when root node is null. Aborted search"); return null; } // Copy so that we don't modify the original's sub selectors UiSelector uiSelector = new UiSelector(selector); return translateCompoundSelector(uiSelector, rootNode, isCounting); } } /** * Gets the root node from accessibility and if it fails to get one it will * retry every 250ms for up to 1000ms. * @return null if no root node is obtained */ protected AccessibilityNodeInfo getRootNode() { final int maxRetry = 4; final long waitInterval = 250; AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode = null; for(int x = 0; x < maxRetry; x++) { rootNode = mUiAutomatorBridge.getRootInActiveWindow(); if (rootNode != null) { return rootNode; } if(x < maxRetry - 1) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Got null root node from accessibility - Retrying..."); SystemClock.sleep(waitInterval); } } return rootNode; } /** * A compoundSelector encapsulate both Regular and Pattern selectors. The formats follows: *

* regular_selector = By[attributes... CHILD=By[attributes... CHILD=By[....]]] *
* pattern_selector = ...CONTAINER=By[..] PATTERN=By[instance=x PATTERN=[regular_selector] *
* compound_selector = [regular_selector [pattern_selector]] *

* regular_selectors are the most common form of selectors and the search for them * is straightforward. On the other hand pattern_selectors requires search to be * performed as in regular_selector but where regular_selector search returns immediately * upon a successful match, the search for pattern_selector continues until the * requested matched _instance_ of that pattern is matched. *

* Counting UI objects requires using pattern_selectors. The counting search is the same * as a pattern_search however we're not looking to match an instance of the pattern but * rather continuously walking the accessibility node hierarchy while counting matched * patterns, until the end of the tree. *

* If both present, order of parsing begins with CONTAINER followed by PATTERN then the * top most selector is processed as regular_selector within the context of the previous * CONTAINER and its PATTERN information. If neither is present then the top selector is * directly treated as regular_selector. So the presence of a CONTAINER and PATTERN within * a selector simply dictates that the selector matching will be constraint to the sub tree * node where the CONTAINER and its child PATTERN have identified. * @param selector * @param fromNode * @param isCounting * @return AccessibilityNodeInfo */ private AccessibilityNodeInfo translateCompoundSelector(UiSelector selector, AccessibilityNodeInfo fromNode, boolean isCounting) { // Start translating compound selectors by translating the regular_selector first // The regular_selector is then used as a container for any optional pattern_selectors // that may or may not be specified. if(selector.hasContainerSelector()) // nested pattern selectors if(selector.getContainerSelector().hasContainerSelector()) { fromNode = translateCompoundSelector( selector.getContainerSelector(), fromNode, false); initializeNewSearch(); } else fromNode = translateReqularSelector(selector.getContainerSelector(), fromNode); else fromNode = translateReqularSelector(selector, fromNode); if(fromNode == null) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Container selector not found: " + selector.dumpToString(false)); return null; } if(selector.hasPatternSelector()) { fromNode = translatePatternSelector(selector.getPatternSelector(), fromNode, isCounting); if (isCounting) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format( "Counted %d instances of: %s", mPatternCounter, selector)); return null; } else { if(fromNode == null) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Pattern selector not found: " + selector.dumpToString(false)); return null; } } } // translate any additions to the selector that may have been added by tests // with getChild(By selector) after a container and pattern selectors if(selector.hasContainerSelector() || selector.hasPatternSelector()) { if(selector.hasChildSelector() || selector.hasParentSelector()) fromNode = translateReqularSelector(selector, fromNode); } if(fromNode == null) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Object Not Found for selector " + selector); return null; } Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format("Matched selector: %s <<==>> [%s]", selector, fromNode)); return fromNode; } /** * Used by the {@link #translateCompoundSelector(UiSelector, AccessibilityNodeInfo, boolean)} * to translate the regular_selector portion. It has the following format: *

* regular_selector = By[attributes... CHILD=By[attributes... CHILD=By[....]]]

* regular_selectors are the most common form of selectors and the search for them * is straightforward. This method will only look for CHILD or PARENT sub selectors. *

* @param selector * @param fromNode * @return AccessibilityNodeInfo if found else null */ private AccessibilityNodeInfo translateReqularSelector(UiSelector selector, AccessibilityNodeInfo fromNode) { return findNodeRegularRecursive(selector, fromNode, 0); } private AccessibilityNodeInfo findNodeRegularRecursive(UiSelector subSelector, AccessibilityNodeInfo fromNode, int index) { if (subSelector.isMatchFor(fromNode, index)) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, formatLog(String.format("%s", subSelector.dumpToString(false)))); } if(subSelector.isLeaf()) { return fromNode; } if(subSelector.hasChildSelector()) { mLogIndent++; // next selector subSelector = subSelector.getChildSelector(); if(subSelector == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error: A child selector without content"); return null; // there is an implementation fault } } else if(subSelector.hasParentSelector()) { mLogIndent++; // next selector subSelector = subSelector.getParentSelector(); if(subSelector == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error: A parent selector without content"); return null; // there is an implementation fault } // the selector requested we start at this level from // the parent node from the one we just matched fromNode = fromNode.getParent(); if(fromNode == null) return null; } } int childCount = fromNode.getChildCount(); boolean hasNullChild = false; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { AccessibilityNodeInfo childNode = fromNode.getChild(i); if (childNode == null) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, String.format( "AccessibilityNodeInfo returned a null child (%d of %d)", i, childCount)); if (!hasNullChild) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, String.format("parent = %s", fromNode.toString())); } hasNullChild = true; continue; } if (!childNode.isVisibleToUser()) { if (VERBOSE) Log.v(LOG_TAG, String.format("Skipping invisible child: %s", childNode.toString())); continue; } AccessibilityNodeInfo retNode = findNodeRegularRecursive(subSelector, childNode, i); if (retNode != null) { return retNode; } } return null; } /** * Used by the {@link #translateCompoundSelector(UiSelector, AccessibilityNodeInfo, boolean)} * to translate the pattern_selector portion. It has the following format: *

* pattern_selector = ... PATTERN=By[instance=x PATTERN=[regular_selector]]

* pattern_selectors requires search to be performed as regular_selector but where * regular_selector search returns immediately upon a successful match, the search for * pattern_selector continues until the requested matched instance of that pattern is * encountered. *

* Counting UI objects requires using pattern_selectors. The counting search is the same * as a pattern_search however we're not looking to match an instance of the pattern but * rather continuously walking the accessibility node hierarchy while counting patterns * until the end of the tree. * @param subSelector * @param fromNode * @param isCounting * @return null of node is not found or if counting mode is true. * See {@link #translateCompoundSelector(UiSelector, AccessibilityNodeInfo, boolean)} */ private AccessibilityNodeInfo translatePatternSelector(UiSelector subSelector, AccessibilityNodeInfo fromNode, boolean isCounting) { if(subSelector.hasPatternSelector()) { // Since pattern_selectors are also the type of selectors used when counting, // we check if this is a counting run or an indexing run if(isCounting) //since we're counting, we reset the indexer so to terminates the search when // the end of tree is reached. The count will be in mPatternCount mPatternIndexer = -1; else // terminates the search once we match the pattern's instance mPatternIndexer = subSelector.getInstance(); // A pattern is wrapped in a PATTERN[instance=x PATTERN[the_pattern]] subSelector = subSelector.getPatternSelector(); if(subSelector == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Pattern portion of the selector is null or not defined"); return null; // there is an implementation fault } // save the current indent level as parent indent before pattern searches // begin under the current tree position. mLogParentIndent = ++mLogIndent; return findNodePatternRecursive(subSelector, fromNode, 0, subSelector); } Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Selector must have a pattern selector defined"); // implementation fault? return null; } private AccessibilityNodeInfo findNodePatternRecursive( UiSelector subSelector, AccessibilityNodeInfo fromNode, int index, UiSelector originalPattern) { if (subSelector.isMatchFor(fromNode, index)) { if(subSelector.isLeaf()) { if(mPatternIndexer == 0) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, formatLog( String.format("%s", subSelector.dumpToString(false)))); return fromNode; } else { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, formatLog( String.format("%s", subSelector.dumpToString(false)))); mPatternCounter++; //count the pattern matched mPatternIndexer--; //decrement until zero for the instance requested // At a leaf selector within a group and still not instance matched // then reset the selector to continue search from current position // in the accessibility tree for the next pattern match up until the // pattern index hits 0. subSelector = originalPattern; // starting over with next pattern search so reset to parent level mLogIndent = mLogParentIndent; } } else { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, formatLog( String.format("%s", subSelector.dumpToString(false)))); if(subSelector.hasChildSelector()) { mLogIndent++; // next selector subSelector = subSelector.getChildSelector(); if(subSelector == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error: A child selector without content"); return null; } } else if(subSelector.hasParentSelector()) { mLogIndent++; // next selector subSelector = subSelector.getParentSelector(); if(subSelector == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error: A parent selector without content"); return null; } fromNode = fromNode.getParent(); if(fromNode == null) return null; } } } int childCount = fromNode.getChildCount(); boolean hasNullChild = false; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { AccessibilityNodeInfo childNode = fromNode.getChild(i); if (childNode == null) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, String.format( "AccessibilityNodeInfo returned a null child (%d of %d)", i, childCount)); if (!hasNullChild) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, String.format("parent = %s", fromNode.toString())); } hasNullChild = true; continue; } if (!childNode.isVisibleToUser()) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, String.format("Skipping invisible child: %s", childNode.toString())); continue; } AccessibilityNodeInfo retNode = findNodePatternRecursive( subSelector, childNode, i, originalPattern); if (retNode != null) { return retNode; } } return null; } public AccessibilityNodeInfo getAccessibilityRootNode() { return mUiAutomatorBridge.getRootInActiveWindow(); } /** * Last activity to report accessibility events. * @deprecated The results returned should be considered unreliable * @return String name of activity */ @Deprecated public String getCurrentActivityName() { mUiAutomatorBridge.waitForIdle(); synchronized (mLock) { return mLastActivityName; } } /** * Last package to report accessibility events * @return String name of package */ public String getCurrentPackageName() { mUiAutomatorBridge.waitForIdle(); AccessibilityNodeInfo rootNode = getRootNode(); if (rootNode == null) return null; return rootNode.getPackageName() != null ? rootNode.getPackageName().toString() : null; } private String formatLog(String str) { StringBuilder l = new StringBuilder(); for(int space = 0; space < mLogIndent; space++) l.append(". . "); if(mLogIndent > 0) l.append(String.format(". . [%d]: %s", mPatternCounter, str)); else l.append(String.format(". . [%d]: %s", mPatternCounter, str)); return l.toString(); } }