/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.os; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import android.os.CommonTimeUtils; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceManager; /** * Used for configuring and controlling the status of the android common time service. * @hide */ public class CommonTimeConfig { /** * Successful operation. */ public static final int SUCCESS = 0; /** * Unspecified error. */ public static final int ERROR = -1; /** * Operation failed due to bad parameter value. */ public static final int ERROR_BAD_VALUE = -4; /** * Operation failed due to dead remote object. */ public static final int ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT = -7; /** * Sentinel value returned by {@link #getMasterElectionGroupId()} when an error occurs trying to * fetch the master election group. */ public static final long INVALID_GROUP_ID = -1; /** * Name of the underlying native binder service */ public static final String SERVICE_NAME = "common_time.config"; /** * Class constructor. * @throws android.os.RemoteException */ public CommonTimeConfig() throws RemoteException { mRemote = ServiceManager.getService(SERVICE_NAME); if (null == mRemote) throw new RemoteException(); mInterfaceDesc = mRemote.getInterfaceDescriptor(); mUtils = new CommonTimeUtils(mRemote, mInterfaceDesc); mRemote.linkToDeath(mDeathHandler, 0); } /** * Handy class factory method. */ static public CommonTimeConfig create() { CommonTimeConfig retVal; try { retVal = new CommonTimeConfig(); } catch (RemoteException e) { retVal = null; } return retVal; } /** * Release all native resources held by this {@link android.os.CommonTimeConfig} instance. Once * resources have been released, the {@link android.os.CommonTimeConfig} instance is * disconnected from the native service and will throw a {@link android.os.RemoteException} if * any of its methods are called. Clients should always call release on their client instances * before releasing their last Java reference to the instance. Failure to do this will cause * non-deterministic native resource reclamation and may cause the common time service to remain * active on the network for longer than it should. */ public void release() { if (null != mRemote) { try { mRemote.unlinkToDeath(mDeathHandler, 0); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } mRemote = null; } mUtils = null; } /** * Gets the current priority of the common time service used in the master election protocol. * * @return an 8 bit value indicating the priority of this common time service relative to other * common time services operating in the same domain. * @throws android.os.RemoteException */ public byte getMasterElectionPriority() throws RemoteException { throwOnDeadServer(); return (byte)mUtils.transactGetInt(METHOD_GET_MASTER_ELECTION_PRIORITY, -1); } /** * Sets the current priority of the common time service used in the master election protocol. * * @param priority priority of the common time service used in the master election protocol. * Lower numbers are lower priority. * @return {@link #SUCCESS} in case of success, * {@link #ERROR} or {@link #ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT} in case of failure. */ public int setMasterElectionPriority(byte priority) { if (checkDeadServer()) return ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; return mUtils.transactSetInt(METHOD_SET_MASTER_ELECTION_PRIORITY, priority); } /** * Gets the IP endpoint used by the time service to participate in the master election protocol. * * @return an InetSocketAddress containing the IP address and UDP port being used by the * system's common time service to participate in the master election protocol. * @throws android.os.RemoteException */ public InetSocketAddress getMasterElectionEndpoint() throws RemoteException { throwOnDeadServer(); return mUtils.transactGetSockaddr(METHOD_GET_MASTER_ELECTION_ENDPOINT); } /** * Sets the IP endpoint used by the common time service to participate in the master election * protocol. * * @param ep The IP address and UDP port to be used by the common time service to participate in * the master election protocol. The supplied IP address must be either the broadcast or * multicast address, unicast addresses are considered to be illegal values. * @return {@link #SUCCESS} in case of success, * {@link #ERROR}, {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} or {@link #ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT} in case of failure. */ public int setMasterElectionEndpoint(InetSocketAddress ep) { if (checkDeadServer()) return ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; return mUtils.transactSetSockaddr(METHOD_SET_MASTER_ELECTION_ENDPOINT, ep); } /** * Gets the current group ID used by the common time service in the master election protocol. * * @return The 64-bit group ID of the common time service. * @throws android.os.RemoteException */ public long getMasterElectionGroupId() throws RemoteException { throwOnDeadServer(); return mUtils.transactGetLong(METHOD_GET_MASTER_ELECTION_GROUP_ID, INVALID_GROUP_ID); } /** * Sets the current group ID used by the common time service in the master election protocol. * * @param id The 64-bit group ID of the common time service. * @return {@link #SUCCESS} in case of success, * {@link #ERROR}, {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} or {@link #ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT} in case of failure. */ public int setMasterElectionGroupId(long id) { if (checkDeadServer()) return ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; return mUtils.transactSetLong(METHOD_SET_MASTER_ELECTION_GROUP_ID, id); } /** * Gets the name of the network interface which the common time service attempts to bind to. * * @return a string with the network interface name which the common time service is bound to, * or null if the service is currently unbound. Examples of interface names are things like * "eth0", or "wlan0". * @throws android.os.RemoteException */ public String getInterfaceBinding() throws RemoteException { throwOnDeadServer(); String ifaceName = mUtils.transactGetString(METHOD_GET_INTERFACE_BINDING, null); if ((null != ifaceName) && (0 == ifaceName.length())) return null; return ifaceName; } /** * Sets the name of the network interface which the common time service should attempt to bind * to. * * @param ifaceName The name of the network interface ("eth0", "wlan0", etc...) wich the common * time service should attempt to bind to, or null to force the common time service to unbind * from the network and run in networkless mode. * @return {@link #SUCCESS} in case of success, * {@link #ERROR}, {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} or {@link #ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT} in case of failure. */ public int setNetworkBinding(String ifaceName) { if (checkDeadServer()) return ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; return mUtils.transactSetString(METHOD_SET_INTERFACE_BINDING, (null == ifaceName) ? "" : ifaceName); } /** * Gets the amount of time the common time service will wait between master announcements when * it is the timeline master. * * @return The time (in milliseconds) between master announcements. * @throws android.os.RemoteException */ public int getMasterAnnounceInterval() throws RemoteException { throwOnDeadServer(); return mUtils.transactGetInt(METHOD_GET_MASTER_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL, -1); } /** * Sets the amount of time the common time service will wait between master announcements when * it is the timeline master. * * @param interval The time (in milliseconds) between master announcements. * @return {@link #SUCCESS} in case of success, * {@link #ERROR}, {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} or {@link #ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT} in case of failure. */ public int setMasterAnnounceInterval(int interval) { if (checkDeadServer()) return ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; return mUtils.transactSetInt(METHOD_SET_MASTER_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL, interval); } /** * Gets the amount of time the common time service will wait between time synchronization * requests when it is the client of another common time service on the network. * * @return The time (in milliseconds) between time sync requests. * @throws android.os.RemoteException */ public int getClientSyncInterval() throws RemoteException { throwOnDeadServer(); return mUtils.transactGetInt(METHOD_GET_CLIENT_SYNC_INTERVAL, -1); } /** * Sets the amount of time the common time service will wait between time synchronization * requests when it is the client of another common time service on the network. * * @param interval The time (in milliseconds) between time sync requests. * @return {@link #SUCCESS} in case of success, * {@link #ERROR}, {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} or {@link #ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT} in case of failure. */ public int setClientSyncInterval(int interval) { if (checkDeadServer()) return ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; return mUtils.transactSetInt(METHOD_SET_CLIENT_SYNC_INTERVAL, interval); } /** * Gets the panic threshold for the estimated error level of the common time service. When the * common time service's estimated error rises above this level, the service will panic and * reset, causing a discontinuity in the currently synchronized timeline. * * @return The threshold (in microseconds) past which the common time service will panic. * @throws android.os.RemoteException */ public int getPanicThreshold() throws RemoteException { throwOnDeadServer(); return mUtils.transactGetInt(METHOD_GET_PANIC_THRESHOLD, -1); } /** * Sets the panic threshold for the estimated error level of the common time service. When the * common time service's estimated error rises above this level, the service will panic and * reset, causing a discontinuity in the currently synchronized timeline. * * @param threshold The threshold (in microseconds) past which the common time service will * panic. * @return {@link #SUCCESS} in case of success, * {@link #ERROR}, {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} or {@link #ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT} in case of failure. */ public int setPanicThreshold(int threshold) { if (checkDeadServer()) return ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; return mUtils.transactSetInt(METHOD_SET_PANIC_THRESHOLD, threshold); } /** * Gets the current state of the common time service's auto disable flag. * * @return The current state of the common time service's auto disable flag. * @throws android.os.RemoteException */ public boolean getAutoDisable() throws RemoteException { throwOnDeadServer(); return (1 == mUtils.transactGetInt(METHOD_GET_AUTO_DISABLE, 1)); } /** * Sets the current state of the common time service's auto disable flag. When the time * service's auto disable flag is set, it will automatically cease all network activity when * it has no active local clients, resuming activity the next time the service has interested * local clients. When the auto disabled flag is cleared, the common time service will continue * to participate the time synchronization group even when it has no active local clients. * * @param autoDisable The desired state of the common time service's auto disable flag. * @return {@link #SUCCESS} in case of success, * {@link #ERROR} or {@link #ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT} in case of failure. */ public int setAutoDisable(boolean autoDisable) { if (checkDeadServer()) return ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; return mUtils.transactSetInt(METHOD_SET_AUTO_DISABLE, autoDisable ? 1 : 0); } /** * At startup, the time service enters the initial state and remains there until it is given a * network interface to bind to. Common time will be unavailable to clients of the common time * service until the service joins a network (even an empty network). Devices may use the * {@link #forceNetworklessMasterMode()} method to force a time service in the INITIAL state * with no network configuration to assume MASTER status for a brand new timeline in order to * allow clients of the common time service to operate, even though the device is isolated and * not on any network. When a networkless master does join a network, it will defer to any * masters already on the network, or continue to maintain the timeline it made up during its * networkless state if no other masters are detected. Attempting to force a client into master * mode while it is actively bound to a network will fail with the status code {@link #ERROR} * * @return {@link #SUCCESS} in case of success, * {@link #ERROR} or {@link #ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT} in case of failure. */ public int forceNetworklessMasterMode() { android.os.Parcel data = android.os.Parcel.obtain(); android.os.Parcel reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain(); try { data.writeInterfaceToken(mInterfaceDesc); mRemote.transact(METHOD_FORCE_NETWORKLESS_MASTER_MODE, data, reply, 0); return reply.readInt(); } catch (RemoteException e) { return ERROR_DEAD_OBJECT; } finally { reply.recycle(); data.recycle(); } } /** * The OnServerDiedListener interface defines a method called by the * {@link android.os.CommonTimeConfig} instance to indicate that the connection to the native * media server has been broken and that the {@link android.os.CommonTimeConfig} instance will * need to be released and re-created. The client application can implement this interface and * register the listener with the {@link #setServerDiedListener(OnServerDiedListener)} method. */ public interface OnServerDiedListener { /** * Method called when the native common time service has died.

If the native common time * service encounters a fatal error and needs to restart, the binder connection from the * {@link android.os.CommonTimeConfig} instance to the common time service will be broken. */ void onServerDied(); } /** * Registers an OnServerDiedListener interface. *

Call this method with a null listener to stop receiving server death notifications. */ public void setServerDiedListener(OnServerDiedListener listener) { synchronized (mListenerLock) { mServerDiedListener = listener; } } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { release(); } private boolean checkDeadServer() { return ((null == mRemote) || (null == mUtils)); } private void throwOnDeadServer() throws RemoteException { if (checkDeadServer()) throw new RemoteException(); } private final Object mListenerLock = new Object(); private OnServerDiedListener mServerDiedListener = null; private IBinder mRemote = null; private String mInterfaceDesc = ""; private CommonTimeUtils mUtils; private IBinder.DeathRecipient mDeathHandler = new IBinder.DeathRecipient() { public void binderDied() { synchronized (mListenerLock) { if (null != mServerDiedListener) mServerDiedListener.onServerDied(); } } }; private static final int METHOD_GET_MASTER_ELECTION_PRIORITY = IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION; private static final int METHOD_SET_MASTER_ELECTION_PRIORITY = METHOD_GET_MASTER_ELECTION_PRIORITY + 1; private static final int METHOD_GET_MASTER_ELECTION_ENDPOINT = METHOD_SET_MASTER_ELECTION_PRIORITY + 1; private static final int METHOD_SET_MASTER_ELECTION_ENDPOINT = METHOD_GET_MASTER_ELECTION_ENDPOINT + 1; private static final int METHOD_GET_MASTER_ELECTION_GROUP_ID = METHOD_SET_MASTER_ELECTION_ENDPOINT + 1; private static final int METHOD_SET_MASTER_ELECTION_GROUP_ID = METHOD_GET_MASTER_ELECTION_GROUP_ID + 1; private static final int METHOD_GET_INTERFACE_BINDING = METHOD_SET_MASTER_ELECTION_GROUP_ID + 1; private static final int METHOD_SET_INTERFACE_BINDING = METHOD_GET_INTERFACE_BINDING + 1; private static final int METHOD_GET_MASTER_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL = METHOD_SET_INTERFACE_BINDING + 1; private static final int METHOD_SET_MASTER_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL = METHOD_GET_MASTER_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL + 1; private static final int METHOD_GET_CLIENT_SYNC_INTERVAL = METHOD_SET_MASTER_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL + 1; private static final int METHOD_SET_CLIENT_SYNC_INTERVAL = METHOD_GET_CLIENT_SYNC_INTERVAL + 1; private static final int METHOD_GET_PANIC_THRESHOLD = METHOD_SET_CLIENT_SYNC_INTERVAL + 1; private static final int METHOD_SET_PANIC_THRESHOLD = METHOD_GET_PANIC_THRESHOLD + 1; private static final int METHOD_GET_AUTO_DISABLE = METHOD_SET_PANIC_THRESHOLD + 1; private static final int METHOD_SET_AUTO_DISABLE = METHOD_GET_AUTO_DISABLE + 1; private static final int METHOD_FORCE_NETWORKLESS_MASTER_MODE = METHOD_SET_AUTO_DISABLE + 1; }