/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.filterpacks.videoproc; import android.filterfw.core.Filter; import android.filterfw.core.FilterContext; import android.filterfw.core.GenerateFieldPort; import android.filterfw.core.GenerateFinalPort; import android.filterfw.core.Frame; import android.filterfw.core.GLFrame; import android.filterfw.core.FrameFormat; import android.filterfw.core.MutableFrameFormat; import android.filterfw.core.ShaderProgram; import android.filterfw.format.ImageFormat; import android.opengl.GLES20; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.util.Log; import java.lang.Math; import java.util.Arrays; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * @hide */ public class BackDropperFilter extends Filter { /** User-visible parameters */ private final int BACKGROUND_STRETCH = 0; private final int BACKGROUND_FIT = 1; private final int BACKGROUND_FILL_CROP = 2; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "backgroundFitMode", hasDefault = true) private int mBackgroundFitMode = BACKGROUND_FILL_CROP; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "learningDuration", hasDefault = true) private int mLearningDuration = DEFAULT_LEARNING_DURATION; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "learningVerifyDuration", hasDefault = true) private int mLearningVerifyDuration = DEFAULT_LEARNING_VERIFY_DURATION; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "acceptStddev", hasDefault = true) private float mAcceptStddev = DEFAULT_ACCEPT_STDDEV; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "hierLrgScale", hasDefault = true) private float mHierarchyLrgScale = DEFAULT_HIER_LRG_SCALE; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "hierMidScale", hasDefault = true) private float mHierarchyMidScale = DEFAULT_HIER_MID_SCALE; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "hierSmlScale", hasDefault = true) private float mHierarchySmlScale = DEFAULT_HIER_SML_SCALE; // Dimensions of foreground / background mask. Optimum value should take into account only // image contents, NOT dimensions of input video stream. @GenerateFieldPort(name = "maskWidthExp", hasDefault = true) private int mMaskWidthExp = DEFAULT_MASK_WIDTH_EXPONENT; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "maskHeightExp", hasDefault = true) private int mMaskHeightExp = DEFAULT_MASK_HEIGHT_EXPONENT; // Levels at which to compute foreground / background decision. Think of them as are deltas // SUBTRACTED from maskWidthExp and maskHeightExp. @GenerateFieldPort(name = "hierLrgExp", hasDefault = true) private int mHierarchyLrgExp = DEFAULT_HIER_LRG_EXPONENT; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "hierMidExp", hasDefault = true) private int mHierarchyMidExp = DEFAULT_HIER_MID_EXPONENT; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "hierSmlExp", hasDefault = true) private int mHierarchySmlExp = DEFAULT_HIER_SML_EXPONENT; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "lumScale", hasDefault = true) private float mLumScale = DEFAULT_Y_SCALE_FACTOR; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "chromaScale", hasDefault = true) private float mChromaScale = DEFAULT_UV_SCALE_FACTOR; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "maskBg", hasDefault = true) private float mMaskBg = DEFAULT_MASK_BLEND_BG; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "maskFg", hasDefault = true) private float mMaskFg = DEFAULT_MASK_BLEND_FG; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "exposureChange", hasDefault = true) private float mExposureChange = DEFAULT_EXPOSURE_CHANGE; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "whitebalanceredChange", hasDefault = true) private float mWhiteBalanceRedChange = DEFAULT_WHITE_BALANCE_RED_CHANGE; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "whitebalanceblueChange", hasDefault = true) private float mWhiteBalanceBlueChange = DEFAULT_WHITE_BALANCE_BLUE_CHANGE; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "autowbToggle", hasDefault = true) private int mAutoWBToggle = DEFAULT_WHITE_BALANCE_TOGGLE; // TODO: These are not updatable: @GenerateFieldPort(name = "learningAdaptRate", hasDefault = true) private float mAdaptRateLearning = DEFAULT_LEARNING_ADAPT_RATE; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "adaptRateBg", hasDefault = true) private float mAdaptRateBg = DEFAULT_ADAPT_RATE_BG; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "adaptRateFg", hasDefault = true) private float mAdaptRateFg = DEFAULT_ADAPT_RATE_FG; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "maskVerifyRate", hasDefault = true) private float mVerifyRate = DEFAULT_MASK_VERIFY_RATE; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "learningDoneListener", hasDefault = true) private LearningDoneListener mLearningDoneListener = null; @GenerateFieldPort(name = "useTheForce", hasDefault = true) private boolean mUseTheForce = false; @GenerateFinalPort(name = "provideDebugOutputs", hasDefault = true) private boolean mProvideDebugOutputs = false; // Whether to mirror the background or not. For ex, the Camera app // would mirror the preview for the front camera @GenerateFieldPort(name = "mirrorBg", hasDefault = true) private boolean mMirrorBg = false; // The orientation of the display. This will change the flipping // coordinates, if we were to mirror the background @GenerateFieldPort(name = "orientation", hasDefault = true) private int mOrientation = 0; /** Default algorithm parameter values, for non-shader use */ // Frame count for learning bg model private static final int DEFAULT_LEARNING_DURATION = 40; // Frame count for learning verification private static final int DEFAULT_LEARNING_VERIFY_DURATION = 10; // Maximum distance (in standard deviations) for considering a pixel as background private static final float DEFAULT_ACCEPT_STDDEV = 0.85f; // Variance threshold scale factor for large scale of hierarchy private static final float DEFAULT_HIER_LRG_SCALE = 0.7f; // Variance threshold scale factor for medium scale of hierarchy private static final float DEFAULT_HIER_MID_SCALE = 0.6f; // Variance threshold scale factor for small scale of hierarchy private static final float DEFAULT_HIER_SML_SCALE = 0.5f; // Width of foreground / background mask. private static final int DEFAULT_MASK_WIDTH_EXPONENT = 8; // Height of foreground / background mask. private static final int DEFAULT_MASK_HEIGHT_EXPONENT = 8; // Area over which to average for large scale (length in pixels = 2^HIERARCHY_*_EXPONENT) private static final int DEFAULT_HIER_LRG_EXPONENT = 3; // Area over which to average for medium scale private static final int DEFAULT_HIER_MID_EXPONENT = 2; // Area over which to average for small scale private static final int DEFAULT_HIER_SML_EXPONENT = 0; // Scale factor for luminance channel in distance calculations (larger = more significant) private static final float DEFAULT_Y_SCALE_FACTOR = 0.40f; // Scale factor for chroma channels in distance calculations private static final float DEFAULT_UV_SCALE_FACTOR = 1.35f; // Mask value to start blending away from background private static final float DEFAULT_MASK_BLEND_BG = 0.65f; // Mask value to start blending away from foreground private static final float DEFAULT_MASK_BLEND_FG = 0.95f; // Exposure stop number to change the brightness of foreground private static final float DEFAULT_EXPOSURE_CHANGE = 1.0f; // White balance change in Red channel for foreground private static final float DEFAULT_WHITE_BALANCE_RED_CHANGE = 0.0f; // White balance change in Blue channel for foreground private static final float DEFAULT_WHITE_BALANCE_BLUE_CHANGE = 0.0f; // Variable to control automatic white balance effect // 0.f -> Auto WB is off; 1.f-> Auto WB is on private static final int DEFAULT_WHITE_BALANCE_TOGGLE = 0; // Default rate at which to learn bg model during learning period private static final float DEFAULT_LEARNING_ADAPT_RATE = 0.2f; // Default rate at which to learn bg model from new background pixels private static final float DEFAULT_ADAPT_RATE_BG = 0.0f; // Default rate at which to learn bg model from new foreground pixels private static final float DEFAULT_ADAPT_RATE_FG = 0.0f; // Default rate at which to verify whether background is stable private static final float DEFAULT_MASK_VERIFY_RATE = 0.25f; // Default rate at which to verify whether background is stable private static final int DEFAULT_LEARNING_DONE_THRESHOLD = 20; // Default 3x3 matrix, column major, for fitting background 1:1 private static final float[] DEFAULT_BG_FIT_TRANSFORM = new float[] { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; /** Default algorithm parameter values, for shader use */ // Area over which to blur binary mask values (length in pixels = 2^MASK_SMOOTH_EXPONENT) private static final String MASK_SMOOTH_EXPONENT = "2.0"; // Scale value for mapping variance distance to fit nicely to 0-1, 8-bit private static final String DISTANCE_STORAGE_SCALE = "0.6"; // Scale value for mapping variance to fit nicely to 0-1, 8-bit private static final String VARIANCE_STORAGE_SCALE = "5.0"; // Default scale of auto white balance parameters private static final String DEFAULT_AUTO_WB_SCALE = "0.25"; // Minimum variance (0-255 scale) private static final String MIN_VARIANCE = "3.0"; // Column-major array for 4x4 matrix converting RGB to YCbCr, JPEG definition (no pedestal) private static final String RGB_TO_YUV_MATRIX = "0.299, -0.168736, 0.5, 0.000, " + "0.587, -0.331264, -0.418688, 0.000, " + "0.114, 0.5, -0.081312, 0.000, " + "0.000, 0.5, 0.5, 1.000 "; /** Stream names */ private static final String[] mInputNames = {"video", "background"}; private static final String[] mOutputNames = {"video"}; private static final String[] mDebugOutputNames = {"debug1", "debug2"}; /** Other private variables */ private FrameFormat mOutputFormat; private MutableFrameFormat mMemoryFormat; private MutableFrameFormat mMaskFormat; private MutableFrameFormat mAverageFormat; private final boolean mLogVerbose; private static final String TAG = "BackDropperFilter"; /** Shader source code */ // Shared uniforms and utility functions private static String mSharedUtilShader = "precision mediump float;\n" + "uniform float fg_adapt_rate;\n" + "uniform float bg_adapt_rate;\n" + "const mat4 coeff_yuv = mat4(" + RGB_TO_YUV_MATRIX + ");\n" + "const float dist_scale = " + DISTANCE_STORAGE_SCALE + ";\n" + "const float inv_dist_scale = 1. / dist_scale;\n" + "const float var_scale=" + VARIANCE_STORAGE_SCALE + ";\n" + "const float inv_var_scale = 1. / var_scale;\n" + "const float min_variance = inv_var_scale *" + MIN_VARIANCE + "/ 256.;\n" + "const float auto_wb_scale = " + DEFAULT_AUTO_WB_SCALE + ";\n" + "\n" + // Variance distance in luminance between current pixel and background model "float gauss_dist_y(float y, float mean, float variance) {\n" + " float dist = (y - mean) * (y - mean) / variance;\n" + " return dist;\n" + "}\n" + // Sum of variance distances in chroma between current pixel and background // model "float gauss_dist_uv(vec2 uv, vec2 mean, vec2 variance) {\n" + " vec2 dist = (uv - mean) * (uv - mean) / variance;\n" + " return dist.r + dist.g;\n" + "}\n" + // Select learning rate for pixel based on smoothed decision mask alpha "float local_adapt_rate(float alpha) {\n" + " return mix(bg_adapt_rate, fg_adapt_rate, alpha);\n" + "}\n" + "\n"; // Distance calculation shader. Calculates a distance metric between the foreground and the // current background model, in both luminance and in chroma (yuv space). Distance is // measured in variances from the mean background value. For chroma, the distance is the sum // of the two individual color channel distances. The distances are output on the b and alpha // channels, r and g are for debug information. // Inputs: // tex_sampler_0: Mip-map for foreground (live) video frame. // tex_sampler_1: Background mean mask. // tex_sampler_2: Background variance mask. // subsample_level: Level on foreground frame's mip-map. private static final String mBgDistanceShader = "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_0;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_1;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_2;\n" + "uniform float subsample_level;\n" + "varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n" + "void main() {\n" + " vec4 fg_rgb = texture2D(tex_sampler_0, v_texcoord, subsample_level);\n" + " vec4 fg = coeff_yuv * vec4(fg_rgb.rgb, 1.);\n" + " vec4 mean = texture2D(tex_sampler_1, v_texcoord);\n" + " vec4 variance = inv_var_scale * texture2D(tex_sampler_2, v_texcoord);\n" + "\n" + " float dist_y = gauss_dist_y(fg.r, mean.r, variance.r);\n" + " float dist_uv = gauss_dist_uv(fg.gb, mean.gb, variance.gb);\n" + " gl_FragColor = vec4(0.5*fg.rg, dist_scale*dist_y, dist_scale*dist_uv);\n" + "}\n"; // Foreground/background mask decision shader. Decides whether a frame is in the foreground or // the background using a hierarchical threshold on the distance. Binary foreground/background // mask is placed in the alpha channel. The RGB channels contain debug information. private static final String mBgMaskShader = "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_0;\n" + "uniform float accept_variance;\n" + "uniform vec2 yuv_weights;\n" + "uniform float scale_lrg;\n" + "uniform float scale_mid;\n" + "uniform float scale_sml;\n" + "uniform float exp_lrg;\n" + "uniform float exp_mid;\n" + "uniform float exp_sml;\n" + "varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n" + // Decide whether pixel is foreground or background based on Y and UV // distance and maximum acceptable variance. // yuv_weights.x is smaller than yuv_weights.y to discount the influence of shadow "bool is_fg(vec2 dist_yc, float accept_variance) {\n" + " return ( dot(yuv_weights, dist_yc) >= accept_variance );\n" + "}\n" + "void main() {\n" + " vec4 dist_lrg_sc = texture2D(tex_sampler_0, v_texcoord, exp_lrg);\n" + " vec4 dist_mid_sc = texture2D(tex_sampler_0, v_texcoord, exp_mid);\n" + " vec4 dist_sml_sc = texture2D(tex_sampler_0, v_texcoord, exp_sml);\n" + " vec2 dist_lrg = inv_dist_scale * dist_lrg_sc.ba;\n" + " vec2 dist_mid = inv_dist_scale * dist_mid_sc.ba;\n" + " vec2 dist_sml = inv_dist_scale * dist_sml_sc.ba;\n" + " vec2 norm_dist = 0.75 * dist_sml / accept_variance;\n" + // For debug viz " bool is_fg_lrg = is_fg(dist_lrg, accept_variance * scale_lrg);\n" + " bool is_fg_mid = is_fg_lrg || is_fg(dist_mid, accept_variance * scale_mid);\n" + " float is_fg_sml =\n" + " float(is_fg_mid || is_fg(dist_sml, accept_variance * scale_sml));\n" + " float alpha = 0.5 * is_fg_sml + 0.3 * float(is_fg_mid) + 0.2 * float(is_fg_lrg);\n" + " gl_FragColor = vec4(alpha, norm_dist, is_fg_sml);\n" + "}\n"; // Automatic White Balance parameter decision shader // Use the Gray World assumption that in a white balance corrected image, the average of R, G, B // channel will be a common gray value. // To match the white balance of foreground and background, the average of R, G, B channel of // two videos should match. // Inputs: // tex_sampler_0: Mip-map for foreground (live) video frame. // tex_sampler_1: Mip-map for background (playback) video frame. // pyramid_depth: Depth of input frames' mip-maps. private static final String mAutomaticWhiteBalance = "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_0;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_1;\n" + "uniform float pyramid_depth;\n" + "uniform bool autowb_toggle;\n" + "varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n" + "void main() {\n" + " vec4 mean_video = texture2D(tex_sampler_0, v_texcoord, pyramid_depth);\n"+ " vec4 mean_bg = texture2D(tex_sampler_1, v_texcoord, pyramid_depth);\n" + // If Auto WB is toggled off, the return texture will be a unicolor texture of value 1 // If Auto WB is toggled on, the return texture will be a unicolor texture with // adjustment parameters for R and B channels stored in the corresponding channel " float green_normalizer = mean_video.g / mean_bg.g;\n"+ " vec4 adjusted_value = vec4(mean_bg.r / mean_video.r * green_normalizer, 1., \n" + " mean_bg.b / mean_video.b * green_normalizer, 1.) * auto_wb_scale; \n" + " gl_FragColor = autowb_toggle ? adjusted_value : vec4(auto_wb_scale);\n" + "}\n"; // Background subtraction shader. Uses a mipmap of the binary mask map to blend smoothly between // foreground and background // Inputs: // tex_sampler_0: Foreground (live) video frame. // tex_sampler_1: Background (playback) video frame. // tex_sampler_2: Foreground/background mask. // tex_sampler_3: Auto white-balance factors. private static final String mBgSubtractShader = "uniform mat3 bg_fit_transform;\n" + "uniform float mask_blend_bg;\n" + "uniform float mask_blend_fg;\n" + "uniform float exposure_change;\n" + "uniform float whitebalancered_change;\n" + "uniform float whitebalanceblue_change;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_0;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_1;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_2;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_3;\n" + "varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n" + "void main() {\n" + " vec2 bg_texcoord = (bg_fit_transform * vec3(v_texcoord, 1.)).xy;\n" + " vec4 bg_rgb = texture2D(tex_sampler_1, bg_texcoord);\n" + // The foreground texture is modified by multiplying both manual and auto white balance changes in R and B // channel and multiplying exposure change in all R, G, B channels. " vec4 wb_auto_scale = texture2D(tex_sampler_3, v_texcoord) * exposure_change / auto_wb_scale;\n" + " vec4 wb_manual_scale = vec4(1. + whitebalancered_change, 1., 1. + whitebalanceblue_change, 1.);\n" + " vec4 fg_rgb = texture2D(tex_sampler_0, v_texcoord);\n" + " vec4 fg_adjusted = fg_rgb * wb_manual_scale * wb_auto_scale;\n"+ " vec4 mask = texture2D(tex_sampler_2, v_texcoord, \n" + " " + MASK_SMOOTH_EXPONENT + ");\n" + " float alpha = smoothstep(mask_blend_bg, mask_blend_fg, mask.a);\n" + " gl_FragColor = mix(bg_rgb, fg_adjusted, alpha);\n"; // May the Force... Makes the foreground object translucent blue, with a bright // blue-white outline private static final String mBgSubtractForceShader = " vec4 ghost_rgb = (fg_adjusted * 0.7 + vec4(0.3,0.3,0.4,0.))*0.65 + \n" + " 0.35*bg_rgb;\n" + " float glow_start = 0.75 * mask_blend_bg; \n"+ " float glow_max = mask_blend_bg; \n"+ " gl_FragColor = mask.a < glow_start ? bg_rgb : \n" + " mask.a < glow_max ? mix(bg_rgb, vec4(0.9,0.9,1.0,1.0), \n" + " (mask.a - glow_start) / (glow_max - glow_start) ) : \n" + " mask.a < mask_blend_fg ? mix(vec4(0.9,0.9,1.0,1.0), ghost_rgb, \n" + " (mask.a - glow_max) / (mask_blend_fg - glow_max) ) : \n" + " ghost_rgb;\n" + "}\n"; // Background model mean update shader. Skews the current model mean toward the most recent pixel // value for a pixel, weighted by the learning rate and by whether the pixel is classified as // foreground or background. // Inputs: // tex_sampler_0: Mip-map for foreground (live) video frame. // tex_sampler_1: Background mean mask. // tex_sampler_2: Foreground/background mask. // subsample_level: Level on foreground frame's mip-map. private static final String mUpdateBgModelMeanShader = "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_0;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_1;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_2;\n" + "uniform float subsample_level;\n" + "varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n" + "void main() {\n" + " vec4 fg_rgb = texture2D(tex_sampler_0, v_texcoord, subsample_level);\n" + " vec4 fg = coeff_yuv * vec4(fg_rgb.rgb, 1.);\n" + " vec4 mean = texture2D(tex_sampler_1, v_texcoord);\n" + " vec4 mask = texture2D(tex_sampler_2, v_texcoord, \n" + " " + MASK_SMOOTH_EXPONENT + ");\n" + "\n" + " float alpha = local_adapt_rate(mask.a);\n" + " vec4 new_mean = mix(mean, fg, alpha);\n" + " gl_FragColor = new_mean;\n" + "}\n"; // Background model variance update shader. Skews the current model variance toward the most // recent variance for the pixel, weighted by the learning rate and by whether the pixel is // classified as foreground or background. // Inputs: // tex_sampler_0: Mip-map for foreground (live) video frame. // tex_sampler_1: Background mean mask. // tex_sampler_2: Background variance mask. // tex_sampler_3: Foreground/background mask. // subsample_level: Level on foreground frame's mip-map. // TODO: to improve efficiency, use single mark for mean + variance, then merge this into // mUpdateBgModelMeanShader. private static final String mUpdateBgModelVarianceShader = "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_0;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_1;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_2;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_3;\n" + "uniform float subsample_level;\n" + "varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n" + "void main() {\n" + " vec4 fg_rgb = texture2D(tex_sampler_0, v_texcoord, subsample_level);\n" + " vec4 fg = coeff_yuv * vec4(fg_rgb.rgb, 1.);\n" + " vec4 mean = texture2D(tex_sampler_1, v_texcoord);\n" + " vec4 variance = inv_var_scale * texture2D(tex_sampler_2, v_texcoord);\n" + " vec4 mask = texture2D(tex_sampler_3, v_texcoord, \n" + " " + MASK_SMOOTH_EXPONENT + ");\n" + "\n" + " float alpha = local_adapt_rate(mask.a);\n" + " vec4 cur_variance = (fg-mean)*(fg-mean);\n" + " vec4 new_variance = mix(variance, cur_variance, alpha);\n" + " new_variance = max(new_variance, vec4(min_variance));\n" + " gl_FragColor = var_scale * new_variance;\n" + "}\n"; // Background verification shader. Skews the current background verification mask towards the // most recent frame, weighted by the learning rate. private static final String mMaskVerifyShader = "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_0;\n" + "uniform sampler2D tex_sampler_1;\n" + "uniform float verify_rate;\n" + "varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n" + "void main() {\n" + " vec4 lastmask = texture2D(tex_sampler_0, v_texcoord);\n" + " vec4 mask = texture2D(tex_sampler_1, v_texcoord);\n" + " float newmask = mix(lastmask.a, mask.a, verify_rate);\n" + " gl_FragColor = vec4(0., 0., 0., newmask);\n" + "}\n"; /** Shader program objects */ private ShaderProgram mBgDistProgram; private ShaderProgram mBgMaskProgram; private ShaderProgram mBgSubtractProgram; private ShaderProgram mBgUpdateMeanProgram; private ShaderProgram mBgUpdateVarianceProgram; private ShaderProgram mCopyOutProgram; private ShaderProgram mAutomaticWhiteBalanceProgram; private ShaderProgram mMaskVerifyProgram; private ShaderProgram copyShaderProgram; /** Background model storage */ private boolean mPingPong; private GLFrame mBgMean[]; private GLFrame mBgVariance[]; private GLFrame mMaskVerify[]; private GLFrame mDistance; private GLFrame mAutoWB; private GLFrame mMask; private GLFrame mVideoInput; private GLFrame mBgInput; private GLFrame mMaskAverage; /** Overall filter state */ private boolean isOpen; private int mFrameCount; private boolean mStartLearning; private boolean mBackgroundFitModeChanged; private float mRelativeAspect; private int mPyramidDepth; private int mSubsampleLevel; /** Learning listener object */ public interface LearningDoneListener { public void onLearningDone(BackDropperFilter filter); } /** Public Filter methods */ public BackDropperFilter(String name) { super(name); mLogVerbose = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE); String adjStr = SystemProperties.get("ro.media.effect.bgdropper.adj"); if (adjStr.length() > 0) { try { mAcceptStddev += Float.parseFloat(adjStr); if (mLogVerbose) { Log.v(TAG, "Adjusting accept threshold by " + adjStr + ", now " + mAcceptStddev); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Badly formatted property ro.media.effect.bgdropper.adj: " + adjStr); } } } @Override public void setupPorts() { // Inputs. // TODO: Target should be GPU, but relaxed for now. FrameFormat imageFormat = ImageFormat.create(ImageFormat.COLORSPACE_RGBA, FrameFormat.TARGET_UNSPECIFIED); for (String inputName : mInputNames) { addMaskedInputPort(inputName, imageFormat); } // Normal outputs for (String outputName : mOutputNames) { addOutputBasedOnInput(outputName, "video"); } // Debug outputs if (mProvideDebugOutputs) { for (String outputName : mDebugOutputNames) { addOutputBasedOnInput(outputName, "video"); } } } @Override public FrameFormat getOutputFormat(String portName, FrameFormat inputFormat) { // Create memory format based on video input. MutableFrameFormat format = inputFormat.mutableCopy(); // Is this a debug output port? If so, leave dimensions unspecified. if (!Arrays.asList(mOutputNames).contains(portName)) { format.setDimensions(FrameFormat.SIZE_UNSPECIFIED, FrameFormat.SIZE_UNSPECIFIED); } return format; } private boolean createMemoryFormat(FrameFormat inputFormat) { // We can't resize because that would require re-learning. if (mMemoryFormat != null) { return false; } if (inputFormat.getWidth() == FrameFormat.SIZE_UNSPECIFIED || inputFormat.getHeight() == FrameFormat.SIZE_UNSPECIFIED) { throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to process input frame with unknown size"); } mMaskFormat = inputFormat.mutableCopy(); int maskWidth = (int)Math.pow(2, mMaskWidthExp); int maskHeight = (int)Math.pow(2, mMaskHeightExp); mMaskFormat.setDimensions(maskWidth, maskHeight); mPyramidDepth = Math.max(mMaskWidthExp, mMaskHeightExp); mMemoryFormat = mMaskFormat.mutableCopy(); int widthExp = Math.max(mMaskWidthExp, pyramidLevel(inputFormat.getWidth())); int heightExp = Math.max(mMaskHeightExp, pyramidLevel(inputFormat.getHeight())); mPyramidDepth = Math.max(widthExp, heightExp); int memWidth = Math.max(maskWidth, (int)Math.pow(2, widthExp)); int memHeight = Math.max(maskHeight, (int)Math.pow(2, heightExp)); mMemoryFormat.setDimensions(memWidth, memHeight); mSubsampleLevel = mPyramidDepth - Math.max(mMaskWidthExp, mMaskHeightExp); if (mLogVerbose) { Log.v(TAG, "Mask frames size " + maskWidth + " x " + maskHeight); Log.v(TAG, "Pyramid levels " + widthExp + " x " + heightExp); Log.v(TAG, "Memory frames size " + memWidth + " x " + memHeight); } mAverageFormat = inputFormat.mutableCopy(); mAverageFormat.setDimensions(1,1); return true; } public void prepare(FilterContext context){ if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Preparing BackDropperFilter!"); mBgMean = new GLFrame[2]; mBgVariance = new GLFrame[2]; mMaskVerify = new GLFrame[2]; copyShaderProgram = ShaderProgram.createIdentity(context); } private void allocateFrames(FrameFormat inputFormat, FilterContext context) { if (!createMemoryFormat(inputFormat)) { return; // All set. } if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Allocating BackDropperFilter frames"); // Create initial background model values int numBytes = mMaskFormat.getSize(); byte[] initialBgMean = new byte[numBytes]; byte[] initialBgVariance = new byte[numBytes]; byte[] initialMaskVerify = new byte[numBytes]; for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) { initialBgMean[i] = (byte)128; initialBgVariance[i] = (byte)10; initialMaskVerify[i] = (byte)0; } // Get frames to store background model in for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mBgMean[i] = (GLFrame)context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mMaskFormat); mBgMean[i].setData(initialBgMean, 0, numBytes); mBgVariance[i] = (GLFrame)context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mMaskFormat); mBgVariance[i].setData(initialBgVariance, 0, numBytes); mMaskVerify[i] = (GLFrame)context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mMaskFormat); mMaskVerify[i].setData(initialMaskVerify, 0, numBytes); } // Get frames to store other textures in if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Done allocating texture for Mean and Variance objects!"); mDistance = (GLFrame)context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mMaskFormat); mMask = (GLFrame)context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mMaskFormat); mAutoWB = (GLFrame)context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mAverageFormat); mVideoInput = (GLFrame)context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mMemoryFormat); mBgInput = (GLFrame)context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mMemoryFormat); mMaskAverage = (GLFrame)context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mAverageFormat); // Create shader programs mBgDistProgram = new ShaderProgram(context, mSharedUtilShader + mBgDistanceShader); mBgDistProgram.setHostValue("subsample_level", (float)mSubsampleLevel); mBgMaskProgram = new ShaderProgram(context, mSharedUtilShader + mBgMaskShader); mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("accept_variance", mAcceptStddev * mAcceptStddev); float[] yuvWeights = { mLumScale, mChromaScale }; mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("yuv_weights", yuvWeights ); mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("scale_lrg", mHierarchyLrgScale); mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("scale_mid", mHierarchyMidScale); mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("scale_sml", mHierarchySmlScale); mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("exp_lrg", (float)(mSubsampleLevel + mHierarchyLrgExp)); mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("exp_mid", (float)(mSubsampleLevel + mHierarchyMidExp)); mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("exp_sml", (float)(mSubsampleLevel + mHierarchySmlExp)); if (mUseTheForce) { mBgSubtractProgram = new ShaderProgram(context, mSharedUtilShader + mBgSubtractShader + mBgSubtractForceShader); } else { mBgSubtractProgram = new ShaderProgram(context, mSharedUtilShader + mBgSubtractShader + "}\n"); } mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("bg_fit_transform", DEFAULT_BG_FIT_TRANSFORM); mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("mask_blend_bg", mMaskBg); mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("mask_blend_fg", mMaskFg); mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("exposure_change", mExposureChange); mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("whitebalanceblue_change", mWhiteBalanceBlueChange); mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("whitebalancered_change", mWhiteBalanceRedChange); mBgUpdateMeanProgram = new ShaderProgram(context, mSharedUtilShader + mUpdateBgModelMeanShader); mBgUpdateMeanProgram.setHostValue("subsample_level", (float)mSubsampleLevel); mBgUpdateVarianceProgram = new ShaderProgram(context, mSharedUtilShader + mUpdateBgModelVarianceShader); mBgUpdateVarianceProgram.setHostValue("subsample_level", (float)mSubsampleLevel); mCopyOutProgram = ShaderProgram.createIdentity(context); mAutomaticWhiteBalanceProgram = new ShaderProgram(context, mSharedUtilShader + mAutomaticWhiteBalance); mAutomaticWhiteBalanceProgram.setHostValue("pyramid_depth", (float)mPyramidDepth); mAutomaticWhiteBalanceProgram.setHostValue("autowb_toggle", mAutoWBToggle); mMaskVerifyProgram = new ShaderProgram(context, mSharedUtilShader + mMaskVerifyShader); mMaskVerifyProgram.setHostValue("verify_rate", mVerifyRate); if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Shader width set to " + mMemoryFormat.getWidth()); mRelativeAspect = 1.f; mFrameCount = 0; mStartLearning = true; } public void process(FilterContext context) { // Grab inputs and ready intermediate frames and outputs. Frame video = pullInput("video"); Frame background = pullInput("background"); allocateFrames(video.getFormat(), context); // Update learning rate after initial learning period if (mStartLearning) { if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Starting learning"); mBgUpdateMeanProgram.setHostValue("bg_adapt_rate", mAdaptRateLearning); mBgUpdateMeanProgram.setHostValue("fg_adapt_rate", mAdaptRateLearning); mBgUpdateVarianceProgram.setHostValue("bg_adapt_rate", mAdaptRateLearning); mBgUpdateVarianceProgram.setHostValue("fg_adapt_rate", mAdaptRateLearning); mFrameCount = 0; } // Select correct pingpong buffers int inputIndex = mPingPong ? 0 : 1; int outputIndex = mPingPong ? 1 : 0; mPingPong = !mPingPong; // Check relative aspect ratios updateBgScaling(video, background, mBackgroundFitModeChanged); mBackgroundFitModeChanged = false; // Make copies for input frames to GLFrames copyShaderProgram.process(video, mVideoInput); copyShaderProgram.process(background, mBgInput); mVideoInput.generateMipMap(); mVideoInput.setTextureParameter(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GLES20.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST); mBgInput.generateMipMap(); mBgInput.setTextureParameter(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GLES20.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST); if (mStartLearning) { copyShaderProgram.process(mVideoInput, mBgMean[inputIndex]); mStartLearning = false; } // Process shaders Frame[] distInputs = { mVideoInput, mBgMean[inputIndex], mBgVariance[inputIndex] }; mBgDistProgram.process(distInputs, mDistance); mDistance.generateMipMap(); mDistance.setTextureParameter(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GLES20.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST); mBgMaskProgram.process(mDistance, mMask); mMask.generateMipMap(); mMask.setTextureParameter(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GLES20.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST); Frame[] autoWBInputs = { mVideoInput, mBgInput }; mAutomaticWhiteBalanceProgram.process(autoWBInputs, mAutoWB); if (mFrameCount <= mLearningDuration) { // During learning pushOutput("video", video); if (mFrameCount == mLearningDuration - mLearningVerifyDuration) { copyShaderProgram.process(mMask, mMaskVerify[outputIndex]); mBgUpdateMeanProgram.setHostValue("bg_adapt_rate", mAdaptRateBg); mBgUpdateMeanProgram.setHostValue("fg_adapt_rate", mAdaptRateFg); mBgUpdateVarianceProgram.setHostValue("bg_adapt_rate", mAdaptRateBg); mBgUpdateVarianceProgram.setHostValue("fg_adapt_rate", mAdaptRateFg); } else if (mFrameCount > mLearningDuration - mLearningVerifyDuration) { // In the learning verification stage, compute background masks and a weighted average // with weights grow exponentially with time Frame[] maskVerifyInputs = {mMaskVerify[inputIndex], mMask}; mMaskVerifyProgram.process(maskVerifyInputs, mMaskVerify[outputIndex]); mMaskVerify[outputIndex].generateMipMap(); mMaskVerify[outputIndex].setTextureParameter(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GLES20.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST); } if (mFrameCount == mLearningDuration) { // In the last verification frame, verify if the verification mask is almost blank // If not, restart learning copyShaderProgram.process(mMaskVerify[outputIndex], mMaskAverage); ByteBuffer mMaskAverageByteBuffer = mMaskAverage.getData(); byte[] mask_average = mMaskAverageByteBuffer.array(); int bi = (int)(mask_average[3] & 0xFF); if (mLogVerbose) { Log.v(TAG, String.format("Mask_average is %d, threshold is %d", bi, DEFAULT_LEARNING_DONE_THRESHOLD)); } if (bi >= DEFAULT_LEARNING_DONE_THRESHOLD) { mStartLearning = true; // Restart learning } else { if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Learning done"); if (mLearningDoneListener != null) { mLearningDoneListener.onLearningDone(this); } } } } else { Frame output = context.getFrameManager().newFrame(video.getFormat()); Frame[] subtractInputs = { video, background, mMask, mAutoWB }; mBgSubtractProgram.process(subtractInputs, output); pushOutput("video", output); output.release(); } // Compute mean and variance of the background if (mFrameCount < mLearningDuration - mLearningVerifyDuration || mAdaptRateBg > 0.0 || mAdaptRateFg > 0.0) { Frame[] meanUpdateInputs = { mVideoInput, mBgMean[inputIndex], mMask }; mBgUpdateMeanProgram.process(meanUpdateInputs, mBgMean[outputIndex]); mBgMean[outputIndex].generateMipMap(); mBgMean[outputIndex].setTextureParameter(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GLES20.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST); Frame[] varianceUpdateInputs = { mVideoInput, mBgMean[inputIndex], mBgVariance[inputIndex], mMask }; mBgUpdateVarianceProgram.process(varianceUpdateInputs, mBgVariance[outputIndex]); mBgVariance[outputIndex].generateMipMap(); mBgVariance[outputIndex].setTextureParameter(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GLES20.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST); } // Provide debug output to two smaller viewers if (mProvideDebugOutputs) { Frame dbg1 = context.getFrameManager().newFrame(video.getFormat()); mCopyOutProgram.process(video, dbg1); pushOutput("debug1", dbg1); dbg1.release(); Frame dbg2 = context.getFrameManager().newFrame(mMemoryFormat); mCopyOutProgram.process(mMask, dbg2); pushOutput("debug2", dbg2); dbg2.release(); } mFrameCount++; if (mLogVerbose) { if (mFrameCount % 30 == 0) { if (startTime == -1) { context.getGLEnvironment().activate(); GLES20.glFinish(); startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } else { context.getGLEnvironment().activate(); GLES20.glFinish(); long endTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); Log.v(TAG, "Avg. frame duration: " + String.format("%.2f",(endTime-startTime)/30.) + " ms. Avg. fps: " + String.format("%.2f", 1000./((endTime-startTime)/30.)) ); startTime = endTime; } } } } private long startTime = -1; public void close(FilterContext context) { if (mMemoryFormat == null) { return; } if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Filter Closing!"); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mBgMean[i].release(); mBgVariance[i].release(); mMaskVerify[i].release(); } mDistance.release(); mMask.release(); mAutoWB.release(); mVideoInput.release(); mBgInput.release(); mMaskAverage.release(); mMemoryFormat = null; } // Relearn background model synchronized public void relearn() { // Let the processing thread know about learning restart mStartLearning = true; } @Override public void fieldPortValueUpdated(String name, FilterContext context) { // TODO: Many of these can be made ProgramPorts! if (name.equals("backgroundFitMode")) { mBackgroundFitModeChanged = true; } else if (name.equals("acceptStddev")) { mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("accept_variance", mAcceptStddev * mAcceptStddev); } else if (name.equals("hierLrgScale")) { mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("scale_lrg", mHierarchyLrgScale); } else if (name.equals("hierMidScale")) { mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("scale_mid", mHierarchyMidScale); } else if (name.equals("hierSmlScale")) { mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("scale_sml", mHierarchySmlScale); } else if (name.equals("hierLrgExp")) { mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("exp_lrg", (float)(mSubsampleLevel + mHierarchyLrgExp)); } else if (name.equals("hierMidExp")) { mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("exp_mid", (float)(mSubsampleLevel + mHierarchyMidExp)); } else if (name.equals("hierSmlExp")) { mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("exp_sml", (float)(mSubsampleLevel + mHierarchySmlExp)); } else if (name.equals("lumScale") || name.equals("chromaScale")) { float[] yuvWeights = { mLumScale, mChromaScale }; mBgMaskProgram.setHostValue("yuv_weights", yuvWeights ); } else if (name.equals("maskBg")) { mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("mask_blend_bg", mMaskBg); } else if (name.equals("maskFg")) { mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("mask_blend_fg", mMaskFg); } else if (name.equals("exposureChange")) { mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("exposure_change", mExposureChange); } else if (name.equals("whitebalanceredChange")) { mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("whitebalancered_change", mWhiteBalanceRedChange); } else if (name.equals("whitebalanceblueChange")) { mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("whitebalanceblue_change", mWhiteBalanceBlueChange); } else if (name.equals("autowbToggle")){ mAutomaticWhiteBalanceProgram.setHostValue("autowb_toggle", mAutoWBToggle); } } private void updateBgScaling(Frame video, Frame background, boolean fitModeChanged) { float foregroundAspect = (float)video.getFormat().getWidth() / video.getFormat().getHeight(); float backgroundAspect = (float)background.getFormat().getWidth() / background.getFormat().getHeight(); float currentRelativeAspect = foregroundAspect/backgroundAspect; if (currentRelativeAspect != mRelativeAspect || fitModeChanged) { mRelativeAspect = currentRelativeAspect; float xMin = 0.f, xWidth = 1.f, yMin = 0.f, yWidth = 1.f; switch (mBackgroundFitMode) { case BACKGROUND_STRETCH: // Just map 1:1 break; case BACKGROUND_FIT: if (mRelativeAspect > 1.0f) { // Foreground is wider than background, scale down // background in X xMin = 0.5f - 0.5f * mRelativeAspect; xWidth = 1.f * mRelativeAspect; } else { // Foreground is taller than background, scale down // background in Y yMin = 0.5f - 0.5f / mRelativeAspect; yWidth = 1 / mRelativeAspect; } break; case BACKGROUND_FILL_CROP: if (mRelativeAspect > 1.0f) { // Foreground is wider than background, crop // background in Y yMin = 0.5f - 0.5f / mRelativeAspect; yWidth = 1.f / mRelativeAspect; } else { // Foreground is taller than background, crop // background in X xMin = 0.5f - 0.5f * mRelativeAspect; xWidth = mRelativeAspect; } break; } // If mirroring is required (for ex. the camera mirrors the preview // in the front camera) // TODO: Backdropper does not attempt to apply any other transformation // than just flipping. However, in the current state, it's "x-axis" is always aligned // with the Camera's width. Hence, we need to define the mirroring based on the camera // orientation. In the future, a cleaner design would be to cast away all the rotation // in a separate place. if (mMirrorBg) { if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "Mirroring the background!"); // Mirroring in portrait if (mOrientation == 0 || mOrientation == 180) { xWidth = -xWidth; xMin = 1.0f - xMin; } else { // Mirroring in landscape yWidth = -yWidth; yMin = 1.0f - yMin; } } if (mLogVerbose) Log.v(TAG, "bgTransform: xMin, yMin, xWidth, yWidth : " + xMin + ", " + yMin + ", " + xWidth + ", " + yWidth + ", mRelAspRatio = " + mRelativeAspect); // The following matrix is the transpose of the actual matrix float[] bgTransform = {xWidth, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, yWidth, 0.f, xMin, yMin, 1.f}; mBgSubtractProgram.setHostValue("bg_fit_transform", bgTransform); } } private int pyramidLevel(int size) { return (int)Math.floor(Math.log10(size) / Math.log10(2)) - 1; } }