/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.vcard.tests.testutils; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; /** * Utility class which verifies input VNode. * * This class first checks whether each propertyNode in the VNode is in the * "ordered expected property list". * If the node does not exist in the "ordered list", the class refers to * "unorderd expected property set" and checks the node is expected somewhere. */ public class PropertyNodesVerifierElem { public static class TypeSet extends HashSet { public TypeSet(String ... array) { super(Arrays.asList(array)); } } public static class GroupSet extends HashSet { public GroupSet(String ... array) { super(Arrays.asList(array)); } } private final HashMap> mOrderedNodeMap; // Intentionally use ArrayList instead of Set, assuming there may be more than one // exactly same objects. private final ArrayList mUnorderedNodeList; public PropertyNodesVerifierElem(AndroidTestCase androidTestCase) { mOrderedNodeMap = new HashMap>(); mUnorderedNodeList = new ArrayList(); } // WithOrder public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder(String propName, String propValue) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, propValue, null, null, null, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder( String propName, String propValue, ContentValues contentValues) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, propValue, null, null, contentValues, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder( String propName, List propValueList, ContentValues contentValues) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, null, propValueList, null, contentValues, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder( String propName, String propValue, List propValueList) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, propValue, propValueList, null, null, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder( String propName, List propValueList) { final String propValue = concatinateListWithSemiColon(propValueList); return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, propValue.toString(), propValueList, null, null, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder(String propName, String propValue, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, propValue, null, null, null, paramMap_TYPE, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder(String propName, List propValueList, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, null, propValueList, null, null, paramMap_TYPE, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder(String propName, List propValueList, ContentValues paramMap, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, null, propValueList, null, paramMap, paramMap_TYPE, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder(String propName, String propValue, ContentValues paramMap, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, propValue, null, null, paramMap, paramMap_TYPE, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder(String propName, String propValue, List propValueList, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, propValue, propValueList, null, null, paramMap_TYPE, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder(String propName, String propValue, List propValueList, ContentValues paramMap) { return addExpectedNodeWithOrder(propName, propValue, propValueList, null, paramMap, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNodeWithOrder(String propName, String propValue, List propValueList, byte[] propValue_bytes, ContentValues paramMap, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE, GroupSet propGroupSet) { if (propValue == null && propValueList != null) { propValue = concatinateListWithSemiColon(propValueList); } final PropertyNode propertyNode = new PropertyNode(propName, propValue, propValueList, propValue_bytes, paramMap, paramMap_TYPE, propGroupSet); List expectedNodeList = mOrderedNodeMap.get(propName); if (expectedNodeList == null) { expectedNodeList = new ArrayList(); mOrderedNodeMap.put(propName, expectedNodeList); } expectedNodeList.add(propertyNode); return this; } // WithoutOrder public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, String propValue) { return addExpectedNode(propName, propValue, null, null, null, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, String propValue, ContentValues contentValues) { return addExpectedNode(propName, propValue, null, null, contentValues, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, List propValueList, ContentValues contentValues) { return addExpectedNode(propName, null, propValueList, null, contentValues, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, String propValue, List propValueList) { return addExpectedNode(propName, propValue, propValueList, null, null, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, List propValueList) { return addExpectedNode(propName, null, propValueList, null, null, null, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, String propValue, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE) { return addExpectedNode(propName, propValue, null, null, null, paramMap_TYPE, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, List propValueList, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE) { final String propValue = concatinateListWithSemiColon(propValueList); return addExpectedNode(propName, propValue, propValueList, null, null, paramMap_TYPE, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, String propValue, List propValueList, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE) { return addExpectedNode(propName, propValue, propValueList, null, null, paramMap_TYPE, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, String propValue, ContentValues paramMap, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE) { return addExpectedNode(propName, propValue, null, null, paramMap, paramMap_TYPE, null); } public PropertyNodesVerifierElem addExpectedNode(String propName, String propValue, List propValueList, byte[] propValue_bytes, ContentValues paramMap, TypeSet paramMap_TYPE, GroupSet propGroupSet) { if (propValue == null && propValueList != null) { propValue = concatinateListWithSemiColon(propValueList); } mUnorderedNodeList.add(new PropertyNode(propName, propValue, propValueList, propValue_bytes, paramMap, paramMap_TYPE, propGroupSet)); return this; } public void verify(VNode vnode) { for (PropertyNode actualNode : vnode.propList) { verifyNode(actualNode.propName, actualNode); } if (!mOrderedNodeMap.isEmpty() || !mUnorderedNodeList.isEmpty()) { final List expectedProps = new ArrayList(); for (List nodes : mOrderedNodeMap.values()) { for (PropertyNode node : nodes) { if (!expectedProps.contains(node.propName)) { expectedProps.add(node.propName); } } } for (PropertyNode node : mUnorderedNodeList) { if (!expectedProps.contains(node.propName)) { expectedProps.add(node.propName); } } TestCase.fail("Expected property " + Arrays.toString(expectedProps.toArray()) + " was not found."); } } private void verifyNode(final String propName, final PropertyNode actualNode) { final List expectedNodeList = mOrderedNodeMap.get(propName); final int size = (expectedNodeList != null ? expectedNodeList.size() : 0); if (size > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final PropertyNode expectedNode = expectedNodeList.get(i); final List expectedButDifferentValueList = new ArrayList(); if (expectedNode.propName.equals(propName)) { if (expectedNode.equals(actualNode)) { expectedNodeList.remove(i); if (expectedNodeList.size() == 0) { mOrderedNodeMap.remove(propName); } return; } else { expectedButDifferentValueList.add(expectedNode); } } // "actualNode" is not in ordered expected list. // Try looking over unordered expected list. if (tryFoundExpectedNodeFromUnorderedList(actualNode, expectedButDifferentValueList)) { return; } if (!expectedButDifferentValueList.isEmpty()) { // Same propName exists but with different value(s). failWithExpectedNodeList(propName, actualNode, expectedButDifferentValueList); } else { // There's no expected node with same propName. TestCase.fail("Unexpected property \"" + propName + "\" exists."); } } } else { List expectedButDifferentValueList = new ArrayList(); if (tryFoundExpectedNodeFromUnorderedList(actualNode, expectedButDifferentValueList)) { return; } else { if (!expectedButDifferentValueList.isEmpty()) { // Same propName exists but with different value(s). failWithExpectedNodeList(propName, actualNode, expectedButDifferentValueList); } else { // There's no expected node with same propName. TestCase.fail("Unexpected property \"" + propName + "\" exists."); } } } } private String concatinateListWithSemiColon(List array) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; for (String propValueElem : array) { if (first) { first = false; } else { buffer.append(';'); } buffer.append(propValueElem); } return buffer.toString(); } private boolean tryFoundExpectedNodeFromUnorderedList(PropertyNode actualNode, List expectedButDifferentValueList) { final String propName = actualNode.propName; int unorderedListSize = mUnorderedNodeList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < unorderedListSize; i++) { PropertyNode unorderedExpectedNode = mUnorderedNodeList.get(i); if (unorderedExpectedNode.propName.equals(propName)) { if (unorderedExpectedNode.equals(actualNode)) { mUnorderedNodeList.remove(i); return true; } expectedButDifferentValueList.add(unorderedExpectedNode); } } return false; } private void failWithExpectedNodeList(String propName, PropertyNode actualNode, List expectedNodeList) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (PropertyNode expectedNode : expectedNodeList) { builder.append("expected: "); builder.append(expectedNode.toString()); builder.append("\n"); } TestCase.fail("Property \"" + propName + "\" has wrong value.\n" + builder.toString() + " actual: " + actualNode.toString()); } }