/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.layout.expected; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; /** * This class builds an expected keyboard for unit test. * * An expected keyboard is an array of rows, and a row consists of an array of {@link ExpectedKey}s. * Each row may have different number of {@link ExpectedKey}s. While building an expected keyboard, * an {@link ExpectedKey} can be specified by a row number and a column number, both numbers starts * from 1. */ public final class ExpectedKeyboardBuilder extends AbstractKeyboardBuilder { public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder() { super(); } public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder(final ExpectedKey[][] rows) { super(rows); } @Override protected ExpectedKey defaultElement() { return ExpectedKey.EMPTY_KEY; } @Override ExpectedKey[] newArray(final int size) { return new ExpectedKey[size]; } @Override ExpectedKey[][] newArrayOfArray(final int size) { return new ExpectedKey[size][]; } @Override public ExpectedKey[][] build() { return super.build(); } // A replacement job to be performed. private interface ReplaceJob { // Returns a {@link ExpectedKey} objects to replace. ExpectedKey[] replacingKeys(final ExpectedKey oldKey); // Return true if replacing should be stopped at first occurrence. boolean stopAtFirstOccurrence(); } private static ExpectedKey[] replaceKeyAt(final ExpectedKey[] keys, final int columnIndex, final ExpectedKey[] replacingKeys) { // Optimization for replacing a key with another key. if (replacingKeys.length == 1) { keys[columnIndex] = replacingKeys[0]; return keys; } final int newLength = keys.length - 1 + replacingKeys.length; // Remove the key at columnIndex. final ExpectedKey[] newKeys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, newLength); System.arraycopy(keys, columnIndex + 1, newKeys, columnIndex + replacingKeys.length, keys.length - 1 - columnIndex); // Insert replacing keys at columnIndex. System.arraycopy(replacingKeys, 0, newKeys, columnIndex, replacingKeys.length); return newKeys; } // Replace key(s) that has the specified visual. private void replaceKeyOf(final ExpectedKeyVisual visual, final ReplaceJob job) { int replacedCount = 0; final int rowCount = getRowCount(); for (int row = 1; row <= rowCount; row++) { ExpectedKey[] keys = getRowAt(row); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < keys.length; /* nothing */) { final ExpectedKey currentKey = keys[columnIndex]; if (!currentKey.getVisual().equalsTo(visual)) { columnIndex++; continue; } final ExpectedKey[] replacingKeys = job.replacingKeys(currentKey); keys = replaceKeyAt(keys, columnIndex, replacingKeys); columnIndex += replacingKeys.length; setRowAt(row, keys); replacedCount++; if (job.stopAtFirstOccurrence()) { return; } } } if (replacedCount == 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "Can't find key that has visual: " + visual + " in\n" + this); } } // Helper method to create {@link ExpectedKey} array by joining {@link ExpectedKey}, // {@link ExpectedKey} array, and {@link String}. static ExpectedKey[] joinKeys(final Object ... keys) { final ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object key : keys) { if (key instanceof ExpectedKey) { list.add((ExpectedKey)key); } else if (key instanceof ExpectedKey[]) { list.addAll(Arrays.asList((ExpectedKey[])key)); } else if (key instanceof String) { list.add(ExpectedKey.newInstance((String)key)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown expected key type: " + key); } } return list.toArray(new ExpectedKey[list.size()]); } /** * Set the row with specified keys. * @param row the row number to set keys. * @param keys the keys to be set at row. Each key can be {@link ExpectedKey}, * {@link ExpectedKey} array, and {@link String}. * @return this builder. */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder setKeysOfRow(final int row, final Object ... keys) { setRowAt(row, joinKeys(keys)); return this; } /** * Set the "more keys" of the key that has the specified label. * @param label the label of the key to set the "more keys". * @param moreKeys the array of "more key" to be set. Each "more key" can be * {@link ExpectedKey}, {@link ExpectedKey} array, and {@link String}. * @return this builder. */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder setMoreKeysOf(final String label, final Object ... moreKeys) { setMoreKeysOf(ExpectedKeyVisual.newInstance(label), joinKeys(moreKeys)); return this; } /** * Set the "more keys" of the key that has the specified icon. * @param iconId the icon id of the key to set the "more keys". * @param moreKeys the array of "more key" to be set. Each "more key" can be * {@link ExpectedKey}, {@link ExpectedKey} array, and {@link String}. * @return this builder. */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder setMoreKeysOf(final int iconId, final Object ... moreKeys) { setMoreKeysOf(ExpectedKeyVisual.newInstance(iconId), joinKeys(moreKeys)); return this; } private void setMoreKeysOf(final ExpectedKeyVisual visual, final ExpectedKey[] moreKeys) { replaceKeyOf(visual, new ReplaceJob() { @Override public ExpectedKey[] replacingKeys(final ExpectedKey oldKey) { return new ExpectedKey[] { oldKey.setMoreKeys(moreKeys) }; } @Override public boolean stopAtFirstOccurrence() { return true; } }); } /** * Set the "additional more keys position" of the key that has the specified label. * @param label the label of the key to set the "additional more keys". * @param additionalMoreKeysPosition the position in the "more keys" where * "additional more keys" will be merged. The position starts from 1. * @return this builder. */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder setAdditionalMoreKeysPositionOf(final String label, final int additionalMoreKeysPosition) { final int additionalMoreKeysIndex = additionalMoreKeysPosition - 1; if (additionalMoreKeysIndex < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Illegal additional more keys position: " + additionalMoreKeysPosition); } final ExpectedKeyVisual visual = ExpectedKeyVisual.newInstance(label); replaceKeyOf(visual, new ReplaceJob() { @Override public ExpectedKey[] replacingKeys(final ExpectedKey oldKey) { return new ExpectedKey[] { oldKey.setAdditionalMoreKeysIndex(additionalMoreKeysIndex) }; } @Override public boolean stopAtFirstOccurrence() { return true; } }); return this; } /** * Insert the keys at specified position. * @param row the row number to insert the keys. * @param column the column number to insert the keys. * @param keys the array of keys to insert at row,column. Each key can be * {@link ExpectedKey}, {@link ExpectedKey} array, and {@link String}. * @return this builder. * @throws RuntimeException if row or column is illegal. */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder insertKeysAtRow(final int row, final int column, final Object ... keys) { final ExpectedKey[] expectedKeys = joinKeys(keys); for (int index = 0; index < keys.length; index++) { setElementAt(row, column + index, expectedKeys[index], true /* insert */); } return this; } /** * Add the keys on the left most of the row. * @param row the row number to add the keys. * @param keys the array of keys to add on the left most of the row. Each key can be * {@link ExpectedKey}, {@link ExpectedKey} array, and {@link String}. * @return this builder. * @throws RuntimeException if row is illegal. */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder addKeysOnTheLeftOfRow(final int row, final Object ... keys) { final ExpectedKey[] expectedKeys = joinKeys(keys); // Keys should be inserted from the last to preserve the order. for (int index = keys.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { setElementAt(row, 1, expectedKeys[index], true /* insert */); } return this; } /** * Add the keys on the right most of the row. * @param row the row number to add the keys. * @param keys the array of keys to add on the right most of the row. Each key can be * {@link ExpectedKey}, {@link ExpectedKey} array, and {@link String}. * @return this builder. * @throws RuntimeException if row is illegal. */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder addKeysOnTheRightOfRow(final int row, final Object ... keys) { final int rightEnd = getRowAt(row).length + 1; insertKeysAtRow(row, rightEnd, keys); return this; } /** * Replace the most top-left key that has the specified label with the new keys. * @param label the label of the key to set newKeys. * @param newKeys the keys to be set. Each key can be {@link ExpectedKey}, {@link ExpectedKey} * array, and {@link String}. * @return this builder. */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder replaceKeyOfLabel(final String label, final Object ... newKeys) { final ExpectedKeyVisual visual = ExpectedKeyVisual.newInstance(label); replaceKeyOf(visual, new ReplaceJob() { @Override public ExpectedKey[] replacingKeys(final ExpectedKey oldKey) { return joinKeys(newKeys); } @Override public boolean stopAtFirstOccurrence() { return true; } }); return this; } /** * Replace the all specified keys with the new keys. * @param key the key to be replaced by newKeys. * @param newKeys the keys to be set. Each key can be {@link ExpectedKey}, {@link ExpectedKey} * array, and {@link String}. * @return this builder. */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder replaceKeysOfAll(final ExpectedKey key, final Object ... newKeys) { replaceKeyOf(key.getVisual(), new ReplaceJob() { @Override public ExpectedKey[] replacingKeys(final ExpectedKey oldKey) { return joinKeys(newKeys); } @Override public boolean stopAtFirstOccurrence() { return false; } }); return this; } /** * Convert all keys of this keyboard builder to upper case keys. * @param locale the locale used to convert cases. * @return this builder */ public ExpectedKeyboardBuilder toUpperCase(final Locale locale) { final int rowCount = getRowCount(); for (int row = 1; row <= rowCount; row++) { final ExpectedKey[] lowerCaseKeys = getRowAt(row); final ExpectedKey[] upperCaseKeys = new ExpectedKey[lowerCaseKeys.length]; for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < lowerCaseKeys.length; columnIndex++) { upperCaseKeys[columnIndex] = lowerCaseKeys[columnIndex].toUpperCase(locale); } setRowAt(row, upperCaseKeys); } return this; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(build()); } /** * Convert the keyboard to human readable string. * @param rows the keyboard to be converted to string. * @return the human readable representation of rows. */ public static String toString(final ExpectedKey[][] rows) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rows.length; rowIndex++) { if (rowIndex > 0) { sb.append("\n"); } sb.append(Arrays.toString(rows[rowIndex])); } return sb.toString(); } }