/* * Copyright 2014, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.telecom; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.Manifest.permission; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.provider.CallLog.Calls; import android.telecom.CallState; import android.telecom.DisconnectCause; import android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle; import android.telecom.VideoProfile; import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils; // TODO: Needed for move to system service: import com.android.internal.R; import com.android.internal.telephony.CallerInfo; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants; /** * Helper class that provides functionality to write information about calls and their associated * caller details to the call log. All logging activity will be performed asynchronously in a * background thread to avoid blocking on the main thread. */ final class CallLogManager extends CallsManagerListenerBase { /** * Parameter object to hold the arguments to add a call in the call log DB. */ private static class AddCallArgs { /** * @param callerInfo Caller details. * @param number The phone number to be logged. * @param presentation Number presentation of the phone number to be logged. * @param callType The type of call (e.g INCOMING_TYPE). @see * {@link android.provider.CallLog} for the list of values. * @param features The features of the call (e.g. FEATURES_VIDEO). @see * {@link android.provider.CallLog} for the list of values. * @param creationDate Time when the call was created (milliseconds since epoch). * @param durationInMillis Duration of the call (milliseconds). * @param dataUsage Data usage in bytes, or null if not applicable. */ public AddCallArgs(Context context, CallerInfo callerInfo, String number, int presentation, int callType, int features, PhoneAccountHandle accountHandle, long creationDate, long durationInMillis, Long dataUsage) { this.context = context; this.callerInfo = callerInfo; this.number = number; this.presentation = presentation; this.callType = callType; this.features = features; this.accountHandle = accountHandle; this.timestamp = creationDate; this.durationInSec = (int)(durationInMillis / 1000); this.dataUsage = dataUsage; } // Since the members are accessed directly, we don't use the // mXxxx notation. public final Context context; public final CallerInfo callerInfo; public final String number; public final int presentation; public final int callType; public final int features; public final PhoneAccountHandle accountHandle; public final long timestamp; public final int durationInSec; public final Long dataUsage; } private static final String TAG = CallLogManager.class.getSimpleName(); private final Context mContext; private static final String ACTION_CALLS_TABLE_ADD_ENTRY = "com.android.server.telecom.intent.action.CALLS_ADD_ENTRY"; private static final String PERMISSION_PROCESS_CALLLOG_INFO = "android.permission.PROCESS_CALLLOG_INFO"; private static final String CALL_TYPE = "callType"; private static final String CALL_DURATION = "duration"; public CallLogManager(Context context) { mContext = context; } @Override public void onCallStateChanged(Call call, int oldState, int newState) { int disconnectCause = call.getDisconnectCause().getCode(); boolean isNewlyDisconnected = newState == CallState.DISCONNECTED || newState == CallState.ABORTED; boolean isCallCanceled = isNewlyDisconnected && disconnectCause == DisconnectCause.CANCELED; // Log newly disconnected calls only if: // 1) It was not in the "choose account" phase when disconnected // 2) It is a conference call // 3) Call was not explicitly canceled if (isNewlyDisconnected && (oldState != CallState.PRE_DIAL_WAIT && !call.isConference() && !isCallCanceled)) { int type; if (!call.isIncoming()) { type = Calls.OUTGOING_TYPE; } else if (disconnectCause == DisconnectCause.MISSED) { type = Calls.MISSED_TYPE; } else { type = Calls.INCOMING_TYPE; } logCall(call, type); } } /** * Logs a call to the call log based on the {@link Call} object passed in. * * @param call The call object being logged * @param callLogType The type of call log entry to log this call as. See: * {@link android.provider.CallLog.Calls#INCOMING_TYPE} * {@link android.provider.CallLog.Calls#OUTGOING_TYPE} * {@link android.provider.CallLog.Calls#MISSED_TYPE} */ void logCall(Call call, int callLogType) { final long creationTime = call.getCreationTimeMillis(); final long age = call.getAgeMillis(); final String logNumber = getLogNumber(call); Log.d(TAG, "logNumber set to: %s", Log.pii(logNumber)); final PhoneAccountHandle accountHandle = call.getTargetPhoneAccount(); // TODO(vt): Once data usage is available, wire it up here. int callFeatures = getCallFeatures(call.getVideoStateHistory()); logCall(call.getCallerInfo(), logNumber, call.getHandlePresentation(), callLogType, callFeatures, accountHandle, creationTime, age, null); } /** * Inserts a call into the call log, based on the parameters passed in. * * @param callerInfo Caller details. * @param number The number the call was made to or from. * @param presentation * @param callType The type of call. * @param features The features of the call. * @param start The start time of the call, in milliseconds. * @param duration The duration of the call, in milliseconds. * @param dataUsage The data usage for the call, null if not applicable. */ private void logCall( CallerInfo callerInfo, String number, int presentation, int callType, int features, PhoneAccountHandle accountHandle, long start, long duration, Long dataUsage) { boolean isEmergencyNumber = PhoneNumberUtils.isLocalEmergencyNumber(mContext, number); // On some devices, to avoid accidental redialing of emergency numbers, we *never* log // emergency calls to the Call Log. (This behavior is set on a per-product basis, based // on carrier requirements.) final boolean okToLogEmergencyNumber = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.allow_emergency_numbers_in_call_log); // Don't log emergency numbers if the device doesn't allow it. final boolean isOkToLogThisCall = !isEmergencyNumber || okToLogEmergencyNumber; sendAddCallBroadcast(callType, duration); if (isOkToLogThisCall) { Log.d(TAG, "Logging Calllog entry: " + callerInfo + ", " + Log.pii(number) + "," + presentation + ", " + callType + ", " + start + ", " + duration); AddCallArgs args = new AddCallArgs(mContext, callerInfo, number, presentation, callType, features, accountHandle, start, duration, dataUsage); logCallAsync(args); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Not adding emergency call to call log."); } } /** * Based on the video state of the call, determines the call features applicable for the call. * * @param videoState The video state. * @return The call features. */ private static int getCallFeatures(int videoState) { if ((videoState & VideoProfile.VideoState.TX_ENABLED) == VideoProfile.VideoState.TX_ENABLED) { return Calls.FEATURES_VIDEO; } return 0; } /** * Retrieve the phone number from the call, and then process it before returning the * actual number that is to be logged. * * @param call The phone connection. * @return the phone number to be logged. */ private String getLogNumber(Call call) { Uri handle = call.getOriginalHandle(); if (handle == null) { return null; } String handleString = handle.getSchemeSpecificPart(); if (!PhoneNumberUtils.isUriNumber(handleString)) { handleString = PhoneNumberUtils.stripSeparators(handleString); } return handleString; } /** * Adds the call defined by the parameters in the provided AddCallArgs to the CallLogProvider * using an AsyncTask to avoid blocking the main thread. * * @param args Prepopulated call details. * @return A handle to the AsyncTask that will add the call to the call log asynchronously. */ public AsyncTask logCallAsync(AddCallArgs args) { return new LogCallAsyncTask().execute(args); } /** * Helper AsyncTask to access the call logs database asynchronously since database operations * can take a long time depending on the system's load. Since it extends AsyncTask, it uses * its own thread pool. */ private class LogCallAsyncTask extends AsyncTask { @Override protected Uri[] doInBackground(AddCallArgs... callList) { int count = callList.length; Uri[] result = new Uri[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { AddCallArgs c = callList[i]; try { // May block. result[i] = Calls.addCall(c.callerInfo, c.context, c.number, c.presentation, c.callType, c.features, c.accountHandle, c.timestamp, c.durationInSec, c.dataUsage, true /* addForAllUsers */); } catch (Exception e) { // This is very rare but may happen in legitimate cases. // E.g. If the phone is encrypted and thus write request fails, it may cause // some kind of Exception (right now it is IllegalArgumentException, but this // might change). // // We don't want to crash the whole process just because of that, so just log // it instead. Log.e(TAG, e, "Exception raised during adding CallLog entry."); result[i] = null; } } return result; } /** * Performs a simple sanity check to make sure the call was written in the database. * Typically there is only one result per call so it is easy to identify which one failed. */ @Override protected void onPostExecute(Uri[] result) { for (Uri uri : result) { if (uri == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to write call to the log."); } } } } private void sendAddCallBroadcast(int callType, long duration) { Intent callAddIntent = new Intent(ACTION_CALLS_TABLE_ADD_ENTRY); callAddIntent.putExtra(CALL_TYPE, callType); callAddIntent.putExtra(CALL_DURATION, duration); mContext.sendBroadcast(callAddIntent, PERMISSION_PROCESS_CALLLOG_INFO); } }