java_cpp_template.gypi revision 2a99a7e74a7f215066514fe81d2bfa6639d9eddd
1# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5# This file is meant to be included into a target to provide a rule
6# to generate Java source files from templates that are processed
7# through the host C pre-processor.
9# To use this, create a gyp target with the following form:
10#  {
11#    'target_name': 'android_net_java_constants',
12#    'type': 'none',
13#    'sources': [
14#      'net/android/NetError.template',
15#    ],
16#    'variables': {
17#      'package_name': 'org/chromium/net',
18#      'template_deps': ['net/base/certificate_mime_type_list.h'],
19#    },
20#    'includes': [ '../build/android/java_constants.gypi' ],
21#  },
23# The 'sources' entry should only list template file. The template file
24# itself should use the 'ClassName.template' format, and will generate
25# 'gen/templates/<package-name>/ The files which template
26# dependents on and typically included by the template should be listed
27# in template_deps variables. Any change to them will force a rebuild of
28# the template, and hence of any source that depends on it.
32  # Location where all generated Java sources will be placed.
33  'variables': {
34    'output_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/templates/<(package_name)'
35  },
36  # Ensure that the output directory is used in the class path
37  # when building targets that depend on this one.
38  'direct_dependent_settings': {
39    'variables': {
40      'generated_src_dirs': [
41        '<(output_dir)/',
42      ],
43    },
44  },
45  # Define a single rule that will be apply to each .template file
46  # listed in 'sources'.
47  'rules': [
48    {
49      'rule_name': 'generate_java_constants',
50      'extension': 'template',
51      # Set template_deps as additional dependencies.
52      'inputs': ['<@(template_deps)'],
53      'outputs': [
54        '<(output_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).java'
55      ],
56      'action': [
57        'gcc',                 # invoke host gcc.
58        '-E',                  # stop after preprocessing.
59        '-D', 'ANDROID',       # Specify ANDROID define for pre-processor.
60        '-x', 'c-header',      # treat sources as C header files
61        '-P',                  # disable line markers, i.e. '#line 309'
62        '-I', '<(DEPTH)',      # Add project top-level to include path
63        '-o', '<@(_outputs)',  # Specify output file
64        '<(RULE_INPUT_PATH)',  # Specify input file
65      ],
66      'message': 'Generating Java from cpp template <(RULE_INPUT_PATH)',
67    }
68  ],