extension_service.h revision 6d86b77056ed63eb6871182f42a9fd5f07550f90
1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <map>
9#include <set>
10#include <string>
11#include <vector>
13#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
14#include "base/files/file_path.h"
15#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
16#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
17#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
18#include "base/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
19#include "base/strings/string16.h"
20#include "chrome/browser/extensions/blacklist.h"
21#include "chrome/browser/extensions/pending_extension_manager.h"
22#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
23#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
24#include "extensions/browser/external_provider_interface.h"
25#include "extensions/browser/install_flag.h"
26#include "extensions/browser/management_policy.h"
27#include "extensions/browser/process_manager.h"
28#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
29#include "extensions/common/extension_set.h"
30#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
31#include "sync/api/string_ordinal.h"
33class ExtensionSyncService;
34class GURL;
35class Profile;
37namespace base {
38class CommandLine;
39class SequencedTaskRunner;
40class Version;
43namespace content {
44class DevToolsAgentHost;
47namespace extensions {
48class ComponentLoader;
49class CrxInstaller;
50class ExtensionActionStorageManager;
51class ExtensionErrorController;
52class ExtensionRegistry;
53class ExtensionSystem;
54class ExtensionUpdater;
55class OneShotEvent;
56class SharedModuleService;
57class UpdateObserver;
58}  // namespace extensions
60// This is an interface class to encapsulate the dependencies that
61// various classes have on ExtensionService. This allows easy mocking.
62class ExtensionServiceInterface
63    : public base::SupportsWeakPtr<ExtensionServiceInterface> {
64 public:
65  virtual ~ExtensionServiceInterface() {}
67  // DEPRECATED: Use ExtensionRegistry::enabled_extensions() instead.
68  // ExtensionRegistry also has the disabled, terminated and blacklisted sets.
69  virtual const extensions::ExtensionSet* extensions() const = 0;
71  // Gets the object managing the set of pending extensions.
72  virtual extensions::PendingExtensionManager* pending_extension_manager() = 0;
74  // Installs an update with the contents from |extension_path|. Returns true if
75  // the install can be started. Sets |out_crx_installer| to the installer if
76  // one was started.
77  // TODO(aa): This method can be removed. ExtensionUpdater could use
78  // CrxInstaller directly instead.
79  virtual bool UpdateExtension(
80      const std::string& id,
81      const base::FilePath& path,
82      bool file_ownership_passed,
83      extensions::CrxInstaller** out_crx_installer) = 0;
85  // Look up an extension by ID. Does not include terminated
86  // extensions.
87  virtual const extensions::Extension* GetExtensionById(
88      const std::string& id,
89      bool include_disabled) const = 0;
91  // Looks up an extension by ID, regardless of whether it's enabled,
92  // disabled, blacklisted, or terminated.
93  // DEPRECATED: Replace with:
94  // ExtensionRegistry::GetExtensionById(id, ExtensionRegistry::EVERYTHING).
95  virtual const extensions::Extension* GetInstalledExtension(
96      const std::string& id) const = 0;
98  // Returns an update for an extension with the specified id, if installation
99  // of that update was previously delayed because the extension was in use. If
100  // no updates are pending for the extension returns NULL.
101  virtual const extensions::Extension* GetPendingExtensionUpdate(
102      const std::string& extension_id) const = 0;
104  // Finishes installation of an update for an extension with the specified id,
105  // when installation of that extension was previously delayed because the
106  // extension was in use.
107  virtual void FinishDelayedInstallation(const std::string& extension_id) = 0;
109  // Returns true if the extension with the given |extension_id| is enabled.
110  // This will return a valid answer even if the extension is not loaded yet.
111  virtual bool IsExtensionEnabled(const std::string& extension_id) const = 0;
113  // Go through each extension and unload those that are not allowed to run by
114  // management policy providers (ie. network admin and Google-managed
115  // blacklist).
116  virtual void CheckManagementPolicy() = 0;
118  // Safe to call multiple times in a row.
119  //
120  // TODO(akalin): Remove this method (and others) once we refactor
121  // themes sync to not use it directly.
122  virtual void CheckForUpdatesSoon() = 0;
124  // Adds |extension| to this ExtensionService and notifies observers that the
125  // extensions have been loaded.
126  virtual void AddExtension(const extensions::Extension* extension) = 0;
128  // Check if we have preferences for the component extension and, if not or if
129  // the stored version differs, install the extension (without requirements
130  // checking) before calling AddExtension.
131  virtual void AddComponentExtension(
132      const extensions::Extension* extension) = 0;
134  // Unload the specified extension.
135  virtual void UnloadExtension(
136      const std::string& extension_id,
137      extensions::UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason) = 0;
139  // Remove the specified component extension.
140  virtual void RemoveComponentExtension(const std::string& extension_id) = 0;
142  // Whether the extension service is ready.
143  virtual bool is_ready() = 0;
145  // Returns task runner for crx installation file I/O operations.
146  virtual base::SequencedTaskRunner* GetFileTaskRunner() = 0;
149// Manages installed and running Chromium extensions. An instance is shared
150// between normal and incognito profiles.
151class ExtensionService
152    : public ExtensionServiceInterface,
153      public extensions::ExternalProviderInterface::VisitorInterface,
154      public content::NotificationObserver,
155      public extensions::Blacklist::Observer {
156 public:
157  // Attempts to uninstall an extension from a given ExtensionService. Returns
158  // true iff the target extension exists.
159  static bool UninstallExtensionHelper(ExtensionService* extensions_service,
160                                       const std::string& extension_id);
162  // Constructor stores pointers to |profile| and |extension_prefs| but
163  // ownership remains at caller.
164  ExtensionService(Profile* profile,
165                   const base::CommandLine* command_line,
166                   const base::FilePath& install_directory,
167                   extensions::ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs,
168                   extensions::Blacklist* blacklist,
169                   bool autoupdate_enabled,
170                   bool extensions_enabled,
171                   extensions::OneShotEvent* ready);
173  virtual ~ExtensionService();
175  // ExtensionServiceInterface implementation:
176  virtual const extensions::ExtensionSet* extensions() const OVERRIDE;
177  virtual extensions::PendingExtensionManager*
178      pending_extension_manager() OVERRIDE;
179  virtual const extensions::Extension* GetExtensionById(
180      const std::string& id, bool include_disabled) const OVERRIDE;
181  virtual const extensions::Extension* GetInstalledExtension(
182      const std::string& id) const OVERRIDE;
183  virtual bool UpdateExtension(
184      const std::string& id,
185      const base::FilePath& extension_path,
186      bool file_ownership_passed,
187      extensions::CrxInstaller** out_crx_installer) OVERRIDE;
188  virtual bool IsExtensionEnabled(
189      const std::string& extension_id) const OVERRIDE;
190  virtual void UnloadExtension(
191      const std::string& extension_id,
192      extensions::UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason) OVERRIDE;
193  virtual void RemoveComponentExtension(const std::string& extension_id)
194      OVERRIDE;
195  virtual void AddExtension(const extensions::Extension* extension) OVERRIDE;
196  virtual void AddComponentExtension(const extensions::Extension* extension)
197      OVERRIDE;
198  virtual const extensions::Extension* GetPendingExtensionUpdate(
199      const std::string& extension_id) const OVERRIDE;
200  virtual void FinishDelayedInstallation(
201     const std::string& extension_id) OVERRIDE;
202  virtual void CheckManagementPolicy() OVERRIDE;
203  virtual void CheckForUpdatesSoon() OVERRIDE;
204  virtual bool is_ready() OVERRIDE;
205  virtual base::SequencedTaskRunner* GetFileTaskRunner() OVERRIDE;
207  // ExternalProvider::Visitor implementation.
208  // Exposed for testing.
209  virtual bool OnExternalExtensionFileFound(
210      const std::string& id,
211      const base::Version* version,
212      const base::FilePath& path,
213      extensions::Manifest::Location location,
214      int creation_flags,
215      bool mark_acknowledged) OVERRIDE;
216  virtual bool OnExternalExtensionUpdateUrlFound(
217      const std::string& id,
218      const std::string& install_parameter,
219      const GURL& update_url,
220      extensions::Manifest::Location location,
221      int creation_flags,
222      bool mark_acknowledged) OVERRIDE;
223  virtual void OnExternalProviderReady(
224      const extensions::ExternalProviderInterface* provider) OVERRIDE;
226  // Getter and setter for the flag that specifies whether the extension is
227  // being reloaded.
228  bool IsBeingReloaded(const std::string& extension_id) const;
229  void SetBeingReloaded(const std::string& extension_id, bool value);
231  // Initialize and start all installed extensions.
232  void Init();
234  // Called when the associated Profile is going to be destroyed.
235  void Shutdown();
237  // Reloads the specified extension, sending the onLaunched() event to it if it
238  // currently has any window showing.
239  void ReloadExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
241  // Uninstalls the specified extension. Callers should only call this method
242  // with extensions that exist. |external_uninstall| is a magical parameter
243  // that is only used to send information to ExtensionPrefs, which external
244  // callers should never set to true.
245  //
246  // TODO(aa): Remove |external_uninstall| -- this information should be passed
247  // to ExtensionPrefs some other way.
248  virtual bool UninstallExtension(const std::string& extension_id,
249                                  bool external_uninstall,
250                                  base::string16* error);
252  // Enables the extension.  If the extension is already enabled, does
253  // nothing.
254  virtual void EnableExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
256  // Disables the extension.  If the extension is already disabled, or
257  // cannot be disabled, does nothing.
258  virtual void DisableExtension(
259      const std::string& extension_id,
260      extensions::Extension::DisableReason disable_reason);
262  // Disable non-default and non-managed extensions with ids not in
263  // |except_ids|. Default extensions are those from the Web Store with
264  // |was_installed_by_default| flag.
265  void DisableUserExtensions(const std::vector<std::string>& except_ids);
267  // Updates the |extension|'s granted permissions lists to include all
268  // permissions in the |extension|'s manifest and re-enables the
269  // extension.
270  void GrantPermissionsAndEnableExtension(
271      const extensions::Extension* extension);
273  // Updates the |extension|'s granted permissions lists to include all
274  // permissions in the |extensions|'s manifest.
275  void GrantPermissions(const extensions::Extension* extension);
277  // Check for updates (or potentially new extensions from external providers)
278  void CheckForExternalUpdates();
280  // Called when the initial extensions load has completed.
281  virtual void OnLoadedInstalledExtensions();
283  // Informs the service that an extension's files are in place for loading.
284  //
285  // |extension|     the extension
286  // |page_ordinal|  the location of the extension in the app launcher
287  // |install_flags| a bitmask of extensions::InstallFlags
288  void OnExtensionInstalled(const extensions::Extension* extension,
289                            const syncer::StringOrdinal& page_ordinal,
290                            int install_flags);
291  void OnExtensionInstalled(const extensions::Extension* extension,
292                            const syncer::StringOrdinal& page_ordinal) {
293    OnExtensionInstalled(extension,
294                         page_ordinal,
295                         static_cast<int>(extensions::kInstallFlagNone));
296  }
298  // Checks for delayed installation for all pending installs.
299  void MaybeFinishDelayedInstallations();
301  // Promotes an ephemeral app to a regular installed app. Ephemeral apps
302  // are already installed in extension system (albiet transiently) and only
303  // need to be exposed in the UI. Set |is_from_sync| to true if the
304  // install was initiated via sync.
305  void PromoteEphemeralApp(
306      const extensions::Extension* extension, bool is_from_sync);
308  // ExtensionHost of background page calls this method right after its render
309  // view has been created.
310  void DidCreateRenderViewForBackgroundPage(extensions::ExtensionHost* host);
312  // Changes sequenced task runner for crx installation tasks to |task_runner|.
313  void SetFileTaskRunnerForTesting(base::SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner);
315  // Checks if there are any new external extensions to notify the user about.
316  void UpdateExternalExtensionAlert();
318  // Given a (presumably just-installed) extension id, mark that extension as
319  // acknowledged.
320  void AcknowledgeExternalExtension(const std::string& id);
322  // Disable extensions that are known to be disabled yet are currently enabled.
323  void ReconcileKnownDisabled();
325  // Postpone installations so that we don't have to worry about race
326  // conditions.
327  void OnGarbageCollectIsolatedStorageStart();
329  // Restart any extension installs which were delayed for isolated storage
330  // garbage collection.
331  void OnGarbageCollectIsolatedStorageFinished();
333  // Record a histogram using the PermissionMessage enum values for each
334  // permission in |e|.
335  // NOTE: If this is ever called with high frequency, the implementation may
336  // need to be made more efficient.
337  static void RecordPermissionMessagesHistogram(
338      const extensions::Extension* extension, const char* histogram);
340  // Unloads the given extension and mark the extension as terminated. This
341  // doesn't notify the user that the extension was terminated, if such a
342  // notification is desired the calling code is responsible for doing that.
343  void TerminateExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
345  // Adds/Removes update observers.
346  void AddUpdateObserver(extensions::UpdateObserver* observer);
347  void RemoveUpdateObserver(extensions::UpdateObserver* observer);
349  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
350  // Simple Accessors
352  // Returns a WeakPtr to the ExtensionService.
353  base::WeakPtr<ExtensionService> AsWeakPtr() { return base::AsWeakPtr(this); }
355  // Returns profile_ as a BrowserContext.
356  content::BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() const;
358  bool extensions_enabled() const { return extensions_enabled_; }
359  void set_extensions_enabled(bool enabled) { extensions_enabled_ = enabled; }
361  const base::FilePath& install_directory() const { return install_directory_; }
363  const extensions::ExtensionSet* delayed_installs() const {
364    return &delayed_installs_;
365  }
367  bool show_extensions_prompts() const { return show_extensions_prompts_; }
368  void set_show_extensions_prompts(bool show_extensions_prompts) {
369    show_extensions_prompts_ = show_extensions_prompts;
370  }
372  Profile* profile() { return profile_; }
374  void set_extension_sync_service(
375      ExtensionSyncService* extension_sync_service) {
376    extension_sync_service_ = extension_sync_service;
377  }
379  // Note that this may return NULL if autoupdate is not turned on.
380  extensions::ExtensionUpdater* updater() { return updater_.get(); }
382  extensions::ComponentLoader* component_loader() {
383    return component_loader_.get();
384  }
386  bool browser_terminating() const { return browser_terminating_; }
388  extensions::SharedModuleService* shared_module_service() {
389    return shared_module_service_.get();
390  }
392  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
393  // For Testing
395  // Unload all extensions. Does not send notifications.
396  void UnloadAllExtensionsForTest();
398  // Reloads all extensions. Does not notify that extensions are ready.
399  void ReloadExtensionsForTest();
401  // Clear all ExternalProviders.
402  void ClearProvidersForTesting();
404  // Adds an ExternalProviderInterface for the service to use during testing.
405  // Takes ownership of |test_provider|.
406  void AddProviderForTesting(
407      extensions::ExternalProviderInterface* test_provider);
409#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
410  void TrackTerminatedExtensionForTest(const extensions::Extension* extension) {
411    TrackTerminatedExtension(extension);
412  }
414  void FinishInstallationForTest(const extensions::Extension* extension) {
415    FinishInstallation(extension, false /* not ephemeral */);
416  }
419  void set_browser_terminating_for_test(bool value) {
420    browser_terminating_ = value;
421  }
423  // By default ExtensionService will wait with installing an updated extension
424  // until the extension is idle. Tests might not like this behavior, so you can
425  // disable it with this method.
426  void set_install_updates_when_idle_for_test(bool value) {
427    install_updates_when_idle_ = value;
428  }
430  // Set a callback to be called when all external providers are ready and their
431  // extensions have been installed.
432  void set_external_updates_finished_callback_for_test(
433      const base::Closure& callback) {
434    external_updates_finished_callback_ = callback;
435  }
438 private:
439  // content::NotificationObserver implementation:
440  virtual void Observe(int type,
441                       const content::NotificationSource& source,
442                       const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
444  // extensions::Blacklist::Observer implementation.
445  virtual void OnBlacklistUpdated() OVERRIDE;
447  // Similar to FinishInstallation, but first checks if there still is an update
448  // pending for the extension, and makes sure the extension is still idle.
449  void MaybeFinishDelayedInstallation(const std::string& extension_id);
451  // For the extension in |version_path| with |id|, check to see if it's an
452  // externally managed extension.  If so, uninstall it.
453  void CheckExternalUninstall(const std::string& id);
455  // Populates greylist_.
456  void LoadGreylistFromPrefs();
458  // Signals *ready_ and sends a notification to the listeners.
459  void SetReadyAndNotifyListeners();
461  // Returns true if all the external extension providers are ready.
462  bool AreAllExternalProvidersReady() const;
464  // Called once all external providers are ready. Checks for unclaimed
465  // external extensions.
466  void OnAllExternalProvidersReady();
468  // Returns true if this extension is an external one that has yet to be
469  // marked as acknowledged.
470  bool IsUnacknowledgedExternalExtension(
471      const extensions::Extension* extension);
473  // Return true if the sync type of |extension| matches |type|.
474  void OnExtensionInstallPrefChanged();
476  // Adds the given extension to the list of terminated extensions if
477  // it is not already there and unloads it.
478  void TrackTerminatedExtension(const extensions::Extension* extension);
480  // Removes the extension with the given id from the list of
481  // terminated extensions if it is there.
482  void UntrackTerminatedExtension(const std::string& id);
484  // Update preferences for a new or updated extension; notify observers that
485  // the extension is installed, e.g., to update event handlers on background
486  // pages; and perform other extension install tasks before calling
487  // AddExtension.
488  // |install_flags| is a bitmask of extensions::InstallFlags.
489  void AddNewOrUpdatedExtension(const extensions::Extension* extension,
490                                extensions::Extension::State initial_state,
491                                int install_flags,
492                                const syncer::StringOrdinal& page_ordinal,
493                                const std::string& install_parameter);
495  // Handles sending notification that |extension| was loaded.
496  void NotifyExtensionLoaded(const extensions::Extension* extension);
498  // Handles sending notification that |extension| was unloaded.
499  void NotifyExtensionUnloaded(
500      const extensions::Extension* extension,
501      extensions::UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason);
503  // Common helper to finish installing the given extension. |was_ephemeral|
504  // should be true if the extension was previously installed and ephemeral.
505  void FinishInstallation(const extensions::Extension* extension,
506                          bool was_ephemeral);
508  // Disables the extension if the privilege level has increased
509  // (e.g., due to an upgrade).
510  void CheckPermissionsIncrease(const extensions::Extension* extension,
511                                bool is_extension_installed);
513  // Helper that updates the active extension list used for crash reporting.
514  void UpdateActiveExtensionsInCrashReporter();
516  // Helper to determine whether we should initially enable an installed
517  // (or upgraded) extension.
518  bool ShouldEnableOnInstall(const extensions::Extension* extension);
520  // Helper to determine if updating an extensions should proceed immediately,
521  // or if we should delay the update until further notice.
522  bool ShouldDelayExtensionUpdate(const std::string& extension_id,
523                                  bool install_immediately) const;
525  // Manages the blacklisted extensions, intended as callback from
526  // Blacklist::GetBlacklistedIDs.
527  void ManageBlacklist(
528      const extensions::Blacklist::BlacklistStateMap& blacklisted_ids);
530  // Add extensions in |blocked| to blacklisted_extensions, remove extensions
531  // that are neither in |blocked|, nor in |unchanged|.
532  void UpdateBlockedExtensions(const extensions::ExtensionIdSet& blocked,
533                               const extensions::ExtensionIdSet& unchanged);
535  void UpdateGreylistedExtensions(
536      const extensions::ExtensionIdSet& greylist,
537      const extensions::ExtensionIdSet& unchanged,
538      const extensions::Blacklist::BlacklistStateMap& state_map);
540  // Used only by test code.
541  void UnloadAllExtensionsInternal();
543  // Disable apps & extensions now to stop them from running after a profile
544  // has been conceptually deleted. Don't wait for full browser shutdown and
545  // the actual profile objects to be destroyed.
546  void OnProfileDestructionStarted();
548  // Called on file task runner thread to uninstall extension.
549  static void UninstallExtensionOnFileThread(
550      const std::string& id,
551      Profile* profile,
552      const base::FilePath& install_dir,
553      const base::FilePath& extension_path);
555  // The normal profile associated with this ExtensionService.
556  Profile* profile_;
558  // The ExtensionSystem for the profile above.
559  extensions::ExtensionSystem* system_;
561  // Preferences for the owning profile.
562  extensions::ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs_;
564  // Blacklist for the owning profile.
565  extensions::Blacklist* blacklist_;
567  // The ExtensionSyncService that is used by this ExtensionService.
568  ExtensionSyncService* extension_sync_service_;
570  // Sets of enabled/disabled/terminated/blacklisted extensions. Not owned.
571  extensions::ExtensionRegistry* registry_;
573  // Set of greylisted extensions. These extensions are disabled if they are
574  // already installed in Chromium at the time when they are added to
575  // the greylist. Unlike blacklisted extensions, greylisted ones are visible
576  // to the user and if user re-enables such an extension, they remain enabled.
577  //
578  // These extensions should appear in registry_.
579  extensions::ExtensionSet greylist_;
581  // The list of extension installs delayed for various reasons.  The reason
582  // for delayed install is stored in ExtensionPrefs. These are not part of
583  // ExtensionRegistry because they are not yet installed.
584  extensions::ExtensionSet delayed_installs_;
586  // Hold the set of pending extensions.
587  extensions::PendingExtensionManager pending_extension_manager_;
589  // The full path to the directory where extensions are installed.
590  base::FilePath install_directory_;
592  // Whether or not extensions are enabled.
593  bool extensions_enabled_;
595  // Whether to notify users when they attempt to install an extension.
596  bool show_extensions_prompts_;
598  // Whether to delay installing of extension updates until the extension is
599  // idle.
600  bool install_updates_when_idle_;
602  // Signaled when all extensions are loaded.
603  extensions::OneShotEvent* const ready_;
605  // Our extension updater, if updates are turned on.
606  scoped_ptr<extensions::ExtensionUpdater> updater_;
608  // Map unloaded extensions' ids to their paths. When a temporarily loaded
609  // extension is unloaded, we lose the information about it and don't have
610  // any in the extension preferences file.
611  typedef std::map<std::string, base::FilePath> UnloadedExtensionPathMap;
612  UnloadedExtensionPathMap unloaded_extension_paths_;
614  // Map of DevToolsAgentHost instances that are detached,
615  // waiting for an extension to be reloaded.
616  typedef std::map<std::string, scoped_refptr<content::DevToolsAgentHost> >
617      OrphanedDevTools;
618  OrphanedDevTools orphaned_dev_tools_;
620  content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
621  PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
623  // Keeps track of loading and unloading component extensions.
624  scoped_ptr<extensions::ComponentLoader> component_loader_;
626  // A collection of external extension providers.  Each provider reads
627  // a source of external extension information.  Examples include the
628  // windows registry and external_extensions.json.
629  extensions::ProviderCollection external_extension_providers_;
631  // Set to true by OnExternalExtensionUpdateUrlFound() when an external
632  // extension URL is found, and by CheckForUpdatesSoon() when an update check
633  // has to wait for the external providers.  Used in
634  // OnAllExternalProvidersReady() to determine if an update check is needed to
635  // install pending extensions.
636  bool update_once_all_providers_are_ready_;
638  // A callback to be called when all external providers are ready and their
639  // extensions have been installed. Normally this is a null callback, but
640  // is used in external provider related tests.
641  base::Closure external_updates_finished_callback_;
643  // Set when the browser is terminating. Prevents us from installing or
644  // updating additional extensions and allows in-progress installations to
645  // decide to abort.
646  bool browser_terminating_;
648  // Set to true to delay all new extension installations. Acts as a lock to
649  // allow background processing of garbage collection of on-disk state without
650  // needing to worry about race conditions caused by extension installation and
651  // reinstallation.
652  bool installs_delayed_for_gc_;
654  // Set to true if this is the first time this ExtensionService has run.
655  // Used for specially handling external extensions that are installed the
656  // first time.
657  bool is_first_run_;
659  // TODO(rdevlin.cronin): Okay, clearly something is very wrong with this
660  // picture...
661  // A set of the extension ids currently being reloaded.  We use this to
662  // avoid showing a "new install" notice for an extension reinstall.
663  std::set<std::string> extensions_being_reloaded_;
664  // Store the ids of reloading extensions. We use this to re-enable extensions
665  // which were disabled for a reload.
666  std::set<std::string> reloading_extensions_;
668  // A set of the extension ids currently being terminated. We use this to
669  // avoid trying to unload the same extension twice.
670  std::set<std::string> extensions_being_terminated_;
672  // The controller for the UI that alerts the user about any blacklisted
673  // extensions.
674  scoped_ptr<extensions::ExtensionErrorController> error_controller_;
676  // Sequenced task runner for extension related file operations.
677  scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> file_task_runner_;
679#if defined(ENABLE_EXTENSIONS)
680  scoped_ptr<extensions::ExtensionActionStorageManager>
681      extension_action_storage_manager_;
683  scoped_ptr<extensions::ManagementPolicy::Provider>
684      shared_module_policy_provider_;
686  // The SharedModuleService used to check for import dependencies.
687  scoped_ptr<extensions::SharedModuleService> shared_module_service_;
689  ObserverList<extensions::UpdateObserver, true> update_observers_;
691  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest,
692                           DestroyingProfileClearsExtensions);
693  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest, SetUnsetBlacklistInPrefs);
694  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest,
695                           BlacklistedExtensionWillNotInstall);
696  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest,
697                           UnloadBlacklistedExtensionPolicy);
698  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest,
699                           WillNotLoadBlacklistedExtensionsFromDirectory);
700  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest, ReloadBlacklistedExtension);
701  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest, BlacklistedInPrefsFromStartup);
702  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest,
703                           GreylistedExtensionDisabled);
704  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest,
705                           GreylistDontEnableManuallyDisabled);
706  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExtensionServiceTest,
707                           GreylistUnknownDontChange);
709  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionService);