AsmWriterEmitter.cpp revision a26eae64ddf607549f9e47046d46ea5b9ec648b4
1//===- AsmWriterEmitter.cpp - Generate an assembly writer -----------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This tablegen backend is emits an assembly printer for the current target.
11// Note that this is currently fairly skeletal, but will grow over time.
15#include "AsmWriterEmitter.h"
16#include "CodeGenTarget.h"
17#include "Record.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
19#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
20#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
21#include <algorithm>
22using namespace llvm;
24static bool isIdentChar(char C) {
25  return (C >= 'a' && C <= 'z') ||
26         (C >= 'A' && C <= 'Z') ||
27         (C >= '0' && C <= '9') ||
28         C == '_';
31// This should be an anon namespace, this works around a GCC warning.
32namespace llvm {
33  struct AsmWriterOperand {
34    enum { isLiteralTextOperand, isMachineInstrOperand } OperandType;
36    /// Str - For isLiteralTextOperand, this IS the literal text.  For
37    /// isMachineInstrOperand, this is the PrinterMethodName for the operand.
38    std::string Str;
40    /// MiOpNo - For isMachineInstrOperand, this is the operand number of the
41    /// machine instruction.
42    unsigned MIOpNo;
44    /// MiModifier - For isMachineInstrOperand, this is the modifier string for
45    /// an operand, specified with syntax like ${opname:modifier}.
46    std::string MiModifier;
48    // To make VS STL happy
49    AsmWriterOperand():OperandType(isLiteralTextOperand) {}
51    explicit AsmWriterOperand(const std::string &LitStr)
52      : OperandType(isLiteralTextOperand), Str(LitStr) {}
54    AsmWriterOperand(const std::string &Printer, unsigned OpNo,
55                     const std::string &Modifier)
56      : OperandType(isMachineInstrOperand), Str(Printer), MIOpNo(OpNo),
57      MiModifier(Modifier) {}
59    bool operator!=(const AsmWriterOperand &Other) const {
60      if (OperandType != Other.OperandType || Str != Other.Str) return true;
61      if (OperandType == isMachineInstrOperand)
62        return MIOpNo != Other.MIOpNo || MiModifier != Other.MiModifier;
63      return false;
64    }
65    bool operator==(const AsmWriterOperand &Other) const {
66      return !operator!=(Other);
67    }
69    /// getCode - Return the code that prints this operand.
70    std::string getCode() const;
71  };
74namespace llvm {
75  class AsmWriterInst {
76  public:
77    std::vector<AsmWriterOperand> Operands;
78    const CodeGenInstruction *CGI;
80    AsmWriterInst(const CodeGenInstruction &CGI, unsigned Variant);
82    /// MatchesAllButOneOp - If this instruction is exactly identical to the
83    /// specified instruction except for one differing operand, return the
84    /// differing operand number.  Otherwise return ~0.
85    unsigned MatchesAllButOneOp(const AsmWriterInst &Other) const;
87  private:
88    void AddLiteralString(const std::string &Str) {
89      // If the last operand was already a literal text string, append this to
90      // it, otherwise add a new operand.
91      if (!Operands.empty() &&
92          Operands.back().OperandType == AsmWriterOperand::isLiteralTextOperand)
93        Operands.back().Str.append(Str);
94      else
95        Operands.push_back(AsmWriterOperand(Str));
96    }
97  };
101std::string AsmWriterOperand::getCode() const {
102  if (OperandType == isLiteralTextOperand)
103    return "O << \"" + Str + "\"; ";
105  std::string Result = Str + "(MI";
106  if (MIOpNo != ~0U)
107    Result += ", " + utostr(MIOpNo);
108  if (!MiModifier.empty())
109    Result += ", \"" + MiModifier + '"';
110  return Result + "); ";
114/// ParseAsmString - Parse the specified Instruction's AsmString into this
115/// AsmWriterInst.
117AsmWriterInst::AsmWriterInst(const CodeGenInstruction &CGI, unsigned Variant) {
118  this->CGI = &CGI;
119  unsigned CurVariant = ~0U;  // ~0 if we are outside a {.|.|.} region, other #.
121  // NOTE: Any extensions to this code need to be mirrored in the
122  // AsmPrinter::printInlineAsm code that executes as compile time (assuming
123  // that inline asm strings should also get the new feature)!
124  const std::string &AsmString = CGI.AsmString;
125  std::string::size_type LastEmitted = 0;
126  while (LastEmitted != AsmString.size()) {
127    std::string::size_type DollarPos =
128      AsmString.find_first_of("${|}\\", LastEmitted);
129    if (DollarPos == std::string::npos) DollarPos = AsmString.size();
131    // Emit a constant string fragment.
132    if (DollarPos != LastEmitted) {
133      if (CurVariant == Variant || CurVariant == ~0U) {
134        for (; LastEmitted != DollarPos; ++LastEmitted)
135          switch (AsmString[LastEmitted]) {
136          case '\n': AddLiteralString("\\n"); break;
137          case '\t': AddLiteralString("\\t"); break;
138          case '"': AddLiteralString("\\\""); break;
139          case '\\': AddLiteralString("\\\\"); break;
140          default:
141            AddLiteralString(std::string(1, AsmString[LastEmitted]));
142            break;
143          }
144      } else {
145        LastEmitted = DollarPos;
146      }
147    } else if (AsmString[DollarPos] == '\\') {
148      if (DollarPos+1 != AsmString.size() &&
149          (CurVariant == Variant || CurVariant == ~0U)) {
150        if (AsmString[DollarPos+1] == 'n') {
151          AddLiteralString("\\n");
152        } else if (AsmString[DollarPos+1] == 't') {
153          AddLiteralString("\\t");
154        } else if (std::string("${|}\\").find(AsmString[DollarPos+1])
155                   != std::string::npos) {
156          AddLiteralString(std::string(1, AsmString[DollarPos+1]));
157        } else {
158          throw "Non-supported escaped character found in instruction '" +
159            CGI.TheDef->getName() + "'!";
160        }
161        LastEmitted = DollarPos+2;
162        continue;
163      }
164    } else if (AsmString[DollarPos] == '{') {
165      if (CurVariant != ~0U)
166        throw "Nested variants found for instruction '" +
167              CGI.TheDef->getName() + "'!";
168      LastEmitted = DollarPos+1;
169      CurVariant = 0;   // We are now inside of the variant!
170    } else if (AsmString[DollarPos] == '|') {
171      if (CurVariant == ~0U)
172        throw "'|' character found outside of a variant in instruction '"
173          + CGI.TheDef->getName() + "'!";
174      ++CurVariant;
175      ++LastEmitted;
176    } else if (AsmString[DollarPos] == '}') {
177      if (CurVariant == ~0U)
178        throw "'}' character found outside of a variant in instruction '"
179          + CGI.TheDef->getName() + "'!";
180      ++LastEmitted;
181      CurVariant = ~0U;
182    } else if (DollarPos+1 != AsmString.size() &&
183               AsmString[DollarPos+1] == '$') {
184      if (CurVariant == Variant || CurVariant == ~0U)
185        AddLiteralString("$");  // "$$" -> $
186      LastEmitted = DollarPos+2;
187    } else {
188      // Get the name of the variable.
189      std::string::size_type VarEnd = DollarPos+1;
191      // handle ${foo}bar as $foo by detecting whether the character following
192      // the dollar sign is a curly brace.  If so, advance VarEnd and DollarPos
193      // so the variable name does not contain the leading curly brace.
194      bool hasCurlyBraces = false;
195      if (VarEnd < AsmString.size() && '{' == AsmString[VarEnd]) {
196        hasCurlyBraces = true;
197        ++DollarPos;
198        ++VarEnd;
199      }
201      while (VarEnd < AsmString.size() && isIdentChar(AsmString[VarEnd]))
202        ++VarEnd;
203      std::string VarName(AsmString.begin()+DollarPos+1,
204                          AsmString.begin()+VarEnd);
206      // Modifier - Support ${foo:modifier} syntax, where "modifier" is passed
207      // into printOperand.  Also support ${:feature}, which is passed into
208      // PrintSpecial.
209      std::string Modifier;
211      // In order to avoid starting the next string at the terminating curly
212      // brace, advance the end position past it if we found an opening curly
213      // brace.
214      if (hasCurlyBraces) {
215        if (VarEnd >= AsmString.size())
216          throw "Reached end of string before terminating curly brace in '"
217                + CGI.TheDef->getName() + "'";
219        // Look for a modifier string.
220        if (AsmString[VarEnd] == ':') {
221          ++VarEnd;
222          if (VarEnd >= AsmString.size())
223            throw "Reached end of string before terminating curly brace in '"
224              + CGI.TheDef->getName() + "'";
226          unsigned ModifierStart = VarEnd;
227          while (VarEnd < AsmString.size() && isIdentChar(AsmString[VarEnd]))
228            ++VarEnd;
229          Modifier = std::string(AsmString.begin()+ModifierStart,
230                                 AsmString.begin()+VarEnd);
231          if (Modifier.empty())
232            throw "Bad operand modifier name in '"+ CGI.TheDef->getName() + "'";
233        }
235        if (AsmString[VarEnd] != '}')
236          throw "Variable name beginning with '{' did not end with '}' in '"
237                + CGI.TheDef->getName() + "'";
238        ++VarEnd;
239      }
240      if (VarName.empty() && Modifier.empty())
241        throw "Stray '$' in '" + CGI.TheDef->getName() +
242              "' asm string, maybe you want $$?";
244      if (VarName.empty()) {
245        // Just a modifier, pass this into PrintSpecial.
246        Operands.push_back(AsmWriterOperand("PrintSpecial", ~0U, Modifier));
247      } else {
248        // Otherwise, normal operand.
249        unsigned OpNo = CGI.getOperandNamed(VarName);
250        CodeGenInstruction::OperandInfo OpInfo = CGI.OperandList[OpNo];
252        if (CurVariant == Variant || CurVariant == ~0U) {
253          unsigned MIOp = OpInfo.MIOperandNo;
254          Operands.push_back(AsmWriterOperand(OpInfo.PrinterMethodName, MIOp,
255                                              Modifier));
256        }
257      }
258      LastEmitted = VarEnd;
259    }
260  }
262  AddLiteralString("\\n");
265/// MatchesAllButOneOp - If this instruction is exactly identical to the
266/// specified instruction except for one differing operand, return the differing
267/// operand number.  If more than one operand mismatches, return ~1, otherwise
268/// if the instructions are identical return ~0.
269unsigned AsmWriterInst::MatchesAllButOneOp(const AsmWriterInst &Other)const{
270  if (Operands.size() != Other.Operands.size()) return ~1;
272  unsigned MismatchOperand = ~0U;
273  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Operands.size(); i != e; ++i) {
274    if (Operands[i] != Other.Operands[i]) {
275      if (MismatchOperand != ~0U)  // Already have one mismatch?
276        return ~1U;
277      else
278        MismatchOperand = i;
279    }
280  }
281  return MismatchOperand;
284static void PrintCases(std::vector<std::pair<std::string,
285                       AsmWriterOperand> > &OpsToPrint, std::ostream &O) {
286  O << "    case " << OpsToPrint.back().first << ": ";
287  AsmWriterOperand TheOp = OpsToPrint.back().second;
288  OpsToPrint.pop_back();
290  // Check to see if any other operands are identical in this list, and if so,
291  // emit a case label for them.
292  for (unsigned i = OpsToPrint.size(); i != 0; --i)
293    if (OpsToPrint[i-1].second == TheOp) {
294      O << "\n    case " << OpsToPrint[i-1].first << ": ";
295      OpsToPrint.erase(OpsToPrint.begin()+i-1);
296    }
298  // Finally, emit the code.
299  O << TheOp.getCode();
300  O << "break;\n";
304/// EmitInstructions - Emit the last instruction in the vector and any other
305/// instructions that are suitably similar to it.
306static void EmitInstructions(std::vector<AsmWriterInst> &Insts,
307                             std::ostream &O) {
308  AsmWriterInst FirstInst = Insts.back();
309  Insts.pop_back();
311  std::vector<AsmWriterInst> SimilarInsts;
312  unsigned DifferingOperand = ~0;
313  for (unsigned i = Insts.size(); i != 0; --i) {
314    unsigned DiffOp = Insts[i-1].MatchesAllButOneOp(FirstInst);
315    if (DiffOp != ~1U) {
316      if (DifferingOperand == ~0U)  // First match!
317        DifferingOperand = DiffOp;
319      // If this differs in the same operand as the rest of the instructions in
320      // this class, move it to the SimilarInsts list.
321      if (DifferingOperand == DiffOp || DiffOp == ~0U) {
322        SimilarInsts.push_back(Insts[i-1]);
323        Insts.erase(Insts.begin()+i-1);
324      }
325    }
326  }
328  O << "  case " << FirstInst.CGI->Namespace << "::"
329    << FirstInst.CGI->TheDef->getName() << ":\n";
330  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SimilarInsts.size(); i != e; ++i)
331    O << "  case " << SimilarInsts[i].CGI->Namespace << "::"
332      << SimilarInsts[i].CGI->TheDef->getName() << ":\n";
333  for (unsigned i = 0, e = FirstInst.Operands.size(); i != e; ++i) {
334    if (i != DifferingOperand) {
335      // If the operand is the same for all instructions, just print it.
336      O << "    " << FirstInst.Operands[i].getCode();
337    } else {
338      // If this is the operand that varies between all of the instructions,
339      // emit a switch for just this operand now.
340      O << "    switch (MI->getOpcode()) {\n";
341      std::vector<std::pair<std::string, AsmWriterOperand> > OpsToPrint;
342      OpsToPrint.push_back(std::make_pair(FirstInst.CGI->Namespace + "::" +
343                                          FirstInst.CGI->TheDef->getName(),
344                                          FirstInst.Operands[i]));
346      for (unsigned si = 0, e = SimilarInsts.size(); si != e; ++si) {
347        AsmWriterInst &AWI = SimilarInsts[si];
348        OpsToPrint.push_back(std::make_pair(AWI.CGI->Namespace+"::"+
349                                            AWI.CGI->TheDef->getName(),
350                                            AWI.Operands[i]));
351      }
352      std::reverse(OpsToPrint.begin(), OpsToPrint.end());
353      while (!OpsToPrint.empty())
354        PrintCases(OpsToPrint, O);
355      O << "    }";
356    }
357    O << "\n";
358  }
360  O << "    break;\n";
363void AsmWriterEmitter::
364FindUniqueOperandCommands(std::vector<std::string> &UniqueOperandCommands,
365                          std::vector<unsigned> &InstIdxs,
366                          std::vector<unsigned> &InstOpsUsed) const {
367  InstIdxs.assign(NumberedInstructions.size(), ~0U);
369  // This vector parallels UniqueOperandCommands, keeping track of which
370  // instructions each case are used for.  It is a comma separated string of
371  // enums.
372  std::vector<std::string> InstrsForCase;
373  InstrsForCase.resize(UniqueOperandCommands.size());
374  InstOpsUsed.assign(UniqueOperandCommands.size(), 0);
376  for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumberedInstructions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
377    const AsmWriterInst *Inst = getAsmWriterInstByID(i);
378    if (Inst == 0) continue;  // PHI, INLINEASM, DBG_LABEL, etc.
380    std::string Command;
381    if (Inst->Operands.empty())
382      continue;   // Instruction already done.
384    Command = "    " + Inst->Operands[0].getCode() + "\n";
386    // If this is the last operand, emit a return.
387    if (Inst->Operands.size() == 1)
388      Command += "    return true;\n";
390    // Check to see if we already have 'Command' in UniqueOperandCommands.
391    // If not, add it.
392    bool FoundIt = false;
393    for (unsigned idx = 0, e = UniqueOperandCommands.size(); idx != e; ++idx)
394      if (UniqueOperandCommands[idx] == Command) {
395        InstIdxs[i] = idx;
396        InstrsForCase[idx] += ", ";
397        InstrsForCase[idx] += Inst->CGI->TheDef->getName();
398        FoundIt = true;
399        break;
400      }
401    if (!FoundIt) {
402      InstIdxs[i] = UniqueOperandCommands.size();
403      UniqueOperandCommands.push_back(Command);
404      InstrsForCase.push_back(Inst->CGI->TheDef->getName());
406      // This command matches one operand so far.
407      InstOpsUsed.push_back(1);
408    }
409  }
411  // For each entry of UniqueOperandCommands, there is a set of instructions
412  // that uses it.  If the next command of all instructions in the set are
413  // identical, fold it into the command.
414  for (unsigned CommandIdx = 0, e = UniqueOperandCommands.size();
415       CommandIdx != e; ++CommandIdx) {
417    for (unsigned Op = 1; ; ++Op) {
418      // Scan for the first instruction in the set.
419      std::vector<unsigned>::iterator NIT =
420        std::find(InstIdxs.begin(), InstIdxs.end(), CommandIdx);
421      if (NIT == InstIdxs.end()) break;  // No commonality.
423      // If this instruction has no more operands, we isn't anything to merge
424      // into this command.
425      const AsmWriterInst *FirstInst =
426        getAsmWriterInstByID(NIT-InstIdxs.begin());
427      if (!FirstInst || FirstInst->Operands.size() == Op)
428        break;
430      // Otherwise, scan to see if all of the other instructions in this command
431      // set share the operand.
432      bool AllSame = true;
434      for (NIT = std::find(NIT+1, InstIdxs.end(), CommandIdx);
435           NIT != InstIdxs.end();
436           NIT = std::find(NIT+1, InstIdxs.end(), CommandIdx)) {
437        // Okay, found another instruction in this command set.  If the operand
438        // matches, we're ok, otherwise bail out.
439        const AsmWriterInst *OtherInst =
440          getAsmWriterInstByID(NIT-InstIdxs.begin());
441        if (!OtherInst || OtherInst->Operands.size() == Op ||
442            OtherInst->Operands[Op] != FirstInst->Operands[Op]) {
443          AllSame = false;
444          break;
445        }
446      }
447      if (!AllSame) break;
449      // Okay, everything in this command set has the same next operand.  Add it
450      // to UniqueOperandCommands and remember that it was consumed.
451      std::string Command = "    " + FirstInst->Operands[Op].getCode() + "\n";
453      // If this is the last operand, emit a return after the code.
454      if (FirstInst->Operands.size() == Op+1)
455        Command += "    return true;\n";
457      UniqueOperandCommands[CommandIdx] += Command;
458      InstOpsUsed[CommandIdx]++;
459    }
460  }
462  // Prepend some of the instructions each case is used for onto the case val.
463  for (unsigned i = 0, e = InstrsForCase.size(); i != e; ++i) {
464    std::string Instrs = InstrsForCase[i];
465    if (Instrs.size() > 70) {
466      Instrs.erase(Instrs.begin()+70, Instrs.end());
467      Instrs += "...";
468    }
470    if (!Instrs.empty())
471      UniqueOperandCommands[i] = "    // " + Instrs + "\n" +
472        UniqueOperandCommands[i];
473  }
478void AsmWriterEmitter::run(std::ostream &O) {
479  EmitSourceFileHeader("Assembly Writer Source Fragment", O);
481  CodeGenTarget Target;
482  Record *AsmWriter = Target.getAsmWriter();
483  std::string ClassName = AsmWriter->getValueAsString("AsmWriterClassName");
484  unsigned Variant = AsmWriter->getValueAsInt("Variant");
486  O <<
487  "/// printInstruction - This method is automatically generated by tablegen\n"
488  "/// from the instruction set description.  This method returns true if the\n"
489  "/// machine instruction was sufficiently described to print it, otherwise\n"
490  "/// it returns false.\n"
491    "bool " << Target.getName() << ClassName
492            << "::printInstruction(const MachineInstr *MI) {\n";
494  std::vector<AsmWriterInst> Instructions;
496  for (CodeGenTarget::inst_iterator I = Target.inst_begin(),
497         E = Target.inst_end(); I != E; ++I)
498    if (!I->second.AsmString.empty())
499      Instructions.push_back(AsmWriterInst(I->second, Variant));
501  // Get the instruction numbering.
502  Target.getInstructionsByEnumValue(NumberedInstructions);
504  // Compute the CodeGenInstruction -> AsmWriterInst mapping.  Note that not
505  // all machine instructions are necessarily being printed, so there may be
506  // target instructions not in this map.
507  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Instructions.size(); i != e; ++i)
508    CGIAWIMap.insert(std::make_pair(Instructions[i].CGI, &Instructions[i]));
510  // Build an aggregate string, and build a table of offsets into it.
511  std::map<std::string, unsigned> StringOffset;
512  std::string AggregateString;
513  AggregateString.push_back(0);  // "\0"
514  AggregateString.push_back(0);  // "\0"
516  /// OpcodeInfo - This encodes the index of the string to use for the first
517  /// chunk of the output as well as indices used for operand printing.
518  std::vector<unsigned> OpcodeInfo;
520  unsigned MaxStringIdx = 0;
521  for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumberedInstructions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
522    AsmWriterInst *AWI = CGIAWIMap[NumberedInstructions[i]];
523    unsigned Idx;
524    if (AWI == 0) {
525      // Something not handled by the asmwriter printer.
526      Idx = 0;
527    } else if (AWI->Operands[0].OperandType !=
528                        AsmWriterOperand::isLiteralTextOperand ||
529               AWI->Operands[0].Str.empty()) {
530      // Something handled by the asmwriter printer, but with no leading string.
531      Idx = 1;
532    } else {
533      unsigned &Entry = StringOffset[AWI->Operands[0].Str];
534      if (Entry == 0) {
535        // Add the string to the aggregate if this is the first time found.
536        MaxStringIdx = Entry = AggregateString.size();
537        std::string Str = AWI->Operands[0].Str;
538        UnescapeString(Str);
539        AggregateString += Str;
540        AggregateString += '\0';
541      }
542      Idx = Entry;
544      // Nuke the string from the operand list.  It is now handled!
545      AWI->Operands.erase(AWI->Operands.begin());
546    }
547    OpcodeInfo.push_back(Idx);
548  }
550  // Figure out how many bits we used for the string index.
551  unsigned AsmStrBits = Log2_32_Ceil(MaxStringIdx+1);
553  // To reduce code size, we compactify common instructions into a few bits
554  // in the opcode-indexed table.
555  unsigned BitsLeft = 32-AsmStrBits;
557  std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > TableDrivenOperandPrinters;
559  bool isFirst = true;
560  while (1) {
561    std::vector<std::string> UniqueOperandCommands;
563    // For the first operand check, add a default value for instructions with
564    // just opcode strings to use.
565    if (isFirst) {
566      UniqueOperandCommands.push_back("    return true;\n");
567      isFirst = false;
568    }
570    std::vector<unsigned> InstIdxs;
571    std::vector<unsigned> NumInstOpsHandled;
572    FindUniqueOperandCommands(UniqueOperandCommands, InstIdxs,
573                              NumInstOpsHandled);
575    // If we ran out of operands to print, we're done.
576    if (UniqueOperandCommands.empty()) break;
578    // Compute the number of bits we need to represent these cases, this is
579    // ceil(log2(numentries)).
580    unsigned NumBits = Log2_32_Ceil(UniqueOperandCommands.size());
582    // If we don't have enough bits for this operand, don't include it.
583    if (NumBits > BitsLeft) {
584      DOUT << "Not enough bits to densely encode " << NumBits
585           << " more bits\n";
586      break;
587    }
589    // Otherwise, we can include this in the initial lookup table.  Add it in.
590    BitsLeft -= NumBits;
591    for (unsigned i = 0, e = InstIdxs.size(); i != e; ++i)
592      if (InstIdxs[i] != ~0U)
593        OpcodeInfo[i] |= InstIdxs[i] << (BitsLeft+AsmStrBits);
595    // Remove the info about this operand.
596    for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumberedInstructions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
597      if (AsmWriterInst *Inst = getAsmWriterInstByID(i))
598        if (!Inst->Operands.empty()) {
599          unsigned NumOps = NumInstOpsHandled[InstIdxs[i]];
600          assert(NumOps <= Inst->Operands.size() &&
601                 "Can't remove this many ops!");
602          Inst->Operands.erase(Inst->Operands.begin(),
603                               Inst->Operands.begin()+NumOps);
604        }
605    }
607    // Remember the handlers for this set of operands.
608    TableDrivenOperandPrinters.push_back(UniqueOperandCommands);
609  }
613  O<<"  static const unsigned OpInfo[] = {\n";
614  for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumberedInstructions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
615    O << "    " << OpcodeInfo[i] << "U,\t// "
616      << NumberedInstructions[i]->TheDef->getName() << "\n";
617  }
618  // Add a dummy entry so the array init doesn't end with a comma.
619  O << "    0U\n";
620  O << "  };\n\n";
622  // Emit the string itself.
623  O << "  const char *AsmStrs = \n    \"";
624  unsigned CharsPrinted = 0;
625  EscapeString(AggregateString);
626  for (unsigned i = 0, e = AggregateString.size(); i != e; ++i) {
627    if (CharsPrinted > 70) {
628      O << "\"\n    \"";
629      CharsPrinted = 0;
630    }
631    O << AggregateString[i];
632    ++CharsPrinted;
634    // Print escape sequences all together.
635    if (AggregateString[i] == '\\') {
636      assert(i+1 < AggregateString.size() && "Incomplete escape sequence!");
637      if (isdigit(AggregateString[i+1])) {
638        assert(isdigit(AggregateString[i+2]) && isdigit(AggregateString[i+3]) &&
639               "Expected 3 digit octal escape!");
640        O << AggregateString[++i];
641        O << AggregateString[++i];
642        O << AggregateString[++i];
643        CharsPrinted += 3;
644      } else {
645        O << AggregateString[++i];
646        ++CharsPrinted;
647      }
648    }
649  }
650  O << "\";\n\n";
652  O << "  if (TAI->doesSupportDebugInformation() &&\n"
653    << "      DW->ShouldEmitDwarfDebug() && OptLevel != CodeGenOpt::None) {\n"
654    << "    DebugLoc CurDL = MI->getDebugLoc();\n\n"
655    << "    if (!CurDL.isUnknown()) {\n"
656    << "      static DebugLocTuple PrevDLT(0, ~0U, ~0U);\n"
657    << "      DebugLocTuple CurDLT = MF->getDebugLocTuple(CurDL);\n\n"
658    << "      if (PrevDLT.CompileUnit != 0 && PrevDLT != CurDLT)\n"
659    << "        printLabel(DW->RecordSourceLine(CurDLT.Line, CurDLT.Col,\n"
660    << "                               DICompileUnit(CurDLT.CompileUnit)));\n\n"
661    << "      PrevDLT = CurDLT;\n"
662    << "    }\n"
663    << "  }\n\n";
665  O << "  if (MI->getOpcode() == TargetInstrInfo::INLINEASM) {\n"
666    << "    O << \"\\t\";\n"
667    << "    printInlineAsm(MI);\n"
668    << "    return true;\n"
669    << "  } else if (MI->isLabel()) {\n"
670    << "    printLabel(MI);\n"
671    << "    return true;\n"
672    << "  } else if (MI->getOpcode() == TargetInstrInfo::DECLARE) {\n"
673    << "    printDeclare(MI);\n"
674    << "    return true;\n"
675    << "  } else if (MI->getOpcode() == TargetInstrInfo::IMPLICIT_DEF) {\n"
676    << "    printImplicitDef(MI);\n"
677    << "    return true;\n"
678    << "  }\n\n";
680  O << "  O << \"\\t\";\n\n";
682  O << "  // Emit the opcode for the instruction.\n"
683    << "  unsigned Bits = OpInfo[MI->getOpcode()];\n"
684    << "  if (Bits == 0) return false;\n"
685    << "  O << AsmStrs+(Bits & " << (1 << AsmStrBits)-1 << ");\n\n";
687  // Output the table driven operand information.
688  BitsLeft = 32-AsmStrBits;
689  for (unsigned i = 0, e = TableDrivenOperandPrinters.size(); i != e; ++i) {
690    std::vector<std::string> &Commands = TableDrivenOperandPrinters[i];
692    // Compute the number of bits we need to represent these cases, this is
693    // ceil(log2(numentries)).
694    unsigned NumBits = Log2_32_Ceil(Commands.size());
695    assert(NumBits <= BitsLeft && "consistency error");
697    // Emit code to extract this field from Bits.
698    BitsLeft -= NumBits;
700    O << "\n  // Fragment " << i << " encoded into " << NumBits
701      << " bits for " << Commands.size() << " unique commands.\n";
703    if (Commands.size() == 2) {
704      // Emit two possibilitys with if/else.
705      O << "  if ((Bits >> " << (BitsLeft+AsmStrBits) << ") & "
706        << ((1 << NumBits)-1) << ") {\n"
707        << Commands[1]
708        << "  } else {\n"
709        << Commands[0]
710        << "  }\n\n";
711    } else {
712      O << "  switch ((Bits >> " << (BitsLeft+AsmStrBits) << ") & "
713        << ((1 << NumBits)-1) << ") {\n"
714        << "  default:   // unreachable.\n";
716      // Print out all the cases.
717      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Commands.size(); i != e; ++i) {
718        O << "  case " << i << ":\n";
719        O << Commands[i];
720        O << "    break;\n";
721      }
722      O << "  }\n\n";
723    }
724  }
726  // Okay, delete instructions with no operand info left.
727  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Instructions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
728    // Entire instruction has been emitted?
729    AsmWriterInst &Inst = Instructions[i];
730    if (Inst.Operands.empty()) {
731      Instructions.erase(Instructions.begin()+i);
732      --i; --e;
733    }
734  }
737  // Because this is a vector, we want to emit from the end.  Reverse all of the
738  // elements in the vector.
739  std::reverse(Instructions.begin(), Instructions.end());
741  if (!Instructions.empty()) {
742    // Find the opcode # of inline asm.
743    O << "  switch (MI->getOpcode()) {\n";
744    while (!Instructions.empty())
745      EmitInstructions(Instructions, O);
747    O << "  }\n";
748    O << "  return true;\n";
749  }
751  O << "}\n";