2** Copyright 2014, The Android Open Source Project
4** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6** You may obtain a copy of the License at
8**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14** limitations under the License.
17package com.android.commands.appops;
19import android.app.ActivityManager;
20import android.app.ActivityThread;
21import android.app.AppOpsManager;
22import android.content.Context;
23import android.content.pm.IPackageManager;
24import android.os.ServiceManager;
25import android.os.UserHandle;
27import android.util.TimeUtils;
28import com.android.internal.app.IAppOpsService;
29import com.android.internal.os.BaseCommand;
31import java.io.PrintStream;
32import java.util.List;
35 * This class is a command line utility for manipulating AppOps permissions.
36 */
37public class AppOpsCommand extends BaseCommand {
39    public static void main(String[] args) {
40        new AppOpsCommand().run(args);
41    }
43    @Override
44    public void onShowUsage(PrintStream out) {
45        out.println("usage: appops set [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE> <OP> <MODE>\n"
46                + "       appops get [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE> [<OP>]\n"
47                + "       appops reset [--user <USER_ID>] [<PACKAGE>]\n"
48                + "  <PACKAGE> an Android package name.\n"
49                + "  <OP>      an AppOps operation.\n"
50                + "  <MODE>    one of allow, ignore, deny, or default\n"
51                + "  <USER_ID> the user id under which the package is installed. If --user is not\n"
52                + "            specified, the current user is assumed.\n");
53    }
55    private static final String COMMAND_SET = "set";
56    private static final String COMMAND_GET = "get";
57    private static final String COMMAND_RESET = "reset";
59    @Override
60    public void onRun() throws Exception {
61        String command = nextArgRequired();
62        switch (command) {
63            case COMMAND_SET:
64                runSet();
65                break;
67            case COMMAND_GET:
68                runGet();
69                break;
71            case COMMAND_RESET:
72                runReset();
73                break;
75            default:
76                System.err.println("Error: Unknown command: '" + command + "'.");
77                break;
78        }
79    }
81    private static final String ARGUMENT_USER = "--user";
83    // Modes
84    private static final String MODE_ALLOW = "allow";
85    private static final String MODE_DENY = "deny";
86    private static final String MODE_IGNORE = "ignore";
87    private static final String MODE_DEFAULT = "default";
89    private int strOpToOp(String op) {
90        try {
91            return AppOpsManager.strOpToOp(op);
92        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
93        }
94        try {
95            return Integer.parseInt(op);
96        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
97        }
98        try {
99            return AppOpsManager.strDebugOpToOp(op);
100        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
101            System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
102            return -1;
103        }
104    }
106    private void runSet() throws Exception {
107        String packageName = null;
108        String op = null;
109        String mode = null;
110        int userId = UserHandle.USER_CURRENT;
111        for (String argument; (argument = nextArg()) != null;) {
112            if (ARGUMENT_USER.equals(argument)) {
113                userId = Integer.parseInt(nextArgRequired());
114            } else {
115                if (packageName == null) {
116                    packageName = argument;
117                } else if (op == null) {
118                    op = argument;
119                } else if (mode == null) {
120                    mode = argument;
121                } else {
122                    System.err.println("Error: Unsupported argument: " + argument);
123                    return;
124                }
125            }
126        }
128        if (packageName == null) {
129            System.err.println("Error: Package name not specified.");
130            return;
131        } else if (op == null) {
132            System.err.println("Error: Operation not specified.");
133            return;
134        } else if (mode == null) {
135            System.err.println("Error: Mode not specified.");
136            return;
137        }
139        final int opInt = strOpToOp(op);
140        if (opInt < 0) {
141            return;
142        }
143        final int modeInt;
144        switch (mode) {
145            case MODE_ALLOW:
146                modeInt = AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED;
147                break;
148            case MODE_DENY:
149                modeInt = AppOpsManager.MODE_ERRORED;
150                break;
151            case MODE_IGNORE:
152                modeInt = AppOpsManager.MODE_IGNORED;
153                break;
154            case MODE_DEFAULT:
155                modeInt = AppOpsManager.MODE_DEFAULT;
156                break;
157            default:
158                System.err.println("Error: Mode " + mode + " is not valid,");
159                return;
160        }
162        // Parsing complete, let's execute the command.
164        if (userId == UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) {
165            userId = ActivityManager.getCurrentUser();
166        }
168        final IPackageManager pm = ActivityThread.getPackageManager();
169        final IAppOpsService appOpsService = IAppOpsService.Stub.asInterface(
170                ServiceManager.getService(Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE));
171        final int uid = pm.getPackageUid(packageName, userId);
172        if (uid < 0) {
173            System.err.println("Error: No UID for " + packageName + " in user " + userId);
174            return;
175        }
176        appOpsService.setMode(opInt, uid, packageName, modeInt);
177    }
179    private void runGet() throws Exception {
180        String packageName = null;
181        String op = null;
182        int userId = UserHandle.USER_CURRENT;
183        for (String argument; (argument = nextArg()) != null;) {
184            if (ARGUMENT_USER.equals(argument)) {
185                userId = Integer.parseInt(nextArgRequired());
186            } else {
187                if (packageName == null) {
188                    packageName = argument;
189                } else if (op == null) {
190                    op = argument;
191                } else {
192                    System.err.println("Error: Unsupported argument: " + argument);
193                    return;
194                }
195            }
196        }
198        if (packageName == null) {
199            System.err.println("Error: Package name not specified.");
200            return;
201        }
203        final int opInt = op != null ? strOpToOp(op) : 0;
205        // Parsing complete, let's execute the command.
207        if (userId == UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) {
208            userId = ActivityManager.getCurrentUser();
209        }
211        final IPackageManager pm = ActivityThread.getPackageManager();
212        final IAppOpsService appOpsService = IAppOpsService.Stub.asInterface(
213                ServiceManager.getService(Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE));
214        final int uid = pm.getPackageUid(packageName, userId);
215        if (uid < 0) {
216            System.err.println("Error: No UID for " + packageName + " in user " + userId);
217            return;
218        }
219        List<AppOpsManager.PackageOps> ops = appOpsService.getOpsForPackage(uid, packageName,
220                op != null ? new int[] {opInt} : null);
221        if (ops == null || ops.size() <= 0) {
222            System.out.println("No operations.");
223            return;
224        }
225        final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
226        for (int i=0; i<ops.size(); i++) {
227            List<AppOpsManager.OpEntry> entries = ops.get(i).getOps();
228            for (int j=0; j<entries.size(); j++) {
229                AppOpsManager.OpEntry ent = entries.get(j);
230                System.out.print(AppOpsManager.opToName(ent.getOp()));
231                System.out.print(": ");
232                switch (ent.getMode()) {
233                    case AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED:
234                        System.out.print("allow");
235                        break;
236                    case AppOpsManager.MODE_IGNORED:
237                        System.out.print("ignore");
238                        break;
239                    case AppOpsManager.MODE_ERRORED:
240                        System.out.print("deny");
241                        break;
242                    case AppOpsManager.MODE_DEFAULT:
243                        System.out.print("default");
244                        break;
245                    default:
246                        System.out.print("mode=");
247                        System.out.print(ent.getMode());
248                        break;
249                }
250                if (ent.getTime() != 0) {
251                    System.out.print("; time=");
252                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
253                    TimeUtils.formatDuration(now - ent.getTime(), sb);
254                    System.out.print(sb);
255                    System.out.print(" ago");
256                }
257                if (ent.getRejectTime() != 0) {
258                    System.out.print("; rejectTime=");
259                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
260                    TimeUtils.formatDuration(now - ent.getRejectTime(), sb);
261                    System.out.print(sb);
262                    System.out.print(" ago");
263                }
264                if (ent.getDuration() == -1) {
265                    System.out.print(" (running)");
266                } else if (ent.getDuration() != 0) {
267                    System.out.print("; duration=");
268                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
269                    TimeUtils.formatDuration(ent.getDuration(), sb);
270                    System.out.print(sb);
271                }
272                System.out.println();
273            }
274        }
275    }
277    private void runReset() throws Exception {
278        String packageName = null;
279        int userId = UserHandle.USER_CURRENT;
280        for (String argument; (argument = nextArg()) != null;) {
281            if (ARGUMENT_USER.equals(argument)) {
282                String userStr = nextArgRequired();
283                if ("all".equals(userStr)) {
284                    userId = UserHandle.USER_ALL;
285                } else if ("current".equals(userStr)) {
286                    userId = UserHandle.USER_CURRENT;
287                } else if ("owner".equals(userStr)) {
288                    userId = UserHandle.USER_OWNER;
289                } else {
290                    userId = Integer.parseInt(nextArgRequired());
291                }
292            } else {
293                if (packageName == null) {
294                    packageName = argument;
295                } else {
296                    System.err.println("Error: Unsupported argument: " + argument);
297                    return;
298                }
299            }
300        }
302        // Parsing complete, let's execute the command.
304        if (userId == UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) {
305            userId = ActivityManager.getCurrentUser();
306        }
308        final IAppOpsService appOpsService = IAppOpsService.Stub.asInterface(
309                ServiceManager.getService(Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE));
310        appOpsService.resetAllModes(userId, packageName);
311        System.out.print("Reset all modes for: ");
312        if (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL) {
313            System.out.print("all users");
314        } else {
315            System.out.print("user "); System.out.print(userId);
316        }
317        System.out.print(", ");
318        if (packageName == null) {
319            System.out.println("all packages");
320        } else {
321            System.out.print("package "); System.out.println(packageName);
322        }
323    }