UiAutomatorTestRunner.java revision 18b892c723e812a7e111f102d2b0c0782b116bb6
2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.uiautomator.testrunner;
19import android.app.Activity;
20import android.app.IInstrumentationWatcher;
21import android.app.Instrumentation;
22import android.content.ComponentName;
23import android.os.Bundle;
24import android.os.Debug;
25import android.os.HandlerThread;
26import android.os.IBinder;
27import android.os.SystemClock;
28import android.test.RepetitiveTest;
29import android.util.Log;
31import com.android.uiautomator.core.ShellUiAutomatorBridge;
32import com.android.uiautomator.core.Tracer;
33import com.android.uiautomator.core.UiAutomationShellWrapper;
34import com.android.uiautomator.core.UiDevice;
36import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
37import java.io.PrintStream;
38import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
39import java.lang.reflect.Method;
40import java.util.ArrayList;
41import java.util.List;
43import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
44import junit.framework.Test;
45import junit.framework.TestCase;
46import junit.framework.TestListener;
47import junit.framework.TestResult;
48import junit.runner.BaseTestRunner;
49import junit.textui.ResultPrinter;
52 * @hide
53 */
54public class UiAutomatorTestRunner {
56    private static final String LOGTAG = UiAutomatorTestRunner.class.getSimpleName();
57    private static final int EXIT_OK = 0;
58    private static final int EXIT_EXCEPTION = -1;
60    private static final String HANDLER_THREAD_NAME = "UiAutomatorHandlerThread";
62    private boolean mDebug;
63    private boolean mMonkey;
64    private Bundle mParams = null;
65    private UiDevice mUiDevice;
66    private List<String> mTestClasses = null;
67    private final FakeInstrumentationWatcher mWatcher = new FakeInstrumentationWatcher();
68    private final IAutomationSupport mAutomationSupport = new IAutomationSupport() {
69        @Override
70        public void sendStatus(int resultCode, Bundle status) {
71            mWatcher.instrumentationStatus(null, resultCode, status);
72        }
73    };
74    private final List<TestListener> mTestListeners = new ArrayList<TestListener>();
76    private HandlerThread mHandlerThread;
78    public void run(List<String> testClasses, Bundle params, boolean debug, boolean monkey) {
79        Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
80            @Override
81            public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable ex) {
82                Log.e(LOGTAG, "uncaught exception", ex);
83                Bundle results = new Bundle();
84                results.putString("shortMsg", ex.getClass().getName());
85                results.putString("longMsg", ex.getMessage());
86                mWatcher.instrumentationFinished(null, 0, results);
87                // bailing on uncaught exception
88                System.exit(EXIT_EXCEPTION);
89            }
90        });
92        mTestClasses = testClasses;
93        mParams = params;
94        mDebug = debug;
95        mMonkey = monkey;
96        start();
97        System.exit(EXIT_OK);
98    }
100    /**
101     * Called after all test classes are in place, ready to test
102     */
103    protected void start() {
104        TestCaseCollector collector = getTestCaseCollector(this.getClass().getClassLoader());
105        try {
106            collector.addTestClasses(mTestClasses);
107        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
108            // will be caught by uncaught handler
109            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
110        }
111        if (mDebug) {
112            Debug.waitForDebugger();
113        }
114        mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread(HANDLER_THREAD_NAME);
115        mHandlerThread.setDaemon(true);
116        mHandlerThread.start();
117        UiAutomationShellWrapper automationWrapper = new UiAutomationShellWrapper();
118        automationWrapper.connect();
120        long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
121        TestResult testRunResult = new TestResult();
122        ResultReporter resultPrinter;
123        String outputFormat = mParams.getString("outputFormat");
124        List<TestCase> testCases = collector.getTestCases();
125        Bundle testRunOutput = new Bundle();
126        if ("simple".equals(outputFormat)) {
127            resultPrinter = new SimpleResultPrinter(System.out, true);
128        } else {
129            resultPrinter = new WatcherResultPrinter(testCases.size());
130        }
131        try {
132            automationWrapper.setRunAsMonkey(mMonkey);
133            mUiDevice = UiDevice.getInstance();
134            mUiDevice.initialize(new ShellUiAutomatorBridge(automationWrapper.getUiAutomation()));
136            String traceType = mParams.getString("traceOutputMode");
137            if(traceType != null) {
138                Tracer.Mode mode = Tracer.Mode.valueOf(Tracer.Mode.class, traceType);
139                if (mode == Tracer.Mode.FILE || mode == Tracer.Mode.ALL) {
140                    String filename = mParams.getString("traceLogFilename");
141                    if (filename == null) {
142                        throw new RuntimeException("Name of log file not specified. " +
143                                "Please specify it using traceLogFilename parameter");
144                    }
145                    Tracer.getInstance().setOutputFilename(filename);
146                }
147                Tracer.getInstance().setOutputMode(mode);
148            }
150            // add test listeners
151            testRunResult.addListener(resultPrinter);
152            // add all custom listeners
153            for (TestListener listener : mTestListeners) {
154                testRunResult.addListener(listener);
155            }
157            // run tests for realz!
158            for (TestCase testCase : testCases) {
159                prepareTestCase(testCase);
160                testCase.run(testRunResult);
161            }
162        } catch (Throwable t) {
163            // catch all exceptions so a more verbose error message can be outputted
164            resultPrinter.printUnexpectedError(t);
165            testRunOutput.putString("shortMsg", t.getMessage());
166        } finally {
167            long runTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime;
168            resultPrinter.print(testRunResult, runTime, testRunOutput);
169            automationWrapper.disconnect();
170            automationWrapper.setRunAsMonkey(false);
171            mHandlerThread.quit();
172        }
173    }
175    // copy & pasted from com.android.commands.am.Am
176    private class FakeInstrumentationWatcher implements IInstrumentationWatcher {
178        private final boolean mRawMode = true;
180        @Override
181        public IBinder asBinder() {
182            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("I'm just a fake!");
183        }
185        @Override
186        public void instrumentationStatus(ComponentName name, int resultCode, Bundle results) {
187            synchronized (this) {
188                // pretty printer mode?
189                String pretty = null;
190                if (!mRawMode && results != null) {
191                    pretty = results.getString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT);
192                }
193                if (pretty != null) {
194                    System.out.print(pretty);
195                } else {
196                    if (results != null) {
197                        for (String key : results.keySet()) {
198                            System.out.println("INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: " + key + "="
199                                    + results.get(key));
200                        }
201                    }
202                    System.out.println("INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE: " + resultCode);
203                }
204                notifyAll();
205            }
206        }
208        @Override
209        public void instrumentationFinished(ComponentName name, int resultCode, Bundle results) {
210            synchronized (this) {
211                // pretty printer mode?
212                String pretty = null;
213                if (!mRawMode && results != null) {
214                    pretty = results.getString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT);
215                }
216                if (pretty != null) {
217                    System.out.println(pretty);
218                } else {
219                    if (results != null) {
220                        for (String key : results.keySet()) {
221                            System.out.println("INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: " + key + "="
222                                    + results.get(key));
223                        }
224                    }
225                    System.out.println("INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: " + resultCode);
226                }
227                notifyAll();
228            }
229        }
230    }
232    private interface ResultReporter extends TestListener {
233        public void print(TestResult result, long runTime, Bundle testOutput);
234        public void printUnexpectedError(Throwable t);
235    }
237    // Copy & pasted from InstrumentationTestRunner.WatcherResultPrinter
238    private class WatcherResultPrinter implements ResultReporter {
240        private static final String REPORT_KEY_NUM_TOTAL = "numtests";
241        private static final String REPORT_KEY_NAME_CLASS = "class";
242        private static final String REPORT_KEY_NUM_CURRENT = "current";
243        private static final String REPORT_KEY_NAME_TEST = "test";
244        private static final String REPORT_KEY_NUM_ITERATIONS = "numiterations";
245        private static final String REPORT_VALUE_ID = "UiAutomatorTestRunner";
246        private static final String REPORT_KEY_STACK = "stack";
248        private static final int REPORT_VALUE_RESULT_START = 1;
249        private static final int REPORT_VALUE_RESULT_ERROR = -1;
250        private static final int REPORT_VALUE_RESULT_FAILURE = -2;
252        private final Bundle mResultTemplate;
253        Bundle mTestResult;
254        int mTestNum = 0;
255        int mTestResultCode = 0;
256        String mTestClass = null;
258        private final SimpleResultPrinter mPrinter;
259        private final ByteArrayOutputStream mStream;
260        private final PrintStream mWriter;
262        public WatcherResultPrinter(int numTests) {
263            mResultTemplate = new Bundle();
264            mResultTemplate.putString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_IDENTIFIER, REPORT_VALUE_ID);
265            mResultTemplate.putInt(REPORT_KEY_NUM_TOTAL, numTests);
267            mStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
268            mWriter = new PrintStream(mStream);
269            mPrinter = new SimpleResultPrinter(mWriter, false);
270        }
272        /**
273         * send a status for the start of a each test, so long tests can be seen
274         * as "running"
275         */
276        @Override
277        public void startTest(Test test) {
278            String testClass = test.getClass().getName();
279            String testName = ((TestCase) test).getName();
280            mTestResult = new Bundle(mResultTemplate);
281            mTestResult.putString(REPORT_KEY_NAME_CLASS, testClass);
282            mTestResult.putString(REPORT_KEY_NAME_TEST, testName);
283            mTestResult.putInt(REPORT_KEY_NUM_CURRENT, ++mTestNum);
284            // pretty printing
285            if (testClass != null && !testClass.equals(mTestClass)) {
286                mTestResult.putString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT,
287                        String.format("\n%s:", testClass));
288                mTestClass = testClass;
289            } else {
290                mTestResult.putString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT, "");
291            }
293            Method testMethod = null;
294            try {
295                testMethod = test.getClass().getMethod(testName);
296                // Report total number of iterations, if test is repetitive
297                if (testMethod.isAnnotationPresent(RepetitiveTest.class)) {
298                    int numIterations = testMethod.getAnnotation(RepetitiveTest.class)
299                            .numIterations();
300                    mTestResult.putInt(REPORT_KEY_NUM_ITERATIONS, numIterations);
301                }
302            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
303                // ignore- the test with given name does not exist. Will be
304                // handled during test
305                // execution
306            }
308            mAutomationSupport.sendStatus(REPORT_VALUE_RESULT_START, mTestResult);
309            mTestResultCode = 0;
311            mPrinter.startTest(test);
312        }
314        @Override
315        public void addError(Test test, Throwable t) {
316            mTestResult.putString(REPORT_KEY_STACK, BaseTestRunner.getFilteredTrace(t));
317            mTestResultCode = REPORT_VALUE_RESULT_ERROR;
318            // pretty printing
319            mTestResult.putString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT,
320                String.format("\nError in %s:\n%s",
321                    ((TestCase)test).getName(), BaseTestRunner.getFilteredTrace(t)));
323            mPrinter.addError(test, t);
324        }
326        @Override
327        public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t) {
328            mTestResult.putString(REPORT_KEY_STACK, BaseTestRunner.getFilteredTrace(t));
329            mTestResultCode = REPORT_VALUE_RESULT_FAILURE;
330            // pretty printing
331            mTestResult.putString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT,
332                String.format("\nFailure in %s:\n%s",
333                    ((TestCase)test).getName(), BaseTestRunner.getFilteredTrace(t)));
335            mPrinter.addFailure(test, t);
336        }
338        @Override
339        public void endTest(Test test) {
340            if (mTestResultCode == 0) {
341                mTestResult.putString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT, ".");
342            }
343            mAutomationSupport.sendStatus(mTestResultCode, mTestResult);
345            mPrinter.endTest(test);
346        }
348        @Override
349        public void print(TestResult result, long runTime, Bundle testOutput) {
350            mPrinter.print(result, runTime, testOutput);
351            testOutput.putString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT,
352                  String.format("\nTest results for %s=%s",
353                  getClass().getSimpleName(),
354                  mStream.toString()));
355            mWriter.close();
356            mAutomationSupport.sendStatus(Activity.RESULT_OK, testOutput);
357        }
359        @Override
360        public void printUnexpectedError(Throwable t) {
361            mWriter.println(String.format("Test run aborted due to unexpected exception: %s",
362                    t.getMessage()));
363            t.printStackTrace(mWriter);
364        }
365    }
367    /**
368     * Class that produces the same output as JUnit when running from command line. Can be
369     * used when default UiAutomator output is too verbose.
370     */
371    private class SimpleResultPrinter extends ResultPrinter implements ResultReporter {
372        private final boolean mFullOutput;
373        public SimpleResultPrinter(PrintStream writer, boolean fullOutput) {
374            super(writer);
375            mFullOutput = fullOutput;
376        }
378        @Override
379        public void print(TestResult result, long runTime, Bundle testOutput) {
380            printHeader(runTime);
381            if (mFullOutput) {
382                printErrors(result);
383                printFailures(result);
384            }
385            printFooter(result);
386        }
388        @Override
389        public void printUnexpectedError(Throwable t) {
390            if (mFullOutput) {
391                getWriter().printf("Test run aborted due to unexpected exeption: %s",
392                        t.getMessage());
393                t.printStackTrace(getWriter());
394            }
395        }
396    }
398    protected TestCaseCollector getTestCaseCollector(ClassLoader classLoader) {
399        return new TestCaseCollector(classLoader, getTestCaseFilter());
400    }
402    /**
403     * Returns an object which determines if the class and its methods should be
404     * accepted into the test suite.
405     * @return
406     */
407    public UiAutomatorTestCaseFilter getTestCaseFilter() {
408        return new UiAutomatorTestCaseFilter();
409    }
411    protected void addTestListener(TestListener listener) {
412        if (!mTestListeners.contains(listener)) {
413            mTestListeners.add(listener);
414        }
415    }
417    protected void removeTestListener(TestListener listener) {
418        mTestListeners.remove(listener);
419    }
421    /**
422     * subclass may override this method to perform further preparation
423     *
424     * @param testCase
425     */
426    protected void prepareTestCase(TestCase testCase) {
427        ((UiAutomatorTestCase)testCase).setAutomationSupport(mAutomationSupport);
428        ((UiAutomatorTestCase)testCase).setUiDevice(mUiDevice);
429        ((UiAutomatorTestCase)testCase).setParams(mParams);
430    }