menus.jd revision 9066cfe9886ac131c34d59ed0e2d287b0e3c0087
1page.title=Creating Menus
2parent.title=User Interface
6<div id="qv-wrapper">
7<div id="qv">
8  <h2>Key classes</h2>
9  <ol>
10    <li>{@link android.view.Menu}</li>
11    <li>{@link android.view.ContextMenu}</li>
12    <li>{@link android.view.SubMenu}</li>
13  </ol>
14  <h2>In this document</h2>
15  <ol>
16    <li><a href="#options-menu">Options Menu</a></li>
17    <li><a href="#context-menu">Context Menu</a></li>
18    <li><a href="#submenu">Submenu</a></li>
19    <li><a href="#xml">Define Menus in XML</a></li>
20    <li><a href="#features">Menu Features</a>
21      <ol>
22        <li><a href="#groups">Menu groups</a></li>
23        <li><a href="#checkable">Checkable menu items</a></li>
24        <li><a href="#shortcuts">Shortcut keys</a></li>
25        <li><a href="#intents">Menu item intents</a></li>
26      </ol>
27    </li>
28  </ol>
32<p>Menus are an important part of any application. They provide familiar interfaces
33that reveal application functions and settings. Android offers an easy programming interface
34for developers to provide standardized application menus for various situations.</p>
36<p>Android offers three fundamental types of application menus:</p>
38  <dt><strong>Options Menu</strong></dt>
39    <dd>This is the primary set of menu items for an Activity. It is revealed by pressing 
40    the device MENU key. Within the Options Menu are two groups of menu items:
41      <dl style="margin-top:1em">
42        <dt><em>Icon Menu</em></dt>
43          <dd>This is the collection of items initially visible at the bottom of the screen 
44          at the press of the MENU key. It supports a maximum of six menu items.
45          These are the only menu items that support icons and the only menu items that <em>do not</em> support
46          checkboxes or radio buttons.</dd>
47        <dt><em>Expanded Menu</em></dt>
48          <dd>This is a vertical list of items exposed by the "More" menu item from the Icon Menu.
49          It exists only when the Icon Menu becomes over-loaded and is comprised of the sixth 
50          Option Menu item and the rest.</dd>
51      </dl>
52    </dd>
53  <dt><strong>Context Menu</strong></dt>
54    <dd>This is a floating list of menu items that may appear when you perform a long-press on a View 
55    (such as a list item). </dd>
56  <dt><strong>Submenu</strong></dt>
57    <dd>This is a floating list of menu items that is revealed by an item in the Options Menu
58    or a Context Menu. A Submenu item cannot support nested Submenus. </dd>
62<h2 id="options-menu">Options Menu</h2>
63<img align="right" src="{@docRoot}images/options_menu.png" />
64<p>The Options Menu is opened by pressing the device MENU key.
65When opened, the Icon Menu is displayed, which holds the first six menu items.
66If more than six items are added to the Options Menu, then those that can't fit
67in the Icon Menu are revealed in the Expanded Menu, via the "More" menu item. The Expanded Menu
68is automatically added when there are more than six items.</p>
70<p>The Options Menu is where you should include basic application functions
71and any necessary navigation items (e.g., to a home screen or application settings).
72You can also add <a href="#submenu">Submenus</a> for organizing topics 
73and including extra menu functionality.</p>
75<p>When this menu is opened for the first time, 
76the Android system will call the Activity <code>{@link
77onCreateOptionsMenu()}</code> callback method. Override this method in your Activity
78and populate the {@link android.view.Menu} object given to you. You can populate the menu by
79inflating a menu resource that was <a href="#xml">defined in XML</a>, or by calling 
80<code>{@link android.view.Menu#add(CharSequence) add()}</code>
81for each item you'd like in the menu. This method adds a {@link android.view.MenuItem}, and returns the
82newly created object to you. You can use the returned MenuItem to set additional properties like 
83an icon, a keyboard shortcut, an intent, and other settings for the item.</p>
85<p>There are multiple <code>{@link android.view.Menu#add(CharSequence) add()}</code> methods.
86Usually, you'll want to use one that accepts an <var>itemId</var> argument. 
87This is a unique integer that allows you to identify the item during a callback.</p>
89<p>When a menu item is selected from the Options Menu, you will recieve a callback to the
90<code>{@link onOptionsItemSelected()}</code> 
91method of your Activity. This callback passes you the 
92<code>MenuItem</code> that has been selected. You can identify the item by requesting the 
93<var>itemId</var>, with <code>{@link android.view.MenuItem#getItemId() getItemId()}</code>,
94which returns the integer that was assigned with the <code>add()</code> method. Once you identify
95the menu item, you can take the appropriate action.</p>
97<p>Here's an example of this procedure, inside an Activity, wherein we create an 
98Options Menu and handle item selections:</p>
101/* Creates the menu items */
102public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
103    menu.add(0, MENU_NEW_GAME, 0, "New Game");
104    menu.add(0, MENU_QUIT, 0, "Quit");
105    return true;
108/* Handles item selections */
109public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
110    switch (item.getItemId()) {
111    case MENU_NEW_GAME:
112        newGame();
113        return true;
114    case MENU_QUIT:
115        quit();
116        return true;
117    }
118    return false;
122<p>The <code>add()</code> method used in this sample takes four arguments: 
123<var>groupId</var>, <var>itemId</var>, <var>order</var>, and <var>title</var>.
124The <var>groupId</var> allows you to associate this menu item with a group of other items
125(more about <a href="#groups">Menu groups</a>, below) &mdash; in 
126this example, we ignore it. <var>itemId</var> is a unique integer that we give the 
127MenuItem so that can identify it in the next callback. <var>order</var> allows us to 
128define the display order of the item &mdash; by default, they are displayed by the
129order in which we add them. <var>title</var> is, of course, the name that goes on the 
130menu item (this can also be a 
131<a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/available-resources.html#stringresources">string resource</a>, 
132and we recommend you do it that way for easier localization).</p>
134<p class="note"><strong>Tip:</strong>
135If you have several menu items that can be grouped together with a title, 
136consider organizing them into a <a href="#submenu">Submenu</a>.</p>
138<h3>Adding icons</h3>
139<p>Icons can also be added to items that appears in the Icon Menu with
140<code>{@link android.view.MenuItem#setIcon(Drawable) setIcon()}</code>. For example:</p>
142menu.add(0, MENU_QUIT, 0, "Quit")
143    .setIcon(R.drawable.menu_quit_icon);</pre>
145<h3>Modifying the menu</h3>
146<p>If you want to sometimes re-write the Options Menu as it is opened, override the 
147<code>{@link onPrepareOptionsMenu()}</code> method, which is
148called each time the menu is opened. This will pass you the Menu object, just like the 
149<code>onCreateOptionsMenu()</code> callback. This is useful if you'd like to add or remove
150menu options depending on the current state of an application or game.</p>
152<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> 
153When changing items in the menu, it's bad practice to do so based on the currently selected item.
154Keep in mind that, when in touch mode, there will not be a selected (or focused) item. Instead, you
155should use a <a href="#context-menu">Context Menu</a> for such behaviors, when you want to provide 
156functionality based on a particular item in the UI.</p>
159<h2 id="context-menu">Context Menu</h2>
160<p>The Android context menu is similar, in concept, to the menu revealed with a "right-click" on a PC. 
161When a view is registered to a context menu, 
162performing a "long-press" (press and hold for about two seconds) on the object
163will reveal a floating menu that provides functions relating to that item. 
164Context menus can be registered to any View object,
165however, they are most often used for items in a 
166{@link android.widget.ListView}, which helpfully indicates the presence of the context menu
167by transforming the background color of the ListView item when pressed.
168(The items in the phone's contact list offer an example of this feature.)
171<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Context menu items do not support icons or shortcut keys.</p>
173<p>To create a context menu, you must override the Activity's context menu callback methods:
174<code>{@link,View,ContextMenuInfo) onCreateContextMenu()}</code> and 
175<code>{@link onContextItemSelected()}</code>.
176Inside the <code>onCreateContextMenu()</code> callback method, you can add menu items using one of the 
177<code>{@link android.view.Menu#add(CharSequence) add()}</code> methods, or by 
178inflating a menu resource that was <a href="#xml">defined in XML</a>.
179Then, register a {@link android.view.ContextMenu} for the View, with 
180<code>{@link registerForContextMenu()}</code>.</p>
182<p>For example, here is some code that can be used with the 
183<a href="{@docRoot}guide/tutorials/notepad/index.html">Notepad application</a>
184to add a context menu for each note in the list:</p>
186public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,
187                                ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
188  super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
189  menu.add(0, EDIT_ID, 0, "Edit");
190  menu.add(0, DELETE_ID, 0,  "Delete");
193public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
194  AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo();
195  switch (item.getItemId()) {
196  case EDIT_ID:
197    editNote(;
198    return true;
199  case DELETE_ID:
200    deleteNote(;
201    return true;
202  default:
203    return super.onContextItemSelected(item);
204  }
208<p>In <code>onCreateContextMenu()</code>, we are given not only the ContextMenu to
209which we will add {@link android.view.MenuItem}s, but also the {@link android.view.View}
210that was selected and a {@link android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo ContextMenuInfo} object,
211which provides additional information about the object that was selected. 
212In this example, nothing special is done in <code>onCreateContextMenu()</code> &mdash; just
213a couple items are added as usual. In the <code>onContextItemSelected()</code>
214callback, we request the {@link android.widget.AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo AdapterContextMenuInfo} 
215from the {@code MenuItem}, which provides information about the currently selected item. 
216All we need from
217this is the list ID for the selected item, so whether editing a note or deleting it, 
218we find the ID with the {@code} field of the object. This ID
219is passed to the <code>editNote()</code> and <code>deleteNote()</code> methods to perfrom
220the respective action.</p>
222<p>Now, to register this context menu for all the items in a {@link android.widget.ListView},
223we pass the entire {@code ListView} to the 
224<code>{@link}</code> method:</p>
227<p>Remember, you can pass any View object to register a context menu. Here,
228<code>{@link}</code> returns the ListView
229object used in the Notepad application's {@link}. As such, each item 
230in the list is registered to this context menu.</p>
234<h2 id="submenu">Submenus</h2>
235<p>A sub menu can be added within any menu, except another sub menu.
236These are very useful when your application has a lot of functions that may be
237organized in topics, like the items in a PC application's menu bar (File, Edit, View, etc.).</p>
239<p>A sub menu is created by adding it to an existing {@link android.view.Menu}
240with <code>{@link android.view.Menu#addSubMenu(CharSequence) addSubMenu()}</code>. 
241This returns a {@link android.view.SubMenu} object (an extension of {@link android.view.Menu}). 
242You can then add additional items to this menu, with the normal routine, using
243the <code>{@link android.view.Menu#add(CharSequence) add()}</code> methods. For example:</p>
246public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
247  boolean result = super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
249  SubMenu fileMenu = menu.addSubMenu("File");
250  SubMenu editMenu = menu.addSubMenu("Edit");
251  fileMenu.add("new");
252  fileMenu.add("open");
253  fileMenu.add("save");
254  editMenu.add("undo");
255  editMenu.add("redo");
257  return result;
260<p>Callbacks for items selected in a sub menu are made to the parent menu's callback method. 
261For the example above, selections in the sub menu will be handled by the 
262<code>onOptionsItemSelected()</code> callback.</p>
263<p>You can also add Submenus when you <a href="#xml">define the parent menu in XML</a>.</p>
266<h2 id="xml">Define Menus in XML</h2>
267<p>Just like Android UI layouts, you can define application menus in XML, then inflate them 
268in your menu's <code>onCreate...()</code> callback method. This makes your application code cleaner and
269separates more interface design into XML, which is easier to visualize.</p>
271<p>To start, create a new folder in your project <code>res/</code> directory called <code>menu</code>.
272This is where you should keep all XML files that define your application menus.</p>
274<p>In a menu XML layout, there are
275three valid elements: <code>&lt;menu></code>, <code>&lt;group></code> and <code>&lt;item></code>. The
276<code>item</code> and <code>group</code> elements must be children of a <code>menu</code>, but <code>item</code>
277elements may also be the children of a <code>group</code>, and another <code>menu</code> element may be the child
278of an <code>item</code> (to create a Submenu). Of course, the root node of any file
279must be a <code>menu</code> element.</p>
281<p>As an example, we'll define the same menu created in the <a href="#options-menu">Options Menu</a> section, 
282above. We start with an XML file named <code>options_menu.xml</code> inside the <code>res/menu/</code> folder:</p>
284&lt;menu xmlns:android="">
285    &lt;item android:id="@+id/new_game"
286          android:title="New Game" />
287    &lt;item android:id="@+id/quit"
288          android:title="Quit" />
292<p>Then, in the <code>onCreateOptionsMenu()</code> method, we inflate this resource using
293<code>{@link android.view.MenuInflater#inflate(int,Menu) MenuInflater.inflate()}</code>:</p>
295public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
296    MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
297    inflater.inflate(, menu);
298    return true;
302<p>The <code>{@link}</code> method returns the {@link android.view.MenuInflater}
303for our activity's context. We then call <code>{@link android.view.MenuInflater#inflate(int,Menu) inflate()}</code>,
304passing it a pointer to our menu resource and the Menu object given by the callback.</code></p>
306<p>While this small sample may seem like more effort, compared to creating the menu items in the 
307<code>onCreateOptionsMenu()</code> method, this will save a lot of trouble when dealing with more items
308and it keeps your application code clean.</p>
310<p>You can define <a href="#groups">menu groups</a> by wrapping <code>item</code> elements in a <code>group</code>
311element, and create Submenus by nesting another <code>menu</code> inside an <code>item</code>.
312Each element also supports all the necessary attributes to control features like shortcut keys,
313checkboxes, icons, and more. To learn about these attributes and more about the XML syntax, see the Menus
314topic in the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/available-resources.html#menus">Available 
315Resource Types</a> document.</p>
317<h2 id="features">Menu Features</h2>
318<p>Here are some other features that can be applied to most menu items.</p>
320<h3 id="groups">Menu groups</h3>
321<p>When adding new items to a menu, you can optionally include each item in a group.
322A menu group is a collection of menu items that can share certain traits, like
323whether they are visible, enabled, or checkable.</p>
325<p>A group is defined by an integer (or a resource id, in XML). A menu item is added to the group when it is
326added to the menu, using one of the <code>add()</code> methods that accepts a <var>groupId</var>
327as an argument, such as <code>{@link android.view.Menu#add(int,int,int,int)}</code>.</p>
329<p>You can show or hide the entire group with 
330<code>{@link android.view.Menu#setGroupVisible(int,boolean) setGroupVisible()}</code>; 
331enable or disable the group with 
332<code>{@link android.view.Menu#setGroupEnabled(int,boolean) setGroupEnabled()}</code>;
333and set whether the items can be checkable with
334<code>{@link android.view.Menu#setGroupCheckable(int,boolean,boolean) setGroupCheckable()}</code>.
337<h3 id="checkable">Checkable menu items</h3>
338<img align="right" src="{@docRoot}images/radio_buttons.png" alt="" />
339<p>Any menu item can be used as an interface for turning options on and off. This can
340be indicated with a checkbox for stand-alone options, or radio buttons for groups of
341mutually exlusive options (see the screenshot, to the right).</p>
343<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Menu items in the Icon Menu cannot
344display a checkbox or radio button. If you choose to make items in the Icon Menu checkable,
345then you must personally indicate the state by swapping the icon and/or text 
346each time the state changes between on and off.</p>
348<p>To make a single item checkable, use the <code>{@link android.view.MenuItem#setCheckable(boolean)
349setCheckable()}</code> method, like so:</p>
351menu.add(0, VIBRATE_SETTING_ID, 0, "Vibrate")
352    .setCheckable(true);
354<p>This will display a checkbox with the menu item (unless it's in the Icon Menu). When the item
355is selected, the <code>onOptionsItemSelected()</code> callback is called as usual. It is here that
356you must set the state of the checkbox. You can query the current state of the item with
357<code>{@link android.view.MenuItem#isChecked()}</code> and set the checked state with
358<code>{@link android.view.MenuItem#setChecked(boolean) setChecked()}</code>. 
359Here's what this looks like inside the 
360<code>onOptionsItemSelected()</code> callback:</p>
362switch (item.getItemId()) {
364  if (item.isChecked()) item.setChecked(false);
365  else item.setChecked(true);
366  return true;
371<p>To make a group of mutually exclusive radio button items, simply 
372assign the same group ID to each menu item 
373and call <code>{@link android.view.Menu#setGroupCheckable(int,boolean,boolean) 
374setGroupCheckable()}</code>. In this case, you don't need to call <code>setCheckable()</code>
375on each menu items, because the group as a whole is set checkable. Here's an example of
376two mutually exclusive options in a Submenu:</p>
378SubMenu subMenu = menu.addSubMenu("Color");
379subMenu.add(COLOR_MENU_GROUP, COLOR_RED_ID, 0, "Red");
380subMenu.add(COLOR_MENU_GROUP, COLOR_BLUE_ID, 0, "Blue");
381subMenu.setGroupCheckable(COLOR_MENU_GROUP, true, true);
383<p>In the <code>setGroupCheckable()</code> method, the first argument is the group ID
384that we want to set checkable. The second argument is whether we want the group items
385to be checkable. The last one is whether we want each item to be exclusively checkable 
386(if we set this <em>false</em>, then all the items will be checkboxes instead of radio buttons).
387When the group is set to be exclusive (radio buttons), each time a new item is selected, 
388all other are automatically de-selected.</p>
391<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
392Checkable menu items are intended to be used only on a per-session basis and not saved to the device 
393(e.g., the <em>Map mode</em> setting in the Maps application is not saved &mdash; screenshot above).
394If there are application settings that you would like to save for the user,
395then you should store the data using <a href="#{@docRoot}guide/topics/data/data-storage.html#pref">Preferences</a>,
396and manage them with a {@link android.preference.PreferenceActivity}.</p>
399<h3 id="shortcuts">Shortcut keys</h3>
400<p>Quick access shortcut keys using letters and/or numbers can be added to menu items with
401<code>setAlphabeticShortcut(char)</code> (to set char shortcut), <code>setNumericShortcut(int)</code>
402(to set numeric shortcut),
403or <code>setShortcut(char,int)</code> (to set both)</code>. Case is <em>not</em> sensitive.
405For example:</p>
407menu.add(0, MENU_QUIT, 0, "Quit")
408    .setAlphabeticShortcut('q');
410<p>Now, when the menu is open (or while holding the MENU key), pressing the "q" key will 
411select this item.</p>
412<p>This shortcut key will be displayed as a tip in the menu item, below the menu item name
413(except for items in the Icon Menu).</p>
414<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Shortcuts cannot be added to items in a Context Menu.</p>
417<h3 id="intents">Menu item intents</h3>
418<p>If you've read the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals.html">Application
419Fundamentals</a>, then you're at least a little familiar
420with Android Intents. These allow applications to bind with each other, share information,
421and perform user tasks cooperatively. Just like your application might fire an Intent to launch a web browser,
422an email client, or another Activity in your application,
423you can perform such actions from within a menu.
424There are two ways to do this: define an Intent and assign it to a single menu item, or
425define an Intent and allow Android to search the device for activities and dynamically add a 
426menu item for each one that meets the Intent criteria.</p>
428<p>For more information on creating Intents and providing your application's services to other applications, 
429read the <a href="/guide/topics/intents/intents-filters.html">Intents 
430and Intent Filters</a> document.</p>
432<h4>Set an intent for a single menu item</h4>
433<p>If you want to offer a specific menu item that launches a new Activity, then you 
434can specifically define an Intent for the menu item with the
435<code>{@link android.view.MenuItem#setIntent(Intent)
436setIntent()}</code> method.</p>
438<p>For example, inside the <code>{@link
439onCreateOptionsMenu()}</code> method, you can define a new menu item with an Intent like this:</p>
441MenuItem menuItem = menu.add(0, PHOTO_PICKER_ID, 0, "Select Photo");
442menuItem.setIntent(new Intent(this, PhotoPicker.class));
444<p>Android will automatically launch the Activity when the item is selected.</p>
446<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> This will not return a result to your Activity.
447If you wish to be returned a result, then do not use <code>setIntent()</code>.
448Instead, handle the selection as usual in the <code>onOptionsMenuItemSelected()</code>
449or <code>onContextMenuItemSelected()</code> callback and call
450<code>{@link,int) startActivityForResult()}</code>.
453<h4>Dynamically add intents</h4>
455<p>If there are potentially multiple activities that are relevant to your current
456Activity or selected item, then the application can dynamically add menu items that execute other
458<p>During menu creation, define an Intent with the category <var>Intent.ALTERNATIVE_CATEGORY</var> and/or
459<var>Intent.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE</var>, the MIME type currently selected (if any), and any other
460requirements, the same way as you would satisfy an intent filter to open a new
461Activity. Then call  
462<code>{@link android.view.Menu#addIntentOptions(int,int,int,ComponentName,Intent[],Intent,int,MenuItem[]) 
463addIntentOptions()}</code> to have Android search for any services meeting those requirements
464and add them to the menu for you. If there are no applications installed
465that satisfy the Intent, then no additional menu items are added.</p>
467<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
468<var>SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE</var> is used to handle the currently selected element on the 
469screen. So, it should only be used when creating a Menu in <code>onCreateContextMenu()</code> or
470<code>onPrepareOptionsMenu()</code>, which is called every time the Options Menu is opened.</p>
472<p>Here's an example demonstrating how an application would search for
473additional services to display on its menu.</p>
476public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu){
477    super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
479    // Create an Intent that describes the requirements to fulfill, to be included
480    // in our menu. The offering app must include a category value of Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE. 
481    Intent intent = new Intent(null, getIntent().getData());
482    intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE);
484    // Search for, and populate the menu with, acceptable offering applications.
485    menu.addIntentOptions(
486         thisClass.INTENT_OPTIONS,  // Menu group 
487         0,      // Unique item ID (none)
488         0,      // Order for the items (none)
489         this.getComponentName(),   // The current Activity name
490         null,   // Specific items to place first (none)
491         intent, // Intent created above that describes our requirements
492         0,      // Additional flags to control items (none)
493         null);  // Array of MenuItems that corrolate to specific items (none)
495    return true;
498<p>For each Activity found that provides an Intent Filter matching the Intent defined, a menu
499item will be added, using the <var>android:label</var> value of the intent filter as the text
500for the menu item. 
501The <code>{@link android.view.Menu#addIntentOptions(int,int,int,ComponentName,Intent[],Intent,int,MenuItem[]) addIntentOptions()}</code> method will also return the number of menu items added.</p>
502<p>Also be aware that, when <code>addIntentOptions()</code> is called, it will override any and all
503menu items in the menu group specified in the first argument.</p>
505<p>If you wish to offer the services of your Activity to other application menus, then you 
506only need to define an intent filter as usual. Just be sure to include the <var>ALTERNATIVE</var> and/or
507<var>SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE</var> values in the <var>name</var> attribute of 
508a <code>&lt;category></code> element in the intent filter. For example:</p>
510&lt;intent-filter label="Resize Image">
511    ...
512    &lt;category android:name="android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE" />
513    &lt;category android:name="android.intent.category.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE" />
514    ...
517<p>read more about writing intent filters in the 
518<a href="/guide/topics/intents/intents-filters.html">Intents and Intent Filters</a> document.</p>
520<p>For a sample application using this technique, see the 
521<a href="{@docRoot}guide/samples/NotePad/index.html">Note Pad</a>
522sample code.</p>