AmbientShadow.cpp revision 9a89bc6524620c87c7a321433470c668e2b95d69
2 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#define LOG_TAG "OpenGLRenderer"
19#include <math.h>
20#include <utils/Log.h>
21#include <utils/Vector.h>
23#include "AmbientShadow.h"
24#include "ShadowTessellator.h"
25#include "Vertex.h"
27namespace android {
28namespace uirenderer {
31 * Calculate the shadows as a triangle strips while alpha value as the
32 * shadow values.
33 *
34 * @param isCasterOpaque Whether the caster is opaque.
35 * @param vertices The shadow caster's polygon, which is represented in a Vector3
36 *                  array.
37 * @param vertexCount The length of caster's polygon in terms of number of
38 *                    vertices.
39 * @param centroid3d The centroid of the shadow caster.
40 * @param heightFactor The factor showing the higher the object, the lighter the
41 *                     shadow.
42 * @param geomFactor The factor scaling the geometry expansion along the normal.
43 *
44 * @param shadowVertexBuffer Return an floating point array of (x, y, a)
45 *               triangle strips mode.
46 */
47void AmbientShadow::createAmbientShadow(bool isCasterOpaque,
48        const Vector3* vertices, int vertexCount, const Vector3& centroid3d,
49        float heightFactor, float geomFactor, VertexBuffer& shadowVertexBuffer) {
50    const int rays = SHADOW_RAY_COUNT;
51    // Validate the inputs.
52    if (vertexCount < 3 || heightFactor <= 0 || rays <= 0
53        || geomFactor <= 0) {
55        ALOGW("Invalid input for createAmbientShadow(), early return!");
57        return;
58    }
60    Vector<Vector2> dir; // TODO: use C++11 unique_ptr
61    dir.setCapacity(rays);
62    float rayDist[rays];
63    float rayHeight[rays];
64    calculateRayDirections(rays, vertices, vertexCount, centroid3d, dir.editArray());
66    // Calculate the length and height of the points along the edge.
67    //
68    // The math here is:
69    // Intersect each ray (starting from the centroid) with the polygon.
70    for (int i = 0; i < rays; i++) {
71        int edgeIndex;
72        float edgeFraction;
73        float rayDistance;
74        calculateIntersection(vertices, vertexCount, centroid3d, dir[i], edgeIndex,
75                edgeFraction, rayDistance);
76        rayDist[i] = rayDistance;
77        if (edgeIndex < 0 || edgeIndex >= vertexCount) {
79            ALOGW("Invalid edgeIndex!");
81            edgeIndex = 0;
82        }
83        float h1 = vertices[edgeIndex].z;
84        float h2 = vertices[((edgeIndex + 1) % vertexCount)].z;
85        rayHeight[i] = h1 + edgeFraction * (h2 - h1);
86    }
88    // The output buffer length basically is roughly rays * layers, but since we
89    // need triangle strips, so we need to duplicate vertices to accomplish that.
90    AlphaVertex* shadowVertices =
91            shadowVertexBuffer.alloc<AlphaVertex>(SHADOW_VERTEX_COUNT);
93    // Calculate the vertex of the shadows.
94    //
95    // The math here is:
96    // Along the edges of the polygon, for each intersection point P (generated above),
97    // calculate the normal N, which should be perpendicular to the edge of the
98    // polygon (represented by the neighbor intersection points) .
99    // Shadow's vertices will be generated as : P + N * scale.
100    const Vector2 centroid2d = Vector2(centroid3d.x, centroid3d.y);
101    for (int rayIndex = 0; rayIndex < rays; rayIndex++) {
102        Vector2 normal(1.0f, 0.0f);
103        calculateNormal(rays, rayIndex, dir.array(), rayDist, normal);
105        // The vertex should be start from rayDist[i] then scale the
106        // normalizeNormal!
107        Vector2 intersection = dir[rayIndex] * rayDist[rayIndex] +
108                centroid2d;
110        // outer ring of points, expanded based upon height of each ray intersection
111        float expansionDist = rayHeight[rayIndex] * heightFactor *
112                geomFactor;
113        AlphaVertex::set(&shadowVertices[rayIndex],
114                intersection.x + normal.x * expansionDist,
115                intersection.y + normal.y * expansionDist,
116                0.0f);
118        // inner ring of points
119        float opacity = 1.0 / (1 + rayHeight[rayIndex] * heightFactor);
120        AlphaVertex::set(&shadowVertices[rays + rayIndex],
121                intersection.x,
122                intersection.y,
123                opacity);
124    }
126    if (isCasterOpaque) {
127        // skip inner ring, calc bounds over filled portion of buffer
128        shadowVertexBuffer.computeBounds<AlphaVertex>(2 * rays);
129        shadowVertexBuffer.setMode(VertexBuffer::kOnePolyRingShadow);
130    } else {
131        // If caster isn't opaque, we need to to fill the umbra by storing the umbra's
132        // centroid in the innermost ring of vertices.
133        float centroidAlpha = 1.0 / (1 + centroid3d.z * heightFactor);
134        AlphaVertex centroidXYA;
135        AlphaVertex::set(&centroidXYA, centroid2d.x, centroid2d.y, centroidAlpha);
136        for (int rayIndex = 0; rayIndex < rays; rayIndex++) {
137            shadowVertices[2 * rays + rayIndex] = centroidXYA;
138        }
139        // calc bounds over entire buffer
140        shadowVertexBuffer.computeBounds<AlphaVertex>();
141        shadowVertexBuffer.setMode(VertexBuffer::kTwoPolyRingShadow);
142    }
145    for (int i = 0; i < SHADOW_VERTEX_COUNT; i++) {
146        ALOGD("ambient shadow value: i %d, (x:%f, y:%f, a:%f)", i, shadowVertices[i].x,
147                shadowVertices[i].y, shadowVertices[i].alpha);
148    }
153 * Generate an array of rays' direction vectors.
154 * To make sure the vertices generated are clockwise, the directions are from PI
155 * to -PI.
156 *
157 * @param rays The number of rays shooting out from the centroid.
158 * @param vertices Vertices of the polygon.
159 * @param vertexCount The number of vertices.
160 * @param centroid3d The centroid of the polygon.
161 * @param dir Return the array of ray vectors.
162 */
163void AmbientShadow::calculateRayDirections(const int rays, const Vector3* vertices,
164        const int vertexCount, const Vector3& centroid3d, Vector2* dir) {
165    // If we don't have enough rays, then fall back to the uniform distribution.
166    if (vertexCount * 2 > rays) {
167        float deltaAngle = 2 * M_PI / rays;
168        for (int i = 0; i < rays; i++) {
169            dir[i].x = cosf(M_PI - deltaAngle * i);
170            dir[i].y = sinf(M_PI - deltaAngle * i);
171        }
172        return;
173    }
175    // If we have enough rays, then we assign each vertices a ray, and distribute
176    // the rest uniformly.
177    float rayThetas[rays];
179    const int uniformRayCount = rays - vertexCount;
180    const float deltaAngle = 2 * M_PI / uniformRayCount;
182    // We have to generate all the vertices' theta anyway and we also need to
183    // find the minimal, so let's precompute it first.
184    // Since the incoming polygon is clockwise, we can find the dip to identify
185    // the minimal theta.
186    float polyThetas[vertexCount];
187    int maxPolyThetaIndex = 0;
188    for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
189        polyThetas[i] = atan2(vertices[i].y - centroid3d.y,
190                vertices[i].x - centroid3d.x);
191        if (i > 0 && polyThetas[i] > polyThetas[i - 1]) {
192            maxPolyThetaIndex = i;
193        }
194    }
196    // Both poly's thetas and uniform thetas are in decrease order(clockwise)
197    // from PI to -PI.
198    int polyThetaIndex = maxPolyThetaIndex;
199    float polyTheta = polyThetas[maxPolyThetaIndex];
200    int uniformThetaIndex = 0;
201    float uniformTheta = M_PI;
202    for (int i = 0; i < rays; i++) {
203        // Compare both thetas and pick the smaller one and move on.
204        bool hasThetaCollision = abs(polyTheta - uniformTheta) < MINIMAL_DELTA_THETA;
205        if (polyTheta > uniformTheta || hasThetaCollision) {
206            if (hasThetaCollision) {
207                // Shift the uniformTheta to middle way between current polyTheta
208                // and next uniform theta. The next uniform theta can wrap around
209                // to exactly PI safely here.
210                // Note that neither polyTheta nor uniformTheta can be FLT_MAX
211                // due to the hasThetaCollision is true.
212                uniformTheta = (polyTheta +  M_PI - deltaAngle * (uniformThetaIndex + 1)) / 2;
214                ALOGD("Shifted uniformTheta to %f", uniformTheta);
216            }
217            rayThetas[i] = polyTheta;
218            polyThetaIndex = (polyThetaIndex + 1) % vertexCount;
219            if (polyThetaIndex != maxPolyThetaIndex) {
220                polyTheta = polyThetas[polyThetaIndex];
221            } else {
222                // out of poly points.
223                polyTheta = - FLT_MAX;
224            }
225        } else {
226            rayThetas[i] = uniformTheta;
227            uniformThetaIndex++;
228            if (uniformThetaIndex < uniformRayCount) {
229                uniformTheta = M_PI - deltaAngle * uniformThetaIndex;
230            } else {
231                // out of uniform points.
232                uniformTheta = - FLT_MAX;
233            }
234        }
235    }
237    for (int i = 0; i < rays; i++) {
239        ALOGD("No. %d : %f", i, rayThetas[i] * 180 / M_PI);
241        // TODO: Fix the intersection precision problem and remvoe the delta added
242        // here.
243        dir[i].x = cosf(rayThetas[i] + MINIMAL_DELTA_THETA);
244        dir[i].y = sinf(rayThetas[i] + MINIMAL_DELTA_THETA);
245    }
249 * Calculate the intersection of a ray hitting the polygon.
250 *
251 * @param vertices The shadow caster's polygon, which is represented in a
252 *                 Vector3 array.
253 * @param vertexCount The length of caster's polygon in terms of number of vertices.
254 * @param start The starting point of the ray.
255 * @param dir The direction vector of the ray.
256 *
257 * @param outEdgeIndex Return the index of the segment (or index of the starting
258 *                     vertex) that ray intersect with.
259 * @param outEdgeFraction Return the fraction offset from the segment starting
260 *                        index.
261 * @param outRayDist Return the ray distance from centroid to the intersection.
262 */
263void AmbientShadow::calculateIntersection(const Vector3* vertices, int vertexCount,
264        const Vector3& start, const Vector2& dir, int& outEdgeIndex,
265        float& outEdgeFraction, float& outRayDist) {
266    float startX = start.x;
267    float startY = start.y;
268    float dirX = dir.x;
269    float dirY = dir.y;
270    // Start the search from the last edge from poly[len-1] to poly[0].
271    int p1 = vertexCount - 1;
273    for (int p2 = 0; p2 < vertexCount; p2++) {
274        float p1x = vertices[p1].x;
275        float p1y = vertices[p1].y;
276        float p2x = vertices[p2].x;
277        float p2y = vertices[p2].y;
279        // The math here is derived from:
280        // f(t, v) = p1x * (1 - t) + p2x * t - (startX + dirX * v) = 0;
281        // g(t, v) = p1y * (1 - t) + p2y * t - (startY + dirY * v) = 0;
282        float div = (dirX * (p1y - p2y) + dirY * p2x - dirY * p1x);
283        if (div != 0) {
284            float t = (dirX * (p1y - startY) + dirY * startX - dirY * p1x) / (div);
285            if (t > 0 && t <= 1) {
286                float t2 = (p1x * (startY - p2y)
287                            + p2x * (p1y - startY)
288                            + startX * (p2y - p1y)) / div;
289                if (t2 > 0) {
290                    outEdgeIndex = p1;
291                    outRayDist = t2;
292                    outEdgeFraction = t;
293                    return;
294                }
295            }
296        }
297        p1 = p2;
298    }
299    return;
303 * Calculate the normal at the intersection point between a ray and the polygon.
304 *
305 * @param rays The total number of rays.
306 * @param currentRayIndex The index of the ray which the normal is based on.
307 * @param dir The array of the all the rays directions.
308 * @param rayDist The pre-computed ray distances array.
309 *
310 * @param normal Return the normal.
311 */
312void AmbientShadow::calculateNormal(int rays, int currentRayIndex,
313        const Vector2* dir, const float* rayDist, Vector2& normal) {
314    int preIndex = (currentRayIndex - 1 + rays) % rays;
315    int postIndex = (currentRayIndex + 1) % rays;
316    Vector2 p1 = dir[preIndex] * rayDist[preIndex];
317    Vector2 p2 = dir[postIndex] * rayDist[postIndex];
319    // Now the rays are going CW around the poly.
320    Vector2 delta = p2 - p1;
321    if (delta.length() != 0) {
322        delta.normalize();
323        // Calculate the normal , which is CCW 90 rotate to the delta.
324        normal.x = - delta.y;
325        normal.y = delta.x;
326    }
329}; // namespace uirenderer
330}; // namespace android