2 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone;
20import static android.app.StatusBarManager.NAVIGATION_HINT_BACK_ALT;
21import static android.app.StatusBarManager.NAVIGATION_HINT_IME_SHOWN;
22import static android.app.StatusBarManager.WINDOW_STATE_HIDDEN;
23import static android.app.StatusBarManager.WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING;
24import static android.app.StatusBarManager.windowStateToString;
25import static com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.BarTransitions.MODE_LIGHTS_OUT;
26import static com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.BarTransitions.MODE_LIGHTS_OUT_TRANSPARENT;
27import static com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.BarTransitions.MODE_OPAQUE;
28import static com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.BarTransitions.MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT;
29import static com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.BarTransitions.MODE_TRANSLUCENT;
30import static com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.BarTransitions.MODE_TRANSPARENT;
31import static com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.BarTransitions.MODE_WARNING;
33import android.animation.Animator;
34import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
35import android.animation.TimeInterpolator;
36import android.annotation.NonNull;
37import android.app.ActivityManager;
38import android.app.ActivityManagerNative;
39import android.app.IActivityManager;
40import android.app.Notification;
41import android.app.PendingIntent;
42import android.app.StatusBarManager;
43import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
44import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2;
45import android.content.Context;
46import android.content.Intent;
47import android.content.IntentFilter;
48import android.content.res.Configuration;
49import android.content.res.Resources;
50import android.database.ContentObserver;
51import android.graphics.Bitmap;
52import android.graphics.Canvas;
53import android.graphics.ColorFilter;
54import android.graphics.PixelFormat;
55import android.graphics.Point;
56import android.graphics.PointF;
57import android.graphics.PorterDuff;
58import android.graphics.PorterDuffXfermode;
59import android.graphics.Rect;
60import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable;
61import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
62import android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService;
63import android.media.AudioAttributes;
64import android.media.MediaMetadata;
65import android.media.session.MediaController;
66import android.media.session.MediaSession;
67import android.media.session.MediaSessionManager;
68import android.media.session.PlaybackState;
69import android.os.AsyncTask;
70import android.os.Bundle;
71import android.os.Handler;
72import android.os.HandlerThread;
73import android.os.IBinder;
74import android.os.Message;
75import android.os.PowerManager;
76import android.os.Process;
77import android.os.RemoteException;
78import android.os.SystemClock;
79import android.os.UserHandle;
80import android.os.UserManager;
81import android.provider.Settings;
82import android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService;
83import android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService.RankingMap;
84import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
85import android.text.TextUtils;
86import android.util.ArraySet;
87import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
88import android.util.EventLog;
89import android.util.Log;
90import android.view.Display;
91import android.view.Gravity;
92import android.view.HardwareCanvas;
93import android.view.KeyEvent;
94import android.view.LayoutInflater;
95import android.view.MotionEvent;
96import android.view.VelocityTracker;
97import android.view.View;
98import android.view.ViewGroup;
99import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
100import android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator;
101import android.view.ViewStub;
102import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
103import android.view.WindowManager;
104import android.view.WindowManagerGlobal;
105import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
106import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator;
107import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator;
108import android.view.animation.Animation;
109import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
110import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
111import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
112import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator;
113import android.view.animation.PathInterpolator;
114import android.widget.FrameLayout;
115import android.widget.ImageView;
116import android.widget.LinearLayout;
117import android.widget.TextView;
119import com.android.internal.statusbar.StatusBarIcon;
120import com.android.keyguard.KeyguardHostView.OnDismissAction;
121import com.android.keyguard.ViewMediatorCallback;
122import com.android.systemui.BatteryMeterView;
123import com.android.systemui.DemoMode;
124import com.android.systemui.EventLogConstants;
125import com.android.systemui.EventLogTags;
126import com.android.systemui.FontSizeUtils;
127import com.android.systemui.R;
128import com.android.systemui.doze.DozeHost;
129import com.android.systemui.doze.DozeLog;
130import com.android.systemui.keyguard.KeyguardViewMediator;
131import com.android.systemui.qs.QSPanel;
132import com.android.systemui.recent.ScreenPinningRequest;
133import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ActivatableNotificationView;
134import com.android.systemui.statusbar.BackDropView;
135import com.android.systemui.statusbar.BaseStatusBar;
136import com.android.systemui.statusbar.CommandQueue;
137import com.android.systemui.statusbar.DismissView;
138import com.android.systemui.statusbar.DragDownHelper;
139import com.android.systemui.statusbar.EmptyShadeView;
140import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ExpandableNotificationRow;
141import com.android.systemui.statusbar.GestureRecorder;
142import com.android.systemui.statusbar.KeyguardIndicationController;
143import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationData;
144import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationData.Entry;
145import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationOverflowContainer;
146import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ScrimView;
147import com.android.systemui.statusbar.SignalClusterView;
148import com.android.systemui.statusbar.SpeedBumpView;
149import com.android.systemui.statusbar.StatusBarIconView;
150import com.android.systemui.statusbar.StatusBarState;
151import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.UnlockMethodCache.OnUnlockMethodChangedListener;
152import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.AccessibilityController;
153import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BatteryController;
154import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BatteryController.BatteryStateChangeCallback;
155import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BluetoothControllerImpl;
156import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BrightnessMirrorController;
157import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.CastControllerImpl;
158import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.FlashlightController;
159import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HeadsUpNotificationView;
160import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HotspotControllerImpl;
161import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.KeyButtonView;
162import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.KeyguardMonitor;
163import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.KeyguardUserSwitcher;
164import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.LocationControllerImpl;
165import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.NetworkControllerImpl;
166import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.NextAlarmController;
167import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.PreviewInflater;
168import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.RotationLockControllerImpl;
169import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.SecurityControllerImpl;
170import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.UserInfoController;
171import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.UserSwitcherController;
172import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.ZenModeController;
173import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.NotificationStackScrollLayout;
174import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.NotificationStackScrollLayout.OnChildLocationsChangedListener;
175import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.StackScrollAlgorithm;
176import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.StackScrollState.ViewState;
177import com.android.systemui.volume.VolumeComponent;
179import java.io.FileDescriptor;
180import java.io.PrintWriter;
181import java.util.ArrayList;
182import java.util.Collection;
183import java.util.Collections;
184import java.util.List;
185import java.util.Map;
187public class PhoneStatusBar extends BaseStatusBar implements DemoMode,
188        DragDownHelper.DragDownCallback, ActivityStarter, OnUnlockMethodChangedListener {
189    static final String TAG = "PhoneStatusBar";
190    public static final boolean DEBUG = BaseStatusBar.DEBUG;
191    public static final boolean SPEW = false;
192    public static final boolean DUMPTRUCK = true; // extra dumpsys info
193    public static final boolean DEBUG_GESTURES = false;
194    public static final boolean DEBUG_MEDIA = false;
195    public static final boolean DEBUG_MEDIA_FAKE_ARTWORK = false;
197    public static final boolean DEBUG_WINDOW_STATE = false;
199    // additional instrumentation for testing purposes; intended to be left on during development
200    public static final boolean CHATTY = DEBUG;
202    public static final String ACTION_STATUSBAR_START
203            = "com.android.internal.policy.statusbar.START";
205    public static final boolean SHOW_LOCKSCREEN_MEDIA_ARTWORK = true;
207    private static final int MSG_OPEN_NOTIFICATION_PANEL = 1000;
208    private static final int MSG_CLOSE_PANELS = 1001;
209    private static final int MSG_OPEN_SETTINGS_PANEL = 1002;
210    private static final int MSG_LAUNCH_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT = 1003;
211    // 1020-1040 reserved for BaseStatusBar
213    // Time after we abort the launch transition.
214    private static final long LAUNCH_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000;
216    private static final boolean CLOSE_PANEL_WHEN_EMPTIED = true;
218    private static final int NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_MULTIPLIER = 10; // see NotificationManagerService
221    private static final int STATUS_OR_NAV_TRANSIENT =
223    private static final long AUTOHIDE_TIMEOUT_MS = 3000;
225    /** The minimum delay in ms between reports of notification visibility. */
226    private static final int VISIBILITY_REPORT_MIN_DELAY_MS = 500;
228    /**
229     * The delay to reset the hint text when the hint animation is finished running.
230     */
231    private static final int HINT_RESET_DELAY_MS = 1200;
233    private static final AudioAttributes VIBRATION_ATTRIBUTES = new AudioAttributes.Builder()
234            .setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION)
235            .setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION)
236            .build();
238    public static final int FADE_KEYGUARD_START_DELAY = 100;
239    public static final int FADE_KEYGUARD_DURATION = 300;
241    /** Allow some time inbetween the long press for back and recents. */
242    private static final int LOCK_TO_APP_GESTURE_TOLERENCE = 200;
244    PhoneStatusBarPolicy mIconPolicy;
246    // These are no longer handled by the policy, because we need custom strategies for them
247    BluetoothControllerImpl mBluetoothController;
248    SecurityControllerImpl mSecurityController;
249    BatteryController mBatteryController;
250    LocationControllerImpl mLocationController;
251    NetworkControllerImpl mNetworkController;
252    HotspotControllerImpl mHotspotController;
253    RotationLockControllerImpl mRotationLockController;
254    UserInfoController mUserInfoController;
255    ZenModeController mZenModeController;
256    CastControllerImpl mCastController;
257    VolumeComponent mVolumeComponent;
258    KeyguardUserSwitcher mKeyguardUserSwitcher;
259    FlashlightController mFlashlightController;
260    UserSwitcherController mUserSwitcherController;
261    NextAlarmController mNextAlarmController;
262    KeyguardMonitor mKeyguardMonitor;
263    BrightnessMirrorController mBrightnessMirrorController;
264    AccessibilityController mAccessibilityController;
266    int mNaturalBarHeight = -1;
267    int mIconSize = -1;
268    int mIconHPadding = -1;
269    Display mDisplay;
270    Point mCurrentDisplaySize = new Point();
272    StatusBarWindowView mStatusBarWindow;
273    PhoneStatusBarView mStatusBarView;
274    private int mStatusBarWindowState = WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING;
275    private StatusBarWindowManager mStatusBarWindowManager;
276    private UnlockMethodCache mUnlockMethodCache;
277    private DozeServiceHost mDozeServiceHost;
278    private boolean mScreenOnComingFromTouch;
279    private PointF mScreenOnTouchLocation;
281    int mPixelFormat;
282    Object mQueueLock = new Object();
284    // viewgroup containing the normal contents of the statusbar
285    LinearLayout mStatusBarContents;
287    // right-hand icons
288    LinearLayout mSystemIconArea;
289    LinearLayout mSystemIcons;
291    // left-hand icons
292    LinearLayout mStatusIcons;
293    LinearLayout mStatusIconsKeyguard;
295    // the icons themselves
296    IconMerger mNotificationIcons;
297    View mNotificationIconArea;
299    // [+>
300    View mMoreIcon;
302    // expanded notifications
303    NotificationPanelView mNotificationPanel; // the sliding/resizing panel within the notification window
304    View mExpandedContents;
305    int mNotificationPanelGravity;
306    int mNotificationPanelMarginBottomPx;
307    float mNotificationPanelMinHeightFrac;
308    TextView mNotificationPanelDebugText;
310    // settings
311    View mFlipSettingsView;
312    private QSPanel mQSPanel;
314    // top bar
315    StatusBarHeaderView mHeader;
316    KeyguardStatusBarView mKeyguardStatusBar;
317    View mKeyguardStatusView;
318    KeyguardBottomAreaView mKeyguardBottomArea;
319    boolean mLeaveOpenOnKeyguardHide;
320    KeyguardIndicationController mKeyguardIndicationController;
322    private boolean mKeyguardFadingAway;
323    private long mKeyguardFadingAwayDelay;
324    private long mKeyguardFadingAwayDuration;
326    int mKeyguardMaxNotificationCount;
328    // carrier/wifi label
329    private TextView mCarrierLabel;
330    private boolean mCarrierLabelVisible = false;
331    private int mCarrierLabelHeight;
332    private int mStatusBarHeaderHeight;
334    private boolean mShowCarrierInPanel = false;
336    // position
337    int[] mPositionTmp = new int[2];
338    boolean mExpandedVisible;
340    private int mNavigationBarWindowState = WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING;
342    // the tracker view
343    int mTrackingPosition; // the position of the top of the tracking view.
345    // ticker
346    private boolean mTickerEnabled;
347    private Ticker mTicker;
348    private View mTickerView;
349    private boolean mTicking;
351    // Tracking finger for opening/closing.
352    int mEdgeBorder; // corresponds to R.dimen.status_bar_edge_ignore
353    boolean mTracking;
354    VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker;
356    int[] mAbsPos = new int[2];
357    ArrayList<Runnable> mPostCollapseRunnables = new ArrayList<>();
359    // for disabling the status bar
360    int mDisabled = 0;
362    // tracking calls to View.setSystemUiVisibility()
363    int mSystemUiVisibility = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE;
365    DisplayMetrics mDisplayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
367    // XXX: gesture research
368    private final GestureRecorder mGestureRec = DEBUG_GESTURES
369        ? new GestureRecorder("/sdcard/statusbar_gestures.dat")
370        : null;
372    private ScreenPinningRequest mScreenPinningRequest;
374    private int mNavigationIconHints = 0;
375    private HandlerThread mHandlerThread;
377    // ensure quick settings is disabled until the current user makes it through the setup wizard
378    private boolean mUserSetup = false;
379    private ContentObserver mUserSetupObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler()) {
380        @Override
381        public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
382            final boolean userSetup = 0 != Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(
383                    mContext.getContentResolver(),
384                    Settings.Secure.USER_SETUP_COMPLETE,
385                    0 /*default */,
386                    mCurrentUserId);
387            if (MULTIUSER_DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, String.format("User setup changed: " +
388                    "selfChange=%s userSetup=%s mUserSetup=%s",
389                    selfChange, userSetup, mUserSetup));
391            if (userSetup != mUserSetup) {
392                mUserSetup = userSetup;
393                if (!mUserSetup && mStatusBarView != null)
394                    animateCollapseQuickSettings();
395            }
396        }
397    };
399    final private ContentObserver mHeadsUpObserver = new ContentObserver(mHandler) {
400        @Override
401        public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
402            boolean wasUsing = mUseHeadsUp;
403            mUseHeadsUp = ENABLE_HEADS_UP && !mDisableNotificationAlerts
404                    && Settings.Global.HEADS_UP_OFF != Settings.Global.getInt(
405                    mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.HEADS_UP_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED,
406                    Settings.Global.HEADS_UP_OFF);
407            mHeadsUpTicker = mUseHeadsUp && 0 != Settings.Global.getInt(
408                    mContext.getContentResolver(), SETTING_HEADS_UP_TICKER, 0);
409            Log.d(TAG, "heads up is " + (mUseHeadsUp ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
410            if (wasUsing != mUseHeadsUp) {
411                if (!mUseHeadsUp) {
412                    Log.d(TAG, "dismissing any existing heads up notification on disable event");
413                    setHeadsUpVisibility(false);
414                    mHeadsUpNotificationView.release();
415                    removeHeadsUpView();
416                } else {
417                    addHeadsUpView();
418                }
419            }
420        }
421    };
423    private int mInteractingWindows;
424    private boolean mAutohideSuspended;
425    private int mStatusBarMode;
426    private int mNavigationBarMode;
428    private ViewMediatorCallback mKeyguardViewMediatorCallback;
429    private ScrimController mScrimController;
430    private DozeScrimController mDozeScrimController;
432    private final Runnable mAutohide = new Runnable() {
433        @Override
434        public void run() {
435            int requested = mSystemUiVisibility & ~STATUS_OR_NAV_TRANSIENT;
436            if (mSystemUiVisibility != requested) {
437                notifyUiVisibilityChanged(requested);
438            }
439        }};
441    private boolean mWaitingForKeyguardExit;
442    private boolean mDozing;
443    private boolean mScrimSrcModeEnabled;
445    private Interpolator mLinearOutSlowIn;
446    private Interpolator mLinearInterpolator = new LinearInterpolator();
447    private Interpolator mBackdropInterpolator = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator();
448    public static final Interpolator ALPHA_IN = new PathInterpolator(0.4f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
449    public static final Interpolator ALPHA_OUT = new PathInterpolator(0f, 0f, 0.8f, 1f);
451    private BackDropView mBackdrop;
452    private ImageView mBackdropFront, mBackdropBack;
453    private PorterDuffXfermode mSrcXferMode = new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC);
454    private PorterDuffXfermode mSrcOverXferMode = new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_OVER);
456    private MediaSessionManager mMediaSessionManager;
457    private MediaController mMediaController;
458    private String mMediaNotificationKey;
459    private MediaMetadata mMediaMetadata;
460    private MediaController.Callback mMediaListener
461            = new MediaController.Callback() {
462        @Override
463        public void onPlaybackStateChanged(PlaybackState state) {
464            super.onPlaybackStateChanged(state);
465            if (DEBUG_MEDIA) Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: onPlaybackStateChanged: " + state);
466        }
468        @Override
469        public void onMetadataChanged(MediaMetadata metadata) {
470            super.onMetadataChanged(metadata);
471            if (DEBUG_MEDIA) Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: onMetadataChanged: " + metadata);
472            mMediaMetadata = metadata;
473            updateMediaMetaData(true);
474        }
475    };
477    private final OnChildLocationsChangedListener mOnChildLocationsChangedListener =
478            new OnChildLocationsChangedListener() {
479        @Override
480        public void onChildLocationsChanged(NotificationStackScrollLayout stackScrollLayout) {
481            userActivity();
482        }
483    };
485    private int mDisabledUnmodified;
487    /** Keys of notifications currently visible to the user. */
488    private final ArraySet<String> mCurrentlyVisibleNotifications = new ArraySet<String>();
489    private long mLastVisibilityReportUptimeMs;
491    private final ShadeUpdates mShadeUpdates = new ShadeUpdates();
493    private int mDrawCount;
494    private Runnable mLaunchTransitionEndRunnable;
495    private boolean mLaunchTransitionFadingAway;
496    private ExpandableNotificationRow mDraggedDownRow;
498    // Fingerprint (as computed by getLoggingFingerprint() of the last logged state.
499    private int mLastLoggedStateFingerprint;
501    private static final int VISIBLE_LOCATIONS = ViewState.LOCATION_FIRST_CARD
502            | ViewState.LOCATION_TOP_STACK_PEEKING
503            | ViewState.LOCATION_MAIN_AREA
504            | ViewState.LOCATION_BOTTOM_STACK_PEEKING;
506    private final OnChildLocationsChangedListener mNotificationLocationsChangedListener =
507            new OnChildLocationsChangedListener() {
508                @Override
509                public void onChildLocationsChanged(
510                        NotificationStackScrollLayout stackScrollLayout) {
511                    if (mHandler.hasCallbacks(mVisibilityReporter)) {
512                        // Visibilities will be reported when the existing
513                        // callback is executed.
514                        return;
515                    }
516                    // Calculate when we're allowed to run the visibility
517                    // reporter. Note that this timestamp might already have
518                    // passed. That's OK, the callback will just be executed
519                    // ASAP.
520                    long nextReportUptimeMs =
521                            mLastVisibilityReportUptimeMs + VISIBILITY_REPORT_MIN_DELAY_MS;
522                    mHandler.postAtTime(mVisibilityReporter, nextReportUptimeMs);
523                }
524            };
526    // Tracks notifications currently visible in mNotificationStackScroller and
527    // emits visibility events via NoMan on changes.
528    private final Runnable mVisibilityReporter = new Runnable() {
529        private final ArrayList<String> mTmpNewlyVisibleNotifications = new ArrayList<String>();
530        private final ArrayList<String> mTmpCurrentlyVisibleNotifications = new ArrayList<String>();
532        @Override
533        public void run() {
534            mLastVisibilityReportUptimeMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
536            // 1. Loop over mNotificationData entries:
537            //   A. Keep list of visible notifications.
538            //   B. Keep list of previously hidden, now visible notifications.
539            // 2. Compute no-longer visible notifications by removing currently
540            //    visible notifications from the set of previously visible
541            //    notifications.
542            // 3. Report newly visible and no-longer visible notifications.
543            // 4. Keep currently visible notifications for next report.
544            ArrayList<Entry> activeNotifications = mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications();
545            int N = activeNotifications.size();
546            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
547                Entry entry = activeNotifications.get(i);
548                String key = entry.notification.getKey();
549                boolean previouslyVisible = mCurrentlyVisibleNotifications.contains(key);
550                boolean currentlyVisible =
551                        (mStackScroller.getChildLocation(entry.row) & VISIBLE_LOCATIONS) != 0;
552                if (currentlyVisible) {
553                    // Build new set of visible notifications.
554                    mTmpCurrentlyVisibleNotifications.add(key);
555                }
556                if (!previouslyVisible && currentlyVisible) {
557                    mTmpNewlyVisibleNotifications.add(key);
558                }
559            }
560            ArraySet<String> noLongerVisibleNotifications = mCurrentlyVisibleNotifications;
561            noLongerVisibleNotifications.removeAll(mTmpCurrentlyVisibleNotifications);
563            logNotificationVisibilityChanges(
564                    mTmpNewlyVisibleNotifications, noLongerVisibleNotifications);
566            mCurrentlyVisibleNotifications.clear();
567            mCurrentlyVisibleNotifications.addAll(mTmpCurrentlyVisibleNotifications);
569            mTmpNewlyVisibleNotifications.clear();
570            mTmpCurrentlyVisibleNotifications.clear();
571        }
572    };
574    private final View.OnClickListener mOverflowClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
575        @Override
576        public void onClick(View v) {
577            goToLockedShade(null);
578        }
579    };
581    @Override
582    public void start() {
583        mDisplay = ((WindowManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE))
584                .getDefaultDisplay();
585        updateDisplaySize();
586        mScrimSrcModeEnabled = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(
587                R.bool.config_status_bar_scrim_behind_use_src);
588        super.start(); // calls createAndAddWindows()
590        mMediaSessionManager
591                = (MediaSessionManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.MEDIA_SESSION_SERVICE);
592        // TODO: use MediaSessionManager.SessionListener to hook us up to future updates
593        // in session state
595        addNavigationBar();
597        // Lastly, call to the icon policy to install/update all the icons.
598        mIconPolicy = new PhoneStatusBarPolicy(mContext, mCastController, mHotspotController);
599        mSettingsObserver.onChange(false); // set up
601        mHeadsUpObserver.onChange(true); // set up
602        if (ENABLE_HEADS_UP) {
603            mContext.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(
604                    Settings.Global.getUriFor(Settings.Global.HEADS_UP_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED), true,
605                    mHeadsUpObserver);
606            mContext.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(
607                    Settings.Global.getUriFor(SETTING_HEADS_UP_TICKER), true,
608                    mHeadsUpObserver);
609        }
610        mUnlockMethodCache = UnlockMethodCache.getInstance(mContext);
611        mUnlockMethodCache.addListener(this);
612        startKeyguard();
614        mDozeServiceHost = new DozeServiceHost();
615        putComponent(DozeHost.class, mDozeServiceHost);
616        putComponent(PhoneStatusBar.class, this);
618        setControllerUsers();
620        notifyUserAboutHiddenNotifications();
622        mScreenPinningRequest = new ScreenPinningRequest(mContext);
623    }
625    // ================================================================================
626    // Constructing the view
627    // ================================================================================
628    protected PhoneStatusBarView makeStatusBarView() {
629        final Context context = mContext;
631        Resources res = context.getResources();
633        updateDisplaySize(); // populates mDisplayMetrics
634        updateResources();
636        mIconSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(com.android.internal.R.dimen.status_bar_icon_size);
638        mStatusBarWindow = (StatusBarWindowView) View.inflate(context,
639                R.layout.super_status_bar, null);
640        mStatusBarWindow.mService = this;
641        mStatusBarWindow.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
642            @Override
643            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
644                checkUserAutohide(v, event);
645                if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
646                    if (mExpandedVisible) {
647                        animateCollapsePanels();
648                    }
649                }
650                return mStatusBarWindow.onTouchEvent(event);
651            }});
653        mStatusBarView = (PhoneStatusBarView) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.status_bar);
654        mStatusBarView.setBar(this);
656        PanelHolder holder = (PanelHolder) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.panel_holder);
657        mStatusBarView.setPanelHolder(holder);
659        mNotificationPanel = (NotificationPanelView) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(
660                R.id.notification_panel);
661        mNotificationPanel.setStatusBar(this);
663        if (!ActivityManager.isHighEndGfx()) {
664            mStatusBarWindow.setBackground(null);
665            mNotificationPanel.setBackground(new FastColorDrawable(context.getResources().getColor(
666                    R.color.notification_panel_solid_background)));
667        }
668        if (ENABLE_HEADS_UP) {
669            mHeadsUpNotificationView =
670                    (HeadsUpNotificationView) View.inflate(context, R.layout.heads_up, null);
671            mHeadsUpNotificationView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
672            mHeadsUpNotificationView.setBar(this);
673        }
674        if (MULTIUSER_DEBUG) {
675            mNotificationPanelDebugText = (TextView) mNotificationPanel.findViewById(
676                    R.id.header_debug_info);
677            mNotificationPanelDebugText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
678        }
680        updateShowSearchHoldoff();
682        try {
683            boolean showNav = mWindowManagerService.hasNavigationBar();
684            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "hasNavigationBar=" + showNav);
685            if (showNav) {
686                mNavigationBarView =
687                    (NavigationBarView) View.inflate(context, R.layout.navigation_bar, null);
689                mNavigationBarView.setDisabledFlags(mDisabled);
690                mNavigationBarView.setBar(this);
691                mNavigationBarView.setOnVerticalChangedListener(
692                        new NavigationBarView.OnVerticalChangedListener() {
693                    @Override
694                    public void onVerticalChanged(boolean isVertical) {
695                        if (mSearchPanelView != null) {
696                            mSearchPanelView.setHorizontal(isVertical);
697                        }
698                        mNotificationPanel.setQsScrimEnabled(!isVertical);
699                    }
700                });
701                mNavigationBarView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
702                    @Override
703                    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
704                        checkUserAutohide(v, event);
705                        return false;
706                    }});
707            }
708        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
709            // no window manager? good luck with that
710        }
712        // figure out which pixel-format to use for the status bar.
713        mPixelFormat = PixelFormat.OPAQUE;
715        mSystemIconArea = (LinearLayout) mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.system_icon_area);
716        mSystemIcons = (LinearLayout) mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.system_icons);
717        mStatusIcons = (LinearLayout)mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.statusIcons);
718        mNotificationIconArea = mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.notification_icon_area_inner);
719        mNotificationIcons = (IconMerger)mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.notificationIcons);
720        mMoreIcon = mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.moreIcon);
721        mNotificationIcons.setOverflowIndicator(mMoreIcon);
722        mStatusBarContents = (LinearLayout)mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.status_bar_contents);
724        mStackScroller = (NotificationStackScrollLayout) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(
725                R.id.notification_stack_scroller);
726        mStackScroller.setLongPressListener(getNotificationLongClicker());
727        mStackScroller.setPhoneStatusBar(this);
729        mKeyguardIconOverflowContainer =
730                (NotificationOverflowContainer) LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(
731                        R.layout.status_bar_notification_keyguard_overflow, mStackScroller, false);
732        mKeyguardIconOverflowContainer.setOnActivatedListener(this);
733        mKeyguardIconOverflowContainer.setOnClickListener(mOverflowClickListener);
734        mStackScroller.addView(mKeyguardIconOverflowContainer);
736        SpeedBumpView speedBump = (SpeedBumpView) LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(
737                        R.layout.status_bar_notification_speed_bump, mStackScroller, false);
738        mStackScroller.setSpeedBumpView(speedBump);
739        mEmptyShadeView = (EmptyShadeView) LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(
740                R.layout.status_bar_no_notifications, mStackScroller, false);
741        mStackScroller.setEmptyShadeView(mEmptyShadeView);
742        mDismissView = (DismissView) LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(
743                R.layout.status_bar_notification_dismiss_all, mStackScroller, false);
744        mDismissView.setOnButtonClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
745            @Override
746            public void onClick(View v) {
747                clearAllNotifications();
748            }
749        });
750        mStackScroller.setDismissView(mDismissView);
751        mExpandedContents = mStackScroller;
753        mBackdrop = (BackDropView) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.backdrop);
754        mBackdropFront = (ImageView) mBackdrop.findViewById(R.id.backdrop_front);
755        mBackdropBack = (ImageView) mBackdrop.findViewById(R.id.backdrop_back);
757        ScrimView scrimBehind = (ScrimView) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.scrim_behind);
758        ScrimView scrimInFront = (ScrimView) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.scrim_in_front);
759        mScrimController = new ScrimController(scrimBehind, scrimInFront, mScrimSrcModeEnabled);
760        mScrimController.setBackDropView(mBackdrop);
761        mStatusBarView.setScrimController(mScrimController);
762        mDozeScrimController = new DozeScrimController(mScrimController, context);
764        mHeader = (StatusBarHeaderView) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.header);
765        mHeader.setActivityStarter(this);
766        mKeyguardStatusBar = (KeyguardStatusBarView) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.keyguard_header);
767        mStatusIconsKeyguard = (LinearLayout) mKeyguardStatusBar.findViewById(R.id.statusIcons);
768        mKeyguardStatusView = mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.keyguard_status_view);
769        mKeyguardBottomArea =
770                (KeyguardBottomAreaView) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.keyguard_bottom_area);
771        mKeyguardBottomArea.setActivityStarter(this);
772        mKeyguardIndicationController = new KeyguardIndicationController(mContext,
773                (KeyguardIndicationTextView) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(
774                        R.id.keyguard_indication_text));
775        mKeyguardBottomArea.setKeyguardIndicationController(mKeyguardIndicationController);
777        mTickerEnabled = res.getBoolean(R.bool.enable_ticker);
778        if (mTickerEnabled) {
779            final ViewStub tickerStub = (ViewStub) mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.ticker_stub);
780            if (tickerStub != null) {
781                mTickerView = tickerStub.inflate();
782                mTicker = new MyTicker(context, mStatusBarView);
784                TickerView tickerView = (TickerView) mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.tickerText);
785                tickerView.mTicker = mTicker;
786            }
787        }
789        mEdgeBorder = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.status_bar_edge_ignore);
791        // set the inital view visibility
792        setAreThereNotifications();
794        // Background thread for any controllers that need it.
795        mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread(TAG, Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);
796        mHandlerThread.start();
798        // Other icons
799        mLocationController = new LocationControllerImpl(mContext); // will post a notification
800        mBatteryController = new BatteryController(mContext);
801        mBatteryController.addStateChangedCallback(new BatteryStateChangeCallback() {
802            @Override
803            public void onPowerSaveChanged() {
804                mHandler.post(mCheckBarModes);
805                if (mDozeServiceHost != null) {
806                    mDozeServiceHost.firePowerSaveChanged(mBatteryController.isPowerSave());
807                }
808            }
809            @Override
810            public void onBatteryLevelChanged(int level, boolean pluggedIn, boolean charging) {
811                // noop
812            }
813        });
814        mNetworkController = new NetworkControllerImpl(mContext);
815        mHotspotController = new HotspotControllerImpl(mContext);
816        mBluetoothController = new BluetoothControllerImpl(mContext, mHandlerThread.getLooper());
817        mSecurityController = new SecurityControllerImpl(mContext);
818        if (mContext.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.config_showRotationLock)) {
819            mRotationLockController = new RotationLockControllerImpl(mContext);
820        }
821        mUserInfoController = new UserInfoController(mContext);
822        mVolumeComponent = getComponent(VolumeComponent.class);
823        if (mVolumeComponent != null) {
824            mZenModeController = mVolumeComponent.getZenController();
825        }
826        mCastController = new CastControllerImpl(mContext);
827        final SignalClusterView signalCluster =
828                (SignalClusterView) mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.signal_cluster);
829        final SignalClusterView signalClusterKeyguard =
830                (SignalClusterView) mKeyguardStatusBar.findViewById(R.id.signal_cluster);
831        final SignalClusterView signalClusterQs =
832                (SignalClusterView) mHeader.findViewById(R.id.signal_cluster);
833        mNetworkController.addSignalCluster(signalCluster);
834        mNetworkController.addSignalCluster(signalClusterKeyguard);
835        mNetworkController.addSignalCluster(signalClusterQs);
836        signalCluster.setSecurityController(mSecurityController);
837        signalCluster.setNetworkController(mNetworkController);
838        signalClusterKeyguard.setSecurityController(mSecurityController);
839        signalClusterKeyguard.setNetworkController(mNetworkController);
840        signalClusterQs.setSecurityController(mSecurityController);
841        signalClusterQs.setNetworkController(mNetworkController);
842        final boolean isAPhone = mNetworkController.hasVoiceCallingFeature();
843        if (isAPhone) {
844            mNetworkController.addEmergencyListener(new NetworkControllerImpl.EmergencyListener() {
845                @Override
846                public void setEmergencyCallsOnly(boolean emergencyOnly) {
847                    mHeader.setShowEmergencyCallsOnly(emergencyOnly);
848                }
849            });
850        }
852        mCarrierLabel = (TextView)mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.carrier_label);
853        mShowCarrierInPanel = (mCarrierLabel != null);
854        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "carrierlabel=" + mCarrierLabel + " show=" + mShowCarrierInPanel);
855        if (mShowCarrierInPanel) {
856            mCarrierLabel.setVisibility(mCarrierLabelVisible ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE);
858            mNetworkController.addCarrierLabel(new NetworkControllerImpl.CarrierLabelListener() {
859                @Override
860                public void setCarrierLabel(String label) {
861                    mCarrierLabel.setText(label);
862                    if (mNetworkController.hasMobileDataFeature()) {
863                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) {
864                            mCarrierLabel.setVisibility(View.GONE);
865                        } else {
866                            mCarrierLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
867                        }
868                    }
869                }
870            });
871        }
873        mFlashlightController = new FlashlightController(mContext);
874        mKeyguardBottomArea.setFlashlightController(mFlashlightController);
875        mKeyguardBottomArea.setPhoneStatusBar(this);
876        mAccessibilityController = new AccessibilityController(mContext);
877        mKeyguardBottomArea.setAccessibilityController(mAccessibilityController);
878        mNextAlarmController = new NextAlarmController(mContext);
879        mKeyguardMonitor = new KeyguardMonitor();
880        if (UserSwitcherController.isUserSwitcherAvailable(UserManager.get(mContext))) {
881            mUserSwitcherController = new UserSwitcherController(mContext, mKeyguardMonitor);
882        }
883        mKeyguardUserSwitcher = new KeyguardUserSwitcher(mContext,
884                (ViewStub) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.keyguard_user_switcher),
885                mKeyguardStatusBar, mNotificationPanel, mUserSwitcherController);
888        // Set up the quick settings tile panel
889        mQSPanel = (QSPanel) mStatusBarWindow.findViewById(R.id.quick_settings_panel);
890        if (mQSPanel != null) {
891            final QSTileHost qsh = new QSTileHost(mContext, this,
892                    mBluetoothController, mLocationController, mRotationLockController,
893                    mNetworkController, mZenModeController, mHotspotController,
894                    mCastController, mFlashlightController,
895                    mUserSwitcherController, mKeyguardMonitor,
896                    mSecurityController);
897            mQSPanel.setHost(qsh);
898            mQSPanel.setTiles(qsh.getTiles());
899            mBrightnessMirrorController = new BrightnessMirrorController(mStatusBarWindow);
900            mQSPanel.setBrightnessMirror(mBrightnessMirrorController);
901            mHeader.setQSPanel(mQSPanel);
902            qsh.setCallback(new QSTileHost.Callback() {
903                @Override
904                public void onTilesChanged() {
905                    mQSPanel.setTiles(qsh.getTiles());
906                }
907            });
908        }
910        // User info. Trigger first load.
911        mHeader.setUserInfoController(mUserInfoController);
912        mKeyguardStatusBar.setUserInfoController(mUserInfoController);
913        mUserInfoController.reloadUserInfo();
915        mHeader.setBatteryController(mBatteryController);
916        ((BatteryMeterView) mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.battery)).setBatteryController(
917                mBatteryController);
918        mKeyguardStatusBar.setBatteryController(mBatteryController);
919        mHeader.setNextAlarmController(mNextAlarmController);
921        PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
922        mBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(mContext,
923                new Intent(pm.isScreenOn() ? Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON : Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF));
925        // receive broadcasts
926        IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
927        filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS);
928        filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF);
929        filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON);
930        if (DEBUG_MEDIA_FAKE_ARTWORK) {
931            filter.addAction("fake_artwork");
932        }
933        filter.addAction(ACTION_DEMO);
934        context.registerReceiverAsUser(mBroadcastReceiver, UserHandle.ALL, filter, null, null);
936        // listen for USER_SETUP_COMPLETE setting (per-user)
937        resetUserSetupObserver();
939        startGlyphRasterizeHack();
940        return mStatusBarView;
941    }
943    private void clearAllNotifications() {
945        // animate-swipe all dismissable notifications, then animate the shade closed
946        int numChildren = mStackScroller.getChildCount();
948        final ArrayList<View> viewsToHide = new ArrayList<View>(numChildren);
949        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
950            final View child = mStackScroller.getChildAt(i);
951            if (mStackScroller.canChildBeDismissed(child)) {
952                if (child.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
953                    viewsToHide.add(child);
954                }
955            }
956        }
957        if (viewsToHide.isEmpty()) {
958            animateCollapsePanels(CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_NONE);
959            return;
960        }
962        addPostCollapseAction(new Runnable() {
963            @Override
964            public void run() {
965                try {
966                    mBarService.onClearAllNotifications(mCurrentUserId);
967                } catch (Exception ex) { }
968            }
969        });
971        performDismissAllAnimations(viewsToHide);
973    }
975    private void performDismissAllAnimations(ArrayList<View> hideAnimatedList) {
976        Runnable animationFinishAction = new Runnable() {
977            @Override
978            public void run() {
979                mStackScroller.post(new Runnable() {
980                    @Override
981                    public void run() {
982                        mStackScroller.setDismissAllInProgress(false);
983                    }
984                });
985                animateCollapsePanels(CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_NONE);
986            }
987        };
989        // let's disable our normal animations
990        mStackScroller.setDismissAllInProgress(true);
992        // Decrease the delay for every row we animate to give the sense of
993        // accelerating the swipes
994        int rowDelayDecrement = 10;
995        int currentDelay = 140;
996        int totalDelay = 180;
997        int numItems = hideAnimatedList.size();
998        for (int i = numItems - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
999            View view = hideAnimatedList.get(i);
1000            Runnable endRunnable = null;
1001            if (i == 0) {
1002                endRunnable = animationFinishAction;
1003            }
1004            mStackScroller.dismissViewAnimated(view, endRunnable, totalDelay, 260);
1005            currentDelay = Math.max(50, currentDelay - rowDelayDecrement);
1006            totalDelay += currentDelay;
1007        }
1008    }
1010    /**
1011     * Hack to improve glyph rasterization for scaled text views.
1012     */
1013    private void startGlyphRasterizeHack() {
1014        mStatusBarView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(
1015                new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
1016            @Override
1017            public boolean onPreDraw() {
1018                if (mDrawCount == 1) {
1019                    mStatusBarView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this);
1020                    HardwareCanvas.setProperty("extraRasterBucket",
1021                            Float.toString(StackScrollAlgorithm.DIMMED_SCALE));
1022                    HardwareCanvas.setProperty("extraRasterBucket", Float.toString(
1023                            mContext.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(
1024                                    R.dimen.qs_time_collapsed_size)
1025                            / mContext.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(
1026                                    R.dimen.qs_time_expanded_size)));
1027                }
1028                mDrawCount++;
1029                return true;
1030            }
1031        });
1032    }
1034    @Override
1035    protected void setZenMode(int mode) {
1036        super.setZenMode(mode);
1037        if (mIconPolicy != null) {
1038            mIconPolicy.setZenMode(mode);
1039        }
1040    }
1042    private void startKeyguard() {
1043        KeyguardViewMediator keyguardViewMediator = getComponent(KeyguardViewMediator.class);
1044        mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager = keyguardViewMediator.registerStatusBar(this,
1045                mStatusBarWindow, mStatusBarWindowManager, mScrimController);
1046        mKeyguardViewMediatorCallback = keyguardViewMediator.getViewMediatorCallback();
1047    }
1049    @Override
1050    protected View getStatusBarView() {
1051        return mStatusBarView;
1052    }
1054    public StatusBarWindowView getStatusBarWindow() {
1055        return mStatusBarWindow;
1056    }
1058    @Override
1059    protected WindowManager.LayoutParams getSearchLayoutParams(LayoutParams layoutParams) {
1060        boolean opaque = false;
1061        WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
1062                LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
1063                LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
1064                WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL,
1065                WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN
1066                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM
1067                | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SPLIT_TOUCH,
1068                (opaque ? PixelFormat.OPAQUE : PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT));
1069        if (ActivityManager.isHighEndGfx()) {
1070            lp.flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED;
1071        }
1072        lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.START;
1073        lp.setTitle("SearchPanel");
1074        lp.softInputMode = WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNCHANGED
1075        | WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_NOTHING;
1076        return lp;
1077    }
1079    @Override
1080    protected void updateSearchPanel() {
1081        super.updateSearchPanel();
1082        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
1083            mNavigationBarView.setDelegateView(mSearchPanelView);
1084        }
1085    }
1087    @Override
1088    public void showSearchPanel() {
1089        super.showSearchPanel();
1090        mHandler.removeCallbacks(mShowSearchPanel);
1092        // we want to freeze the sysui state wherever it is
1093        mSearchPanelView.setSystemUiVisibility(mSystemUiVisibility);
1095        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
1096            WindowManager.LayoutParams lp =
1097                (android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams) mNavigationBarView.getLayoutParams();
1098            lp.flags &= ~WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL;
1099            mWindowManager.updateViewLayout(mNavigationBarView, lp);
1100        }
1101    }
1103    @Override
1104    public void hideSearchPanel() {
1105        super.hideSearchPanel();
1106        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
1107            WindowManager.LayoutParams lp =
1108                (android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams) mNavigationBarView.getLayoutParams();
1109            lp.flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL;
1110            mWindowManager.updateViewLayout(mNavigationBarView, lp);
1111        }
1112    }
1114    public int getStatusBarHeight() {
1115        if (mNaturalBarHeight < 0) {
1116            final Resources res = mContext.getResources();
1117            mNaturalBarHeight =
1118                    res.getDimensionPixelSize(com.android.internal.R.dimen.status_bar_height);
1119        }
1120        return mNaturalBarHeight;
1121    }
1123    private View.OnClickListener mRecentsClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
1124        public void onClick(View v) {
1125            awakenDreams();
1126            toggleRecentApps();
1127        }
1128    };
1130    private long mLastLockToAppLongPress;
1131    private View.OnLongClickListener mLongPressBackRecentsListener =
1132            new View.OnLongClickListener() {
1133        @Override
1134        public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
1135            handleLongPressBackRecents(v);
1136            return true;
1137        }
1138    };
1140    private int mShowSearchHoldoff = 0;
1141    private Runnable mShowSearchPanel = new Runnable() {
1142        public void run() {
1143            showSearchPanel();
1144            awakenDreams();
1145        }
1146    };
1148    View.OnTouchListener mHomeActionListener = new View.OnTouchListener() {
1149        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
1150            switch(event.getAction()) {
1151                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
1152                if (!shouldDisableNavbarGestures()) {
1153                    mHandler.removeCallbacks(mShowSearchPanel);
1154                    mHandler.postDelayed(mShowSearchPanel, mShowSearchHoldoff);
1155                }
1156            break;
1158            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
1159            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
1160                mHandler.removeCallbacks(mShowSearchPanel);
1161                awakenDreams();
1162            break;
1163        }
1164        return false;
1165        }
1166    };
1168    private void awakenDreams() {
1169        if (mDreamManager != null) {
1170            try {
1171                mDreamManager.awaken();
1172            } catch (RemoteException e) {
1173                // fine, stay asleep then
1174            }
1175        }
1176    }
1178    private void prepareNavigationBarView() {
1179        mNavigationBarView.reorient();
1181        mNavigationBarView.getRecentsButton().setOnClickListener(mRecentsClickListener);
1182        mNavigationBarView.getRecentsButton().setOnTouchListener(mRecentsPreloadOnTouchListener);
1183        mNavigationBarView.getRecentsButton().setLongClickable(true);
1184        mNavigationBarView.getRecentsButton().setOnLongClickListener(mLongPressBackRecentsListener);
1185        mNavigationBarView.getBackButton().setLongClickable(true);
1186        mNavigationBarView.getBackButton().setOnLongClickListener(mLongPressBackRecentsListener);
1187        mNavigationBarView.getHomeButton().setOnTouchListener(mHomeActionListener);
1188        updateSearchPanel();
1189    }
1191    // For small-screen devices (read: phones) that lack hardware navigation buttons
1192    private void addNavigationBar() {
1193        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "addNavigationBar: about to add " + mNavigationBarView);
1194        if (mNavigationBarView == null) return;
1196        prepareNavigationBarView();
1198        mWindowManager.addView(mNavigationBarView, getNavigationBarLayoutParams());
1199    }
1201    private void repositionNavigationBar() {
1202        if (mNavigationBarView == null || !mNavigationBarView.isAttachedToWindow()) return;
1204        prepareNavigationBarView();
1206        mWindowManager.updateViewLayout(mNavigationBarView, getNavigationBarLayoutParams());
1207    }
1209    private void notifyNavigationBarScreenOn(boolean screenOn) {
1210        if (mNavigationBarView == null) return;
1211        mNavigationBarView.notifyScreenOn(screenOn);
1212    }
1214    private WindowManager.LayoutParams getNavigationBarLayoutParams() {
1215        WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
1216                LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
1217                WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR,
1218                    0
1219                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TOUCHABLE_WHEN_WAKING
1220                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE
1221                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL
1222                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH
1223                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SPLIT_TOUCH,
1224                PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT);
1225        // this will allow the navbar to run in an overlay on devices that support this
1226        if (ActivityManager.isHighEndGfx()) {
1227            lp.flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED;
1228        }
1230        lp.setTitle("NavigationBar");
1231        lp.windowAnimations = 0;
1232        return lp;
1233    }
1235    private void addHeadsUpView() {
1236        int headsUpHeight = mContext.getResources()
1237                .getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.heads_up_window_height);
1238        WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
1239                LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, headsUpHeight,
1240                WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL, // above the status bar!
1241                WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN
1242                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS
1243                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL
1244                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE
1245                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM
1246                    | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SPLIT_TOUCH,
1247                PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT);
1248        lp.flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED;
1249        lp.gravity = Gravity.TOP;
1250        lp.setTitle("Heads Up");
1251        lp.packageName = mContext.getPackageName();
1252        lp.windowAnimations = R.style.Animation_StatusBar_HeadsUp;
1254        mWindowManager.addView(mHeadsUpNotificationView, lp);
1255    }
1257    private void removeHeadsUpView() {
1258        mWindowManager.removeView(mHeadsUpNotificationView);
1259    }
1261    public void refreshAllStatusBarIcons() {
1262        refreshAllIconsForLayout(mStatusIcons);
1263        refreshAllIconsForLayout(mStatusIconsKeyguard);
1264        refreshAllIconsForLayout(mNotificationIcons);
1265    }
1267    private void refreshAllIconsForLayout(LinearLayout ll) {
1268        final int count = ll.getChildCount();
1269        for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) {
1270            View child = ll.getChildAt(n);
1271            if (child instanceof StatusBarIconView) {
1272                ((StatusBarIconView) child).updateDrawable();
1273            }
1274        }
1275    }
1277    public void addIcon(String slot, int index, int viewIndex, StatusBarIcon icon) {
1278        if (SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "addIcon slot=" + slot + " index=" + index + " viewIndex=" + viewIndex
1279                + " icon=" + icon);
1280        StatusBarIconView view = new StatusBarIconView(mContext, slot, null);
1281        view.set(icon);
1282        mStatusIcons.addView(view, viewIndex, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
1283                LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, mIconSize));
1284        view = new StatusBarIconView(mContext, slot, null);
1285        view.set(icon);
1286        mStatusIconsKeyguard.addView(view, viewIndex, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
1287                LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, mIconSize));
1288    }
1290    public void updateIcon(String slot, int index, int viewIndex,
1291            StatusBarIcon old, StatusBarIcon icon) {
1292        if (SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "updateIcon slot=" + slot + " index=" + index + " viewIndex=" + viewIndex
1293                + " old=" + old + " icon=" + icon);
1294        StatusBarIconView view = (StatusBarIconView) mStatusIcons.getChildAt(viewIndex);
1295        view.set(icon);
1296        view = (StatusBarIconView) mStatusIconsKeyguard.getChildAt(viewIndex);
1297        view.set(icon);
1298    }
1300    public void removeIcon(String slot, int index, int viewIndex) {
1301        if (SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "removeIcon slot=" + slot + " index=" + index + " viewIndex=" + viewIndex);
1302        mStatusIcons.removeViewAt(viewIndex);
1303        mStatusIconsKeyguard.removeViewAt(viewIndex);
1304    }
1306    public UserHandle getCurrentUserHandle() {
1307        return new UserHandle(mCurrentUserId);
1308    }
1310    @Override
1311    public void addNotification(StatusBarNotification notification, RankingMap ranking) {
1312        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "addNotification key=" + notification.getKey());
1313        if (mUseHeadsUp && shouldInterrupt(notification)) {
1314            if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "launching notification in heads up mode");
1315            Entry interruptionCandidate = new Entry(notification, null);
1316            ViewGroup holder = mHeadsUpNotificationView.getHolder();
1317            if (inflateViewsForHeadsUp(interruptionCandidate, holder)) {
1318                // 1. Populate mHeadsUpNotificationView
1319                mHeadsUpNotificationView.showNotification(interruptionCandidate);
1321                // do not show the notification in the shade, yet.
1322                return;
1323            }
1324        }
1326        Entry shadeEntry = createNotificationViews(notification);
1327        if (shadeEntry == null) {
1328            return;
1329        }
1331        if (notification.getNotification().fullScreenIntent != null) {
1332            // Stop screensaver if the notification has a full-screen intent.
1333            // (like an incoming phone call)
1334            awakenDreams();
1336            // not immersive & a full-screen alert should be shown
1337            if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Notification has fullScreenIntent; sending fullScreenIntent");
1338            try {
1339                EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.SYSUI_FULLSCREEN_NOTIFICATION,
1340                        notification.getKey());
1341                notification.getNotification().fullScreenIntent.send();
1342            } catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {
1343            }
1344        } else {
1345            // usual case: status bar visible & not immersive
1347            // show the ticker if there isn't already a heads up
1348            if (mHeadsUpNotificationView.getEntry() == null) {
1349                tick(notification, true);
1350            }
1351        }
1352        addNotificationViews(shadeEntry, ranking);
1353        // Recalculate the position of the sliding windows and the titles.
1354        setAreThereNotifications();
1355        updateExpandedViewPos(EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE);
1356    }
1358    public void displayNotificationFromHeadsUp(StatusBarNotification notification) {
1359        NotificationData.Entry shadeEntry = createNotificationViews(notification);
1360        if (shadeEntry == null) {
1361            return;
1362        }
1363        shadeEntry.setInterruption();
1365        addNotificationViews(shadeEntry, null);
1366        // Recalculate the position of the sliding windows and the titles.
1367        setAreThereNotifications();
1368        updateExpandedViewPos(EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE);
1369    }
1371    @Override
1372    public void resetHeadsUpDecayTimer() {
1373        mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_DECAY_HEADS_UP);
1374        if (mUseHeadsUp && mHeadsUpNotificationDecay > 0
1375                && mHeadsUpNotificationView.isClearable()) {
1376            mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_DECAY_HEADS_UP, mHeadsUpNotificationDecay);
1377        }
1378    }
1380    @Override
1381    public void scheduleHeadsUpOpen() {
1382        mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_SHOW_HEADS_UP);
1383        mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_SHOW_HEADS_UP);
1384    }
1386    @Override
1387    public void scheduleHeadsUpClose() {
1388        mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_HIDE_HEADS_UP);
1389        mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_HIDE_HEADS_UP);
1390    }
1392    @Override
1393    public void scheduleHeadsUpEscalation() {
1394        mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_ESCALATE_HEADS_UP);
1395        mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_ESCALATE_HEADS_UP);
1396    }
1398    @Override
1399    protected void updateNotificationRanking(RankingMap ranking) {
1400        mNotificationData.updateRanking(ranking);
1401        updateNotifications();
1402    }
1404    @Override
1405    public void removeNotification(String key, RankingMap ranking) {
1406        if (ENABLE_HEADS_UP && mHeadsUpNotificationView.getEntry() != null
1407                && key.equals(mHeadsUpNotificationView.getEntry().notification.getKey())) {
1408            mHeadsUpNotificationView.clear();
1409        }
1411        StatusBarNotification old = removeNotificationViews(key, ranking);
1412        if (SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "removeNotification key=" + key + " old=" + old);
1414        if (old != null) {
1415            // Cancel the ticker if it's still running
1416            if (mTickerEnabled) {
1417                mTicker.removeEntry(old);
1418            }
1420            // Recalculate the position of the sliding windows and the titles.
1421            updateExpandedViewPos(EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE);
1423            if (CLOSE_PANEL_WHEN_EMPTIED && !hasActiveNotifications()
1424                    && !mNotificationPanel.isTracking() && !mNotificationPanel.isQsExpanded()) {
1425                if (mState == StatusBarState.SHADE) {
1426                    animateCollapsePanels();
1427                } else if (mState == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED) {
1428                    goToKeyguard();
1429                }
1430            }
1431        }
1432        setAreThereNotifications();
1433    }
1435    @Override
1436    protected void refreshLayout(int layoutDirection) {
1437        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
1438            mNavigationBarView.setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection);
1439        }
1440        refreshAllStatusBarIcons();
1441    }
1443    private void updateShowSearchHoldoff() {
1444        mShowSearchHoldoff = mContext.getResources().getInteger(
1445            R.integer.config_show_search_delay);
1446    }
1448    private void updateNotificationShade() {
1449        if (mStackScroller == null) return;
1451        // Do not modify the notifications during collapse.
1452        if (isCollapsing()) {
1453            addPostCollapseAction(new Runnable() {
1454                @Override
1455                public void run() {
1456                    updateNotificationShade();
1457                }
1458            });
1459            return;
1460        }
1462        ArrayList<Entry> activeNotifications = mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications();
1463        ArrayList<ExpandableNotificationRow> toShow = new ArrayList<>(activeNotifications.size());
1464        final int N = activeNotifications.size();
1465        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
1466            Entry ent = activeNotifications.get(i);
1467            int vis = ent.notification.getNotification().visibility;
1469            // Display public version of the notification if we need to redact.
1470            final boolean hideSensitive =
1471                    !userAllowsPrivateNotificationsInPublic(ent.notification.getUserId());
1472            boolean sensitiveNote = vis == Notification.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE;
1473            boolean sensitivePackage = packageHasVisibilityOverride(ent.notification.getKey());
1474            boolean sensitive = (sensitiveNote && hideSensitive) || sensitivePackage;
1475            boolean showingPublic = sensitive && isLockscreenPublicMode();
1476            ent.row.setSensitive(sensitive);
1477            if (ent.autoRedacted && ent.legacy) {
1478                // TODO: Also fade this? Or, maybe easier (and better), provide a dark redacted form
1479                // for legacy auto redacted notifications.
1480                if (showingPublic) {
1481                    ent.row.setShowingLegacyBackground(false);
1482                } else {
1483                    ent.row.setShowingLegacyBackground(true);
1484                }
1485            }
1486            toShow.add(ent.row);
1487        }
1489        ArrayList<View> toRemove = new ArrayList<View>();
1490        for (int i=0; i< mStackScroller.getChildCount(); i++) {
1491            View child = mStackScroller.getChildAt(i);
1492            if (!toShow.contains(child) && child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
1493                toRemove.add(child);
1494            }
1495        }
1497        for (View remove : toRemove) {
1498            mStackScroller.removeView(remove);
1499        }
1500        for (int i=0; i<toShow.size(); i++) {
1501            View v = toShow.get(i);
1502            if (v.getParent() == null) {
1503                mStackScroller.addView(v);
1504            }
1505        }
1507        // So after all this work notifications still aren't sorted correctly.
1508        // Let's do that now by advancing through toShow and mStackScroller in
1509        // lock-step, making sure mStackScroller matches what we see in toShow.
1510        int j = 0;
1511        for (int i = 0; i < mStackScroller.getChildCount(); i++) {
1512            View child = mStackScroller.getChildAt(i);
1513            if (!(child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow)) {
1514                // We don't care about non-notification views.
1515                continue;
1516            }
1518            if (child == toShow.get(j)) {
1519                // Everything is well, advance both lists.
1520                j++;
1521                continue;
1522            }
1524            // Oops, wrong notification at this position. Put the right one
1525            // here and advance both lists.
1526            mStackScroller.changeViewPosition(toShow.get(j), i);
1527            j++;
1528        }
1529        updateRowStates();
1530        updateSpeedbump();
1531        updateClearAll();
1532        updateEmptyShadeView();
1534        // Disable QS if device not provisioned.
1535        // If the user switcher is simple then disable QS during setup because
1536        // the user intends to use the lock screen user switcher, QS in not needed.
1537        mNotificationPanel.setQsExpansionEnabled(isDeviceProvisioned()
1538                && (mUserSetup || mUserSwitcherController == null
1539                        || !mUserSwitcherController.isSimpleUserSwitcher()));
1540        mShadeUpdates.check();
1541    }
1543    private boolean packageHasVisibilityOverride(String key) {
1544        return mNotificationData.getVisibilityOverride(key)
1545                != NotificationListenerService.Ranking.VISIBILITY_NO_OVERRIDE;
1546    }
1548    private void updateClearAll() {
1549        boolean showDismissView =
1550                mState != StatusBarState.KEYGUARD &&
1551                mNotificationData.hasActiveClearableNotifications();
1552        mStackScroller.updateDismissView(showDismissView);
1553    }
1555    private void updateEmptyShadeView() {
1556        boolean showEmptyShade =
1557                mState != StatusBarState.KEYGUARD &&
1558                        mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications().size() == 0;
1559        mNotificationPanel.setShadeEmpty(showEmptyShade);
1560    }
1562    private void updateSpeedbump() {
1563        int speedbumpIndex = -1;
1564        int currentIndex = 0;
1565        ArrayList<Entry> activeNotifications = mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications();
1566        final int N = activeNotifications.size();
1567        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
1568            Entry entry = activeNotifications.get(i);
1569            if (entry.row.getVisibility() != View.GONE &&
1570                    mNotificationData.isAmbient(entry.key)) {
1571                speedbumpIndex = currentIndex;
1572                break;
1573            }
1574            currentIndex++;
1575        }
1576        mStackScroller.updateSpeedBumpIndex(speedbumpIndex);
1577    }
1579    @Override
1580    protected void updateNotifications() {
1581        // TODO: Move this into updateNotificationIcons()?
1582        if (mNotificationIcons == null) return;
1584        mNotificationData.filterAndSort();
1586        updateNotificationShade();
1587        updateNotificationIcons();
1588    }
1590    private void updateNotificationIcons() {
1591        final LinearLayout.LayoutParams params
1592            = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(mIconSize + 2*mIconHPadding, mNaturalBarHeight);
1594        ArrayList<Entry> activeNotifications = mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications();
1595        final int N = activeNotifications.size();
1596        ArrayList<StatusBarIconView> toShow = new ArrayList<>(N);
1598        // Filter out notifications with low scores.
1599        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
1600            Entry ent = activeNotifications.get(i);
1601            if (ent.notification.getScore() < HIDE_ICONS_BELOW_SCORE &&
1602                    !NotificationData.showNotificationEvenIfUnprovisioned(ent.notification)) {
1603                continue;
1604            }
1605            toShow.add(ent.icon);
1606        }
1608        if (DEBUG) {
1609            Log.d(TAG, "refreshing icons: " + toShow.size() +
1610                    " notifications, mNotificationIcons=" + mNotificationIcons);
1611        }
1613        ArrayList<View> toRemove = new ArrayList<View>();
1614        for (int i=0; i<mNotificationIcons.getChildCount(); i++) {
1615            View child = mNotificationIcons.getChildAt(i);
1616            if (!toShow.contains(child)) {
1617                toRemove.add(child);
1618            }
1619        }
1621        final int toRemoveCount = toRemove.size();
1622        for (int i = 0; i < toRemoveCount; i++) {
1623            mNotificationIcons.removeView(toRemove.get(i));
1624        }
1626        for (int i=0; i<toShow.size(); i++) {
1627            View v = toShow.get(i);
1628            if (v.getParent() == null) {
1629                mNotificationIcons.addView(v, i, params);
1630            }
1631        }
1633        // Resort notification icons
1634        final int childCount = mNotificationIcons.getChildCount();
1635        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
1636            View actual = mNotificationIcons.getChildAt(i);
1637            StatusBarIconView expected = toShow.get(i);
1638            if (actual == expected) {
1639                continue;
1640            }
1641            mNotificationIcons.removeView(expected);
1642            mNotificationIcons.addView(expected, i);
1643        }
1644    }
1646    @Override
1647    protected void updateRowStates() {
1648        super.updateRowStates();
1649        mNotificationPanel.notifyVisibleChildrenChanged();
1650    }
1652    protected void updateCarrierLabelVisibility(boolean force) {
1653        // TODO: Handle this for the notification stack scroller as well
1654        if (!mShowCarrierInPanel) return;
1655        // The idea here is to only show the carrier label when there is enough room to see it,
1656        // i.e. when there aren't enough notifications to fill the panel.
1657        if (SPEW) {
1658            Log.d(TAG, String.format("stackScrollerh=%d scrollh=%d carrierh=%d",
1659                    mStackScroller.getHeight(), mStackScroller.getHeight(),
1660                    mCarrierLabelHeight));
1661        }
1663        // Emergency calls only is shown in the expanded header now.
1664        final boolean emergencyCallsShownElsewhere = true;
1665        final boolean makeVisible =
1666            !(emergencyCallsShownElsewhere && mNetworkController.isEmergencyOnly())
1667            && mStackScroller.getHeight() < (mNotificationPanel.getHeight()
1668                    - mCarrierLabelHeight - mStatusBarHeaderHeight)
1669            && mStackScroller.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE
1670            && mState != StatusBarState.KEYGUARD;
1672        if (force || mCarrierLabelVisible != makeVisible) {
1673            mCarrierLabelVisible = makeVisible;
1674            if (DEBUG) {
1675                Log.d(TAG, "making carrier label " + (makeVisible?"visible":"invisible"));
1676            }
1677            mCarrierLabel.animate().cancel();
1678            if (makeVisible) {
1679                mCarrierLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
1680            }
1681            mCarrierLabel.animate()
1682                .alpha(makeVisible ? 1f : 0f)
1683                //.setStartDelay(makeVisible ? 500 : 0)
1684                //.setDuration(makeVisible ? 750 : 100)
1685                .setDuration(150)
1686                .setListener(makeVisible ? null : new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
1687                    @Override
1688                    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
1689                        if (!mCarrierLabelVisible) { // race
1690                            mCarrierLabel.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);
1691                            mCarrierLabel.setAlpha(0f);
1692                        }
1693                    }
1694                })
1695                .start();
1696        }
1697    }
1699    @Override
1700    protected void setAreThereNotifications() {
1702        if (SPEW) {
1703            final boolean clearable = hasActiveNotifications() &&
1704                    mNotificationData.hasActiveClearableNotifications();
1705            Log.d(TAG, "setAreThereNotifications: N=" +
1706                    mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications().size() + " any=" +
1707                    hasActiveNotifications() + " clearable=" + clearable);
1708        }
1710        final View nlo = mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.notification_lights_out);
1711        final boolean showDot = hasActiveNotifications() && !areLightsOn();
1712        if (showDot != (nlo.getAlpha() == 1.0f)) {
1713            if (showDot) {
1714                nlo.setAlpha(0f);
1715                nlo.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
1716            }
1717            nlo.animate()
1718                .alpha(showDot?1:0)
1719                .setDuration(showDot?750:250)
1720                .setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator(2.0f))
1721                .setListener(showDot ? null : new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
1722                    @Override
1723                    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator _a) {
1724                        nlo.setVisibility(View.GONE);
1725                    }
1726                })
1727                .start();
1728        }
1730        findAndUpdateMediaNotifications();
1732        updateCarrierLabelVisibility(false);
1733    }
1735    public void findAndUpdateMediaNotifications() {
1736        boolean metaDataChanged = false;
1738        synchronized (mNotificationData) {
1739            ArrayList<Entry> activeNotifications = mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications();
1740            final int N = activeNotifications.size();
1741            Entry mediaNotification = null;
1742            MediaController controller = null;
1743            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
1744                final Entry entry = activeNotifications.get(i);
1745                if (isMediaNotification(entry)) {
1746                    final MediaSession.Token token = entry.notification.getNotification().extras
1747                            .getParcelable(Notification.EXTRA_MEDIA_SESSION);
1748                    if (token != null) {
1749                        controller = new MediaController(mContext, token);
1750                        if (controller != null) {
1751                            // we've got a live one, here
1752                            mediaNotification = entry;
1753                        }
1754                    }
1755                }
1756            }
1758            if (mediaNotification == null) {
1759                // Still nothing? OK, let's just look for live media sessions and see if they match
1760                // one of our notifications. This will catch apps that aren't (yet!) using media
1761                // notifications.
1763                if (mMediaSessionManager != null) {
1764                    final List<MediaController> sessions
1765                            = mMediaSessionManager.getActiveSessionsForUser(
1766                                    null,
1767                                    UserHandle.USER_ALL);
1769                    for (MediaController aController : sessions) {
1770                        if (aController == null) continue;
1771                        final PlaybackState state = aController.getPlaybackState();
1772                        if (state == null) continue;
1773                        switch (state.getState()) {
1774                            case PlaybackState.STATE_STOPPED:
1775                            case PlaybackState.STATE_ERROR:
1776                                continue;
1777                            default:
1778                                // now to see if we have one like this
1779                                final String pkg = aController.getPackageName();
1781                                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
1782                                    final Entry entry = activeNotifications.get(i);
1783                                    if (entry.notification.getPackageName().equals(pkg)) {
1784                                        if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
1785                                            Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: found controller matching "
1786                                                + entry.notification.getKey());
1787                                        }
1788                                        controller = aController;
1789                                        mediaNotification = entry;
1790                                        break;
1791                                    }
1792                                }
1793                        }
1794                    }
1795                }
1796            }
1798            if (!sameSessions(mMediaController, controller)) {
1799                // We have a new media session
1801                if (mMediaController != null) {
1802                    // something old was playing
1803                    Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: Disconnecting from old controller: "
1804                            + mMediaController);
1805                    mMediaController.unregisterCallback(mMediaListener);
1806                }
1807                mMediaController = controller;
1809                if (mMediaController != null) {
1810                    mMediaController.registerCallback(mMediaListener);
1811                    mMediaMetadata = mMediaController.getMetadata();
1812                    if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
1813                        Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: insert listener, receive metadata: "
1814                                + mMediaMetadata);
1815                    }
1817                    final String notificationKey = mediaNotification == null
1818                            ? null
1819                            : mediaNotification.notification.getKey();
1821                    if (notificationKey == null || !notificationKey.equals(mMediaNotificationKey)) {
1822                        // we have a new notification!
1823                        if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
1824                            Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: Found new media notification: key="
1825                                    + notificationKey + " controller=" + controller);
1826                        }
1827                        mMediaNotificationKey = notificationKey;
1828                    }
1829                } else {
1830                    mMediaMetadata = null;
1831                    mMediaNotificationKey = null;
1832                }
1834                metaDataChanged = true;
1835            } else {
1836                // Media session unchanged
1838                if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
1839                    Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: Continuing media notification: key=" + mMediaNotificationKey);
1840                }
1841            }
1842        }
1844        updateMediaMetaData(metaDataChanged);
1845    }
1847    private boolean sameSessions(MediaController a, MediaController b) {
1848        if (a == b) return true;
1849        if (a == null) return false;
1850        return a.controlsSameSession(b);
1851    }
1853    /**
1854     * Hide the album artwork that is fading out and release its bitmap.
1855     */
1856    private Runnable mHideBackdropFront = new Runnable() {
1857        @Override
1858        public void run() {
1859            if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
1860                Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: removing fade layer");
1861            }
1862            mBackdropFront.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);
1863            mBackdropFront.animate().cancel();
1864            mBackdropFront.setImageDrawable(null);
1865        }
1866    };
1868    /**
1869     * Refresh or remove lockscreen artwork from media metadata.
1870     */
1871    public void updateMediaMetaData(boolean metaDataChanged) {
1872        if (!SHOW_LOCKSCREEN_MEDIA_ARTWORK) return;
1874        if (mBackdrop == null) return; // called too early
1876        if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
1877            Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: updating album art for notification " + mMediaNotificationKey
1878                + " metadata=" + mMediaMetadata
1879                + " metaDataChanged=" + metaDataChanged
1880                + " state=" + mState);
1881        }
1883        Bitmap artworkBitmap = null;
1884        if (mMediaMetadata != null) {
1885            artworkBitmap = mMediaMetadata.getBitmap(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_ART);
1886            if (artworkBitmap == null) {
1887                artworkBitmap = mMediaMetadata.getBitmap(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM_ART);
1888                // might still be null
1889            }
1890        }
1892        final boolean hasArtwork = artworkBitmap != null;
1894        if ((hasArtwork || DEBUG_MEDIA_FAKE_ARTWORK)
1895                && (mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD || mState == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED)) {
1896            // time to show some art!
1897            if (mBackdrop.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) {
1898                mBackdrop.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
1899                mBackdrop.animate().alpha(1f);
1900                metaDataChanged = true;
1901                if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
1902                    Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: Fading in album artwork");
1903                }
1904            }
1905            if (metaDataChanged) {
1906                if (mBackdropBack.getDrawable() != null) {
1907                    Drawable drawable = mBackdropBack.getDrawable();
1908                    mBackdropFront.setImageDrawable(drawable);
1909                    if (mScrimSrcModeEnabled) {
1910                        mBackdropFront.getDrawable().mutate().setXfermode(mSrcOverXferMode);
1911                    }
1912                    mBackdropFront.setAlpha(1f);
1913                    mBackdropFront.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
1914                } else {
1915                    mBackdropFront.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);
1916                }
1918                if (DEBUG_MEDIA_FAKE_ARTWORK) {
1919                    final int c = 0xFF000000 | (int)(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF);
1920                    Log.v(TAG, String.format("DEBUG_MEDIA: setting new color: 0x%08x", c));
1921                    mBackdropBack.setBackgroundColor(0xFFFFFFFF);
1922                    mBackdropBack.setImageDrawable(new ColorDrawable(c));
1923                } else {
1924                    mBackdropBack.setImageBitmap(artworkBitmap);
1925                }
1926                if (mScrimSrcModeEnabled) {
1927                    mBackdropBack.getDrawable().mutate().setXfermode(mSrcXferMode);
1928                }
1930                if (mBackdropFront.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
1931                    if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
1932                        Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: Crossfading album artwork from "
1933                                + mBackdropFront.getDrawable()
1934                                + " to "
1935                                + mBackdropBack.getDrawable());
1936                    }
1937                    mBackdropFront.animate()
1938                            .setDuration(250)
1939                            .alpha(0f).withEndAction(mHideBackdropFront);
1940                }
1941            }
1942        } else {
1943            // need to hide the album art, either because we are unlocked or because
1944            // the metadata isn't there to support it
1945            if (mBackdrop.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
1946                if (DEBUG_MEDIA) {
1947                    Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_MEDIA: Fading out album artwork");
1948                }
1949                mBackdrop.animate()
1950                        .alpha(0f)
1951                        .setInterpolator(mBackdropInterpolator)
1952                        .setDuration(300)
1953                        .setStartDelay(0)
1954                        .withEndAction(new Runnable() {
1955                            @Override
1956                            public void run() {
1957                                mBackdrop.setVisibility(View.GONE);
1958                                mBackdropFront.animate().cancel();
1959                                mBackdropBack.animate().cancel();
1960                                mHandler.post(mHideBackdropFront);
1961                            }
1962                        });
1963                if (mKeyguardFadingAway) {
1964                    mBackdrop.animate()
1966                            // Make it disappear faster, as the focus should be on the activity behind.
1967                            .setDuration(mKeyguardFadingAwayDuration / 2)
1968                            .setStartDelay(mKeyguardFadingAwayDelay)
1969                            .setInterpolator(mLinearInterpolator)
1970                            .start();
1971                }
1972            }
1973        }
1974    }
1976    public void showClock(boolean show) {
1977        if (mStatusBarView == null) return;
1978        View clock = mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.clock);
1979        if (clock != null) {
1980            clock.setVisibility(show ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
1981        }
1982    }
1984    private int adjustDisableFlags(int state) {
1985        if (!mLaunchTransitionFadingAway
1986                && (mExpandedVisible || mBouncerShowing || mWaitingForKeyguardExit)) {
1987            state |= StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS;
1988            state |= StatusBarManager.DISABLE_SYSTEM_INFO;
1989        }
1990        return state;
1991    }
1993    /**
1994     * State is one or more of the DISABLE constants from StatusBarManager.
1995     */
1996    public void disable(int state, boolean animate) {
1997        mDisabledUnmodified = state;
1998        state = adjustDisableFlags(state);
1999        final int old = mDisabled;
2000        final int diff = state ^ old;
2001        mDisabled = state;
2003        if (DEBUG) {
2004            Log.d(TAG, String.format("disable: 0x%08x -> 0x%08x (diff: 0x%08x)",
2005                old, state, diff));
2006        }
2008        StringBuilder flagdbg = new StringBuilder();
2009        flagdbg.append("disable: < ");
2010        flagdbg.append(((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_EXPAND) != 0) ? "EXPAND" : "expand");
2011        flagdbg.append(((diff  & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_EXPAND) != 0) ? "* " : " ");
2012        flagdbg.append(((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS) != 0) ? "ICONS" : "icons");
2013        flagdbg.append(((diff  & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS) != 0) ? "* " : " ");
2014        flagdbg.append(((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ALERTS) != 0) ? "ALERTS" : "alerts");
2015        flagdbg.append(((diff  & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ALERTS) != 0) ? "* " : " ");
2016        flagdbg.append(((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_SYSTEM_INFO) != 0) ? "SYSTEM_INFO" : "system_info");
2017        flagdbg.append(((diff  & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_SYSTEM_INFO) != 0) ? "* " : " ");
2018        flagdbg.append(((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_BACK) != 0) ? "BACK" : "back");
2019        flagdbg.append(((diff  & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_BACK) != 0) ? "* " : " ");
2020        flagdbg.append(((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_HOME) != 0) ? "HOME" : "home");
2021        flagdbg.append(((diff  & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_HOME) != 0) ? "* " : " ");
2022        flagdbg.append(((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_RECENT) != 0) ? "RECENT" : "recent");
2023        flagdbg.append(((diff  & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_RECENT) != 0) ? "* " : " ");
2024        flagdbg.append(((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_CLOCK) != 0) ? "CLOCK" : "clock");
2025        flagdbg.append(((diff  & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_CLOCK) != 0) ? "* " : " ");
2026        flagdbg.append(((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_SEARCH) != 0) ? "SEARCH" : "search");
2027        flagdbg.append(((diff  & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_SEARCH) != 0) ? "* " : " ");
2028        flagdbg.append(">");
2029        Log.d(TAG, flagdbg.toString());
2031        if ((diff & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_SYSTEM_INFO) != 0) {
2032            mSystemIconArea.animate().cancel();
2033            if ((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_SYSTEM_INFO) != 0) {
2034                animateStatusBarHide(mSystemIconArea, animate);
2035            } else {
2036                animateStatusBarShow(mSystemIconArea, animate);
2037            }
2038        }
2040        if ((diff & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_CLOCK) != 0) {
2041            boolean show = (state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_CLOCK) == 0;
2042            showClock(show);
2043        }
2044        if ((diff & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_EXPAND) != 0) {
2045            if ((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_EXPAND) != 0) {
2046                animateCollapsePanels();
2047            }
2048        }
2050        if ((diff & (StatusBarManager.DISABLE_HOME
2051                        | StatusBarManager.DISABLE_RECENT
2052                        | StatusBarManager.DISABLE_BACK
2053                        | StatusBarManager.DISABLE_SEARCH)) != 0) {
2054            // the nav bar will take care of these
2055            if (mNavigationBarView != null) mNavigationBarView.setDisabledFlags(state);
2057            if ((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_RECENT) != 0) {
2058                // close recents if it's visible
2059                mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_HIDE_RECENT_APPS);
2060                mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_HIDE_RECENT_APPS);
2061            }
2062        }
2064        if ((diff & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS) != 0) {
2065            if ((state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS) != 0) {
2066                if (mTicking) {
2067                    haltTicker();
2068                }
2069                animateStatusBarHide(mNotificationIconArea, animate);
2070            } else {
2071                animateStatusBarShow(mNotificationIconArea, animate);
2072            }
2073        }
2075        if ((diff & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ALERTS) != 0) {
2076            mDisableNotificationAlerts =
2077                    (state & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ALERTS) != 0;
2078            mHeadsUpObserver.onChange(true);
2079        }
2080    }
2082    /**
2083     * Animates {@code v}, a view that is part of the status bar, out.
2084     */
2085    private void animateStatusBarHide(final View v, boolean animate) {
2086        v.animate().cancel();
2087        if (!animate) {
2088            v.setAlpha(0f);
2089            v.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);
2090            return;
2091        }
2092        v.animate()
2093                .alpha(0f)
2094                .setDuration(160)
2095                .setStartDelay(0)
2096                .setInterpolator(ALPHA_OUT)
2097                .withEndAction(new Runnable() {
2098                    @Override
2099                    public void run() {
2100                        v.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);
2101                    }
2102                });
2103    }
2105    /**
2106     * Animates {@code v}, a view that is part of the status bar, in.
2107     */
2108    private void animateStatusBarShow(View v, boolean animate) {
2109        v.animate().cancel();
2110        v.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
2111        if (!animate) {
2112            v.setAlpha(1f);
2113            return;
2114        }
2115        v.animate()
2116                .alpha(1f)
2117                .setDuration(320)
2118                .setInterpolator(ALPHA_IN)
2119                .setStartDelay(50)
2121                // We need to clean up any pending end action from animateStatusBarHide if we call
2122                // both hide and show in the same frame before the animation actually gets started.
2123                // cancel() doesn't really remove the end action.
2124                .withEndAction(null);
2126        // Synchronize the motion with the Keyguard fading if necessary.
2127        if (mKeyguardFadingAway) {
2128            v.animate()
2129                    .setDuration(mKeyguardFadingAwayDuration)
2130                    .setInterpolator(mLinearOutSlowIn)
2131                    .setStartDelay(mKeyguardFadingAwayDelay)
2132                    .start();
2133        }
2134    }
2136    @Override
2137    protected BaseStatusBar.H createHandler() {
2138        return new PhoneStatusBar.H();
2139    }
2141    @Override
2142    public void startActivity(Intent intent, boolean dismissShade) {
2143        startActivityDismissingKeyguard(intent, false, dismissShade);
2144    }
2146    public ScrimController getScrimController() {
2147        return mScrimController;
2148    }
2150    public void setQsExpanded(boolean expanded) {
2151        mStatusBarWindowManager.setQsExpanded(expanded);
2152    }
2154    public boolean isGoingToNotificationShade() {
2155        return mLeaveOpenOnKeyguardHide;
2156    }
2158    public boolean isQsExpanded() {
2159        return mNotificationPanel.isQsExpanded();
2160    }
2162    public boolean isScreenOnComingFromTouch() {
2163        return mScreenOnComingFromTouch;
2164    }
2166    public boolean isFalsingThresholdNeeded() {
2167        boolean onKeyguard = getBarState() == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD;
2168        boolean isCurrentlyInsecure = mUnlockMethodCache.isCurrentlyInsecure();
2169        return onKeyguard && (isCurrentlyInsecure || mDozing || mScreenOnComingFromTouch);
2170    }
2172    public boolean isDozing() {
2173        return mDozing;
2174    }
2176    @Override  // NotificationData.Environment
2177    public String getCurrentMediaNotificationKey() {
2178        return mMediaNotificationKey;
2179    }
2181    public boolean isScrimSrcModeEnabled() {
2182        return mScrimSrcModeEnabled;
2183    }
2185    /**
2186     * To be called when there's a state change in StatusBarKeyguardViewManager.
2187     */
2188    public void onKeyguardViewManagerStatesUpdated() {
2189        logStateToEventlog();
2190    }
2192    @Override  // UnlockMethodCache.OnUnlockMethodChangedListener
2193    public void onUnlockMethodStateChanged() {
2194        logStateToEventlog();
2195    }
2197    /**
2198     * All changes to the status bar and notifications funnel through here and are batched.
2199     */
2200    private class H extends BaseStatusBar.H {
2201        public void handleMessage(Message m) {
2202            super.handleMessage(m);
2203            switch (m.what) {
2204                case MSG_OPEN_NOTIFICATION_PANEL:
2205                    animateExpandNotificationsPanel();
2206                    break;
2207                case MSG_OPEN_SETTINGS_PANEL:
2208                    animateExpandSettingsPanel();
2209                    break;
2210                case MSG_CLOSE_PANELS:
2211                    animateCollapsePanels();
2212                    break;
2213                case MSG_SHOW_HEADS_UP:
2214                    setHeadsUpVisibility(true);
2215                    break;
2216                case MSG_DECAY_HEADS_UP:
2217                    mHeadsUpNotificationView.release();
2218                    setHeadsUpVisibility(false);
2219                    break;
2220                case MSG_HIDE_HEADS_UP:
2221                    mHeadsUpNotificationView.release();
2222                    setHeadsUpVisibility(false);
2223                    break;
2224                case MSG_ESCALATE_HEADS_UP:
2225                    escalateHeadsUp();
2226                    setHeadsUpVisibility(false);
2227                    break;
2228                case MSG_LAUNCH_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT:
2229                    onLaunchTransitionTimeout();
2230                    break;
2231            }
2232        }
2233    }
2235    /**  if the interrupting notification had a fullscreen intent, fire it now.  */
2236    private void escalateHeadsUp() {
2237        if (mHeadsUpNotificationView.getEntry() != null) {
2238            final StatusBarNotification sbn = mHeadsUpNotificationView.getEntry().notification;
2239            mHeadsUpNotificationView.release();
2240            final Notification notification = sbn.getNotification();
2241            if (notification.fullScreenIntent != null) {
2242                if (DEBUG)
2243                    Log.d(TAG, "converting a heads up to fullScreen");
2244                try {
2245                    EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.SYSUI_HEADS_UP_ESCALATION,
2246                            sbn.getKey());
2247                    notification.fullScreenIntent.send();
2248                } catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {
2249                }
2250            }
2251        }
2252    }
2254    View.OnFocusChangeListener mFocusChangeListener = new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
2255        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
2256            // Because 'v' is a ViewGroup, all its children will be (un)selected
2257            // too, which allows marqueeing to work.
2258            v.setSelected(hasFocus);
2259        }
2260    };
2262    boolean panelsEnabled() {
2263        return (mDisabled & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_EXPAND) == 0;
2264    }
2266    void makeExpandedVisible(boolean force) {
2267        if (SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "Make expanded visible: expanded visible=" + mExpandedVisible);
2268        if (!force && (mExpandedVisible || !panelsEnabled())) {
2269            return;
2270        }
2272        mExpandedVisible = true;
2273        if (mNavigationBarView != null)
2274            mNavigationBarView.setSlippery(true);
2276        updateCarrierLabelVisibility(true);
2278        updateExpandedViewPos(EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE);
2280        // Expand the window to encompass the full screen in anticipation of the drag.
2281        // This is only possible to do atomically because the status bar is at the top of the screen!
2282        mStatusBarWindowManager.setStatusBarExpanded(true);
2283        mStatusBarView.setFocusable(false);
2285        visibilityChanged(true);
2286        mWaitingForKeyguardExit = false;
2287        disable(mDisabledUnmodified, !force /* animate */);
2288        setInteracting(StatusBarManager.WINDOW_STATUS_BAR, true);
2289    }
2291    public void animateCollapsePanels() {
2292        animateCollapsePanels(CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_NONE);
2293    }
2295    private final Runnable mAnimateCollapsePanels = new Runnable() {
2296        @Override
2297        public void run() {
2298            animateCollapsePanels();
2299        }
2300    };
2302    public void postAnimateCollapsePanels() {
2303        mHandler.post(mAnimateCollapsePanels);
2304    }
2306    public void animateCollapsePanels(int flags) {
2307        animateCollapsePanels(flags, false /* force */);
2308    }
2310    public void animateCollapsePanels(int flags, boolean force) {
2311        if (!force &&
2312                (mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD || mState == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED)) {
2313            runPostCollapseRunnables();
2314            return;
2315        }
2316        if (SPEW) {
2317            Log.d(TAG, "animateCollapse():"
2318                    + " mExpandedVisible=" + mExpandedVisible
2319                    + " flags=" + flags);
2320        }
2322        if ((flags & CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_RECENTS_PANEL) == 0) {
2323            if (!mHandler.hasMessages(MSG_HIDE_RECENT_APPS)) {
2324                mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_HIDE_RECENT_APPS);
2325                mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_HIDE_RECENT_APPS);
2326            }
2327        }
2329        if ((flags & CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_SEARCH_PANEL) == 0) {
2330            mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_CLOSE_SEARCH_PANEL);
2331            mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_CLOSE_SEARCH_PANEL);
2332        }
2334        if (mStatusBarWindow != null) {
2335            // release focus immediately to kick off focus change transition
2336            mStatusBarWindowManager.setStatusBarFocusable(false);
2338            mStatusBarWindow.cancelExpandHelper();
2339            mStatusBarView.collapseAllPanels(true);
2340        }
2341    }
2343    private void runPostCollapseRunnables() {
2344        int size = mPostCollapseRunnables.size();
2345        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
2346            mPostCollapseRunnables.get(i).run();
2347        }
2348        mPostCollapseRunnables.clear();
2349    }
2351    public ViewPropertyAnimator setVisibilityWhenDone(
2352            final ViewPropertyAnimator a, final View v, final int vis) {
2353        a.setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
2354            @Override
2355            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
2356                v.setVisibility(vis);
2357                a.setListener(null); // oneshot
2358            }
2359        });
2360        return a;
2361    }
2363    public Animator setVisibilityWhenDone(
2364            final Animator a, final View v, final int vis) {
2365        a.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
2366            @Override
2367            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
2368                v.setVisibility(vis);
2369            }
2370        });
2371        return a;
2372    }
2374    public Animator interpolator(TimeInterpolator ti, Animator a) {
2375        a.setInterpolator(ti);
2376        return a;
2377    }
2379    public Animator startDelay(int d, Animator a) {
2380        a.setStartDelay(d);
2381        return a;
2382    }
2384    public Animator start(Animator a) {
2385        a.start();
2386        return a;
2387    }
2389    final TimeInterpolator mAccelerateInterpolator = new AccelerateInterpolator();
2390    final TimeInterpolator mDecelerateInterpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
2391    final int FLIP_DURATION_OUT = 125;
2392    final int FLIP_DURATION_IN = 225;
2395    Animator mScrollViewAnim, mClearButtonAnim;
2397    @Override
2398    public void animateExpandNotificationsPanel() {
2399        if (SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "animateExpand: mExpandedVisible=" + mExpandedVisible);
2400        if (!panelsEnabled()) {
2401            return ;
2402        }
2404        mNotificationPanel.expand();
2406        if (false) postStartTracing();
2407    }
2409    @Override
2410    public void animateExpandSettingsPanel() {
2411        if (SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "animateExpand: mExpandedVisible=" + mExpandedVisible);
2412        if (!panelsEnabled()) {
2413            return;
2414        }
2416        // Settings are not available in setup
2417        if (!mUserSetup) return;
2419        mNotificationPanel.expandWithQs();
2421        if (false) postStartTracing();
2422    }
2424    public void animateCollapseQuickSettings() {
2425        if (mState == StatusBarState.SHADE) {
2426            mStatusBarView.collapseAllPanels(true);
2427        }
2428    }
2430    void makeExpandedInvisible() {
2431        if (SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "makeExpandedInvisible: mExpandedVisible=" + mExpandedVisible
2432                + " mExpandedVisible=" + mExpandedVisible);
2434        if (!mExpandedVisible || mStatusBarWindow == null) {
2435            return;
2436        }
2438        // Ensure the panel is fully collapsed (just in case; bug 6765842, 7260868)
2439        mStatusBarView.collapseAllPanels(/*animate=*/ false);
2441        // reset things to their proper state
2442        if (mScrollViewAnim != null) mScrollViewAnim.cancel();
2443        if (mClearButtonAnim != null) mClearButtonAnim.cancel();
2445        mStackScroller.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
2446        mNotificationPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE);
2448        mNotificationPanel.closeQs();
2450        mExpandedVisible = false;
2451        if (mNavigationBarView != null)
2452            mNavigationBarView.setSlippery(false);
2453        visibilityChanged(false);
2455        // Shrink the window to the size of the status bar only
2456        mStatusBarWindowManager.setStatusBarExpanded(false);
2457        mStatusBarView.setFocusable(true);
2459        // Close any "App info" popups that might have snuck on-screen
2460        dismissPopups();
2462        runPostCollapseRunnables();
2463        setInteracting(StatusBarManager.WINDOW_STATUS_BAR, false);
2464        showBouncer();
2465        disable(mDisabledUnmodified, true /* animate */);
2467        // Trimming will happen later if Keyguard is showing - doing it here might cause a jank in
2468        // the bouncer appear animation.
2469        if (!mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isShowing()) {
2470            WindowManagerGlobal.getInstance().trimMemory(ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN);
2471        }
2472    }
2474    public boolean interceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
2475        if (DEBUG_GESTURES) {
2476            if (event.getActionMasked() != MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
2477                EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.SYSUI_STATUSBAR_TOUCH,
2478                        event.getActionMasked(), (int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY(), mDisabled);
2479            }
2481        }
2483        if (SPEW) {
2484            Log.d(TAG, "Touch: rawY=" + event.getRawY() + " event=" + event + " mDisabled="
2485                + mDisabled + " mTracking=" + mTracking);
2486        } else if (CHATTY) {
2487            if (event.getAction() != MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
2488                Log.d(TAG, String.format(
2489                            "panel: %s at (%f, %f) mDisabled=0x%08x",
2490                            MotionEvent.actionToString(event.getAction()),
2491                            event.getRawX(), event.getRawY(), mDisabled));
2492            }
2493        }
2495        if (DEBUG_GESTURES) {
2496            mGestureRec.add(event);
2497        }
2499        if (mStatusBarWindowState == WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING) {
2500            final boolean upOrCancel =
2501                    event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP ||
2502                    event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL;
2503            if (upOrCancel && !mExpandedVisible) {
2504                setInteracting(StatusBarManager.WINDOW_STATUS_BAR, false);
2505            } else {
2506                setInteracting(StatusBarManager.WINDOW_STATUS_BAR, true);
2507            }
2508        }
2509        return false;
2510    }
2512    public GestureRecorder getGestureRecorder() {
2513        return mGestureRec;
2514    }
2516    private void setNavigationIconHints(int hints) {
2517        if (hints == mNavigationIconHints) return;
2519        mNavigationIconHints = hints;
2521        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
2522            mNavigationBarView.setNavigationIconHints(hints);
2523        }
2524        checkBarModes();
2525    }
2527    @Override // CommandQueue
2528    public void setWindowState(int window, int state) {
2529        boolean showing = state == WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING;
2530        if (mStatusBarWindow != null
2531                && window == StatusBarManager.WINDOW_STATUS_BAR
2532                && mStatusBarWindowState != state) {
2533            mStatusBarWindowState = state;
2534            if (DEBUG_WINDOW_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "Status bar " + windowStateToString(state));
2535            if (!showing && mState == StatusBarState.SHADE) {
2536                mStatusBarView.collapseAllPanels(false);
2537            }
2538        }
2539        if (mNavigationBarView != null
2540                && window == StatusBarManager.WINDOW_NAVIGATION_BAR
2541                && mNavigationBarWindowState != state) {
2542            mNavigationBarWindowState = state;
2543            if (DEBUG_WINDOW_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "Navigation bar " + windowStateToString(state));
2544        }
2545    }
2547    @Override // CommandQueue
2548    public void buzzBeepBlinked() {
2549        if (mDozeServiceHost != null) {
2550            mDozeServiceHost.fireBuzzBeepBlinked();
2551        }
2552    }
2554    @Override
2555    public void notificationLightOff() {
2556        if (mDozeServiceHost != null) {
2557            mDozeServiceHost.fireNotificationLight(false);
2558        }
2559    }
2561    @Override
2562    public void notificationLightPulse(int argb, int onMillis, int offMillis) {
2563        if (mDozeServiceHost != null) {
2564            mDozeServiceHost.fireNotificationLight(true);
2565        }
2566    }
2568    @Override // CommandQueue
2569    public void setSystemUiVisibility(int vis, int mask) {
2570        final int oldVal = mSystemUiVisibility;
2571        final int newVal = (oldVal&~mask) | (vis&mask);
2572        final int diff = newVal ^ oldVal;
2573        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, String.format(
2574                "setSystemUiVisibility vis=%s mask=%s oldVal=%s newVal=%s diff=%s",
2575                Integer.toHexString(vis), Integer.toHexString(mask),
2576                Integer.toHexString(oldVal), Integer.toHexString(newVal),
2577                Integer.toHexString(diff)));
2578        if (diff != 0) {
2579            // we never set the recents bit via this method, so save the prior state to prevent
2580            // clobbering the bit below
2581            final boolean wasRecentsVisible = (mSystemUiVisibility & View.RECENT_APPS_VISIBLE) > 0;
2583            mSystemUiVisibility = newVal;
2585            // update low profile
2586            if ((diff & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE) != 0) {
2587                final boolean lightsOut = (vis & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE) != 0;
2588                if (lightsOut) {
2589                    animateCollapsePanels();
2590                    if (mTicking) {
2591                        haltTicker();
2592                    }
2593                }
2595                setAreThereNotifications();
2596            }
2598            // update status bar mode
2599            final int sbMode = computeBarMode(oldVal, newVal, mStatusBarView.getBarTransitions(),
2600                    View.STATUS_BAR_TRANSIENT, View.STATUS_BAR_TRANSLUCENT);
2602            // update navigation bar mode
2603            final int nbMode = mNavigationBarView == null ? -1 : computeBarMode(
2604                    oldVal, newVal, mNavigationBarView.getBarTransitions(),
2606            final boolean sbModeChanged = sbMode != -1;
2607            final boolean nbModeChanged = nbMode != -1;
2608            boolean checkBarModes = false;
2609            if (sbModeChanged && sbMode != mStatusBarMode) {
2610                mStatusBarMode = sbMode;
2611                checkBarModes = true;
2612            }
2613            if (nbModeChanged && nbMode != mNavigationBarMode) {
2614                mNavigationBarMode = nbMode;
2615                checkBarModes = true;
2616            }
2617            if (checkBarModes) {
2618                checkBarModes();
2619            }
2620            if (sbModeChanged || nbModeChanged) {
2621                // update transient bar autohide
2622                if (mStatusBarMode == MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT || mNavigationBarMode == MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT) {
2623                    scheduleAutohide();
2624                } else {
2625                    cancelAutohide();
2626                }
2627            }
2629            // ready to unhide
2630            if ((vis & View.STATUS_BAR_UNHIDE) != 0) {
2631                mSystemUiVisibility &= ~View.STATUS_BAR_UNHIDE;
2632            }
2633            if ((vis & View.NAVIGATION_BAR_UNHIDE) != 0) {
2634                mSystemUiVisibility &= ~View.NAVIGATION_BAR_UNHIDE;
2635            }
2637            // restore the recents bit
2638            if (wasRecentsVisible) {
2639                mSystemUiVisibility |= View.RECENT_APPS_VISIBLE;
2640            }
2642            // send updated sysui visibility to window manager
2643            notifyUiVisibilityChanged(mSystemUiVisibility);
2644        }
2645    }
2647    private int computeBarMode(int oldVis, int newVis, BarTransitions transitions,
2648            int transientFlag, int translucentFlag) {
2649        final int oldMode = barMode(oldVis, transientFlag, translucentFlag);
2650        final int newMode = barMode(newVis, transientFlag, translucentFlag);
2651        if (oldMode == newMode) {
2652            return -1; // no mode change
2653        }
2654        return newMode;
2655    }
2657    private int barMode(int vis, int transientFlag, int translucentFlag) {
2658        int lightsOutTransparent = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE | View.SYSTEM_UI_TRANSPARENT;
2659        return (vis & transientFlag) != 0 ? MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT
2660                : (vis & translucentFlag) != 0 ? MODE_TRANSLUCENT
2661                : (vis & lightsOutTransparent) == lightsOutTransparent ? MODE_LIGHTS_OUT_TRANSPARENT
2662                : (vis & View.SYSTEM_UI_TRANSPARENT) != 0 ? MODE_TRANSPARENT
2663                : (vis & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE) != 0 ? MODE_LIGHTS_OUT
2664                : MODE_OPAQUE;
2665    }
2667    private void checkBarModes() {
2668        if (mDemoMode) return;
2669        checkBarMode(mStatusBarMode, mStatusBarWindowState, mStatusBarView.getBarTransitions());
2670        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
2671            checkBarMode(mNavigationBarMode,
2672                    mNavigationBarWindowState, mNavigationBarView.getBarTransitions());
2673        }
2674    }
2676    private void checkBarMode(int mode, int windowState, BarTransitions transitions) {
2677        final boolean powerSave = mBatteryController.isPowerSave();
2678        final boolean anim = (mScreenOn == null || mScreenOn) && windowState != WINDOW_STATE_HIDDEN
2679                && !powerSave;
2680        if (powerSave && getBarState() == StatusBarState.SHADE) {
2681            mode = MODE_WARNING;
2682        }
2683        transitions.transitionTo(mode, anim);
2684    }
2686    private void finishBarAnimations() {
2687        mStatusBarView.getBarTransitions().finishAnimations();
2688        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
2689            mNavigationBarView.getBarTransitions().finishAnimations();
2690        }
2691    }
2693    private final Runnable mCheckBarModes = new Runnable() {
2694        @Override
2695        public void run() {
2696            checkBarModes();
2697        }
2698    };
2700    @Override
2701    public void setInteracting(int barWindow, boolean interacting) {
2702        final boolean changing = ((mInteractingWindows & barWindow) != 0) != interacting;
2703        mInteractingWindows = interacting
2704                ? (mInteractingWindows | barWindow)
2705                : (mInteractingWindows & ~barWindow);
2706        if (mInteractingWindows != 0) {
2707            suspendAutohide();
2708        } else {
2709            resumeSuspendedAutohide();
2710        }
2711        // manually dismiss the volume panel when interacting with the nav bar
2712        if (changing && interacting && barWindow == StatusBarManager.WINDOW_NAVIGATION_BAR) {
2713            if (mVolumeComponent != null) {
2714                mVolumeComponent.dismissNow();
2715            }
2716        }
2717        checkBarModes();
2718    }
2720    private void resumeSuspendedAutohide() {
2721        if (mAutohideSuspended) {
2722            scheduleAutohide();
2723            mHandler.postDelayed(mCheckBarModes, 500); // longer than home -> launcher
2724        }
2725    }
2727    private void suspendAutohide() {
2728        mHandler.removeCallbacks(mAutohide);
2729        mHandler.removeCallbacks(mCheckBarModes);
2730        mAutohideSuspended = (mSystemUiVisibility & STATUS_OR_NAV_TRANSIENT) != 0;
2731    }
2733    private void cancelAutohide() {
2734        mAutohideSuspended = false;
2735        mHandler.removeCallbacks(mAutohide);
2736    }
2738    private void scheduleAutohide() {
2739        cancelAutohide();
2740        mHandler.postDelayed(mAutohide, AUTOHIDE_TIMEOUT_MS);
2741    }
2743    private void checkUserAutohide(View v, MotionEvent event) {
2744        if ((mSystemUiVisibility & STATUS_OR_NAV_TRANSIENT) != 0  // a transient bar is revealed
2745                && event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE // touch outside the source bar
2746                && event.getX() == 0 && event.getY() == 0  // a touch outside both bars
2747                ) {
2748            userAutohide();
2749        }
2750    }
2752    private void userAutohide() {
2753        cancelAutohide();
2754        mHandler.postDelayed(mAutohide, 350); // longer than app gesture -> flag clear
2755    }
2757    private boolean areLightsOn() {
2758        return 0 == (mSystemUiVisibility & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE);
2759    }
2761    public void setLightsOn(boolean on) {
2762        Log.v(TAG, "setLightsOn(" + on + ")");
2763        if (on) {
2764            setSystemUiVisibility(0, View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE);
2765        } else {
2766            setSystemUiVisibility(View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE, View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE);
2767        }
2768    }
2770    private void notifyUiVisibilityChanged(int vis) {
2771        try {
2772            mWindowManagerService.statusBarVisibilityChanged(vis);
2773        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
2774        }
2775    }
2777    public void topAppWindowChanged(boolean showMenu) {
2778        if (DEBUG) {
2779            Log.d(TAG, (showMenu?"showing":"hiding") + " the MENU button");
2780        }
2781        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
2782            mNavigationBarView.setMenuVisibility(showMenu);
2783        }
2785        // See above re: lights-out policy for legacy apps.
2786        if (showMenu) setLightsOn(true);
2787    }
2789    @Override
2790    public void setImeWindowStatus(IBinder token, int vis, int backDisposition,
2791            boolean showImeSwitcher) {
2792        boolean imeShown = (vis & InputMethodService.IME_VISIBLE) != 0;
2793        int flags = mNavigationIconHints;
2794        if ((backDisposition == InputMethodService.BACK_DISPOSITION_WILL_DISMISS) || imeShown) {
2795            flags |= NAVIGATION_HINT_BACK_ALT;
2796        } else {
2797            flags &= ~NAVIGATION_HINT_BACK_ALT;
2798        }
2799        if (showImeSwitcher) {
2800            flags |= NAVIGATION_HINT_IME_SHOWN;
2801        } else {
2802            flags &= ~NAVIGATION_HINT_IME_SHOWN;
2803        }
2805        setNavigationIconHints(flags);
2806    }
2808    @Override
2809    protected void tick(StatusBarNotification n, boolean firstTime) {
2810        if (!mTickerEnabled) return;
2812        // no ticking in lights-out mode
2813        if (!areLightsOn()) return;
2815        // no ticking in Setup
2816        if (!isDeviceProvisioned()) return;
2818        // not for you
2819        if (!isNotificationForCurrentProfiles(n)) return;
2821        // Show the ticker if one is requested. Also don't do this
2822        // until status bar window is attached to the window manager,
2823        // because...  well, what's the point otherwise?  And trying to
2824        // run a ticker without being attached will crash!
2825        if (n.getNotification().tickerText != null && mStatusBarWindow != null
2826                && mStatusBarWindow.getWindowToken() != null) {
2827            if (0 == (mDisabled & (StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS
2828                    | StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_TICKER))) {
2829                mTicker.addEntry(n);
2830            }
2831        }
2832    }
2834    private class MyTicker extends Ticker {
2835        MyTicker(Context context, View sb) {
2836            super(context, sb);
2837            if (!mTickerEnabled) {
2838                Log.w(TAG, "MyTicker instantiated with mTickerEnabled=false", new Throwable());
2839            }
2840        }
2842        @Override
2843        public void tickerStarting() {
2844            if (!mTickerEnabled) return;
2845            mTicking = true;
2846            mStatusBarContents.setVisibility(View.GONE);
2847            mTickerView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
2848            mTickerView.startAnimation(loadAnim(com.android.internal.R.anim.push_up_in, null));
2849            mStatusBarContents.startAnimation(loadAnim(com.android.internal.R.anim.push_up_out, null));
2850        }
2852        @Override
2853        public void tickerDone() {
2854            if (!mTickerEnabled) return;
2855            mStatusBarContents.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
2856            mTickerView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
2857            mStatusBarContents.startAnimation(loadAnim(com.android.internal.R.anim.push_down_in, null));
2858            mTickerView.startAnimation(loadAnim(com.android.internal.R.anim.push_down_out,
2859                        mTickingDoneListener));
2860        }
2862        public void tickerHalting() {
2863            if (!mTickerEnabled) return;
2864            if (mStatusBarContents.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) {
2865                mStatusBarContents.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
2866                mStatusBarContents
2867                        .startAnimation(loadAnim(com.android.internal.R.anim.fade_in, null));
2868            }
2869            mTickerView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
2870            // we do not animate the ticker away at this point, just get rid of it (b/6992707)
2871        }
2872    }
2874    Animation.AnimationListener mTickingDoneListener = new Animation.AnimationListener() {;
2875        public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
2876            mTicking = false;
2877        }
2878        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
2879        }
2880        public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
2881        }
2882    };
2884    private Animation loadAnim(int id, Animation.AnimationListener listener) {
2885        Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(mContext, id);
2886        if (listener != null) {
2887            anim.setAnimationListener(listener);
2888        }
2889        return anim;
2890    }
2892    public static String viewInfo(View v) {
2893        return "[(" + v.getLeft() + "," + v.getTop() + ")(" + v.getRight() + "," + v.getBottom()
2894                + ") " + v.getWidth() + "x" + v.getHeight() + "]";
2895    }
2897    public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
2898        synchronized (mQueueLock) {
2899            pw.println("Current Status Bar state:");
2900            pw.println("  mExpandedVisible=" + mExpandedVisible
2901                    + ", mTrackingPosition=" + mTrackingPosition);
2902            pw.println("  mTickerEnabled=" + mTickerEnabled);
2903            if (mTickerEnabled) {
2904                pw.println("  mTicking=" + mTicking);
2905                pw.println("  mTickerView: " + viewInfo(mTickerView));
2906            }
2907            pw.println("  mTracking=" + mTracking);
2908            pw.println("  mDisplayMetrics=" + mDisplayMetrics);
2909            pw.println("  mStackScroller: " + viewInfo(mStackScroller));
2910            pw.println("  mStackScroller: " + viewInfo(mStackScroller)
2911                    + " scroll " + mStackScroller.getScrollX()
2912                    + "," + mStackScroller.getScrollY());
2913        }
2915        pw.print("  mInteractingWindows="); pw.println(mInteractingWindows);
2916        pw.print("  mStatusBarWindowState=");
2917        pw.println(windowStateToString(mStatusBarWindowState));
2918        pw.print("  mStatusBarMode=");
2919        pw.println(BarTransitions.modeToString(mStatusBarMode));
2920        pw.print("  mDozing="); pw.println(mDozing);
2921        pw.print("  mZenMode=");
2922        pw.println(Settings.Global.zenModeToString(mZenMode));
2923        pw.print("  mUseHeadsUp=");
2924        pw.println(mUseHeadsUp);
2925        pw.print("  interrupting package: ");
2926        pw.println(hunStateToString(mHeadsUpNotificationView.getEntry()));
2927        dumpBarTransitions(pw, "mStatusBarView", mStatusBarView.getBarTransitions());
2928        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
2929            pw.print("  mNavigationBarWindowState=");
2930            pw.println(windowStateToString(mNavigationBarWindowState));
2931            pw.print("  mNavigationBarMode=");
2932            pw.println(BarTransitions.modeToString(mNavigationBarMode));
2933            dumpBarTransitions(pw, "mNavigationBarView", mNavigationBarView.getBarTransitions());
2934        }
2936        pw.print("  mNavigationBarView=");
2937        if (mNavigationBarView == null) {
2938            pw.println("null");
2939        } else {
2940            mNavigationBarView.dump(fd, pw, args);
2941        }
2943        pw.print("  mMediaSessionManager=");
2944        pw.println(mMediaSessionManager);
2945        pw.print("  mMediaNotificationKey=");
2946        pw.println(mMediaNotificationKey);
2947        pw.print("  mMediaController=");
2948        pw.print(mMediaController);
2949        if (mMediaController != null) {
2950            pw.print(" state=" + mMediaController.getPlaybackState());
2951        }
2952        pw.println();
2953        pw.print("  mMediaMetadata=");
2954        pw.print(mMediaMetadata);
2955        if (mMediaMetadata != null) {
2956            pw.print(" title=" + mMediaMetadata.getText(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_TITLE));
2957        }
2958        pw.println();
2960        pw.println("  Panels: ");
2961        if (mNotificationPanel != null) {
2962            pw.println("    mNotificationPanel=" +
2963                mNotificationPanel + " params=" + mNotificationPanel.getLayoutParams().debug(""));
2964            pw.print  ("      ");
2965            mNotificationPanel.dump(fd, pw, args);
2966        }
2968        DozeLog.dump(pw);
2970        if (DUMPTRUCK) {
2971            synchronized (mNotificationData) {
2972                mNotificationData.dump(pw, "  ");
2973            }
2975            int N = mStatusIcons.getChildCount();
2976            pw.println("  system icons: " + N);
2977            for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
2978                StatusBarIconView ic = (StatusBarIconView) mStatusIcons.getChildAt(i);
2979                pw.println("    [" + i + "] icon=" + ic);
2980            }
2982            if (false) {
2983                pw.println("see the logcat for a dump of the views we have created.");
2984                // must happen on ui thread
2985                mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
2986                        public void run() {
2987                            mStatusBarView.getLocationOnScreen(mAbsPos);
2988                            Log.d(TAG, "mStatusBarView: ----- (" + mAbsPos[0] + "," + mAbsPos[1]
2989                                    + ") " + mStatusBarView.getWidth() + "x"
2990                                    + getStatusBarHeight());
2991                            mStatusBarView.debug();
2992                        }
2993                    });
2994            }
2995        }
2997        if (DEBUG_GESTURES) {
2998            pw.print("  status bar gestures: ");
2999            mGestureRec.dump(fd, pw, args);
3000        }
3002        if (mNetworkController != null) {
3003            mNetworkController.dump(fd, pw, args);
3004        }
3005        if (mBluetoothController != null) {
3006            mBluetoothController.dump(fd, pw, args);
3007        }
3008        if (mCastController != null) {
3009            mCastController.dump(fd, pw, args);
3010        }
3011        if (mUserSwitcherController != null) {
3012            mUserSwitcherController.dump(fd, pw, args);
3013        }
3014        if (mBatteryController != null) {
3015            mBatteryController.dump(fd, pw, args);
3016        }
3017        if (mNextAlarmController != null) {
3018            mNextAlarmController.dump(fd, pw, args);
3019        }
3020        if (mSecurityController != null) {
3021            mSecurityController.dump(fd, pw, args);
3022        }
3023        pw.println("SharedPreferences:");
3024        for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : mContext.getSharedPreferences(mContext.getPackageName(),
3025                Context.MODE_PRIVATE).getAll().entrySet()) {
3026            pw.print("  "); pw.print(entry.getKey()); pw.print("="); pw.println(entry.getValue());
3027        }
3028    }
3030    private String hunStateToString(Entry entry) {
3031        if (entry == null) return "null";
3032        if (entry.notification == null) return "corrupt";
3033        return entry.notification.getPackageName();
3034    }
3036    private static void dumpBarTransitions(PrintWriter pw, String var, BarTransitions transitions) {
3037        pw.print("  "); pw.print(var); pw.print(".BarTransitions.mMode=");
3038        pw.println(BarTransitions.modeToString(transitions.getMode()));
3039    }
3041    @Override
3042    public void createAndAddWindows() {
3043        addStatusBarWindow();
3044    }
3046    private void addStatusBarWindow() {
3047        makeStatusBarView();
3048        mStatusBarWindowManager = new StatusBarWindowManager(mContext);
3049        mStatusBarWindowManager.add(mStatusBarWindow, getStatusBarHeight());
3050    }
3052    static final float saturate(float a) {
3053        return a < 0f ? 0f : (a > 1f ? 1f : a);
3054    }
3056    @Override
3057    public void updateExpandedViewPos(int thingy) {
3058        if (SPEW) Log.v(TAG, "updateExpandedViewPos");
3060        // on larger devices, the notification panel is propped open a bit
3061        mNotificationPanel.setMinimumHeight(
3062                (int)(mNotificationPanelMinHeightFrac * mCurrentDisplaySize.y));
3064        FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) mNotificationPanel.getLayoutParams();
3065        lp.gravity = mNotificationPanelGravity;
3066        mNotificationPanel.setLayoutParams(lp);
3068        updateCarrierLabelVisibility(false);
3069    }
3071    // called by makeStatusbar and also by PhoneStatusBarView
3072    void updateDisplaySize() {
3073        mDisplay.getMetrics(mDisplayMetrics);
3074        mDisplay.getSize(mCurrentDisplaySize);
3075        if (DEBUG_GESTURES) {
3076            mGestureRec.tag("display",
3077                    String.format("%dx%d", mDisplayMetrics.widthPixels, mDisplayMetrics.heightPixels));
3078        }
3079    }
3081    float getDisplayDensity() {
3082        return mDisplayMetrics.density;
3083    }
3085    public void startActivityDismissingKeyguard(final Intent intent, boolean onlyProvisioned,
3086            final boolean dismissShade) {
3087        if (onlyProvisioned && !isDeviceProvisioned()) return;
3089        final boolean afterKeyguardGone = PreviewInflater.wouldLaunchResolverActivity(
3090                mContext, intent, mCurrentUserId);
3091        final boolean keyguardShowing = mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isShowing();
3092        dismissKeyguardThenExecute(new OnDismissAction() {
3093            @Override
3094            public boolean onDismiss() {
3095                AsyncTask.execute(new Runnable() {
3096                    public void run() {
3097                        try {
3098                            if (keyguardShowing && !afterKeyguardGone) {
3099                                ActivityManagerNative.getDefault()
3100                                        .keyguardWaitingForActivityDrawn();
3101                            }
3102                            intent.setFlags(
3103                                    Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
3104                            mContext.startActivityAsUser(
3105                                    intent, new UserHandle(UserHandle.USER_CURRENT));
3106                            overrideActivityPendingAppTransition(
3107                                    keyguardShowing && !afterKeyguardGone);
3108                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
3109                        }
3110                    }
3111                });
3112                if (dismissShade) {
3113                    animateCollapsePanels(
3114                            CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_RECENTS_PANEL, true /* force */);
3115                }
3116                return true;
3117            }
3118        }, afterKeyguardGone);
3119    }
3121    private BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
3122        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
3123            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onReceive: " + intent);
3124            String action = intent.getAction();
3125            if (Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS.equals(action)) {
3126                if (isCurrentProfile(getSendingUserId())) {
3127                    int flags = CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_NONE;
3128                    String reason = intent.getStringExtra("reason");
3129                    if (reason != null && reason.equals(SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_RECENT_APPS)) {
3130                        flags |= CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_RECENTS_PANEL;
3131                    }
3132                    animateCollapsePanels(flags);
3133                }
3134            }
3135            else if (Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF.equals(action)) {
3136                mScreenOn = false;
3137                notifyNavigationBarScreenOn(false);
3138                notifyHeadsUpScreenOn(false);
3139                finishBarAnimations();
3140                resetUserExpandedStates();
3141            }
3142            else if (Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON.equals(action)) {
3143                mScreenOn = true;
3144                notifyNavigationBarScreenOn(true);
3145            }
3146            else if (ACTION_DEMO.equals(action)) {
3147                Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
3148                if (bundle != null) {
3149                    String command = bundle.getString("command", "").trim().toLowerCase();
3150                    if (command.length() > 0) {
3151                        try {
3152                            dispatchDemoCommand(command, bundle);
3153                        } catch (Throwable t) {
3154                            Log.w(TAG, "Error running demo command, intent=" + intent, t);
3155                        }
3156                    }
3157                }
3158            } else if ("fake_artwork".equals(action)) {
3159                if (DEBUG_MEDIA_FAKE_ARTWORK) {
3160                    updateMediaMetaData(true);
3161                }
3162            }
3163        }
3164    };
3166    private void resetUserExpandedStates() {
3167        ArrayList<Entry> activeNotifications = mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications();
3168        final int notificationCount = activeNotifications.size();
3169        for (int i = 0; i < notificationCount; i++) {
3170            NotificationData.Entry entry = activeNotifications.get(i);
3171            if (entry.row != null) {
3172                entry.row.resetUserExpansion();
3173            }
3174        }
3175    }
3177    @Override
3178    protected void dismissKeyguardThenExecute(final OnDismissAction action,
3179            boolean afterKeyguardGone) {
3180        if (mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isShowing()) {
3181            mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.dismissWithAction(action, afterKeyguardGone);
3182        } else {
3183            action.onDismiss();
3184        }
3185    }
3187    // SystemUIService notifies SystemBars of configuration changes, which then calls down here
3188    @Override
3189    protected void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
3190        super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); // calls refreshLayout
3192        if (DEBUG) {
3193            Log.v(TAG, "configuration changed: " + mContext.getResources().getConfiguration());
3194        }
3195        updateDisplaySize(); // populates mDisplayMetrics
3197        updateResources();
3198        updateClockSize();
3199        repositionNavigationBar();
3200        updateExpandedViewPos(EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE);
3201        updateShowSearchHoldoff();
3202        updateRowStates();
3203        mScreenPinningRequest.onConfigurationChanged();
3204    }
3206    @Override
3207    public void userSwitched(int newUserId) {
3208        super.userSwitched(newUserId);
3209        if (MULTIUSER_DEBUG) mNotificationPanelDebugText.setText("USER " + newUserId);
3210        animateCollapsePanels();
3211        updatePublicMode();
3212        updateNotifications();
3213        resetUserSetupObserver();
3214        setControllerUsers();
3215    }
3217    private void setControllerUsers() {
3218        if (mZenModeController != null) {
3219            mZenModeController.setUserId(mCurrentUserId);
3220        }
3221    }
3223    private void resetUserSetupObserver() {
3224        mContext.getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(mUserSetupObserver);
3225        mUserSetupObserver.onChange(false);
3226        mContext.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(
3227                Settings.Secure.getUriFor(Settings.Secure.USER_SETUP_COMPLETE), true,
3228                mUserSetupObserver,
3229                mCurrentUserId);
3230    }
3232    private void setHeadsUpVisibility(boolean vis) {
3233        if (!ENABLE_HEADS_UP) return;
3234        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, (vis ? "showing" : "hiding") + " heads up window");
3235        EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.SYSUI_HEADS_UP_STATUS,
3236                vis ? mHeadsUpNotificationView.getKey() : "",
3237                vis ? 1 : 0);
3238        mHeadsUpNotificationView.setVisibility(vis ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
3239    }
3241    public void onHeadsUpDismissed() {
3242        mHeadsUpNotificationView.dismiss();
3243    }
3245    /**
3246     * Reload some of our resources when the configuration changes.
3247     *
3248     * We don't reload everything when the configuration changes -- we probably
3249     * should, but getting that smooth is tough.  Someday we'll fix that.  In the
3250     * meantime, just update the things that we know change.
3251     */
3252    void updateResources() {
3253        // Update the quick setting tiles
3254        if (mQSPanel != null) {
3255            mQSPanel.updateResources();
3256        }
3258        loadDimens();
3259        mLinearOutSlowIn = AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(
3260                mContext, android.R.interpolator.linear_out_slow_in);
3262        if (mNotificationPanel != null) {
3263            mNotificationPanel.updateResources();
3264        }
3265        if (mHeadsUpNotificationView != null) {
3266            mHeadsUpNotificationView.updateResources();
3267        }
3268        if (mBrightnessMirrorController != null) {
3269            mBrightnessMirrorController.updateResources();
3270        }
3271    }
3273    private void updateClockSize() {
3274        if (mStatusBarView == null) return;
3275        TextView clock = (TextView) mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.clock);
3276        if (clock != null) {
3277            FontSizeUtils.updateFontSize(clock, R.dimen.status_bar_clock_size);
3278        }
3279    }
3280    protected void loadDimens() {
3281        final Resources res = mContext.getResources();
3283        mNaturalBarHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
3284                com.android.internal.R.dimen.status_bar_height);
3286        int newIconSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
3287            com.android.internal.R.dimen.status_bar_icon_size);
3288        int newIconHPadding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
3289            R.dimen.status_bar_icon_padding);
3291        if (newIconHPadding != mIconHPadding || newIconSize != mIconSize) {
3292//            Log.d(TAG, "size=" + newIconSize + " padding=" + newIconHPadding);
3293            mIconHPadding = newIconHPadding;
3294            mIconSize = newIconSize;
3295            //reloadAllNotificationIcons(); // reload the tray
3296        }
3298        mEdgeBorder = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.status_bar_edge_ignore);
3300        mNotificationPanelGravity = res.getInteger(R.integer.notification_panel_layout_gravity);
3301        if (mNotificationPanelGravity <= 0) {
3302            mNotificationPanelGravity = Gravity.START | Gravity.TOP;
3303        }
3305        mCarrierLabelHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.carrier_label_height);
3306        mStatusBarHeaderHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.status_bar_header_height);
3308        mNotificationPanelMinHeightFrac = res.getFraction(R.dimen.notification_panel_min_height_frac, 1, 1);
3309        if (mNotificationPanelMinHeightFrac < 0f || mNotificationPanelMinHeightFrac > 1f) {
3310            mNotificationPanelMinHeightFrac = 0f;
3311        }
3313        mHeadsUpNotificationDecay = res.getInteger(R.integer.heads_up_notification_decay);
3314        mRowMinHeight =  res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_min_height);
3315        mRowMaxHeight =  res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_max_height);
3317        mKeyguardMaxNotificationCount = res.getInteger(R.integer.keyguard_max_notification_count);
3319        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "updateResources");
3320    }
3322    // Visibility reporting
3324    @Override
3325    protected void handleVisibleToUserChanged(boolean visibleToUser) {
3326        if (visibleToUser) {
3327            super.handleVisibleToUserChanged(visibleToUser);
3328            startNotificationLogging();
3329        } else {
3330            stopNotificationLogging();
3331            super.handleVisibleToUserChanged(visibleToUser);
3332        }
3333    }
3335    private void stopNotificationLogging() {
3336        // Report all notifications as invisible and turn down the
3337        // reporter.
3338        if (!mCurrentlyVisibleNotifications.isEmpty()) {
3339            logNotificationVisibilityChanges(
3340                    Collections.<String>emptyList(), mCurrentlyVisibleNotifications);
3341            mCurrentlyVisibleNotifications.clear();
3342        }
3343        mHandler.removeCallbacks(mVisibilityReporter);
3344        mStackScroller.setChildLocationsChangedListener(null);
3345    }
3347    private void startNotificationLogging() {
3348        mStackScroller.setChildLocationsChangedListener(mNotificationLocationsChangedListener);
3349        // Some transitions like mVisibleToUser=false -> mVisibleToUser=true don't
3350        // cause the scroller to emit child location events. Hence generate
3351        // one ourselves to guarantee that we're reporting visible
3352        // notifications.
3353        // (Note that in cases where the scroller does emit events, this
3354        // additional event doesn't break anything.)
3355        mNotificationLocationsChangedListener.onChildLocationsChanged(mStackScroller);
3356    }
3358    private void logNotificationVisibilityChanges(
3359            Collection<String> newlyVisible, Collection<String> noLongerVisible) {
3360        if (newlyVisible.isEmpty() && noLongerVisible.isEmpty()) {
3361            return;
3362        }
3363        String[] newlyVisibleAr = newlyVisible.toArray(new String[newlyVisible.size()]);
3364        String[] noLongerVisibleAr = noLongerVisible.toArray(new String[noLongerVisible.size()]);
3365        try {
3366            mBarService.onNotificationVisibilityChanged(newlyVisibleAr, noLongerVisibleAr);
3367        } catch (RemoteException e) {
3368            // Ignore.
3369        }
3370    }
3372    // State logging
3374    private void logStateToEventlog() {
3375        boolean isShowing = mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isShowing();
3376        boolean isOccluded = mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isOccluded();
3377        boolean isBouncerShowing = mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isBouncerShowing();
3378        boolean isSecure = mUnlockMethodCache.isMethodSecure();
3379        boolean isCurrentlyInsecure = mUnlockMethodCache.isCurrentlyInsecure();
3380        int stateFingerprint = getLoggingFingerprint(mState,
3381                isShowing,
3382                isOccluded,
3383                isBouncerShowing,
3384                isSecure,
3385                isCurrentlyInsecure);
3386        if (stateFingerprint != mLastLoggedStateFingerprint) {
3387            EventLogTags.writeSysuiStatusBarState(mState,
3388                    isShowing ? 1 : 0,
3389                    isOccluded ? 1 : 0,
3390                    isBouncerShowing ? 1 : 0,
3391                    isSecure ? 1 : 0,
3392                    isCurrentlyInsecure ? 1 : 0);
3393            mLastLoggedStateFingerprint = stateFingerprint;
3394        }
3395    }
3397    /**
3398     * Returns a fingerprint of fields logged to eventlog
3399     */
3400    private static int getLoggingFingerprint(int statusBarState, boolean keyguardShowing,
3401            boolean keyguardOccluded, boolean bouncerShowing, boolean secure,
3402            boolean currentlyInsecure) {
3403        // Reserve 8 bits for statusBarState. We'll never go higher than
3404        // that, right? Riiiight.
3405        return (statusBarState & 0xFF)
3406                | ((keyguardShowing   ? 1 : 0) <<  8)
3407                | ((keyguardOccluded  ? 1 : 0) <<  9)
3408                | ((bouncerShowing    ? 1 : 0) << 10)
3409                | ((secure            ? 1 : 0) << 11)
3410                | ((currentlyInsecure ? 1 : 0) << 12);
3411    }
3413    //
3414    // tracing
3415    //
3417    void postStartTracing() {
3418        mHandler.postDelayed(mStartTracing, 3000);
3419    }
3421    void vibrate() {
3422        android.os.Vibrator vib = (android.os.Vibrator)mContext.getSystemService(
3423                Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
3424        vib.vibrate(250, VIBRATION_ATTRIBUTES);
3425    }
3427    Runnable mStartTracing = new Runnable() {
3428        public void run() {
3429            vibrate();
3430            SystemClock.sleep(250);
3431            Log.d(TAG, "startTracing");
3432            android.os.Debug.startMethodTracing("/data/statusbar-traces/trace");
3433            mHandler.postDelayed(mStopTracing, 10000);
3434        }
3435    };
3437    Runnable mStopTracing = new Runnable() {
3438        public void run() {
3439            android.os.Debug.stopMethodTracing();
3440            Log.d(TAG, "stopTracing");
3441            vibrate();
3442        }
3443    };
3445    @Override
3446    protected void haltTicker() {
3447        if (mTickerEnabled) {
3448            mTicker.halt();
3449        }
3450    }
3452    @Override
3453    protected boolean shouldDisableNavbarGestures() {
3454        return !isDeviceProvisioned()
3455                || mExpandedVisible
3456                || (mDisabled & StatusBarManager.DISABLE_SEARCH) != 0;
3457    }
3459    public void postStartSettingsActivity(final Intent intent, int delay) {
3460        mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
3461            @Override
3462            public void run() {
3463                handleStartSettingsActivity(intent, true /*onlyProvisioned*/);
3464            }
3465        }, delay);
3466    }
3468    private void handleStartSettingsActivity(Intent intent, boolean onlyProvisioned) {
3469        startActivityDismissingKeyguard(intent, onlyProvisioned, true /* dismissShade */);
3470    }
3472    private static class FastColorDrawable extends Drawable {
3473        private final int mColor;
3475        public FastColorDrawable(int color) {
3476            mColor = 0xff000000 | color;
3477        }
3479        @Override
3480        public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
3481            canvas.drawColor(mColor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC);
3482        }
3484        @Override
3485        public void setAlpha(int alpha) {
3486        }
3488        @Override
3489        public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) {
3490        }
3492        @Override
3493        public int getOpacity() {
3494            return PixelFormat.OPAQUE;
3495        }
3497        @Override
3498        public void setBounds(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
3499        }
3501        @Override
3502        public void setBounds(Rect bounds) {
3503        }
3504    }
3506    @Override
3507    public void destroy() {
3508        super.destroy();
3509        if (mStatusBarWindow != null) {
3510            mWindowManager.removeViewImmediate(mStatusBarWindow);
3511            mStatusBarWindow = null;
3512        }
3513        if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
3514            mWindowManager.removeViewImmediate(mNavigationBarView);
3515            mNavigationBarView = null;
3516        }
3517        if (mHandlerThread != null) {
3518            mHandlerThread.quitSafely();
3519            mHandlerThread = null;
3520        }
3521        mContext.unregisterReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver);
3522    }
3524    private boolean mDemoModeAllowed;
3525    private boolean mDemoMode;
3526    private DemoStatusIcons mDemoStatusIcons;
3528    @Override
3529    public void dispatchDemoCommand(String command, Bundle args) {
3530        if (!mDemoModeAllowed) {
3531            mDemoModeAllowed = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
3532                    "sysui_demo_allowed", 0) != 0;
3533        }
3534        if (!mDemoModeAllowed) return;
3535        if (command.equals(COMMAND_ENTER)) {
3536            mDemoMode = true;
3537        } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_EXIT)) {
3538            mDemoMode = false;
3539            checkBarModes();
3540        } else if (!mDemoMode) {
3541            // automatically enter demo mode on first demo command
3542            dispatchDemoCommand(COMMAND_ENTER, new Bundle());
3543        }
3544        boolean modeChange = command.equals(COMMAND_ENTER) || command.equals(COMMAND_EXIT);
3545        if ((modeChange || command.equals(COMMAND_VOLUME)) && mVolumeComponent != null) {
3546            mVolumeComponent.dispatchDemoCommand(command, args);
3547        }
3548        if (modeChange || command.equals(COMMAND_CLOCK)) {
3549            dispatchDemoCommandToView(command, args, R.id.clock);
3550        }
3551        if (modeChange || command.equals(COMMAND_BATTERY)) {
3552            dispatchDemoCommandToView(command, args, R.id.battery);
3553        }
3554        if (modeChange || command.equals(COMMAND_STATUS)) {
3555            if (mDemoStatusIcons == null) {
3556                mDemoStatusIcons = new DemoStatusIcons(mStatusIcons, mIconSize);
3557            }
3558            mDemoStatusIcons.dispatchDemoCommand(command, args);
3559        }
3560        if (mNetworkController != null && (modeChange || command.equals(COMMAND_NETWORK))) {
3561            mNetworkController.dispatchDemoCommand(command, args);
3562        }
3563        if (modeChange || command.equals(COMMAND_NOTIFICATIONS)) {
3564            View notifications = mStatusBarView == null ? null
3565                    : mStatusBarView.findViewById(R.id.notification_icon_area);
3566            if (notifications != null) {
3567                String visible = args.getString("visible");
3568                int vis = mDemoMode && "false".equals(visible) ? View.INVISIBLE : View.VISIBLE;
3569                notifications.setVisibility(vis);
3570            }
3571        }
3572        if (command.equals(COMMAND_BARS)) {
3573            String mode = args.getString("mode");
3574            int barMode = "opaque".equals(mode) ? MODE_OPAQUE :
3575                    "translucent".equals(mode) ? MODE_TRANSLUCENT :
3576                    "semi-transparent".equals(mode) ? MODE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT :
3577                    "transparent".equals(mode) ? MODE_TRANSPARENT :
3578                    "warning".equals(mode) ? MODE_WARNING :
3579                    -1;
3580            if (barMode != -1) {
3581                boolean animate = true;
3582                if (mStatusBarView != null) {
3583                    mStatusBarView.getBarTransitions().transitionTo(barMode, animate);
3584                }
3585                if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
3586                    mNavigationBarView.getBarTransitions().transitionTo(barMode, animate);
3587                }
3588            }
3589        }
3590    }
3592    private void dispatchDemoCommandToView(String command, Bundle args, int id) {
3593        if (mStatusBarView == null) return;
3594        View v = mStatusBarView.findViewById(id);
3595        if (v instanceof DemoMode) {
3596            ((DemoMode)v).dispatchDemoCommand(command, args);
3597        }
3598    }
3600    /**
3601     * @return The {@link StatusBarState} the status bar is in.
3602     */
3603    public int getBarState() {
3604        return mState;
3605    }
3607    public void showKeyguard() {
3608        if (mLaunchTransitionFadingAway) {
3609            mNotificationPanel.animate().cancel();
3610            mNotificationPanel.setAlpha(1f);
3611            runLaunchTransitionEndRunnable();
3612            mLaunchTransitionFadingAway = false;
3613        }
3614        mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_LAUNCH_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT);
3615        setBarState(StatusBarState.KEYGUARD);
3616        updateKeyguardState(false /* goingToFullShade */, false /* fromShadeLocked */);
3617        if (!mScreenOnFromKeyguard) {
3619            // If the screen is off already, we need to disable touch events because these might
3620            // collapse the panel after we expanded it, and thus we would end up with a blank
3621            // Keyguard.
3622            mNotificationPanel.setTouchDisabled(true);
3623        }
3624        instantExpandNotificationsPanel();
3625        mLeaveOpenOnKeyguardHide = false;
3626        if (mDraggedDownRow != null) {
3627            mDraggedDownRow.setUserLocked(false);
3628            mDraggedDownRow.notifyHeightChanged();
3629            mDraggedDownRow = null;
3630        }
3631    }
3633    public boolean isCollapsing() {
3634        return mNotificationPanel.isCollapsing();
3635    }
3637    public void addPostCollapseAction(Runnable r) {
3638        mPostCollapseRunnables.add(r);
3639    }
3641    public boolean isInLaunchTransition() {
3642        return mNotificationPanel.isLaunchTransitionRunning()
3643                || mNotificationPanel.isLaunchTransitionFinished();
3644    }
3646    /**
3647     * Fades the content of the keyguard away after the launch transition is done.
3648     *
3649     * @param beforeFading the runnable to be run when the circle is fully expanded and the fading
3650     *                     starts
3651     * @param endRunnable the runnable to be run when the transition is done
3652     */
3653    public void fadeKeyguardAfterLaunchTransition(final Runnable beforeFading,
3654            Runnable endRunnable) {
3655        mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_LAUNCH_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT);
3656        mLaunchTransitionEndRunnable = endRunnable;
3657        Runnable hideRunnable = new Runnable() {
3658            @Override
3659            public void run() {
3660                mLaunchTransitionFadingAway = true;
3661                if (beforeFading != null) {
3662                    beforeFading.run();
3663                }
3664                mNotificationPanel.setAlpha(1);
3665                mNotificationPanel.animate()
3666                        .alpha(0)
3667                        .setStartDelay(FADE_KEYGUARD_START_DELAY)
3668                        .setDuration(FADE_KEYGUARD_DURATION)
3669                        .withLayer()
3670                        .withEndAction(new Runnable() {
3671                            @Override
3672                            public void run() {
3673                                mNotificationPanel.setAlpha(1);
3674                                runLaunchTransitionEndRunnable();
3675                                mLaunchTransitionFadingAway = false;
3676                            }
3677                        });
3678            }
3679        };
3680        if (mNotificationPanel.isLaunchTransitionRunning()) {
3681            mNotificationPanel.setLaunchTransitionEndRunnable(hideRunnable);
3682        } else {
3683            hideRunnable.run();
3684        }
3685    }
3687    /**
3688     * Starts the timeout when we try to start the affordances on Keyguard. We usually rely that
3689     * Keyguard goes away via fadeKeyguardAfterLaunchTransition, however, that might not happen
3690     * because the launched app crashed or something else went wrong.
3691     */
3692    public void startLaunchTransitionTimeout() {
3693        mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_LAUNCH_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT,
3694                LAUNCH_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT_MS);
3695    }
3697    private void onLaunchTransitionTimeout() {
3698        Log.w(TAG, "Launch transition: Timeout!");
3699        mNotificationPanel.resetViews();
3700    }
3702    private void runLaunchTransitionEndRunnable() {
3703        if (mLaunchTransitionEndRunnable != null) {
3704            Runnable r = mLaunchTransitionEndRunnable;
3706            // mLaunchTransitionEndRunnable might call showKeyguard, which would execute it again,
3707            // which would lead to infinite recursion. Protect against it.
3708            mLaunchTransitionEndRunnable = null;
3709            r.run();
3710        }
3711    }
3713    /**
3714     * @return true if we would like to stay in the shade, false if it should go away entirely
3715     */
3716    public boolean hideKeyguard() {
3717        boolean staying = mLeaveOpenOnKeyguardHide;
3718        setBarState(StatusBarState.SHADE);
3719        if (mLeaveOpenOnKeyguardHide) {
3720            mLeaveOpenOnKeyguardHide = false;
3721            mNotificationPanel.animateToFullShade(calculateGoingToFullShadeDelay());
3722            if (mDraggedDownRow != null) {
3723                mDraggedDownRow.setUserLocked(false);
3724                mDraggedDownRow = null;
3725            }
3726        } else {
3727            instantCollapseNotificationPanel();
3728        }
3729        updateKeyguardState(staying, false /* fromShadeLocked */);
3731        // Keyguard state has changed, but QS is not listening anymore. Make sure to update the tile
3732        // visibilities so next time we open the panel we know the correct height already.
3733        if (mQSPanel != null) {
3734            mQSPanel.refreshAllTiles();
3735        }
3736        mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_LAUNCH_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT);
3737        return staying;
3738    }
3740    public long calculateGoingToFullShadeDelay() {
3741        return mKeyguardFadingAwayDelay + mKeyguardFadingAwayDuration;
3742    }
3744    /**
3745     * Notifies the status bar the Keyguard is fading away with the specified timings.
3746     *
3747     * @param delay the animation delay in miliseconds
3748     * @param fadeoutDuration the duration of the exit animation, in milliseconds
3749     */
3750    public void setKeyguardFadingAway(long delay, long fadeoutDuration) {
3751        mKeyguardFadingAway = true;
3752        mKeyguardFadingAwayDelay = delay;
3753        mKeyguardFadingAwayDuration = fadeoutDuration;
3754        mWaitingForKeyguardExit = false;
3755        disable(mDisabledUnmodified, true /* animate */);
3756    }
3758    public boolean isKeyguardFadingAway() {
3759        return mKeyguardFadingAway;
3760    }
3762    /**
3763     * Notifies that the Keyguard fading away animation is done.
3764     */
3765    public void finishKeyguardFadingAway() {
3766        mKeyguardFadingAway = false;
3767    }
3769    private void updatePublicMode() {
3770        setLockscreenPublicMode(mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isShowing()
3771                && mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isSecure(mCurrentUserId));
3772    }
3774    private void updateKeyguardState(boolean goingToFullShade, boolean fromShadeLocked) {
3775        if (mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD) {
3776            mKeyguardIndicationController.setVisible(true);
3777            mNotificationPanel.resetViews();
3778            mKeyguardUserSwitcher.setKeyguard(true, fromShadeLocked);
3779        } else {
3780            mKeyguardIndicationController.setVisible(false);
3781            mKeyguardUserSwitcher.setKeyguard(false,
3782                    goingToFullShade || mState == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED || fromShadeLocked);
3783        }
3784        if (mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD || mState == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED) {
3785            mScrimController.setKeyguardShowing(true);
3786        } else {
3787            mScrimController.setKeyguardShowing(false);
3788        }
3789        mNotificationPanel.setBarState(mState, mKeyguardFadingAway, goingToFullShade);
3790        updateDozingState();
3791        updatePublicMode();
3792        updateStackScrollerState(goingToFullShade);
3793        updateNotifications();
3794        checkBarModes();
3795        updateCarrierLabelVisibility(false);
3796        updateMediaMetaData(false);
3797        mKeyguardMonitor.notifyKeyguardState(mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isShowing(),
3798                mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isSecure());
3799    }
3801    private void updateDozingState() {
3802        if (mState != StatusBarState.KEYGUARD && !mNotificationPanel.isDozing()) {
3803            return;
3804        }
3805        boolean animate = !mDozing && mDozeScrimController.isPulsing();
3806        mNotificationPanel.setDozing(mDozing, animate);
3807        mStackScroller.setDark(mDozing, animate, mScreenOnTouchLocation);
3808        mScrimController.setDozing(mDozing);
3809        mDozeScrimController.setDozing(mDozing, animate);
3810    }
3812    public void updateStackScrollerState(boolean goingToFullShade) {
3813        if (mStackScroller == null) return;
3814        boolean onKeyguard = mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD;
3815        mStackScroller.setHideSensitive(isLockscreenPublicMode(), goingToFullShade);
3816        mStackScroller.setDimmed(onKeyguard, false /* animate */);
3817        mStackScroller.setExpandingEnabled(!onKeyguard);
3818        ActivatableNotificationView activatedChild = mStackScroller.getActivatedChild();
3819        mStackScroller.setActivatedChild(null);
3820        if (activatedChild != null) {
3821            activatedChild.makeInactive(false /* animate */);
3822        }
3823    }
3825    public void userActivity() {
3826        if (mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD) {
3827            mKeyguardViewMediatorCallback.userActivity();
3828        }
3829    }
3831    public boolean interceptMediaKey(KeyEvent event) {
3832        return mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD
3833                && mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.interceptMediaKey(event);
3834    }
3836    public boolean onMenuPressed() {
3837        return mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD && mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.onMenuPressed();
3838    }
3840    public boolean onBackPressed() {
3841        if (mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.onBackPressed()) {
3842            return true;
3843        }
3844        if (mNotificationPanel.isQsExpanded()) {
3845            if (mNotificationPanel.isQsDetailShowing()) {
3846                mNotificationPanel.closeQsDetail();
3847            } else {
3848                mNotificationPanel.animateCloseQs();
3849            }
3850            return true;
3851        }
3852        if (mState != StatusBarState.KEYGUARD && mState != StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED) {
3853            animateCollapsePanels();
3854            return true;
3855        }
3856        return false;
3857    }
3859    public boolean onSpacePressed() {
3860        if (mScreenOn != null && mScreenOn
3861                && (mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD || mState == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED)) {
3862            animateCollapsePanels(
3863                    CommandQueue.FLAG_EXCLUDE_RECENTS_PANEL /* flags */, true /* force */);
3864            return true;
3865        }
3866        return false;
3867    }
3869    private void showBouncer() {
3870        if (mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD || mState == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED) {
3871            mWaitingForKeyguardExit = mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isShowing();
3872            mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.dismiss();
3873        }
3874    }
3876    private void instantExpandNotificationsPanel() {
3878        // Make our window larger and the panel expanded.
3879        makeExpandedVisible(true);
3880        mNotificationPanel.instantExpand();
3881    }
3883    private void instantCollapseNotificationPanel() {
3884        mNotificationPanel.instantCollapse();
3885    }
3887    @Override
3888    public void onActivated(ActivatableNotificationView view) {
3889        EventLogTags.writeSysuiLockscreenGesture(
3891                0 /* lengthDp - N/A */, 0 /* velocityDp - N/A */);
3892        mKeyguardIndicationController.showTransientIndication(R.string.notification_tap_again);
3893        ActivatableNotificationView previousView = mStackScroller.getActivatedChild();
3894        if (previousView != null) {
3895            previousView.makeInactive(true /* animate */);
3896        }
3897        mStackScroller.setActivatedChild(view);
3898    }
3900    /**
3901     * @param state The {@link StatusBarState} to set.
3902     */
3903    public void setBarState(int state) {
3904        // If we're visible and switched to SHADE_LOCKED (the user dragged
3905        // down on the lockscreen), clear notification LED, vibration,
3906        // ringing.
3907        // Other transitions are covered in handleVisibleToUserChanged().
3908        if (state != mState && mVisible && state == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED) {
3909            try {
3910                mBarService.clearNotificationEffects();
3911            } catch (RemoteException e) {
3912                // Ignore.
3913            }
3914        }
3915        mState = state;
3916        mStatusBarWindowManager.setStatusBarState(state);
3917    }
3919    @Override
3920    public void onActivationReset(ActivatableNotificationView view) {
3921        if (view == mStackScroller.getActivatedChild()) {
3922            mKeyguardIndicationController.hideTransientIndication();
3923            mStackScroller.setActivatedChild(null);
3924        }
3925    }
3927    public void onTrackingStarted() {
3928        runPostCollapseRunnables();
3929    }
3931    public void onClosingFinished() {
3932        runPostCollapseRunnables();
3933    }
3935    public void onUnlockHintStarted() {
3936        mKeyguardIndicationController.showTransientIndication(R.string.keyguard_unlock);
3937    }
3939    public void onHintFinished() {
3940        // Delay the reset a bit so the user can read the text.
3941        mKeyguardIndicationController.hideTransientIndicationDelayed(HINT_RESET_DELAY_MS);
3942    }
3944    public void onCameraHintStarted() {
3945        mKeyguardIndicationController.showTransientIndication(R.string.camera_hint);
3946    }
3948    public void onPhoneHintStarted() {
3949        mKeyguardIndicationController.showTransientIndication(R.string.phone_hint);
3950    }
3952    public void onTrackingStopped(boolean expand) {
3953        if (mState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD || mState == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED) {
3954            if (!expand && !mUnlockMethodCache.isCurrentlyInsecure()) {
3955                showBouncer();
3956            }
3957        }
3958    }
3960    @Override
3961    protected int getMaxKeyguardNotifications() {
3962        return mKeyguardMaxNotificationCount;
3963    }
3965    public NavigationBarView getNavigationBarView() {
3966        return mNavigationBarView;
3967    }
3969    // ---------------------- DragDownHelper.OnDragDownListener ------------------------------------
3971    @Override
3972    public boolean onDraggedDown(View startingChild, int dragLengthY) {
3973        if (hasActiveNotifications()) {
3974            EventLogTags.writeSysuiLockscreenGesture(
3975                    EventLogConstants.SYSUI_LOCKSCREEN_GESTURE_SWIPE_DOWN_FULL_SHADE,
3976                    (int) (dragLengthY / mDisplayMetrics.density),
3977                    0 /* velocityDp - N/A */);
3979            // We have notifications, go to locked shade.
3980            goToLockedShade(startingChild);
3981            return true;
3982        } else {
3984            // No notifications - abort gesture.
3985            return false;
3986        }
3987    }
3989    @Override
3990    public void onDragDownReset() {
3991        mStackScroller.setDimmed(true /* dimmed */, true /* animated */);
3992    }
3994    @Override
3995    public void onThresholdReached() {
3996        mStackScroller.setDimmed(false /* dimmed */, true /* animate */);
3997    }
3999    @Override
4000    public void onTouchSlopExceeded() {
4001        mStackScroller.removeLongPressCallback();
4002    }
4004    @Override
4005    public void setEmptyDragAmount(float amount) {
4006        mNotificationPanel.setEmptyDragAmount(amount);
4007    }
4009    /**
4010     * If secure with redaction: Show bouncer, go to unlocked shade.
4011     *
4012     * <p>If secure without redaction or no security: Go to {@link StatusBarState#SHADE_LOCKED}.</p>
4013     *
4014     * @param expandView The view to expand after going to the shade.
4015     */
4016    public void goToLockedShade(View expandView) {
4017        ExpandableNotificationRow row = null;
4018        if (expandView instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
4019            row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) expandView;
4020            row.setUserExpanded(true);
4021        }
4022        boolean fullShadeNeedsBouncer = !userAllowsPrivateNotificationsInPublic(mCurrentUserId)
4023                || !mShowLockscreenNotifications;
4024        if (isLockscreenPublicMode() && fullShadeNeedsBouncer) {
4025            mLeaveOpenOnKeyguardHide = true;
4026            showBouncer();
4027            mDraggedDownRow = row;
4028        } else {
4029            mNotificationPanel.animateToFullShade(0 /* delay */);
4030            setBarState(StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED);
4031            updateKeyguardState(false /* goingToFullShade */, false /* fromShadeLocked */);
4032            if (row != null) {
4033                row.setUserLocked(false);
4034            }
4035        }
4036    }
4038    /**
4039     * Goes back to the keyguard after hanging around in {@link StatusBarState#SHADE_LOCKED}.
4040     */
4041    public void goToKeyguard() {
4042        if (mState == StatusBarState.SHADE_LOCKED) {
4043            mStackScroller.onGoToKeyguard();
4044            setBarState(StatusBarState.KEYGUARD);
4045            updateKeyguardState(false /* goingToFullShade */, true /* fromShadeLocked*/);
4046        }
4047    }
4049    /**
4050     * @return a ViewGroup that spans the entire panel which contains the quick settings
4051     */
4052    public ViewGroup getQuickSettingsOverlayParent() {
4053        return mNotificationPanel;
4054    }
4056    public long getKeyguardFadingAwayDelay() {
4057        return mKeyguardFadingAwayDelay;
4058    }
4060    public long getKeyguardFadingAwayDuration() {
4061        return mKeyguardFadingAwayDuration;
4062    }
4064    public LinearLayout getSystemIcons() {
4065        return mSystemIcons;
4066    }
4068    public LinearLayout getSystemIconArea() {
4069        return mSystemIconArea;
4070    }
4072    @Override
4073    public void setBouncerShowing(boolean bouncerShowing) {
4074        super.setBouncerShowing(bouncerShowing);
4075        disable(mDisabledUnmodified, true /* animate */);
4076    }
4078    public void onScreenTurnedOff() {
4079        mScreenOnFromKeyguard = false;
4080        mScreenOnComingFromTouch = false;
4081        mScreenOnTouchLocation = null;
4082        mStackScroller.setAnimationsEnabled(false);
4083        updateVisibleToUser();
4084    }
4086    public void onScreenTurnedOn() {
4087        mScreenOnFromKeyguard = true;
4088        mStackScroller.setAnimationsEnabled(true);
4089        mNotificationPanel.onScreenTurnedOn();
4090        mNotificationPanel.setTouchDisabled(false);
4091        updateVisibleToUser();
4092    }
4094    /**
4095     * This handles long-press of both back and recents.  They are
4096     * handled together to capture them both being long-pressed
4097     * at the same time to exit screen pinning (lock task).
4098     *
4099     * When accessibility mode is on, only a long-press from recents
4100     * is required to exit.
4101     *
4102     * In all other circumstances we try to pass through long-press events
4103     * for Back, so that apps can still use it.  Which can be from two things.
4104     * 1) Not currently in screen pinning (lock task).
4105     * 2) Back is long-pressed without recents.
4106     */
4107    private void handleLongPressBackRecents(View v) {
4108        try {
4109            boolean sendBackLongPress = false;
4110            IActivityManager activityManager = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault();
4111            boolean isAccessiblityEnabled = mAccessibilityManager.isEnabled();
4112            if (activityManager.isInLockTaskMode() && !isAccessiblityEnabled) {
4113                long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
4114                // If we recently long-pressed the other button then they were
4115                // long-pressed 'together'
4116                if ((time - mLastLockToAppLongPress) < LOCK_TO_APP_GESTURE_TOLERENCE) {
4117                    activityManager.stopLockTaskModeOnCurrent();
4118                    // When exiting refresh disabled flags.
4119                    mNavigationBarView.setDisabledFlags(mDisabled, true);
4120                } else if ((v.getId() == R.id.back)
4121                        && !mNavigationBarView.getRecentsButton().isPressed()) {
4122                    // If we aren't pressing recents right now then they presses
4123                    // won't be together, so send the standard long-press action.
4124                    sendBackLongPress = true;
4125                }
4126                mLastLockToAppLongPress = time;
4127            } else {
4128                // If this is back still need to handle sending the long-press event.
4129                if (v.getId() == R.id.back) {
4130                    sendBackLongPress = true;
4131                } else if (isAccessiblityEnabled && activityManager.isInLockTaskMode()) {
4132                    // When in accessibility mode a long press that is recents (not back)
4133                    // should stop lock task.
4134                    activityManager.stopLockTaskModeOnCurrent();
4135                    // When exiting refresh disabled flags.
4136                    mNavigationBarView.setDisabledFlags(mDisabled, true);
4137                }
4138            }
4139            if (sendBackLongPress) {
4140                KeyButtonView keyButtonView = (KeyButtonView) v;
4141                keyButtonView.sendEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.FLAG_LONG_PRESS);
4142                keyButtonView.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_LONG_CLICKED);
4143            }
4144        } catch (RemoteException e) {
4145            Log.d(TAG, "Unable to reach activity manager", e);
4146        }
4147    }
4149    // Recents
4151    @Override
4152    protected void showRecents(boolean triggeredFromAltTab) {
4153        // Set the recents visibility flag
4154        mSystemUiVisibility |= View.RECENT_APPS_VISIBLE;
4155        notifyUiVisibilityChanged(mSystemUiVisibility);
4156        super.showRecents(triggeredFromAltTab);
4157    }
4159    @Override
4160    protected void hideRecents(boolean triggeredFromAltTab, boolean triggeredFromHomeKey) {
4161        // Unset the recents visibility flag
4162        mSystemUiVisibility &= ~View.RECENT_APPS_VISIBLE;
4163        notifyUiVisibilityChanged(mSystemUiVisibility);
4164        super.hideRecents(triggeredFromAltTab, triggeredFromHomeKey);
4165    }
4167    @Override
4168    protected void toggleRecents() {
4169        // Toggle the recents visibility flag
4170        mSystemUiVisibility ^= View.RECENT_APPS_VISIBLE;
4171        notifyUiVisibilityChanged(mSystemUiVisibility);
4172        super.toggleRecents();
4173    }
4175    @Override
4176    public void onVisibilityChanged(boolean visible) {
4177        // Update the recents visibility flag
4178        if (visible) {
4179            mSystemUiVisibility |= View.RECENT_APPS_VISIBLE;
4180        } else {
4181            mSystemUiVisibility &= ~View.RECENT_APPS_VISIBLE;
4182        }
4183        notifyUiVisibilityChanged(mSystemUiVisibility);
4184    }
4186    @Override
4187    public void showScreenPinningRequest() {
4188        if (mKeyguardMonitor.isShowing()) {
4189            // Don't allow apps to trigger this from keyguard.
4190            return;
4191        }
4192        // Show screen pinning request, since this comes from an app, show 'no thanks', button.
4193        showScreenPinningRequest(true);
4194    }
4196    public void showScreenPinningRequest(boolean allowCancel) {
4197        mScreenPinningRequest.showPrompt(allowCancel);
4198    }
4200    public boolean hasActiveNotifications() {
4201        return !mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications().isEmpty();
4202    }
4204    public void wakeUpIfDozing(long time, MotionEvent event) {
4205        if (mDozing && mDozeScrimController.isPulsing()) {
4206            PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
4207            pm.wakeUp(time);
4208            mScreenOnComingFromTouch = true;
4209            mScreenOnTouchLocation = new PointF(event.getX(), event.getY());
4210            mNotificationPanel.setTouchDisabled(false);
4211        }
4212    }
4214    private final class ShadeUpdates {
4215        private final ArraySet<String> mVisibleNotifications = new ArraySet<String>();
4216        private final ArraySet<String> mNewVisibleNotifications = new ArraySet<String>();
4218        public void check() {
4219            mNewVisibleNotifications.clear();
4220            ArrayList<Entry> activeNotifications = mNotificationData.getActiveNotifications();
4221            for (int i = 0; i < activeNotifications.size(); i++) {
4222                final Entry entry = activeNotifications.get(i);
4223                final boolean visible = entry.row != null
4224                        && entry.row.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;
4225                if (visible) {
4226                    mNewVisibleNotifications.add(entry.key + entry.notification.getPostTime());
4227                }
4228            }
4229            final boolean updates = !mVisibleNotifications.containsAll(mNewVisibleNotifications);
4230            mVisibleNotifications.clear();
4231            mVisibleNotifications.addAll(mNewVisibleNotifications);
4233            // We have new notifications
4234            if (updates && mDozeServiceHost != null) {
4235                mDozeServiceHost.fireNewNotifications();
4236            }
4237        }
4238    }
4240    private final class DozeServiceHost implements DozeHost {
4241        // Amount of time to allow to update the time shown on the screen before releasing
4242        // the wakelock.  This timeout is design to compensate for the fact that we don't
4243        // currently have a way to know when time display contents have actually been
4244        // refreshed once we've finished rendering a new frame.
4245        private static final long PROCESSING_TIME = 500;
4247        private final ArrayList<Callback> mCallbacks = new ArrayList<Callback>();
4248        private final H mHandler = new H();
4250        // Keeps the last reported state by fireNotificationLight.
4251        private boolean mNotificationLightOn;
4253        @Override
4254        public String toString() {
4255            return "PSB.DozeServiceHost[mCallbacks=" + mCallbacks.size() + "]";
4256        }
4258        public void firePowerSaveChanged(boolean active) {
4259            for (Callback callback : mCallbacks) {
4260                callback.onPowerSaveChanged(active);
4261            }
4262        }
4264        public void fireBuzzBeepBlinked() {
4265            for (Callback callback : mCallbacks) {
4266                callback.onBuzzBeepBlinked();
4267            }
4268        }
4270        public void fireNotificationLight(boolean on) {
4271            mNotificationLightOn = on;
4272            for (Callback callback : mCallbacks) {
4273                callback.onNotificationLight(on);
4274            }
4275        }
4277        public void fireNewNotifications() {
4278            for (Callback callback : mCallbacks) {
4279                callback.onNewNotifications();
4280            }
4281        }
4283        @Override
4284        public void addCallback(@NonNull Callback callback) {
4285            mCallbacks.add(callback);
4286        }
4288        @Override
4289        public void removeCallback(@NonNull Callback callback) {
4290            mCallbacks.remove(callback);
4291        }
4293        @Override
4294        public void startDozing(@NonNull Runnable ready) {
4295            mHandler.obtainMessage(H.MSG_START_DOZING, ready).sendToTarget();
4296        }
4298        @Override
4299        public void pulseWhileDozing(@NonNull PulseCallback callback, int reason) {
4300            mHandler.obtainMessage(H.MSG_PULSE_WHILE_DOZING, reason, 0, callback).sendToTarget();
4301        }
4303        @Override
4304        public void stopDozing() {
4305            mHandler.obtainMessage(H.MSG_STOP_DOZING).sendToTarget();
4306        }
4308        @Override
4309        public boolean isPowerSaveActive() {
4310            return mBatteryController != null && mBatteryController.isPowerSave();
4311        }
4313        @Override
4314        public boolean isNotificationLightOn() {
4315            return mNotificationLightOn;
4316        }
4318        private void handleStartDozing(@NonNull Runnable ready) {
4319            if (!mDozing) {
4320                mDozing = true;
4321                DozeLog.traceDozing(mContext, mDozing);
4322                updateDozingState();
4323            }
4324            ready.run();
4325        }
4327        private void handlePulseWhileDozing(@NonNull PulseCallback callback, int reason) {
4328            mDozeScrimController.pulse(callback, reason);
4329        }
4331        private void handleStopDozing() {
4332            if (mDozing) {
4333                mDozing = false;
4334                DozeLog.traceDozing(mContext, mDozing);
4335                updateDozingState();
4336            }
4337        }
4339        private final class H extends Handler {
4340            private static final int MSG_START_DOZING = 1;
4341            private static final int MSG_PULSE_WHILE_DOZING = 2;
4342            private static final int MSG_STOP_DOZING = 3;
4344            @Override
4345            public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
4346                switch (msg.what) {
4347                    case MSG_START_DOZING:
4348                        handleStartDozing((Runnable) msg.obj);
4349                        break;
4350                    case MSG_PULSE_WHILE_DOZING:
4351                        handlePulseWhileDozing((PulseCallback) msg.obj, msg.arg1);
4352                        break;
4353                    case MSG_STOP_DOZING:
4354                        handleStopDozing();
4355                        break;
4356                }
4357            }
4358        }
4359    }