revision 9158825f9c41869689d6b1786d7c7aa8bdd524ce
2 *
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
4 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
5 * the License at
6 *
7 *
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
13 * the License.
14 */
34import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
35import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
36import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer;
46import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
47import android.content.ComponentName;
48import android.content.ContentResolver;
49import android.content.Context;
50import android.content.DialogInterface;
51import android.content.DialogInterface.OnCancelListener;
52import android.content.Intent;
53import android.content.IntentFilter;
54import android.content.ServiceConnection;
60import android.content.res.Configuration;
61import android.content.res.Resources;
62import android.content.res.TypedArray;
63import android.database.ContentObserver;
64import android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService;
65import android.os.Binder;
66import android.os.Environment;
67import android.os.Handler;
68import android.os.IBinder;
69import android.os.IInterface;
70import android.os.IRemoteCallback;
71import android.os.Message;
72import android.os.Process;
73import android.os.Parcel;
74import android.os.RemoteException;
75import android.os.ResultReceiver;
76import android.os.ServiceManager;
77import android.os.SystemClock;
78import android.os.UserHandle;
79import android.provider.Settings;
80import android.text.TextUtils;
82import android.util.AtomicFile;
83import android.util.EventLog;
84import android.util.LruCache;
85import android.util.Pair;
86import android.util.PrintWriterPrinter;
87import android.util.Printer;
88import android.util.Slog;
89import android.util.Xml;
90import android.view.IWindowManager;
91import android.view.InputChannel;
92import android.view.LayoutInflater;
93import android.view.View;
94import android.view.ViewGroup;
95import android.view.WindowManager;
96import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
97import android.view.inputmethod.InputBinding;
98import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethod;
99import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodInfo;
100import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
101import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype;
102import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
103import android.widget.CompoundButton;
104import android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener;
105import android.widget.RadioButton;
106import android.widget.Switch;
107import android.widget.TextView;
115import java.util.ArrayList;
116import java.util.Collections;
117import java.util.Comparator;
118import java.util.HashMap;
119import java.util.HashSet;
120import java.util.List;
121import java.util.Locale;
122import java.util.TreeMap;
125 * This class provides a system service that manages input methods.
126 */
127public class InputMethodManagerService extends IInputMethodManager.Stub
128        implements ServiceConnection, Handler.Callback {
129    static final boolean DEBUG = false;
130    static final String TAG = "InputMethodManagerService";
132    static final int MSG_SHOW_IM_PICKER = 1;
133    static final int MSG_SHOW_IM_SUBTYPE_PICKER = 2;
134    static final int MSG_SHOW_IM_SUBTYPE_ENABLER = 3;
135    static final int MSG_SHOW_IM_CONFIG = 4;
137    static final int MSG_UNBIND_INPUT = 1000;
138    static final int MSG_BIND_INPUT = 1010;
139    static final int MSG_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT = 1020;
140    static final int MSG_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT = 1030;
141    static final int MSG_ATTACH_TOKEN = 1040;
142    static final int MSG_CREATE_SESSION = 1050;
144    static final int MSG_START_INPUT = 2000;
145    static final int MSG_RESTART_INPUT = 2010;
147    static final int MSG_UNBIND_METHOD = 3000;
148    static final int MSG_BIND_METHOD = 3010;
149    static final int MSG_SET_ACTIVE = 3020;
151    static final int MSG_HARD_KEYBOARD_SWITCH_CHANGED = 4000;
153    static final long TIME_TO_RECONNECT = 10*1000;
155    static final int SECURE_SUGGESTION_SPANS_MAX_SIZE = 20;
157    private static final int NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID = InputMethodUtils.NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
158    private static final String TAG_TRY_SUPPRESSING_IME_SWITCHER = "TrySuppressingImeSwitcher";
161    final Context mContext;
162    final Resources mRes;
163    final Handler mHandler;
164    final InputMethodSettings mSettings;
165    final SettingsObserver mSettingsObserver;
166    final IWindowManager mIWindowManager;
167    final HandlerCaller mCaller;
168    final boolean mHasFeature;
169    private InputMethodFileManager mFileManager;
170    private InputMethodAndSubtypeListManager mImListManager;
171    private final HardKeyboardListener mHardKeyboardListener;
172    private final WindowManagerService mWindowManagerService;
174    final InputBindResult mNoBinding = new InputBindResult(null, null, null, -1);
176    // All known input methods.  mMethodMap also serves as the global
177    // lock for this class.
178    final ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> mMethodList = new ArrayList<InputMethodInfo>();
179    final HashMap<String, InputMethodInfo> mMethodMap = new HashMap<String, InputMethodInfo>();
180    private final LruCache<SuggestionSpan, InputMethodInfo> mSecureSuggestionSpans =
181            new LruCache<SuggestionSpan, InputMethodInfo>(SECURE_SUGGESTION_SPANS_MAX_SIZE);
183    // Used to bring IME service up to visible adjustment while it is being shown.
184    final ServiceConnection mVisibleConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
185        @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
186        }
188        @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
189        }
190    };
191    boolean mVisibleBound = false;
193    // Ongoing notification
194    private NotificationManager mNotificationManager;
195    private KeyguardManager mKeyguardManager;
196    private StatusBarManagerService mStatusBar;
197    private Notification mImeSwitcherNotification;
198    private PendingIntent mImeSwitchPendingIntent;
199    private boolean mShowOngoingImeSwitcherForPhones;
200    private boolean mNotificationShown;
201    private final boolean mImeSelectedOnBoot;
203    class SessionState {
204        final ClientState client;
205        final IInputMethod method;
207        IInputMethodSession session;
208        InputChannel channel;
210        @Override
211        public String toString() {
212            return "SessionState{uid " + client.uid + " pid " +
213                    + " method " + Integer.toHexString(
214                            System.identityHashCode(method))
215                    + " session " + Integer.toHexString(
216                            System.identityHashCode(session))
217                    + " channel " + channel
218                    + "}";
219        }
221        SessionState(ClientState _client, IInputMethod _method,
222                IInputMethodSession _session, InputChannel _channel) {
223            client = _client;
224            method = _method;
225            session = _session;
226            channel = _channel;
227        }
228    }
230    static final class ClientState {
231        final IInputMethodClient client;
232        final IInputContext inputContext;
233        final int uid;
234        final int pid;
235        final InputBinding binding;
237        boolean sessionRequested;
238        SessionState curSession;
240        @Override
241        public String toString() {
242            return "ClientState{" + Integer.toHexString(
243                    System.identityHashCode(this)) + " uid " + uid
244                    + " pid " + pid + "}";
245        }
247        ClientState(IInputMethodClient _client, IInputContext _inputContext,
248                int _uid, int _pid) {
249            client = _client;
250            inputContext = _inputContext;
251            uid = _uid;
252            pid = _pid;
253            binding = new InputBinding(null, inputContext.asBinder(), uid, pid);
254        }
255    }
257    final HashMap<IBinder, ClientState> mClients
258            = new HashMap<IBinder, ClientState>();
260    /**
261     * Set once the system is ready to run third party code.
262     */
263    boolean mSystemReady;
265    /**
266     * Id of the currently selected input method.
267     */
268    String mCurMethodId;
270    /**
271     * The current binding sequence number, incremented every time there is
272     * a new bind performed.
273     */
274    int mCurSeq;
276    /**
277     * The client that is currently bound to an input method.
278     */
279    ClientState mCurClient;
281    /**
282     * The last window token that gained focus.
283     */
284    IBinder mCurFocusedWindow;
286    /**
287     * The input context last provided by the current client.
288     */
289    IInputContext mCurInputContext;
291    /**
292     * The attributes last provided by the current client.
293     */
294    EditorInfo mCurAttribute;
296    /**
297     * The input method ID of the input method service that we are currently
298     * connected to or in the process of connecting to.
299     */
300    String mCurId;
302    /**
303     * The current subtype of the current input method.
304     */
305    private InputMethodSubtype mCurrentSubtype;
307    // This list contains the pairs of InputMethodInfo and InputMethodSubtype.
308    private final HashMap<InputMethodInfo, ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>>
309            mShortcutInputMethodsAndSubtypes =
310                new HashMap<InputMethodInfo, ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>>();
312    // Was the keyguard locked when this client became current?
313    private boolean mCurClientInKeyguard;
315    /**
316     * Set to true if our ServiceConnection is currently actively bound to
317     * a service (whether or not we have gotten its IBinder back yet).
318     */
319    boolean mHaveConnection;
321    /**
322     * Set if the client has asked for the input method to be shown.
323     */
324    boolean mShowRequested;
326    /**
327     * Set if we were explicitly told to show the input method.
328     */
329    boolean mShowExplicitlyRequested;
331    /**
332     * Set if we were forced to be shown.
333     */
334    boolean mShowForced;
336    /**
337     * Set if we last told the input method to show itself.
338     */
339    boolean mInputShown;
341    /**
342     * The Intent used to connect to the current input method.
343     */
344    Intent mCurIntent;
346    /**
347     * The token we have made for the currently active input method, to
348     * identify it in the future.
349     */
350    IBinder mCurToken;
352    /**
353     * If non-null, this is the input method service we are currently connected
354     * to.
355     */
356    IInputMethod mCurMethod;
358    /**
359     * Time that we last initiated a bind to the input method, to determine
360     * if we should try to disconnect and reconnect to it.
361     */
362    long mLastBindTime;
364    /**
365     * Have we called mCurMethod.bindInput()?
366     */
367    boolean mBoundToMethod;
369    /**
370     * Currently enabled session.  Only touched by service thread, not
371     * protected by a lock.
372     */
373    SessionState mEnabledSession;
375    /**
376     * True if the screen is on.  The value is true initially.
377     */
378    boolean mScreenOn = true;
380    int mBackDisposition = InputMethodService.BACK_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT;
381    int mImeWindowVis;
383    private AlertDialog.Builder mDialogBuilder;
384    private AlertDialog mSwitchingDialog;
385    private View mSwitchingDialogTitleView;
386    private InputMethodInfo[] mIms;
387    private int[] mSubtypeIds;
388    private Locale mLastSystemLocale;
389    private final MyPackageMonitor mMyPackageMonitor = new MyPackageMonitor();
390    private final IPackageManager mIPackageManager;
392    class SettingsObserver extends ContentObserver {
393        String mLastEnabled = "";
395        SettingsObserver(Handler handler) {
396            super(handler);
397            ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
398            resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.Secure.getUriFor(
399                    Settings.Secure.DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD), false, this);
400            resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.Secure.getUriFor(
401                    Settings.Secure.ENABLED_INPUT_METHODS), false, this);
402            resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.Secure.getUriFor(
403                    Settings.Secure.SELECTED_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE), false, this);
404        }
406        @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
407            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
408                boolean enabledChanged = false;
409                String newEnabled = mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodsStr();
410                if (!mLastEnabled.equals(newEnabled)) {
411                    mLastEnabled = newEnabled;
412                    enabledChanged = true;
413                }
414                updateFromSettingsLocked(enabledChanged);
415            }
416        }
417    }
419    class ImmsBroadcastReceiver extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver {
420        private void updateActive() {
421            // Inform the current client of the change in active status
422            if (mCurClient != null && mCurClient.client != null) {
423                executeOrSendMessage(mCurClient.client, mCaller.obtainMessageIO(
424                        MSG_SET_ACTIVE, mScreenOn ? 1 : 0, mCurClient));
425            }
426        }
428        @Override
429        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
430            final String action = intent.getAction();
431            if (Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON.equals(action)) {
432                mScreenOn = true;
433                refreshImeWindowVisibilityLocked();
434                updateActive();
435                return;
436            } else if (Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF.equals(action)) {
437                mScreenOn = false;
438                setImeWindowVisibilityStatusHiddenLocked();
439                updateActive();
440                return;
441            } else if (Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS.equals(action)) {
442                hideInputMethodMenu();
443                // No need to updateActive
444                return;
445            } else {
446                Slog.w(TAG, "Unexpected intent " + intent);
447            }
448        }
449    }
451    class MyPackageMonitor extends PackageMonitor {
452        private boolean isChangingPackagesOfCurrentUser() {
453            final int userId = getChangingUserId();
454            final boolean retval = userId == mSettings.getCurrentUserId();
455            if (DEBUG) {
456                if (!retval) {
457                    Slog.d(TAG, "--- ignore this call back from a background user: " + userId);
458                }
459            }
460            return retval;
461        }
463        @Override
464        public boolean onHandleForceStop(Intent intent, String[] packages, int uid, boolean doit) {
465            if (!isChangingPackagesOfCurrentUser()) {
466                return false;
467            }
468            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
469                String curInputMethodId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
470                final int N = mMethodList.size();
471                if (curInputMethodId != null) {
472                    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
473                        InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodList.get(i);
474                        if (imi.getId().equals(curInputMethodId)) {
475                            for (String pkg : packages) {
476                                if (imi.getPackageName().equals(pkg)) {
477                                    if (!doit) {
478                                        return true;
479                                    }
480                                    resetSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked("");
481                                    chooseNewDefaultIMELocked();
482                                    return true;
483                                }
484                            }
485                        }
486                    }
487                }
488            }
489            return false;
490        }
492        @Override
493        public void onSomePackagesChanged() {
494            if (!isChangingPackagesOfCurrentUser()) {
495                return;
496            }
497            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
498                InputMethodInfo curIm = null;
499                String curInputMethodId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
500                final int N = mMethodList.size();
501                if (curInputMethodId != null) {
502                    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
503                        InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodList.get(i);
504                        final String imiId = imi.getId();
505                        if (imiId.equals(curInputMethodId)) {
506                            curIm = imi;
507                        }
509                        int change = isPackageDisappearing(imi.getPackageName());
510                        if (isPackageModified(imi.getPackageName())) {
511                            mFileManager.deleteAllInputMethodSubtypes(imiId);
512                        }
513                        if (change == PACKAGE_TEMPORARY_CHANGE
514                                || change == PACKAGE_PERMANENT_CHANGE) {
515                            Slog.i(TAG, "Input method uninstalled, disabling: "
516                                    + imi.getComponent());
517                            setInputMethodEnabledLocked(imi.getId(), false);
518                        }
519                    }
520                }
522                buildInputMethodListLocked(
523                        mMethodList, mMethodMap, false /* resetDefaultEnabledIme */);
525                boolean changed = false;
527                if (curIm != null) {
528                    int change = isPackageDisappearing(curIm.getPackageName());
529                    if (change == PACKAGE_TEMPORARY_CHANGE
530                            || change == PACKAGE_PERMANENT_CHANGE) {
531                        ServiceInfo si = null;
532                        try {
533                            si = mIPackageManager.getServiceInfo(
534                                    curIm.getComponent(), 0, mSettings.getCurrentUserId());
535                        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
536                        }
537                        if (si == null) {
538                            // Uh oh, current input method is no longer around!
539                            // Pick another one...
540                            Slog.i(TAG, "Current input method removed: " + curInputMethodId);
541                            setImeWindowVisibilityStatusHiddenLocked();
542                            if (!chooseNewDefaultIMELocked()) {
543                                changed = true;
544                                curIm = null;
545                                Slog.i(TAG, "Unsetting current input method");
546                                resetSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked("");
547                            }
548                        }
549                    }
550                }
552                if (curIm == null) {
553                    // We currently don't have a default input method... is
554                    // one now available?
555                    changed = chooseNewDefaultIMELocked();
556                }
558                if (changed) {
559                    updateFromSettingsLocked(false);
560                }
561            }
562        }
563    }
565    private static final class MethodCallback extends IInputSessionCallback.Stub {
566        private final InputMethodManagerService mParentIMMS;
567        private final IInputMethod mMethod;
568        private final InputChannel mChannel;
570        MethodCallback(InputMethodManagerService imms, IInputMethod method,
571                InputChannel channel) {
572            mParentIMMS = imms;
573            mMethod = method;
574            mChannel = channel;
575        }
577        @Override
578        public void sessionCreated(IInputMethodSession session) {
579            mParentIMMS.onSessionCreated(mMethod, session, mChannel);
580        }
581    }
583    private class HardKeyboardListener
584            implements WindowManagerService.OnHardKeyboardStatusChangeListener {
585        @Override
586        public void onHardKeyboardStatusChange(boolean available, boolean enabled) {
587            mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(
588                    MSG_HARD_KEYBOARD_SWITCH_CHANGED, available ? 1 : 0, enabled ? 1 : 0));
589        }
591        public void handleHardKeyboardStatusChange(boolean available, boolean enabled) {
592            if (DEBUG) {
593                Slog.w(TAG, "HardKeyboardStatusChanged: available = " + available + ", enabled = "
594                        + enabled);
595            }
596            synchronized(mMethodMap) {
597                if (mSwitchingDialog != null && mSwitchingDialogTitleView != null
598                        && mSwitchingDialog.isShowing()) {
599                    mSwitchingDialogTitleView.findViewById(
601                                    available ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
602                }
603            }
604        }
605    }
607    public InputMethodManagerService(Context context, WindowManagerService windowManager) {
608        mIPackageManager = AppGlobals.getPackageManager();
609        mContext = context;
610        mRes = context.getResources();
611        mHandler = new Handler(this);
612        mIWindowManager = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(
613                ServiceManager.getService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE));
614        mCaller = new HandlerCaller(context, null, new HandlerCaller.Callback() {
615            @Override
616            public void executeMessage(Message msg) {
617                handleMessage(msg);
618            }
619        }, true /*asyncHandler*/);
620        mWindowManagerService = windowManager;
621        mHardKeyboardListener = new HardKeyboardListener();
622        mHasFeature = context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(
623                PackageManager.FEATURE_INPUT_METHODS);
625        mImeSwitcherNotification = new Notification();
626        mImeSwitcherNotification.icon =;
627        mImeSwitcherNotification.when = 0;
628        mImeSwitcherNotification.flags = Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT;
629        mImeSwitcherNotification.tickerText = null;
630        mImeSwitcherNotification.defaults = 0; // please be quiet
631        mImeSwitcherNotification.sound = null;
632        mImeSwitcherNotification.vibrate = null;
634        // Tag this notification specially so SystemUI knows it's important
635        mImeSwitcherNotification.kind = new String[] { "android.system.imeswitcher" };
637        Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_SHOW_INPUT_METHOD_PICKER);
638        mImeSwitchPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent, 0);
640        mShowOngoingImeSwitcherForPhones = false;
642        final IntentFilter broadcastFilter = new IntentFilter();
643        broadcastFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON);
644        broadcastFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF);
645        broadcastFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS);
646        mContext.registerReceiver(new ImmsBroadcastReceiver(), broadcastFilter);
648        mNotificationShown = false;
649        int userId = 0;
650        try {
651            ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().registerUserSwitchObserver(
652                    new IUserSwitchObserver.Stub() {
653                        @Override
654                        public void onUserSwitching(int newUserId, IRemoteCallback reply) {
655                            synchronized(mMethodMap) {
656                                switchUserLocked(newUserId);
657                            }
658                            if (reply != null) {
659                                try {
660                                    reply.sendResult(null);
661                                } catch (RemoteException e) {
662                                }
663                            }
664                        }
666                        @Override
667                        public void onUserSwitchComplete(int newUserId) throws RemoteException {
668                        }
669                    });
670            userId = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().getCurrentUser().id;
671        } catch (RemoteException e) {
672            Slog.w(TAG, "Couldn't get current user ID; guessing it's 0", e);
673        }
674        mMyPackageMonitor.register(mContext, null, UserHandle.ALL, true);
676        // mSettings should be created before buildInputMethodListLocked
677        mSettings = new InputMethodSettings(
678                mRes, context.getContentResolver(), mMethodMap, mMethodList, userId);
679        mFileManager = new InputMethodFileManager(mMethodMap, userId);
680        mImListManager = new InputMethodAndSubtypeListManager(context, this);
682        // Just checking if defaultImiId is empty or not
683        final String defaultImiId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
684        if (DEBUG) {
685            Slog.d(TAG, "Initial default ime = " + defaultImiId);
686        }
687        mImeSelectedOnBoot = !TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultImiId);
689        buildInputMethodListLocked(mMethodList, mMethodMap,
690                !mImeSelectedOnBoot /* resetDefaultEnabledIme */);
691        mSettings.enableAllIMEsIfThereIsNoEnabledIME();
693        if (!mImeSelectedOnBoot) {
694            Slog.w(TAG, "No IME selected. Choose the most applicable IME.");
695            resetDefaultImeLocked(context);
696        }
698        mSettingsObserver = new SettingsObserver(mHandler);
699        updateFromSettingsLocked(true);
701        // IMMS wants to receive Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED in order to update the current IME
702        // according to the new system locale.
703        final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
704        filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED);
705        mContext.registerReceiver(
706                new BroadcastReceiver() {
707                    @Override
708                    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
709                        synchronized(mMethodMap) {
710                            resetStateIfCurrentLocaleChangedLocked();
711                        }
712                    }
713                }, filter);
714    }
716    private void resetDefaultImeLocked(Context context) {
717        // Do not reset the default (current) IME when it is a 3rd-party IME
718        if (mCurMethodId != null
719                && !InputMethodUtils.isSystemIme(mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId))) {
720            return;
721        }
723        InputMethodInfo defIm = null;
724        for (InputMethodInfo imi : mMethodList) {
725            if (defIm == null) {
726                if (InputMethodUtils.isValidSystemDefaultIme(
727                        mSystemReady, imi, context)) {
728                    defIm = imi;
729                    Slog.i(TAG, "Selected default: " + imi.getId());
730                }
731            }
732        }
733        if (defIm == null && mMethodList.size() > 0) {
734            defIm = InputMethodUtils.getMostApplicableDefaultIME(
735                    mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked());
736            Slog.i(TAG, "No default found, using " + defIm.getId());
737        }
738        if (defIm != null) {
739            setSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(defIm, NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID, false);
740        }
741    }
743    private void resetAllInternalStateLocked(final boolean updateOnlyWhenLocaleChanged,
744            final boolean resetDefaultEnabledIme) {
745        if (!mSystemReady) {
746            // not system ready
747            return;
748        }
749        final Locale newLocale = mRes.getConfiguration().locale;
750        if (!updateOnlyWhenLocaleChanged
751                || (newLocale != null && !newLocale.equals(mLastSystemLocale))) {
752            if (!updateOnlyWhenLocaleChanged) {
753                hideCurrentInputLocked(0, null);
754                mCurMethodId = null;
755                unbindCurrentMethodLocked(true, false);
756            }
757            if (DEBUG) {
758                Slog.i(TAG, "Locale has been changed to " + newLocale);
759            }
760            // InputMethodAndSubtypeListManager should be reset when the locale is changed.
761            mImListManager = new InputMethodAndSubtypeListManager(mContext, this);
762            buildInputMethodListLocked(mMethodList, mMethodMap, resetDefaultEnabledIme);
763            if (!updateOnlyWhenLocaleChanged) {
764                final String selectedImiId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
765                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(selectedImiId)) {
766                    // This is the first time of the user switch and
767                    // set the current ime to the proper one.
768                    resetDefaultImeLocked(mContext);
769                }
770            } else {
771                // If the locale is changed, needs to reset the default ime
772                resetDefaultImeLocked(mContext);
773            }
774            updateFromSettingsLocked(true);
775            mLastSystemLocale = newLocale;
776            if (!updateOnlyWhenLocaleChanged) {
777                try {
778                    startInputInnerLocked();
779                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
780                    Slog.w(TAG, "Unexpected exception", e);
781                }
782            }
783        }
784    }
786    private void resetStateIfCurrentLocaleChangedLocked() {
787        resetAllInternalStateLocked(true /* updateOnlyWhenLocaleChanged */,
788                true /* resetDefaultImeLocked */);
789    }
791    private void switchUserLocked(int newUserId) {
792        mSettings.setCurrentUserId(newUserId);
793        // InputMethodFileManager should be reset when the user is changed
794        mFileManager = new InputMethodFileManager(mMethodMap, newUserId);
795        final String defaultImiId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
796        // For secondary users, the list of enabled IMEs may not have been updated since the
797        // callbacks to PackageMonitor are ignored for the secondary user. Here, defaultImiId may
798        // not be empty even if the IME has been uninstalled by the primary user.
799        // Even in such cases, IMMS works fine because it will find the most applicable
800        // IME for that user.
801        final boolean initialUserSwitch = TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultImiId);
802        if (DEBUG) {
803            Slog.d(TAG, "Switch user: " + newUserId + " current ime = " + defaultImiId);
804        }
805        resetAllInternalStateLocked(false  /* updateOnlyWhenLocaleChanged */,
806                initialUserSwitch /* needsToResetDefaultIme */);
807        if (initialUserSwitch) {
808            InputMethodUtils.setNonSelectedSystemImesDisabledUntilUsed(mContext.getPackageManager(),
809                    mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked());
810        }
811    }
813    @Override
814    public boolean onTransact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags)
815            throws RemoteException {
816        try {
817            return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
818        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
819            // The input method manager only throws security exceptions, so let's
820            // log all others.
821            if (!(e instanceof SecurityException)) {
822      , "Input Method Manager Crash", e);
823            }
824            throw e;
825        }
826    }
828    public void systemRunning(StatusBarManagerService statusBar) {
829        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
830            if (DEBUG) {
831                Slog.d(TAG, "--- systemReady");
832            }
833            if (!mSystemReady) {
834                mSystemReady = true;
835                mKeyguardManager =
836                        (KeyguardManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
837                mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager)
838                        mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
839                mStatusBar = statusBar;
840                statusBar.setIconVisibility("ime", false);
841                updateImeWindowStatusLocked();
842                mShowOngoingImeSwitcherForPhones = mRes.getBoolean(
843              ;
844                if (mShowOngoingImeSwitcherForPhones) {
845                    mWindowManagerService.setOnHardKeyboardStatusChangeListener(
846                            mHardKeyboardListener);
847                }
848                buildInputMethodListLocked(mMethodList, mMethodMap,
849                        !mImeSelectedOnBoot /* resetDefaultEnabledIme */);
850                if (!mImeSelectedOnBoot) {
851                    Slog.w(TAG, "Reset the default IME as \"Resource\" is ready here.");
852                    resetStateIfCurrentLocaleChangedLocked();
853                    InputMethodUtils.setNonSelectedSystemImesDisabledUntilUsed(
854                            mContext.getPackageManager(),
855                            mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked());
856                }
857                mLastSystemLocale = mRes.getConfiguration().locale;
858                try {
859                    startInputInnerLocked();
860                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
861                    Slog.w(TAG, "Unexpected exception", e);
862                }
863            }
864        }
865    }
867    private void setImeWindowVisibilityStatusHiddenLocked() {
868        mImeWindowVis = 0;
869        updateImeWindowStatusLocked();
870    }
872    private void refreshImeWindowVisibilityLocked() {
873        final Configuration conf = mRes.getConfiguration();
874        final boolean haveHardKeyboard = conf.keyboard
875                != Configuration.KEYBOARD_NOKEYS;
876        final boolean hardKeyShown = haveHardKeyboard
877                && conf.hardKeyboardHidden
878                        != Configuration.HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_YES;
880        final boolean isScreenLocked = isKeyguardLocked();
881        final boolean inputActive = !isScreenLocked && (mInputShown || hardKeyShown);
882        // We assume the softkeyboard is shown when the input is active as long as the
883        // hard keyboard is not shown.
884        final boolean inputVisible = inputActive && !hardKeyShown;
885        mImeWindowVis = (inputActive ? InputMethodService.IME_ACTIVE : 0)
886                | (inputVisible ? InputMethodService.IME_VISIBLE : 0);
887        updateImeWindowStatusLocked();
888    }
890    private void updateImeWindowStatusLocked() {
891        setImeWindowStatus(mCurToken, mImeWindowVis, mBackDisposition);
892    }
894    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
895    // Check whether or not this is a valid IPC. Assumes an IPC is valid when either
896    // 1) it comes from the system process
897    // 2) the calling process' user id is identical to the current user id IMMS thinks.
898    private boolean calledFromValidUser() {
899        final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
900        final int userId = UserHandle.getUserId(uid);
901        if (DEBUG) {
902            Slog.d(TAG, "--- calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? "
903                    + "calling uid = " + uid + " system uid = " + Process.SYSTEM_UID
904                    + " calling userId = " + userId + ", foreground user id = "
905                    + mSettings.getCurrentUserId() + ", calling pid = " + Binder.getCallingPid()
906                    + InputMethodUtils.getApiCallStack());
907        }
908        if (uid == Process.SYSTEM_UID || userId == mSettings.getCurrentUserId()) {
909            return true;
910        }
912        // Caveat: A process which has INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL gets results for the
913        // foreground user, not for the user of that process. Accordingly InputMethodManagerService
914        // must not manage background users' states in any functions.
915        // Note that privacy-sensitive IPCs, such as setInputMethod, are still securely guarded
916        // by a token.
917        if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
918                android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL)
919                        == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
920            if (DEBUG) {
921                Slog.d(TAG, "--- Access granted because the calling process has "
922                        + "the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission");
923            }
924            return true;
925        }
926        Slog.w(TAG, "--- IPC called from background users. Ignore. \n"
927                + InputMethodUtils.getStackTrace());
928        return false;
929    }
931    private boolean bindCurrentInputMethodService(
932            Intent service, ServiceConnection conn, int flags) {
933        if (service == null || conn == null) {
934            Slog.e(TAG, "--- bind failed: service = " + service + ", conn = " + conn);
935            return false;
936        }
937        return mContext.bindServiceAsUser(service, conn, flags,
938                new UserHandle(mSettings.getCurrentUserId()));
939    }
941    @Override
942    public List<InputMethodInfo> getInputMethodList() {
943        // TODO: Make this work even for non-current users?
944        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
945            return Collections.emptyList();
946        }
947        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
948            return new ArrayList<InputMethodInfo>(mMethodList);
949        }
950    }
952    @Override
953    public List<InputMethodInfo> getEnabledInputMethodList() {
954        // TODO: Make this work even for non-current users?
955        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
956            return Collections.emptyList();
957        }
958        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
959            return mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked();
960        }
961    }
963    private HashMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>>
964            getExplicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked() {
965        HashMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>> enabledInputMethodAndSubtypes =
966                new HashMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>>();
967        for (InputMethodInfo imi: mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked()) {
968            enabledInputMethodAndSubtypes.put(
969                    imi, mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeListLocked(mContext, imi, true));
970        }
971        return enabledInputMethodAndSubtypes;
972    }
974    /**
975     * @param imiId if null, returns enabled subtypes for the current imi
976     * @return enabled subtypes of the specified imi
977     */
978    @Override
979    public List<InputMethodSubtype> getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeList(String imiId,
980            boolean allowsImplicitlySelectedSubtypes) {
981        // TODO: Make this work even for non-current users?
982        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
983            return Collections.<InputMethodSubtype>emptyList();
984        }
985        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
986            final InputMethodInfo imi;
987            if (imiId == null && mCurMethodId != null) {
988                imi = mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId);
989            } else {
990                imi = mMethodMap.get(imiId);
991            }
992            if (imi == null) {
993                return Collections.<InputMethodSubtype>emptyList();
994            }
995            return mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeListLocked(
996                    mContext, imi, allowsImplicitlySelectedSubtypes);
997        }
998    }
1000    @Override
1001    public void addClient(IInputMethodClient client,
1002            IInputContext inputContext, int uid, int pid) {
1003        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
1004            return;
1005        }
1006        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1007            mClients.put(client.asBinder(), new ClientState(client,
1008                    inputContext, uid, pid));
1009        }
1010    }
1012    @Override
1013    public void removeClient(IInputMethodClient client) {
1014        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
1015            return;
1016        }
1017        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1018            ClientState cs = mClients.remove(client.asBinder());
1019            if (cs != null) {
1020                clearClientSessionLocked(cs);
1021            }
1022        }
1023    }
1025    void executeOrSendMessage(IInterface target, Message msg) {
1026         if (target.asBinder() instanceof Binder) {
1027             mCaller.sendMessage(msg);
1028         } else {
1029             handleMessage(msg);
1030             msg.recycle();
1031         }
1032    }
1034    void unbindCurrentClientLocked() {
1035        if (mCurClient != null) {
1036            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "unbindCurrentInputLocked: client = "
1037                    + mCurClient.client.asBinder());
1038            if (mBoundToMethod) {
1039                mBoundToMethod = false;
1040                if (mCurMethod != null) {
1041                    executeOrSendMessage(mCurMethod, mCaller.obtainMessageO(
1042                            MSG_UNBIND_INPUT, mCurMethod));
1043                }
1044            }
1046            executeOrSendMessage(mCurClient.client, mCaller.obtainMessageIO(
1047                    MSG_SET_ACTIVE, 0, mCurClient));
1048            executeOrSendMessage(mCurClient.client, mCaller.obtainMessageIO(
1049                    MSG_UNBIND_METHOD, mCurSeq, mCurClient.client));
1050            mCurClient.sessionRequested = false;
1051            mCurClient = null;
1053            hideInputMethodMenuLocked();
1054        }
1055    }
1057    private int getImeShowFlags() {
1058        int flags = 0;
1059        if (mShowForced) {
1060            flags |= InputMethod.SHOW_FORCED
1061                    | InputMethod.SHOW_EXPLICIT;
1062        } else if (mShowExplicitlyRequested) {
1063            flags |= InputMethod.SHOW_EXPLICIT;
1064        }
1065        return flags;
1066    }
1068    private int getAppShowFlags() {
1069        int flags = 0;
1070        if (mShowForced) {
1071            flags |= InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED;
1072        } else if (!mShowExplicitlyRequested) {
1073            flags |= InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT;
1074        }
1075        return flags;
1076    }
1078    InputBindResult attachNewInputLocked(boolean initial) {
1079        if (!mBoundToMethod) {
1080            executeOrSendMessage(mCurMethod, mCaller.obtainMessageOO(
1081                    MSG_BIND_INPUT, mCurMethod, mCurClient.binding));
1082            mBoundToMethod = true;
1083        }
1084        final SessionState session = mCurClient.curSession;
1085        if (initial) {
1086            executeOrSendMessage(session.method, mCaller.obtainMessageOOO(
1087                    MSG_START_INPUT, session, mCurInputContext, mCurAttribute));
1088        } else {
1089            executeOrSendMessage(session.method, mCaller.obtainMessageOOO(
1090                    MSG_RESTART_INPUT, session, mCurInputContext, mCurAttribute));
1091        }
1092        if (mShowRequested) {
1093            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Attach new input asks to show input");
1094            showCurrentInputLocked(getAppShowFlags(), null);
1095        }
1096        return new InputBindResult(session.session,
1097       != null ? : null, mCurId, mCurSeq);
1098    }
1100    InputBindResult startInputLocked(IInputMethodClient client,
1101            IInputContext inputContext, EditorInfo attribute, int controlFlags) {
1102        // If no method is currently selected, do nothing.
1103        if (mCurMethodId == null) {
1104            return mNoBinding;
1105        }
1107        ClientState cs = mClients.get(client.asBinder());
1108        if (cs == null) {
1109            throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown client "
1110                    + client.asBinder());
1111        }
1113        try {
1114            if (!mIWindowManager.inputMethodClientHasFocus(cs.client)) {
1115                // Check with the window manager to make sure this client actually
1116                // has a window with focus.  If not, reject.  This is thread safe
1117                // because if the focus changes some time before or after, the
1118                // next client receiving focus that has any interest in input will
1119                // be calling through here after that change happens.
1120                Slog.w(TAG, "Starting input on non-focused client " + cs.client
1121                        + " (uid=" + cs.uid + " pid=" + + ")");
1122                return null;
1123            }
1124        } catch (RemoteException e) {
1125        }
1127        return startInputUncheckedLocked(cs, inputContext, attribute, controlFlags);
1128    }
1130    InputBindResult startInputUncheckedLocked(ClientState cs,
1131            IInputContext inputContext, EditorInfo attribute, int controlFlags) {
1132        // If no method is currently selected, do nothing.
1133        if (mCurMethodId == null) {
1134            return mNoBinding;
1135        }
1137        if (mCurClient != cs) {
1138            // Was the keyguard locked when switching over to the new client?
1139            mCurClientInKeyguard = isKeyguardLocked();
1140            // If the client is changing, we need to switch over to the new
1141            // one.
1142            unbindCurrentClientLocked();
1143            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "switching to client: client = "
1144                    + cs.client.asBinder() + " keyguard=" + mCurClientInKeyguard);
1146            // If the screen is on, inform the new client it is active
1147            if (mScreenOn) {
1148                executeOrSendMessage(cs.client, mCaller.obtainMessageIO(
1149                        MSG_SET_ACTIVE, mScreenOn ? 1 : 0, cs));
1150            }
1151        }
1153        // Bump up the sequence for this client and attach it.
1154        mCurSeq++;
1155        if (mCurSeq <= 0) mCurSeq = 1;
1156        mCurClient = cs;
1157        mCurInputContext = inputContext;
1158        mCurAttribute = attribute;
1160        // Check if the input method is changing.
1161        if (mCurId != null && mCurId.equals(mCurMethodId)) {
1162            if (cs.curSession != null) {
1163                // Fast case: if we are already connected to the input method,
1164                // then just return it.
1165                return attachNewInputLocked(
1166                        (controlFlags&InputMethodManager.CONTROL_START_INITIAL) != 0);
1167            }
1168            if (mHaveConnection) {
1169                if (mCurMethod != null) {
1170                    // Return to client, and we will get back with it when
1171                    // we have had a session made for it.
1172                    requestClientSessionLocked(cs);
1173                    return new InputBindResult(null, null, mCurId, mCurSeq);
1174                } else if (SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
1175                        < (mLastBindTime+TIME_TO_RECONNECT)) {
1176                    // In this case we have connected to the service, but
1177                    // don't yet have its interface.  If it hasn't been too
1178                    // long since we did the connection, we'll return to
1179                    // the client and wait to get the service interface so
1180                    // we can report back.  If it has been too long, we want
1181                    // to fall through so we can try a disconnect/reconnect
1182                    // to see if we can get back in touch with the service.
1183                    return new InputBindResult(null, null, mCurId, mCurSeq);
1184                } else {
1185                    EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.IMF_FORCE_RECONNECT_IME,
1186                            mCurMethodId, SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-mLastBindTime, 0);
1187                }
1188            }
1189        }
1191        return startInputInnerLocked();
1192    }
1194    InputBindResult startInputInnerLocked() {
1195        if (mCurMethodId == null) {
1196            return mNoBinding;
1197        }
1199        if (!mSystemReady) {
1200            // If the system is not yet ready, we shouldn't be running third
1201            // party code.
1202            return new InputBindResult(null, null, mCurMethodId, mCurSeq);
1203        }
1205        InputMethodInfo info = mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId);
1206        if (info == null) {
1207            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown id: " + mCurMethodId);
1208        }
1210        unbindCurrentMethodLocked(false, true);
1212        mCurIntent = new Intent(InputMethod.SERVICE_INTERFACE);
1213        mCurIntent.setComponent(info.getComponent());
1214        mCurIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CLIENT_LABEL,
1215      ;
1216        mCurIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CLIENT_INTENT, PendingIntent.getActivity(
1217                mContext, 0, new Intent(Settings.ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS), 0));
1218        if (bindCurrentInputMethodService(mCurIntent, this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE
1219                | Context.BIND_NOT_VISIBLE | Context.BIND_SHOWING_UI)) {
1220            mLastBindTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
1221            mHaveConnection = true;
1222            mCurId = info.getId();
1223            mCurToken = new Binder();
1224            try {
1225                if (true || DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Adding window token: " + mCurToken);
1226                mIWindowManager.addWindowToken(mCurToken,
1227                        WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD);
1228            } catch (RemoteException e) {
1229            }
1230            return new InputBindResult(null, null, mCurId, mCurSeq);
1231        } else {
1232            mCurIntent = null;
1233            Slog.w(TAG, "Failure connecting to input method service: "
1234                    + mCurIntent);
1235        }
1236        return null;
1237    }
1239    @Override
1240    public InputBindResult startInput(IInputMethodClient client,
1241            IInputContext inputContext, EditorInfo attribute, int controlFlags) {
1242        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
1243            return null;
1244        }
1245        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1246            final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
1247            try {
1248                return startInputLocked(client, inputContext, attribute, controlFlags);
1249            } finally {
1250                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
1251            }
1252        }
1253    }
1255    @Override
1256    public void finishInput(IInputMethodClient client) {
1257    }
1259    @Override
1260    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
1261        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1262            if (mCurIntent != null && name.equals(mCurIntent.getComponent())) {
1263                mCurMethod = IInputMethod.Stub.asInterface(service);
1264                if (mCurToken == null) {
1265                    Slog.w(TAG, "Service connected without a token!");
1266                    unbindCurrentMethodLocked(false, false);
1267                    return;
1268                }
1269                if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Initiating attach with token: " + mCurToken);
1270                executeOrSendMessage(mCurMethod, mCaller.obtainMessageOO(
1271                        MSG_ATTACH_TOKEN, mCurMethod, mCurToken));
1272                if (mCurClient != null) {
1273                    clearClientSessionLocked(mCurClient);
1274                    requestClientSessionLocked(mCurClient);
1275                }
1276            }
1277        }
1278    }
1280    void onSessionCreated(IInputMethod method, IInputMethodSession session,
1281            InputChannel channel) {
1282        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1283            if (mCurMethod != null && method != null
1284                    && mCurMethod.asBinder() == method.asBinder()) {
1285                if (mCurClient != null) {
1286                    clearClientSessionLocked(mCurClient);
1287                    mCurClient.curSession = new SessionState(mCurClient,
1288                            method, session, channel);
1289                    InputBindResult res = attachNewInputLocked(true);
1290                    if (res.method != null) {
1291                        executeOrSendMessage(mCurClient.client, mCaller.obtainMessageOO(
1292                                MSG_BIND_METHOD, mCurClient.client, res));
1293                    }
1294                    return;
1295                }
1296            }
1297        }
1299        // Session abandoned.  Close its associated input channel.
1300        channel.dispose();
1301    }
1303    void unbindCurrentMethodLocked(boolean reportToClient, boolean savePosition) {
1304        if (mVisibleBound) {
1305            mContext.unbindService(mVisibleConnection);
1306            mVisibleBound = false;
1307        }
1309        if (mHaveConnection) {
1310            mContext.unbindService(this);
1311            mHaveConnection = false;
1312        }
1314        if (mCurToken != null) {
1315            try {
1316                if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Removing window token: " + mCurToken);
1317                if ((mImeWindowVis & InputMethodService.IME_ACTIVE) != 0 && savePosition) {
1318                    // The current IME is shown. Hence an IME switch (transition) is happening.
1319                    mWindowManagerService.saveLastInputMethodWindowForTransition();
1320                }
1321                mIWindowManager.removeWindowToken(mCurToken);
1322            } catch (RemoteException e) {
1323            }
1324            mCurToken = null;
1325        }
1327        mCurId = null;
1328        clearCurMethodLocked();
1330        if (reportToClient && mCurClient != null) {
1331            executeOrSendMessage(mCurClient.client, mCaller.obtainMessageIO(
1332                    MSG_UNBIND_METHOD, mCurSeq, mCurClient.client));
1333        }
1334    }
1336    void requestClientSessionLocked(ClientState cs) {
1337        if (!cs.sessionRequested) {
1338            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Creating new session for client " + cs);
1339            InputChannel[] channels = InputChannel.openInputChannelPair(cs.toString());
1340            cs.sessionRequested = true;
1341            executeOrSendMessage(mCurMethod, mCaller.obtainMessageOOO(
1342                    MSG_CREATE_SESSION, mCurMethod, channels[1],
1343                    new MethodCallback(this, mCurMethod, channels[0])));
1344        }
1345    }
1347    void clearClientSessionLocked(ClientState cs) {
1348        finishSessionLocked(cs.curSession);
1349        cs.curSession = null;
1350        cs.sessionRequested = false;
1351    }
1353    private void finishSessionLocked(SessionState sessionState) {
1354        if (sessionState != null) {
1355            if (sessionState.session != null) {
1356                try {
1357                    sessionState.session.finishSession();
1358                } catch (RemoteException e) {
1359                    Slog.w(TAG, "Session failed to close due to remote exception", e);
1360                    setImeWindowVisibilityStatusHiddenLocked();
1361                }
1362                sessionState.session = null;
1363            }
1364            if ( != null) {
1365      ;
1366       = null;
1367            }
1368        }
1369    }
1371    void clearCurMethodLocked() {
1372        if (mCurMethod != null) {
1373            for (ClientState cs : mClients.values()) {
1374                clearClientSessionLocked(cs);
1375            }
1377            finishSessionLocked(mEnabledSession);
1378            mEnabledSession = null;
1379            mCurMethod = null;
1380        }
1381        if (mStatusBar != null) {
1382            mStatusBar.setIconVisibility("ime", false);
1383        }
1384    }
1386    @Override
1387    public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
1388        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1389            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Service disconnected: " + name
1390                    + " mCurIntent=" + mCurIntent);
1391            if (mCurMethod != null && mCurIntent != null
1392                    && name.equals(mCurIntent.getComponent())) {
1393                clearCurMethodLocked();
1394                // We consider this to be a new bind attempt, since the system
1395                // should now try to restart the service for us.
1396                mLastBindTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
1397                mShowRequested = mInputShown;
1398                mInputShown = false;
1399                if (mCurClient != null) {
1400                    executeOrSendMessage(mCurClient.client, mCaller.obtainMessageIO(
1401                            MSG_UNBIND_METHOD, mCurSeq, mCurClient.client));
1402                }
1403            }
1404        }
1405    }
1407    @Override
1408    public void updateStatusIcon(IBinder token, String packageName, int iconId) {
1409        int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
1410        long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
1411        try {
1412            if (token == null || mCurToken != token) {
1413                Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring setInputMethod of uid " + uid + " token: " + token);
1414                return;
1415            }
1417            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1418                if (iconId == 0) {
1419                    if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "hide the small icon for the input method");
1420                    if (mStatusBar != null) {
1421                        mStatusBar.setIconVisibility("ime", false);
1422                    }
1423                } else if (packageName != null) {
1424                    if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "show a small icon for the input method");
1425                    CharSequence contentDescription = null;
1426                    try {
1427                        // Use PackageManager to load label
1428                        final PackageManager packageManager = mContext.getPackageManager();
1429                        contentDescription = packageManager.getApplicationLabel(
1430                                mIPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0,
1431                                        mSettings.getCurrentUserId()));
1432                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
1433                        /* ignore */
1434                    }
1435                    if (mStatusBar != null) {
1436                        mStatusBar.setIcon("ime", packageName, iconId, 0,
1437                                contentDescription  != null
1438                                        ? contentDescription.toString() : null);
1439                        mStatusBar.setIconVisibility("ime", true);
1440                    }
1441                }
1442            }
1443        } finally {
1444            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
1445        }
1446    }
1448    private boolean needsToShowImeSwitchOngoingNotification() {
1449        if (!mShowOngoingImeSwitcherForPhones) return false;
1450        if (isScreenLocked()) return false;
1451        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1452            List<InputMethodInfo> imis = mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked();
1453            final int N = imis.size();
1454            if (N > 2) return true;
1455            if (N < 1) return false;
1456            int nonAuxCount = 0;
1457            int auxCount = 0;
1458            InputMethodSubtype nonAuxSubtype = null;
1459            InputMethodSubtype auxSubtype = null;
1460            for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
1461                final InputMethodInfo imi = imis.get(i);
1462                final List<InputMethodSubtype> subtypes =
1463                        mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeListLocked(mContext, imi, true);
1464                final int subtypeCount = subtypes.size();
1465                if (subtypeCount == 0) {
1466                    ++nonAuxCount;
1467                } else {
1468                    for (int j = 0; j < subtypeCount; ++j) {
1469                        final InputMethodSubtype subtype = subtypes.get(j);
1470                        if (!subtype.isAuxiliary()) {
1471                            ++nonAuxCount;
1472                            nonAuxSubtype = subtype;
1473                        } else {
1474                            ++auxCount;
1475                            auxSubtype = subtype;
1476                        }
1477                    }
1478                }
1479            }
1480            if (nonAuxCount > 1 || auxCount > 1) {
1481                return true;
1482            } else if (nonAuxCount == 1 && auxCount == 1) {
1483                if (nonAuxSubtype != null && auxSubtype != null
1484                        && (nonAuxSubtype.getLocale().equals(auxSubtype.getLocale())
1485                                || auxSubtype.overridesImplicitlyEnabledSubtype()
1486                                || nonAuxSubtype.overridesImplicitlyEnabledSubtype())
1487                        && nonAuxSubtype.containsExtraValueKey(TAG_TRY_SUPPRESSING_IME_SWITCHER)) {
1488                    return false;
1489                }
1490                return true;
1491            }
1492            return false;
1493        }
1494    }
1496    private boolean isKeyguardLocked() {
1497        return mKeyguardManager != null && mKeyguardManager.isKeyguardLocked();
1498    }
1500    // Caution! This method is called in this class. Handle multi-user carefully
1501    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
1502    @Override
1503    public void setImeWindowStatus(IBinder token, int vis, int backDisposition) {
1504        final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
1505        try {
1506            if (token == null || mCurToken != token) {
1507                int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
1508                Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring setImeWindowStatus of uid " + uid + " token: " + token);
1509                return;
1510            }
1511            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1512                // apply policy for binder calls
1513                if (vis != 0 && isKeyguardLocked() && !mCurClientInKeyguard) {
1514                    vis = 0;
1515                }
1516                mImeWindowVis = vis;
1517                mBackDisposition = backDisposition;
1518                if (mStatusBar != null) {
1519                    mStatusBar.setImeWindowStatus(token, vis, backDisposition);
1520                }
1521                final boolean iconVisibility = ((vis & (InputMethodService.IME_ACTIVE)) != 0)
1522                        && (mWindowManagerService.isHardKeyboardAvailable()
1523                                || (vis & (InputMethodService.IME_VISIBLE)) != 0);
1524                final InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId);
1525                if (imi != null && iconVisibility && needsToShowImeSwitchOngoingNotification()) {
1526                    // Used to load label
1527                    final CharSequence title = mRes.getText(
1528                  ;
1529                    final CharSequence summary = InputMethodUtils.getImeAndSubtypeDisplayName(
1530                            mContext, imi, mCurrentSubtype);
1532                    mImeSwitcherNotification.setLatestEventInfo(
1533                            mContext, title, summary, mImeSwitchPendingIntent);
1534                    if (mNotificationManager != null) {
1535                        if (DEBUG) {
1536                            Slog.d(TAG, "--- show notification: label =  " + summary);
1537                        }
1538                        mNotificationManager.notifyAsUser(null,
1539                      ,
1540                                mImeSwitcherNotification, UserHandle.ALL);
1541                        mNotificationShown = true;
1542                    }
1543                } else {
1544                    if (mNotificationShown && mNotificationManager != null) {
1545                        if (DEBUG) {
1546                            Slog.d(TAG, "--- hide notification");
1547                        }
1548                        mNotificationManager.cancelAsUser(null,
1549                      , UserHandle.ALL);
1550                        mNotificationShown = false;
1551                    }
1552                }
1553            }
1554        } finally {
1555            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
1556        }
1557    }
1559    @Override
1560    public void registerSuggestionSpansForNotification(SuggestionSpan[] spans) {
1561        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
1562            return;
1563        }
1564        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1565            final InputMethodInfo currentImi = mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId);
1566            for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) {
1567                SuggestionSpan ss = spans[i];
1568                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(ss.getNotificationTargetClassName())) {
1569                    mSecureSuggestionSpans.put(ss, currentImi);
1570                }
1571            }
1572        }
1573    }
1575    @Override
1576    public boolean notifySuggestionPicked(SuggestionSpan span, String originalString, int index) {
1577        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
1578            return false;
1579        }
1580        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1581            final InputMethodInfo targetImi = mSecureSuggestionSpans.get(span);
1582            // TODO: Do not send the intent if the process of the targetImi is already dead.
1583            if (targetImi != null) {
1584                final String[] suggestions = span.getSuggestions();
1585                if (index < 0 || index >= suggestions.length) return false;
1586                final String className = span.getNotificationTargetClassName();
1587                final Intent intent = new Intent();
1588                // Ensures that only a class in the original IME package will receive the
1589                // notification.
1590                intent.setClassName(targetImi.getPackageName(), className);
1591                intent.setAction(SuggestionSpan.ACTION_SUGGESTION_PICKED);
1592                intent.putExtra(SuggestionSpan.SUGGESTION_SPAN_PICKED_BEFORE, originalString);
1593                intent.putExtra(SuggestionSpan.SUGGESTION_SPAN_PICKED_AFTER, suggestions[index]);
1594                intent.putExtra(SuggestionSpan.SUGGESTION_SPAN_PICKED_HASHCODE, span.hashCode());
1595                final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
1596                try {
1597                    mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.CURRENT);
1598                } finally {
1599                    Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
1600                }
1601                return true;
1602            }
1603        }
1604        return false;
1605    }
1607    void updateFromSettingsLocked(boolean enabledMayChange) {
1608        if (enabledMayChange) {
1609            List<InputMethodInfo> enabled = mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked();
1610            for (int i=0; i<enabled.size(); i++) {
1611                // We allow the user to select "disabled until used" apps, so if they
1612                // are enabling one of those here we now need to make it enabled.
1613                InputMethodInfo imm = enabled.get(i);
1614                try {
1615                    ApplicationInfo ai = mIPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(imm.getPackageName(),
1616                            PackageManager.GET_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED_COMPONENTS,
1617                            mSettings.getCurrentUserId());
1618                    if (ai != null && ai.enabledSetting
1619                            == PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED) {
1620                        if (DEBUG) {
1621                            Slog.d(TAG, "Update state(" + imm.getId()
1622                                    + "): DISABLED_UNTIL_USED -> DEFAULT");
1623                        }
1624                        mIPackageManager.setApplicationEnabledSetting(imm.getPackageName(),
1625                                PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT,
1626                                PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP, mSettings.getCurrentUserId(),
1627                                mContext.getBasePackageName());
1628                    }
1629                } catch (RemoteException e) {
1630                }
1631            }
1632        }
1633        // We are assuming that whoever is changing DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD and
1634        // ENABLED_INPUT_METHODS is taking care of keeping them correctly in
1635        // sync, so we will never have a DEFAULT_INPUT_METHOD that is not
1636        // enabled.
1637        String id = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
1638        // There is no input method selected, try to choose new applicable input method.
1639        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(id) && chooseNewDefaultIMELocked()) {
1640            id = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
1641        }
1642        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(id)) {
1643            try {
1644                setInputMethodLocked(id, mSettings.getSelectedInputMethodSubtypeId(id));
1645            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1646                Slog.w(TAG, "Unknown input method from prefs: " + id, e);
1647                mCurMethodId = null;
1648                unbindCurrentMethodLocked(true, false);
1649            }
1650            mShortcutInputMethodsAndSubtypes.clear();
1651        } else {
1652            // There is no longer an input method set, so stop any current one.
1653            mCurMethodId = null;
1654            unbindCurrentMethodLocked(true, false);
1655        }
1656    }
1658    /* package */ void setInputMethodLocked(String id, int subtypeId) {
1659        InputMethodInfo info = mMethodMap.get(id);
1660        if (info == null) {
1661            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown id: " + id);
1662        }
1664        // See if we need to notify a subtype change within the same IME.
1665        if (id.equals(mCurMethodId)) {
1666            final int subtypeCount = info.getSubtypeCount();
1667            if (subtypeCount <= 0) {
1668                return;
1669            }
1670            final InputMethodSubtype oldSubtype = mCurrentSubtype;
1671            final InputMethodSubtype newSubtype;
1672            if (subtypeId >= 0 && subtypeId < subtypeCount) {
1673                newSubtype = info.getSubtypeAt(subtypeId);
1674            } else {
1675                // If subtype is null, try to find the most applicable one from
1676                // getCurrentInputMethodSubtype.
1677                newSubtype = getCurrentInputMethodSubtypeLocked();
1678            }
1679            if (newSubtype == null || oldSubtype == null) {
1680                Slog.w(TAG, "Illegal subtype state: old subtype = " + oldSubtype
1681                        + ", new subtype = " + newSubtype);
1682                return;
1683            }
1684            if (newSubtype != oldSubtype) {
1685                setSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(info, subtypeId, true);
1686                if (mCurMethod != null) {
1687                    try {
1688                        refreshImeWindowVisibilityLocked();
1689                        mCurMethod.changeInputMethodSubtype(newSubtype);
1690                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
1691                        Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to call changeInputMethodSubtype");
1692                    }
1693                }
1694            }
1695            return;
1696        }
1698        // Changing to a different IME.
1699        final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
1700        try {
1701            // Set a subtype to this input method.
1702            // subtypeId the name of a subtype which will be set.
1703            setSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(info, subtypeId, false);
1704            // mCurMethodId should be updated after setSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked()
1705            // because mCurMethodId is stored as a history in
1706            // setSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked().
1707            mCurMethodId = id;
1709            if (ActivityManagerNative.isSystemReady()) {
1710                Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_CHANGED);
1711                intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING);
1712                intent.putExtra("input_method_id", id);
1713                mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.CURRENT);
1714            }
1715            unbindCurrentClientLocked();
1716        } finally {
1717            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
1718        }
1719    }
1721    @Override
1722    public boolean showSoftInput(IInputMethodClient client, int flags,
1723            ResultReceiver resultReceiver) {
1724        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
1725            return false;
1726        }
1727        int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
1728        long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
1729        try {
1730            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1731                if (mCurClient == null || client == null
1732                        || mCurClient.client.asBinder() != client.asBinder()) {
1733                    try {
1734                        // We need to check if this is the current client with
1735                        // focus in the window manager, to allow this call to
1736                        // be made before input is started in it.
1737                        if (!mIWindowManager.inputMethodClientHasFocus(client)) {
1738                            Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring showSoftInput of uid " + uid + ": " + client);
1739                            return false;
1740                        }
1741                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
1742                        return false;
1743                    }
1744                }
1746                if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Client requesting input be shown");
1747                return showCurrentInputLocked(flags, resultReceiver);
1748            }
1749        } finally {
1750            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
1751        }
1752    }
1754    boolean showCurrentInputLocked(int flags, ResultReceiver resultReceiver) {
1755        mShowRequested = true;
1756        if ((flags&InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT) == 0) {
1757            mShowExplicitlyRequested = true;
1758        }
1759        if ((flags&InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED) != 0) {
1760            mShowExplicitlyRequested = true;
1761            mShowForced = true;
1762        }
1764        if (!mSystemReady) {
1765            return false;
1766        }
1768        boolean res = false;
1769        if (mCurMethod != null) {
1770            if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "showCurrentInputLocked: mCurToken=" + mCurToken);
1771            executeOrSendMessage(mCurMethod, mCaller.obtainMessageIOO(
1772                    MSG_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT, getImeShowFlags(), mCurMethod,
1773                    resultReceiver));
1774            mInputShown = true;
1775            if (mHaveConnection && !mVisibleBound) {
1776                bindCurrentInputMethodService(
1777                        mCurIntent, mVisibleConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
1778                mVisibleBound = true;
1779            }
1780            res = true;
1781        } else if (mHaveConnection && SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
1782                >= (mLastBindTime+TIME_TO_RECONNECT)) {
1783            // The client has asked to have the input method shown, but
1784            // we have been sitting here too long with a connection to the
1785            // service and no interface received, so let's disconnect/connect
1786            // to try to prod things along.
1787            EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.IMF_FORCE_RECONNECT_IME, mCurMethodId,
1788                    SystemClock.uptimeMillis()-mLastBindTime,1);
1789            Slog.w(TAG, "Force disconnect/connect to the IME in showCurrentInputLocked()");
1790            mContext.unbindService(this);
1791            bindCurrentInputMethodService(mCurIntent, this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE
1792                    | Context.BIND_NOT_VISIBLE);
1793        } else {
1794            if (DEBUG) {
1795                Slog.d(TAG, "Can't show input: connection = " + mHaveConnection + ", time = "
1796                        + ((mLastBindTime+TIME_TO_RECONNECT) - SystemClock.uptimeMillis()));
1797            }
1798        }
1800        return res;
1801    }
1803    @Override
1804    public boolean hideSoftInput(IInputMethodClient client, int flags,
1805            ResultReceiver resultReceiver) {
1806        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
1807            return false;
1808        }
1809        int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
1810        long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
1811        try {
1812            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1813                if (mCurClient == null || client == null
1814                        || mCurClient.client.asBinder() != client.asBinder()) {
1815                    try {
1816                        // We need to check if this is the current client with
1817                        // focus in the window manager, to allow this call to
1818                        // be made before input is started in it.
1819                        if (!mIWindowManager.inputMethodClientHasFocus(client)) {
1820                            if (DEBUG) Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring hideSoftInput of uid "
1821                                    + uid + ": " + client);
1822                            setImeWindowVisibilityStatusHiddenLocked();
1823                            return false;
1824                        }
1825                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
1826                        setImeWindowVisibilityStatusHiddenLocked();
1827                        return false;
1828                    }
1829                }
1831                if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Client requesting input be hidden");
1832                return hideCurrentInputLocked(flags, resultReceiver);
1833            }
1834        } finally {
1835            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
1836        }
1837    }
1839    boolean hideCurrentInputLocked(int flags, ResultReceiver resultReceiver) {
1840        if ((flags&InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY) != 0
1841                && (mShowExplicitlyRequested || mShowForced)) {
1842            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Not hiding: explicit show not cancelled by non-explicit hide");
1843            return false;
1844        }
1845        if (mShowForced && (flags&InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS) != 0) {
1846            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Not hiding: forced show not cancelled by not-always hide");
1847            return false;
1848        }
1849        boolean res;
1850        if (mInputShown && mCurMethod != null) {
1851            executeOrSendMessage(mCurMethod, mCaller.obtainMessageOO(
1852                    MSG_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT, mCurMethod, resultReceiver));
1853            res = true;
1854        } else {
1855            res = false;
1856        }
1857        if (mHaveConnection && mVisibleBound) {
1858            mContext.unbindService(mVisibleConnection);
1859            mVisibleBound = false;
1860        }
1861        mInputShown = false;
1862        mShowRequested = false;
1863        mShowExplicitlyRequested = false;
1864        mShowForced = false;
1865        return res;
1866    }
1868    @Override
1869    public InputBindResult windowGainedFocus(IInputMethodClient client, IBinder windowToken,
1870            int controlFlags, int softInputMode, int windowFlags,
1871            EditorInfo attribute, IInputContext inputContext) {
1872        // Needs to check the validity before clearing calling identity
1873        final boolean calledFromValidUser = calledFromValidUser();
1875        InputBindResult res = null;
1876        long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
1877        try {
1878            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
1879                if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "windowGainedFocus: " + client.asBinder()
1880                        + " controlFlags=#" + Integer.toHexString(controlFlags)
1881                        + " softInputMode=#" + Integer.toHexString(softInputMode)
1882                        + " windowFlags=#" + Integer.toHexString(windowFlags));
1884                ClientState cs = mClients.get(client.asBinder());
1885                if (cs == null) {
1886                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown client "
1887                            + client.asBinder());
1888                }
1890                try {
1891                    if (!mIWindowManager.inputMethodClientHasFocus(cs.client)) {
1892                        // Check with the window manager to make sure this client actually
1893                        // has a window with focus.  If not, reject.  This is thread safe
1894                        // because if the focus changes some time before or after, the
1895                        // next client receiving focus that has any interest in input will
1896                        // be calling through here after that change happens.
1897                        Slog.w(TAG, "Focus gain on non-focused client " + cs.client
1898                                + " (uid=" + cs.uid + " pid=" + + ")");
1899                        return null;
1900                    }
1901                } catch (RemoteException e) {
1902                }
1904                if (!calledFromValidUser) {
1905                    Slog.w(TAG, "A background user is requesting window. Hiding IME.");
1906                    Slog.w(TAG, "If you want to interect with IME, you need "
1907                            + "android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL");
1908                    hideCurrentInputLocked(0, null);
1909                    return null;
1910                }
1912                if (mCurFocusedWindow == windowToken) {
1913                    Slog.w(TAG, "Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: " + client
1914                            + " attribute=" + attribute + ", token = " + windowToken);
1915                    if (attribute != null) {
1916                        return startInputUncheckedLocked(cs, inputContext, attribute,
1917                                controlFlags);
1918                    }
1919                    return null;
1920                }
1921                mCurFocusedWindow = windowToken;
1923                // Should we auto-show the IME even if the caller has not
1924                // specified what should be done with it?
1925                // We only do this automatically if the window can resize
1926                // to accommodate the IME (so what the user sees will give
1927                // them good context without input information being obscured
1928                // by the IME) or if running on a large screen where there
1929                // is more room for the target window + IME.
1930                final boolean doAutoShow =
1931                        (softInputMode & WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_MASK_ADJUST)
1932                                == WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE
1933                        || mRes.getConfiguration().isLayoutSizeAtLeast(
1934                                Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE);
1935                final boolean isTextEditor =
1936                        (controlFlags&InputMethodManager.CONTROL_WINDOW_IS_TEXT_EDITOR) != 0;
1938                // We want to start input before showing the IME, but after closing
1939                // it.  We want to do this after closing it to help the IME disappear
1940                // more quickly (not get stuck behind it initializing itself for the
1941                // new focused input, even if its window wants to hide the IME).
1942                boolean didStart = false;
1944                switch (softInputMode&WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_MASK_STATE) {
1945                    case WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED:
1946                        if (!isTextEditor || !doAutoShow) {
1947                            if (WindowManager.LayoutParams.mayUseInputMethod(windowFlags)) {
1948                                // There is no focus view, and this window will
1949                                // be behind any soft input window, so hide the
1950                                // soft input window if it is shown.
1951                                if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Unspecified window will hide input");
1952                                hideCurrentInputLocked(InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS, null);
1953                            }
1954                        } else if (isTextEditor && doAutoShow && (softInputMode &
1955                                WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION) != 0) {
1956                            // There is a focus view, and we are navigating forward
1957                            // into the window, so show the input window for the user.
1958                            // We only do this automatically if the window can resize
1959                            // to accommodate the IME (so what the user sees will give
1960                            // them good context without input information being obscured
1961                            // by the IME) or if running on a large screen where there
1962                            // is more room for the target window + IME.
1963                            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Unspecified window will show input");
1964                            if (attribute != null) {
1965                                res = startInputUncheckedLocked(cs, inputContext, attribute,
1966                                        controlFlags);
1967                                didStart = true;
1968                            }
1969                            showCurrentInputLocked(InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT, null);
1970                        }
1971                        break;
1972                    case WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNCHANGED:
1973                        // Do nothing.
1974                        break;
1975                    case WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_HIDDEN:
1976                        if ((softInputMode &
1977                                WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION) != 0) {
1978                            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Window asks to hide input going forward");
1979                            hideCurrentInputLocked(0, null);
1980                        }
1981                        break;
1982                    case WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN:
1983                        if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Window asks to hide input");
1984                        hideCurrentInputLocked(0, null);
1985                        break;
1986                    case WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_VISIBLE:
1987                        if ((softInputMode &
1988                                WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION) != 0) {
1989                            if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Window asks to show input going forward");
1990                            if (attribute != null) {
1991                                res = startInputUncheckedLocked(cs, inputContext, attribute,
1992                                        controlFlags);
1993                                didStart = true;
1994                            }
1995                            showCurrentInputLocked(InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT, null);
1996                        }
1997                        break;
1998                    case WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE:
1999                        if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Window asks to always show input");
2000                        if (attribute != null) {
2001                            res = startInputUncheckedLocked(cs, inputContext, attribute,
2002                                    controlFlags);
2003                            didStart = true;
2004                        }
2005                        showCurrentInputLocked(InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT, null);
2006                        break;
2007                }
2009                if (!didStart && attribute != null) {
2010                    res = startInputUncheckedLocked(cs, inputContext, attribute,
2011                            controlFlags);
2012                }
2013            }
2014        } finally {
2015            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
2016        }
2018        return res;
2019    }
2021    @Override
2022    public void showInputMethodPickerFromClient(IInputMethodClient client) {
2023        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2024            return;
2025        }
2026        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2027            if (mCurClient == null || client == null
2028                    || mCurClient.client.asBinder() != client.asBinder()) {
2029                Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring showInputMethodPickerFromClient of uid "
2030                        + Binder.getCallingUid() + ": " + client);
2031            }
2033            // Always call subtype picker, because subtype picker is a superset of input method
2034            // picker.
2035            mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_SHOW_IM_SUBTYPE_PICKER);
2036        }
2037    }
2039    @Override
2040    public void setInputMethod(IBinder token, String id) {
2041        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2042            return;
2043        }
2044        setInputMethodWithSubtypeId(token, id, NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID);
2045    }
2047    @Override
2048    public void setInputMethodAndSubtype(IBinder token, String id, InputMethodSubtype subtype) {
2049        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2050            return;
2051        }
2052        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2053            if (subtype != null) {
2054                setInputMethodWithSubtypeId(token, id, InputMethodUtils.getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(
2055                        mMethodMap.get(id), subtype.hashCode()));
2056            } else {
2057                setInputMethod(token, id);
2058            }
2059        }
2060    }
2062    @Override
2063    public void showInputMethodAndSubtypeEnablerFromClient(
2064            IInputMethodClient client, String inputMethodId) {
2065        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2066            return;
2067        }
2068        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2069            if (mCurClient == null || client == null
2070                || mCurClient.client.asBinder() != client.asBinder()) {
2071                Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring showInputMethodAndSubtypeEnablerFromClient of: " + client);
2072            }
2073            executeOrSendMessage(mCurMethod, mCaller.obtainMessageO(
2074                    MSG_SHOW_IM_SUBTYPE_ENABLER, inputMethodId));
2075        }
2076    }
2078    @Override
2079    public boolean switchToLastInputMethod(IBinder token) {
2080        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2081            return false;
2082        }
2083        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2084            final Pair<String, String> lastIme = mSettings.getLastInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked();
2085            final InputMethodInfo lastImi;
2086            if (lastIme != null) {
2087                lastImi = mMethodMap.get(lastIme.first);
2088            } else {
2089                lastImi = null;
2090            }
2091            String targetLastImiId = null;
2092            int subtypeId = NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
2093            if (lastIme != null && lastImi != null) {
2094                final boolean imiIdIsSame = lastImi.getId().equals(mCurMethodId);
2095                final int lastSubtypeHash = Integer.valueOf(lastIme.second);
2096                final int currentSubtypeHash = mCurrentSubtype == null ? NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID
2097                        : mCurrentSubtype.hashCode();
2098                // If the last IME is the same as the current IME and the last subtype is not
2099                // defined, there is no need to switch to the last IME.
2100                if (!imiIdIsSame || lastSubtypeHash != currentSubtypeHash) {
2101                    targetLastImiId = lastIme.first;
2102                    subtypeId = InputMethodUtils.getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(lastImi, lastSubtypeHash);
2103                }
2104            }
2106            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(targetLastImiId)
2107                    && !InputMethodUtils.canAddToLastInputMethod(mCurrentSubtype)) {
2108                // This is a safety net. If the currentSubtype can't be added to the history
2109                // and the framework couldn't find the last ime, we will make the last ime be
2110                // the most applicable enabled keyboard subtype of the system imes.
2111                final List<InputMethodInfo> enabled = mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked();
2112                if (enabled != null) {
2113                    final int N = enabled.size();
2114                    final String locale = mCurrentSubtype == null
2115                            ? mRes.getConfiguration().locale.toString()
2116                            : mCurrentSubtype.getLocale();
2117                    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
2118                        final InputMethodInfo imi = enabled.get(i);
2119                        if (imi.getSubtypeCount() > 0 && InputMethodUtils.isSystemIme(imi)) {
2120                            InputMethodSubtype keyboardSubtype =
2121                                    InputMethodUtils.findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked(mRes,
2122                                            InputMethodUtils.getSubtypes(imi),
2123                                            InputMethodUtils.SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD, locale, true);
2124                            if (keyboardSubtype != null) {
2125                                targetLastImiId = imi.getId();
2126                                subtypeId = InputMethodUtils.getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(
2127                                        imi, keyboardSubtype.hashCode());
2128                                if(keyboardSubtype.getLocale().equals(locale)) {
2129                                    break;
2130                                }
2131                            }
2132                        }
2133                    }
2134                }
2135            }
2137            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(targetLastImiId)) {
2138                if (DEBUG) {
2139                    Slog.d(TAG, "Switch to: " + lastImi.getId() + ", " + lastIme.second
2140                            + ", from: " + mCurMethodId + ", " + subtypeId);
2141                }
2142                setInputMethodWithSubtypeId(token, targetLastImiId, subtypeId);
2143                return true;
2144            } else {
2145                return false;
2146            }
2147        }
2148    }
2150    @Override
2151    public boolean switchToNextInputMethod(IBinder token, boolean onlyCurrentIme) {
2152        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2153            return false;
2154        }
2155        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2156            final ImeSubtypeListItem nextSubtype = mImListManager.getNextInputMethod(
2157                    onlyCurrentIme, mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId), mCurrentSubtype);
2158            if (nextSubtype == null) {
2159                return false;
2160            }
2161            setInputMethodWithSubtypeId(token, nextSubtype.mImi.getId(), nextSubtype.mSubtypeId);
2162            return true;
2163        }
2164    }
2166    @Override
2167    public boolean shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod(IBinder token) {
2168        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2169            return false;
2170        }
2171        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2172            final ImeSubtypeListItem nextSubtype = mImListManager.getNextInputMethod(
2173                    false /* onlyCurrentIme */, mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId), mCurrentSubtype);
2174            if (nextSubtype == null) {
2175                return false;
2176            }
2177            return true;
2178        }
2179    }
2181    @Override
2182    public InputMethodSubtype getLastInputMethodSubtype() {
2183        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2184            return null;
2185        }
2186        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2187            final Pair<String, String> lastIme = mSettings.getLastInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked();
2188            // TODO: Handle the case of the last IME with no subtypes
2189            if (lastIme == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(lastIme.first)
2190                    || TextUtils.isEmpty(lastIme.second)) return null;
2191            final InputMethodInfo lastImi = mMethodMap.get(lastIme.first);
2192            if (lastImi == null) return null;
2193            try {
2194                final int lastSubtypeHash = Integer.valueOf(lastIme.second);
2195                final int lastSubtypeId =
2196                        InputMethodUtils.getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(lastImi, lastSubtypeHash);
2197                if (lastSubtypeId < 0 || lastSubtypeId >= lastImi.getSubtypeCount()) {
2198                    return null;
2199                }
2200                return lastImi.getSubtypeAt(lastSubtypeId);
2201            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
2202                return null;
2203            }
2204        }
2205    }
2207    @Override
2208    public void setAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes(String imiId, InputMethodSubtype[] subtypes) {
2209        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2210            return;
2211        }
2212        // By this IPC call, only a process which shares the same uid with the IME can add
2213        // additional input method subtypes to the IME.
2214        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(imiId) || subtypes == null || subtypes.length == 0) return;
2215        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2216            final InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodMap.get(imiId);
2217            if (imi == null) return;
2218            final String[] packageInfos;
2219            try {
2220                packageInfos = mIPackageManager.getPackagesForUid(Binder.getCallingUid());
2221            } catch (RemoteException e) {
2222                Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to get package infos");
2223                return;
2224            }
2225            if (packageInfos != null) {
2226                final int packageNum = packageInfos.length;
2227                for (int i = 0; i < packageNum; ++i) {
2228                    if (packageInfos[i].equals(imi.getPackageName())) {
2229                        mFileManager.addInputMethodSubtypes(imi, subtypes);
2230                        final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
2231                        try {
2232                            buildInputMethodListLocked(mMethodList, mMethodMap,
2233                                    false /* resetDefaultEnabledIme */);
2234                        } finally {
2235                            Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
2236                        }
2237                        return;
2238                    }
2239                }
2240            }
2241        }
2242        return;
2243    }
2245    private void setInputMethodWithSubtypeId(IBinder token, String id, int subtypeId) {
2246        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2247            if (token == null) {
2248                if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
2249                        android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS)
2250                        != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
2251                    throw new SecurityException(
2252                            "Using null token requires permission "
2253                            + android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS);
2254                }
2255            } else if (mCurToken != token) {
2256                Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring setInputMethod of uid " + Binder.getCallingUid()
2257                        + " token: " + token);
2258                return;
2259            }
2261            final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
2262            try {
2263                setInputMethodLocked(id, subtypeId);
2264            } finally {
2265                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
2266            }
2267        }
2268    }
2270    @Override
2271    public void hideMySoftInput(IBinder token, int flags) {
2272        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2273            return;
2274        }
2275        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2276            if (token == null || mCurToken != token) {
2277                if (DEBUG) Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring hideInputMethod of uid "
2278                        + Binder.getCallingUid() + " token: " + token);
2279                return;
2280            }
2281            long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
2282            try {
2283                hideCurrentInputLocked(flags, null);
2284            } finally {
2285                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
2286            }
2287        }
2288    }
2290    @Override
2291    public void showMySoftInput(IBinder token, int flags) {
2292        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2293            return;
2294        }
2295        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2296            if (token == null || mCurToken != token) {
2297                Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring showMySoftInput of uid "
2298                        + Binder.getCallingUid() + " token: " + token);
2299                return;
2300            }
2301            long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
2302            try {
2303                showCurrentInputLocked(flags, null);
2304            } finally {
2305                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
2306            }
2307        }
2308    }
2310    void setEnabledSessionInMainThread(SessionState session) {
2311        if (mEnabledSession != session) {
2312            if (mEnabledSession != null) {
2313                try {
2314                    if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Disabling: " + mEnabledSession);
2315                    mEnabledSession.method.setSessionEnabled(
2316                            mEnabledSession.session, false);
2317                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2318                }
2319            }
2320            mEnabledSession = session;
2321            try {
2322                if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Enabling: " + mEnabledSession);
2323                session.method.setSessionEnabled(
2324                        session.session, true);
2325            } catch (RemoteException e) {
2326            }
2327        }
2328    }
2330    @Override
2331    public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
2332        SomeArgs args;
2333        switch (msg.what) {
2334            case MSG_SHOW_IM_PICKER:
2335                showInputMethodMenu();
2336                return true;
2338            case MSG_SHOW_IM_SUBTYPE_PICKER:
2339                showInputMethodSubtypeMenu();
2340                return true;
2342            case MSG_SHOW_IM_SUBTYPE_ENABLER:
2343                args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj;
2344                showInputMethodAndSubtypeEnabler((String)args.arg1);
2345                args.recycle();
2346                return true;
2348            case MSG_SHOW_IM_CONFIG:
2349                showConfigureInputMethods();
2350                return true;
2352            // ---------------------------------------------------------
2354            case MSG_UNBIND_INPUT:
2355                try {
2356                    ((IInputMethod)msg.obj).unbindInput();
2357                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2358                    // There is nothing interesting about the method dying.
2359                }
2360                return true;
2361            case MSG_BIND_INPUT:
2362                args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj;
2363                try {
2364                    ((IInputMethod)args.arg1).bindInput((InputBinding)args.arg2);
2365                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2366                }
2367                args.recycle();
2368                return true;
2369            case MSG_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT:
2370                args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj;
2371                try {
2372                    if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Calling " + args.arg1 + ".showSoftInput("
2373                            + msg.arg1 + ", " + args.arg2 + ")");
2374                    ((IInputMethod)args.arg1).showSoftInput(msg.arg1, (ResultReceiver)args.arg2);
2375                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2376                }
2377                args.recycle();
2378                return true;
2379            case MSG_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT:
2380                args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj;
2381                try {
2382                    if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Calling " + args.arg1 + ".hideSoftInput(0, "
2383                            + args.arg2 + ")");
2384                    ((IInputMethod)args.arg1).hideSoftInput(0, (ResultReceiver)args.arg2);
2385                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2386                }
2387                args.recycle();
2388                return true;
2389            case MSG_ATTACH_TOKEN:
2390                args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj;
2391                try {
2392                    if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Sending attach of token: " + args.arg2);
2393                    ((IInputMethod)args.arg1).attachToken((IBinder)args.arg2);
2394                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2395                }
2396                args.recycle();
2397                return true;
2398            case MSG_CREATE_SESSION: {
2399                args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj;
2400                IInputMethod method = (IInputMethod)args.arg1;
2401                InputChannel channel = (InputChannel)args.arg2;
2402                try {
2403                    method.createSession(channel, (IInputSessionCallback)args.arg3);
2404                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2405                } finally {
2406                    // Dispose the channel if the input method is not local to this process
2407                    // because the remote proxy will get its own copy when unparceled.
2408                    if (channel != null && Binder.isProxy(method)) {
2409                        channel.dispose();
2410                    }
2411                }
2412                args.recycle();
2413                return true;
2414            }
2415            // ---------------------------------------------------------
2417            case MSG_START_INPUT:
2418                args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj;
2419                try {
2420                    SessionState session = (SessionState)args.arg1;
2421                    setEnabledSessionInMainThread(session);
2422                    session.method.startInput((IInputContext)args.arg2,
2423                            (EditorInfo)args.arg3);
2424                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2425                }
2426                args.recycle();
2427                return true;
2428            case MSG_RESTART_INPUT:
2429                args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj;
2430                try {
2431                    SessionState session = (SessionState)args.arg1;
2432                    setEnabledSessionInMainThread(session);
2433                    session.method.restartInput((IInputContext)args.arg2,
2434                            (EditorInfo)args.arg3);
2435                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2436                }
2437                args.recycle();
2438                return true;
2440            // ---------------------------------------------------------
2442            case MSG_UNBIND_METHOD:
2443                try {
2444                    ((IInputMethodClient)msg.obj).onUnbindMethod(msg.arg1);
2445                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2446                    // There is nothing interesting about the last client dying.
2447                }
2448                return true;
2449            case MSG_BIND_METHOD: {
2450                args = (SomeArgs)msg.obj;
2451                IInputMethodClient client = (IInputMethodClient)args.arg1;
2452                InputBindResult res = (InputBindResult)args.arg2;
2453                try {
2454                    client.onBindMethod(res);
2455                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2456                    Slog.w(TAG, "Client died receiving input method " + args.arg2);
2457                } finally {
2458                    // Dispose the channel if the input method is not local to this process
2459                    // because the remote proxy will get its own copy when unparceled.
2460                    if ( != null && Binder.isProxy(client)) {
2461              ;
2462                    }
2463                }
2464                args.recycle();
2465                return true;
2466            }
2467            case MSG_SET_ACTIVE:
2468                try {
2469                    ((ClientState)msg.obj).client.setActive(msg.arg1 != 0);
2470                } catch (RemoteException e) {
2471                    Slog.w(TAG, "Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid "
2472                            + ((ClientState)msg.obj).pid + " uid "
2473                            + ((ClientState)msg.obj).uid);
2474                }
2475                return true;
2477            // --------------------------------------------------------------
2479                mHardKeyboardListener.handleHardKeyboardStatusChange(
2480                        msg.arg1 == 1, msg.arg2 == 1);
2481                return true;
2482        }
2483        return false;
2484    }
2486    private boolean chooseNewDefaultIMELocked() {
2487        final InputMethodInfo imi = InputMethodUtils.getMostApplicableDefaultIME(
2488                mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked());
2489        if (imi != null) {
2490            if (DEBUG) {
2491                Slog.d(TAG, "New default IME was selected: " + imi.getId());
2492            }
2493            resetSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(imi.getId());
2494            return true;
2495        }
2497        return false;
2498    }
2500    void buildInputMethodListLocked(ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> list,
2501            HashMap<String, InputMethodInfo> map, boolean resetDefaultEnabledIme) {
2502        if (DEBUG) {
2503            Slog.d(TAG, "--- re-buildInputMethodList reset = " + resetDefaultEnabledIme
2504                    + " \n ------ \n" + InputMethodUtils.getStackTrace());
2505        }
2506        list.clear();
2507        map.clear();
2509        // Use for queryIntentServicesAsUser
2510        final PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
2511        String disabledSysImes = mSettings.getDisabledSystemInputMethods();
2512        if (disabledSysImes == null) disabledSysImes = "";
2514        final List<ResolveInfo> services = pm.queryIntentServicesAsUser(
2515                new Intent(InputMethod.SERVICE_INTERFACE),
2516                PackageManager.GET_META_DATA | PackageManager.GET_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED_COMPONENTS,
2517                mSettings.getCurrentUserId());
2519        final HashMap<String, List<InputMethodSubtype>> additionalSubtypes =
2520                mFileManager.getAllAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes();
2521        for (int i = 0; i < services.size(); ++i) {
2522            ResolveInfo ri = services.get(i);
2523            ServiceInfo si = ri.serviceInfo;
2524            ComponentName compName = new ComponentName(si.packageName,;
2525            if (!android.Manifest.permission.BIND_INPUT_METHOD.equals(
2526                    si.permission)) {
2527                Slog.w(TAG, "Skipping input method " + compName
2528                        + ": it does not require the permission "
2529                        + android.Manifest.permission.BIND_INPUT_METHOD);
2530                continue;
2531            }
2533            if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "Checking " + compName);
2535            try {
2536                InputMethodInfo p = new InputMethodInfo(mContext, ri, additionalSubtypes);
2537                list.add(p);
2538                final String id = p.getId();
2539                map.put(id, p);
2541                if (DEBUG) {
2542                    Slog.d(TAG, "Found an input method " + p);
2543                }
2545            } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
2546                Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to load input method " + compName, e);
2547            } catch (IOException e) {
2548                Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to load input method " + compName, e);
2549            }
2550        }
2552        if (resetDefaultEnabledIme) {
2553            final ArrayList<InputMethodInfo> defaultEnabledIme =
2554                    InputMethodUtils.getDefaultEnabledImes(mContext, mSystemReady, list);
2555            for (int i = 0; i < defaultEnabledIme.size(); ++i) {
2556                final InputMethodInfo imi =  defaultEnabledIme.get(i);
2557                if (DEBUG) {
2558                    Slog.d(TAG, "--- enable ime = " + imi);
2559                }
2560                setInputMethodEnabledLocked(imi.getId(), true);
2561            }
2562        }
2564        final String defaultImiId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
2565        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(defaultImiId)) {
2566            if (!map.containsKey(defaultImiId)) {
2567                Slog.w(TAG, "Default IME is uninstalled. Choose new default IME.");
2568                if (chooseNewDefaultIMELocked()) {
2569                    updateFromSettingsLocked(true);
2570                }
2571            } else {
2572                // Double check that the default IME is certainly enabled.
2573                setInputMethodEnabledLocked(defaultImiId, true);
2574            }
2575        }
2576    }
2578    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2580    private void showInputMethodMenu() {
2581        showInputMethodMenuInternal(false);
2582    }
2584    private void showInputMethodSubtypeMenu() {
2585        showInputMethodMenuInternal(true);
2586    }
2588    private void showInputMethodAndSubtypeEnabler(String inputMethodId) {
2589        Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_SETTINGS);
2590        intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
2591                | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED
2592                | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
2593        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(inputMethodId)) {
2594            intent.putExtra(Settings.EXTRA_INPUT_METHOD_ID, inputMethodId);
2595        }
2596        mContext.startActivityAsUser(intent, null, UserHandle.CURRENT);
2597    }
2599    private void showConfigureInputMethods() {
2600        Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS);
2601        intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
2602                | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED
2603                | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
2604        mContext.startActivityAsUser(intent, null, UserHandle.CURRENT);
2605    }
2607    private boolean isScreenLocked() {
2608        return mKeyguardManager != null
2609                && mKeyguardManager.isKeyguardLocked() && mKeyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure();
2610    }
2611    private void showInputMethodMenuInternal(boolean showSubtypes) {
2612        if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Show switching menu");
2614        final Context context = mContext;
2615        final boolean isScreenLocked = isScreenLocked();
2617        final String lastInputMethodId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
2618        int lastInputMethodSubtypeId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethodSubtypeId(lastInputMethodId);
2619        if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Current IME: " + lastInputMethodId);
2621        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2622            final HashMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>> immis =
2623                    getExplicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked();
2624            if (immis == null || immis.size() == 0) {
2625                return;
2626            }
2628            hideInputMethodMenuLocked();
2630            final List<ImeSubtypeListItem> imList =
2631                    mImListManager.getSortedInputMethodAndSubtypeList(
2632                            showSubtypes, mInputShown, isScreenLocked);
2634            if (lastInputMethodSubtypeId == NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID) {
2635                final InputMethodSubtype currentSubtype = getCurrentInputMethodSubtypeLocked();
2636                if (currentSubtype != null) {
2637                    final InputMethodInfo currentImi = mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId);
2638                    lastInputMethodSubtypeId = InputMethodUtils.getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(
2639                            currentImi, currentSubtype.hashCode());
2640                }
2641            }
2643            final int N = imList.size();
2644            mIms = new InputMethodInfo[N];
2645            mSubtypeIds = new int[N];
2646            int checkedItem = 0;
2647            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
2648                final ImeSubtypeListItem item = imList.get(i);
2649                mIms[i] = item.mImi;
2650                mSubtypeIds[i] = item.mSubtypeId;
2651                if (mIms[i].getId().equals(lastInputMethodId)) {
2652                    int subtypeId = mSubtypeIds[i];
2653                    if ((subtypeId == NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID)
2654                            || (lastInputMethodSubtypeId == NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID && subtypeId == 0)
2655                            || (subtypeId == lastInputMethodSubtypeId)) {
2656                        checkedItem = i;
2657                    }
2658                }
2659            }
2660            final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null,
2661          ,
2662          , 0);
2663            mDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
2664                    .setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener() {
2665                        @Override
2666                        public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
2667                            hideInputMethodMenu();
2668                        }
2669                    })
2670                    .setIcon(a.getDrawable(
2671                  ;
2672            a.recycle();
2673            final LayoutInflater inflater =
2674                    (LayoutInflater)mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
2675            final View tv = inflater.inflate(
2676          , null);
2677            mDialogBuilder.setCustomTitle(tv);
2679            // Setup layout for a toggle switch of the hardware keyboard
2680            mSwitchingDialogTitleView = tv;
2681            mSwitchingDialogTitleView.findViewById(
2683                            mWindowManagerService.isHardKeyboardAvailable() ?
2684                                    View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
2685            final Switch hardKeySwitch =  ((Switch)mSwitchingDialogTitleView.findViewById(
2686          ;
2687            hardKeySwitch.setChecked(mWindowManagerService.isHardKeyboardEnabled());
2688            hardKeySwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(
2689                    new OnCheckedChangeListener() {
2690                        @Override
2691                        public void onCheckedChanged(
2692                                CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
2693                            mWindowManagerService.setHardKeyboardEnabled(isChecked);
2694                            // Ensure that the input method dialog is dismissed when changing
2695                            // the hardware keyboard state.
2696                            hideInputMethodMenu();
2697                        }
2698                    });
2700            final ImeSubtypeListAdapter adapter = new ImeSubtypeListAdapter(context,
2701          , imList,
2702                    checkedItem);
2704            mDialogBuilder.setSingleChoiceItems(adapter, checkedItem,
2705                    new AlertDialog.OnClickListener() {
2706                        @Override
2707                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
2708                            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2709                                if (mIms == null || mIms.length <= which
2710                                        || mSubtypeIds == null || mSubtypeIds.length <= which) {
2711                                    return;
2712                                }
2713                                InputMethodInfo im = mIms[which];
2714                                int subtypeId = mSubtypeIds[which];
2715                                adapter.mCheckedItem = which;
2716                                adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
2717                                hideInputMethodMenu();
2718                                if (im != null) {
2719                                    if ((subtypeId < 0)
2720                                            || (subtypeId >= im.getSubtypeCount())) {
2721                                        subtypeId = NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
2722                                    }
2723                                    setInputMethodLocked(im.getId(), subtypeId);
2724                                }
2725                            }
2726                        }
2727                    });
2729            if (showSubtypes && !isScreenLocked) {
2730                mDialogBuilder.setPositiveButton(
2731              ,
2732                        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
2733                            @Override
2734                            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {
2735                                showConfigureInputMethods();
2736                            }
2737                        });
2738            }
2739            mSwitchingDialog = mDialogBuilder.create();
2740            mSwitchingDialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true);
2741            mSwitchingDialog.getWindow().setType(
2742                    WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG);
2743            mSwitchingDialog.getWindow().getAttributes().privateFlags |=
2744                    WindowManager.LayoutParams.PRIVATE_FLAG_SHOW_FOR_ALL_USERS;
2745            mSwitchingDialog.getWindow().getAttributes().setTitle("Select input method");
2746  ;
2747        }
2748    }
2750    private static class ImeSubtypeListItem implements Comparable<ImeSubtypeListItem> {
2751        public final CharSequence mImeName;
2752        public final CharSequence mSubtypeName;
2753        public final InputMethodInfo mImi;
2754        public final int mSubtypeId;
2755        private final boolean mIsSystemLocale;
2756        private final boolean mIsSystemLanguage;
2758        public ImeSubtypeListItem(CharSequence imeName, CharSequence subtypeName,
2759                InputMethodInfo imi, int subtypeId, String subtypeLocale, String systemLocale) {
2760            mImeName = imeName;
2761            mSubtypeName = subtypeName;
2762            mImi = imi;
2763            mSubtypeId = subtypeId;
2764            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(subtypeLocale)) {
2765                mIsSystemLocale = false;
2766                mIsSystemLanguage = false;
2767            } else {
2768                mIsSystemLocale = subtypeLocale.equals(systemLocale);
2769                mIsSystemLanguage = mIsSystemLocale
2770                        || subtypeLocale.startsWith(systemLocale.substring(0, 2));
2771            }
2772        }
2774        @Override
2775        public int compareTo(ImeSubtypeListItem other) {
2776            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mImeName)) {
2777                return 1;
2778            }
2779            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(other.mImeName)) {
2780                return -1;
2781            }
2782            if (!TextUtils.equals(mImeName, other.mImeName)) {
2783                return mImeName.toString().compareTo(other.mImeName.toString());
2784            }
2785            if (TextUtils.equals(mSubtypeName, other.mSubtypeName)) {
2786                return 0;
2787            }
2788            if (mIsSystemLocale) {
2789                return -1;
2790            }
2791            if (other.mIsSystemLocale) {
2792                return 1;
2793            }
2794            if (mIsSystemLanguage) {
2795                return -1;
2796            }
2797            if (other.mIsSystemLanguage) {
2798                return 1;
2799            }
2800            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSubtypeName)) {
2801                return 1;
2802            }
2803            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(other.mSubtypeName)) {
2804                return -1;
2805            }
2806            return mSubtypeName.toString().compareTo(other.mSubtypeName.toString());
2807        }
2808    }
2810    private static class ImeSubtypeListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<ImeSubtypeListItem> {
2811        private final LayoutInflater mInflater;
2812        private final int mTextViewResourceId;
2813        private final List<ImeSubtypeListItem> mItemsList;
2814        public int mCheckedItem;
2815        public ImeSubtypeListAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId,
2816                List<ImeSubtypeListItem> itemsList, int checkedItem) {
2817            super(context, textViewResourceId, itemsList);
2818            mTextViewResourceId = textViewResourceId;
2819            mItemsList = itemsList;
2820            mCheckedItem = checkedItem;
2821            mInflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
2822        }
2824        @Override
2825        public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
2826            final View view = convertView != null ? convertView
2827                    : mInflater.inflate(mTextViewResourceId, null);
2828            if (position < 0 || position >= mItemsList.size()) return view;
2829            final ImeSubtypeListItem item = mItemsList.get(position);
2830            final CharSequence imeName = item.mImeName;
2831            final CharSequence subtypeName = item.mSubtypeName;
2832            final TextView firstTextView = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
2833            final TextView secondTextView = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
2834            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(subtypeName)) {
2835                firstTextView.setText(imeName);
2836                secondTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
2837            } else {
2838                firstTextView.setText(subtypeName);
2839                secondTextView.setText(imeName);
2840                secondTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
2841            }
2842            final RadioButton radioButton =
2843                    (RadioButton)view.findViewById(;
2844            radioButton.setChecked(position == mCheckedItem);
2845            return view;
2846        }
2847    }
2849    void hideInputMethodMenu() {
2850        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2851            hideInputMethodMenuLocked();
2852        }
2853    }
2855    void hideInputMethodMenuLocked() {
2856        if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, "Hide switching menu");
2858        if (mSwitchingDialog != null) {
2859            mSwitchingDialog.dismiss();
2860            mSwitchingDialog = null;
2861        }
2863        mDialogBuilder = null;
2864        mIms = null;
2865    }
2867    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2869    @Override
2870    public boolean setInputMethodEnabled(String id, boolean enabled) {
2871        // TODO: Make this work even for non-current users?
2872        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
2873            return false;
2874        }
2875        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
2876            if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
2877                    android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS)
2878                    != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
2879                throw new SecurityException(
2880                        "Requires permission "
2881                        + android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS);
2882            }
2884            long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
2885            try {
2886                return setInputMethodEnabledLocked(id, enabled);
2887            } finally {
2888                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
2889            }
2890        }
2891    }
2893    boolean setInputMethodEnabledLocked(String id, boolean enabled) {
2894        // Make sure this is a valid input method.
2895        InputMethodInfo imm = mMethodMap.get(id);
2896        if (imm == null) {
2897            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown id: " + mCurMethodId);
2898        }
2900        List<Pair<String, ArrayList<String>>> enabledInputMethodsList = mSettings
2901                .getEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked();
2903        if (enabled) {
2904            for (Pair<String, ArrayList<String>> pair: enabledInputMethodsList) {
2905                if (pair.first.equals(id)) {
2906                    // We are enabling this input method, but it is already enabled.
2907                    // Nothing to do. The previous state was enabled.
2908                    return true;
2909                }
2910            }
2911            mSettings.appendAndPutEnabledInputMethodLocked(id, false);
2912            // Previous state was disabled.
2913            return false;
2914        } else {
2915            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
2916            if (mSettings.buildAndPutEnabledInputMethodsStrRemovingIdLocked(
2917                    builder, enabledInputMethodsList, id)) {
2918                // Disabled input method is currently selected, switch to another one.
2919                final String selId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethod();
2920                if (id.equals(selId) && !chooseNewDefaultIMELocked()) {
2921                    Slog.i(TAG, "Can't find new IME, unsetting the current input method.");
2922                    resetSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked("");
2923                }
2924                // Previous state was enabled.
2925                return true;
2926            } else {
2927                // We are disabling the input method but it is already disabled.
2928                // Nothing to do.  The previous state was disabled.
2929                return false;
2930            }
2931        }
2932    }
2934    private void setSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(InputMethodInfo imi, int subtypeId,
2935            boolean setSubtypeOnly) {
2936        // Update the history of InputMethod and Subtype
2937        mSettings.saveCurrentInputMethodAndSubtypeToHistory(mCurMethodId, mCurrentSubtype);
2939        // Set Subtype here
2940        if (imi == null || subtypeId < 0) {
2941            mSettings.putSelectedSubtype(NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID);
2942            mCurrentSubtype = null;
2943        } else {
2944            if (subtypeId < imi.getSubtypeCount()) {
2945                InputMethodSubtype subtype = imi.getSubtypeAt(subtypeId);
2946                mSettings.putSelectedSubtype(subtype.hashCode());
2947                mCurrentSubtype = subtype;
2948            } else {
2949                mSettings.putSelectedSubtype(NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID);
2950                // If the subtype is not specified, choose the most applicable one
2951                mCurrentSubtype = getCurrentInputMethodSubtypeLocked();
2952            }
2953        }
2955        // Workaround.
2956        // ASEC is not ready in the IMMS constructor. Accordingly, forward-locked
2957        // IMEs are not recognized and considered uninstalled.
2958        // Actually, we can't move everything after SystemReady because
2959        // IMMS needs to run in the encryption lock screen. So, we just skip changing
2960        // the default IME here and try cheking the default IME again in systemReady().
2961        // TODO: Do nothing before system ready and implement a separated logic for
2962        // the encryption lock screen.
2963        // TODO: ASEC should be ready before IMMS is instantiated.
2964        if (mSystemReady && !setSubtypeOnly) {
2965            // Set InputMethod here
2966            mSettings.putSelectedInputMethod(imi != null ? imi.getId() : "");
2967        }
2968    }
2970    private void resetSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(String newDefaultIme) {
2971        InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodMap.get(newDefaultIme);
2972        int lastSubtypeId = NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
2973        // newDefaultIme is empty when there is no candidate for the selected IME.
2974        if (imi != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(newDefaultIme)) {
2975            String subtypeHashCode = mSettings.getLastSubtypeForInputMethodLocked(newDefaultIme);
2976            if (subtypeHashCode != null) {
2977                try {
2978                    lastSubtypeId = InputMethodUtils.getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(
2979                            imi, Integer.valueOf(subtypeHashCode));
2980                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
2981                    Slog.w(TAG, "HashCode for subtype looks broken: " + subtypeHashCode, e);
2982                }
2983            }
2984        }
2985        setSelectedInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(imi, lastSubtypeId, false);
2986    }
2988    // If there are no selected shortcuts, tries finding the most applicable ones.
2989    private Pair<InputMethodInfo, InputMethodSubtype>
2990            findLastResortApplicableShortcutInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(String mode) {
2991        List<InputMethodInfo> imis = mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodListLocked();
2992        InputMethodInfo mostApplicableIMI = null;
2993        InputMethodSubtype mostApplicableSubtype = null;
2994        boolean foundInSystemIME = false;
2996        // Search applicable subtype for each InputMethodInfo
2997        for (InputMethodInfo imi: imis) {
2998            final String imiId = imi.getId();
2999            if (foundInSystemIME && !imiId.equals(mCurMethodId)) {
3000                continue;
3001            }
3002            InputMethodSubtype subtype = null;
3003            final List<InputMethodSubtype> enabledSubtypes =
3004                    mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeListLocked(mContext, imi, true);
3005            // 1. Search by the current subtype's locale from enabledSubtypes.
3006            if (mCurrentSubtype != null) {
3007                subtype = InputMethodUtils.findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked(
3008                        mRes, enabledSubtypes, mode, mCurrentSubtype.getLocale(), false);
3009            }
3010            // 2. Search by the system locale from enabledSubtypes.
3011            // 3. Search the first enabled subtype matched with mode from enabledSubtypes.
3012            if (subtype == null) {
3013                subtype = InputMethodUtils.findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked(
3014                        mRes, enabledSubtypes, mode, null, true);
3015            }
3016            final ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> overridingImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes =
3017                    InputMethodUtils.getOverridingImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes(imi, mode);
3018            final ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> subtypesForSearch =
3019                    overridingImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes.isEmpty()
3020                            ? InputMethodUtils.getSubtypes(imi)
3021                            : overridingImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes;
3022            // 4. Search by the current subtype's locale from all subtypes.
3023            if (subtype == null && mCurrentSubtype != null) {
3024                subtype = InputMethodUtils.findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked(
3025                        mRes, subtypesForSearch, mode, mCurrentSubtype.getLocale(), false);
3026            }
3027            // 5. Search by the system locale from all subtypes.
3028            // 6. Search the first enabled subtype matched with mode from all subtypes.
3029            if (subtype == null) {
3030                subtype = InputMethodUtils.findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked(
3031                        mRes, subtypesForSearch, mode, null, true);
3032            }
3033            if (subtype != null) {
3034                if (imiId.equals(mCurMethodId)) {
3035                    // The current input method is the most applicable IME.
3036                    mostApplicableIMI = imi;
3037                    mostApplicableSubtype = subtype;
3038                    break;
3039                } else if (!foundInSystemIME) {
3040                    // The system input method is 2nd applicable IME.
3041                    mostApplicableIMI = imi;
3042                    mostApplicableSubtype = subtype;
3043                    if ((imi.getServiceInfo().applicationInfo.flags
3044                            & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) {
3045                        foundInSystemIME = true;
3046                    }
3047                }
3048            }
3049        }
3050        if (DEBUG) {
3051            if (mostApplicableIMI != null) {
3052                Slog.w(TAG, "Most applicable shortcut input method was:"
3053                        + mostApplicableIMI.getId());
3054                if (mostApplicableSubtype != null) {
3055                    Slog.w(TAG, "Most applicable shortcut input method subtype was:"
3056                            + "," + mostApplicableSubtype.getMode() + ","
3057                            + mostApplicableSubtype.getLocale());
3058                }
3059            }
3060        }
3061        if (mostApplicableIMI != null) {
3062            return new Pair<InputMethodInfo, InputMethodSubtype> (mostApplicableIMI,
3063                    mostApplicableSubtype);
3064        } else {
3065            return null;
3066        }
3067    }
3069    /**
3070     * @return Return the current subtype of this input method.
3071     */
3072    @Override
3073    public InputMethodSubtype getCurrentInputMethodSubtype() {
3074        // TODO: Make this work even for non-current users?
3075        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
3076            return null;
3077        }
3078        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
3079            return getCurrentInputMethodSubtypeLocked();
3080        }
3081    }
3083    private InputMethodSubtype getCurrentInputMethodSubtypeLocked() {
3084        if (mCurMethodId == null) {
3085            return null;
3086        }
3087        final boolean subtypeIsSelected = mSettings.isSubtypeSelected();
3088        final InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId);
3089        if (imi == null || imi.getSubtypeCount() == 0) {
3090            return null;
3091        }
3092        if (!subtypeIsSelected || mCurrentSubtype == null
3093                || !InputMethodUtils.isValidSubtypeId(imi, mCurrentSubtype.hashCode())) {
3094            int subtypeId = mSettings.getSelectedInputMethodSubtypeId(mCurMethodId);
3095            if (subtypeId == NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID) {
3096                // If there are no selected subtypes, the framework will try to find
3097                // the most applicable subtype from explicitly or implicitly enabled
3098                // subtypes.
3099                List<InputMethodSubtype> explicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes =
3100                        mSettings.getEnabledInputMethodSubtypeListLocked(mContext, imi, true);
3101                // If there is only one explicitly or implicitly enabled subtype,
3102                // just returns it.
3103                if (explicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes.size() == 1) {
3104                    mCurrentSubtype = explicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes.get(0);
3105                } else if (explicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes.size() > 1) {
3106                    mCurrentSubtype = InputMethodUtils.findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked(
3107                            mRes, explicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes,
3108                            InputMethodUtils.SUBTYPE_MODE_KEYBOARD, null, true);
3109                    if (mCurrentSubtype == null) {
3110                        mCurrentSubtype = InputMethodUtils.findLastResortApplicableSubtypeLocked(
3111                                mRes, explicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledSubtypes, null, null,
3112                                true);
3113                    }
3114                }
3115            } else {
3116                mCurrentSubtype = InputMethodUtils.getSubtypes(imi).get(subtypeId);
3117            }
3118        }
3119        return mCurrentSubtype;
3120    }
3122    private void addShortcutInputMethodAndSubtypes(InputMethodInfo imi,
3123            InputMethodSubtype subtype) {
3124        if (mShortcutInputMethodsAndSubtypes.containsKey(imi)) {
3125            mShortcutInputMethodsAndSubtypes.get(imi).add(subtype);
3126        } else {
3127            ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> subtypes = new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>();
3128            subtypes.add(subtype);
3129            mShortcutInputMethodsAndSubtypes.put(imi, subtypes);
3130        }
3131    }
3133    // TODO: We should change the return type from List to List<Parcelable>
3134    @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
3135    @Override
3136    public List getShortcutInputMethodsAndSubtypes() {
3137        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
3138            ArrayList<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>();
3139            if (mShortcutInputMethodsAndSubtypes.size() == 0) {
3140                // If there are no selected shortcut subtypes, the framework will try to find
3141                // the most applicable subtype from all subtypes whose mode is
3142                // SUBTYPE_MODE_VOICE. This is an exceptional case, so we will hardcode the mode.
3143                Pair<InputMethodInfo, InputMethodSubtype> info =
3144                    findLastResortApplicableShortcutInputMethodAndSubtypeLocked(
3145                            InputMethodUtils.SUBTYPE_MODE_VOICE);
3146                if (info != null) {
3147                    ret.add(info.first);
3148                    ret.add(info.second);
3149                }
3150                return ret;
3151            }
3152            for (InputMethodInfo imi: mShortcutInputMethodsAndSubtypes.keySet()) {
3153                ret.add(imi);
3154                for (InputMethodSubtype subtype: mShortcutInputMethodsAndSubtypes.get(imi)) {
3155                    ret.add(subtype);
3156                }
3157            }
3158            return ret;
3159        }
3160    }
3162    @Override
3163    public boolean setCurrentInputMethodSubtype(InputMethodSubtype subtype) {
3164        // TODO: Make this work even for non-current users?
3165        if (!calledFromValidUser()) {
3166            return false;
3167        }
3168        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
3169            if (subtype != null && mCurMethodId != null) {
3170                InputMethodInfo imi = mMethodMap.get(mCurMethodId);
3171                int subtypeId = InputMethodUtils.getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(imi, subtype.hashCode());
3172                if (subtypeId != NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID) {
3173                    setInputMethodLocked(mCurMethodId, subtypeId);
3174                    return true;
3175                }
3176            }
3177            return false;
3178        }
3179    }
3181    private static class InputMethodAndSubtypeListManager {
3182        private final Context mContext;
3183        // Used to load label
3184        private final PackageManager mPm;
3185        private final InputMethodManagerService mImms;
3186        private final String mSystemLocaleStr;
3187        public InputMethodAndSubtypeListManager(Context context, InputMethodManagerService imms) {
3188            mContext = context;
3189            mPm = context.getPackageManager();
3190            mImms = imms;
3191            final Locale locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
3192            mSystemLocaleStr = locale != null ? locale.toString() : "";
3193        }
3195        private final TreeMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>> mSortedImmis =
3196                new TreeMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>>(
3197                        new Comparator<InputMethodInfo>() {
3198                            @Override
3199                            public int compare(InputMethodInfo imi1, InputMethodInfo imi2) {
3200                                if (imi2 == null) return 0;
3201                                if (imi1 == null) return 1;
3202                                if (mPm == null) {
3203                                    return imi1.getId().compareTo(imi2.getId());
3204                                }
3205                                CharSequence imiId1 = imi1.loadLabel(mPm) + "/" + imi1.getId();
3206                                CharSequence imiId2 = imi2.loadLabel(mPm) + "/" + imi2.getId();
3207                                return imiId1.toString().compareTo(imiId2.toString());
3208                            }
3209                        });
3211        public ImeSubtypeListItem getNextInputMethod(
3212                boolean onlyCurrentIme, InputMethodInfo imi, InputMethodSubtype subtype) {
3213            if (imi == null) {
3214                return null;
3215            }
3216            final List<ImeSubtypeListItem> imList = getSortedInputMethodAndSubtypeList();
3217            if (imList.size() <= 1) {
3218                return null;
3219            }
3220            final int N = imList.size();
3221            final int currentSubtypeId = subtype != null
3222                    ? InputMethodUtils.getSubtypeIdFromHashCode(imi, subtype.hashCode())
3223                    : NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID;
3224            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
3225                final ImeSubtypeListItem isli = imList.get(i);
3226                if (isli.mImi.equals(imi) && isli.mSubtypeId == currentSubtypeId) {
3227                    if (!onlyCurrentIme) {
3228                        return imList.get((i + 1) % N);
3229                    }
3230                    for (int j = 0; j < N - 1; ++j) {
3231                        final ImeSubtypeListItem candidate = imList.get((i + j + 1) % N);
3232                        if (candidate.mImi.equals(imi)) {
3233                            return candidate;
3234                        }
3235                    }
3236                    return null;
3237                }
3238            }
3239            return null;
3240        }
3242        public List<ImeSubtypeListItem> getSortedInputMethodAndSubtypeList() {
3243            return getSortedInputMethodAndSubtypeList(true, false, false);
3244        }
3246        public List<ImeSubtypeListItem> getSortedInputMethodAndSubtypeList(boolean showSubtypes,
3247                boolean inputShown, boolean isScreenLocked) {
3248            final ArrayList<ImeSubtypeListItem> imList = new ArrayList<ImeSubtypeListItem>();
3249            final HashMap<InputMethodInfo, List<InputMethodSubtype>> immis =
3250                    mImms.getExplicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledInputMethodsAndSubtypeListLocked();
3251            if (immis == null || immis.size() == 0) {
3252                return Collections.emptyList();
3253            }
3254            mSortedImmis.clear();
3255            mSortedImmis.putAll(immis);
3256            for (InputMethodInfo imi : mSortedImmis.keySet()) {
3257                if (imi == null) continue;
3258                List<InputMethodSubtype> explicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledSubtypeList = immis.get(imi);
3259                HashSet<String> enabledSubtypeSet = new HashSet<String>();
3260                for (InputMethodSubtype subtype: explicitlyOrImplicitlyEnabledSubtypeList) {
3261                    enabledSubtypeSet.add(String.valueOf(subtype.hashCode()));
3262                }
3263                final CharSequence imeLabel = imi.loadLabel(mPm);
3264                if (showSubtypes && enabledSubtypeSet.size() > 0) {
3265                    final int subtypeCount = imi.getSubtypeCount();
3266                    if (DEBUG) {
3267                        Slog.v(TAG, "Add subtypes: " + subtypeCount + ", " + imi.getId());
3268                    }
3269                    for (int j = 0; j < subtypeCount; ++j) {
3270                        final InputMethodSubtype subtype = imi.getSubtypeAt(j);
3271                        final String subtypeHashCode = String.valueOf(subtype.hashCode());
3272                        // We show all enabled IMEs and subtypes when an IME is shown.
3273                        if (enabledSubtypeSet.contains(subtypeHashCode)
3274                                && ((inputShown && !isScreenLocked) || !subtype.isAuxiliary())) {
3275                            final CharSequence subtypeLabel =
3276                                    subtype.overridesImplicitlyEnabledSubtype() ? null
3277                                            : subtype.getDisplayName(mContext, imi.getPackageName(),
3278                                                    imi.getServiceInfo().applicationInfo);
3279                            imList.add(new ImeSubtypeListItem(imeLabel, subtypeLabel, imi, j,
3280                                    subtype.getLocale(), mSystemLocaleStr));
3282                            // Removing this subtype from enabledSubtypeSet because we no longer
3283                            // need to add an entry of this subtype to imList to avoid duplicated
3284                            // entries.
3285                            enabledSubtypeSet.remove(subtypeHashCode);
3286                        }
3287                    }
3288                } else {
3289                    imList.add(new ImeSubtypeListItem(imeLabel, null, imi, NOT_A_SUBTYPE_ID,
3290                            null, mSystemLocaleStr));
3291                }
3292            }
3293            Collections.sort(imList);
3294            return imList;
3295        }
3296    }
3298    // TODO: Cache the state for each user and reset when the cached user is removed.
3299    private static class InputMethodFileManager {
3300        private static final String SYSTEM_PATH = "system";
3301        private static final String INPUT_METHOD_PATH = "inputmethod";
3302        private static final String ADDITIONAL_SUBTYPES_FILE_NAME = "subtypes.xml";
3303        private static final String NODE_SUBTYPES = "subtypes";
3304        private static final String NODE_SUBTYPE = "subtype";
3305        private static final String NODE_IMI = "imi";
3306        private static final String ATTR_ID = "id";
3307        private static final String ATTR_LABEL = "label";
3308        private static final String ATTR_ICON = "icon";
3309        private static final String ATTR_IME_SUBTYPE_LOCALE = "imeSubtypeLocale";
3310        private static final String ATTR_IME_SUBTYPE_MODE = "imeSubtypeMode";
3311        private static final String ATTR_IME_SUBTYPE_EXTRA_VALUE = "imeSubtypeExtraValue";
3312        private static final String ATTR_IS_AUXILIARY = "isAuxiliary";
3313        private final AtomicFile mAdditionalInputMethodSubtypeFile;
3314        private final HashMap<String, InputMethodInfo> mMethodMap;
3315        private final HashMap<String, List<InputMethodSubtype>> mAdditionalSubtypesMap =
3316                new HashMap<String, List<InputMethodSubtype>>();
3317        public InputMethodFileManager(HashMap<String, InputMethodInfo> methodMap, int userId) {
3318            if (methodMap == null) {
3319                throw new NullPointerException("methodMap is null");
3320            }
3321            mMethodMap = methodMap;
3322            final File systemDir = userId == UserHandle.USER_OWNER
3323                    ? new File(Environment.getDataDirectory(), SYSTEM_PATH)
3324                    : Environment.getUserSystemDirectory(userId);
3325            final File inputMethodDir = new File(systemDir, INPUT_METHOD_PATH);
3326            if (!inputMethodDir.mkdirs()) {
3327                Slog.w(TAG, "Couldn't create dir.: " + inputMethodDir.getAbsolutePath());
3328            }
3329            final File subtypeFile = new File(inputMethodDir, ADDITIONAL_SUBTYPES_FILE_NAME);
3330            mAdditionalInputMethodSubtypeFile = new AtomicFile(subtypeFile);
3331            if (!subtypeFile.exists()) {
3332                // If "subtypes.xml" doesn't exist, create a blank file.
3333                writeAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes(
3334                        mAdditionalSubtypesMap, mAdditionalInputMethodSubtypeFile, methodMap);
3335            } else {
3336                readAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes(
3337                        mAdditionalSubtypesMap, mAdditionalInputMethodSubtypeFile);
3338            }
3339        }
3341        private void deleteAllInputMethodSubtypes(String imiId) {
3342            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
3343                mAdditionalSubtypesMap.remove(imiId);
3344                writeAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes(
3345                        mAdditionalSubtypesMap, mAdditionalInputMethodSubtypeFile, mMethodMap);
3346            }
3347        }
3349        public void addInputMethodSubtypes(
3350                InputMethodInfo imi, InputMethodSubtype[] additionalSubtypes) {
3351            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
3352                final ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> subtypes = new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>();
3353                final int N = additionalSubtypes.length;
3354                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
3355                    final InputMethodSubtype subtype = additionalSubtypes[i];
3356                    if (!subtypes.contains(subtype)) {
3357                        subtypes.add(subtype);
3358                    } else {
3359                        Slog.w(TAG, "Duplicated subtype definition found: "
3360                                + subtype.getLocale() + ", " + subtype.getMode());
3361                    }
3362                }
3363                mAdditionalSubtypesMap.put(imi.getId(), subtypes);
3364                writeAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes(
3365                        mAdditionalSubtypesMap, mAdditionalInputMethodSubtypeFile, mMethodMap);
3366            }
3367        }
3369        public HashMap<String, List<InputMethodSubtype>> getAllAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes() {
3370            synchronized (mMethodMap) {
3371                return mAdditionalSubtypesMap;
3372            }
3373        }
3375        private static void writeAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes(
3376                HashMap<String, List<InputMethodSubtype>> allSubtypes, AtomicFile subtypesFile,
3377                HashMap<String, InputMethodInfo> methodMap) {
3378            // Safety net for the case that this function is called before methodMap is set.
3379            final boolean isSetMethodMap = methodMap != null && methodMap.size() > 0;
3380            FileOutputStream fos = null;
3381            try {
3382                fos = subtypesFile.startWrite();
3383                final XmlSerializer out = new FastXmlSerializer();
3384                out.setOutput(fos, "utf-8");
3385                out.startDocument(null, true);
3386                out.setFeature("", true);
3387                out.startTag(null, NODE_SUBTYPES);
3388                for (String imiId : allSubtypes.keySet()) {
3389                    if (isSetMethodMap && !methodMap.containsKey(imiId)) {
3390                        Slog.w(TAG, "IME uninstalled or not valid.: " + imiId);
3391                        continue;
3392                    }
3393                    out.startTag(null, NODE_IMI);
3394                    out.attribute(null, ATTR_ID, imiId);
3395                    final List<InputMethodSubtype> subtypesList = allSubtypes.get(imiId);
3396                    final int N = subtypesList.size();
3397                    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
3398                        final InputMethodSubtype subtype = subtypesList.get(i);
3399                        out.startTag(null, NODE_SUBTYPE);
3400                        out.attribute(null, ATTR_ICON, String.valueOf(subtype.getIconResId()));
3401                        out.attribute(null, ATTR_LABEL, String.valueOf(subtype.getNameResId()));
3402                        out.attribute(null, ATTR_IME_SUBTYPE_LOCALE, subtype.getLocale());
3403                        out.attribute(null, ATTR_IME_SUBTYPE_MODE, subtype.getMode());
3404                        out.attribute(null, ATTR_IME_SUBTYPE_EXTRA_VALUE, subtype.getExtraValue());
3405                        out.attribute(null, ATTR_IS_AUXILIARY,
3406                                String.valueOf(subtype.isAuxiliary() ? 1 : 0));
3407                        out.endTag(null, NODE_SUBTYPE);
3408                    }
3409                    out.endTag(null, NODE_IMI);
3410                }
3411                out.endTag(null, NODE_SUBTYPES);
3412                out.endDocument();
3413                subtypesFile.finishWrite(fos);
3414            } catch ( e) {
3415                Slog.w(TAG, "Error writing subtypes", e);
3416                if (fos != null) {
3417                    subtypesFile.failWrite(fos);
3418                }
3419            }
3420        }
3422        private static void readAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes(
3423                HashMap<String, List<InputMethodSubtype>> allSubtypes, AtomicFile subtypesFile) {
3424            if (allSubtypes == null || subtypesFile == null) return;
3425            allSubtypes.clear();
3426            FileInputStream fis = null;
3427            try {
3428                fis = subtypesFile.openRead();
3429                final XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser();
3430                parser.setInput(fis, null);
3431                int type = parser.getEventType();
3432                // Skip parsing until START_TAG
3433                while ((type = != XmlPullParser.START_TAG
3434                        && type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {}
3435                String firstNodeName = parser.getName();
3436                if (!NODE_SUBTYPES.equals(firstNodeName)) {
3437                    throw new XmlPullParserException("Xml doesn't start with subtypes");
3438                }
3439                final int depth =parser.getDepth();
3440                String currentImiId = null;
3441                ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype> tempSubtypesArray = null;
3442                while (((type = != XmlPullParser.END_TAG
3443                        || parser.getDepth() > depth) && type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
3444                    if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG)
3445                        continue;
3446                    final String nodeName = parser.getName();
3447                    if (NODE_IMI.equals(nodeName)) {
3448                        currentImiId = parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_ID);
3449                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(currentImiId)) {
3450                            Slog.w(TAG, "Invalid imi id found in subtypes.xml");
3451                            continue;
3452                        }
3453                        tempSubtypesArray = new ArrayList<InputMethodSubtype>();
3454                        allSubtypes.put(currentImiId, tempSubtypesArray);
3455                    } else if (NODE_SUBTYPE.equals(nodeName)) {
3456                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(currentImiId) || tempSubtypesArray == null) {
3457                            Slog.w(TAG, "IME uninstalled or not valid.: " + currentImiId);
3458                            continue;
3459                        }
3460                        final int icon = Integer.valueOf(
3461                                parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_ICON));
3462                        final int label = Integer.valueOf(
3463                                parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_LABEL));
3464                        final String imeSubtypeLocale =
3465                                parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_IME_SUBTYPE_LOCALE);
3466                        final String imeSubtypeMode =
3467                                parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_IME_SUBTYPE_MODE);
3468                        final String imeSubtypeExtraValue =
3469                                parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_IME_SUBTYPE_EXTRA_VALUE);
3470                        final boolean isAuxiliary = "1".equals(String.valueOf(
3471                                parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_IS_AUXILIARY)));
3472                        final InputMethodSubtype subtype =
3473                                new InputMethodSubtype(label, icon, imeSubtypeLocale,
3474                                        imeSubtypeMode, imeSubtypeExtraValue, isAuxiliary);
3475                        tempSubtypesArray.add(subtype);
3476                    }
3477                }
3478            } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
3479                Slog.w(TAG, "Error reading subtypes: " + e);
3480                return;
3481            } catch ( e) {
3482                Slog.w(TAG, "Error reading subtypes: " + e);
3483                return;
3484            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
3485                Slog.w(TAG, "Error reading subtypes: " + e);
3486                return;
3487            } finally {
3488                if (fis != null) {
3489                    try {
3490                        fis.close();
3491                    } catch ( e1) {
3492                        Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to close.");
3493                    }
3494                }
3495            }
3496        }
3497    }
3499    @Override
3500    protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
3501        if (mContext.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DUMP)
3502                != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
3504            pw.println("Permission Denial: can't dump InputMethodManager from from pid="
3505                    + Binder.getCallingPid()
3506                    + ", uid=" + Binder.getCallingUid());
3507            return;
3508        }
3510        IInputMethod method;
3511        ClientState client;
3513        final Printer p = new PrintWriterPrinter(pw);
3515        synchronized (mMethodMap) {
3516            p.println("Current Input Method Manager state:");
3517            int N = mMethodList.size();
3518            p.println("  Input Methods:");
3519            for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
3520                InputMethodInfo info = mMethodList.get(i);
3521                p.println("  InputMethod #" + i + ":");
3522                info.dump(p, "    ");
3523            }
3524            p.println("  Clients:");
3525            for (ClientState ci : mClients.values()) {
3526                p.println("  Client " + ci + ":");
3527                p.println("    client=" + ci.client);
3528                p.println("    inputContext=" + ci.inputContext);
3529                p.println("    sessionRequested=" + ci.sessionRequested);
3530                p.println("    curSession=" + ci.curSession);
3531            }
3532            p.println("  mCurMethodId=" + mCurMethodId);
3533            client = mCurClient;
3534            p.println("  mCurClient=" + client + " mCurSeq=" + mCurSeq);
3535            p.println("  mCurFocusedWindow=" + mCurFocusedWindow);
3536            p.println("  mCurId=" + mCurId + " mHaveConnect=" + mHaveConnection
3537                    + " mBoundToMethod=" + mBoundToMethod);
3538            p.println("  mCurToken=" + mCurToken);
3539            p.println("  mCurIntent=" + mCurIntent);
3540            method = mCurMethod;
3541            p.println("  mCurMethod=" + mCurMethod);
3542            p.println("  mEnabledSession=" + mEnabledSession);
3543            p.println("  mShowRequested=" + mShowRequested
3544                    + " mShowExplicitlyRequested=" + mShowExplicitlyRequested
3545                    + " mShowForced=" + mShowForced
3546                    + " mInputShown=" + mInputShown);
3547            p.println("  mSystemReady=" + mSystemReady + " mScreenOn=" + mScreenOn);
3548        }
3550        p.println(" ");
3551        if (client != null) {
3552            pw.flush();
3553            try {
3554                client.client.asBinder().dump(fd, args);
3555            } catch (RemoteException e) {
3556                p.println("Input method client dead: " + e);
3557            }
3558        } else {
3559            p.println("No input method client.");
3560        }
3562        p.println(" ");
3563        if (method != null) {
3564            pw.flush();
3565            try {
3566                method.asBinder().dump(fd, args);
3567            } catch (RemoteException e) {
3568                p.println("Input method service dead: " + e);
3569            }
3570        } else {
3571            p.println("No input method service.");
3572        }
3573    }