DisplayPowerController.java revision 7b5be5e2a738859d36e1977cdc756cf83361d72f
2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.server.display;
19import com.android.internal.app.IBatteryStats;
20import com.android.server.LocalServices;
21import com.android.server.am.BatteryStatsService;
22import com.android.server.lights.LightsManager;
24import android.animation.Animator;
25import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
26import android.content.Context;
27import android.content.res.Resources;
28import android.hardware.Sensor;
29import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
30import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
31import android.hardware.SensorManager;
32import android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerInternal.DisplayPowerCallbacks;
33import android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerInternal.DisplayPowerRequest;
34import android.os.Handler;
35import android.os.Looper;
36import android.os.Message;
37import android.os.PowerManager;
38import android.os.RemoteException;
39import android.os.SystemClock;
40import android.os.Trace;
41import android.util.MathUtils;
42import android.util.Slog;
43import android.util.Spline;
44import android.util.TimeUtils;
45import android.view.Display;
46import android.view.WindowManagerPolicy;
48import java.io.PrintWriter;
51 * Controls the power state of the display.
52 *
53 * Handles the proximity sensor, light sensor, and animations between states
54 * including the screen off animation.
55 *
56 * This component acts independently of the rest of the power manager service.
57 * In particular, it does not share any state and it only communicates
58 * via asynchronous callbacks to inform the power manager that something has
59 * changed.
60 *
61 * Everything this class does internally is serialized on its handler although
62 * it may be accessed by other threads from the outside.
63 *
64 * Note that the power manager service guarantees that it will hold a suspend
65 * blocker as long as the display is not ready.  So most of the work done here
66 * does not need to worry about holding a suspend blocker unless it happens
67 * independently of the display ready signal.
68   *
69 * For debugging, you can make the color fade and brightness animations run
70 * slower by changing the "animator duration scale" option in Development Settings.
71 */
72final class DisplayPowerController implements AutomaticBrightnessController.Callbacks {
73    private static final String TAG = "DisplayPowerController";
75    private static boolean DEBUG = false;
76    private static final boolean DEBUG_PRETEND_PROXIMITY_SENSOR_ABSENT = false;
78    private static final String SCREEN_ON_BLOCKED_TRACE_NAME = "Screen on blocked";
80    // If true, uses the color fade on animation.
81    // We might want to turn this off if we cannot get a guarantee that the screen
82    // actually turns on and starts showing new content after the call to set the
83    // screen state returns.  Playing the animation can also be somewhat slow.
84    private static final boolean USE_COLOR_FADE_ON_ANIMATION = false;
86    // The minimum reduction in brightness when dimmed.
87    private static final int SCREEN_DIM_MINIMUM_REDUCTION = 10;
89    private static final int COLOR_FADE_ON_ANIMATION_DURATION_MILLIS = 250;
90    private static final int COLOR_FADE_OFF_ANIMATION_DURATION_MILLIS = 400;
92    private static final int MSG_UPDATE_POWER_STATE = 1;
93    private static final int MSG_PROXIMITY_SENSOR_DEBOUNCED = 2;
94    private static final int MSG_SCREEN_ON_UNBLOCKED = 3;
96    private static final int PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN = -1;
97    private static final int PROXIMITY_NEGATIVE = 0;
98    private static final int PROXIMITY_POSITIVE = 1;
100    // Proximity sensor debounce delay in milliseconds for positive or negative transitions.
101    private static final int PROXIMITY_SENSOR_POSITIVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 0;
102    private static final int PROXIMITY_SENSOR_NEGATIVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 250;
104    // Trigger proximity if distance is less than 5 cm.
105    private static final float TYPICAL_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD = 5.0f;
107    // Brightness animation ramp rate in brightness units per second.
108    private static final int BRIGHTNESS_RAMP_RATE_FAST = 200;
109    private static final int BRIGHTNESS_RAMP_RATE_SLOW = 40;
111    private final Object mLock = new Object();
113    private final Context mContext;
115    // Our handler.
116    private final DisplayControllerHandler mHandler;
118    // Asynchronous callbacks into the power manager service.
119    // Only invoked from the handler thread while no locks are held.
120    private final DisplayPowerCallbacks mCallbacks;
122    // Battery stats.
123    private final IBatteryStats mBatteryStats;
125    // The lights service.
126    private final LightsManager mLights;
128    // The sensor manager.
129    private final SensorManager mSensorManager;
131    // The window manager policy.
132    private final WindowManagerPolicy mWindowManagerPolicy;
134    // The display blanker.
135    private final DisplayBlanker mBlanker;
137    // The proximity sensor, or null if not available or needed.
138    private Sensor mProximitySensor;
140    // The doze screen brightness.
141    private final int mScreenBrightnessDozeConfig;
143    // The dim screen brightness.
144    private final int mScreenBrightnessDimConfig;
146    // The minimum screen brightness to use in a very dark room.
147    private final int mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig;
149    // The minimum allowed brightness.
150    private final int mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum;
152    // The maximum allowed brightness.
153    private final int mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum;
155    // True if auto-brightness should be used.
156    private boolean mUseSoftwareAutoBrightnessConfig;
158    // True if we should fade the screen while turning it off, false if we should play
159    // a stylish color fade animation instead.
160    private boolean mColorFadeFadesConfig;
162    // The pending power request.
163    // Initially null until the first call to requestPowerState.
164    // Guarded by mLock.
165    private DisplayPowerRequest mPendingRequestLocked;
167    // True if a request has been made to wait for the proximity sensor to go negative.
168    // Guarded by mLock.
169    private boolean mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked;
171    // True if the pending power request or wait for negative proximity flag
172    // has been changed since the last update occurred.
173    // Guarded by mLock.
174    private boolean mPendingRequestChangedLocked;
176    // Set to true when the important parts of the pending power request have been applied.
177    // The important parts are mainly the screen state.  Brightness changes may occur
178    // concurrently.
179    // Guarded by mLock.
180    private boolean mDisplayReadyLocked;
182    // Set to true if a power state update is required.
183    // Guarded by mLock.
184    private boolean mPendingUpdatePowerStateLocked;
186    /* The following state must only be accessed by the handler thread. */
188    // The currently requested power state.
189    // The power controller will progressively update its internal state to match
190    // the requested power state.  Initially null until the first update.
191    private DisplayPowerRequest mPowerRequest;
193    // The current power state.
194    // Must only be accessed on the handler thread.
195    private DisplayPowerState mPowerState;
197    // True if the device should wait for negative proximity sensor before
198    // waking up the screen.  This is set to false as soon as a negative
199    // proximity sensor measurement is observed or when the device is forced to
200    // go to sleep by the user.  While true, the screen remains off.
201    private boolean mWaitingForNegativeProximity;
203    // The actual proximity sensor threshold value.
204    private float mProximityThreshold;
206    // Set to true if the proximity sensor listener has been registered
207    // with the sensor manager.
208    private boolean mProximitySensorEnabled;
210    // The debounced proximity sensor state.
211    private int mProximity = PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN;
213    // The raw non-debounced proximity sensor state.
214    private int mPendingProximity = PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN;
215    private long mPendingProximityDebounceTime = -1; // -1 if fully debounced
217    // True if the screen was turned off because of the proximity sensor.
218    // When the screen turns on again, we report user activity to the power manager.
219    private boolean mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity;
221    // The currently active screen on unblocker.  This field is non-null whenever
222    // we are waiting for a callback to release it and unblock the screen.
223    private ScreenOnUnblocker mPendingScreenOnUnblocker;
225    // True if we were in the process of turning off the screen.
226    // This allows us to recover more gracefully from situations where we abort
227    // turning off the screen.
228    private boolean mPendingScreenOff;
230    // True if we have unfinished business and are holding a suspend blocker.
231    private boolean mUnfinishedBusiness;
233    // The elapsed real time when the screen on was blocked.
234    private long mScreenOnBlockStartRealTime;
236    // Remembers whether certain kinds of brightness adjustments
237    // were recently applied so that we can decide how to transition.
238    private boolean mAppliedAutoBrightness;
239    private boolean mAppliedDimming;
240    private boolean mAppliedLowPower;
242    // The controller for the automatic brightness level.
243    private AutomaticBrightnessController mAutomaticBrightnessController;
245    // Animators.
246    private ObjectAnimator mColorFadeOnAnimator;
247    private ObjectAnimator mColorFadeOffAnimator;
248    private RampAnimator<DisplayPowerState> mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator;
250    /**
251     * Creates the display power controller.
252     */
253    public DisplayPowerController(Context context,
254            DisplayPowerCallbacks callbacks, Handler handler,
255            SensorManager sensorManager, DisplayBlanker blanker) {
256        mHandler = new DisplayControllerHandler(handler.getLooper());
257        mCallbacks = callbacks;
259        mBatteryStats = BatteryStatsService.getService();
260        mLights = LocalServices.getService(LightsManager.class);
261        mSensorManager = sensorManager;
262        mWindowManagerPolicy = LocalServices.getService(WindowManagerPolicy.class);
263        mBlanker = blanker;
264        mContext = context;
266        final Resources resources = context.getResources();
267        final int screenBrightnessSettingMinimum = clampAbsoluteBrightness(resources.getInteger(
268                com.android.internal.R.integer.config_screenBrightnessSettingMinimum));
270        mScreenBrightnessDozeConfig = clampAbsoluteBrightness(resources.getInteger(
271                com.android.internal.R.integer.config_screenBrightnessDoze));
273        mScreenBrightnessDimConfig = clampAbsoluteBrightness(resources.getInteger(
274                com.android.internal.R.integer.config_screenBrightnessDim));
276        mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig = clampAbsoluteBrightness(resources.getInteger(
277                com.android.internal.R.integer.config_screenBrightnessDark));
278        if (mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig > mScreenBrightnessDimConfig) {
279            Slog.w(TAG, "Expected config_screenBrightnessDark ("
280                    + mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig + ") to be less than or equal to "
281                    + "config_screenBrightnessDim (" + mScreenBrightnessDimConfig + ").");
282        }
283        if (mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig > mScreenBrightnessDimConfig) {
284            Slog.w(TAG, "Expected config_screenBrightnessDark ("
285                    + mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig + ") to be less than or equal to "
286                    + "config_screenBrightnessSettingMinimum ("
287                    + screenBrightnessSettingMinimum + ").");
288        }
290        int screenBrightnessRangeMinimum = Math.min(Math.min(
291                screenBrightnessSettingMinimum, mScreenBrightnessDimConfig),
292                mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig);
294        mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum = PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_ON;
296        mUseSoftwareAutoBrightnessConfig = resources.getBoolean(
297                com.android.internal.R.bool.config_automatic_brightness_available);
298        if (mUseSoftwareAutoBrightnessConfig) {
299            int[] lux = resources.getIntArray(
300                    com.android.internal.R.array.config_autoBrightnessLevels);
301            int[] screenBrightness = resources.getIntArray(
302                    com.android.internal.R.array.config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues);
303            int lightSensorWarmUpTimeConfig = resources.getInteger(
304                    com.android.internal.R.integer.config_lightSensorWarmupTime);
306            Spline screenAutoBrightnessSpline = createAutoBrightnessSpline(lux, screenBrightness);
307            if (screenAutoBrightnessSpline == null) {
308                Slog.e(TAG, "Error in config.xml.  config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues "
309                        + "(size " + screenBrightness.length + ") "
310                        + "must be monotic and have exactly one more entry than "
311                        + "config_autoBrightnessLevels (size " + lux.length + ") "
312                        + "which must be strictly increasing.  "
313                        + "Auto-brightness will be disabled.");
314                mUseSoftwareAutoBrightnessConfig = false;
315            } else {
316                int bottom = clampAbsoluteBrightness(screenBrightness[0]);
317                if (mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig > bottom) {
318                    Slog.w(TAG, "config_screenBrightnessDark (" + mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig
319                            + ") should be less than or equal to the first value of "
320                            + "config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues ("
321                            + bottom + ").");
322                }
323                if (bottom < screenBrightnessRangeMinimum) {
324                    screenBrightnessRangeMinimum = bottom;
325                }
326                mAutomaticBrightnessController = new AutomaticBrightnessController(this,
327                        handler.getLooper(), sensorManager, screenAutoBrightnessSpline,
328                        lightSensorWarmUpTimeConfig, screenBrightnessRangeMinimum,
329                        mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum);
330            }
331        }
333        mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum = screenBrightnessRangeMinimum;
335        mColorFadeFadesConfig = resources.getBoolean(
336                com.android.internal.R.bool.config_animateScreenLights);
339            mProximitySensor = mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY);
340            if (mProximitySensor != null) {
341                mProximityThreshold = Math.min(mProximitySensor.getMaximumRange(),
342                        TYPICAL_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD);
343            }
344        }
346    }
348    /**
349     * Returns true if the proximity sensor screen-off function is available.
350     */
351    public boolean isProximitySensorAvailable() {
352        return mProximitySensor != null;
353    }
355    /**
356     * Requests a new power state.
357     * The controller makes a copy of the provided object and then
358     * begins adjusting the power state to match what was requested.
359     *
360     * @param request The requested power state.
361     * @param waitForNegativeProximity If true, issues a request to wait for
362     * negative proximity before turning the screen back on, assuming the screen
363     * was turned off by the proximity sensor.
364     * @return True if display is ready, false if there are important changes that must
365     * be made asynchronously (such as turning the screen on), in which case the caller
366     * should grab a wake lock, watch for {@link DisplayPowerCallbacks#onStateChanged()}
367     * then try the request again later until the state converges.
368     */
369    public boolean requestPowerState(DisplayPowerRequest request,
370            boolean waitForNegativeProximity) {
371        if (DEBUG) {
372            Slog.d(TAG, "requestPowerState: "
373                    + request + ", waitForNegativeProximity=" + waitForNegativeProximity);
374        }
376        synchronized (mLock) {
377            boolean changed = false;
379            if (waitForNegativeProximity
380                    && !mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked) {
381                mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked = true;
382                changed = true;
383            }
385            if (mPendingRequestLocked == null) {
386                mPendingRequestLocked = new DisplayPowerRequest(request);
387                changed = true;
388            } else if (!mPendingRequestLocked.equals(request)) {
389                mPendingRequestLocked.copyFrom(request);
390                changed = true;
391            }
393            if (changed) {
394                mDisplayReadyLocked = false;
395            }
397            if (changed && !mPendingRequestChangedLocked) {
398                mPendingRequestChangedLocked = true;
399                sendUpdatePowerStateLocked();
400            }
402            return mDisplayReadyLocked;
403        }
404    }
406    private void sendUpdatePowerState() {
407        synchronized (mLock) {
408            sendUpdatePowerStateLocked();
409        }
410    }
412    private void sendUpdatePowerStateLocked() {
413        if (!mPendingUpdatePowerStateLocked) {
414            mPendingUpdatePowerStateLocked = true;
415            Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_UPDATE_POWER_STATE);
416            msg.setAsynchronous(true);
417            mHandler.sendMessage(msg);
418        }
419    }
421    private void initialize() {
422        // Initialize the power state object for the default display.
423        // In the future, we might manage multiple displays independently.
424        mPowerState = new DisplayPowerState(mBlanker,
425                mLights.getLight(LightsManager.LIGHT_ID_BACKLIGHT),
426                new ColorFade(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY));
428        mColorFadeOnAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(
429                mPowerState, DisplayPowerState.COLOR_FADE_LEVEL, 0.0f, 1.0f);
430        mColorFadeOnAnimator.setDuration(COLOR_FADE_ON_ANIMATION_DURATION_MILLIS);
431        mColorFadeOnAnimator.addListener(mAnimatorListener);
433        mColorFadeOffAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(
434                mPowerState, DisplayPowerState.COLOR_FADE_LEVEL, 1.0f, 0.0f);
435        mColorFadeOffAnimator.setDuration(COLOR_FADE_OFF_ANIMATION_DURATION_MILLIS);
436        mColorFadeOffAnimator.addListener(mAnimatorListener);
438        mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator = new RampAnimator<DisplayPowerState>(
439                mPowerState, DisplayPowerState.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS);
440        mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator.setListener(mRampAnimatorListener);
442        // Initialize screen state for battery stats.
443        try {
444            mBatteryStats.noteScreenState(mPowerState.getScreenState());
445            mBatteryStats.noteScreenBrightness(mPowerState.getScreenBrightness());
446        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
447            // same process
448        }
449    }
451    private final Animator.AnimatorListener mAnimatorListener = new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
452        @Override
453        public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
454        }
455        @Override
456        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
457            sendUpdatePowerState();
458        }
459        @Override
460        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {
461        }
462        @Override
463        public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {
464        }
465    };
467    private final RampAnimator.Listener mRampAnimatorListener = new RampAnimator.Listener() {
468        @Override
469        public void onAnimationEnd() {
470            sendUpdatePowerState();
471        }
472    };
474    private void updatePowerState() {
475        // Update the power state request.
476        final boolean mustNotify;
477        boolean mustInitialize = false;
478        boolean autoBrightnessAdjustmentChanged = false;
480        synchronized (mLock) {
481            mPendingUpdatePowerStateLocked = false;
482            if (mPendingRequestLocked == null) {
483                return; // wait until first actual power request
484            }
486            if (mPowerRequest == null) {
487                mPowerRequest = new DisplayPowerRequest(mPendingRequestLocked);
488                mWaitingForNegativeProximity = mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked;
489                mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked = false;
490                mPendingRequestChangedLocked = false;
491                mustInitialize = true;
492            } else if (mPendingRequestChangedLocked) {
493                autoBrightnessAdjustmentChanged = (mPowerRequest.screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment
494                        != mPendingRequestLocked.screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment);
495                mPowerRequest.copyFrom(mPendingRequestLocked);
496                mWaitingForNegativeProximity |= mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked;
497                mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked = false;
498                mPendingRequestChangedLocked = false;
499                mDisplayReadyLocked = false;
500            }
502            mustNotify = !mDisplayReadyLocked;
503        }
505        // Initialize things the first time the power state is changed.
506        if (mustInitialize) {
507            initialize();
508        }
510        // Compute the basic display state using the policy.
511        // We might override this below based on other factors.
512        int state;
513        int brightness = PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_DEFAULT;
514        boolean performScreenOffTransition = false;
515        switch (mPowerRequest.policy) {
516            case DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_OFF:
517                state = Display.STATE_OFF;
518                performScreenOffTransition = true;
519                break;
520            case DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_DOZE:
521                if (mPowerRequest.dozeScreenState != Display.STATE_UNKNOWN) {
522                    state = mPowerRequest.dozeScreenState;
523                } else {
524                    state = Display.STATE_DOZE;
525                }
526                brightness = mPowerRequest.dozeScreenBrightness;
527                break;
528            case DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_DIM:
529            case DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_BRIGHT:
530            default:
531                state = Display.STATE_ON;
532                break;
533        }
534        assert(state != Display.STATE_UNKNOWN);
536        // Apply the proximity sensor.
537        if (mProximitySensor != null) {
538            if (mPowerRequest.useProximitySensor && state != Display.STATE_OFF) {
539                setProximitySensorEnabled(true);
540                if (!mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity
541                        && mProximity == PROXIMITY_POSITIVE) {
542                    mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = true;
543                    sendOnProximityPositiveWithWakelock();
544                }
545            } else if (mWaitingForNegativeProximity
546                    && mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity
547                    && mProximity == PROXIMITY_POSITIVE
548                    && state != Display.STATE_OFF) {
549                setProximitySensorEnabled(true);
550            } else {
551                setProximitySensorEnabled(false);
552                mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false;
553            }
554            if (mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity
555                    && mProximity != PROXIMITY_POSITIVE) {
556                mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false;
557                sendOnProximityNegativeWithWakelock();
558            }
559        } else {
560            mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false;
561        }
562        if (mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity) {
563            state = Display.STATE_OFF;
564        }
566        // Animate the screen state change unless already animating.
567        // The transition may be deferred, so after this point we will use the
568        // actual state instead of the desired one.
569        animateScreenStateChange(state, performScreenOffTransition);
570        state = mPowerState.getScreenState();
572        // Use zero brightness when screen is off.
573        if (state == Display.STATE_OFF) {
574            brightness = PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_OFF;
575        }
577        // Use default brightness when dozing unless overridden.
578        if (brightness < 0 && (state == Display.STATE_DOZE
579                || state == Display.STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND)) {
580            brightness = mScreenBrightnessDozeConfig;
581        }
583        // Configure auto-brightness.
584        boolean autoBrightnessEnabled = false;
585        if (mAutomaticBrightnessController != null) {
586            autoBrightnessEnabled = mPowerRequest.useAutoBrightness
587                    && state == Display.STATE_ON && brightness < 0;
588            mAutomaticBrightnessController.configure(autoBrightnessEnabled,
589                    mPowerRequest.screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment);
590        }
592        // Apply brightness boost.
593        // We do this here after configuring auto-brightness so that we don't
594        // disable the light sensor during this temporary state.  That way when
595        // boost ends we will be able to resume normal auto-brightness behavior
596        // without any delay.
597        if (mPowerRequest.boostScreenBrightness
598                && brightness != PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_OFF) {
599            brightness = PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_ON;
600        }
602        // Apply auto-brightness.
603        boolean slowChange = false;
604        if (brightness < 0) {
605            if (autoBrightnessEnabled) {
606                brightness = mAutomaticBrightnessController.getAutomaticScreenBrightness();
607            }
608            if (brightness >= 0) {
609                // Use current auto-brightness value and slowly adjust to changes.
610                brightness = clampScreenBrightness(brightness);
611                if (mAppliedAutoBrightness && !autoBrightnessAdjustmentChanged) {
612                    slowChange = true; // slowly adapt to auto-brightness
613                }
614                mAppliedAutoBrightness = true;
615            } else {
616                mAppliedAutoBrightness = false;
617            }
618        } else {
619            mAppliedAutoBrightness = false;
620        }
622        // Apply manual brightness.
623        // Use the current brightness setting from the request, which is expected
624        // provide a nominal default value for the case where auto-brightness
625        // is not ready yet.
626        if (brightness < 0) {
627            brightness = clampScreenBrightness(mPowerRequest.screenBrightness);
628        }
630        // Apply dimming by at least some minimum amount when user activity
631        // timeout is about to expire.
632        if (mPowerRequest.policy == DisplayPowerRequest.POLICY_DIM) {
633            if (brightness > mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum) {
634                brightness = Math.max(Math.min(brightness - SCREEN_DIM_MINIMUM_REDUCTION,
635                        mScreenBrightnessDimConfig), mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum);
636            }
637            if (!mAppliedDimming) {
638                slowChange = false;
639            }
640            mAppliedDimming = true;
641        }
643        // If low power mode is enabled, cut the brightness level by half
644        // as long as it is above the minimum threshold.
645        if (mPowerRequest.lowPowerMode) {
646            if (brightness > mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum) {
647                brightness = Math.max(brightness / 2, mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum);
648            }
649            if (!mAppliedLowPower) {
650                slowChange = false;
651            }
652            mAppliedLowPower = true;
653        }
655        // Animate the screen brightness when the screen is on or dozing.
656        // Skip the animation when the screen is off or suspended.
657        if (state == Display.STATE_ON || state == Display.STATE_DOZE) {
658            animateScreenBrightness(brightness,
659                    slowChange ? BRIGHTNESS_RAMP_RATE_SLOW : BRIGHTNESS_RAMP_RATE_FAST);
660        } else {
661            animateScreenBrightness(brightness, 0);
662        }
664        // Determine whether the display is ready for use in the newly requested state.
665        // Note that we do not wait for the brightness ramp animation to complete before
666        // reporting the display is ready because we only need to ensure the screen is in the
667        // right power state even as it continues to converge on the desired brightness.
668        final boolean ready = mPendingScreenOnUnblocker == null
669                && !mColorFadeOnAnimator.isStarted()
670                && !mColorFadeOffAnimator.isStarted()
671                && mPowerState.waitUntilClean(mCleanListener);
672        final boolean finished = ready
673                && !mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator.isAnimating();
675        // Grab a wake lock if we have unfinished business.
676        if (!finished && !mUnfinishedBusiness) {
677            if (DEBUG) {
678                Slog.d(TAG, "Unfinished business...");
679            }
680            mCallbacks.acquireSuspendBlocker();
681            mUnfinishedBusiness = true;
682        }
684        // Notify the power manager when ready.
685        if (ready && mustNotify) {
686            // Send state change.
687            synchronized (mLock) {
688                if (!mPendingRequestChangedLocked) {
689                    mDisplayReadyLocked = true;
691                    if (DEBUG) {
692                        Slog.d(TAG, "Display ready!");
693                    }
694                }
695            }
696            sendOnStateChangedWithWakelock();
697        }
699        // Release the wake lock when we have no unfinished business.
700        if (finished && mUnfinishedBusiness) {
701            if (DEBUG) {
702                Slog.d(TAG, "Finished business...");
703            }
704            mUnfinishedBusiness = false;
705            mCallbacks.releaseSuspendBlocker();
706        }
707    }
709    @Override
710    public void updateBrightness() {
711        sendUpdatePowerState();
712    }
714    private void blockScreenOn() {
715        if (mPendingScreenOnUnblocker == null) {
716            Trace.asyncTraceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER, SCREEN_ON_BLOCKED_TRACE_NAME, 0);
717            mPendingScreenOnUnblocker = new ScreenOnUnblocker();
718            mScreenOnBlockStartRealTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
719            Slog.i(TAG, "Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.");
720        }
721    }
723    private void unblockScreenOn() {
724        if (mPendingScreenOnUnblocker != null) {
725            mPendingScreenOnUnblocker = null;
726            long delay = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mScreenOnBlockStartRealTime;
727            Slog.i(TAG, "Unblocked screen on after " + delay + " ms");
728            Trace.asyncTraceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER, SCREEN_ON_BLOCKED_TRACE_NAME, 0);
729        }
730    }
732    private boolean setScreenState(int state) {
733        if (mPowerState.getScreenState() != state) {
734            final boolean wasOn = (mPowerState.getScreenState() != Display.STATE_OFF);
735            mPowerState.setScreenState(state);
737            // Tell battery stats about the transition.
738            try {
739                mBatteryStats.noteScreenState(state);
740            } catch (RemoteException ex) {
741                // same process
742            }
744            // Tell the window manager what's happening.
745            // Temporarily block turning the screen on until the window manager is ready
746            // by leaving a black surface covering the screen.  This surface is essentially
747            // the final state of the color fade animation.
748            boolean isOn = (state != Display.STATE_OFF);
749            if (wasOn && !isOn) {
750                unblockScreenOn();
751                mWindowManagerPolicy.screenTurnedOff();
752            } else if (!wasOn && isOn) {
753                if (mPowerState.getColorFadeLevel() == 0.0f) {
754                    blockScreenOn();
755                } else {
756                    unblockScreenOn();
757                }
758                mWindowManagerPolicy.screenTurningOn(mPendingScreenOnUnblocker);
759            }
760        }
761        return mPendingScreenOnUnblocker == null;
762    }
764    private int clampScreenBrightness(int value) {
765        return MathUtils.constrain(
766                value, mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum, mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum);
767    }
769    private void animateScreenBrightness(int target, int rate) {
770        if (DEBUG) {
771            Slog.d(TAG, "Animating brightness: target=" + target +", rate=" + rate);
772        }
773        if (mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator.animateTo(target, rate)) {
774            try {
775                mBatteryStats.noteScreenBrightness(target);
776            } catch (RemoteException ex) {
777                // same process
778            }
779        }
780    }
782    private void animateScreenStateChange(int target, boolean performScreenOffTransition) {
783        // If there is already an animation in progress, don't interfere with it.
784        if (mColorFadeOnAnimator.isStarted()
785                || mColorFadeOffAnimator.isStarted()) {
786            return;
787        }
789        // If we were in the process of turning off the screen but didn't quite
790        // finish.  Then finish up now to prevent a jarring transition back
791        // to screen on if we skipped blocking screen on as usual.
792        if (mPendingScreenOff && target != Display.STATE_OFF) {
793            setScreenState(Display.STATE_OFF);
794            mPendingScreenOff = false;
795        }
797        if (target == Display.STATE_ON) {
798            // Want screen on.  The contents of the screen may not yet
799            // be visible if the color fade has not been dismissed because
800            // its last frame of animation is solid black.
801            if (!setScreenState(Display.STATE_ON)) {
802                return; // screen on blocked
803            }
804            if (USE_COLOR_FADE_ON_ANIMATION && mPowerRequest.isBrightOrDim()) {
805                // Perform screen on animation.
806                if (mPowerState.getColorFadeLevel() == 1.0f) {
807                    mPowerState.dismissColorFade();
808                } else if (mPowerState.prepareColorFade(mContext,
809                        mColorFadeFadesConfig ?
810                                ColorFade.MODE_FADE :
811                                        ColorFade.MODE_WARM_UP)) {
812                    mColorFadeOnAnimator.start();
813                } else {
814                    mColorFadeOnAnimator.end();
815                }
816            } else {
817                // Skip screen on animation.
818                mPowerState.setColorFadeLevel(1.0f);
819                mPowerState.dismissColorFade();
820            }
821        } else if (target == Display.STATE_DOZE) {
822            // Want screen dozing.
823            // Wait for brightness animation to complete beforehand when entering doze
824            // from screen on to prevent a perceptible jump because brightness may operate
825            // differently when the display is configured for dozing.
826            if (mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator.isAnimating()
827                    && mPowerState.getScreenState() == Display.STATE_ON) {
828                return;
829            }
831            // Set screen state.
832            if (!setScreenState(Display.STATE_DOZE)) {
833                return; // screen on blocked
834            }
836            // Dismiss the black surface without fanfare.
837            mPowerState.setColorFadeLevel(1.0f);
838            mPowerState.dismissColorFade();
839        } else if (target == Display.STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND) {
840            // Want screen dozing and suspended.
841            // Wait for brightness animation to complete beforehand unless already
842            // suspended because we may not be able to change it after suspension.
843            if (mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator.isAnimating()
844                    && mPowerState.getScreenState() != Display.STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND) {
845                return;
846            }
848            // If not already suspending, temporarily set the state to doze until the
849            // screen on is unblocked, then suspend.
850            if (mPowerState.getScreenState() != Display.STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND) {
851                if (!setScreenState(Display.STATE_DOZE)) {
852                    return; // screen on blocked
853                }
854                setScreenState(Display.STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND); // already on so can't block
855            }
857            // Dismiss the black surface without fanfare.
858            mPowerState.setColorFadeLevel(1.0f);
859            mPowerState.dismissColorFade();
860        } else {
861            // Want screen off.
862            mPendingScreenOff = true;
863            if (mPowerState.getColorFadeLevel() == 0.0f) {
864                // Turn the screen off.
865                // A black surface is already hiding the contents of the screen.
866                setScreenState(Display.STATE_OFF);
867                mPendingScreenOff = false;
868            } else if (performScreenOffTransition
869                    && mPowerState.prepareColorFade(mContext,
870                            mColorFadeFadesConfig ?
871                                    ColorFade.MODE_FADE : ColorFade.MODE_COOL_DOWN)
872                    && mPowerState.getScreenState() != Display.STATE_OFF) {
873                // Perform the screen off animation.
874                mColorFadeOffAnimator.start();
875            } else {
876                // Skip the screen off animation and add a black surface to hide the
877                // contents of the screen.
878                mColorFadeOffAnimator.end();
879            }
880        }
881    }
883    private final Runnable mCleanListener = new Runnable() {
884        @Override
885        public void run() {
886            sendUpdatePowerState();
887        }
888    };
890    private void setProximitySensorEnabled(boolean enable) {
891        if (enable) {
892            if (!mProximitySensorEnabled) {
893                // Register the listener.
894                // Proximity sensor state already cleared initially.
895                mProximitySensorEnabled = true;
896                mSensorManager.registerListener(mProximitySensorListener, mProximitySensor,
897                        SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL, mHandler);
898            }
899        } else {
900            if (mProximitySensorEnabled) {
901                // Unregister the listener.
902                // Clear the proximity sensor state for next time.
903                mProximitySensorEnabled = false;
904                mProximity = PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN;
905                mPendingProximity = PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN;
906                mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_PROXIMITY_SENSOR_DEBOUNCED);
907                mSensorManager.unregisterListener(mProximitySensorListener);
908                clearPendingProximityDebounceTime(); // release wake lock (must be last)
909            }
910        }
911    }
913    private void handleProximitySensorEvent(long time, boolean positive) {
914        if (mProximitySensorEnabled) {
915            if (mPendingProximity == PROXIMITY_NEGATIVE && !positive) {
916                return; // no change
917            }
918            if (mPendingProximity == PROXIMITY_POSITIVE && positive) {
919                return; // no change
920            }
922            // Only accept a proximity sensor reading if it remains
923            // stable for the entire debounce delay.  We hold a wake lock while
924            // debouncing the sensor.
925            mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_PROXIMITY_SENSOR_DEBOUNCED);
926            if (positive) {
927                mPendingProximity = PROXIMITY_POSITIVE;
928                setPendingProximityDebounceTime(
929                        time + PROXIMITY_SENSOR_POSITIVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY); // acquire wake lock
930            } else {
931                mPendingProximity = PROXIMITY_NEGATIVE;
932                setPendingProximityDebounceTime(
933                        time + PROXIMITY_SENSOR_NEGATIVE_DEBOUNCE_DELAY); // acquire wake lock
934            }
936            // Debounce the new sensor reading.
937            debounceProximitySensor();
938        }
939    }
941    private void debounceProximitySensor() {
942        if (mProximitySensorEnabled
943                && mPendingProximity != PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN
944                && mPendingProximityDebounceTime >= 0) {
945            final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
946            if (mPendingProximityDebounceTime <= now) {
947                // Sensor reading accepted.  Apply the change then release the wake lock.
948                mProximity = mPendingProximity;
949                updatePowerState();
950                clearPendingProximityDebounceTime(); // release wake lock (must be last)
951            } else {
952                // Need to wait a little longer.
953                // Debounce again later.  We continue holding a wake lock while waiting.
954                Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_PROXIMITY_SENSOR_DEBOUNCED);
955                msg.setAsynchronous(true);
956                mHandler.sendMessageAtTime(msg, mPendingProximityDebounceTime);
957            }
958        }
959    }
961    private void clearPendingProximityDebounceTime() {
962        if (mPendingProximityDebounceTime >= 0) {
963            mPendingProximityDebounceTime = -1;
964            mCallbacks.releaseSuspendBlocker(); // release wake lock
965        }
966    }
968    private void setPendingProximityDebounceTime(long debounceTime) {
969        if (mPendingProximityDebounceTime < 0) {
970            mCallbacks.acquireSuspendBlocker(); // acquire wake lock
971        }
972        mPendingProximityDebounceTime = debounceTime;
973    }
975    private void sendOnStateChangedWithWakelock() {
976        mCallbacks.acquireSuspendBlocker();
977        mHandler.post(mOnStateChangedRunnable);
978    }
980    private final Runnable mOnStateChangedRunnable = new Runnable() {
981        @Override
982        public void run() {
983            mCallbacks.onStateChanged();
984            mCallbacks.releaseSuspendBlocker();
985        }
986    };
988    private void sendOnProximityPositiveWithWakelock() {
989        mCallbacks.acquireSuspendBlocker();
990        mHandler.post(mOnProximityPositiveRunnable);
991    }
993    private final Runnable mOnProximityPositiveRunnable = new Runnable() {
994        @Override
995        public void run() {
996            mCallbacks.onProximityPositive();
997            mCallbacks.releaseSuspendBlocker();
998        }
999    };
1001    private void sendOnProximityNegativeWithWakelock() {
1002        mCallbacks.acquireSuspendBlocker();
1003        mHandler.post(mOnProximityNegativeRunnable);
1004    }
1006    private final Runnable mOnProximityNegativeRunnable = new Runnable() {
1007        @Override
1008        public void run() {
1009            mCallbacks.onProximityNegative();
1010            mCallbacks.releaseSuspendBlocker();
1011        }
1012    };
1014    public void dump(final PrintWriter pw) {
1015        synchronized (mLock) {
1016            pw.println();
1017            pw.println("Display Power Controller Locked State:");
1018            pw.println("  mDisplayReadyLocked=" + mDisplayReadyLocked);
1019            pw.println("  mPendingRequestLocked=" + mPendingRequestLocked);
1020            pw.println("  mPendingRequestChangedLocked=" + mPendingRequestChangedLocked);
1021            pw.println("  mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked="
1022                    + mPendingWaitForNegativeProximityLocked);
1023            pw.println("  mPendingUpdatePowerStateLocked=" + mPendingUpdatePowerStateLocked);
1024        }
1026        pw.println();
1027        pw.println("Display Power Controller Configuration:");
1028        pw.println("  mScreenBrightnessDozeConfig=" + mScreenBrightnessDozeConfig);
1029        pw.println("  mScreenBrightnessDimConfig=" + mScreenBrightnessDimConfig);
1030        pw.println("  mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig=" + mScreenBrightnessDarkConfig);
1031        pw.println("  mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum=" + mScreenBrightnessRangeMinimum);
1032        pw.println("  mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum=" + mScreenBrightnessRangeMaximum);
1033        pw.println("  mUseSoftwareAutoBrightnessConfig=" + mUseSoftwareAutoBrightnessConfig);
1034        pw.println("  mColorFadeFadesConfig=" + mColorFadeFadesConfig);
1036        mHandler.runWithScissors(new Runnable() {
1037            @Override
1038            public void run() {
1039                dumpLocal(pw);
1040            }
1041        }, 1000);
1042    }
1044    private void dumpLocal(PrintWriter pw) {
1045        pw.println();
1046        pw.println("Display Power Controller Thread State:");
1047        pw.println("  mPowerRequest=" + mPowerRequest);
1048        pw.println("  mWaitingForNegativeProximity=" + mWaitingForNegativeProximity);
1050        pw.println("  mProximitySensor=" + mProximitySensor);
1051        pw.println("  mProximitySensorEnabled=" + mProximitySensorEnabled);
1052        pw.println("  mProximityThreshold=" + mProximityThreshold);
1053        pw.println("  mProximity=" + proximityToString(mProximity));
1054        pw.println("  mPendingProximity=" + proximityToString(mPendingProximity));
1055        pw.println("  mPendingProximityDebounceTime="
1056                + TimeUtils.formatUptime(mPendingProximityDebounceTime));
1057        pw.println("  mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity=" + mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity);
1058        pw.println("  mAppliedAutoBrightness=" + mAppliedAutoBrightness);
1059        pw.println("  mAppliedDimming=" + mAppliedDimming);
1060        pw.println("  mAppliedLowPower=" + mAppliedLowPower);
1061        pw.println("  mPendingScreenOnUnblocker=" + mPendingScreenOnUnblocker);
1062        pw.println("  mPendingScreenOff=" + mPendingScreenOff);
1064        pw.println("  mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator.isAnimating()=" +
1065                mScreenBrightnessRampAnimator.isAnimating());
1067        if (mColorFadeOnAnimator != null) {
1068            pw.println("  mColorFadeOnAnimator.isStarted()=" +
1069                    mColorFadeOnAnimator.isStarted());
1070        }
1071        if (mColorFadeOffAnimator != null) {
1072            pw.println("  mColorFadeOffAnimator.isStarted()=" +
1073                    mColorFadeOffAnimator.isStarted());
1074        }
1076        if (mPowerState != null) {
1077            mPowerState.dump(pw);
1078        }
1080        if (mAutomaticBrightnessController != null) {
1081            mAutomaticBrightnessController.dump(pw);
1082        }
1084    }
1086    private static String proximityToString(int state) {
1087        switch (state) {
1088            case PROXIMITY_UNKNOWN:
1089                return "Unknown";
1090            case PROXIMITY_NEGATIVE:
1091                return "Negative";
1092            case PROXIMITY_POSITIVE:
1093                return "Positive";
1094            default:
1095                return Integer.toString(state);
1096        }
1097    }
1099    private static Spline createAutoBrightnessSpline(int[] lux, int[] brightness) {
1100        try {
1101            final int n = brightness.length;
1102            float[] x = new float[n];
1103            float[] y = new float[n];
1104            y[0] = normalizeAbsoluteBrightness(brightness[0]);
1105            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
1106                x[i] = lux[i - 1];
1107                y[i] = normalizeAbsoluteBrightness(brightness[i]);
1108            }
1110            Spline spline = Spline.createSpline(x, y);
1111            if (DEBUG) {
1112                Slog.d(TAG, "Auto-brightness spline: " + spline);
1113                for (float v = 1f; v < lux[lux.length - 1] * 1.25f; v *= 1.25f) {
1114                    Slog.d(TAG, String.format("  %7.1f: %7.1f", v, spline.interpolate(v)));
1115                }
1116            }
1117            return spline;
1118        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
1119            Slog.e(TAG, "Could not create auto-brightness spline.", ex);
1120            return null;
1121        }
1122    }
1124    private static float normalizeAbsoluteBrightness(int value) {
1125        return (float)clampAbsoluteBrightness(value) / PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_ON;
1126    }
1128    private static int clampAbsoluteBrightness(int value) {
1129        return MathUtils.constrain(value, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_OFF, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_ON);
1130    }
1132    private final class DisplayControllerHandler extends Handler {
1133        public DisplayControllerHandler(Looper looper) {
1134            super(looper, null, true /*async*/);
1135        }
1137        @Override
1138        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
1139            switch (msg.what) {
1140                case MSG_UPDATE_POWER_STATE:
1141                    updatePowerState();
1142                    break;
1144                case MSG_PROXIMITY_SENSOR_DEBOUNCED:
1145                    debounceProximitySensor();
1146                    break;
1148                case MSG_SCREEN_ON_UNBLOCKED:
1149                    if (mPendingScreenOnUnblocker == msg.obj) {
1150                        unblockScreenOn();
1151                        updatePowerState();
1152                    }
1153                    break;
1154            }
1155        }
1156    }
1158    private final SensorEventListener mProximitySensorListener = new SensorEventListener() {
1159        @Override
1160        public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
1161            if (mProximitySensorEnabled) {
1162                final long time = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
1163                final float distance = event.values[0];
1164                boolean positive = distance >= 0.0f && distance < mProximityThreshold;
1165                handleProximitySensorEvent(time, positive);
1166            }
1167        }
1169        @Override
1170        public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
1171            // Not used.
1172        }
1173    };
1175    private final class ScreenOnUnblocker implements WindowManagerPolicy.ScreenOnListener {
1176        @Override
1177        public void onScreenOn() {
1178            Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_SCREEN_ON_UNBLOCKED, this);
1179            msg.setAsynchronous(true);
1180            mHandler.sendMessage(msg);
1181        }
1182    }