LocalDisplayAdapter.java revision 361ca21acc0831a9f8bbb259bb30218c252a2aa0
2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.server.display;
19import android.content.Context;
20import android.os.Handler;
21import android.os.IBinder;
22import android.os.Looper;
23import android.os.SystemProperties;
24import android.os.Trace;
25import android.util.Slog;
26import android.util.SparseArray;
27import android.view.Display;
28import android.view.DisplayEventReceiver;
29import android.view.Surface;
30import android.view.SurfaceControl;
32import java.io.PrintWriter;
33import java.util.Arrays;
36 * A display adapter for the local displays managed by Surface Flinger.
37 * <p>
38 * Display adapters are guarded by the {@link DisplayManagerService.SyncRoot} lock.
39 * </p>
40 */
41final class LocalDisplayAdapter extends DisplayAdapter {
42    private static final String TAG = "LocalDisplayAdapter";
44    private static final String UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX = "local:";
46    private static final int[] BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_IDS_TO_SCAN = new int[] {
47            SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN,
48            SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_HDMI,
49    };
51    private final SparseArray<LocalDisplayDevice> mDevices =
52            new SparseArray<LocalDisplayDevice>();
53    private HotplugDisplayEventReceiver mHotplugReceiver;
55    // Called with SyncRoot lock held.
56    public LocalDisplayAdapter(DisplayManagerService.SyncRoot syncRoot,
57            Context context, Handler handler, Listener listener) {
58        super(syncRoot, context, handler, listener, TAG);
59    }
61    @Override
62    public void registerLocked() {
63        super.registerLocked();
65        mHotplugReceiver = new HotplugDisplayEventReceiver(getHandler().getLooper());
67        for (int builtInDisplayId : BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_IDS_TO_SCAN) {
68            tryConnectDisplayLocked(builtInDisplayId);
69        }
70    }
72    private void tryConnectDisplayLocked(int builtInDisplayId) {
73        IBinder displayToken = SurfaceControl.getBuiltInDisplay(builtInDisplayId);
74        if (displayToken != null) {
75            SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo[] configs =
76                    SurfaceControl.getDisplayConfigs(displayToken);
77            if (configs == null) {
78                // There are no valid configs for this device, so we can't use it
79                Slog.w(TAG, "No valid configs found for display device " +
80                        builtInDisplayId);
81                return;
82            }
83            int activeConfig = SurfaceControl.getActiveConfig(displayToken);
84            if (activeConfig < 0) {
85                // There is no active config, and for now we don't have the
86                // policy to set one.
87                Slog.w(TAG, "No active config found for display device " +
88                        builtInDisplayId);
89                return;
90            }
91            LocalDisplayDevice device = mDevices.get(builtInDisplayId);
92            if (device == null) {
93                // Display was added.
94                device = new LocalDisplayDevice(displayToken, builtInDisplayId,
95                        configs, activeConfig);
96                mDevices.put(builtInDisplayId, device);
97                sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked(device, DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_ADDED);
98            } else if (device.updatePhysicalDisplayInfoLocked(configs, activeConfig)) {
99                // Display properties changed.
100                sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked(device, DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_CHANGED);
101            }
102        } else {
103            // The display is no longer available. Ignore the attempt to add it.
104            // If it was connected but has already been disconnected, we'll get a
105            // disconnect event that will remove it from mDevices.
106        }
107    }
109    private void tryDisconnectDisplayLocked(int builtInDisplayId) {
110        LocalDisplayDevice device = mDevices.get(builtInDisplayId);
111        if (device != null) {
112            // Display was removed.
113            mDevices.remove(builtInDisplayId);
114            sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked(device, DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_REMOVED);
115        }
116    }
118    static int getPowerModeForState(int state) {
119        switch (state) {
120            case Display.STATE_OFF:
121                return SurfaceControl.POWER_MODE_OFF;
122            case Display.STATE_DOZE:
123                return SurfaceControl.POWER_MODE_DOZE;
124            case Display.STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND:
125                return SurfaceControl.POWER_MODE_DOZE_SUSPEND;
126            default:
127                return SurfaceControl.POWER_MODE_NORMAL;
128        }
129    }
131    private final class LocalDisplayDevice extends DisplayDevice {
132        private final int mBuiltInDisplayId;
133        private final SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo mPhys;
134        private final int mDefaultPhysicalDisplayInfo;
136        private DisplayDeviceInfo mInfo;
137        private boolean mHavePendingChanges;
138        private int mState = Display.STATE_UNKNOWN;
139        private float[] mSupportedRefreshRates;
140        private int[] mRefreshRateConfigIndices;
141        private float mLastRequestedRefreshRate;
143        public LocalDisplayDevice(IBinder displayToken, int builtInDisplayId,
144                SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo[] physicalDisplayInfos, int activeDisplayInfo) {
145            super(LocalDisplayAdapter.this, displayToken, UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + builtInDisplayId);
146            mBuiltInDisplayId = builtInDisplayId;
147            mPhys = new SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo(
148                    physicalDisplayInfos[activeDisplayInfo]);
149            mDefaultPhysicalDisplayInfo = activeDisplayInfo;
150            updateSupportedRefreshRatesLocked(physicalDisplayInfos, mPhys);
151        }
153        public boolean updatePhysicalDisplayInfoLocked(
154                SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo[] physicalDisplayInfos, int activeDisplayInfo) {
155            SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo newPhys = physicalDisplayInfos[activeDisplayInfo];
156            if (!mPhys.equals(newPhys)) {
157                mPhys.copyFrom(newPhys);
158                updateSupportedRefreshRatesLocked(physicalDisplayInfos, mPhys);
159                mHavePendingChanges = true;
160                return true;
161            }
162            return false;
163        }
165        @Override
166        public void applyPendingDisplayDeviceInfoChangesLocked() {
167            if (mHavePendingChanges) {
168                mInfo = null;
169                mHavePendingChanges = false;
170            }
171        }
173        @Override
174        public DisplayDeviceInfo getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked() {
175            if (mInfo == null) {
176                mInfo = new DisplayDeviceInfo();
177                mInfo.width = mPhys.width;
178                mInfo.height = mPhys.height;
179                mInfo.refreshRate = mPhys.refreshRate;
180                mInfo.supportedRefreshRates = mSupportedRefreshRates;
181                mInfo.appVsyncOffsetNanos = mPhys.appVsyncOffsetNanos;
182                mInfo.presentationDeadlineNanos = mPhys.presentationDeadlineNanos;
183                mInfo.state = mState;
184                mInfo.uniqueId = getUniqueId();
186                // Assume that all built-in displays that have secure output (eg. HDCP) also
187                // support compositing from gralloc protected buffers.
188                if (mPhys.secure) {
189                    mInfo.flags = DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_SECURE
190                            | DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS;
191                }
193                if (mBuiltInDisplayId == SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN) {
194                    mInfo.name = getContext().getResources().getString(
195                            com.android.internal.R.string.display_manager_built_in_display_name);
196                    mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY
197                            | DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT;
198                    mInfo.type = Display.TYPE_BUILT_IN;
199                    mInfo.densityDpi = (int)(mPhys.density * 160 + 0.5f);
200                    mInfo.xDpi = mPhys.xDpi;
201                    mInfo.yDpi = mPhys.yDpi;
202                    mInfo.touch = DisplayDeviceInfo.TOUCH_INTERNAL;
203                } else {
204                    mInfo.type = Display.TYPE_HDMI;
205                    mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_PRESENTATION;
206                    mInfo.name = getContext().getResources().getString(
207                            com.android.internal.R.string.display_manager_hdmi_display_name);
208                    mInfo.touch = DisplayDeviceInfo.TOUCH_EXTERNAL;
209                    mInfo.setAssumedDensityForExternalDisplay(mPhys.width, mPhys.height);
211                    // For demonstration purposes, allow rotation of the external display.
212                    // In the future we might allow the user to configure this directly.
213                    if ("portrait".equals(SystemProperties.get("persist.demo.hdmirotation"))) {
214                        mInfo.rotation = Surface.ROTATION_270;
215                    }
217                    // For demonstration purposes, allow rotation of the external display
218                    // to follow the built-in display.
219                    if (SystemProperties.getBoolean("persist.demo.hdmirotates", false)) {
220                        mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT;
221                    }
222                }
223            }
224            return mInfo;
225        }
227        @Override
228        public Runnable requestDisplayStateLocked(final int state) {
229            if (mState != state) {
230                final int displayId = mBuiltInDisplayId;
231                final IBinder token = getDisplayTokenLocked();
232                final int mode = getPowerModeForState(state);
233                mState = state;
234                updateDeviceInfoLocked();
236                // Defer actually setting the display power mode until we have exited
237                // the critical section since it can take hundreds of milliseconds
238                // to complete.
239                return new Runnable() {
240                    @Override
241                    public void run() {
242                        Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER, "requestDisplayState("
243                                + Display.stateToString(state) + ", id=" + displayId + ")");
244                        try {
245                            SurfaceControl.setDisplayPowerMode(token, mode);
246                        } finally {
247                            Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER);
248                        }
249                    }
250                };
251            }
252            return null;
253        }
255        @Override
256        public void requestRefreshRateLocked(float refreshRate) {
257            if (mLastRequestedRefreshRate == refreshRate) {
258                return;
259            }
260            mLastRequestedRefreshRate = refreshRate;
261            if (refreshRate != 0) {
262                final int N = mSupportedRefreshRates.length;
263                for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
264                    if (refreshRate == mSupportedRefreshRates[i]) {
265                        final int configIndex = mRefreshRateConfigIndices[i];
266                        SurfaceControl.setActiveConfig(getDisplayTokenLocked(), configIndex);
267                        return;
268                    }
269                }
270                Slog.w(TAG, "Requested refresh rate " + refreshRate + " is unsupported.");
271            }
272            SurfaceControl.setActiveConfig(getDisplayTokenLocked(), mDefaultPhysicalDisplayInfo);
273        }
275        @Override
276        public void dumpLocked(PrintWriter pw) {
277            super.dumpLocked(pw);
278            pw.println("mBuiltInDisplayId=" + mBuiltInDisplayId);
279            pw.println("mPhys=" + mPhys);
280            pw.println("mState=" + Display.stateToString(mState));
281        }
283        private void updateDeviceInfoLocked() {
284            mInfo = null;
285            sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked(this, DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_CHANGED);
286        }
288        private void updateSupportedRefreshRatesLocked(
289                SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo[] physicalDisplayInfos,
290                SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo activePhys) {
291            final int N = physicalDisplayInfos.length;
292            int idx = 0;
293            mSupportedRefreshRates = new float[N];
294            mRefreshRateConfigIndices = new int[N];
295            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
296                final SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo phys = physicalDisplayInfos[i];
297                if (activePhys.width == phys.width
298                        && activePhys.height == phys.height
299                        && activePhys.density == phys.density
300                        && activePhys.xDpi == phys.xDpi
301                        && activePhys.yDpi == phys.yDpi) {
302                    mSupportedRefreshRates[idx] = phys.refreshRate;
303                    mRefreshRateConfigIndices[idx++] = i;
304                }
305            }
306            if (idx != N) {
307                mSupportedRefreshRates = Arrays.copyOfRange(mSupportedRefreshRates, 0, idx);
308                mRefreshRateConfigIndices = Arrays.copyOfRange(mRefreshRateConfigIndices, 0, idx);
309            }
310        }
311    }
313    private final class HotplugDisplayEventReceiver extends DisplayEventReceiver {
314        public HotplugDisplayEventReceiver(Looper looper) {
315            super(looper);
316        }
318        @Override
319        public void onHotplug(long timestampNanos, int builtInDisplayId, boolean connected) {
320            synchronized (getSyncRoot()) {
321                if (connected) {
322                    tryConnectDisplayLocked(builtInDisplayId);
323                } else {
324                    tryDisconnectDisplayLocked(builtInDisplayId);
325                }
326            }
327        }
328    }