revision 5568f54e14e213ac100cacbbf57689faa6dd3d59
2 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License
15 */
21import java.util.ArrayList;
22import java.util.Iterator;
23import java.util.List;
30import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
31import android.content.ComponentName;
32import android.content.Context;
33import android.content.Intent;
34import android.content.IntentFilter;
38import android.os.Binder;
39import android.os.Handler;
40import android.os.Looper;
41import android.os.Message;
42import android.os.RemoteException;
43import android.os.SystemClock;
44import android.os.UserHandle;
45import android.util.Slog;
46import android.util.SparseArray;
55import java.util.LinkedList;
58 * Responsible for taking jobs representing work to be performed by a client app, and determining
59 * based on the criteria specified when that job should be run against the client application's
60 * endpoint.
61 * Implements logic for scheduling, and rescheduling jobs. The JobSchedulerService knows nothing
62 * about constraints, or the state of active jobs. It receives callbacks from the various
63 * controllers and completed jobs and operates accordingly.
64 *
65 * Note on locking: Any operations that manipulate {@link #mJobs} need to lock on that object.
66 * Any function with the suffix 'Locked' also needs to lock on {@link #mJobs}.
67 * @hide
68 */
69public class JobSchedulerService extends
70        implements StateChangedListener, JobCompletedListener, JobMapReadFinishedListener {
71    // TODO: Switch this off for final version.
72    static final boolean DEBUG = true;
73    /** The number of concurrent jobs we run at one time. */
74    private static final int MAX_JOB_CONTEXTS_COUNT = 3;
75    static final String TAG = "JobManagerService";
76    /** Master list of jobs. */
77    private final JobStore mJobs;
79    static final int MSG_JOB_EXPIRED = 0;
80    static final int MSG_CHECK_JOB = 1;
82    // Policy constants
83    /**
84     * Minimum # of idle jobs that must be ready in order to force the JMS to schedule things
85     * early.
86     */
87    private static final int MIN_IDLE_COUNT = 1;
88    /**
89     * Minimum # of connectivity jobs that must be ready in order to force the JMS to schedule
90     * things early.
91     */
92    private static final int MIN_CONNECTIVITY_COUNT = 2;
93    /**
94     * Minimum # of jobs (with no particular constraints) for which the JMS will be happy running
95     * some work early.
96     */
97    private static final int MIN_READY_JOBS_COUNT = 4;
99    /**
100     * Track Services that have currently active or pending jobs. The index is provided by
101     * {@link JobStatus#getServiceToken()}
102     */
103    private final List<JobServiceContext> mActiveServices = new LinkedList<JobServiceContext>();
104    /** List of controllers that will notify this service of updates to jobs. */
105    private List<StateController> mControllers;
106    /**
107     * Queue of pending jobs. The JobServiceContext class will receive jobs from this list
108     * when ready to execute them.
109     */
110    private final LinkedList<JobStatus> mPendingJobs = new LinkedList<JobStatus>();
112    private final JobHandler mHandler;
113    private final JobSchedulerStub mJobSchedulerStub;
114    /**
115     * Cleans up outstanding jobs when a package is removed. Even if it's being replaced later we
116     * still clean up. On reinstall the package will have a new uid.
117     */
118    private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
119        @Override
120        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
121            Slog.d(TAG, "Receieved: " + intent.getAction());
122            if (Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED.equals(intent.getAction())) {
123                int uidRemoved = intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_UID, -1);
124                if (DEBUG) {
125                    Slog.d(TAG, "Removing jobs for uid: " + uidRemoved);
126                }
127                cancelJobsForUid(uidRemoved);
128            } else if (Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED.equals(intent.getAction())) {
129                final int userId = intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, 0);
130                if (DEBUG) {
131                    Slog.d(TAG, "Removing jobs for user: " + userId);
132                }
133                cancelJobsForUser(userId);
134            }
135        }
136    };
138    /**
139     * Entry point from client to schedule the provided job.
140     * This cancels the job if it's already been scheduled, and replaces it with the one provided.
141     * @param job JobInfo object containing execution parameters
142     * @param uId The package identifier of the application this job is for.
143     * @param canPersistJob Whether or not the client has the appropriate permissions for
144     *                       persisting this job.
145     * @return Result of this operation. See <code>JobScheduler#RESULT_*</code> return codes.
146     */
147    public int schedule(JobInfo job, int uId, boolean canPersistJob) {
148        JobStatus jobStatus = new JobStatus(job, uId, canPersistJob);
149        cancelJob(uId, job.getId());
150        startTrackingJob(jobStatus);
151        return JobScheduler.RESULT_SUCCESS;
152    }
154    public List<JobInfo> getPendingJobs(int uid) {
155        ArrayList<JobInfo> outList = new ArrayList<JobInfo>();
156        synchronized (mJobs) {
157            for (JobStatus job : mJobs.getJobs()) {
158                if (job.getUid() == uid) {
159                    outList.add(job.getJob());
160                }
161            }
162        }
163        return outList;
164    }
166    private void cancelJobsForUser(int userHandle) {
167        synchronized (mJobs) {
168            List<JobStatus> jobsForUser = mJobs.getJobsByUser(userHandle);
169            for (JobStatus toRemove : jobsForUser) {
170                if (DEBUG) {
171                    Slog.d(TAG, "Cancelling: " + toRemove);
172                }
173                cancelJobLocked(toRemove);
174            }
175        }
176    }
178    /**
179     * Entry point from client to cancel all jobs originating from their uid.
180     * This will remove the job from the master list, and cancel the job if it was staged for
181     * execution or being executed.
182     * @param uid To check against for removal of a job.
183     */
184    public void cancelJobsForUid(int uid) {
185        // Remove from master list.
186        synchronized (mJobs) {
187            List<JobStatus> jobsForUid = mJobs.getJobsByUid(uid);
188            for (JobStatus toRemove : jobsForUid) {
189                if (DEBUG) {
190                    Slog.d(TAG, "Cancelling: " + toRemove);
191                }
192                cancelJobLocked(toRemove);
193            }
194        }
195    }
197    /**
198     * Entry point from client to cancel the job corresponding to the jobId provided.
199     * This will remove the job from the master list, and cancel the job if it was staged for
200     * execution or being executed.
201     * @param uid Uid of the calling client.
202     * @param jobId Id of the job, provided at schedule-time.
203     */
204    public void cancelJob(int uid, int jobId) {
205        JobStatus toCancel;
206        synchronized (mJobs) {
207            toCancel = mJobs.getJobByUidAndJobId(uid, jobId);
208            if (toCancel != null) {
209                cancelJobLocked(toCancel);
210            }
211        }
212    }
214    private void cancelJobLocked(JobStatus cancelled) {
215        // Remove from store.
216        stopTrackingJob(cancelled);
217        // Remove from pending queue.
218        mPendingJobs.remove(cancelled);
219        // Cancel if running.
220        stopJobOnServiceContextLocked(cancelled);
221    }
223    /**
224     * Initializes the system service.
225     * <p>
226     * Subclasses must define a single argument constructor that accepts the context
227     * and passes it to super.
228     * </p>
229     *
230     * @param context The system server context.
231     */
232    public JobSchedulerService(Context context) {
233        super(context);
234        // Create the controllers.
235        mControllers = new LinkedList<StateController>();
236        mControllers.add(ConnectivityController.get(this));
237        mControllers.add(TimeController.get(this));
238        mControllers.add(IdleController.get(this));
239        mControllers.add(BatteryController.get(this));
241        mHandler = new JobHandler(context.getMainLooper());
242        mJobSchedulerStub = new JobSchedulerStub();
243        // Create the "runners".
244        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_JOB_CONTEXTS_COUNT; i++) {
245            mActiveServices.add(
246                    new JobServiceContext(this, context.getMainLooper()));
247        }
248        mJobs = JobStore.initAndGet(this);
249    }
251    @Override
252    public void onStart() {
253        publishBinderService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE, mJobSchedulerStub);
254    }
256    @Override
257    public void onBootPhase(int phase) {
258        if (PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY == phase) {
259            // Register br for package removals and user removals.
260            final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED);
261            filter.addDataScheme("package");
262            getContext().registerReceiverAsUser(
263                    mBroadcastReceiver, UserHandle.ALL, filter, null, null);
264            final IntentFilter userFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED);
265            getContext().registerReceiverAsUser(
266                    mBroadcastReceiver, UserHandle.ALL, userFilter, null, null);
267        }
268    }
270    /**
271     * Called when we have a job status object that we need to insert in our
272     * {@link}, and make sure all the relevant controllers know
273     * about.
274     */
275    private void startTrackingJob(JobStatus jobStatus) {
276        boolean update;
277        synchronized (mJobs) {
278            update = mJobs.add(jobStatus);
279        }
280        for (StateController controller : mControllers) {
281            if (update) {
282                controller.maybeStopTrackingJob(jobStatus);
283            }
284            controller.maybeStartTrackingJob(jobStatus);
285        }
286    }
288    /**
289     * Called when we want to remove a JobStatus object that we've finished executing. Returns the
290     * object removed.
291     */
292    private boolean stopTrackingJob(JobStatus jobStatus) {
293        boolean removed;
294        synchronized (mJobs) {
295            // Remove from store as well as controllers.
296            removed = mJobs.remove(jobStatus);
297        }
298        if (removed) {
299            for (StateController controller : mControllers) {
300                controller.maybeStopTrackingJob(jobStatus);
301            }
302        }
303        return removed;
304    }
306    private boolean stopJobOnServiceContextLocked(JobStatus job) {
307        for (JobServiceContext jsc : mActiveServices) {
308            final JobStatus executing = jsc.getRunningJob();
309            if (executing != null && executing.matches(job.getUid(), job.getJobId())) {
310                jsc.cancelExecutingJob();
311                return true;
312            }
313        }
314        return false;
315    }
317    /**
318     * @param job JobStatus we are querying against.
319     * @return Whether or not the job represented by the status object is currently being run or
320     * is pending.
321     */
322    private boolean isCurrentlyActiveLocked(JobStatus job) {
323        for (JobServiceContext serviceContext : mActiveServices) {
324            final JobStatus running = serviceContext.getRunningJob();
325            if (running != null && running.matches(job.getUid(), job.getJobId())) {
326                return true;
327            }
328        }
329        return false;
330    }
332    /**
333     * A job is rescheduled with exponential back-off if the client requests this from their
334     * execution logic.
335     * A caveat is for idle-mode jobs, for which the idle-mode constraint will usurp the
336     * timeliness of the reschedule. For an idle-mode job, no deadline is given.
337     * @param failureToReschedule Provided job status that we will reschedule.
338     * @return A newly instantiated JobStatus with the same constraints as the last job except
339     * with adjusted timing constraints.
340     */
341    private JobStatus getRescheduleJobForFailure(JobStatus failureToReschedule) {
342        final long elapsedNowMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
343        final JobInfo job = failureToReschedule.getJob();
345        final long initialBackoffMillis = job.getInitialBackoffMillis();
346        final int backoffAttempt = failureToReschedule.getNumFailures() + 1;
347        long newEarliestRuntimeElapsed = elapsedNowMillis;
349        switch (job.getBackoffPolicy()) {
350            case JobInfo.BackoffPolicy.LINEAR:
351                newEarliestRuntimeElapsed += initialBackoffMillis * backoffAttempt;
352                break;
353            default:
354                if (DEBUG) {
355                    Slog.v(TAG, "Unrecognised back-off policy, defaulting to exponential.");
356                }
357            case JobInfo.BackoffPolicy.EXPONENTIAL:
358                newEarliestRuntimeElapsed +=
359                        Math.pow(initialBackoffMillis * 0.001, backoffAttempt) * 1000;
360                break;
361        }
362        newEarliestRuntimeElapsed =
363                Math.min(newEarliestRuntimeElapsed, JobInfo.MAX_BACKOFF_DELAY_MILLIS);
364        return new JobStatus(failureToReschedule, newEarliestRuntimeElapsed,
365                JobStatus.NO_LATEST_RUNTIME, backoffAttempt);
366    }
368    /**
369     * Called after a periodic has executed so we can to re-add it. We take the last execution time
370     * of the job to be the time of completion (i.e. the time at which this function is called).
371     * This could be inaccurate b/c the job can run for as long as
372     * {@link}, but will lead
373     * to underscheduling at least, rather than if we had taken the last execution time to be the
374     * start of the execution.
375     * @return A new job representing the execution criteria for this instantiation of the
376     * recurring job.
377     */
378    private JobStatus getRescheduleJobForPeriodic(JobStatus periodicToReschedule) {
379        final long elapsedNow = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
380        // Compute how much of the period is remaining.
381        long runEarly = Math.max(periodicToReschedule.getLatestRunTimeElapsed() - elapsedNow, 0);
382        long newEarliestRunTimeElapsed = elapsedNow + runEarly;
383        long period = periodicToReschedule.getJob().getIntervalMillis();
384        long newLatestRuntimeElapsed = newEarliestRunTimeElapsed + period;
386        if (DEBUG) {
387            Slog.v(TAG, "Rescheduling executed periodic. New execution window [" +
388                    newEarliestRunTimeElapsed/1000 + ", " + newLatestRuntimeElapsed/1000 + "]s");
389        }
390        return new JobStatus(periodicToReschedule, newEarliestRunTimeElapsed,
391                newLatestRuntimeElapsed, 0 /* backoffAttempt */);
392    }
394    // JobCompletedListener implementations.
396    /**
397     * A job just finished executing. We fetch the
398     * {@link} from the store and depending on
399     * whether we want to reschedule we readd it to the controllers.
400     * @param jobStatus Completed job.
401     * @param needsReschedule Whether the implementing class should reschedule this job.
402     */
403    @Override
404    public void onJobCompleted(JobStatus jobStatus, boolean needsReschedule) {
405        if (DEBUG) {
406            Slog.d(TAG, "Completed " + jobStatus + ", reschedule=" + needsReschedule);
407        }
408        if (!stopTrackingJob(jobStatus)) {
409            if (DEBUG) {
410                Slog.e(TAG, "Error removing job: could not find job to remove. Was job " +
411                        "removed while executing?");
412            }
413            return;
414        }
415        if (needsReschedule) {
416            JobStatus rescheduled = getRescheduleJobForFailure(jobStatus);
417            startTrackingJob(rescheduled);
418        } else if (jobStatus.getJob().isPeriodic()) {
419            JobStatus rescheduledPeriodic = getRescheduleJobForPeriodic(jobStatus);
420            startTrackingJob(rescheduledPeriodic);
421        }
422        mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_CHECK_JOB).sendToTarget();
423    }
425    // StateChangedListener implementations.
427    /**
428     * Off-board work to our handler thread as quickly as possible, b/c this call is probably being
429     * made on the main thread.
430     * For now this takes the job and if it's ready to run it will run it. In future we might not
431     * provide the job, so that the StateChangedListener has to run through its list of jobs to
432     * see which are ready. This will further decouple the controllers from the execution logic.
433     */
434    @Override
435    public void onControllerStateChanged() {
436        // Post a message to to run through the list of jobs and start/stop any that are eligible.
437        mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_CHECK_JOB).sendToTarget();
438    }
440    @Override
441    public void onRunJobNow(JobStatus jobStatus) {
442        mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_JOB_EXPIRED, jobStatus).sendToTarget();
443    }
445    /**
446     * Disk I/O is finished, take the list of jobs we read from disk and add them to our
447     * {@link JobStore}.
448     * This is run on the {@link} instance, which is a separate thread,
449     * and is called once at boot.
450     */
451    @Override
452    public void onJobMapReadFinished(List<JobStatus> jobs) {
453        synchronized (mJobs) {
454            for (JobStatus js : jobs) {
455                if (mJobs.containsJobIdForUid(js.getJobId(), js.getUid())) {
456                    // An app with BOOT_COMPLETED *might* have decided to reschedule their job, in
457                    // the same amount of time it took us to read it from disk. If this is the case
458                    // we leave it be.
459                    continue;
460                }
461                startTrackingJob(js);
462            }
463        }
464    }
466    private class JobHandler extends Handler {
468        public JobHandler(Looper looper) {
469            super(looper);
470        }
472        @Override
473        public void handleMessage(Message message) {
474            switch (message.what) {
475                case MSG_JOB_EXPIRED:
476                    synchronized (mJobs) {
477                        JobStatus runNow = (JobStatus) message.obj;
478                        if (!mPendingJobs.contains(runNow)) {
479                            mPendingJobs.add(runNow);
480                        }
481                    }
482                    queueReadyJobsForExecutionH();
483                    break;
484                case MSG_CHECK_JOB:
485                    // Check the list of jobs and run some of them if we feel inclined.
486                    maybeQueueReadyJobsForExecutionH();
487                    break;
488            }
489            maybeRunPendingJobsH();
490            // Don't remove JOB_EXPIRED in case one came along while processing the queue.
491            removeMessages(MSG_CHECK_JOB);
492        }
494        /**
495         * Run through list of jobs and execute all possible - at least one is expired so we do
496         * as many as we can.
497         */
498        private void queueReadyJobsForExecutionH() {
499            synchronized (mJobs) {
500                for (JobStatus job : mJobs.getJobs()) {
501                    if (isReadyToBeExecutedLocked(job)) {
502                        mPendingJobs.add(job);
503                    } else if (isReadyToBeCancelledLocked(job)) {
504                        stopJobOnServiceContextLocked(job);
505                    }
506                }
507            }
508        }
510        /**
511         * The state of at least one job has changed. Here is where we could enforce various
512         * policies on when we want to execute jobs.
513         * Right now the policy is such:
514         * If >1 of the ready jobs is idle mode we send all of them off
515         * if more than 2 network connectivity jobs are ready we send them all off.
516         * If more than 4 jobs total are ready we send them all off.
517         * TODO: It would be nice to consolidate these sort of high-level policies somewhere.
518         */
519        private void maybeQueueReadyJobsForExecutionH() {
520            synchronized (mJobs) {
521                int idleCount = 0;
522                int backoffCount = 0;
523                int connectivityCount = 0;
524                List<JobStatus> runnableJobs = new ArrayList<JobStatus>();
525                for (JobStatus job : mJobs.getJobs()) {
526                    if (isReadyToBeExecutedLocked(job)) {
527                        if (job.getNumFailures() > 0) {
528                            backoffCount++;
529                        }
530                        if (job.hasIdleConstraint()) {
531                            idleCount++;
532                        }
533                        if (job.hasConnectivityConstraint() || job.hasUnmeteredConstraint()) {
534                            connectivityCount++;
535                        }
536                        runnableJobs.add(job);
537                    } else if (isReadyToBeCancelledLocked(job)) {
538                        stopJobOnServiceContextLocked(job);
539                    }
540                }
541                if (backoffCount > 0 || idleCount >= MIN_IDLE_COUNT ||
542                        connectivityCount >= MIN_CONNECTIVITY_COUNT ||
543                        runnableJobs.size() >= MIN_READY_JOBS_COUNT) {
544                    for (JobStatus job : runnableJobs) {
545                        mPendingJobs.add(job);
546                    }
547                }
548            }
549        }
551        /**
552         * Criteria for moving a job into the pending queue:
553         *      - It's ready.
554         *      - It's not pending.
555         *      - It's not already running on a JSC.
556         */
557        private boolean isReadyToBeExecutedLocked(JobStatus job) {
558              return job.isReady() && !mPendingJobs.contains(job) && !isCurrentlyActiveLocked(job);
559        }
561        /**
562         * Criteria for cancelling an active job:
563         *      - It's not ready
564         *      - It's running on a JSC.
565         */
566        private boolean isReadyToBeCancelledLocked(JobStatus job) {
567            return !job.isReady() && isCurrentlyActiveLocked(job);
568        }
570        /**
571         * Reconcile jobs in the pending queue against available execution contexts.
572         * A controller can force a job into the pending queue even if it's already running, but
573         * here is where we decide whether to actually execute it.
574         */
575        private void maybeRunPendingJobsH() {
576            synchronized (mJobs) {
577                Iterator<JobStatus> it = mPendingJobs.iterator();
578                while (it.hasNext()) {
579                    JobStatus nextPending =;
580                    JobServiceContext availableContext = null;
581                    for (JobServiceContext jsc : mActiveServices) {
582                        final JobStatus running = jsc.getRunningJob();
583                        if (running != null && running.matches(nextPending.getUid(),
584                                nextPending.getJobId())) {
585                            // Already running this tId for this uId, skip.
586                            availableContext = null;
587                            break;
588                        }
589                        if (jsc.isAvailable()) {
590                            availableContext = jsc;
591                        }
592                    }
593                    if (availableContext != null) {
594                        if (!availableContext.executeRunnableJob(nextPending)) {
595                            if (DEBUG) {
596                                Slog.d(TAG, "Error executing " + nextPending);
597                            }
598                            mJobs.remove(nextPending);
599                        }
600                        it.remove();
601                    }
602                }
603            }
604        }
605    }
607    /**
608     * Binder stub trampoline implementation
609     */
610    final class JobSchedulerStub extends IJobScheduler.Stub {
611        /** Cache determination of whether a given app can persist jobs
612         * key is uid of the calling app; value is undetermined/true/false
613         */
614        private final SparseArray<Boolean> mPersistCache = new SparseArray<Boolean>();
616        // Enforce that only the app itself (or shared uid participant) can schedule a
617        // job that runs one of the app's services, as well as verifying that the
618        // named service properly requires the BIND_JOB_SERVICE permission
619        private void enforceValidJobRequest(int uid, JobInfo job) {
620            final IPackageManager pm = AppGlobals.getPackageManager();
621            final ComponentName service = job.getService();
622            try {
623                ServiceInfo si = pm.getServiceInfo(service, 0, UserHandle.getUserId(uid));
624                if (si == null) {
625                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such service " + service);
626                }
627                if (si.applicationInfo.uid != uid) {
628                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("uid " + uid +
629                            " cannot schedule job in " + service.getPackageName());
630                }
631                if (!JobService.PERMISSION_BIND.equals(si.permission)) {
632                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Scheduled service " + service
633                            + " does not require android.permission.BIND_JOB_SERVICE permission");
634                }
635            } catch (RemoteException e) {
636                // Can't happen; the Package Manager is in this same process
637            }
638        }
640        private boolean canPersistJobs(int pid, int uid) {
641            // If we get this far we're good to go; all we need to do now is check
642            // whether the app is allowed to persist its scheduled work.
643            final boolean canPersist;
644            synchronized (mPersistCache) {
645                Boolean cached = mPersistCache.get(uid);
646                if (cached != null) {
647                    canPersist = cached.booleanValue();
648                } else {
649                    // Persisting jobs is tantamount to running at boot, so we permit
650                    // it when the app has declared that it uses the RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
651                    // permission
652                    int result = getContext().checkPermission(
653                            android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, pid, uid);
654                    canPersist = (result == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED);
655                    mPersistCache.put(uid, canPersist);
656                }
657            }
658            return canPersist;
659        }
661        // IJobScheduler implementation
662        @Override
663        public int schedule(JobInfo job) throws RemoteException {
664            if (DEBUG) {
665                Slog.d(TAG, "Scheduling job: " + job);
666            }
667            final int pid = Binder.getCallingPid();
668            final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
670            enforceValidJobRequest(uid, job);
671            final boolean canPersist = canPersistJobs(pid, uid);
673            long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
674            try {
675                return JobSchedulerService.this.schedule(job, uid, canPersist);
676            } finally {
677                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
678            }
679        }
681        @Override
682        public List<JobInfo> getAllPendingJobs() throws RemoteException {
683            final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
685            long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
686            try {
687                return JobSchedulerService.this.getPendingJobs(uid);
688            } finally {
689                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
690            }
691        }
693        @Override
694        public void cancelAll() throws RemoteException {
695            final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
697            long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
698            try {
699                JobSchedulerService.this.cancelJobsForUid(uid);
700            } finally {
701                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
702            }
703        }
705        @Override
706        public void cancel(int jobId) throws RemoteException {
707            final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
709            long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
710            try {
711                JobSchedulerService.this.cancelJob(uid, jobId);
712            } finally {
713                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);
714            }
715        }
717        /**
718         * "dumpsys" infrastructure
719         */
720        @Override
721        public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
722            getContext().enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.DUMP, TAG);
724            long identityToken = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
725            try {
726                JobSchedulerService.this.dumpInternal(pw);
727            } finally {
728                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identityToken);
729            }
730        }
731    };
733    void dumpInternal(PrintWriter pw) {
734        synchronized (mJobs) {
735            pw.println("Registered jobs:");
736            if (mJobs.size() > 0) {
737                for (JobStatus job : mJobs.getJobs()) {
738                    job.dump(pw, "  ");
739                }
740            } else {
741                pw.println();
742                pw.println("No jobs scheduled.");
743            }
744            for (StateController controller : mControllers) {
745                pw.println();
746                controller.dumpControllerState(pw);
747            }
748            pw.println();
749            pw.println("Pending");
750            for (JobStatus jobStatus : mPendingJobs) {
751                pw.println(jobStatus.hashCode());
752            }
753            pw.println();
754            pw.println("Active jobs:");
755            for (JobServiceContext jsc : mActiveServices) {
756                if (jsc.isAvailable()) {
757                    continue;
758                } else {
759                    pw.println(jsc.getRunningJob().hashCode() + " for: " +
760                            (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
761                                    - jsc.getExecutionStartTimeElapsed())/1000 + "s " +
762                            "timeout: " + jsc.getTimeoutElapsed());
763                }
764            }
765        }
766        pw.println();
767    }